MID-AMERICA UPC CODES Buffalo Center Tribune
Keota Eagle
Butler County Tribune Journal
Liberal Opinion Week
Clarksville Star
In this issue
Conservative AllisonChronicle Women’s Club to meet
Nov. 16 • 3 60th anniversary for Allison couple • 3 Veterans Day/All-Veterans Monument • 2 Bakery CWL Times to reopen in Clarksville • 2 Fall seeded crop/forage deadine Dec. 15 • 3 Nominations to Hall of Fame sought • 2 Election coverage • 1, 14 Dows Advocate
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016
E-mail: miraschmittcash.map@gmail.com Telephone: 319-267-2731 Website: www.butlercountytribune.com
New Sharon Sun
Volume 43 - Number 45
$ 00
Pioneer Enterprise
Sheffield Press
Sigourney News-Review
NBHS Drama to present ‘The Rest of the West’
Eagle Grove Eagle
The Leader By MaTina Clark The North Butler High School Drama Department will present “The Rest of the West” on Saturday, November 12 Allison Community Graphic-Advocate Closet taking winter at 7 p.m., and on Sunday, November 13Village Vine at 2 p.m. in the North Butler Elemenclothing donations tary auditorium in Allison. Admission The Allison Community Closet is will be $5 for adults and $3 for students now accepting donations of fall and kindergarten through 12th grade. What Cheer Paper Grundyin Register winter clothing. Please make sure Cyanide Gulch, the fourteenth-wildall items are clean and in good shape est town in the West, is riled up on the (not worn out or stained). day of the Big Shootin’ Contest, which Donations can be dropped off when awards the Red Ryder ‘73 BB gun of the Community Closet is open — Hampton Chronicle on Wednesdays from 2 - 5 p.m. and the late great Six-Gun Schmidt to the on the fourth Saturday of the month best shot in town. from 9 - 11:30 a.m. Nearly everyone is vying for the Please use the rear entrance to The prize, including Annabelle Oates (AdCorner (across from the Allison Pubdyson Clark), a waitress at Sugar Sheplic Library). herd’s (Shayna Engelhardt) Sassy-parilla Shack; and Double Aces McElroy NB Elementary to (Owen Landers), who is behind bars honor veterans on because he cheated in a game of Uno with Mayor Jeff Jeffries (Isaac Trees). Nov. 10 The only person who isn’t interested Sugar Shepherd (Shayna Engelhardt) and Annabelle Oates (Addyson Clark) discuss the big shoot The North Butler Elementary will in the gun is Schmidt’s own son, Jasper ing contest while Boomer (Markus Jepperson) listens in. The North Butler High School Drama Debe having a program to honor veterans on Thursday, Nov. 10 in the audi(Clay Shultz), who would rather put on partment will present “The Rest of the West” on Saturday, November 12 at 7 p.m., and on Sunday, torium in Allison. plays for the bored townspeople. When November 13 at 2 p.m. in the North Butler Elementary auditorium in Allison. (Contributed by NB Veterans are invited to a breakfast Jasper inadvertently enters the contest, Schools/MaTina Clark) starting at 8:15 a.m. and then to the he and his friends find themselves on two people dressed up as a horse! will be produced by special arrange- Englewood, Colorado. assembly at 9 a.m. Veterans will also the run from outlaws, angry wives, and The play, written by Tyler J. Rinne, ment with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., be asked to share stories and answer questions with the fifth and sixth grade students after the assembly if their schedules permit. The public is welcome to attend the Wilbur Cordes, of rural Allison, was assembly at 9 a.m. as well. drafted into the U.S. Army on March Any veterans who would like to 10, 1952, at age 19. Eight weeks of bajoin the breakfast and assembly, sic training was completed at Fort Riley please call the school at 319-267in Kansas followed by four weeks of 2212 to RSVP. With any questions, advanced infantry training. After a 30please contact Beth Trulson at North day furlough, Cordes was sent to Camp Butler Elementary or email beth.trulStoneman in San Francisco to complete son@northbutler.k12.ia.us. readiness before boarding the troop ship to South Korea. After two weeks NB Junior-Senior at sea, the ship reached Japan and then High to hold on to the Port of Inchon in South Korea. Veteran’s Day Cordes was assigned to the 7th program Nov. 11 Division/31st Regiment and stationed The North Butler Junior High and at different locations while in Korea. Senior High Student Councils will South Korean army personnel were be sponsoring a program for area attached to their squad, one Korean to veterans on Friday, Nov. 11. Veterans each ten UN troops. Through necessity, are invited to have coffee and rolls they learned each other’s languages. beginning at 9:30 a.m., served by The Koreans were very polite, helpthe junior high student council. The ful and appreciative of the troops for Veteran’s Day program will begin at supporting them in their desire for free10:30 a.m. in the new gym and will dom. feature the high school student coun ONE OF THE Korean soldiers was cil, the grades seven through 12 band, and the grades nine through 12 (high killed in action and the company col- Wilbur Cordes, left, is pictured in service to country during the Korean War. (Contributed) school) choir. lected a donation to be given to his Following the program, veterans parents. Cordes was assigned a Jeep, $124.85 to the parents in Pusan, located two-day trip. generous donation. Their home consistand their families are invited stay for driver and interpreter to deliver the in the southern tip of Korea. This was a The parents were very grateful for the CORDES to page 2 a meal of chicken casserole, green beans, dinner roll, Jello salad, and (other) dessert. With any questions, please call the North Butler JuniorSenior High School at 641-816-5631.
Wilbur Cordes shares impressions from South Korea
Shell Rock Bazaars to be Nov. 12
Mayflower descendant at BC Genealogical meeting Nov. 12
The Butler County Genealogical Society will meet on Saturday, Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. at the Clarksville Public Library in Clarksville. A real live Mayflower descendent will be at the meeting to answer questions about that story in American history that lights up on our calendars every November! The Pilgrims invited the Wampanoag Indians to a harvest home thank-you dinner — many years later the meal is called Thanksgiving dinner. Come and find out who really is responsible for the change and enjoy the stories connected with the Thanksgiving Day and the pilgrims! Everyone is welcome! An elevator is available. Continued on page 14
In this issue
Church Calendar...................... 5 Classifieds............................... 10 Marketplace......................... 8, 9 Opinion / Editorial................... 4 Public Notices....................... 6, 7
Have holiday shopping left to do? The Shell Rock Holiday Bazaars will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12 in Shell Rock. As of Friday, Nov. 4, more than 50 sellers are expected to participate at seven locations including 24 crafters at the Shell Rock Elementary gym, 23 home-based businesses at the Boyd Building, and several businesses at their own locations. Lunch will be served at the school and the Boyd Building. Maps will be available at all locations and Kwik Star and are available online as of Monday, Nov. 7 at ShellRockIowa.org, by scrolling down to “Latest News.” Businesses participating include: Art BAZAAR to page 14
A scene from the 2015 Shell Rock Holiday Bazaar. (Contributed by Deb Hobson)
Cutshall pleads guilty to felony lascivious acts charge Miranda rights not waived Alexander Russell Cutshall, 23, of Holland, Iowa, pleaded guilty to lascivious acts with a child solicitation, a D felony on count
one, and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse, an aggravated misdemeanor on count two, in Butler County District Court in
Allison. Sentencing was filed Sept. 19. On count one, Cutshall received a five-year suspended prison sentence, consecutively with count two’s 60 days in jail on a 125-day
sentence, and was placed on probation lasting five years. He was ordered to pay a combined fine of $1,375 ($750, count one; $625, count two) and a no-contact CUTSHALL to page 2
U.S. President REP — Donald Trump/Michael Pence — 4,918 — 65.54% DEM — Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine — 2,153 — 28.69% LIB — Gary Johnson/Bill Weld — 217 — 2.89% U.S. Senate REP — Charles Grassley — 5,429 — 72.80% DEM — Patty Judge — 1,780 — 23.87% LIB — Charles Aldrich — 145 — 1.94% U.S. Rep. Dist. 4 REP — Steve King — 4,892 — 68.53% DEM — Kim Weaver — 2,234 — 31.30%
Iowa Rep. Dist. 50 REP — Pat Grassley — 2,814 — 75.79% DEM — Doris Fritz — 894 — 24.08% Iowa Rep. Dist. 54 REP — Linda Upmeyer — 2,972 — 98.35%
Supervisor Dist. 1 REP — Greg Barnett — 1,267 — 57.10% NP — Rex Ackerman — 947 — 42.68% Auditor REP — Lizbeth Williams — 4,311 — 64.15% NP — Leslie Groen — 2,403 — 35.76% Sheriff REP — Jason S. Johnson — 6,499 — 98.87%
Bennezette Twp. Trustee Larry Marzen — 68 — 97.14% Coldwater Twp. Trustee NP — Greg Landers — 126 — 100% Dayton Twp. Trustee Roger Backer — 133 — 100% Butler Twp. Trustee Dale Mennenga — 235 — 100% Fremont Twp. Trustee Kurt Leerhoff — 139 — 99.29% Madison Twp. Trustee William Klahsen — 111 — 100% Pittsford Twp. Trustee Dennis Wiegmann — 92 — 98.92% Washington Twp. Trustee John Klahsen — 160 — 100% West Point Twp. Trustee Marc Seehusen — 121 — 98.37% Monroe Twp. Trustee Prentice Karsjens — 167 — 98.82% Ripley Twp. Trustee Eric Kruse — 119 — 99.17% Beaver Twp. Trustee Brad Feckers — 224 — 61.20% Meinard Koop — 141 — 38.52% Jefferson Twp. Trustee Ronald Henning — 125 — 99.21% Shell Rock Twp. Trustee Terry Siems — 160 — 100% Albion Twp. Trustee No candidates ELECTION to page 13
2 • Thursday, November 10, 2016
Armistice/Veterans Day commemorated Nov. 11 Armistice Day is commemorated every year on Nov. 11 to mark the armistice signed between Allies of World War I and Germany for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front. This took effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. The date was declared a national holiday in many allied nations, and coincides with Remembrance Day and Veterans Day. The Uniform Holiday Bill was signed on June 28, 1968, and was intended to ensure three-day weekends for federal employees by celebrating four national holidays on Mondays: Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Columbus Day. Many states did not agree with this decision and continued to celebrate the holidays on their original dates. The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on Oct. 25, 1971. This day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens and so on Sept. 20, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed into law a bill which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of Nov. 11,
beginning in 1978. This preserves the historical significance of the date and helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans, for their patriotism (love of country), and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. AN ALL VETERANS MONUMENT will be constructed in Allison to honor all veterans. Veterans past and present from any branch of service, peace or wartime may be listed on the memorial. Application blanks are available from Karen Alberts, Debra Hummel, Greta Cordes and Rick Wangsness. Veterans added to the All Veterans Memorial since the last publication now total 328. Those recently added are Cramer, Joseph W. - Navy; Donavon, Stephen H. - Army; Endelman, Frederick J. - Army; Fraser, Darrell D. - Army & Navy; Freesemann, Andrew L. - Army; Garbes, Carl H. - Army; Hirsch, Merlyn D. - Army; Hites, Roger A. - Army/KIA; Hoodjer, George G. - Army; Johnson, Henry A. - Army; Landers, Galen - Army; Luebbers, B. Paul – Army.
CORDES from page 1 ed of one room with a dirt floor but was very clean and tidy. A new home was to be built with the company’s gift. “The parents kept bowing and thanking, bowing and thanking which was an embarrassment to me,” states Cordes. After the presentation, the driver, interpreter, and Cordes traveled to the interpreter’s parents’ home in Pusan where they were welcomed for dinner. Cordes said his lasting impressions during his interactions with the South Koreans are that they were very sensitive and thankful. ANOTHER MEMORY that stands out for Cordes was, after being on the front line, eating sea rations for several weeks, a gallon can of strawberry jam was delivered to the men. It was quickly devoured and enjoyed by all. Cordes says he could not eat strawberry jam for awhile. WHEN CORDES was wounded on Pork Chop Hill, his surgery, to remove shrapnel from his arms and legs, occurred in a Norwegian M.A.S.H Unit. Then he was transported to a Swedish Hospital, which was a former schoolhouse near Pusan, to recuperate. He was awarded a Purple Heart when
he returned to his company to continue his service. AFTER NINE MONTHS on the front line, Cordes had accumulated enough points to be shipped home. The “cruise” home was much more enjoyable and, this time, going under the Golden Gate Bridge was a thrill. After a 30-day furlough, the last three months of his service were spent at Camp Carson in Colorado. Staff Sgt. Cordes was discharged in December 1953. He traveled to Iowa Falls by bus and then hitchhiked to Allison. DIFFERENT PROGRAMS have been held in the United States by the Korean government acknowledging the support that was given to their country. Medals were presented to the veterans who had served during the Korean War. Because of the United Nations support, South Korea is no longer considered a third-world country, but a very modern, industrial and productive society. KNOWING that the people Cordes fought for have flourished in the 60 years after the signing of the truce, has confirmed to him that his service and sacrifice was worthwhile, he said.
al, based on legal precedent that favors CUTSHALL from page 1 order with two protected parties was the accused over the government. put in place effective for five years Thus, statements made early on by defendant Cutshall were not to be taken from the date of judgment. Butler County Sheriff’s Office al- into account when the court decided the leged in complaints filed on Feb. 9, case. 2016, that Cutshall committed sexual The abuse was said to have occurred abuse in the second degree, count one, in rural Allison. and in the third degree, count two, and One victim told investigators the listed incident dates as Dec. 21, 2012, sexual abuse occurred three to four years ago, against her will, the April 29 and Dec. 31, 2013. Cutshall and his attorney were able filing of the motion to suppress stated. to have results of his interview with a The other victim told investigators the sheriff’s deputy and Department of Hu- abuse occurred spanning the time she man Services case worker from Feb. was in third to ninth grade, against her 9 suppressed in the record because he will, the April 29 filing stated. checked a box on a written statement According to complaints Butler before questioning, saying he did not County Sheriff’s Office filed on Feb. waive his Miranda/Fifth Amendment 9, one victim was under 12 (which if rights, stated the motion to suppress, found would have constituted seconddegree sex abuse, a B felony), and the which was granted on April 29. An interviewing deputy asked if Cut- other was 12 or 13 at the time of the acts shall would be willing to answer some (which if found would have constituted questions initially, saying he could stop third-degree sex abuse, a C felony). Allison, Iowa A redacted transcript of sentencing at any time. proceedings was filed Nov. 2 in Butler Robert Dralle, Allison Cutshall proceeded to make state-Owner County District Court. Even the redactments in questioning. The court later 267-2392 granted the defense its request for mo- ed version, however, was highly classition to suppress the Feb. 9 interview fied and could not be released until an with Cutshall from consideration at tri- undetermined time, the deputy clerk of court said.
Dralle Plumbing & Heating
ooper otors
& C ocery
Nominations to Butler County Hall of Fame sought The Butler County Hall of Fame is seeking nominees for calendar year 2016. QUALIFICATIONS: • Any person who has distinguished himself on the county, state, or national level shall be eligible. • People from all walks of life (living or dead) should have the opportunity to be considered for nomination into the Butler County Hall of Fame. • Every member of the Butler County Bicentennial Commission is eligible for nomination, but it does not mean he or she will be elected by the electors. RESIDENCY: (A nominee must meet one of the following four requirements.) • A person born when his parent(s) were residents of Butler County. • A person who graduated from a Butler County High School or while a
The Baking Memories Cafe is expected to reopen temporarily on Nov. 14 in the shop attached to K&S Grocery next to the car wash on North Main in Clarksville. Co-owner Jessi Dietz posted this to the Facebook page for Baking Memories last week. After opening the physical storefront in April south of the southern railroad tracks on South Main, the Clarksville co-owners of the online startup-bakery have been cleaning up after recent flooding. As a sign of the building being gutted, the toilet was sitting outside the front of the shop in recent weeks. When the Shell Rock River crested
ers-Ulfers nce Agency
han Ulfers, Kristen Wix
Allison 72
on Sept. 23, the water rose just under the outside front counter of Baking Memories Cafe. “It’s been a long [haul] for us,” Dietz said. “We are trying to make the best out of the situation and hope everyone will be understanding.” “We appreciate every single one of our customers, friends, and family for being so helpful and understanding through this process,” Dietz wrote. “It definitely hasn’t been an easy one! But we will make the best of it.” To place orders for Thanksgiving, contact Tammy Krull or Jessi Dietz. The phone number will remain as 319278-4159, Dietz said.
Pork Giveaway winners announced
The Butler County Pork Promoters Giveaway ended Nov. 4. Winners drawn at the Clarksville Star were Edward Heine and Julie Hoodjer, both of Clarksville. Winners can go to the nearest office to pick up their certificate. The Clarksville Star at 101 N. Main, is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays, 12-5 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. on Fridays unless posted. Winners drawn at the Butler County Tribune-Journal were Delbert Harms and Suzie Wubbena, both of Allison. The Tribune-Journal, in the Farm Bureau Insurance building in Allison, 422 N. Main, is open 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays through Fridays and 8 a.m. to noon Tuesdays unless posted.
2016 Football Contest continues this week The annual Clarksville Star/Butler County Tribune-Journal/Parkersburg Eclipse News-Review football contest continues with a slate of high school, college and NFL games. The contest will run for 11 consecutive weeks during the football season. This week, Nov. 8-9, featured college games for the second straight week. This week’s winner, Steve Petroelje of Byron Center, Mich., missed just one of the 12 games. He wins 35 football bucks. Allison’s Deb Blockus was one of two entries that missed two games and had a better tiebreaker score. She wins 15 football bucks. Football Bucks can be spent just like cash at any of the participating contest sponsor businesses. The games, entry form, sponsors ads and official rules are inside each issue during the contest.
The deadline to submit entries is 5 p.m. on Friday. Entry forms can be emailed to butlersales.map@gmail. com, tribuneads@netins.net or eclipsedesign@midamericapub.com or dropped off at the Clarksville Star, Butler County Tribune-Journal or Parkersburg Eclipse News-Review office. Mailed entries should have a postmark no later than Friday. At the end of the 11-week regular contest, each week’s first-place winners will have the chance to complete for a grand prize of $500 in Football Bucks. The winners will be sent an entry form to make their choices on the college bowl games. The year’s contest sponsors are: Butler Bremer Communications, Coonrandt Ford, Cooper Motors, Grant Insurance Agency, J & C Grocery, The Mill, JBL Rentals, and K & S Grocery.
4x4 Season is Coming!
2016 Dodge Durango Limited AWD 3.6 V6, Full Power, Htd. Leather Seats, Navigation Pkg., 17,000 Miles . $33,900 2016 Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 SLT, Big Horn Pkg., Hemi V8, Full Power, Tow Pkg., 17,000 Miles .....$30,900 2015 Ram 2500 HD Crew Cab 4x4 Tradesmen Pkg., Hemi, Full Power, Tow Pkg., 22,000 Miles ..............$32,900 2015 Ram 3500 Reg Cab Dually 4x4 6.4 Hemi, Full Power, 2 Tow Pkgs., Tonneau Cover, 6,200 Miles........$35,900 Expires 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 11/19/16 3.6 AT Full Power, Htd. Seats, Sharp One Owner, 38,000 One Owner Miles ...$32,900 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 122 Leather, E. Traer st. Sunroof, Sharp One Owner, 55k ....$32,900 Hemi V8, Full Power, Navigation, 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 Box A Brett & Emily Ascher Hemi V8, Full Power, Sunroof, Leather, 68k One Owner .....................$21,500 Greene, IA 308 Traer St., Greene 2010 Dodge Journey AWD V6 Full Power, Nice Car, High Mileage & Priced to Sell.........................$5,995 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 Hemi, V8, Full Power, TRX4 Pkg., Only 57,000 Miles & Nice .............. $17,900 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 V6 AT Full Power, 108k Sharp ..............................................................$10,200 2007 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4 V8 Full Power, 3rd Seat Pkg., Tow Pkg., 131k & Nice .........................$10,500
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resident of Butler County. • A person who distinguished himself while living in Butler County or while belonging to a Butler County based group or organization. • A person who has resided in Butler County for at least ten years, but distinguished himself elsewhere. REQUIREMENTS OF NOMINATOR: • Candidates for the Butler County Hall of Fame should be nominated by any citizen of Butler County between January 1 and December 31, 2016. They will then be voted on by the group of 16 electors the following April (second Monday night). • Each application should contain the following: — A biographical resume of the candidate – typewritten in a font no smaller than 12-point and double-spaced on
Baking Memories to reopen in Clarksville
Greene Insurance Servcies,UP Inc. “SAVE” TO $50.00 Lucas SIGN-UP forWedeking (1) Year Membership 112 S. First St., Greene, IA Get 1 MONTH FREE - 641-857-3285 $20 OFF 6641-816-4153 mo. Single or $25641-823-4161 OFF Family Expires 11/19/16
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• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
Your Hometown Dealer For 52 Years www.coopermotorsiowa.com Email: coopermotors@netins.net
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one sheet of paper; — A short separate cover letter stating why you are nominating the candidate; — Nominator’s handwritten signature on both the cover letter and the biographical resume. • If in doubt, as nominator, please check with the Hall of Fame Secretary [below] to find out if your nominee has already been elected into the Butler County Hall of Fame. • Any nomination received will be declared ineligible if the person nominated has previously been elected into the Butler County Hall of Fame. • A person may be nominated any number of times, but a new application must be submitted each year. • No nomination will be considered unless it meets the above qualifications and requirements. PLEASE SEND all nominations to the Butler County Hall of Fame Chairperson – Mr. James Wubbena, 19258 Forest Avenue, Dumont, IA 50625; or
to the Butler County Hall of Fame Secretary – Mrs. Karla Voss, 116 N. London, Clarksville, IA. 50619, phone 319-278-4858. In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Butler County Hall of Fame the Butler County Historical Society assembled a book containing: (1) The history and pictures of the Hall of Fame; (2) Guidelines For the Butler County Hall of Fame; and (3) The biographies and pictures of all of the 81 people who have been elected into the Hall of Fame during this 30-year period from 1976 through 2005. Note: There is also a second edition, updating the above book through 2010, The original book is priced at $18 each; the second edition will cost $5 each. Both books are available at the Lincoln Savings Bank in Allison, or by contacting either Mrs. Doug (Judi) Poppen, 820 Elm St., Allison, IA 50602, phone 319-267-2255; or Mrs. Carl (Vera) Garbes, 30317 – 160th St., Clarksville, IA, 50619-9304, phone 319-276-4430.
Allison Meals on Wheels Menus are subject to change.
Monday, Nov. 14: Goulash, lettuce/ dressing, raspberry cake Tuesday, Nov. 15: Sweet & sour chicken, Scandinavian vegetables, mini cream puffs Wednesday, Nov. 16: Ham loaf, potato wedges, creamed peas, peaches
Thursday, Nov. 17: Reuben sandwich, hash brown casserole, spinach, apricots Friday, Nov. 18: Baked fish, twice baked mashed potatoes, green beans & bacon bits, sherbet
Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging Menu
Meals are served at the Greene Community Center (202 West South Street) Monday through Friday, for reservations call 641-823-4422. Meals are also served at the Dumont Legion Hall on Wednesdays, for reservations call 641-857-6231. Home delivered meals are also available. For more information call 319-272-1767 or toll free at 877-538-0508.
Monday, Nov. 14: A: Pork Loin with Mushroom Gravy, Mashed Red Potatoes, Green Peas, Wheat Bread & Margarine, Applesauce; B: Baked Chicken with Mushroom Gravy, Mashed Red Potatoes, Green Peas, Wheat Bread & Margarine, Applesauce Tuesday, Nov. 15: A: Spaghetti with Beef Spaghetti Sauce, Italian Vegetable Blend, Garlic Bread & Margarine, Cookie; B: Fall Harvest Chicken Salad with Salad Dressing, Pasta Salad, Garlic Bread, Cooki Wednesday, Nov. 16: Thanksgiving Meal: Turkey Breast with Gravy, Mashed
Potatoes, Bread Dressing, Green Bean Casserole, Wheat Roll & Margarine, Pumpkin Pie Thursday, Nov. 17: A: Salisbury Beef, Roasted Red Potatoes, Broccoli, Multi Grain Bread & Margarine, Fruited Gelatin; B: Cranberry Dijon Chicken, Roasted Red Potatoes, Broccoli, Multi Grain Bread & Margarine, Fruited Gelatin Friday, Nov. 18: A: Oven Fried Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Multi Grain Bread & Margarine, Fresh Seasonal Fruit; B: Crunchy Pollock, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Multi Grain Bread & Margarine, Fresh Seasonal Fruit
Community Home Meals November 13-19
Contact the office at Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 278-4900, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday if you are interested in having Home Meals delivered to you.
Sunday: Ham with Pineapple, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Brussels Sprouts, Fruit Pie Monday: Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Squash, Cookie Tuesday: Pork Chop, Candied Yams, Green Beans & Bacon, Lemon Pudding Wednesday: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Stewed Tomatoes,
Chocolate Cake Thursday: Swiss Steak, Au Gratin Potatoes, Baked Cabbage, Angel Food Cake Friday: BBQ Rib Sandwich, Mozzarella Sticks, Glazed Carrots, Mandarin Oranges Saturday: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Peas, Cake Roll
North Butler Community School District Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Lunches include milk and salad bar and whole wheat white bread/marg. Menus are subject to change.
Monday, Nov. 14: Breakfast: Pretzel cinnamon stick, cereal, mixed fruit; Lunch: Soft shell tacos, shredded cheese, salsa, sour cream, corn, pineapple chunks Tuesday, Nov. 15: Breakfast: Pancake/sausage stick, mandarin oranges; Lunch: Hot dog, baked beans, baked lays chips, peaches, baby carrots Wednesday, Nov. 16: Breakfast:
Cereal, bread; Lunch: Ground beef and macaroni, peas, pears, cheese stuffed sticks Thursday, Nov. 17: Breakfast: Waffle & syrup, peaches; Lunch: Scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce Friday, Nov. 18: Breakfast: Ring donut, mixed fruit; Lunch: Deli turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll
Clarksville Community School District Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Grape and apple juice, and cereal, offered daly at breakfast. Skim, 1% white milk and fat-free chocolate milk offered daily. Salad bar offerd daily at lunch. Menu subject to change.
Monday, Nov. 14: Breakfast: Long John, Cereal; Lunch: Shrimp, Mashed Potatoes, Cheese Sandwich, Apple/Orange Tuesday, Nov. 15: Breakfast: Waffle; Lunch: Cream Chicken, Biscuit, Peas, Pineaplpe Wednesday, Nov. 16: Breakfast: Little Smokies; Lunch: Hot Dog or
Brat, Baked Chips, Green Beans, Mixed Fruit Thursday, Nov. 17: Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza; Lunch: Thanksgiving Dinner Friday, Nov. 18: Breakfast: Omelet, Toast; Lunch: Maidrite, Baked Beans, Pears
Hampton-Dumont Schools
Breakfast & Lunch Menus Summer Food Program/H-D High School Cafeteria
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. | Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. Served Free for ages 1 to 18! There is a charge for all adults: Breakfast $2.50/Lunch $4.00. All meals include milk and are subject to change. Salad Bar will be offered every day. Breakfast includes peanut butter & jelly offered with toast. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads & pastas are used whenever possible. Please Note: There is a 50¢ charge for lunch seconds for all students.
Monday, Nov. 14: Breakfast: Long Johns, apple wedges; Lunch: Pork rib patty on bun, steamed sweet carrots, cole slaw, pears Tuesday, Nov. 15: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, pears; Lunch: Taco soup, fresh broccoli, tortilla chips, applesauce Wednesday, Nov. 16: Breakfast: Breakfast cookie, yogurt, strawberries; Lunch: Hot ham & cheese, baked
beans, pineapple Thursday, Nov. 18: Breakfast: Waffles, sausage patty, orange wheels; Lunch: Turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, wheat roll, pumpkin fluff Friday, Nov. 18: Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, banana; Lunch: Chicken nuggets, broccoli Normandy, muffin, apple wedges
• Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal •
Bulletin Board MOSQUITO PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING WHEN: 9:30-11 a.m. WHERE: Extension Office REGISTRATION: $45, 3192672707. MERV EDEKER MUSIC WHEN: 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12 WHERE: Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center VETERANS DAY PROGRAMS See New and Noteworthy. NORTH STAR PERFORMS WHEN: Monday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m. WHERE: Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center FUMIGATION WHEN: 9-11:30 a.m. Nov. 15, WHERE: Extension Office COMMERCIAL AG, WEED, INSECT & PLANT TRAINING, WHEN: 9-11:45 a.m., Nov. 16 WHERE: Extension Office ORNAMENTAL & TURF APPLICATOR TRAINING WHEN: 9-11:30 a.m., Nov. 17 WHERE: Extension Council DAN THE ONE MAN BAND WHEN: Friday, Nov. 18, 9:30 a.m. WHERE: Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center U.S. SEN. ERNST’S REGIONAL DIRECTORS TO HOLD TRAVELING OFFICE HOURS WHEN: Friday, Nov. 18, 10–11 a.m. WHERE: Parkersburg Public Library, 308 Third St., Parkersburg DETAILS: U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R, Iowa) regional directors will hold traveling office hours in all counties to assist Iowans with questions about eligibility involving issues like Social Security, veterans’ benefits, military affairs, passports, immigration issues, and other federal programs. Sen. Ernst will not be at the traveling office hours. If seeking assistance with federal agencies, but unable to attend, please visit www.ernst.senate.gov to contact a regional office (Cedar Rapids Ernst Office; call 319-365-4504) or submit a casework request.
NORAH BRUNS MUSIC WHEN: Monday, Nov. 21, 2 p.m. WHERE: Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center YOUR MONEY YOUR FUTURE WHEN: 5-7 p.m. Nov. 21 WHERE: Extension Office COMMERCIAL AG, WEED, INSECT & PLANT TRAINING WHEN: 9-11:45 a.m., Nov. 22 WHERE: Extension Office EXTENSION VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVE MEETING WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 22, 4 – 6 p.m. WHERE: Butler County Extension Office TO REGISTER: Please call or email Nancy Jensen at 319-267-2707 or nejensen@iastate.edu DETAILS: The Veterinary Feed Directive is set to take effect Jan. 1, 2017. It requires a written statement issued only by a licensed vet authorizing the use of a VFD drug in or on animal feed to treat a client’s animals. It affects antibiotics used in feed and water only (not injectable). TURKEY 5K RUN/WALK WHEN: 8 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 24 WHERE: Westside Assisted Living Suites (start/end) DETAILS: Preregistration is due Thursday, Nov. 10. Beginning Friday, Nov. 11, a shirt is not guaranteed. Proceeds will benefit the Clarksville Food Bank. Packet pickup is 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 23 or 7:30-8:15 a.m. on Nov. 24 at WAL on North Ely Street. TINY TIM CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL WHEN: Dec. 3 WHERE: Clarksville Public Library DETAILS: Themed miniature trees on display during library hours. IMAGES OF CHRISTMAS “CHRISTMAS MEMORIES” WHEN: Sunday, Dec. 4, from 4-6 p.m. WHERE: Downtown Clarksville DETAILS: Business window decorations and live nativity scene. Businesses are asked to tell window decoration plans to the committee, Dawn Bruhn, Karen Kielman, Joyce Hinders or Lola Clark.
Deadline Dec. 15 for forage and fallseeded crop reports Producers are reminded of the requirement to report their perennial forages and fall seeded crops by Dec. 15 to their local Farm Service Agency county office to meet FSA program eligibility requirements. FSA and RMA (Risk Management Agency) have a common acreage reporting date, which is Dec. 15 for perennial forages and fall-seeded crops. Perennial forages include alfalfa, alfalfa grass mixtures, red clover, and others that are intended for harvest in 2017. This also includes pasture acreage and cover crops. Fall
seeded small grains include winter wheat, rye, and others. Late-filed provisions may be available to producers who are unable to meet the reporting deadline as required. Filing an acreage report on these crops after the Dec. 15 deadline will require the payment of a late-filing fee, which amounts to a minimum of $46 per FSA established farm number. For more information, contact Butler County FSA at 310 Allan St., Allison, IA 50602; or by calling 319267-2777.
Enjoy Wilder Park? Camping gift certificates and All Season Lodge overnight stay certificates available! Campsites: $10 per night, or $14 for electric. $5 discount with purchase of 5 camping certificates. *Offer expires March 31, 2017
All Season Lodge 5th night is FREE with purchase of 4 nights at the Lodge. *Offer expires February 28, 2017
Clubs & Meetings BUTLER BB’S 4-H OCTOBER MEETING The Butler BB’s 4-H Club met Oct. 16 for a hayride and installation of officers. Installation of officers started at 5:31 p.m. Before we started, we painted pumpkins with chalkboard paint and glow in the dark paint. We started the normal meeting at 5:42 p.m. The meeting was at Margaret Harris’s house. Sierra Vance led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was, “What do you plan to be for Halloween?” All members and all leaders were present. A new member is Autumn Urban, who is in seventh grade. Old business was that we elected officers and regarding 4-H week. New business is election of officers, awards day on Nov. 6, and officer training on Dec. 28, at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Next meeting will be held Nov. 20 at 4 p.m. at the Community United Methodist Church. The 4-H pledge was led by Jenna. A presentation by Sierra Vance covered how to make Rice Krispies. Sierra motioned to pay a bill and Makayla seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ousehold Size H 1 2 3 4 5 6
—Sierra Vance, Butler BB’s 4-H Club reporter ALLISON WOMEN’S CLUB TO MEET NOV. 16 The Allison Women’s Club kicked off their 2016-’17 year with a Ladies Night Out at the Water Street Grill in Waverly on September 21. On October 19, the group enjoyed a very interesting and informative talk by Shelly Codner on “Repurposing” at the home of Kathy Bruns. The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 16, when the group will hear Tom Heckman, director of Veterans Affairs, speak. The program starts at 7 p.m. and will be held at Shirley Wubbena’s home. The Club is open to all women in the Allison-Bristow area. If interested in joining, please invite a friend and come to this event. If you have any questions please contact Syd Brinkman (319-267-2678), Ann Chinander (319-267-2222) or Deb McWhirter (319-267-2884) for more information. The Allison Women’s Club meets eight times a year. The group is both a social and service organization. The women enjoy a variety of social activities/programs and donate to six local organizations. The women also help deliver the “Meals on Wheels” for a month.
Income Maximums Three-Month Gross Income Annual Gross Income $5,198 $20,790 $7,009 $28,035 $8,820 $35,280 $10,631 $42,525 $12,443 $49,770 $14,254 $57,015
Need Help With Your Heating Bill?
North Iowa Community Action Organization is accepting applications for the 2016-2017 Low-Income Home Energy Assistant Program (LIHEAP). The deadline to apply is April 28, 2017. The applicant will need to provide verification of the Social Security number for all members of their household, a copy of a recent heating bill and a recent electric bill and proof of all household members’ gross income for the past three months, the past calendar year, or their most recent Federal income tax return. The LIHEAP program is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Iowa Department of Human Rights/ DCAA. This program is not designed to pay a household’s total energy costs. The program will provide supplemental assistance based on several factors. Those factors include total household income, household size, dwelling type, and type of heating fuel, among others. Applications will be accepted at the following county locations: Butler: 219 N. Mather St., Clarksville, Mondays, Thursdays
and Fridays. Cerro Gordo: Family Resource Center, 1190 Brairstone Dr., Mason City, Monday through Fridays. Floyd: 603 Beck St., Charles City, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Franklin: 123-1st Ave. SW, Hampton, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Hancock: Garner Public Library, 416 State St., Garner, Fridays (October 2016 – April 2017). Kossuth: 117 East Call St., Algona, Mondays and Tuesdays. Mitchell: Osage Public Library, 406 Main St., Osage, Fridays (October 2016 – April 2017). Winnebago: 135 School St., Forest City, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Worth: First Lutheran Church, 309 9th St. N., Northwood, Wednesdays (October 2016 – April 2017), Thursdays (November 2016). For more information about the LIHEAP program, you can call 641-423-9028 or 800-873-1899. Please visit our website at www. nicao-online.org for more information on programs that may assist you.
I would like to extend my appreciation to those who supported me in Tuesday’s Election!
Gertrude and Paul Wessels
60th Anniversary Card Shower Planned
Paul and Gertrude Wessels of Allison were married on November 3, 1956. They celebrated their 60th an-
niversary with a family gathering. Cards may be sent to 24205 Hwy. 3, Allison, IA 50602.
Gift certificates available for camping, lodging at Wilder Park
Have friends, or relatives, that enjoy Wilder Park? Then for special occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, consider a camping gift certificate, or a certificate for an overnight stay at the newer All-Season Lodge at the park. Cost per night for camping is just $14 for electric and $10 for camp sites. There is a $5 discount if you buy five camping certificates. This offer expires March 31, 2017. For the All Season Lodge, the FIFTH NIGHT IS FREE, if you purchase FOUR nights at the lodge. This offer expires Feb 28, 2017. The lodge is 46 feet by 30 feet and will accommodate six adults, with a maximum of 12 people. Please contact Allison City Hall, 319-267-2245, for rates. In addition to 54 spacious campsites, park users may enjoy Frisbee Golf, a 1.3-mile walking/bike trail within the park, two fishing ponds,
three shelter houses, two enhanced playgrounds, foot golf, miniature golf, wireless Internet, giant chess and checker board, shower house, pickle ball and customer service of a camp host. During the winter months, sledding, skiing, ice skating and ice fishing may be available. Wilder Park is one of a very few parks that has three severe storm shelters. The certificates are available at Allison City Hall, 319-267-2245, which now accepts credit cards.
Chapin Station Sale Inventory Reduction Sale
NOVEMBER 10TH 4-7 11TH 10-5 | 12TH 10-3 13TH 1-3 302 South Street, Chapin, IA A mix of vintage & new home décor
Shell Rock Rock Holiday Holiday Bazaars Bazaars Shell Shell Rock Holiday Bazaars
Saturday, November 14 ~ 9-3
Saturday, NovemberSchool 12 ~ 9-3 Shell Rock Elementary Gym Shell RockArt Elementary School Gym & Design and BoydCreations Building Custom Heart of Home Art & Design, Custom Creations, www.shellrockiowa.org more details Heart of Home, andfor Wild Hair www.shellrockiowa.org for more details
THANK YOU For your support during my campaign for Iowa House of Representatives, District 54
Paid for by Greg Barnett
Don’t be a Stinker And cause a Clinker...
Don’t tempt fate... That text can wait!
Greg Barnett Butler County Supervisor Candidate
Please see article in this issue for more details. Certificates are available at Allison City Hall 319-267-2245. We accept credit cards.
Thursday, November 10, 2016 •
4 • Thursday, November 10, 2016
BUTLER COUNTY BULLETIN Nancy Jensen Butler County Program Coordinator
It’s coming!
I attended a meeting on the new Veterinary Feed Directive, set to take effect January 1, 2017, last week in Independence. (Yes, I did come back!) These meetings are being held across the state and sponsored by Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, Iowa Farm Bureau and the Veterinary Medical Association of Iowa. The goal of this directive is to ensure that antibiotics medically important to humans are not used to promote growth in livestock. The labels for the antibiotics will have to be changed also to eliminate the reference to growth hormone. What is a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)? It is a written statement issued only by a licensed vet authorizing the use of a VFD drug in or on animal feed and can be used to treat a client’s animals. There are several things for farmers, vets and feed manufacturers to do. The Four Key Points are: 1) Sign a Veterinary Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) form with your vet 2) Obtain a prescription before feeding antibiotics 3) Administer VFD antibiotics only
to those animals covered by prescription 4) Keep records of antibiotic use for two years This VFD only affects those antibiotics used in feed and water. At this time it does not apply to any injectable antibiotic. One item strongly stressed was record keeping. Farmers must document everything! Things to document include: date, number of animals and how fed. Since many bagged feeds and milk replacer have antibiotics they too will need the VFD. It’s important for farmers to be talking to their vets now and build up that necessary relationship that will be needed in the future. Mark your calendar: Veterinary Feed Directive Meeting Tuesday, November 22, 4 – 6 p.m. Butler County Extension Office Please call me 319/267-2707 or email me nejensen@iastate.edu to let me know if you are interested. Don’t wait because this law is coming; the implementation date is set and we will have to comply!
We all can help fight human trafficking
It’s hard to fathom that human trafficking happens at all, much less that it is a growing problem here in the heartland. Human trafficking is the buying and selling of people, who are often forced into sex work or other forms of slavery. Iowa’s interstate highways are prime routes for human traffickers transporting victims, so we must be vigilant. Iowa is combatting human trafficking through public awareness, training for law enforcement and tougher punishments for those who commit this heinous crime. Coordinated local, state and federal efforts have rescued some victims, but human trafficking still goes mostly unnoticed. We’re continuing to update Iowa’s human trafficking law as we learn more about the crime and the unique situation of victims. For example, this year: • We created an Office to Combat Human Trafficking to lead and coordinate Iowa’s anti-trafficking efforts and to be the point of contact for federal, state and local law enforcement (SF
Voices heard
It’s over. For better or worse, this terrible election is over. Or at least it will be by the time you read this. Right now, as I type this, there is an approximately 75 percent chance I will be breathing a sigh of relief and a 25 percent chance I will be refreshing myself on passport requirements. If you’re reading this, then you already know the results of the election. Lucky you. I, on the other hand, have to write a column for a world that will, one way or the other, be fundamentally changed before it sees print. It’s frustrating. The election is the one topic worth writing about, but anything I write at this point will be seen too late to matter. So, ignoring the pink elephant in the room, what else is there to comment on? Well… how about the video game voice actor’s strike? That’s something that likely won’t be resolved before Wednesday. Here’s the scoop. More than a year ago the Screen Actor’s Guilt (SAGAFTRA) entered into negotiations with a conglomerate of major video game publishers to update their contracts for video game voice work. Among their demands were shorter sessions for vocally strenuous recording, stunt coordination for roles that utilize motion capture, transparency over what game they are working on before taking the part, and residual payments for successful games. Most of these conditions aren’t very controversial. Nobody wants to see a voice actor face plant on the ground during motion capture because a stunt
coordinator wasn’t around to properly secure a harness. Likewise, when your recording session involves hours of screaming, yelling, and grunting, it makes sense to break them up into shorter sessions. A hoarse voice actor isn’t good for anybody. But, not surprisingly, the issue comes down to money. The voice actors guild has asked for up to four secondary payments of 25 percent of their original session payment, to be paid out whenever a game sells 2 million units of a game. Residual payments like these are common for movies and television, but less so for video games. Instead, representatives of the game developers offered a nine percent raise to the base rate. It was not accepted. Unable to come to agreement, the voice actors are now on strike. This is a tricky conundrum. On the one hand, voice actors are asking the games industry to adapt themselves to the Hollywood model. Developers don’t get residuals and the amount they contribute to a game’s success is far and away more substantial than voice acting. Moreover, it’s not like voice actors have the kind of leverage they do when it comes to other forms of voice work. Creating a compelling animated feature without voice actors would be pretty difficult, but video games got along without voice acting
just fine for years. On the other hand, the kind of video games that these publishers make don’t really exist without voice acting. Warner Bros. Interactive released the best Batman movies ever made. Those movies just happened to play out between segments of gameplay. Likewise, nobody ever played a Mass Effect game because it was a great shooter, they played it because it was a compelling work of science fiction driven by professional grade voice talent. And while developers may not get residuals, they do get steady salaries and benefits. Voice actors may only get paid for working for a few hours a month, but in between those recording sessions are hours of auditions, research, and training. On the other other hand, that’s really just an argument for paying the voice actors more up-front. Doing the job has to be worth their time. If the developers are willing to offer higher base pay, then shouldn’t that be enough? On the other other other hand, getting residual payments for successful games may net voice actors more money, but only on the games that can afford to pay them more. This leaves the upfront cost lower, making voice acting a feature smaller games can afford to include. There is certainly room to see both
2191, HF 2459). • We defined sex trafficking of minors as child abuse, and set the expectation that state agencies and our partners in the fight against child abuse and trafficking recognize and respond to the crime (SF 2258). • To bring justice to more victims, we extend the statute of limitations for kidnapping and human trafficking of children to the victim’s 28th birthday, or three years after a perpetrator is identified through DNA testing, whichever is later (HF 2278). You can help fight human trafficking, too. Recognizing the signs is the first step in identifying victims and saving lives. Here are some things to look for: • Does the person appear disconnected from family, friends and regular activities? • Has a child stopped attending school? • Has the person shown a change in behavior? • Is the person disoriented or confused? • Do they show signs of mental or physical abuse? • Is the person fearful, timid or submissive? • Does the person appear to be coached on what to say? Find more warning signs from the Department of Homeland Security at www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/indicators-human-trafficking. If you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, report a tip at www.dhs.gov/bluecampaign/identify-victim. Additional information This is a legislative column by Senator Amanda Ragan, representing Franklin, Butler and Cerro Gordo counties. For newsletters, photos and further information, go to www.senate. iowa.gov/senator/ragan. To contact Senator Ragan during the week, call the Senate Switchboard at 515-281-3371. Otherwise she can be reached at home at 641-424-0874. Email her at amanda.ragan@legis.iowa. gov. Senator Ragan is an Assistant Senate Majority Leader, chair of the Health & Human Services Budget Subcommittee, vice-chair of the Agriculture Committee and vice-chair of the Human Resources Committee. She also serves on the Appropriations, Natural Resources & Environment, Rules & Administration and Veterans Affairs committees. sides. Voice actors are demanding uncommonly generous compensation for the video game industry while providing a service of questionable value. On the other hand, you get what you pay for. Unless these developers want to go back to text boxes or having programmers and relatives do the voice work for their games, they might have
About Letters to the Editor
The Tribune-Journal and Star welcome letters to the editor from our readers, within these guidelines: • Priority will be given to letters that deliver original, sincere personal views and are fit to print. • No bullying. Please refrain from attacking the credibility of those within our circulation area without documentation or justification. (Speech at open sessions may be documented, as may the votes of elected officials, as may threats to an individual’s safety — though
law enforcement is best equipped to handle the last.) • Writers may be asked to edit their own letters if longer than 300 words or if deemed in poor taste. • Letters should be original, typewritten or neatly handwritten. Individuals are advised to make a copy for personal records before submitting, as the return of letters cannot be guaranteed. • The frequency of letters from any one individual is limited to one letter a month and one rebuttal.
• Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal •
Payment concerns with Medicaid Managed Care `Organizations
An open letter from Parkersburg-based Monarch Therapy Services Inc. to the governor Guest OPINION Gov. Branstad: We are writing today (Sept. 26) to express our deep distress and concern regarding the Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Specifically, our current concern is timeliness and accuracy of payments for services. Our agency, Monarch Therapy Services, Inc., was founded in 2010, and Is located in Parkersburg, in rural Butler County. Rusty Eddy, LBSW, is an owner of our agency, as well as a serving Butler County supervisor. Mr. Eddy is therefore doubly invested in our client base and community. Monarch employs 20 local people, and serves around 250 clients and their families in a nine county area. The vast majority of our clients are children with moderate to severe mental health needs. Monarch has been, and continues to be, pro-active in regard to MCO participation and enrollment. However, this participation is not enough to keep us from being massively impacted by the slow-down in MCO processing payments. Pre-MCOs, and being that we are a mental health agency, our Medicaid clients had been served by Magellan, so we are accustomed to working with an MCO. However, since the changeover our business has been forced into financial trouble. Monarch was fully accredited with all three MCOs before the April l changeover. However, we still went more than 45 days after our first claim was filed before receiving payment from any of the MCOs. AmeriHealth Caritas took significantly longer because of an issue, on their EDI partner’s end, with our account. In order to make payroll and keep our business running, we were forced to borrow funds against a line of credit. This was the first time we have needed to do so, and was the direct result of the MCO issues. That being said, if this was the end of the issues, we would not be writing you now. The massive slow-down in payment times has turned our previously thriving, financially sound business into one that has to struggle to keep the lights on and pay our employees. We provide Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS), which are exclusively funded by Medicaid, and in-office mental health therapy, also to primarily Medicaid clients. We do not have varied income streams, or other lines of business to ride out the ‘growing pains.’
The average time to payment of a clean claim has increased from 3 days with Magellan to a minimum of 10 days to as long as 20 days for the new MCOs. Perhaps more concerning than the slower payment times is the inconsistency and errors made in claims payment. Specifically, MCOs are denying payment for BHIS services for members who have primary insurance coverage with another company. Being that BHIS is a Medicaid ONLY service, this is incorrect. While this issue has been successfully appealed by our office, it requires more man,hours to receive payment for a service that was properly billed. Additionally, we are currently having an issue with payments from UnitedHealthcare. Specifically, the claims department is saying our agency is ‘out of network’ and denying or reducing our claims for BHIS by 10%. However, UnitedHealthcare’s credentialing department says we are ‘in network’. We have attempted multiple times to get this addressed. Each time UnitedHealthcare’s credentialing department says it is a problem with their system, they will have a specialist look at it and get back to us within 5 business days. They go on to say that we are not allowed to have contact information for this specialist. We have never received a return phone call. This is especially concerning because it wasn’t until claims for July 2016, that this issue arose. Simply put, sir, our agency is in trouble. We provide valuable services to an underserved area and population, and our ability to continue to do so is being severely compromised by forces outside of our control. This is not a situation of an under-funded startup. We had been successfully operating with no cash flow issues for more than 5 years before the MCO changeover. It is not a situation where personnel are not staying up to date. Our management remains the same, and our Business Manager has been exceedingly pro-active and engaging with MCO representatives. Our goal with this letter is to bring these issues to your personal attention. The series of “little” problems that have occurred create huge issues for small agencies. Sincerely, Rusty Eddy, LBSW, co-president and community services director; Sarah Pepples, MS, business manager; Parkersburg
to play ball. I’m sure a compromise can be made that works for both sides. And if it can be made here, maybe there’s hope for the future resident of the White House. Travis Fischer is a news writer for Mid-America Publishing and doesn’t have a problem with text boxes.
Each Letter to the Editor must include: • Writer’s full name with signature. (Photo of signature is OK on an email.) • Writer’s complete address, for verification. • Writer’s telephone number, for verification. Information given for verification, outside the body of the letter, will not be printed. If the writer wishes for someone to be contacted, include it in the body of the letter.
Letters may be mailed to either paper: Butler County Tribune-Journal 422 N. Main St., PO Box 8 Allison IA 50602 Clarksville Star 101 N. Main St, PO Box 778 Clarksville IA 50619 or email to: miraschmittcash.map@gmail.com
• Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal •
Washington Reformed Church
28182 Birch Ave Phone # 641-847-2817 The Rev. Jack D. Ritsema, Pastor Service Times: 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Morning Worship; 7 p.m. Evening Worship. ALLISON-
Allison Bible Church
108 Pfaltzgraff St. Sunday, November 13: 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Wednesday, November 16: 7:30 p.m. Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship
Allison Congregational Church
Craig Harris, Pastor 508 N. Main St. 319-267-2333 Elevator Handicap Accessible Sunday, November 13: 10 a.m. Worship Service
New Life Lutheran Congregation Allison Congregational Church
NALC Iowa Mission Pastor Jean Rabary 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays; Galen Eiben, Lay Pastor 3rd and 4th Sundays 319-267-2860 Sunday, November 13: 8 a.m. Worship Service
St. James Lutheran Church
Saturday, November 12: 7 a.m. Women’s and Men’s Bible Study at Elm Springs Sunday, November 13: Retrieving Freedom Service; 9 a.m. Worship Service; 10 a.m. Sunday School Tuesday, November 15: 9 a.m. WELCA Sewing and Potluck Wednesday, November 16: 9 a.m. W-ELCA Sewing and Potluck; 6:30 p.m. 7th and 8th grade confirmation Thursday, November 17: 9 a.m. WIC Saturday, November 19: 7 a.m. Women’s and Men’s Bible Study at Elm Springs
Trinity Reformed Church
Pastor Gary Mulder 614 Cherry St. 319-267-2982 Note: Handicap Accessible Services are broadcast live on Dumont Cable Channel 998. On demand at trinref.org Thursday, November 10: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness; 6:30 p.m. Choir practice; 7:30 p.m. Fresh Hope at The Corner Friday, November 11: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Worship; 10 a.m. Fellowship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 6 p.m. Gospel Sing fellowship follows Monday, November 14: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness; 6:30 p.m. Bible Study at the Corner Tuesday, November 15: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness Wednesday, November 16: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness; 2-5 p.m. Community Closet; 6 p.m. MSYG, Lesson: Wix 7 p.m. HSYG Thursday, November 17: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness; 6:30 p.m. All Board Meeting; 7:30 p.m. Fresh Hope at The Corner Friday, November 18: 5:30 a.m. Holy Fitness Saturday, November 19: 9-11:30 a.m. Community Closet is open APLINGTON-
Hitesville Gospel Hall
R.R., Aplington Sunday, November 13: 10 a.m. Ministry of the Word; 11 a.m. Worship; 7 p.m. Gospel Service Wednesday, November 16: 7:30
Thursday, November 10, 2016 •
Church Directory
p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study AREDALE, BRISTOW AND DUMONT-
New Hope Parish United Methodist Churches
Wednesday, November 16: 10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study; 7 p.m. Sonbeams PK-5th Grade and Adult Bible Study. DUMONT-
Dumont Reformed Church
Pastor Ann Donat Aredale Sunday, November 13: 7 a.m. Women’s and Men’s Bible Study at Elm Springs : 8 a.m. Worship Service Dumont Sunday, November 13: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service.
Pastor Chris Meester (641) 857-3514 Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship Mondays: 1st Monday of the Month: 1 p.m. Reformed Church Women (RCW) Wednesdays: 7 p.m. RCYF (High School Youth Group for 8th-12th grade)
Bristow Church of Christ
First Presbyterian Church
Dick Burlingame, Minister Ph: 641-775-3222 Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Coffee and goodies; 9:30 a.m. Bible School for all ages; 10:15 a.m. Worship Service; 6 p.m. Evening Worship. Wednesday, November 16: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group for kids aged 4 to high school. Please contact Sharron Meyer, 641-425-8856, or Trisha Boos, 641-330-5601 if you have questions. Learning and snacks provided.
319 East Traer Streets P.O. Box 160 Greene, IA 50636-0160 Cathy Belles, Pastor bellescatherine@gmail.com Sunday, November 13: 10:30 a.m. Worship, All are welcome!
Reformed Church, Bristow Kesley Presbyterian Church
324 E. Traer, Greene Daniel Flucke, Pastor 641-816-5531 Thursday, November 10: 9:30 a.m. Faith, Vision, and Glory Circle meeting and Thank offering Saturday, November 12: 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Feed my Starving Children in Osage; 6 p.m. Worship Service with WELCA Thank Offering Sunday, November 13: WELCA Thank Offering; 8:30 a.m. Worship Service with Special Music by nursery through 6th grade and Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Fellowship, Sunday School Christmas Program Practice; 11 a.m. Praise Worship with Holy Communion Tuesday, November 15: 2-9 p.m. Pictures; Newsletter items due Wednesday, November 16: 7 a.m. Men’s Bible Study; 2-9 p.m. Pictures; 6:30 p.m. 7th and 8th grade confirmation Saturday, November 19: 6 p.m. Worship Service
Pastor Tamara Entin Cell: 515-293-0928 Home: 515-532-2274 Sunday, November 6: 9:30 a.m. Worship at Bristow CLARKSVILLE –
St. John Lutheran Church
204 N. Washington Pastor Charles R. Underwood 278-4765 Handicap Accessible Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Book Study, Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship Service with congregational vote to follow service Monday, November 14: 7 p.m. Bell Choir practice Tuesday, November 15: 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study Wednesday, November 16: 6 p.m. Confirmation Class; 7 p.m. Sewing Group; 7:30 p.m. St. John Lutheran at Charles City Lutheran Thursday, November 17: ECHO deadline
Community United Methodist Church
You are always welcome! 309 W. Superior Street Pastor Dan Fernandez Community-Shell Rock UMC Office 885-4554 Pastor Dan cell: 515-729-7079 Handicapped Accessible Sunday, November 13: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service.
Immanuel United Church of Christ
The Rev. Linda Myren 203 S. Mather Street 319-278-4224 Thursday, November 10: 10 a.m. Clarksville Ministers at Immanuel Friday, November 11: Veterans Day Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Confirmation; 9:15 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – Least Coin; 1:30 p.m. Nursing Home Wednesday, November 16: 9 a.m. Bible Study Group; 6:30 p.m. Chime Choir; 7 p.m. Choir; 7:30 p.m. Dartball Pleasant Hill
Church of Christ
302 S. Elizabeth Street Val Swinton, Pastor 278-4416 Sunday, November 13: 8:45 a.m. Coffee & Donuts; 10 a.m. Worship Service; 6:30 p.m. Bible Study.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
105 N. Main St., Greene Msgr. Walter Brunkan, Pastor Sunday, November 13: 10 a.m. Mass
St. Peter Lutheran Church
St. John’s United Church of Christ, Pleasant Hill
10009 Union Ave. Nashua, IA 50658 Like us on facebook: St. John’s UCC-Pleasant Hill (641) 435-4998 Saturday, November 12: 9 a.m. Outdoor Clean-up Day Sunday, November 13: :30 a.m. Worship Service; Congregational meeting following service Wednesday, November 16: 5-8 p.m. Pizza Ranch Fundraiser, Waverly; 7:30 p.m. Dartball at Immanuel. Saturday, November 12: 9 a.m. Outdoor Clean-up Day PLAINFIELD –
First Baptist Church
809 Main Street 319-276-4889 Pastor Shawn Geer Sunday, November 13: 9:15 a.m. Sunday School – all ages; 10:30 a.m. Worship.
United Methodist Church
404 2nd Street Pastor Catherine Orth Church - 319-276-3195 Cell – 319-231-2117 Office Hours: Tuesday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, 1-3 p.m. Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Worship.
First United Church of Christ
31015 150th Street, Clarksville 319-276-4443 The Rev. Peter Wenzel, Minister Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship Service ROSEVILLE-
St. Mary Church
2397 Highway 14 Roseville, IA Msgr. Walter Brunkan, Pastor Sundays: 8:30 a.m. Mass SHELL ROCK –
United Methodist Church
204 S. Prairie Street Pastor Dan Fernandez 319-885-4554 Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Worship Service.
Peace United Church of Christ
1800 11th Street SE 319-352-3151 Pastor Jonathan Hennings Sunday, November 13: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:30 a.m. Worship Service.
St. John Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod “Church of the Lutheran Hour” On radio stations WMT, 600 AM at 6:30 a.m.; KXEL, 1540 AM at 7:00 a.m. & KWAY, 1470 AM at 8:00 a.m. Every Sunday 415 4th Street SW The Rev. Matthew Versemann & The Rev. Keith Brustuen Sunday, November 13: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship; 9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class. Wednesday, November 16: 5:30 p.m. Confirmation; 6 p.m. Midweek Classes.
First Baptist Church
223 W. Washington Street Shell Rock, IA 50670 Pastor Alan V. Dicks Sunday, November 13: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 6 p.m. Sunday Evening Service Wednesdays: 6:30-8 p.m. AWANAS-Bible Verses, Stories, Refreshments
Peace Lutheran Church
(LCMS) 121 East Washington Pastor Michael Knox 319-231-9761 Saturday, November 13: 6 p.m. Bible Class; 7 p.m. Worship.
Faith Lutheran Church
422 N. Prairie Street Pastor Kim Smith 319-885-4547 Email: faithsr@butler-bremer.com Sunday, November 13: 9 a.m. Worship Service; 10 a.m. Sunday School; 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service. Wednesday, November 16: 7 p.m. Evening Worship Service. VILMAR-
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Pastor Kent Mechler St. John’s is Handicap Accessible. Thursday, November 10: 7 p.m. Church Council Saturday, November 12: 7 a.m. Bible Study at Elm Springs Sunday, November 13: 8:45 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship Service; Coffee and Fellowship to follow. Tuesday, November 15: 7 p.m. WELCA Unit meeting and Thank Offering Service at Diane Salge home Wednesday, November 16: 4 p.m. Little Lutherans after school Saturday, November 19: 7 a.m. Bible Study at Elm Springs WAVERLY-
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
2700 Horton Road Fr. Dave Schatz 319-352-2493 Eucharistic Liturgies: Saturday 5:15 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Friday, November 11: 6 p.m. Assumption for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Saturday, November 12: 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation; 5:15 p.m. Mass/ Children’s Liturgy/Peanut Butter Collection. Sunday, November 13: 8 a.m. Mass/Children’s Liturgy; 10 a.m. Mass/Children’s Liturgy
Open Bible Church
Pastor Matt Miller 1013 E. Bremer Ave. Ph: 319-352-2038 Sunday, November 13: 9:30 a.m. Donuts & Fellowship; 10 a.m. Morning Worship.
Believers Baptist
Lee Hutchison, Pastor P.O. Box 102 Waverly, IA 50677 319-559-0811 Independent, Fundamental King James Bible Services Sundays: 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesdays: 7 p.m. Location: Waverly Senior Center, 506 E. Bremer Ave.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Nancy Larson 2001 W. Bremer Ave. (319)352-1325 www.redeemerwaverly.org Wednesday – 5:30 p.m. Saturday – 5:30 p.m. Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Cappuccino | Fellowship 9-11 a.m. Holy Communion is served at all services.
Anna Hahn
Anna Mae Hahn, 76, of Clarksville, was born the daughter of Clarence and Fannie (Sluiter) Leerhoff on December 5, 1939, in Waterloo. She grew up in their home on the Sinclair blacktop near Allison. Anna went to rural country school, then Allison School. She grew up attending the Hitesville Gospel Hall where Anna was saved on December 7, 1959. She was baptized on May 29, 1960. In February 1963, Anna was united in marriage with Virgil Ray Hahn at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. After their marriage, they lived in Cedar Falls. Anna was primarily a homemaker, but she also worked in the dining hall at the Lutheran Home and in housekeeping at various hotels. Anna enjoyed music, gardening, canning, and shopping. She loved thrifting and taking walks with the grandchildren. The grandchildren always looked forward to her pressure cooker pot roast. Anna and Virgil enjoyed traveling through the countryside looking for the next car project for Virgil to work on. Anna’s favorite times were those spent with her family, especially at the holidays. Anna died Friday, October 28, 2016, at Clarksville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Clarksville. Anna is preceded in death by her husband, Virgil, in May of 2013; her parents; and one sister, Alma Kampmann. Anna is survived by one son, Brian (Angie) Hahn, of rural, Ackley, and one daughter, Carolyn (Jay) Rogers, of Clarksville; and four grandchildren: Alyssa Rogers, Nikolai Hahn, James Rogers and Annika Hahn. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m., on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at the Church of Christ in Clarksville with Pastor Val Swinton officiating. Pianist, Morgan Davis accompanied the congregation as they sang “How Great Thou Art,” “In The Garden,” and “In the Sweet Bye And Bye.” Burial was at Lynwood Cemetery in Clarksville with James Rogers, Nikolai Hahn, Eric Rogers, Greg Ragsdale, Rusty Becker, and Ted Ferch serving as casketbearers. Honorary Casketbearers were Alyssa Rogers and Annika Hahn. Visitation was held 4 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 2, at RedmanSchwartz Funeral Home in Clarksville. Memorials may be directed to Church of Christ or the family. The Redman-Schwartz Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be left at www.redman-schwartz. com
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We Want to Hear From You! 422 North Main Street 101 N. Main St. P.O. Box 8 P.O. Box 788 Allison, IA 50602 Clarksville, IA 50619 Phone: 319-267-2731 Phone: 319-278-4641 Tribuneads@netins.net • clarksvillestar@butler-bremer.com • publisher@gcmuni.net
RECORDS Butler County Sheriff’s Report
6 • Thursday, November 10, 2016
Monday, October 31: • Officers executed four traffic stops and received a report of a controlled burn. • 9:35 a.m.: Officers were called to an alarm in the 900 block of 7th St. • 12:16 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident in the 33300 block of Highway 57, New Hartford. • 2:44 p.m.: Officers received a report of a burglary in the 30100 block of 300th St., New Hartford. • 10:27 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check in the 600 block of 1st St. • 11:01 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check in the 100 block of S. 1st St. • 11:13 p.m.: Officers were called to an alarm in the 100 block of W. Superior St. • 11:17 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check in the 400 block of N. Main St. Tuesday, November 1: • Officers executed three traffic
Sheriff’s Sale Notice of Sheriff’s Levy and Sale IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR BUTLER COUNTY STATE OF IOWA BUTLER COUNTY Iowa District Court Butler County Case #: EQCV021222 Civil #: 16-000409 Special Execution IOWA BANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORATION VS JOSHUA L. EISENTRAGER; GUTHRIE COUNTY STATE BANK; AND PARTIES IN POSSESSION As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant’s Real Estate, Described Below To satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is: NORTHWESTERLY ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR (NW’LY 124) FEET OF LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWENTY-FOUR (24), TRAER’S FIRST ADDITION TO GREENE, IOWA JUDGEMENT IN REM Property Address: 610 WEST TRAER ST., GREENE, IA 50636 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date: December 13, 2016 Sale Time: 11:00 a.m. Place of Sale: BUTLER COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 428 6TH ST., ALLISON, IA 50602 This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $44,645.62 Costs: $6,369.82 Accruing Costs PLUS Interest: $622.29 Sheriff’s Fees: Pending Attorney: ROBERT J. DOUGLAS JR. 4201 WESTOWN PARKWAY, STE. 300 DES MOINES, IA 50266 (515)288-2500 Date: October 31, 2016 JASON S. JOHNSON BUTLER COUNTY SHERIFF TJ 45-2
stops, assisted with four medical calls, assisted two motorists, and received reports of five controlled burns. • 5:22 a.m.: Officers assisted fire personnel with a general fire call in the 800 block of S. Cherry St. • 8:37 a.m.: Officers were called to a family domestic matter in the 300 block of N. Main St. • 10:06 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check near the intersection of 2nd St. and Main St. • 10:38 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check in the 400 block of N. Main St. • 10:39 p.m.: Officers performed a business door check in the 400 block of N. Main St. • 11:27 p.m.: Officers received a report of an assault/fight in the 300 block of Locust St. Wednesday, November 2: • Officers executed two traffic stops, assisted with three medical calls, assisted two motorists, and received a report of five controlled burns. • 4:58 a.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near
IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR BUTLER COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NAAMAN HAREN, Deceased. CASE NO. ESPR016604 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Naaman Haren, Deceased, who died on or about September 2, 2016: You are hereby notified that on October 21, 2016, the last will and testament of Naaman Haren, deceased, bearing date of May 2, 2011, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that George Schmitz was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated October 21, 2016. Date of second publication: November 10, 2016. George Schmitz Executor of the Estate 1309 Logan Avenue Waterloo, IA 50703 Erika L. Allen, #AT0000408 Attorney for the Executor Heronimus, Schmidt, Allen, Schroeder & Geer, 630 G. Ave., PO Box 365 Grundy Center, IA 50638 TJ 44-2
the intersection of Highway 188 and Highway 3. • 7:56 a.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident in the 2400 block of 190th St. • 8:26 a.m.: Officers assisted with a chase in progress in the 33400 block of Butler Ave., New Hartford. • 8:35 a.m.: Officers received a fraud report in the 500 block of Walnut St. • 9:35 a.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter near the intersection of Highway 3 and Highway 188. • 9:53 a.m.: Officers received a vandalism report near the intersection of S. Johnson St. and Sunset Dr. • 9:55 p.m.: Officers received a theft report. Thursday, November 3: • Officers executed five traffic stops and assisted with three medical calls. • 7:40 a.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of 180th St. and Packard Ave. • 10:31 a.m.: Officers received a fraud report in the 1500 block of Watson Way. • 1:29 p.m.: Officers received a
theft report in the 600 block of Riverview Dr. • 3:11 p.m.: Officers attempted to serve an arrest warrant in the 500 block of W. Greene St., Clarksville. Deemed unfounded. • 4:15 p.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter in the 21800 block of 180th St. • 5:41 p.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter near the intersection of 180th St. and Grand Ave. • 6:52 p.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter near the intersection of Cedar Ave. and Highway 3. • 8 p.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter near the intersection of Cedar Ave. and Highway 57. • 10:04 p.m.: Officers arrested Kevin Luna, 55, of Dougherty, in the 13800 block of Floyd Line St., and charged him with operating while intoxicated. He was placed in a cell and held to appear. Friday, November 4: • Officers executed nine traffic stops, assisted with two medical calls, assisted a motorist, and received reports of three controlled
Public Notice
CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST AND ALL OF THEIR HEIRS, SPOUSES, ASSIGNS, GRANTEES, LEGATEES, DEVISEES AND ALL BENEFICIARIES OF EACH AND ALL OF THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for Butler County, Iowa, a Foreclosure Petition (Equity) in the above-entitled action which prays for an in rem judgment in the amount of $36,832.47, plus interest as it accrues, attorney’s fees, the costs of this action, and that said sums be declared a first lien upon the following described premises located in Butler County, Iowa, to wit: The West Eighty-Five (W. 85) feet of Lot Six (6) in Bickford’s Sub-division of the East onehalf of the Southeast Quarter (E ½ SE ¼) of Section Twenty-eight (28) in Township Ninety-two (92) North, Range Eighteen (18) West of the 5th P.M. That the Mortgage on the above-described real estate be foreclosed, that a Special Execution issue for the sale of as much of the mortgaged premises as is necessary to satisfy the judgment and for such other relief as the Court may deem just and equitable. The attorney for Plaintiff is Donald J. Pavelka, Jr., whose address is Suite 401, 421 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503, Telephone: (712) 256-5566. You are further notified that unless you serve and within a reasonable time thereafter file a Motion or Answer on or before November 30, 2016, in the Iowa District Court for Butler County at the courthouse located at 428 6th St., Allison, Iowa 50602. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in Court because of a disability immediately call your district ADA coordinator at 641-421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942.) IMPORTANT - YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS TJ-43-3
• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
burns. • 3:16 a.m.: Officers received a report of suspicious activity in the 28500 block of 270th St. • 5:58 a.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident in the 13100 block of Clay Ave. • 7:25 a.m.: Officers were called to a personal injury accident near the intersection of 130th St. and Grand Ave. • 2:28 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident with unknown injuries in the 11800 block of O Ave. • 5:50 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of Highway 3 and Newell Ave., Allison. • 6:44 p.m.: Officers were called to a family domestic matter near the intersection of 9th St. and Parriott St. • 7:01 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of 110th St. and County Road T-64. • 7:13 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of 110th St. and Quail Ave. • 8:34 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of 290th St. and Grand Ave. • 11:56 p.m.: Officers were called to a dog/deer/livestock matter in the 15900 block of Main St. Saturday, November 5:
Proceedings: Butler Co.
MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUTLER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD ON OCTOBER 25, 2016. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rusty Eddy with members Rex Ackerman and Tom Heidenwirth present. Also present were Sheriff Jason Johnson, Coordinator of Disability Services Sarah Janssen and Fern Myers, Allison, Iowa. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Moved by Ackerman, second by Eddy to approve the following: RESOLUTION #870 APPOINTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATE WHEREAS, Iowa Code Chapter 229.19 says that each county board of supervisors shall appoint an individual who has demonstrated by prior activities an informed concern for the welfare of persons with mental illness, WHEREAS, Angela Nelson has demonstrated informed concern, has experience serving as a mental health advocate, demonstrates competency in performing required duties and has been recommended by the Coordinator of Disability Services for Fayette County to serve in this capacity, WHEREAS, Fayette County has agreed to serve as employer of record, provide supervision under the Fayette County Coordinator of Disability Services and apply Fayette County personnel policies for the terms of her employment, WHEREAS, Fayette County shall set the hourly compensation, associated benefits and other employment related costs to be reimbursed in entirety by County Social Services MHDS Region through regular reimbursement
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allocations as allowed under the County Social Services 28E Agreement among member counties, WHEREAS, Clayton, Floyd, Butler, and Mitchell Counties have the right to withdraw from this agreement and hire another mental health advocate with a 60 day written notice to the Fayette County Board of Supervisors and Fayette County has the right to withdraw from this agreement with a 60 day written notice to Clayton, Floyd, Butler, and Mitchell Counties, THEREFORE, Fayette County appoints Angela Nelson as the Mental Health Advocate for Fayette County effective immediately upon passage of this resolution. The vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rex Ackerman, Tom Heidenwirth, Rusty Eddy; NAYS: None. Passed and approve this 25th day of October 2016. ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Board met with Coordinator of Disability Services Sarah Janssen for a program update. Board reviewed Quarterly Report of Veteran Affairs and ordered placed on file. No public comment received. Board approved claims as submitted. Board acknowledged receipt of Manure Management Plan Annual Updates for Steere West Finisher Farm; Wessels Finisher Farm; JLH Finisher Farm; DC Farms and David Brinkman. Moved by Ackerman, second by Eddy to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 A.M. to Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried. The above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes and proceedings of a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Butler County, Iowa on October 25, 2016. TJ/CS 45-1
“Who Does It?” Cashatt Roofing
• Officers executed four traffic stops, assisted with four medical calls, and received reports of nine controlled burns. • 8:52 a.m.: Officers were called to a family domestic matter in the 3300 block of Jepson Road. • 11:29 a.m.: Officers were called to a family domestic matter in the 27400 block of 290th St. • 4:24 p.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident near the intersection of Highway 14 and Highway 57, Parkersburg. Sunday, November 6: • Officers executed five traffic stops, assisted with three medical calls, and received reports of six controlled burns. • 3:17 a.m.: Officers were called to a property damage accident in the 700 block of 10th St. • 10:51 p.m.: Officers were called to an alarm in the 11200 block of Highway 3. Monday, November 7: • Officers executed a traffic stop and assisted with a medical call prior to 8:58 a.m. • 1:47 a.m.: Officers received a report of a missing person in the 500 block of 3rd St. • 7:45 a.m.: Officers received a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 200 block of W. Traer St.
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(Every other weekend and holidays)
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FOR RENT: Allison, Clarksville, mobile home and residential rentals. All appliances, central air furnished. No pets. Call for availability. 319-278-4948 or 319-2393447. ______________ ST-28-tf FOR RENT: 3 Bedroom house in Allison. No pets. 319-278-4948. TJ-41-tf FOR RENT: 3 Bedroom mobile home in Clarksville. No pets. 319-278-4948. _______CS-41-tf
FOR RENT 3 Bedroom, 2 Story House in Greene Available Dec. 1
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NORTH BUTLER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT is accepting applications for an immediate opening for an assistant varsity boys basketball coach for the 2016-17 season. Download application at www.northbutler.k12.ia.us or pick up an application at the Superintendent’s office, 513 Birch St, Allison, IA 50602. Position opened until filled. EOE/AA.
“Working at FGH is Awesome Sauce!” That’s what Becky Wilson, Housekeeping Manager, has to say about working at FGH. Wouldn’t it be great to work in a place where people are that excited about their job?!? You can! These are some of our open positions: Country View RN and C.N.A
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You Have To See It To Believe It! ALL You Want For CHRISTMAS! Over 1,500 items moved in DAILY! Trinkets & Togs Thrift Store 114 10th Street SW, Waverly 319-352-8029 TJ-44-4
THANK YOU to all my friends for taking care of the millions of leaves you cleaned up. I’ll forever appreciate the kindness. Gary Booker __________________ CS-45-1x
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Off Air Antenna
HOUSEKEEPER FOR a residence in Greene. Hours flexible. 641-330-6531, leave a message. _____________ TJ-45-2x
WATERLOO • LAPORTE CITY TRIPOLI • HOLLAND FOR SALE: Seasoned hardwood firewood. Pickup load Split - You haul $65; Delivered $100. Jon Uhlenhopp, 319-939-0354. __________________ TJ-45-3x
ETHAN D. EPLEY, 313 S. Cherry St., Suite B, P.O. Box 627, Shell Rock, 319-885-4240, eepley@ iabar.org General practice including but not limited to: Agricultural Law, Criminal Law, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Taxation, Trial Law _______________CS-43-tf JESSE M. MARZEN, Marzen Law Office, P.L.L.C. Accepting clients for Business Law, Family Law, Collections Law, and Estate Planning matters. 110 2nd Street SE, Waverly, IA 50677. Tel: 319-483-5092.Website: http:// marzenlaw.com CS-3-tf
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ransforming that leftover holiday turkey or ham from an ordinary dish you heat up in the microwave or let go to waste into an extraordinary meal may be easier than you think. From flatbread pizza to a hearty stew, enhancing your everyday meals is easy with cooking wines, available in flavors such as Marsala, Sherry, White, Red and White with Lemon. The premium, flavor-enhancing cooking wines are a go-to countertop ingredient and can be used to add a bold boost to any dish whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s around the holidays or just pasta for an any-night family dinner. These recipes from Guy Meikle, corporate chef for Mizkan America, Inc., show how easy it is to whip up a new twist on holiday leftovers with cooking wines. You can also find quick tips for boosting the flavor of everyday meals on the label of each bottle. Find more recipes and tips at HollandHouseFlavors.com.
Family Barbecue Turkey Mini Flatbread Servings: 4 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes
Hearty Ham and Bean Protein Bowl Servings: 4-6 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 30-45 minutes Total time: 3 hours 1 ham bone 12 cups water, divided 2 bay leaves 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns 1/4 cup vegetable oil, plus 3 tablespoons, divided 1 cup yellow onion, small diced, plus 3 tablespoons finely chopped, divided 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/4 cup Holland House Red Cooking Wine 3 cans (15 ounces each) pinto beans, undrained 1/2 cup sour cream 8 ounces wild rice 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons Holland House Sherry Cooking Wine 3 cups fresh okra, sliced into 1/2inch pieces at an angle 1 1/2 cups grilled corn kernels 1 1/2 cups kosher dill pickle, sliced 1/4 cup parsley 4 teaspoons tarragon To prepare broth: In 4-quart stock pot, combine ham bone, 8 cups water, bay leaves and peppercorns. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, about 2 hours. Strain broth and set
aside. In same stock pot, heat 1/4 cup oil and saute 1 cup onion and garlic 2 minutes. Pour in red cooking wine and reduce by half. Add in canned pinto beans; no need to drain. Bring to boil and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer soup about 30-45 minutes, or until liquid is reduced to stew-like consistency. Place sour cream in mixing bowl and ladle in some cooking liquid to temper it. Add back to soup while stirring. Let simmer a few minutes. To prepare rice: In small saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add remaining onion and saute 1-2 minutes. Add rice and stir until coated with oil. Pour in remaining water and cook covered about 45 minutes, or until rice is tender. Remove from heat and rest, covered, 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and sherry cooking wine. In 10-inch skillet, heat remaining oil. Saute okra about 3 minutes, or until slightly charred. For each bowl: Place rice and stew in center and garnish with 1/4 cup grilled corn, 1/4 cup diced pickles, 1/2 cup okra, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and sprinkle of tarragon.
Turkey and Caramelized Onion Jam Stuffed Empanadas Servings: 15 | Prep time: 20 minutes | Cook time: 15 minutes 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup turkey, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 2 tablespoons dried figs, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 1 cup button mushrooms, minced 3 tablespoons caramelized onions 2 tablespoons Marsala Cooking Wine Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste Empanada Dough (recipe below) 1 egg, beaten Cranberry Dipping Sauce (recipe below) Heat oven to 350 F. In pan, heat butter; add turkey, figs, mushrooms and caramelized onions. Deglaze pan with cooking wine; season with salt and pepper, and cool. Roll out dough 1/8- to 1/4-inch thick and cut into 15 3-inch circles. Brush egg on entire disc of dough, eliminating any air bubbles, and place 1 tablespoon filling in center of each circle. Fold dough in half and crimp with fork; prick top with toothpick to let steam out. Place empanada on greased sheet tray and brush with remaining egg; bake 15 minutes until golden brown.
Place on plate and serve with Cranberry Dipping Sauce.
Empanada Dough Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 4 ounces butter 1 egg 1/3 cup ice water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Sift flour and salt. Cut butter into small cubes and blend into flour. Whisk together egg, ice water and vinegar. Add egg mixture to flour and mix until just incorporated. On table, knead dough; wrap and chill 1 hour.
2 cups Marsala Cooking Wine 1/2 cup barbecue sauce 1 1/2 cups roasted turkey, large diced 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons yellow onion, small diced 1 cup zucchini, large diced 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup smoked Gouda cheese, shredded 1 cup fontina cheese, shredded 2 flatbreads (approximately 8 inches each) 2 teaspoons cilantro, chopped Heat oven to 400 F.
In small saucepan, reduce cooking wine to about 1/2 cup. Mix with barbecue sauce. Toss diced turkey with about 1 tablespoon of sauce and set the entire mixture aside. Heat oil and saute onion and zucchini about 3 minutes over high heat. Season with garlic salt and remove from heat; mix in Parmesan cheese. Set aside. In small bowl, mix Gouda and fontina cheeses together and set aside. Spread each flatbread with an even layer of barbecue sauce. Top each with 1 cup cheese and half the zucchini and turkey mixtures. Bake 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro then cut flatbreads in half to serve.
Cranberry Orange Marsala Dipping Sauce Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 1 1/2 cups whole cranberry sauce 2 tablespoons whole unpeeled orange, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Holland House Marsala Cooking wine Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
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10 • Thursday, November 10, 2016
• Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal •
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• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
Faust closes out successful sophomore season with awards and recognition OTTUMWA (MAP) — Indian Hills defenseman Stephanie Faust, a 2015 Grundy Center High School graduate, was honored as the Defensive Most Valuable Player and named to the alltournament team at the NJCAA AllRegion XI tournament last month. She is the granddaughter of Lowell Hudson of Dumont. Faust was also named second team all-region after earning first team honors as a freshman. She has started 33 games in her two seasons and has been a team captain both years. She scored the only goal for the Warriors in the championship match, which ended in a 2-1 double overtime loss to fourth-ranked Iowa Western. Indian Hills went 16-4-1 and just missed a trip to the national tournament in Melbourne, Florida. The Warriors won 26 games over
Stephanie Faust the past two seasons after winning a total of 19 games in the seven seasons prior.
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GREENE – Senior outside hitter Kayla Siemens and junior middle hitter Nicole Heeren were the two North Butler selections to the Top of Iowa East second team all-conference volleyball squads, announced recently. Siemens, who finished her career as the digs leader for the Bearcats, tallied 305 this season as North Butler finished 17-17 overall, 3-5 in the Top of Iowa. She also was among four for coach Bryan Tabbert’s team which finished with more than 100 kills. Serving was another strong suit for Siemens as she was 364-of-379 with 39 aces.
Tuesday Night Road Warrior League Date Bowled: Tuesday, 11/01/2016 Week 7 of 25 Rich Bates 257, Brett Lobdell 256, Tyler Brockney 235 Wednesday Night Hot Shot League Date Bowled: Wednesday, 11/02/2016 Week 8 of 30 Allison Hardware 21-11 Wyffel’s Hybrids 21-11 All American Landscape 20-12 A&M Electric #1 18-14 Cornelius Seed 16-16 High Game/Series Cody Gethmann 242/583, Jack Majewski 200/554, Tomas Heidenwirth 552, Dave Iverson 551, Darin Trees 506, Gordy Smith 223/589, Dick Reser 207/548, Matt Katcher 211/576,
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502 Third Street Parkersburg, IA 50665 (319) 346-2331
John Martin 202/573, Marvin Enabnit 202/523, Collin Freesemann 228/602, Clark Freesemann 201/586, Daryl Healey 502 Thursday Night Pin Buster League Date Bowled: Thursday, 11/03/2016 Week 4 of 24 Emerald Door 11-5 Pioneer 11-5 Freeze Frame 9-7 Cooper Motors 7-9 Curly’s 4-12 Pin Spillers 4-12 High Game/Series Shane Buss 209/591, Collin Freesemann 220/524, Randy Moad 502, Clark Freesemann 235/603, Scott Buss 500, Cory Miller 222/508, Curt Hinrichs 211/510, Roger Brown 209, Aaron Huff 206/579, Charles Lahr 516
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bennett Realty Your Home Team Bruce Yerkes, Broker 641-330-9219 Bennettrealtyadvisors@gmail.com
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Shepard, Gibson & Lievens Attorneys-at-law
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Top of Iowa East Conference volleyball First Team Lexi Bray, Sr., West Fork; Madison Eibes, Sr., St. Ansgar; Terran Haberman, Sr., Northwood-Kensett; Kelsey Havel, Jr., Osage; Sydney Midlang, Soph.,
By Vicky Malfero Freeze Frame Bowl – Greene, Iowa League Bowling Stats
Wood Vision Clinic
Heeren kept improving as the season progressed, finishing second among kills for the Bearcats at 160. Her serve efficiency was .850 (243of-286) with a team-high 56 aces. Heeren also led the team in blocks with 56 (39 assists, 17 solos). Junior outside hitter Darby Christensen was named honorable mention.
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Franklin Medical Center DUMONT CLINIC 602 2nd St. Dumont, IA
Monday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday - 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Erin Murphy, P.A.-c.
641-857-6696 Writing All Lines of Insurance
Lawler & Landers-Ulfers Swanson, P.L.C. Insurance Agency Attorneys-at-law 601 Coates St. Parkersburg, IA 50665 319-346-2650 Thomas A. Lawler Amy K. Swanson
Milt Ulfers 317 N. Main, Allison 267-2672 After Hours, call Milt at 641-775-3339
Honorable Mention Morgan Kelley, Jr., Central Springs; Sydney Hansen, Jr., Nashua-Plainfield; Katie Mason, Sr., Mason City Newman; Darby Christensen, Jr., North Butler; Lindy Harris, Jr., Northwood-Kensett; Kourtney Chambers, Soph., Osage; Theresa Jones, Sr., Rockford; Tara Kramer, Sr., St. Ansgar; Maddison Shupe, Sr., West Fork. Player of the Year – Wagner, Central Springs Coach of the Year – Ron Pedersen, Central Springs
Osage; Rylie Olson, Soph., Osage*; Kaylee Parks, Jr., Central Springs*; Skyler Schmitt, Sr., Rockford; Hannah Wagner, Sr., Central Springs. * denotes unanimous selection Second Team Jacqlyn Caspers, Jr., West Fork; Tegan Cotter, Sr., Northwood-Kensett; Maria Franke, Sr., Central Springs; Claire Groth, Sr., St. Ansgar; Nicole Heeren, Jr., North Butler; Britney Holthause, Jr., Nashua-Plainfield; Brenna Jacobs, Jr., Osage; Jessica Malecek, Jr., Osage; Maidson Patten, Sr., West Fork; Kayla Siemens, Sr., North Butler.
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Physical and Occupational Therapy Small Town Charm... Big Time Results!!
SIETSEMA-VOGEL FUNERAL HOME & MONUMENT SALES Allison 319-267-2507 Dumont 641-857-3303 641-456-3232
HarrisonThornburgh Insurance, Inc. P.O. Box 346 Dumont, IA 5062-0346 641-857-3413 or 641-857-3414
Dumont Telephone Company
RUSSELL MILLER 21085 Seventh Street, Allison, IA 50602-9438 Phone/Fax: 319-267-2279
Allison Public Library Hours: Mon.: 10 a.m. to Noon 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues.: 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wed.: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs.: 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Fri.: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Allison • 267-2300 Dumont 506 Pine St. P.O. Box 349
Floor Decor 515 Main St., Dumont
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Apartments for Rent
Accurate Responsible Service Phone 319-267-2087 Allison, IA
USDA Rural Development Family Housing 1 & 2 bedroom units available. Roomy and newly decorated. Lawn care, snow removal, garbage, water & appliances furnished. Rental assistance available for those who qualify. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer.
12 • Thursday, June 2, 2016
North Butler Junior-Senior High School First Quarter Honor Roll
Straight ‘A’ Honor Roll (4.0): Eighth Grade: Sydney Eiklenborg, Aubrie Obermeier Ninth Grade: Mollie Hearn, Madison Klingenborg, Rainy Kock, Cassidy Staudt 10th Grade: Molly Adelmund, Trevor Brinkman, Chase Eiklenborg 11th Grade: Dylan Mulder, Karly Nederhoff 12th Grade: Kaitlynn Chisholm, Addyson Clark, Addie Gibson, Makayla Hauser, Tyler Merfeld, Dalton Nelson, Callie Niedert, Clay Shultz, Kayla Siemens, Hallie Testroet, Kayla Zolman
‘A’ Honor Roll (3.668-3.99): Seventh Grade: Haily Backer, Avery Boos, Dawson Clark, Anna Endelman, Aidan Gotto, Nathan Hawker, Kaden Miller, Madison Ralls, Myah Shier, Mitchell Staudt, Xander Treichel, Taylor Wiegmann Eighth Grade: David Crow, John Cutshall, Christopher Erickson, Justine Grummitt, Ben McConaughy, Alexis Miller, Haylee Niemann, Averiana Ramker, Brynn Salge, Melu Shafer, Michaela Shear, Alex Shultz, Hailyn Spainhower, Brooke Trees, Abigail Wrecsics Ninth Grade: Kristianna Bright, Riley Engelhardt, Grace Flammang,
Colton Hobson, Teryn Joebgen, Andrew Peters, Nadia Treichel, Colby Wilkerson 10th Grade: Kane Allison, Colton Bell, Tristen Bradley, Lauren Hawker, Nick Heuer, Jared Hummel, Caitlin Hyman, Vanessa Johnson, Karter Junker, Rhett Lammers, Jaden Mason, Connor McNeal, Ashley Mead, Tate Menne, Andrew Morton, Alexis Stirling 11th Grade: Em Beck, Johanna Duffield, Jared Feldman, Kaylie Fox, Sarah Goodrich, Nicole Heeren, Marcy Jacobs, Karlie Klingenborg, Charles McManemy, Karlee Ostendorf, Madi Pleas, Abbie Wix 12th Grade: Bryce Bruns, LoriAnne Collins, Shayna Engelhardt, Shelby Graser, Taylor Graven, Markus Jepperson, Gage Johnson, Jacob Kruse, Owen Landers, Taylor Salge ‘B’ Honor Roll (3.0-3.667): Seventh Grade: Carly Adelmund, Clay Anderson, Fletcher Buss, Stella Clarke, Mason Ford, Hannah Fox, Haley Freesemann, Keely Mapes, Lucas Martzahn, Sean Mathers, Abigail Miller, Clayton Miller, Kolben Miller, Logan Ott, Abby Prause, Ellah Schell, Jacob Schneiderman, Dylan Shirah, Madelyn Shultz, Braydan Steere, Meg Thompson, Kaden Wedeking, Jase
Wiebke Eighth Grade: Katelin Barth, Clay Brase, Madison Clipperton, Kameron Davis, Ian Gifford, Michael Hansen, Kedric Hyman, Colton Klingenborg, Jack Langfritz, Cael Nicolaus, Echo Norton, Nik Pitzenberger, Leah Prause, Kaleb Salge, Jeremy Shier, Shawn Weitzenkamp Ninth Grade: Jealousy Alden, Eric Brehmer, Melinda Collins, Kristin Dralle, Kelton Kluiter, Miles Ralls, Daylene Ritter, Jonathan Saathoff, Leighton Schoville, Chloe Van Ellen, Maya Veitia 10th Grade: Brandon Adelmund, Jesse Albrecht, Thomas Anderson, Joe Bacheldor, Colton Foster, Jenna Hauser, Mariah Lewis, Levi Lubben, Alexandra Mathers, Philip McPherson, CJ Niedert, Taylor Nolan, Emy Osterbuhr, Shelby Reeser, Brandon Reiher, Emily Saathoff, Michael Shafer, Dallas Testroet, Bryce Trees, Jasmine Wedeking, Leilani White, Hannah Whiteside 11th Grade: Chase Adams, Morgan Arjes, Mackenzie Beam, Darby Christensen, Dylan Clipperton, Autumn Detwiler, Sam Dolan, Dalton Fehlberg, Brett Marshall, Kendrick Miller, MacKenzie Staudt, Brandon Trees 12th Grade: Audrey Albrecht, Jalissa Bennett, Kolton Heuer, Miranda Joebgen, Tyerra Mapes
• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
North Butler Elementary
Spirit signs at elementary By Emma Ulrich and Jacob Wrecsics Mrs. Lindaman’s class North Butler Elementary has new signs! You can find these signs in the gym, cafeteria, and above the office.
The signs are to show Bearcat spirit! They were ordered in the year of 2016. We got them from a company named Signs By Tomorrow. They are like big stickers that melt onto the
wall. They are done in Bearcat colors and have the Bearcat mascot on them. We want to get one above the trophy case next. The next time you are in the school, take a look.
Registration opens for college scholarship program Scholarship gives 30 Iowa High School seniors chance at $2,000, educates them on college borrowing and personal finance Registration is open for a scholarship that offers 30 Iowa high school seniors a chance to receive $2,000 for college while learning important financial literacy skills. In addition, each recipient’s high school will receive a corresponding $500 award. High school seniors may register for the Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship at www. IowaStudentLoan.org/SeniorScholarship between now and Feb. 17. Iowa Student Loan® will award $2,000 scholarships to 30 students who complete two online financial literacy tutorials and score highest on a related assessment. Registered students also receive emails highlighting financial literacy tips, such as the importance of early career and college planning and ways to reduce student loan indebtedness. After registering for the scholarship, students receive emailed instructions for completing the three required online components. The two tutorials — Student Loan Game Plansm and the
ROCI Reality Check — were developed by Iowa Student Loan to help students understand the consequences of college borrowing and discover how to maximize their return on college investment, or ROCI. A related multiple choice assessment will check students’ understanding of the concepts in the tutorials. The 30 high school seniors who score highest on the assessment test will each receive a $2,000 scholarship that will be sent directly to their colleges in fall 2017. If top-scoring students tie, those students will be asked to write and be judged on a short essay so winners can be determined. Rebecca Fuhrmeister, a 2016 Pleasant Valley High School graduate and a recipient of a 2015–2016 Senior Scholarship, said, “This process was very eye-opening. I had always heard about how we need to borrow responsibly in college. . . . And I never knew how much was too much to borrow.” Each scholarship recipient’s high school will also receive a corresponding $500 award to be used toward scholarship and financial literacy programs. “Besides financially benefitting the
scholarship recipients and their high schools, for students who use the tools, this program helps prepare them to pay for college,” said Steve McCullough, CEO and president of Iowa Student Loan. “As a student loan company, we often hear from borrowers who say they didn’t understand how their debt would affect them later. This is one way we educate students before they ever take out their first student loan.” Chris Hensley, Iowa Student Loan board chair, concurs. “The suite of tools students experience through the scholarship process is really designed to help them understand how to borrow less and to make wise student loan decisions based on expected starting salaries for their intended college majors. The Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship is open to legal U.S. citizens who are permanent residents of Iowa; are seniors at an Iowa high school during the 2016– 2017 school year; and attend college in fall 2017. It is a no-purchase-required program, and full rules and details are available at www.IowaStudentLoan. org/SeniorScholarship.
Allison Public Library Notes
NEW RELEASES: “NIGHT WATCH” by Iris Johansen . . . When the surgeon who made it possible for her to see goes missing, Kendra Michaels recruits government agent Adam Lynch to accompany her on a trail that leads to the snowy California mountains, where the discovery of one of the doctor’s brutally murdered colleagues reveals the work of a killer. “THE HOMEPLACE” by Kevin Wolf . . . Follows the Comanche County, Colorado homecoming of Chase Ford, a member of a fourgeneration family of locals who is targeted with suspicion when two people with coincidental ties to him are found murdered. “UNFORGIVEN” by Mary Balogh . . . Despite the fact that their families have been bitter rivals for nearly a century, Kenneth Woodfall returns home after an eight-year absence and realizes his undying love for Miss Moira Hayes, but fears she is unwilling to forget their stormy past. “TWO BY TWO” by Nicholas Sparks . . . The seemingly charmed life of a Charlotte family man abruptly tumbles around him, leaving him an unemployed single father who embarks on a new reality that tests his skills and emotional resources beyond his imagining. “TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS” by Debbie Macomber . . . Julia Padden, a plucky young woman clashes with a real-life Scrooge— her grouchy, arrogant, annoyingly handsome neighbor—and tries to get even the only way she knows how: by killing him with kindness. “FATES AND TRAITORS” by
Allison Public Library Notes By Kelly Henrichs and Patty Hummel
Jennifer Chiaverini . . . A reimagining of the life of Lincoln’s assassin describes Booth’s tumultuous childhood on a Maryland farm and rise to the ballrooms of Washington, D.C., at the sides of four women before he became obsessed with avenging the Confederacy. “YOU CAN DATE BOYS WHEN YOU’RE FORTY” by Dave Barry . . . With trademark wit and unmatched insight into the insanity of everyday life, Dave Barry presents a series of hilarious, never-before-published essays on the trials and tribulations of living and laughing in the modern age. “MRS. LEE & MRS. GRAY” by Dorothy Love . . . A Civil War tale inspired by the half-century relationship between the wife of Robert E. Lee and her slave housekeeper describes the common ground that established their bond and their respective experiences as a war refugee in an increasingly strong Confederacy and a black woman dreaming of freedom. “SUNRISE CROSSING” by Jodi Thomas . . . Working to rebuild his life, Yancy discovers a mysterious dark-haired woman, who he nicknames “Rabbit,” hiding in his loft, meanwhile, an attraction develops between the cowboy and art gallery owner who helped Rabbit escape her life in Dallas.
FOR YOUNG READERS: “WHO WAS THEODORE ROOSEVELT?” by Michael Burgan . . . Find out about the cowboy who was the twenty-sixth president of the United States. Given in memory of Dennis Rewerts. “WHO WAS MILTON BRADLEY?” by Kirsten Anderson . . . Learn about the father of modern board games. In fond memory of Dennis Rewerts. “WHO WAS DR. SEUSS?” by Janet Pascal . . . Find out about this college student who was voted “least likely to succeed.” Given in memory of Dennis Rewerts. “SHH! BEARS SLEEPING” by David Martin . . . In the fall, When leaves turn red, Bears know soon, It’s time for bed. Illustrations and simple, rhyming text follow a family of bears from one spring to the next. In loving memory of Marilee Reiher, forever a teacher. “IS IT CHRISTMAS YET?” by Jane Chapman . . . Christmas is coming, and Teddy is so excited! “Is it Christmas yet?” he repeatedly asks Big Bear. Teddy wants to help Big Bear get ready, but every time he tries, he ends up making a mess. NEW DVDs for your viewing enjoyment: GHOSTBUSTERS ANSWER THE CALL, THE SHALLOWS, and X-MEN APOCALYPSE.
New teacher, Darren Huisenga
Recycling at elementary
By Amelia Thompson and Weston Miller Mrs. Sherburne’s class North Butler Elementary is recycling. Fourth grade is in charge. They get the recycling from the classrooms and put it in large red
tubs. Next, they take the red tubs to the back door. The janitor takes it to the Butler County Recycling Center. Twenty years ago Shelly Codner helped them start. Thank you, fourth grade, for helping us recycle, and saving the environment.
By Kara Eggertson and Cain Nielsen Ms. Steere’s class There is a new teacher at North Butler. His name is Darren Huisenga. Before he came to North Butler he worked at Waverly school as a sub. Mr. H. is married and he has three children. His favorite thing to do is watch the Hawkeyes on TV. His favorite sport is football. His favorite animal is a black lab. Good luck at North Butler, Mr. Huisenga. Have a great year!
Check soil temperatures before applying anhydrous ammonia As air temperatures continue to fluctuate this fall, so do soil temperatures. This means it may still be too early to apply anhydrous ammonia (NH3) to cropland without risking nitrogen losses through groundwater leaching. Anhydrous ammonia applied before soil temperatures, at a 4-inch depth, are 50 degrees Fahrenheit and trending lower will quickly convert to nitrate. While ammonium will mostly stay attached to the soil, nitrate will flow with water. “If we get more rain than the soil can absorb this fall or next spring, the nitrate is at risk to leach into groundwa-
ter, tile water, and streams,” says Eric Hurley, nutrient management specialist with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Des Moines. Since most of the nitrogen in liquid swine manure is in the ammonium form, it should also be applied when the soil temperature is cold and the soil microorganisms which convert ammonium to nitrate are relatively inactive, says Hurley. Nitrogen losses can also impact crop development, says Barb Stewart, state agronomist for NRCS in Iowa. “We encourage farmers to wait until spring
Yard and Garden:
to apply fertilizers,” she said. “This not only prevents nitrogen losses throughout the fall and winter, but spring application ensures the nitrogen is available when the crop needs it the most.” As of Nov. 2, soil temperatures were slightly above 50 degrees in the northern third of the state, but were still in the mid to upper 50s in soils throughout the rest of Iowa. Farmers and fertilizer dealers are encouraged to check Iowa State University Extension’s Iowa Soil Temperature Map at http://extension. agron.iastate.edu/NPKnowledge/ for trending soil temperatures throughout the state.
Handling and Maintaining Houseplants during Winter By Richard Jauron, Greg Wallace AMES (ISUEO) – Houseplants provide much-needed beauty and color to a home during winter’s cold blast, but they do require some special care to keep them vibrant during freezing temperatures, even inside. • What are optimal suggestions for houseplants in winter? Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists can help answer your questions about houseplants and how to handle them during the winter. To have additional questions answered, contact the ISU Hortline at 515-294-3108 or hortline@iastate.edu. • How often should houseplants be watered in winter? In general, houseplants require less frequent watering during the winter months than in spring and summer. Watering frequency depends upon the plant species, composition of the potting mix, environmental conditions (temperature, light and humidity), and
other factors. When watering houseplants, continue to apply water until water begins to flow out the bottoms of the pots. Discard the excess water. • Should houseplants be fertilized in winter? Fertilization is generally not necessary during the winter months as most houseplants are not growing during this time. Indoor gardeners should fertilize their houseplants on a regular basis in spring and summer when plants are actively growing. • What are suitable temperatures for houseplants in winter? Most houseplants prefer daytime temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or rapid temperature fluctuations may harm some plants. Keep houseplants away from cold drafts, radiators and hot air vents. Also make sure houseplants don’t touch cold windows. • How can I raise the relative humid-
ity indoors for my houseplants during the winter months? Many houseplants prefer a relative humidity of 40 to 50 percent. Unfortunately, the humidity level in many homes during the winter months may be only 10 to 20 percent. Humidifiers are an excellent way to increase the relative humidity in the home. Simple cultural practices also can increase the relative humidity around houseplants. Grouping plants together is an easy way to raise the humidity level. The water evaporating from the potting soil, plus water lost through the plant foliage, will increase the relative humidity in the vicinity of the houseplants. Another method is to place housetplants on trays (saucers) filled with pea gravel or pebbles. Add water to the trays, but keep the bottoms of the pots above the water level. The evaporation of water from the trays increases the relative humidity around the plants.
• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
ELECTION from page 1 Jackson Twp. Trustee Scott Bruns — 137 — 100% Soil and Water Commissioner (Vote for three) Scott Bruns — 4,218 — 34.39% James Lindaman — 4,073 — 33.21% Clayton Reints — 3,930 — 32.04% County Extension Council (Vote for four) Amy Barnett — 4,036 — 26.36% Travis Williamson — 3,771 — 24.63% Irvin Haan — 3,733 — 24.38% Jeffrey C. Nederhoff — 3,724 — 24.32% Retain Supreme Court Judge Hecht YES — 3,080 — 56.53% NO — 2,368 — 43.47% Retain Supreme Court Judge Appel YES — 3,041 — 56.31% NO — 2,359 — 43.69% Retain Supreme Court
Thursday, November 10, 2016 •
Judge Cady YES — 3,127 — 57.68% NO — 2,294 — 42.32% Retain Court of Appeals Judge Vogel YES — 3,412 — 67.55% NO — 1,639 — 32.45% Retain Court of Appeals Judge Danilson YES — 3,273 — 65.58% NO — 1,718 — 34.42% Retain Court of Appeals Judge Doyle YES — 3,265 — 65.56% NO — 1,715 — 34.44% Retain Court of Appeals Judge Potterfield YES — 3,267 — 65.72% NO — 1,704 — 34.28% Retain District Associate Judge Newell YES — 3,785 — 72.19% NO — 1,458 — 27.81% If in doubt, original election results are posted on the Butler County website at https://www.butlercoiowa.org/images/Elections/UNOFFICIAL_RESULTS.pdf.
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14 • Thursday, November 10, 2016
Jasper Schmidt (Clay Shultz) faints yet again during the play as Pinch (Riley Engelhardt), Cinch (Nadia Treichel), and Boyd Busybody (Dalton Jepperson) look on. (Contributed by NB Schools/MaTina Clark)
• Butler County Tribune-Journal •
CIVIC DUTY: From front to back, poll workers Hermine Schwickerath, Dan Schwickerath, both of Aplington; Connie Hewitt of Bristow; and Chris Graser of Allison verify voter registration status at the Allison Precinct polling place, in the lower level of the Butler County Courthouse, on Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. As of 7 p.m. about when the photo was taken, 413 had voted in this precinct. (Tribune-Journal photo by Mira Schmitt-Cash)
A scene from the 2015 Shell Rock Holiday Bazaar. (Contributed by Deb Hobson) BAZAAR from page 1 & Design Gifts by Lorraine Kramer, in back of 608 N. Cherry St., featuring jewelry, home décor and coffee; Custom Creations by Sally Petersen, 313 S. Cherry St., featuring embroidery, crafts and lawn ornaments; Heart of Home, by Sue Johnson, 502 S. Albright St., featuring baked goods, candy and crafts, (also open Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as well as Saturday during the bazaars); Shell Rock Honey from Jeff and Donna Busch at Riverside Café, 202 S. Cherry St.; Wild Hair by Dani Rottink, 205 S. Cherry St., featuring fashion jewelry, accessories and crafts; PrimiRECENT BLACK BELT PROMOTIONS AT RISING SUN: Several students were promoted in a special ceremony Oct. 8 at Rising Sun Karate in Parkersburg, among them, Jacob Kruse of Allison. Pictured left to right are: Heather Benson, promoted to 5th Degree Black Belt; Teresa Gnade, promoted to 6th Degree Black Belt, both Parkersburg; Shihan Karla Fuller; Jacki Nachazel, Iowa Falls, promoted to 3rd Degree Black Belt; and Jacob Kruse, Allison, who received his 1st Degree Black Belt. Rising Sun Karate congratulates them on their hard work and great accomplishment! (Contributed by John Heffner)
Clarksville Firemen’s
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DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO GET COVERED! 8 out of 10 people who enrolled in health coverage through HealthCare.gov qualified for financial help to make their monthly premiums more affordable. See if you qualify by calling 319.272.4428 or 319.272.4350. Appointments are also available on Thursdays at our Clarksville location: Peoples Clinic Butler County 118 S Main Street, Clarksville 319.278.9020 www.peoples-clinic.com
Continued from page 1
Thanksgiving eve ecumenical worship slated at St. James
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CLARIFICATION Halloween photos, Nov. 3 Tribune-Journal
The Allison Trunk-or-Treat supper was a joint effort of the Park Board and Commercial Club.
104.9 Hampton
St. James Lutheran Church in Allison will be having their Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, Nov. 23 ecumenical worship service beginning at 7 p.m.
tives by Rondalyn Brase, 610 S. Cherry St., (open 9 a.m. to noon). Darlys Busching started the bazaars over 40 years ago, while selling ceramics out of her home. Kramer of Art and Design continued organizing the traditional event for many years. Now, Deb Hobson of Shell Rock is in her second year organizing the bazaars. Her first year, 2015, the bazaar was moved to a central location, the Shell Rock Elementary School, and to a time slot one weekend earlier, in hopes to avoid bad weather. (Prior, it had occurred the week before Thanksgiving.)
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