Courier Ida County’s Official Newspaper
Ida County
Vol. 42, No. 12 Ida Grove, Iowa
Wednesday,, March 22, 2017 Wednesday
Three Ida Grove residents considered—
IG City Council introduces nominees for administrator The Ida Grove City Council is inviting the public to a meet-andgreet with potential candidates for the city administrator position on March 25 at the Ida Grove Community Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. This will allow the public to give feedback on the individual candidates. The three local candidates include Ida Grove city councilman Doug Clough, Ida County Extension Program & Outreach Coordinator Kandice Tomlinson and Ida County Sheriff’s Of ice civil deputy Tracy Luke. The city personnel committee, led by councilman Ryan Goodman, received 24 applications, half of which were local recruits. From there, the committee reviewed the
Proposed 2018 Ida County Budget Page 2
O-A/BC-IG pe ons for reorganiza on Page 2
King Theatre board Page 3
Ida County to showcase jobs Page 6
Puzzles Page 7
rehabd. paying it forward to OEA Page 9
Ridge View Dance Night
resumes and ranked them, based upon interest from each committee member. The group held phone interviews for selected candidates to narrow it down to the inal ive listed below. The following pro iles were submitted to the Ida County Courier from the Ida Grove City Council personnel committee. Doug Clough: Clough is currently the city councilman for Ward 2 in Ida Grove and customer service manager at Midwest Industries, Inc. Clough is a public-facing, customer-service-driven person who strives to create success and, in the event of a problem, equitable solutions. These skills that have played an integral part in the (continued on page 3)
Page 16
G-H/S-C boards approve 2017/18 calendar, set public hearing for budget ❚ by BETHANY JONES
Photo by: Bethany Jones | Ida County Courier
Upcoming Events Mini Golf Fund-Raiser Friday, March 24 • 5 pm Holstein Vet's Hall
Ida County Pheasants Forever Banquet Saturday, March 25 • 5 pm Ida Grove Skate Palace
End of Winter Picnic Sunday, March 26 11 am-1:30 pm Ba le Creek Fire Sta on
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Friday March 31 • 4:30-7 pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church Ida Grove
3-Day Forecast Wed 3/22
41° | 32° Overcast
Thurs 3/23
45° | 44° Thunderstorm
Fri 3/24
54° | 36° Rain
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Props: The Ridge View dance team held its annual dance night in Holstein on March 10. The Ridge View dancers showcased their props routine that received a Division I rating at state dance. Students in first through sixth grades also performed, as did the River Valley dance team, which traveled to Holstein and performed a pom routine and a lights routine. The Ridge View dance team parents also performed a lights routine in the dark. See more photos on page 16.
O-A/BC-IG schools hear budget reduction plans ❚ by DEB LOGER
O-A/BC-IG shared Superintendent Terry Kenealy highlighted the procedure used to develop a budget reduction plan for each district during the joint board meeting in Odebolt March 13. According to Kenealy, many school districts in Iowa will need to make budget reductions as a result of the continued small increase in state supplemental aid to school districts provided by the State of Iowa. The average state supplemental aid increase has been near or below 2 percent for most of the past decade, 1.11 percent for next iscal year and the only way school districts can maintain iscal stability is to make budget reductions. Odebolt-Arthur and Battle CreekIda Grove must make budget reductions just like most school districts in Iowa. Kenealy said, “We are looking at all areas for possible cuts; then, we look at Chapter 12 to see what we can do and still be viable. We are looking at all areas, including school counselors; librarian; administrative personnel; education assistants; pre-kindergarten staffing; the kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school programs; special education; Talented and Gifted (TAG) program; transportation; custodial and at-risk programs.” According to Kenealy, BC-IG is looking for a $392,000 reduction and O-A a $204,000 reduction. Kenealy said he felt the districts streamlined many areas years ago when they began whole
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grade sharing. Some areas he felt wouldn’t be viable with reductions were custodial staff, administrators, secretarial—administration and central of ice and librarian (one for all four buildings). “What we can do better is look at ways of saving money on purchases—get bids for everything and purchase in bulk quantities. In transportation, we are looking at reducing a shuttle route. We’ve sweated this pretty hard, and we
aren’t the only district in the state looking at reductions. I hope to have a inal recommendation for you by our March 27 special meeting,” said Kenealy. BC-IG’s preliminary igure, based on attrition (down 4.2 fulltime equivalent positions), eliminating one shuttle route, possible class changes and quit printing the school newsletter ($6,000), is estimated at $452,000. (continued on page 3)
A joint session of the GalvaHolstein and Schaller-Crestland school boards was held on March 13 in Holstein. A public hearing was held on the 2017-18 school calendar. The irst day of school is proposed for Aug. 23 with a projected end date of May 23. Graduation will be May 20. Snow make-up days are March 9 and March 12. Additional snow days or snow days after March 12 will be added onto the end of the school year, starting with May 24. With no public comments for or against the calendar, the boards approved it unanimously. G-H approved April 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Holstein for the public hearing on the proposed 2017-18 budget. S-C approved April 10 at 6:45 p.m. in Schaller for its public hearing on the 2017-18 budget. The joint board meeting with
S-C and G-H will follow in Schaller at 7 p.m. on April 10. The board received communication from River Valley Community School District superintendent Ken Slater regarding the possibility of sharing athletics. In the letter, Slater notes, “We are concerned with the direction of our activities and would like to discuss the need of sharing with your school boards.” Superintendent Jon Wiebers noted he knows they sent the same letter to a couple other districts. He was instructed by the boards to pursue a joint meeting with the River Valley School Board to discuss the options. Contracts were approved for the following: Dale Tokheim (G-H), head high school football coach, Amber Turnquist (S-C), special education associate at $9 per hour, and Amanda Repp (G-H), (continued on page 3)
Photo by: Mike Thornhill | Ida County Courier
Music Man Jr.: Hayden Zimmerman, far left, playing the part of professor Harold Hill, leads the River City band at the conclusion of the BC-IG fourth and fifth grades presentation of “Music Man Jr.” March 14. The play was based on Meredith Wilson’s “Music Man.” The BC-IG band and choir also performed.
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PAGE TWO more of the Courier’s front page Supervisors approve FY18 budget, discuss public hearing for meteorological towers The Ida County Board of Supervisors passed the iscal year 2017-18 county budget following a public hearing on March 13. With no visitors and no comments for or against the budget, the board approved it unanimously. Expenditures in the budget are $7,381,587, an increase of $338,574, or 4.81 percent, from 2017’s budget of $7,043,013. After transfers of $1,248,456, the total budget is $8,630,043, an increase of $405,403, or 4.93 percent. The total 2017 budget after the transfer of $1,181,627, was $8,224,640. Property taxes–general basic, general supplemental basic taxes will remain the same for both city/ urban residents and rural residents per $1,000 asssessed valuation. The rates for 2018 are (last year’s igures are in parentheses) $3.50 ($3.50) for city residents and $4.90 ($4.90) for rural residents. Major departmental increases are: emergency management jumped 199.52 percent to a budget of $93,075 from last year’s $31,075 and conservation and equipment jumped 136.36 percent to a budget of $26,000 from last year’s $11,000. Departments experiencing signi icant decreases are: Department of Human Services saw a $1,150 decrease from last year to $860 this year, and the self-funding fund saw a 42.33 percent decrease from last year’s $22,000 budget to $12,687. Resolution 17-05, of icial county salaries, was approved. Following the recommendation of the Ida County Compensation Board, the supervisors approved the following salary adjustments for the following elected of icials for the iscal year be-
ginning July 1, at the rate of a 5 percent increase: sheriff, $59,447; auditor and treasurer, $46,593; recorder, $45,872 and attorney, $46,556. The board of supervisors adjusted their salaries at a lower percentage rate than other elected of icials: approved at a 4 percent increase, supervisors, $25,713. Following the vote, the board held another public hearing for a budget amendment and appropriation adjustment for FY18. There were no visitors or comments for or against the amendment, and it passed unanimously. Resolution 17-07, budget amendment and appropriation adjustment was approved. Ida County Engineer Jeff Williams was present to discuss the updated detour agreement for the Highway 20 project construction and to update the board on a scheduled meeting for wind testing towers. The Ida County Planning and Zoning Commission has scheduled a public hearing on March 23, at 5 p.m. at the engineer’s of ice on a petition to install three meteorological towers in the county. The proposed towers would be located in three separate locations, including the southeast quarter of Section One in Maple Township; the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10 in Battle Township and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17 in Maple Township. The updated detour agreement is for Highway 20, between Ida County Road M25 (near Galva) and U.S. 71 (near Early). The detour was scheduled to begin on March 20 at 6 a.m. and will remain closed until
Dec. 1. Motorists will be directed around the work zone on a signed detour using Ida County M25, Ida/ Sac County Road D15 and U.S. 71. C.J. Moyna and Sons of Elkader was awarded the $36.1 million contract. Williams also discussed the upcoming spring season and road conditions and is continuing work on a list for projects to be completed using TIF funds. The supervisors, along with Williams, were scheduled to tour county roads, but, due to the snowfall and weather conditions, the tour was postponed. Kim Compton, representative from Wellmark, was present to discuss the county’s health insurance plan. Following lengthy discusion on the policy, the board approved the updated policy plan. The board met with Ida County Treasurer Traci Riessen regarding paid time off (PTO) leave for part-time employees. The board approved an update to the personnel policy, effective July 1, for permanent, part-time county employees to receive 46.8 hours of PTO a year. Each county board will have to adopt the change for their employees to receive the bene its. Seth Neubauer was approved as a Grant Township trustee with a term ending Dec. 31, 2020. Discussion was held on Iowa One Call requesting access to the county’s GIS information. The county owns the GIS data, however, and contracts with Sidwell to maintain the data. After a call to Sidwell, it was con irmed they charge $300 for the data as an administrative fee. The board acknowledged receipt of manure mangement plans from PGA/Allan Schmidt.
PROPOSED 2018 IDA COUNTY BUDGET Department Apiary Attorney Attorney Fine Collections Auditor Civil Service Clerk of Court Compensation Board Conservation Conservation Equipment County Projects County Supervisors Courthouse Maintenance Data Processing DHS Emergency Management Fair & 4-H General Expense General Service Juvenile Service Medical Examiner Mid Sioux Planning & Zoning Public Health Services Public Safety Public Safety Surcharge Recorder Social Service Special Investigations Township Treasurer Veteran Affairs Designated Computer Total Gen & Gen Supplies MH-DD Services Rural Basic Fund Disposal Grounds Libraries Weeds Total Rural Basic Other Funds Attorney Fines Confiscated Property Ida County Foundation Public Health Services REAP Recorder’s Management Secondary Road Self Funding Total Other Funds Total Appropriations TRANSFERS Conservation + Equipment General Basic Ida County TIF Landfill Post-Closure Secondary Road Self Funding Total Transfers Total Budget
2017 Proposed FY 2018 $250 $250 $169,885 $162,639 $10,000 $10,000 $198,259 $185,851 $701 $701 $25,100 $25,100 $100 $100 $228,750 $218,552 $30,000 $29,000 $50,000 $50,000 $136,370 $141,651 $25,000 $25,000 $89,150 $85,650 $850 $2,000 $93,075 $31,075 $13,000 $13,000 $194,391 $198,083 $163,818 $161,919 $45,500 $45,500 $15,600 $15,600 $6,000 $5,500 $500 $500 $175,044 $209,234 $594,629 $554,871 $1,500 $1,000 $95,374 $92,139 $10,175 $10,120 $13,500 $13,500 $4,298 $4,298 $179,033 $172,375 $29,376 $28,323 $50,000 $50,000 $2,649,228 $2,543,531 $229,605 $229,217
Difference $0 $7,246 $0 $12,408 $0 $0 $0 $10,198 $1,000 $0 -$5,281 $0 $3,500 -$1,150 $62,000 $0 -$3,692 $1,899 $0 $0 $500 $0 -$34,190 $39,758 $500 $3,235 $55 $0 $0 $6,658 $1,053 $0 $105,697 $388
% 0.00% 4.46% 0.00% 6.68% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.67% 3.45% 0.00% -3.73% 0.00% 4.09% -57.50% 199.52% 0.00% -1.86% 1.17% 0.00% 0.00% 9.09% 0.00% -16.34% 7.17% 50.00% 3.51% 0.54% 0.00% 0.00% 3.86% 3.72% 0.00% 4.16% 0.17%
$36,700 $26,000 $36,580 $99,280
$36,050 $27,000 $36,580 $99,630
-$650 $1,000 $0 $350
-1.77% 3.85% 0.00% 0.35%
$4,100 $1,000 $10,000 $2,067 $19,573 $4,500 $4,076,945 $52,800 $4,170,985 $7,043,013
$4,100 $1,000 $10,000 $2,067 $20,169 $4,500 $4,306,100 $55,188 $4,403,124 $7,381,587
$0 $0 $0 $0 $596 $0 $229,155 $2,388 $232,139 $338,574
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.05% 0.00% 5.62% 4.52% 5.57% 4.81%
$11,000 $13,000 $166,000 $16,000 $953,627 $22,000 $1,181,627 $8,224,640
$26,000 $8,553 $177,100 $14,000 $1,010,116 $12,687 $1,248,456 $8,630,043
$15,000 -$4,447 $11,100 -$2,000 $56,489 -$9,313 $66,829 $405,403
136.36% -34.21% 6.69% -12.50% 5.92% -42.33% 5.66% 4.93%
Photo by: Mike Thornhill | Ida County Courier
Las Vegas Night: The O-A/BC-IG music boosters held its annual Las Vegas Night fund-raiser at the high school in Ida Grove Thursday. The event featured a meal, performances by music students and a host of games. Here, several children line up to get a chance at the frog jump. The purpose of the game is to get a plastic frog to land on a wooden platform.
June 27 proposed elec on date—
O-A/BC-IG pe ons for reorganiza on submi ed to AEA March 15 The petition for reorganization and the supporting signatures were submitted to Northwest AEA and Prairie Lakes AEA on Wednesday, March 15. The patrons from the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District have submitted 435 signatures on behalf of the petition, and they needed 400 signatures. The patrons from the Odebolt-Arthur School District have submitted approximately 323 signatures on behalf of the petition, and they needed 284 signatures. “This petition for reorganization process has been a grass roots effort by patrons from both school districts. Patrons from each district chose to work to place the question of reorganization on a special election ballot as soon as possible and went out and collected the signatures. On behalf of the students, families and patrons of our school community, I want to express my gratitude to those who worked so hard to have this issue placed on a ballot for reconsideration by the two school districts,” said Superintendent Terry Kenealy. The AEA board of directors will validate the petition and the petition signatures. If everything is in order, the AEA board of directors will then schedule a public hearing to consider the merits of the plan for reorganization and determine if a special election needs to be called. If the AEA board of directors determines that a special election should be held regarding the petition, it would be scheduled for Tuesday, June 27. The next step in the process will be a public notice published in the Ida County Courier and in the Odebolt Chronicle by the AEA board of
County board of adjustment public hearing The Ida County Board of Adjustment, a division of the county Planning and Zoning Commission, will hold a public hearing on a petition to install three meteorological towers in the county. The hearing is set for Thursday, March 23, at 5 p.m. in the Ida County Engineer’s of ice located at 1703 West Sixth St. in Ida Grove. The proposed towers would be located in three separate locations including the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section One in Maple Township; the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10 in Battle Township and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17 in Maple Township.
directors that will outline the process and deadline for patrons to submit protests regarding the petition for reorganization or to submit requests to transfer property either into or out of the proposed new district. In addition, the AEA board will publish a notice of a public hearing to consider the petition for reorganization, hear arguments for or against the petition for reorganization and hear arguments for or against the transfer of property into or out of the proposed new school district. Over the next several months, the two school districts will host public meetings to provide patrons the opportunity to hear information regarding the petition for reorganization, to hear information regarding the impact of reorganization on the two school districts and to hear arguments for and against the question of reorganization. During March and the irst part of April, the two school districts will update the information on the district website related to reorganization for the bene it of all patrons, in an effort to assist the public in becoming informed on the various issues related to the pros and cons of reorganization. The two school districts are committed to having a full, open and honest discussion of the issues regarding the petition for reorganiza-
tion over the next several months. Public informational meetings will be scheduled in each community as many times deemed necessary and, in addition, board members and other school district of icials will be available to attend local meetings of service groups, clubs, church groups and other groups, if invited, whenever it would be convenient to that group or organization. “The patrons of the two school districts have a major decision to make that will have a lasting impact on the future of our schools. I encourage all of you to take the time to become familiar with information on the website, information that will be included in the newsletter, information that will be presented in the local newspapers and attend some or all of the various meetings that will be held between now and the proposed special election on June 27,” said Kenealy.
Conference board adopts 2017-18 budget The Ida County Conference Board approved the 2017-18 budget for county assessor Joe Cronin’s of ice March 13. Following a public hearing, the board adopted the budget of $210,117 as published.
Ida County Courier
more about — (continued from front page) O-A’s preliminary igure, based on attrition (down four FTE’s), reducing to one section classes for irst, second and ifth grades and eliminating printing the school newsletter ($4,000), would be a $211,000 reduction. The O-A board set its public hearing for the proposed FY 201718 budget for Monday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary media center in Odebolt. The BC-IG board set its public hearing for the proposed FY 201718 budget for Monday, April 10, at 6 p.m. in the elementary music room in Ida Grove. Both boards approved the 201718 sharing agreements for 11 staff members, set a pubic hearing for the 2017-18 school calendar for April 10 at 6:30 p.m. and the irst reading of the 300 series board policies (school district administration). The sharing agreements were for the at-risk coordinator, curriculum director, director of innovation and technology, district librarian, home school assistance program, maintenance director, school nurse, shared business manager services, shared superintendent, state reporting services and transportation director. The proposed 2017-18 calendar has classes starting on Aug. 23 and ending May 23, 2018. Winter break is Dec. 23-Jan. 2, and Easter weekend break is March 30 and April 2. Early-out professional development days are Sept. 13 and 27, Oct. 4 and 18, Nov. 29, Dec. 13 and 20, Jan. 24, Feb. 7 and 21, March 7, April 11 and 25 and May 9. Work lex days are Oct. 27, Jan. 12, March 16 and May 24. Teacher comp days (no school) are Nov. 3 and March 23.
more about — (continued from front page) success of his 20-year career at Midwest Industries, eight-year stint as an English teacher in Ida Grove and as a six-year council member. Clough came to Ida Grove 26 years ago and has made Ida Grove his home and eventual retirement community. He understands the issues that the city currently faces and has a strength in pulling people together to get things done. Clough lives in Ida Grove with his wife; the couple have ive children, two currently attending O-A/BC-IG High School. Gerald Smith: Smith comes from Kansas City, Mo. He is a seasoned municipal professional with a Master's in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University that started his career as an assistant village manager in Deer ield, Ill. He has been a village administrator, a municipal management consultant, an assistant city manager, a director of general services and a city manager. He has worked with communities from 15,000 in population to 450,000 and under-
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
. . . O-A/BC-IG boards Both boards waived the irst reading and approved on second reading the following joint board policies: 402.2-child abuse reporting; 501.16-homeless children and youth; 502.6-weapons; 503.1student conduct; 505.4-testing program; 505.8-parent and family engagement; 200.1-organizational meeting procedures; 210.2-regular meeting; 411.2-classi ied employee-quali ications, recruitment, selection; 701.3- inancial records; 409.1-licensed employee vacation-holidays-personal leave and 414.1-classifed employee vacations-holidays-personal leave. Both boards approved the purchase of new school buses. O-A approved the purchase of a 65passenger bus from Hoglund Bus Company for $82,175. BC-IG approved the purchase of a 77passenger bus from Hoglund Bus Company for $84,175. BC-IG approved high school band teacher Benjamin Mauritz’s request to purchase new band uniforms for the high school band program on the condition that the funds to pay for the new uniforms be raised through fund-raising and contributions. Kenealy told the board the cost of the new uniforms cannot be paid out of the general fund at this time, due to projected budget adjustments and cuts. Mauritz presented two designs and quotes. The irst sketch quote was $26,191 for 60 uniforms or $26,617 for 70 uniforms. The second sketch quote was $29,084 for 60 uniforms or $29,659 for 70 uniforms. BC-IG board president Stephanie Konradi commented that the music boosters raised the funds for the new choir robes. BC-IG board member Ryan Goodman asked, “Couldn’t the music boosters set
funds aside each year for robe and uniform replacement, similar to a depreciation fund?” After discussion, the BC-IG board approved Kenealy’s recommendation to reject a request to add an additional assistant high school baseball coach for the 2017 season. Larry Allen and Dan Dotzler had indicated a desire to add a number of JVR games to the schedule to get the younger players more game experience this summer. The estimated number of players is 24-25. It would cost $2,065 for the additional coach plus transportation costs and umpire fees. Kenealy said, “It is dif icult for me to support this request at this point in time when we are working on budget adjustments and cuts for the next iscal year. I would ask the board members to consider rejecting this request, due to inancial constraints.” The BC-IG board approved Megan Chizek’s resignation as high school girls’ basketball coach and Ethan Young’s open enrollment request into BC-IG from Cherokee. Kenealy’s report included information on starting over with collective bargaining agreements (both boards and teacher’s associations approved agreements in February) due to new legislation; petitions for reorganization will be turned over to Dr. Tim Grieves from Northwest AEA March 15 and various legislative updates. Curriculum director Mistaya Hoe ling gave a presentation on O-A Elementary kindergarten through ifth grade language arts curriculum with information from irst grade teacher Kara Kraft, Title I reading instructor Kara Neville and ifth grade teacher Reeann Marra.
. . . IG City Council stands inance and budgeting, city management, community service and strategic visioning and planning. Marc Dennison: Dennison was born, raised and currently lives in Wisconsin. Dennison is a smalltown, community-driven person. He has a BS and an MA in Public Administration. He started his municipal career as an economic development director, working with attaining funding and TIF districts to drive economic development. He has served as village administrator for two different municipalities in Wisconsin, one half the size of Ida Grove and one almost the same size. He understands the dynamics of a small, midwestern community and how to get projects moving with the funding constraints that they have. Kandice Tomlinson: Tomlinson has been the Ida County Program and Outreach Coordinator for the ISU Extension of ice since 2013. She provides programing at the Extension of ice and externally for various organizations, all
within the framework of a countyfunded budget. One of the main responsibilities of her current role is public outreach and interaction, with her clients ranging from children to adults. She has experience with fund-raising through various community organizations and is a member of several community boards and a member of several more community organizations. Tomlinson is from the area and moved away, moving back to make Ida Grove her home with her husband, Scott. Tracy Luke: Luke has been the civil deputy at the Ida County Sheriff’s of ice since 2006. She has experience working with the public (often in dif icult circumstances), working with tight budget constraints with unexpected funding challenges and being part of a collaborative environment where things need to be dealt with in a timely fashion and often under pressure. Luke and her husband, Charlie, chose Ida Grove as their home 20 years ago when Charlie joined the Iowa State Patrol.
King Theatre board discusses fund-raising, plans retail meeting The King Theatre board continues progression on the King Theatre project, discussing fund-raising and donor ideas at the Feb. 21 meeting held at the Rec Center. The inal numbers on the caramel apple fund-raiser were discussed. The group raised $6,250 with the apples. The board approved a fall fundraiser offering Jumpy Monkey coffee tastings and purchasing to folks who attend October home football games. Bags of ground or bean King Theatre Columbian Blend, Pumpkin Spice, and Jingle Java will be delivered just before the holiday season. The board is also inviting retail business owners to a planning committee in partnership with the Ida Grove Community Partners organization on March 28. Starting at 8:30 a.m., at United Bank of Iowa, the groups will discuss upcoming, downtown project plans and events. The support of the entire Ida Grove retail community is essential in help-
ing these projects and events become and stay successful. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served. Owen Bolte gave an update on donors and funds raised. Cheryl Gosch discussed donations and the process of depositing the funds. Doug Clough reported he has completed the 2016 DNR grant and is working on a 2017 grant for façade renovation and a back door made of steel to install above the alley line. A donation idea was discussed that would give a discount to those who donate over a certain amount. A detailed plan for donors to be part of a ‘Royal Cast Member’ will be unveiled soon. The board is also looking into involving alumni classes and using high school volunteers. The board continues to work with Daric O’Neil for a inalized construction plan. According to Clough, O’Neil should have a inalized plan within the next 60 days. During that time,
the group would like to start demolition on the inside of the theatre. Clough said that the board welcomes requests from civic and other groups to present renovation progress and answer questions regarding this project.
Photo by: Bethany Jones | Ida County Courier
Hoagie assembly: The O-A/BC-IG Middle School gymnasium was turned into a massive assembly line on March 14 when members of the student body, faculty and administration, along with parent volunteers, assembled more than 11,400 hoagies in just under two hours. The stations began with the bread, adding meat and cheese, being individually wrapped, followed by group wrapping for orders and finalizing with a paper sack pickup by parents for delivery.
more about — (continued from front page) high school family consumer science instructor at Step 6 BA with salary to be set with negotiations. (Last year’s salary for Step 6 BA was $40,879.) Drivers' education contracts were also approved. Those include: Jody Walsh, $190 per student, including class instruction and driving with students (G-H); Dan Ryan, $190 per student, includes driving time (G-H)' and Randy Galvin, $190 per student, includes class and driving time (S-C). Early retirement applications were approved from Kate Struchen and Nancy Currie (S-C). Resignations were approved for Carmen Koth (G-H) as high school language arts instructor, Nancy Currie (S-C) as special education associate, Kate Struchen (S-C) as middle school language arts instructor and Dale Tokheim (G-H) as head high school boys’ basketball coach. The boards thanked them for their service to the districts. Both boards approved the Iowa High School boys’ and girls’ athletic sharing agreement. High School Principal Bret Warnke gave an update on the high school. The Ida County Cattlemen are sponsoring performances by the Peterson Brothers for the Ridge View High School students. They will be in Holstein on March 31 for an afternoon performance for students, followed by an evening performance for the public at the Rosemary Clausen Center for the Performing Arts. High school seniors will be participating in tours and classroom activity at VT Industries on March 28. The students will be given tours of the plant, discuss employment opportunities within the company and meet with company representatives of different departments to learn about careers and education. On April 7, juniors and seniors will be participating in Ida County Career Day to introduce students to local employers and opportunities in the area. Athletic director Mike Richard discussed the end of winter sports. He noted Harlee Wagoner was offered a volleyball scholarship to Briar Cliff. The high school boys’ golf team has been slated to play in Class 1A action this year. The girls’ ranking has not yet been released. He noted the archery team competed at the state tournament recently and is looking to expand its team next year to include more opportunities.
. . . G-H/S-C boards
He also discussed the numbers for spring sports. He said there are 28 girls out for track and ive out for golf, with 28 boys out for track and 10 out for golf. Practices have started and the irst home meet for track is March 31 at the Ridge View Relays. Fourteen teams are scheduled to attend the event. Jared Mozer, principal of Ridge View Middle School and SchallerCrestland Elementary School, gave his update on current events at both buildings. Students scored very high on Iowa Assessments. On March 3, students at the middle school participated in Ag Day, which allowed presenters to share information about ag-related ields to students. This day was made possible because of Sac County Farm Bureau. Spring MAP and FAST assessments will be coming up in April. The middle school student council will be hosting a spring party for all middle school students at RV to celebrate their successes of the year on April 7. The night would include a DJ for a dance, board games, open gym and concessions available from the student council. Middle school wrestling inished its season March 10. Conservation day is scheduled for May 11. At both elementary schools, kids celebrated Dr. Seuss week with dress-up days, guest readers and fun activities based on the author’s famous works. The G-H board discussed quotes on a new bus. They approved a 77passenger school bus from Cornhusker International for $85,675. The old bus being phased out will be sold through a bid process. Ads will be published in area newspapers. The S-C board discussed a new bus garage. Plans have been completed for the 45 by 48 foot heated garage with a single bathroom. The building would have the ability to expand to a ive-stall garage. The board gave its approval to have Superintendent Wiebers move forward to seek bids and quotes to include concrete looring. He will also publish ads for removal of the old bus barn in local newspapers. The S-C board also approved bathroom and locker room partitions at $11,531, including installation. There will be two more purchased at a later date, and they are not included in this approved amount. The S-C board discussed purchasing a new lawn tractor. Quotes
were received from Honda Sales and Service from Sioux Rapids at $15,150 and Builders Sharpening and Service of Cherokee for $15,586. Following discussion, the board recommended Wiebers reach out to other dealers for more quotes. Timberline Billing Services was approved by the G-H board as the Medicaid billing reimbursement company. Both boards approved the budget guarantee resolution, where the levy property tax for the 2017-18 iscal year for the regular program budget adjustment is allowed under section 257.14 of the Code of Iowa. Instructional coaches Lynn Wunschel and Lindsey DeHaan were present to discuss their activities in the Schaller and Early buildings. Wunschel works at the Schaller Elementary School, and DeHaan works at Ridge View Middle School. Wiebers noted their information presented will give the G-H board an idea on what is coming to the G-H elementary schools next year. Both coaches discussed what they do at the schools. Examples included co-teaching, collecting and analyzing data, plan units and lessons with teachers, model teach and assessment data research and how to improve on the results. They noted they are not there to evaluate teachers or do busy work. Their function, with a combined 33 years of teaching experience, is to help the teachers and classrooms become more able to better function. They offer support and assistance with special education as well. Both boards approved policies 503.1 through 508.2, with waiving the second readings. Noticable changes in the policies include 504.6-Student Activity Program, updating legal references, removing certain phrases and including phrasing on participating in non-school sponsored sports; 505.5-Graduation Requirements, to remove the transition requirements for credits as shown along with updated legal references; 505.6-Early Graduation Requirements, to add activities honor nights as one that early graduates would be eligible to participate in and that students on this program will not be eligible for any interscholastic activities, concerts or activities that require a performance before an audience once the credit has been earned.
American Legion & Auxiliary - Post 364
End of Winter Picnic
Sunday, March 26 • 11 am - 1:30 pm March 17 • 31
Battle Creek Fire Station, Battle Creek
Catholic Church Hall, Ida Grove
Grilled Burgers, Pork Burgers, Brats & Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Bars & Drink
Serving: 4:30–7:00 PM
Free-will donation fund-raiser for new flags and flag poles
Sacred Heart
Adults: $9 ($10 at door) Children 6-12: $5 ($6 at door) Children 5 and under: FREE Carry-outs available
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
Ida Grove Rec Center
Train cars: Train cars and the train’s water tank. Ida Grove, north side of street, about 1930s.
Out of the Past Forty years ago If the courthouse issue was settled last fall, someone forgot to let the county supervisors know, because it continues to require their attention. Last week, two county citizens presented identical petitions to the board, asking that no taxpayers' dollars be spent on the existing building. Two separate petitions were submitted to the supervisors. More than 1,700 people came to Ida Grove High School on March 20 to hear Mike Warnke, Christian author and former Satanist high priest. Warnke, however, did not show up. According to George Trotter, Sac City, Warnke had trouble earlier catching a light from Minnesota to Sioux City. Back in Ida Grove, the music group Ascension, from Albert City, took Warnke’s place and entertained the audience. Thirty years ago The future of LeRoy Ortman’s job as Battle Creek superintendent is up in the air, following a long and heated special school board meeting Tuesday night. The meeting, which was called to consider changes in the football and music programs and to review teacher salary requests, ended on
a controversial note after a superintendent’s evaluation of Ortman. Ortman requested the evaluation be held in open session. Nearly 200 area youngsters competed in the 1987 Ida Grove Kiwanis youth wrestling tournament in Ida Grove this past weekend. The tournament was divided into three divisions, peewee, junior and senior. There were 17 classes in the peewee division, 18 classes in the junior division and 11 classes in the senior division. Wrestlers from the Maple Valley Conference of iciated the tournament. Twenty years ago Ida Grove will be represented at the AAU state wrestling tournament this weekend by Jaben Hasbrouck, who will wrestle in the 60-pound weight class. Also heading to the tournament include four wrestlers from Galva-Holstein: Evan Platt (118), Jason Yearous (110), Jacob Brosamle (160) and Billy Fraser (135). Seven boys from O-A will be attending the tournament. They include: Kevin Down (85), Mark Fertig (108), Durel Carstensen (75), Brad Stehr (105), Brian Fertig (105), Kris Thayer (95) and Jon Hemer (120). During the G-H School Board
meeting March 12, Superintendent Bill Brandt informed the board he is sticking by his earlier decision to resign as the school’s superintendent at the end of the current school year, June 30. Brandt submitted his resignation Jan. 27, following an evaluation of his performance. Ten years ago The Ida County Board of Supervisors approved funding for the Ida County Economic Development Corporation and two contracts for engineering services March 13. After considerable discussion with ICEDC president Rita Frahm, the board approved unanimously committing $101,000 to the county’s revoloving loan fund. Frahm is to provide quarterly reports to the supervisors of the ICEDC’s activities. The BC-IG and O-A school boards met in special session to approve extending the March 31 deadline to sign the shared superintendent agreement to April 30. This will give the administrators from both districts time to develop a plan for shared administrative duties that bene its both districts. Both boards have stated they cannot alone inancially support a fulltime superintendent.
by Dawn Schreiber Interim recreation director Our irst annual Dodgeball Tournament will be Sunday, April 9. Registration forms are available at the rec center. Registration deadline is April 3. Save the date for our next youth sports fund-raiser, featuring special speaker Dan Gable. The event will be held on May 9. There will be a meal catered by Sizzlin J’s as well as a silent auction. Funds raised will support our IGRC Youth sports programs. Tickets may be reserved by contacting the IGRC at 712-364-3716. All itness classes are offered with a paid membership. Yoga is held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. Danielle Bennett is the instructor. Pilates are held on Mondays at 8 a.m. Tabitha Bockelman is the instructor. Step aerobics are held on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Bockelman is the instructor. Water aerobics are held on Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. Bockelman is the instructor. Toning class is Monday-Thursday at 5 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays is HIIT/Tabata at 5:30 p.m. Jen Conover is the instructor. AM Mix is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 a.m. Conover is the instructor. Zumba/Pound/Tabata are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 a.m. Christi Ladwig is the instructor. There will be no Zumba the week of March 27. Spinning classes are held every Friday at 5:30 a.m. There will be no spinning on Saturdays at 7 a.m., during March. Lauri Hummelgard is the instructor. Adult co-ed volleyball is available in the gym on Sundays at 6:30 p.m. No sign up is necessary; just show up
Photo by: Mike Thornhill | Ida County Courier
BC-IG performers: BC-IG fourth and fifth graders presented “Music Man Jr.” March 14. The play was based on Meredith Wilson’s “Music Man.” Here, the young actors ride the Rock Island rail line into River City. The BC-IG band and choir also performed.
The Ida County Courier and Ida County Pioneer Record are a merged publication effective June 1, 1995 (USPS 121-110)
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Marketing Representative KARLA MEIER 712.364.3131 Cell: 712.364.5100
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News Reporter/Photographer
staradvancenews@ Cell: 712-229-5020
125 South Main St. in Galva 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 712-282-4426 Hanging baskets program: Jane Hogue, owner of Prairie Pedlar in Odebolt, will cover all the basics of assembling perfect hanging baskets at The Meeting Place on Tuesday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. Hogue’s ‘thriller iller and spiller’ program will cover topics like container size, garden soil versus potting mix, fertilizer needs, drainage, watering and more. Seating is limited, so register by May 4 at 282-4426. There is a fee for the program. Spring Shape Up Town Challenge: The towns of Galva and Schaller are competing in a itness and wellness challenge that starts Saturday, March 25. The town that loses the most weight will be named the winner on May 6. Sign up at
DEADLINES All news, display & classified advertising Courier, Reminder & Green Saver
FRIDAY 3 PM - Earlier deadlines for Holidays -
Circulation & Classifieds
Sole 2 Soul
In life, you don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for. ***** Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter you are, the more selective you become. —Nikola Tesla ***** When you start seeing your worth, you’ll ind it harder to stay around people who don’t. ***** A goal without a timeline is just a dream. —Robert Herjavec ***** Iowa is the number one producer of corn, eggs, pork, soybeans and ethanol, according to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. ***** A gal in Ida Grove says she doesn’t have gray hair; she has wisdom highlights. ***** March is National Nutrition Month, National Peanut Month and National Umbrella Month. This is National Poison Prevention Week. Thursday is National Puppy Day, Saturday is Pecan Day, and Brother and Sister Day, and Sunday is National Legal Assistants Day and National Spinach Day. ***** If you stumble, make it a part of your dance. —Anon. ***** Rome’s coliseum, originally named the Flavian Amphitheater because emperors of the Flavian dynasty constructed it, was completed in 82 A.D. and still holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest amphitheater. The man who ran the show was called “the editor” and was occasionally the
the building. This will help keep the building clean and help extend the lifetime of our equipment. Visit our website: Remember that you can use Chamber Bucks to pay for a membership. Also, GOMACO, Horn Memorial Hospital and North Star employees get special discounts. We also offer a military discount for past or present military service. Contact Schreiber with any questions at 712-364-3716 or reception@
shape-up-shaping-schaller-vsshaping-souls. If you would like more information, contact Anne Johnson at 712-282-4426 or Tuel Shed Training at tstrural@gmail. com or 515-491-0321. Zumba: Sole 2 Soul’s next sixweek Zumba session starts on Wednesday, April 5, and runs through May 10. The 50-minute cardio dance classes are taught by certi ied Zumba instructor Christi Ladwig of Ida Grove. RAGBRAI® XLV: The 2017 RAGBRAI® dates are July 23-29. Sole to Soul has six bikes, three treadmills and three elliptical crosstrainers to help you prepare. Call Sole to Soul for membership fee information. Step/Weights/Yoga: An eightweek session of step aerobics, weight training circuits and yoga started March 6. The Meeting Place is the ideal place to host your special event. Call 282-4426 for information.
A division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation
to play. Youth softball/baseball and major/ minor softball and baseball registration started March 1. If you need another form, please pick one up at the rec center. Rec center hours: 5 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, 1-8 p.m. Sunday. Lifeguard hours: 6:30-8:45 p.m., Monday-Friday; 2-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. We ask that everyone who uses the facility respect our rule about changing your shoes when you enter
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42/year Local 54/year Out of State
6-months Print $
28 Local $ 34 Out of State
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36/year from anywhere
6-months Online MIKE THORNHILL $23 from anywhere
emperor himself. He would sit in the centrally located imperial box and monitor the activity and decide whether the loser should live or die. ***** Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven” was the most requested radio song of the ’70s. ***** Don’t try to ruin other people’s happiness, just because you can’t ind your own. ***** Today, me will live in the moment unless it’s unpleasant, in which case, me will eat a cookie. —Cookie Monster ***** It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it. ***** In 1920, Hans Riegel of Bonn, Germany, started a sweets company that eventually produced a line of chewy treats shaped like dancing bears, better known today as Gummy Bears. ***** I used to wish I could escape reality. Now, I wish I could escape reality TV. —Maxine *****
Subscribers Please check the address on your label. The Post Office charges us for returned newspapers with incorrect addresses. One month will be deducted from your subscription if you move and don’t notify us. Address updates are done on Thursday by 5 pm for the following week’s Courier. Corrections The Ida County Courier staff makes a dedicated effort every week to report the news accurately and fairly. Readers who think the paper has made an error, however, may request a correction by calling our office. News and photo policy The Ida County Courier welcomes suggestions for news and photo opportunities in our coverage area. To submit a suggestion for consideration, contact the editor by calling 712-364-3131 or stopping by our office at least 24 hours in advance. Engagement and wedding announcements are printed on our society page, for a nominal fee. Wedding announcements must be submitted within six months after the wedding. Letters policy The Ida County Courier welcomes letters to the editor from our readers. All letters must be signed and include the author’s address and telephone number. The editor may refuse publication of any letter which is libelous, in poor taste or which endorses a business, product or political candidate. Letters should be short and to the point and are subject to editing.
Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
O-A/BC-IG joint facili es study commi ee meets
Photo by: Becky Bruning | Ida County Courier
Library donations: Ida Grove Kiwanis donated $150 to four local libraries March 15. From left—Rhett Leonard, Judge Bruce Snell, Duane Ernst, Doug Schmidt, Pat Phillips, Julie Childers (Odebolt librarian), Pat Bell (Arthur librarian), Sheila Petersen (Battle Creek librarian) and Angela Scales (Ida Grove librarian).
Galva council approves budget, street bids, water tower cleaning The Galva City Council approved its 2017-18 budget March 13. The proposed budget is $404,965, a decrease of $2,012 when compared to last year’s $406,977. The estimated tax levy rate will be $12.52096 per $1,000 assessed valuation, up from this year’s $12.2449. Expenditures include: Public safety—$56,433 is budgeted, up from the current year’s budgeted $46,369. Public works—$37,721 is budgeted, down from this year’s $59,430. Health and social services will see no change from the $2,150 budgeted in the current year. Culture and recreation—the budgeted amount is $42,480 up from the current year’s budget of $42,224. Community and development will see a $14,799 decrease to $26,000. General government is up $4,913 to $37,533. Nothing is budgeted in debt service or capital projects, the same as the current year. Business type/enterpris-
es will increase $19,263 to $202,648. The city’s estimated revenues for fiscal year 2017-18 are $396,320, up from last year’s $389,603. Revenue and other financing sources are as follows: Taxes levied on property is $105,059, up from last year’s $96,483. Other city taxes will decrease from $38,884 to $36,192. Revenue from licenses and permits will increase from $709 to $830. Use of money and property revenue increases from the current budget’s $8,245 to $9,684. Intergovernmental revenue increases from $47,515 last year to $47,978. Charges for services increases $8,976 to $196,577. Special assessment revenues decrease to $0 from $1,725. Miscellaneous revenues decrease from $8,441 to $0. Following discussion, the council accepted the street work bid from Blacktop Service of Humboldt for single seal coat pea gravel or chips $1.85 per square yard and asphalt
$121.50 per ton. Other bids were: Sta-bilt Construction Co. of Harlan – per square yard pea gravel 1.83, chip $2.06, limestone, $1.97 cold patch, $675 per ton and The Road Guy of Yankton, S.D. – seal coat either pea gravel or chip $1.60 per square yard and hot mix $160 per ton for patching. Maguire Iron’s (of Sioux Falls, S.D.) bid of $1,805 to inspect and clean the water tower was approved. Other bids were received from the following: Utility Service Company of Atlanta, Ga., $2,250; Central Tank Coatings of Elgin, $2,000, and Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group of Henderson, Ky., $2,495. Following discussion, the council accepted the building permit application from Quad County Corn Processors for a new entryway at 300 Crawford St. The new entry way will not be any further north of the current bump out of the building. Resolution 2-2017 setting wages and mileage for employees for the 2017-18 budget was approved. The council discussed the best
way to go through the draft of ordinances and decided to send Dawn Kimmel of SIMPCO suggestions for changes and have her attend a meeting to go over the changes. The first reading amending the code of ordinances of the City of Galva by amending provisions pertaining to sewer rates was read and approved. The amendment will increase the sewer rate to $20.50 per month. The council approved deducting the amount EMC insurance paid to maintenance person Jim Rasmussen for his regular paycheck for the week he was off due to an injury. CD 3958 was renewed for 11 months at 1 percent. Ida County Sheriff Wade Harriman talked about recent happenings in Ida County. A liquor license renewal for Brenda Segebart d/b/a Lumber Inn was approved. In other business, the council discussed insurance and tractor repairs (windshield and grill), shelter house upgrades and the library personnel policy. Councilman Rick Wiese was absent.
by O-A/BC-IG Superintendent Terry Kenealy The Odebolt-Arthur/Battle CreekIda Grove joint facilities study committee meeting met in Odebolt March 13. The following committee members were present: Roger Buehler, Matt Raasch, Whitney Simonson, Chris Boyle, Angie Quirk, Roger Walter, Julie Weeda, Marj Clark, Jaci Nichols, Stephanie Fleenor, Patrick Miller, Doug Mogensen, Alan Henderson, Kathy Leonard and Kenealy. Board members present were: Stephanie Konradi (BC-IG), Jeff Rasmussen (BC-IG), Crystal Endrulat (BC-IG), Ryan Goodman (BC-IG), Danika Hinkeldey (BC-IG), Joey Hoe ling (O-A), Stacy Raasch (O-A), Pat Hoe ling (O-A) and Brad Lundell (O-A). The following is a summary of the meeting. Kenealy welcomed everyone and introduced Paul Neuharth from Estes Construction - ICAT (Iowa Construction Advocate Team) and Sam Stagg and Chad West of HAILA ASP, Ltd., the design team assisting with the master facilities’ planning process. Stagg and West led the group through a presentation that included: • A brief review of the priorities
identi ied by the committee members over the past year and a half with added information and ideas based on their initial evaluation and review of the district’s facilities and programs and how those committee members and board members ranked those priorities on a scale of one to three with one being the highest need and three being the lowest need. • Stagg and West then led the committee and board members in a process to rank and assign the information provided by the faculty members. • The team talked about a timeline and hopes to have project options and plans ready for the committee and board members to consider at the April meeting. Neuharth shared with the committee members and board members that Estes Construction - ICAT completed its evaluation and assessment of the Odebolt-Arthur building and brie ly reviewed the inal report with the group. Copies of the document were added to the facilities’ Google folder. The next meeting is Monday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Battle CreekIda Grove Elementary School Music Room in a joint work session with the two school boards.
Kids ages pre-school to 4th grade are invited to an
SATURDAY, April 8th, 2017 at 10:30 am (SHARP!) at the Good Samaritan Society-Holstein (Will be held inside the center if bad weather) Come see the Easter Bunny and search for -Candy -Toys -Prizes
Holstein Chamber News The Holstein Chamber of Commerce met on March 9 at Boulders Inn and Suites with 18 businesses present. President Jamee Dittmer called the meeting to order. The minutes and the inancial report were approved. In old business, the Holstein Appreciation committee gave the results of the winners. Teresa Hunt will notify the winners. She will write up an article for the paper and submit a photo. The winners will also be recognized during Kinderfest. The irst Chamber After Hours was hosted at rehabd., with 10 people present. After some discussion, it was suggested that a team of four or ive members be formed to assist the business that is hosting. It was also suggested to utilize more advertising options. The next Chamber After Hours will be held in June. Connie Ludvigson informed the chamber that the farmers’ market would be held on Tuesdays during the summer months. Watch for further information/details in the coming months. Roxie Stevenson and Christina Kjar were not present to give updates on the website. Gayle Brown and Ludvigson attended the Main Street Iowa workshop in Sac City. It was noted that Holstein is not in a position to begin the process at this time. Brown said it’s at least a three-plus year project. She said there was a lot of good information presented. The Channel Brite lights were discussed. It was suggested that the Chamber contact another company to look into them. It was suggested that possibly Holstein Electric, WITCC or Job Corps classes be contacted. Hunt will contact Holstein Electric and WITCC and Karla Meier will con-
tact Job Corps. Hunt and Kathy Vollmar need to touch base with a couple of businesses yet and set the programming boxes. Fund-raising ideas were discussed. Meier said the comedian Mapleton hosted was a success. All tickets were sold, and businesses sponsored the comedian. Some different suggestions offered were an interactive murder mystery evening, comedians and musical ideas. It was discussed to keep the ideas fun and geared towards adults as a way to break up the cabin fever feeling. The waste receptacles have been delivered. We are working on locations that will work best for the community and maintenance. Business spotlight for April will be the Rosemary Clausen Center for Performing Arts. In new business, Pastor Tyler Parson of the marketing/branding committee talked about delegating authority for moving forward on ideas. Having no budget has created some challenging moments for the group. A discussion was held about allowing them to make a inancial decision without having to contact the Chamber and ask for permission to spend funds. A motion to take money from the 2017 Kinderfest budget and give it to the marketing/branding committee was approved. The marketing/branding committee will be able to make inancial decisions without prior approval from Chamber, but Hunt will issue payments for the committee. It was noted that the marketing/ branding committee is working on getting a comedian for sometime in April. More information is to follow as details are inalized. In other business, Hunt noted that she has ielded ive phone calls regarding Chamber during
the month of February. Nobles, Libby Bagenstos and Chris Brown are working on getting a daycare center in Holstein. Vollmar reported she and Christina Volkert are now on the welcome bag committee. They are running low on items to be
placed in the bags, and she will be contacting businesses for additional items. Businesses may drop off items for the bags at Vollmar Motors or Community Bank. Teresa Hunt Secretary/treasurer
Holstein council okays budget The Holstein City Council approved the 2017-18 budget during a special meeting March 13. The 2017-18 budget is $2,261,390, a decrease from last year’s $2,627,420. The budget was approved following a public hearing in which no one was present to speak for or against the budget. Items under the general fund include: Public safety—$316,462 is budgeted, an increase from last year’s $289,261. Public works will see a $3,420 increase to $318,935. Health and social services— $19,550 is budgeted, a $200 increase. Culture and recreation—the budgeted amount is $367,841, up from last year’s $326,427. Community and economic development will see a $43,508 increase to $134,559. General government is up $18,775 to $151,500. Debt service—$263,238 is up from the current year’s $205,215. Capital projects—$64,991 is budgeted down from the current $641,000. Business type/enterprises— $624,314 is budgeted compared to last year’s $606,876. Transfers out are $367,571, down from last year’s $447,439. The estimated 2017 levy
rate per $1,000 valuation is $15.765850, down from the current $15.76116. The city’s estimated revenues are $2,730,524, down from the current year’s $3,139,899. Revenue and other financing sources are as follows: Taxes levied on property— $658,030 up from last year’s $634,081. Delinquent property taxes and special assessments are both at $0, no change from the current year. TIF revenues will increase from $195,738 last year to $226,222. Other city taxes will increase from $156,000 to $182,920. Revenue from licenses and permits is down from $10,550 last year to $9,875. Use of money and property revenue will decrease $3,581 to $14,100. Intergovernmental revenue increases from $228,410 last year to $239,006. Charges for services will decrease from $950,600 last year to $928,700 next year. Miscellaneous revenues are up from $4,700 last year to $29,100. Other financing sources will decrease $400,000 to $75,000. Transfers in—$367,571 is budgeted down from last year’s $447,439.
-Treat-filled eggs -Special eggs with prizes
MARK YOUR CALENDAR - 29th Annual Ida County Pheasants Forever Banquet A FUN evening filled with several great raffles, live and silent auction items. Lots of Door Prizes given away for all sponsors, members, ladies and tailfeathers.
Saturday, March 25 Skate Palace, Ida Grove
Toast & Boast - 5:00 to 7:00 pm Dinner - 5:30 to 7:30 pm at your leisure Raffles - 7:15 pm Auction - 8:00 pm
Palace Resorts, Cancun, Mexico (inc. 4 people, 7 days, airfare, lodging, all inclusive beverages & meals)
or $5,000 CASH
(Sponsored in part by GOMACO Corporation)
RAFFLE TICKETS: $20 each or 3 for $50 Drawing at the Banquet
#2: Remington 1187 Sportsman #3: Mossberg Silver Reserve #4: Henry Golden Boy .22 #5: Savage 93 .17hmr #6: Ruger 10/22 Mannlicher • Special Tailfeather Drawing for #2 Remington Youth 870’s (Donated by the Don Knop Families) For every 100 tickets sold over 600, another gun will be added to the prize list. This will keep your chances at 1 to 100 to win!
Tickets Available NOW from any board member: Caleb Christensen, Justin Kinney, Markenna Janssen, Josh & Paige Alesch, Sam Bennett, Jesse Bremer, Grant Else, Mason Fleenor, Gaylen Freese, Harold Freese, Adam Hemer, Eric Hemer, Jerry Jensen, Marc Lansink, Josh Lansink, Paul Larson, Lorne Miller, Wayne Nielsen, Grant Patera, Jim Redenius, Rex Reisdorph, Randy Rohlk, Clint Schug, Levi Schug, Steve Schug, Chad Sharkey, Dan Skirvin, Kyle Sloss, Adam Swanger, Brian Wolterman, Mike Vondrak & Jonathon Mumm.
Thanks to all who contribute in any way to make this a successful event!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
FAMILY & FRIENDS Ida County to showcase jobs Job seekers are invited to attend the Ida County Student Career Day on Friday, April 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Midwest Industries’ Hangar on Highway 175 in Ida Grove. The event is focused on helping students and career seekers learn about businesses and employment opportunities in Ida County. “Educating our youth on the careers that are available locally is our focus for this event,� said Rita Frahm, president, Ida County Economic Development. “Employers are also seeking to network with our youth for potential internships, job shadowing and preapprenticeship opportunities. We are looking forward to this event.� Event sponsors include: Ida County Economic Development, IowaWORKS of Greater Siouxland, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Employers’ Council of Iowa.
Birth Tayton and Samantha Reese of Early are the parents of a daughter, Bexley Rae, born Feb. 26, 2017. Bexley weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz. Grandparents are Todd and Angie Bengford of Odebolt and Kathy Fritz of Battle Creek.
IG library hos ng book signing The Ida Grove Public Library is hosting Kim Claussen on Saturday, April 8, from 10 a.m. to noon for a short book presentation, question and answer and book signing. Claussen’s book, “Till Tomorrow,� will be available to purchase for $16.05, including tax. Light refreshments will be served.
Breast cancer support group to meet A breast cancer support group will be meeting on March 28 at 7 p.m. at Horn Memorial Memorial Hospital in conference room one. This group reaches out to identify and offer support to all who have experienced the diagnosis of breast cancer. It provides an opportunity for individual sharing, educational programs, updates on new therapies and reaches out to all breast cancer survivors. The program topic will focus on updates and “Caring and Sharing.� There are no fees to attend the meeting. This group is informal and all information shared is confidential. New members are always welcome. For more information or questions, contact Judy Andresen at 712-364-3236.
Photo Submitted
Performance: Grammy award winner Mike Farris performs at the Rosemary Clausen Center for the Performing Arts.
Grammy award winner comes to Holstein by Christine Wiese It’s always good to be introduced and open to genres of music one doesn’t necessarily experience everyday. It’s likewise good to be surrounded by sounds you love that rock you to the bone. The audience at Mike Farris’ recent concert in The Rosemary Clausen Center for the Performing Arts in Holstein contained a ine mixture of both sets of ears as well as a few in-betweeners. The R and B artist has an arresting voice that grabs a person from the irst note that issues forth from his throat. He also has a powerful message to impart - love God and love each other. His admonition sent out via the rhythm and blues’ hot line went straight to the heart of his listeners. It saturated the hall and nearly blew out the walls. It would presumably have been better received in a larger venue, but there was a cadre of fans present that whooped and hollered right along with him. Those young
enough (both in age and heart), who like gut-punching music, reveled in the opening number, “Uptight.� It was, as they say, “way outta sight.� “We hope we can bring you some joy tonight,� Farris said as he paced the stage. And, they did it, in spades. The crowd responded by clapping in time and singing along throughout the performance. It’s not hard to understand why. This is standing on tables’ music, mingling raw emotions with shout and response reverberating up to the ceiling and down to the loor. “Give ‘em what they came for and a little bit more� seemed to be the mantra du jour. Farris and The Roseland River Rhythm Revue deviated a bit from their set play list in order to tailor their offerings to the audience at hand. They nailed “My Girl� and “Stand By Me� and, in doing so, gave those in their seats a glimpse into the underbelly of the rhythm and blues scene. One of the night’s high points
came from back up singer, Shonka Dokureh. Her interpretation of “The Way I Love You� was beautifully her own, but traces of both Bessie Smith and the great Odetta could be discerned as she crawled around the lower notes. Farris outdid himself with “The Power of Love� and “Mercy Now.� As he said, “The power of music is strong, and it’s real.� These two moving tributes to members of his family proved beyond a shadow of a doubt how he earned the prestigious Emmy. Other offerings of note were “Signed, Sealed, Delivered,� “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough� and Kim Mont’s freewheeling “Proud Mary.� All in all, it was an electrifying performance that might have bene ited by a lower decibel level. Lyrics were sometimes lost in the sheer magnitude of good vibrations. That was a shame, because Farris is an extremely talented guy, and it was a real waste to miss even one word.
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Girl Scouts: The Galva and Holstein Girl Scouts recently celebrated “Girl Scout Sunday� at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Holstein.
Cowboy brings John Denver music to Donna Reed Theatre Join “Cowboy Brad� Fitch as he celebrates the music, messages and memories of John Denver. Fitch will be presenting a special tribute show on Friday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the Donna Reed Theatre in Denison. You will be moved by his rendi-
Melissa Brandt of Holstein recognized Pfc. Melissa M. Brandt of Holstein was part of more than 35 Iowa Army National Guard soldiers recently recognized during a patching ceremony held at the Camp Dodge Joint Maneuver Training Center in Johnston. This ceremony represents a time-honored tradition, where Iowa citizen-soldiers of icially receive the left-shoulder military patch representing their unit of assignment in the Iowa Army National Guard. It also marks completion of the Iowa National Guard Recruit Sustainment Program, a prepara-
Bloodmobile dates set for April 3, 5 LifeServers can make saving lives a regular date–whole blood donors can give blood every 56 days. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. The Ridge View High School blood drive is Monday, April 3, from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. The Ida Grove Community blood drive is Wednesday, April 5, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove. Schedule a blood donation appointment online at or call 800-2874903. Check out our web page!
Dodge. Information technology specialists are responsible for maintaining, processing and troubleshooting military computer systems/ operations. They also maintain networks, hardware and software, provide customer and network administration services and construct, edit and test computer equipment. Brandt received the Army Physical Fitness Badge during training for scoring above a 270 on the 300-point test which includes timed sit-ups, push-ups and a twomile run.
tory training program that provides new recruits the education and skills needed to excel during their Army Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (military school). These soldiers represent today’s Iowa Army National Guard, which consists of 7,000 citizen-soldiers based in more than 40 communities across the state. Brandt, a 2013 graduate of Ridge View High School of Holstein, now becomes an information technology specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 194th Field Artillery of Fort
tions of Denver’s classic melodies, performed with reverence, joy and a lot of fun. From “Rocky Mountain High� and “Take Me Home, Country Roads� to “Annie’s Song,� this is an event not to be missed. For tickets, contact The Donna Reed Foundation by calling 712-
263-3334, by email at or visit The Donna Reed Museum at 1305 Broadway in uptown Denison. All seats are reserved. Money raised by the concert will go toward the maintenance and operation of the Donna Reed Theater building.
March 28—
BC Medical Auxiliary annual mee ng The Battle Creek Medical Auxiliary annual meeting is Tuesday, March 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Battle Creek Community Center. All Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend. Prizes will be awarded for the
winners of the card marathon. Election of of icers will be held. There will be reports from the Battle Creek Ambulance, Willow Dale and the Battle Creek Fire Department. Refreshments will be served.
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Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Eastern Star recognizes Adah office, begins new year Signet Chapter No. 1, Order of Eastern Star, began its new year at the Carroll Masonic Temple on March 6, having been in recess in January and February. Worthy Matron Claudia Reed presided. The chapter’s charter is draped for 30 days in memory of members Meta Malone-Bean and Jean Cafferty and Past Grand Patrons of Iowa Gary Smith and Russell Altes.
Special recognition was given to Sonia Kerns, who currently holds the of ice of Adah in Signet Chapter and to past Adahs. The of ice of Adah is one of this year’s honor stations. Past Adahs include Gladys Schmidt, Betty Farnell, Sandra Wagner and Jewel Kline. The January, February and March birthdays of several members were noted. Segna Birkhofer and Rachel
OPERA Iowa kicks off tour
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Matter of Balance: Three community members have completed the requirements to teach Matter of Balance classes. From left—Matter of Balance coach Nadine Dutler, Lori Volkert, Sue Salcido, Donna Georgopoulos and Matter of Balance coach Beth Ortner.
New Ma er of Balance teachers trained by Horn Public Health Three more community members were trained Feb. 28 and March 2 as volunteer coaches for Matter of Balance, a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falls. Sue Salcido, Lori Volkert and Donna Georgopoulos completed the required eight hours of training and are now certi ied to teach Matter of Balance classes. They
join coaches Nadine Dutler and Beth Ortner. Erin Dausel, Matter of Balance master trainer, is pleased with the communities’ response to the program. “We always have a waiting list for people wanting to take the classes, and, with three more coaches, we will be able to offer more classes throughout the county,” said Dausel. Horn Public Health will be offering Matter of Balance classes
Get outside! If our winter weather is starting to make you a little stir crazy and you are wishing for warmer weather so you can take your walk or run back outdoors, why are you waiting? Go ahead and get outside on nice, sunny days, if the sidewalks and streets are clear. Just be sure to dress warm and stretch before you head outside. Here are a couple tips to remember before you brave the great outdoors in March and April: • Cover your hands, feet, ears, face and neck, since these body parts don’t get enough blood low, because your body is trying to fuel leg muscles during a brisk walk or run. • Dress in layers, because you can always remove clothing if you are too warm, but you can’t add a sweatshirt or hat out on the trails if you don’t have one along. • Consider purchasing slip-on covers to your shoes that provide additional traction, so that
you don’t slip on icy sidewalks or snow-covered surfaces. • Take a few minutes to warm up before you go outside. Muscles are tight when they are cold, so, to prevent injuries, do a little stretching indoors ahead of time. Some good exercises to warm up include jumping jacks, high knees, marching or running in place and squats. • Wear bright colored clothing and tennis shoes with re lectors, so you can be seen easily. • Watch for oncoming traf ic; always assume that the oncoming car or truck will not see you and be prepared to move quickly. • Always tell someone that you are going outside for a walk or run, especially if your route takes you on city streets, country highways or a remote park trail. Tell them the exact route you follow and approximate time you will be home. • Take your cell phone along in a zippered pocket, in case you encounter a problem. Safety irst.
Community Schoo n i e t s l o l Dis H a tri lv
starting in May and will continue to offer them through fall. The classes are held over four weeks in increments of eight, two-hour sessions. If you or someone you know is interested in taking the classes, contact Dausel at Public Health at 712-364-7311.
OPERA Iowa Educational Touring Troupe, an educational program of Des Moines Metro Opera, began its 31st annual tour Feb 27. The group will perform John Davies’ “Jack and the Beanstalk” for elementary schools in Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri. OPERA Iowa will perform “Jack and the Beanstalk” on Thursday, March 23, at 2 p.m. at Galva-Holstein Elementary in Holstein. OPERA Iowa will visit more than 50 communities, presenting 70-plus school performances for approximately 26,000 students from Feb. 27 through April 28. The number of children and families served and the statewide span of its efforts make the OPERA Iowa Educational Touring Troupe the state’s largest and
most comprehensive program in music education. The school performances are presented in conjunction with interactive and engaging workshops that meet the National Standards for Arts in Education guidelines. For the 31st annual tour, OPERA Iowa will present John Davies’ Jack and the Beanstalk for elementary and middle school performances. The show is based on the beloved fairy tale of the title but with a twist, and the music is drawn from the famous works of Gilbert and Sullivan. Its strong message of compassion and inclusion has made it a favorite with teachers and parents alike. Davies is also the composer of OPERA Iowa favorites “The Three Little Pigs” and “The Billy Goats Gruff.”
CLUES ACROSS 1. Pea stems 6. Type of music 9. Leader 13. Distant 14. 5,280 feet 15. Beloved Yankee great 16. A female domestic 17. Free from alcoholism 18. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 19. Entertains with song 21. Wooden shoe 22. Female horses 23. Group of males 24. Sodium 25. Revolutions per minute 28. Neither 29. Woody climbing plant 31. Dismounted 33. Orbits the earth 36. Female parents 38 Separates acids 39. Origins 41. Stuffing and mounting animal skins 44. Rupture 45. Fathers 46. Large primate 48. Shape-memory alloy 49. Halfback 51. “Family Guy” daughter 52. Irish mountain chain 54. Paired 56. Drinks 60. Death notice 61. Skirts 62. Fertility god 63. Where a curve intersects itself 64. Red Sea port 65. Mozambique seaport 66. Leaver 67. The human foot 68. Crash
The days of the week have all gotten their names from ancient deities. After what Norse/Germanic deity did Wednesday get its name?
Lode served dessert during fellowship time prior to the meeting. The chapter’s annual school of instruction is March 25 at 12:30 p.m., followed by a no host dinner at a restaurant. District instructor Janice Alger of Dickens will conduct the school. The next stated meeting is April 3 at 7:30 p.m., preceded by dessert at 6:45 p.m.
✔Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver
Earlier Deadlines for Holidays Any & all information submitted after deadlines will be held until the next week. This includes electronic submissions.
Thank you for your cooperation!
CLUES DOWN 1. Excessively theatrical actors 2. Wings 3. French river 4. Internet device 5. Where Tony Bennett left his heart 6. Flowering shrub that bears gooseberries 7. Brews 8. For each 9. Dictatorships 10. Slavic person in Saxony 11. Nobel laureate Shmuel 12. Lasso 14. Tones down 17. Lunar period 20. Leavened Indian bread 21. Military elite 23. One thousandth of an inch 25. L.A. footballer 26. Land plan 27. A satellite of Saturn 29. “Cat Ballou” actor 30. Obscure aspect of Sun God and a group of asteroids 32. Indicates the fare 34. __ and feather 35. Round Dutch cheese 37. Begat 40. Relaxing place 42. __ Hit’an of Alaska 43. Belgian city 47. Organ of hearing and balance 49. Isolated Southeast Asian people 50. “Power Rangers” villain 52. Yellow-fever mosquitos 53. Heavy cavalry sword 55. Laundry detergent 56. A way to wait 57. Mother and wife of Uranus 58. Justly obtain 59. Stony waste matter 61. Helps you find places 65. Oil company
Answers on Page 10
If you are interested in being a sponsor for our puzzle page, contact Marketing Representative Karla Meier: 712.364.3131 or 712.364.5100. Email: This week’s puzzles are sponsored by:
Thursday, March 30
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
Pheasants Forever banquet set for Saturday The Ida County Chapter of Pheasants Forever (ICPF) will conduct its 29th annual banquet this Saturday, March 25, at Skate Palace in Ida Grove. The toast and boast is from 5 to 7 p.m. with dinner served at leisure from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Raf les will be held at 7:15 p.m., with the auction slated for 8 p.m. A special pre-banquet wildlife and conservation raf le is offering a grand prize trip to Cancun, Mexico, or a variety of guns. The trip to Cancun is a sevenday trip for four people to Palace Resorts in Cancun. This includes airfare, lodging and on-property inclusive beverages and meals. The winner may elect to take $5,000 cash instead of the trip. The guns being raf led are sponsored in part by GOMACO. For every 100 tickets sold beyond the irst 600, another gun will be added to the prize list. This keeps the chances of winning at one to 100. Tickets are available from local board members. Raf le tickets
are $20 each or three for $50. The drawing date is March 19. There will also be a special Tailfeather drawing for a number two Remington Youth 870’s donated by the Don Knop families. A variety of items will be offered via raf les and live and silent auctions. There are also numerous door prizes that will be awarded. The annual banquet and auction are the primary sources of income for the local chapter. Tickets to the banquet and raf le tickets are now available from
board members Caleb Christensen, Justin Kinney, Markenna Janssen, Josh and Paige Alesch, Sam Bennett, Jesse Bremer, Grant Else, Mason Fleenor, Gaylen Freese, Harold Freese, Adam Hemer, Eric Hemer, Jerry Jensen, Marc Lansink, Josh Lansink, Paul Larson, Lorne Miller, Jonothan Mumm, Wayne Nielsen, Grant Patera, Jim Redenius, Rex Reisdorph, Randy Rohlk, Clint Schug, Levi Schug, Steve Schug, Chad Sharkey, Dan Skirvin, Kyle Sloss, Adam Swanger, Mike Vondrak or Brian Wolterman.
Local gymnast places second The GK Storm Team Gymnastics participated in the Field of Dreams Meet March 4 and 5 in Des Moines. Storm Lake had 12 gymnasts representing the bronze, silver, gold and platinum teams. The bronze team received third place as a team. Josilynn Pritchard of Odebolt is a member of the bronze team. She received the
following placings: vault 9.20 receiving third place, bars 9.125 tying for sixth, beam 9.450 tying for second, loor 9.050 receiving ifth and an all around score of 36.825 receiving second place for her age group. Mike Copeland, Sam Rasmussen, Ashley Schimmer and Cassie Wells are the GK Storm Team coaches.
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Fritz letter of intent: O-A/BC-IG’s Devon Fritz (seated) signed a letter of intent to run cross-country at Morningside College in Sioux City March 15. On hand for the signing were, back from left, Hunter Davis, current Morningside runner; Morningside coach David Nash; parents Renee and Dirk Fritz; Bob Saunders, O-A/BC-IG cross-country coach and Miles Gebel, current Morningside runner. Garrett Ehlers has also coached Fritz.
Strength and conditioning combine results The Ridge View High School physical education department hosted its annual strength and conditioning combine on March 12. Students take part in several athletic events with coaches and teachers assisting. Students had the option of participating in each event. The vertical jump measures the lower body vertical explosive power in addition to coordination of the ankles, knees and hips together. Broad jump is the measure of the ability to generate lower body horizontal power. Forty-yard dash measures straight line speed. Splits may be taken to additionally measure acceleration. Pro agility is the measure of the ability to change directions in a shortened distance, also known as lateral agility. Power throw measures the ability to create upper body strength. And the bench press measures the upper body strength and endur-
Ezra Miller receives oer from Iowa According to the Hawkeye Nation website, Ridge View sophomore Ezra Miller of Holstein has been offered a scholarship to play football at the University of Iowa. The offer was extended March 5 following Iowa’s junior day. The Hawkeyes were the irst to offer the Class of 2019 Ridge View offensive lineman. The sophomore said he’s also heard from Iowa State and Princeton. Miller (6-6, 290) would like to visit more programs to compare them to Iowa. He’s still waiting to sort out where he might go.
ance. In the girls’ senior division (grades 11-12), results are as follows: 5-10-5 pro agility: Paige Todd, 4.75, irst place; Beth Pickhinke, 4.87, second place and Erin Johnson, 5.02, third place. Vertical jump: Pickhinke and Todd tied at 22� for irst place with Johnson coming in third with 21.5�. Power throw: Pickhinke, 22’7�, irst place; Todd, 21’10.5�, second place and Johnson, 18’5� for third place. Broad jump: Johnson, 6’8�, irst place and Pickhinke and Todd tied for second with 6’7�. Bench press: Pickhinke, 24 reps, irst place with Todd and Johnson tying for second with 12 reps. 40-yard dash: Todd, 5.44, irst place; Pickhinke, 5.55, second place and Johnson, 5.94, third place. In the girls’ junior division (grades nine-10), results are as follows: 5-10-5 pro agility: Kinzey Dutler, 4.75, irst place; Kara Richard, 4.93, second place and Madeline Else, 4.94, third place. Vertical jump: Else and Richard tied for irst place with 23.5�, Dutler came in second with 21.5� and Katelyn Wiese and Renae Wiese tied for third at 20�. Power throw: Richard, 22’8�, irst place; Dutler, 20’3� for second place and Renae Wiese, 17’8� for third. Broad jump: Renae Wiese took home irst with 6’9�, Dutler and Else tied for second with 6’8� and Richard came in third with 6’6�. Bench press: Richard took irst with 22 reps, Dutler and Renae Wiese tied for second with 20 reps each and Katlyn Wiese took third with 12 reps. 40-yard dash: Dutler, 5.50, irst place; Else, 5.57, second place and
Richard, 5.63 for third place. In the boys’ junior division (grades nine-10), results are as follows: 5-10-5 pro agility: Kevin McGuire, 4.25, irst place; Jake Tokheim, 4.37, second place and Austin Degen, 4.44, third place. Vertical jump: Jake Kliegl, 37�, irst place; Tokheim, 30.5�, second place and Don Moore, 29.5�, third place. Power throw: Kliegl and Ezra Miller tied for irst, 32’1�, Nick Gisch, 27’ 6.5� and Degen, 25’8� for third. Broad jump: Kliegl and Tokheim tied for irst at 9’1�, Moore, 8’5� for second and Miller, 8’4�, third place. Bench press: Miller took irst place with 45 reps, Kliegl took second with 34 reps and Moore, 25 reps, for third. 40-yard dash: Kliegl, 4,69, irst; Moore, 4.70, second and Tokheim and McGuire tied for third at 4.87. In the boys’ senior division (grades 11-12), the results are as follows: 5-10-5 pro agility: Andres Carbajal, 4.19, irst; Jaxon Franken, 4.27, second and Jake Mitchell, 4.37, third. Vertical jump: Carbajal, 30.5�, irst; Juan Nava, 30�, second and Franken and Mitchell tied for third at 29.5�. Power throw: Nava, 32’2�, irst; Mitchell, 28’ 5.5�, second and Franken, 27’10� for third. Broad jump: Carbajal, 8’11�, irst; Nava, 8’7�, second and Mitchell, 8’6�, third. Bench press: Nava, 22 reps, irst place; Carbajal, 20 reps, second place and Mitchell, 14 reps for third place. 40-yard dash: Mitchell and Nava tied for irst at 4.81; Carbajal, 4.93, second and Franken, 5.00 for third place.
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Third place team: The GK Storm Team bronze gymnastics team placed third at the Field of Dreams Meet March 4-5 in Des Moines. Team members, are from left—Caitlyn Deyoung, Ava McCarthy, Josilynn Pritchard, Madison Goings, Kailey Sanow, Allison Kruse, Kloie Lockwood and Kenzie Niehaus.
O-A/BC-IG competes at BVU indoor meet The O-A/BC-IG boys and girls competed in the Buena Vista University high school indoor track and ield meet Saturday. No team points were recorded. Girls Sophomore Sydney Durbin won the class 2A state meet high jump last spring with a leap of 5-4. She served notice Saturday that the off-season didn’t slow her down as she cleared 5-6 to win the BVU high jump title. O-A/BC-IG also had several other top 10 placings including: Second—4x200 (Jordyn Fredericks, Sarah Cotton, Jordyn Hedberg, Calli Wareham) 1:55.74; 4x400 (Sydney Durbin, Jordan Fredericks, Sarah Cotton, Calli Wareham) 4:29.41 and Calli Wareham, long jump, 15-8. Third—Madison Schiernbeck, 1,500, 5:25.27; 4x60 shuttle hurdle (Ashley Lindner, Kirsten Dausel, Carrie Miller, Summit Nielsen) :42.92; Kirsten Dausel, high jump, 4-10. Fourth—Summit Nielsen, 60-meter hurdles, :10.62. Fifth—Madison Schiernbeck, 800, 2:41.75; Carrie Miller, high jump, 4-8. Seventh—Ashley Lindner, 60-meter hurdles, :11.05.
Ninth—Ashley Lindner, long jump, 14-2 ½ and Bethany Rehse, shot put, 29-0. Tenth—Sierra Rohlk, 60-meter hurdles, :11.28. Girls’ coach Bob Saunders was pleased with the effort of his girls at BVU “We had many outstanding performances and more importantly strong efforts. It was a really nice start to the season. All the hard work and con idence built now will pay off big at the end.â€? Boys The Falcon boys had 10 top 10 placings at BVU. The placings were: Second—4x60 shuttle hurdle
(Dylan Wunschel, Quintin Cranston, Chase Devitt, Adam Grote) :37.07; Ryder Meek, shot put, 47-9. Third—Isaac Endrulat, 800, 2:10.78; sprint medley (Dylan Wunschel, Chase Devitt, Grant Conover, Isaac Endrulat) 3:58.65. Fifth—William Grote, high jump. 5-8 (tie); Austin Lindner, high jump, 5-8 (tie). Sixth—Dylan Wunschel, long jump, 18-7 1/2. Seventh—Devin Fritz, 1,600, 5:09.02. Eighth—Tyler Anderson, shot put, 41-4 ½. Ninth—Chase Devitt, 60-meter hurdles, :9.53.
Raptors earn WVC honors Ridge View had four girls and three boys named to the all-conference basketball team for 2016-17. Girls Girls from Ridge View named to the all-conference list are: First team—junior Beth Pickhinke. Second team—senior Harlee Wagoner.
Honorable mention—sophomores Kinzey Dutler and Emerson Else. Boys The Raptors were represented on the all-conference boys’ team by honorable mention selections sophomore Jacob Tokheim, junior Jaxon Franken and senior Colton Wunschel.
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Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 vening For an e � fun of “REEL
Photo by: Karla Meier | Ida County Courier
Giving back: Amy Conover, owner of rehabd. in Holstein, stands beside the new Duke Cannon Supply Company line of men’s products. Conover plans to pay forward a portion of the sales to Operation Engage America.
rehabd. paying it forward to OEA rehabd. in Holstein recently added the Duke Cannon Supply Company men’s line of products to its inventory. Items include soap/soap on a rope, cologne, hair wash, face wash, shaving cream and grooming supplies. Duke Cannon Supply Company has provided a few samples to hand out and has expressed interest in donating to the Operation Engage America (OEA) event at Prairie Pedlar in Odebolt on June 24. Duke Cannon Supply Company gives a portion of its proceeds directly to support veteran causes such as Honor Flight Network™,
Military Working Dog Team Support Association, K9s For Warriors and the Wounded Warrior Amputee Football Team. To launch the new line, rehabd. owner, Amy Conover, will give a portion of her proceeds for the first month of sales to Operation Engage America. Operation Engage America is a nonprofit organization co-founded by Howard and Jean Somer of San Diego, Calif.,and Jeff and Lisa Naslund of Galva. The Somers and Naslunds started the organization to educate veterans, their families and communities on the resources
Windbreak assistance available Tired of listening to those strong winter winds? Tired of those high winter heating bills? Want to beautify your home and attract more wildlife to your surroundings? Are your feedlots open to the strong north winds? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want a windbreak. Windbreaks consist of at least three rows of trees planted on the north and west side of your home or livestock area. A properly installed windbreak can greatly reduce wind velocity, lower your home fuel costs, trap snow and provide excellent cover, food and nesting for birds and other wildlife. If you are interested in a windbreak, you should call now to plan
for this spring’s planting. Limited funds are available to eligible applicants for 75 percent of the windbreak costs. Participant eligibility rules include all acreage owners, not just farmers. For more information about windbreaks or any conservation concern, contact the Sac County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) of ice. The of ice is located in the USDA Service Center at 404 Morningside Drive in Sac City. The phone number is 712-662-7773, option three. The staff can explain the available cost-share programs and provide a free cost estimate and windbreak design. Remember that the bene its of a windbreak are many, but the inancial assistance is limited, so don’t delay.
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Library donation: The Battle Creek Euchre Club recently presented a $300 check to the Battle Creek Public Library to be used for general library funds. From left—Peggy Fick and Battle Creek librarian Sheila Petersen.
Check out our web page!
available for those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Let’s Go to the Movies TONIGHT!
Greetings, moviegoers. This weekend, we are showing “Sully� (PG-13). Tom Hanks stars in this thrilling portrait of heroic airline pilot, Chesley “Sully� Sullenberger, re-enacting his incredible successful emergency landing of an Airbus A320 full of passengers on the Hudson River. The inal “Sports Favorites� classic ilm for March is “Chariots of Fire� (1981). Based on a true story, “Chariots of Fire� is the internationally acclaimed Oscar-winning drama of two very different men who compete as runners in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson), a serious Christian Scotsman, believes that he has to succeed as a testament to his undying religious faith. Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross) is a Jewish Englishman who wants desperately to be accepted and prove to the world that Jews are not inferior. The ilm crosscuts between each man’s life as he trains for the competition, fueled by these very different desires. As compelling as the racing scenes are, it’s really the depth of the two main characters that touches the viewer, as they forcefully drive home the theme
Bowling Scores WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES’ LEAGUE Horn Physicians 410 First State Bank 393 Barry Motor 368.5 GOMACO 349 United Bank of Iowa 264.5 Bye 87 HIGH INDIVIDUAL GAME Linda Martin 187 Tricia Cipperley 181 Dawn Ortner 180 HIGH INDIVIDUAL SERIES Linda Martin 523 Tricia Cipperley 496 Karen Maricle 482
HIGH TEAM GAME GOMACO 633 First State Bank 585 Barry Motor 580 HIGH TEAM SERIES GOMACO 1815 First State Bank 1719 Barry Motor 1590 THURSDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S LEAGUE Kin Pins 339 United Bank of Iowa 336 Rod’s Fertilizer 312.5 Horn Memorial 311.5 Landus 296.5 Hanson Auto 276.5
HIGH INDIVIDUAL GAME Tracy Johnson 213 Wylene Wessel 181 Trisha Hoffman 177 HIGH INDIVIDUAL SERIES Tracy Johnson 561 Wylene Wessel 475 Trisha Hoffman 471 HIGH TEAM GAME Kin Pins 602 United Bank of Iowa 596 United Bank of Iowa 593 HIGH TEAM SERIES Kin Pins 1724 United Bank of Iowa 1683 Rod’s Fertilizer 1595
that victory attained through devotion, commitment, integrity and sacri ice is the most admirable feat that one can achieve. Ian Holm was nominated for an Oscar as best supporting actor in his role as Abrahams’ coach and this powerful ilm ended up with four Academy Awards: best picture, best original screenplay, best costume design and best original score. Show times “Sully� (one weekend only)—
Friday (March 24) – 7 p.m., Saturday (March 25) – 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Sunday (March 26) – 3:30 p.m. “Chariots of Fire� (one weekend only)—Sunday (March 26) - 7 p.m., Monday (March 27) – 7 p.m. and Tuesday (March 28) – 7 p.m. Coming soon: “Rock Dog,� “Silence,� “Beauty and the Beast� and “The Zookeeper’s Wife.� For more information, visit and “Like� our Facebook Page.
TSI & SWIFAC ARE HIRING TSI is hiring LMHC and LISW to provide mental health therapy, CADC to provide substance abuse tx, behavioral health interventionist which requires a 4 year degree. Also hiring HCBS support workers for skill and respite which requires a high school diploma or GED. SWIFAC is hiring family, safety, risk, permanency workers which requires a 4 year degree. Please email resumes to
Join us for dinner, the meeting and drawings for prizes. This event will be held at the Western Iowa Tech Conference Center in Cherokee, Iowa
Seating availability is limited. Please purchase tickets at one of our office locations by Friday, March 24, 2017.
NOTICE: Ida Grove Cemetery Guidelines After reviewing the past year and its maintenance challenges, the Ida Grove Cemetery Board has come to the conclusion which dictates a change in cemetery policy concerning flower vases, memorial plaques, decorative rods, solar lights and other ornaments at the gravesite. While the cemetery encourages placement of flowers on the graves of loved ones, we find it is necessary to impose restrictions concerning loose items located at the foundations of the monuments at each gravesite. Keeping the cemetery mowed and trimmed is a very labor intensive undertaking, due to the overall size of the cemetery and its layout. We are not able to continue to mow/trim around multiple structures at each grave site; therefore, the following regulations concerning decorations shall apply to gravesites at the Ida Grove Cemetery effective as of January 22, 2017. Cemetery clean-up times will be the first week in April and beginning the first full week after the 4th of July holiday. All decorations and containers located on the grave must be removed by these pre-determined clean-up times or they will be removed by the maintenance staff. Fresh Floral Regulations - As soon as flowers, wreaths, emblems etc., used at funerals become unsightly and faded, and/or after three weeks’ time, they will be removed. There will be no trees, shrubs or flowers planted around a gravesite at any time. The trustees reserve the right to remove any trees, shrubs or flowers that have been planted inappropriately. No hedges, rocks, fences or enclosures of any kind will be permitted on or around cemetery lots. Outlining the gravesite with flowers or anything else is not permitted. Glass receptacles are not permitted at any time and will be removed immediately without notice. Artificial Floral Regulations - All flowers not in monument containers or on a personal concrete foundation and all wreaths will be removed at the July clean-up date. Any loose artificial flowers will be removed by the maintenance staff. Regulations Regarding Items other than Flowers - Decorative shepherds’ rods may remain at the grave site as long as they are placed next to the base of the foundation on the north or south side. The limit for a shepherds’ rod or garden flag is one per grave site. These structures will not be removed on cleanup days as long as they do not become unsightly or unstable. Any rods that remain empty for a year will be red tagged and removed to the cemetery shed. Any loose toys, boxes, ornaments, figurines vases, stuffed animals, solar lights and other memorabilia will need to be removed by the family before the 4th of July clean-up date. Otherwise, they will be removed by the maintenance staff. The Cemetery Board is asking to please help us with this effort so no one loses any items that are meaningful to the family. It is not our intention to purposely dispose of any family ornaments, but to maintain a well-kept, beautiful cemetery. The Ida Grove Cemetery Association does not assume responsibility for the loss or damage of any floral decorations, other decorations or their containers. Small figurines, stuffed animals and other memorabilia placed at the grave site are placed at your own risk and are subject to the regulations regarding the two pre-determined clean up days. Pets are welcome to come with families to the cemetery, but the cemetery grounds are not a dog park. All pets are required to be on a leash when at the cemetery. Any dogs running loose will be impounded with the owner responsible for any fines assessed. Please bring appropriate collection bags for your pet’s waste. There are garbage cans on the east side of the equipment shed, if necessary. We strive to provide a well-maintained and appealing cemetery for your loved ones’ final resting place. All decisions and rulings of the Ida Grove Cemetery are governed by the Iowa Cemetery Act, Chapter 5231 and the Trustees of Corwin Township. Corwin Township Clerk Corwin Township Trustees Linda Burk Dennis Sykes & Rand Whitney
Cherokee 1030 S. 2nd St (712) 225-5731
Ida Grove 216 Moorehead Ave (712) 364-3000
Sanborn 106 Main St (712) 729-3731
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
Arthur council adopts budget
Trivia: Odin Reveal
Photo Submitted
Bird drawings: Battle Creek Women’s Club members used colored pencils or water colors to create robins or goldfinches at their meeting on March 16. Pictured are Peggy Fick, Betty Petersen, Phyllis Christie, teacher Donna Georgopoulos, Bonnie Spotts, Sharon Forthum, Sue Schultz and Pauline Hummelgard.
Word Scramble: Irish
RV speech receives four nominations for all-state event On March 11, the Ridge View High School speech team participated at the State Individual Speech contest at Sioux City East High School. The following students performed these events and earned these ratings. •Destiny Van Beek: acting “Cold Blooded Murderer” – I rating and musical theatre: “Diva’s Lament” – II rating •Andrew Snyder: after-dinner speaking- “It’s Not Your Mama’s Mother Goose” –I rating and prose: “How to Argue Effectively in Five Steps” –I rating •Kyra Martin: prose– “Too Big” –I rating and poetry: “Darryl” –I rating •Amanda Bruns: prose– “Physics– Formidable, Yet Fun!” –I rating
•Sidney Johnson: poetry – “The Story of a Girl” –II rating •Mandi Lange: storytelling– “The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs” –I rating •Courtney Smith: acting–“The Eve of an Argument” –I rating •Brady Meyer: improv – II rating Andrew Snyder, Kyra Martin and Destiny Van Beek received all-state nominations. Snyder was chosen for prose and after dinner speaking. Martin was selected for poetry and Van Beek for acting. The All State Speech Festival is March 27 at the UNI campus where students will perform their selected events. This is the first time Ridge View High School speech has received four all-state nominations.
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Bird artwork: Jack Rohlk, Donna Georgopoulos, Kathy Hinojosa, Curtis Laverty and Richard Bush enjoyed creating a picture of a robin or goldfinch on Thursday, March 16, at the monthly Battle Creek Women’s Club meeting.
BC Women’s Club discusses soup luncheon, approves purchases The Battle Creek Women’s Club met on Thursday, March 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the Battle Creek Community Building. The members and four guests enjoyed creating a watercolor or colored pencil picture of a robin or gold inch while listening to a CD of songs about birds like “Rockin’ Robin.” The guests were consumers from ISI. After completing their artistic creations, the business meeting was held. Twelve members answered roll call, “Do you hang birdhouses or feeders?” The secretary’s minutes were read and approved, and the treasurer’s report was presented and iled for audit. The members approved placing $300 from the soup luncheon proceeds into the planter account to help cover the cost of
the petunias, planting soil, tags and lags for the 35 town planters. Secretary Sharon Forthum gave a review of the soup luncheon. The luncheon core committee of Linda Wingert, Ruth Shubin, Forthum and Dixie Brueck was thanked. All members were thanked for their donations and work contributions. The club approved the purchase of soup ladles, spatulas, serving trays for bars, dishtowels and dishcloths for future luncheons. Forthum and Wingert offered to purchase these supplies. The individual serving trays were discussed. Paula Dausel offered to donate her trays and will report at the next meeting. Historian Marcella Segebart
noted that the current scrapbook is nearly full. The members approved the purchase of a new scrapbook. Phyllis Groth offered to coordinate the Easter egg hunt for Saturday, April 15. The members approved the purchase of candy and plastic eggs and will ill the eggs on Friday, April 14, at 2 p.m. at the BC Bakery and Cafe. Hostesses Peggy Fick, Paula Dausel, Jeanette Holmes and Mareta Vermeys served a mint and chocolate dessert, coffee, nuts and candies from a St. Patrick’s festooned table. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 13, at the home of Phyllis Groth. The program “favorite spring annuals” will be presented by Ken Harskamp.
Photo Submitted
All-State speech: Ridge View High School is sending three students to the Iowa All-State Speech Festival on March 27. The festival will be held at the UNI campus where the students will perform their selected events. This is the first time that Ridge View speech has had four nominations for the festival. Those performing include Andrew Snyder, Kyra Martin and Destiny Van Beek. Snyder was chosen for prose and after dinner speaking. Martin was selected for poetry and Van Beek for acting.
Photo Submitted
Theatre donation: Casey’s in Holstein continues its support of the Holstein State Theatre by contributing its 2017 donation of $1,000.
The Arthur City Council approved its budget for the coming iscal year March 6. Following a public hearing the council approved its budget for the 2017-18 iscal year. The new budget shows expenditures of $250,005, which is up $45,831 from the current iscal year of $235,291. Total revenue for the next iscal year is listed at $250,005, which is up from the current iscal year igure of $187,104. The regular property tax levy in the new budget is $15,57850 per $1,000 valuation. The levy rate for agricultural land is $3.00375 per $1,000 valuation. The council looked at water and sewer rates and how to increase the rate to be able to maintain and make repairs to infrastructure as well as salaries. This matter was tabled until the next meeting. Michelle Bostinellos and Amanda Harper met with the council to review SIMPCO services and the Western Iowa Housing Trust Fund. They told the council the amount of housing repairs that have been done in the past and how homeowners can apply for the program. They also asked for a contribution from the city. Following discussion, the council voted to concentrate on ixing infrastructure at this time and not make a contribution to the Housing Trust Fund. In other business • The liquor license and cigarette permit renewals for Sparky’s were approved. • Sheriff Wade Harriman brought the council up-to-date on recent happenings in the county. • Librarian Pat Bell talked with the council about opening the library extra hours during the school year and noted the traf ic into the library has increased. The library is open on Tuesdays from 2 to 6:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 2 to 8:30 p.m. She also asked the council to approve Katie Bergman as a new board member. The council okayed the request. • It was noted the seven-ton weight limit signs need to be installed on the appropriate streets. • Under the maintenance, maintenance man Paul Arbegast changed out two meters. Arbegast is having a knee replaced and may need help reading meters. • Mayor Randy Fineran noted there was a stop sign down and a gravel truck had been parked all weekend. He also commented on the Iowa Governor’s arbitration legislation. • Fireman Chris Schuett reported there were two ire calls, one at the ethanol plant and a tractor ire. • The next council meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 3.
Project Jack by Renee Remer’s class Project Jack is a “pay it forward” grant given by the Iowa Association of Realtors. The project is done in memory of a little boy who died of spinal muscular atrophy when he was six years old. Fifth grade classrooms in Iowa can apply to get a $250 grant to make a positive impact in their own community. Our ifth grade class at BC-IG Elementary chose to give to people that have service dogs in our community. We were fortunate enough to have Laura Stangl tell us about her dog, Isabelle, and how she helps Laura. We found it interesting that Isabelle will only let Laura cross a street if there are no cars coming. We researched different things that we could buy for Isabelle and had fun shopping with the grant money. We were also able to contribute $125 to the Ida County Sheriff’s Of ice’s K9 unit. Deputy Andrew Shillington and his dog, Anou, also came, and we learned all about how Anou assists Deputy Shillington at his job. We were impressed with how well Anou listened to Deputy Shillington. Thank you, Laura and Deputy Shillington, for coming to our class and bringing your service dogs.
Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Obituaries To keep our readers better informed, funeral information will be posted on our website ( within hours of receiving it at our of ice. Gerald D. Miller July 26, 1937 – March 16, 2017 BATTLE CREEK – Services for Gerald D. Miller, 79, of Battle Creek were March 19, 2017, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Battle Creek. The Rev. Randy D. Cormeny officiated. Burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery at Battle Creek. Military rites were by Maple Valley Post No. 364 of American Legion at Battle Creek. Christensen-Van Houten Funeral Home in Ida Grove was in charge of arrangements. He died March 16 at Horn Memorial Hospital in Ida Grove. Gerald D. Miller, son of Julius and Rosa (Greenwald) Miller, was born July 26, 1937, in Battle Creek. He was baptized and confirmed at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Battle Creek. “Jerry” grew up on a farm near Midway. He attended country school and graduated from Battle Creek High School in 1955. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1955. He was stationed in El Paso, Texas, and honorably served his country for four years. He was honorably discharged in 1959. He returned home to Battle Creek, where he worked at the Skelly Station. On Dec. 10, 1960, he married Doris Fouts at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Battle Creek. They made their home in Battle Creek and were blessed with two daughters, Cheri and Deb. The couple operated Miller’s Skelly for many years, and Gerald also worked and retired from Hayes Oil Company.
Larry W. Albers Jan. 24, 1943 – March 14, 2017
He was a lifelong member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, where he served in many church positions. He also served as a volunteer fireman for the Battle Creek Fire Department for 24 years. Jerry had a love for sports. He played softball and was on a bowling league in his younger years. He later enjoyed attending the sporting events of all of his grandchildren. Jerry loved listening to his polka music and taking Doris dancing. He enjoyed an occasional trip to the casino, played bingo and looked forward to his weekly card game with the guys. He enjoyed spending time with his family, grandchildren and friends. Left to cherish his memory are his two daughters and their families: Cheri (Rick) Wiese of Galva and Deb (Dean) Drey of Early; seven grandchildren: Natasha (Jamie) Phillips, Travis Wiese and special friend, Kelly Stanke, Brooke (Blake) Woodke, Jenna Wiese and Alyssa, Renae and Megan Drey; several great-grandchildren: Calid Armstrong, Rio and Vida Phillips and Blaire Woodke; a brother, Larry (Esther) Miller of Edinburg, Va.; several nieces, nephews and extended family and friends. Gerald was preceded in death by his wife, Doris; his parents; two sisters, Diana Miller and Jean Way; a sister-in-law, Donna Willer; and three brothersin-law: Melvin Willer, Dean Way and Ronnie Fouts. The family requests donations be made to the American Cancer Society, in honor of Gerald. Condolences may be sent online to www.
Charlotte Ruth Bengford Nov. 27, 1929 – March 14, 2017 ODEBOLT – Services for Charlotte Bengford, 87, of Carroll and formerly of Odebolt, were March 17, 2017, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Carroll. The Rev. Timothy Johnson of iciated. Burial was in St. Martin’s Cemetery in Odebolt. Arrangements were under direction of Sharp Funeral Home in Carroll. She died March 14 at St. Anthony Regional Hospital in Carroll, surrounded by her family. Funeral music was by Barb McDermott and Holy Spirit Choir. Lectors were Jennifer Roeder, Chelsea Gross and Laurel Bengford. Gift bearers were Jaime Stitz, Jeana Schroeder, Brittany Schramm and Cristina Elliot. Pallbearers were Brendan Buchanan, Dustin Bengford, Tanner Bengford, Taylor Bengford, Reece Bengford and Elliott Bengford. Born Nov. 27, 1929, at Odebolt, Charlotte Ruth was the daughter of Charles and Ruth (Rydberg) Neville. She attended country school and graduated in 1947 from Odebolt High School. On June 1, 1950, she married Wilbert Bengford at St. Martin’s Catholic Church in Odebolt. They made their home on the Neville family farm near Odebolt and later moved into Odebolt. Charlotte was a devoted homemaker, raising ive children and also working various jobs in Odebolt. Charlotte and Wilbert loved attending dances at the Lakewood Ballroom in Lake View. She loved to host her family for gathering and was an excellent cook
and baker. The family enjoyed ishing trips and trips to Mahoney State Park for various family functions. Most of all, Charlotte enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren on their many, fun excursions. She also enjoyed a birthday club and card clubs. She had a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh and personality. She was a lifelong member of St. Martin’s Catholic Church in Odebolt, parish ladies’ guild and American Legion Auxiliary. Charlotte is survived by her children: Dean (Laurie) Bengford of Cape Coral, Fla.; Julianne Schenkelberg of Arnolds Park, Susan Green of Lake View, Steve (Deb) Bengford of Arthur and Darrell (Traci) Bengford of Odebolt. Also surviving are 13 grandchildren; 23 greatgrandchildren; a sister, Beverly Kolbe of Sac City; a brother, Frank (Diane) Neville of Odebolt; several sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law: Ruth Neville of Odebolt, Norman (Dori) Bengford of San Jose, Calif., Mary Jean Schiernbeck of LeMar, Mo., Margaret Ann Jennett of Muscatine, Celie Bengford of North Kingstown, R.I., Jan Bengford of Newton and Alice Bengford of Addison, Ill.; many nieces, nephews and other extended relatives and many friends. Charlotte was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Wilbert, in 2009; her son-in-law, Bob Green; her sister, Lorraine Neville, and three brothers: Roger Neville, Wendell Neville and Earl Neville. Online condolences may be left at www.
Church Directory Please notify our office if your Sunday service times change.
Call 712-364-3131 The deadline is noon Thursday prior to Wednesday publication.
BATTLE CREEK – Services for Larry W. Albers, 74, of Battle Creek were March 18, 2017, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Battle Creek. The Rev. Randy D. Cormeny of iciated. Burial will be at a later date. ChristensenVan Houten Funeral Home in Battle Creek was in charge of arrangements. He died March 14 at UnityPoint Health-St. Luke’s in Sioux City. Larry W. Albers, son of Walter and Florence (Rehse) Albers, was born Jan. 24, 1943, in Battle Creek. He was baptized and con irmed at Midway Lutheran Church in rural Battle Creek. He graduated from Battle Creek High School in 1961. After high school, Larry farmed. On Feb. 22, 1964, he married the love of his life, Janice Harrison, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Battle Creek. They settled
Rev. Wehmas installed at St. Paul Rev. Neil Wehmas was installed as associate pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove on Feb. 26. Rev. Dr. Steve Turner, Iowa District West of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod president, was the installer. Rev. Richard Salcido, senior pastor of St. Paul, served as the liturgist and Rev. Richard Merrill of St. Matthew in Charter Oak served as lector. Clergy from Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregations in the surrounding area also participated in the service. A reception, hosted by members of St. Paul Lutheran Church, was
held immediately after the service. Rev. Wehmas joins the senior pastor, Rev. Salcido, to serve the nearly 1,000 members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. After graduating from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Rev. Wehmas was ordained on June 30, 2013, at his home congregation, St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ankeny. He was installed as pastor of three congregations: St. John Lutheran Church in May City, Zion Lutheran Church in Horton Township and St. Peter Lutheran Church in Ocheyden on July 14, 2013. On Dec. 11, 2016, St. Paul Lu-
Installation service: Rev. Neil Wehmas was installed as associate pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove on Feb. 26. Participating in the installation service were, front from left—Rev. Donald Winterrowd, emeritus, St. Paul; Rev. Richard Salcido, St. Paul; Rev. Wehmas; Rev. Dr. Steve Turner, Iowa District West president; Rev. David Lyons, St. Paul Schaller and Rev. Joshua Keinath, Zion, Denison. Back row—Rev. Mark Kluzak, St. John Kiron and Faith, Deloit; Rev. Richard Merrill, St. John, Charter Oak; Rev. Christopher LaBoube, St. Matthew, Mapleton, and Rev. David Viggers, Trinity, Odebolt.
~ Battle Creek ~ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kevin Freese 600 3RD ST. - 712-365-4938 Sunday – 9:30 a.m. worship 10:30 a.m. fellowship 10:40 a.m. Sunday school
ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Randy Cormeny 602 5TH ST. - 712-365-4477 Sunday – 9:30 a.m. worship 8:30 a.m. education hour
BREAD OF LIFE FAITH CENTER Keith & Nancy Hair, Pastors 411 WASHINGTON AVE. - 712-364-2405 Sunday – 10 a.m. worship Wednesday – 7 p.m. worship
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Mark Aurand 330 S. MAIN ST. - 712-364-3630 712-369-0852 Sunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. worship
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Richard Salcido, Pastor Neil Wehmas, Associate Pastor 100 7TH ST. - 712-364-2918 Saturday – 6 p.m. worship Sunday – 8 a.m. worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday school & Bible class 10:30 a.m. worship
Ida Grove 712-364-3311
ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Paul Egger, Pastor 406 MONONA ST. - 712-282-4700 Sunday – 9 a.m. Bible class 10 a.m. worship
ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Matthew Martens, Interim Minister 310 E. 2ND ST. - 712-368-2228 Sunday – 8:15 a.m. worship 9:20 a.m. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. coffee hour 10:30 a.m. worship Communion on 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
Ida Grove, IA 712-364-2774
EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH HIGHWAY 175 & M31 - 712-367-2472 Sunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. worship 6 p.m. prayer meeting Saturday – 6 p.m. worship
ChristensenVan Houten Funeral Homes “caring for families of this area since 1908” Joshua & Christie Van Houten
SILVER CREEK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Kristin Boysen 1906 ORCHARD AVE. - 712-282-4703 Sunday – 9:30 a.m. worship
~ Holstein ~
~ Arthur ~
Insurance For Every Need
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Martin Davis 2326 STORY AVE. - 712-365-4328 Sunday – 8:30 a.m. worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday school
~ Galva ~
SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Richard Ball 800 N. MAIN ST. - 712-364-2718 Saturday – 5 p.m. confessions; 5:30 p.m. Mass Sunday – 10 a.m. confessions; 10:30 a.m. Mass
WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Shari O’Bannon, CRE 321 MAIN ST.- 712-364-3829 Sunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday School, Bible study 10:30 a.m. worship, followed by fellowship coffee
theran Church of Ida Grove extended a call to Rev. Wehmas to serve as associate pastor with a focus on youth and family life ministry. He accepted the call on Jan. 6. Along with Rev. Salcido, Rev. Wehmas will serve as pastor to all members of the congregation with most of his time and energy focused on ministry to, with and for junior high youth, senior high youth and entire families. Rev. Wehmas looks forward to meeting and getting to know members of St. Paul Lutheran Church and the Ida Grove community.
Photo Submitted
~ Ida Grove ~
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Chad Lierman, Pastor 312 MAIN ST. - 712-364-2412 Sunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. worship
on a farm outside of Battle Creek and were blessed with two children, Dave and Renea. Larry continued to farm and worked in maintenance at the Ida County Courthouse for two years until he retired. He loved to farm. He also enjoyed collecting Case IH toy tractors, watching old western movies, cheering on his beloved Yankees and Hawkeyes, attending his granddaughters’ events and spending time with his family. Left to cherish his memories are his loving wife of 53 years, Janice Albers of Battle Creek; a son, Dave (Karen) Albers and their daughter, Brynn, of Yankton, S.D.; a daughter, Renea (Pat) Saunders and their daughter, Brittney, of Lawton; a brother-in-law, Jim (Sue) Harrison of Arizona; two sisters-in-law, Ethel Albers of Correctionville and Ruth Harrison of Minnesota, and many nieces and nephews. Condolences may be sent online to www.
• Ida Grove • Battle Creek • Danbury • Odebolt • Mapleton PLUS+
Member FDIC
OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL CATHOLIC Father Richard Ball 513 MUELLER ST. - 712-368-4755 Sunday – 9 a.m. Mass
UNITED METHODIST Dori Collogan, Pastor 208 S. KIEL ST. - 712-368-2678 Sunday – 9 a.m. worship 10:10 a.m. Sunday school & fellowship FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Chris Schroder, Pastor 113 N. MAIN ST. - 712-368-2850 Sunday – 9 a.m. Adult Bible study, Sunday school; 9:45 a.m. fellowship 10:15 a.m. worship with Communion
CROSSRIDGE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Pastor Tyler Parson LOHFF-SCHUMANN MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER 301 LOHFF-SCHUMANN DR. 712-368-6139 Sunday – 9:30 a.m. RiDGE KiDS & adult Bible study 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship
Open 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Every Day
Ida Grove 712-364-3174
Ida Grove, IA 51445
712-364-3365 Manufacturer of ShoreLand’r & ShoreStation
Morningside Healthcare Community
101 Washington St. Ida Grove
“Where caring is the biggest part of care giving” Ida Grove
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FDIC Ida Grove, Arthur, Carroll, Charter Oak, Churdan, Denison, Fort Dodge, Glidden, Harlan, Kiron, Lake City, Lohrville, Odebolt, Rockwell City, Schleswig, Storm Lake
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE SCHOOLS MARCH 2017 VENDOR REPORT GENERAL FUND #10: Vendor Name, Description Check Total Amazon, Instructional Supplies $117.17 Ames Community School District, Contracted Service 350.00 Bleckwehl, Kim, Reimbursement 28.00 BMO Harris Mastercard, District Supplies 2,262.59 Bomgaars, General Supplies 238.96 Brodersen, Patrick, Student Reimbursement 60.00 Butler, Kalin, Reimbursement 86.40 Centerpoint Energy Services, Inc., Natural Gas 2,501.57 Central Iowa Distributing Inc., District Maintenance Supplies 263.00 Channing Bete Co., Instructional Supplies 91.95 Chronicle Printing and Publishing, Advertising 33.00 City of Battle Creek, Water & Sewer/BC Bldgs. 30.50 City of Ida Grove, Water & Sewer/IG Bldgs. 598.64 Deluxe Driving Academy L.L.C., Contracted Service 12,600.00 Dreambox Learning, Instructional Supplies 4,850.00 GBC, A Division of Acco Brands, Educational Supplies 74.40 Goodenow, Susan, Contracted Service 383.50 Grove, Jeanie, Reimbursement 7.00 Hadden, Kari, Staff Reimbursement 14.00 Hemer Plumbing and Heating, Contracted Service 68.50 IASBO, Dues/Registration 178.00 Ida County Courier-Reminder, Inc., Advertising/Legal Notices 411.66 Ida County Sanitation, Inc., Garbage Collection Services 518.96 Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., General Supplies 1,640.94 Ida Grove Food Pride, General & Food Supplies 397.42 Iowa Assoc. of School Boards, Dues/Registrations 60.00 Iowa Choral Directors’ Association, Dues/ Registration 80.00 Iowa Communications Network, Long Distance/ICN/Internet 343.37 Iowa High School Music Assoc., Dues/Registrations 348.00 Iowa High School Speech Assoc., Dues/Registrations 347.00 J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., Music Supplies 468.73 Jim’s TV And Appliance, Athletic Supplies 250.00 Krager, Kendra, Reimburse Student Expenses 91.20 Leonard, Kathy, Reimbursement 79.40 Lund, Susan, Reimbursement 7.00 Malcom’s Paint & Hardware, Maint. Supplies 132.26 Mapleton Rooter, Purchased Services 119.00 Mary Miller Cleaning Service, Contracted Service 62.50
Matheson Tri Gas, Inc., General Supplies Medical Enterprises Inc., Drug Testing Mickelson, Adam, Reimbursement MidAmerican Energy, Electricity & Nat. Gas Mittag, Tessa, Teacher Reimbursement Nielsen, Andrea, Teacher/ Coach Reimbursement Northwest AEA, Copies/Regist./ Gen. Supplies Odebolt Lumber, General Supplies Postmaster Battle Creek, Postage Postmaster Ida Grove, Postage Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency, Duplicating/Printing Pronto-Phillips 66, General Supplies Ray’s Mid-Bell Music, Music Supplies Reis Auto Parts and Service, Bus/Auto Service Sadler, Carol, Reimbursement Schiernbeck, Wanda, Reimbursement Secretary of State, Contracted Service Secure Shred Solutions, Contracted Service Sioux City Community School District, Tuition Reimbursement United States Cellular, Cellular Phone Service Ward’s Natural Science, Science Supplies Western Iowa Tech. Community Co., Contracted Services Wilcke, Cindy, Reimbursement Wunschel’s Service, District Vehicle Fuel Fund Total ACTIVITY FUND #21: Allen, Larry, Official/ Reimbursement Amazon, Instructional Supplies American Cancer Society, Donation Bleckwehl, Kim, Reimbursement BMO Harris Mastercard, District Supplies Comes Investments DBA Pizza Hut, General Supplies Decker Sporting Goods, Athletic Equipment First To The Finish, Track Supplies Graffix Inc., Silk Screen Shirts for Resale Graphic Edge, Screen Printing Holiday Inn - Downtown, Lodging Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., General Supplies Ida Grove Food Pride, General & Food Supplies Ida Grove Golf & Country Club, Fees
31.27 44.00 143.68 9,374.81 30.19 53.60 60.00 112.80 84.08 255.41 280.46 4,109.26 148.73 3,108.66 9.61 30.00 30.00 48.00
439.44 45.01 254.50 561.75 182.40 155.40 49,787.68
39.98 250.62 122.00 8.00 4,616.61 66.33 249.00 247.98 717.50 1,529.10 571.20 168.06 32.73 1,500.00
Miller, Becky, Reimbursement 12.00 Mittag, Tessa, Teacher Reimbursement 170.19 Mumm Soft Water, Supplies 35.00 Nieman, Randy, Reimbursement 260.00 Office Depot, Instructional Supplies 65.48 Pronto-PhillipS 66, General Supplies 927.00 Saunders, Robert, Reimbursement 150.00 Schiernbeck, Wanda, Reimbursement 36.00 Selections, General Supplies 7.39 Sohm, Claire, Student Reimbursement 40.00 West Sioux Ceramics & Dakota, Art Supplies 2,195.95 Western Iowa Tech. Community Co., Contracted Services 24.00 Fund Total 14,042.12 MANAGEMENT FUND #22: Su Insurance Company, Equipment Breakdown Insurance 23,234.00 Fund Total 23,234.00 SAVE FUND #33: Badding Construction Company, Contracted Service 183,252.99 Fund Total 183,252.99 PPEL FUND #36: Haila Architecture Structure Planning, Architectural Services 4,462.77 Walsh Door and Hardware Co., Contracted Service 3,425.17 Fund Total 7,887.94 NUTRITION FUND # 61: BC-IG C.S.D.- General Fund, Hot Lunch Payroll Expense 11,494.88 Hiland Dairy, Dairy ProductsNutrition 2,252.94 Keck, Inc., Storage Fees/ Commodities 1,459.17 Mapleton Rooter, Purchased Services 108.00 Martin Brothers, Food Supplies 9,763.56 Mumm Soft Water, Supplies 50.70 Rapids Wholesale Equipment, General Supplies 146.65 Rogers Pest Control LLC, Contracted Service 123.00 Sara Lee Bakery Group/ Earthgrains, Hot Lunch Bread Products 931.41 School Nutrition Association of Iowa, Fees 50.00 Strachan Sales, Inc., Equipment Repair Parts 1,576.68 Fund Total 27,956.99 AGENCY FUND #91: IGHSAU, Dues/Tournament Gate Receipts 2,760.00 Fund Total $2,760.00 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $308,921.72 FEBRUARY PAYROLL Wages $411,249.78 FICA 25,244.37 Medicare 5,903.99 IPERS 36,842.59 Insurance 44,701.76 TOTAL PAYROLL $523,942.49
Sac County Commissioner of Elections
Schaller Crestland
NOTICE OF ELECTION You are hereby notified that the Special Election will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, at the following locations. The polls will be open from 12:00 noon until 8:00 o’clock P.M. Presbyterian Church Schaller Inc. Eureka Twp. Eden Twp. District 1 – Sections 4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17,18,19,20,21, 28,29,30,31,32,33 Cook Twp WEST of County Rd. M 43 The Center
Nemaha Comm. Bldg.
Early Inc. Cook Twp EAST of County Rd. M 43 Boyer Valley Twp Clinton Twp. Nemaha Inc. Eden Twp. District 2 – Sections 1,2,3,10,11,12,13,14,15,22,23,24, 25,26,27,34,35,36 Delaware Twp. Douglas Twp.
Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. For further information, please contact the county auditor’s office at the telephone number or E-mail address listed below. Telephone 712-662-7310 E-mail address
Battle Creek - Ida Grove Community School District SUMMARY OF THE MARCH 13, 2017, REGULAR JOINT BOARD MEETING OF THE ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Odebolt-Arthur (O-A) Community School District Board and the Battle CreekIda Grove (BC-IG) Community School District Board met in regular joint session March 13, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Elementary Media Center in Odebolt, Iowa. The board met with the Joint Facilities Committee in a work session prior to the regular meeting. No action took place during the work session. The O-A board meeting was called to order by Joey Hoefling, Board President. Kathy Leonard, Board Secretary, conducted a roll call vote as follows: Pat Hoefling, present; Brad Lundell, present; Stacy Raasch, present; and Ryan Schroeder, absent. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. The BC-IG board meeting was called to order by Stephanie Konradi, Board President. Kathy Leonard, Board Secretary, conducted a roll call vote as follows: Tony Bennett, present; Crystal Endrulat, present; Ryan Goodman, present; Danika Hinkeldey, present; Myra Meek, absent; Jeff Rasmussen, present. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve the agenda as published. The motion carried 4-0 for O-A. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Endrulat to approve the agenda as published. The motion carried 6-0 for BC-IG. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to approve the consent agenda for O-A consisting of board minutes and claims totaling $62,686.83. The motion carried 4-0. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Hinkeldey to approve the consent agenda for BC-IG consisting of board minutes, claims totaling $308,921.72; contract resignation from Megan Chizek, High School Girls’ Basketball Coach, and open enrollment application. The motion carried 6-0. J. Hoefling welcomed visitors. Approximately 5 patrons attended the meeting. No one spoke during the public forum portion. The curriculum presentation was given by the Mistaya Hoefling. She gave a presentation prepared by Kara Kraft, Reeann Marra and Kara Neville, highlighting the activities in the K-5 English Language Arts at Odebolt-Arthur Elementary. Ryan Schroeder arrived at 6:43 p.m. and participated in the remainder of the meeting. Terry Kenealy, shared superintendent, gave the boards an update on collective bargaining and stated both districts will be starting over with talks following the new rules passed by the legislature. He updated the boards on the reorganization petitions that will be submitted to the AEA to start the process for a possible June 27, 2017, reorganization election. Kenealy updated the boards on current legislation pertaining to school districts; discussed the proposed FY 17-18 calendar; the district desk audits being conducted by the Department
of Education and inter-district transportation agreements that are due to the AEA. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by Lundell to approve the FY 2017-2018 Sharing Agreements as presented for 11 staff members with the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Endrulat and seconded by Goodman to approve the FY 2017-2018 Sharing Agreements as presented for 11 staff members with the Odebolt-Arthur School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by P. Hoefling to set Monday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. as the date and time for the public hearing on the proposed FY 2017-2018 School Calendar for the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Goodman and seconded by Hinkeldey to set Monday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. as the date and time for the public hearing on the proposed FY 17-18 School Calendar for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to set the public hearing for the proposed FY 17-18 budget for the OdeboltArthur School District on Monday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the Elementary Media Center in Odebolt and direct Board Secretary to publish the notice of hearing. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Goodman to set the public hearing for the proposed FY 17-18 budget for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District on Monday, April 10, at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary Music Room in Ida Grove and direct the Board Secretary to publish the notice of hearing. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by Lundell to waive the first reading and approve on second reading the following Joint Board Policies: 402.2-Child Abuse Reporting; 501.16 Homeless Children and Youth; 502.6 Weapons; 503.1 Student Conduct; 505.4 Testing Program; 505.8 Parent and Family Engagement; 200.1 Organizational Meeting Procedures; 210.2 Regular Meeting; 411.2 Classified EmployeeQualifications, Recruitment, Selection;701.3 -Financial Records; 409.1 Licensed Employee Vacation-Holidays-Personal Leave and 414.1 Classified Employee Vacations-HolidaysPersonal Leave for the Odebolt-Arthur School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Endrulat and seconded by Bennett to waive the first reading and approve on second reading the following Joint Board Policies: 402.2-Child Abuse Reporting; 501.16 Homeless Children and Youth; 502.6 Weapons; 503.1 Student Conduct; 505.4 Testing Program; 505.8 Parent and Family Engagement; 200.1 Organizational Meeting Procedures; 210.2 Regular Meeting; 411.2 Classified EmployeeQualifications, Recruitment, Selection;701.3 -Financial Records; 409.1 Licensed Employee Vacation-Holidays-Personal Leave and 414.1 Classified Employee Vacations-HolidaysPersonal Leave for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by
P. Hoefling to approve Board Policy Series 300-School District Administration on first reading for the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Goodman to approve Board Policy Series 300-School District Administration on first reading for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve the purchase of a new school bus from Hoglund Bus Company at a cost of $82,175 to be paid for out of PPEL Funds for the Odebolt-Arthur School District. The motion carried 5-0. The bus is a 65-passenger diesel bus. Kenealy stated the district will sell the old bus. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the purchase of a new school bus from Hoglund Bus Company at the quoted price of $84,175 to be paid for out of PPEL Funds for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District and the motion carried 6-0. The bus is a 77-passenger diesel bus. Kenealy stated the district will sell the old bus. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Goodman to approve the request to purchase new band uniforms for the high school band program through fund-raising and contributions. The BC-IG Board passed the motion 6-0. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to reject the request to add an additional Assistant High School Baseball Coach for the 2017 Season. The motion carried 6-0. At approximately 7:30 p.m., Kenealy discussed with the boards the tentative list of items subject for budget reductions for FY 17-18 as recommended by the administration. The target reductions for BC-IG is $392,000 and the target for O-A is $204,000. The cuts are necessary due to the recent trend of low state supplemental aid and no large enrollment increases. The boards will meet in special session March 27, 6:30 p.m., in Odebolt to take action on the reductions. Kenealy stated there are procedural steps that need to occur before the boards take official action. The next regular joint board meeting will be held Monday, April 10, 2017, 6:30 p.m. at the BC-IG Elementary Music Room. The BC-IG budget hearing and special meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. The Odebolt-Arthur Board will hold a special budget hearing and meeting Monday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary media center. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0 and the Odebolt-Arthur meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. There being no further business before the BC-IG board, it was moved by Goodman and seconded by Endrulat to adjourn. The motion carried 6-0 and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Board was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Kathy A. Leonard, BC-IG Board Secretary Kathy A. Leonard, O-A Board Secretary
Taxes Levied on Property Utility Replacement Excise Tax Income Surtaxes Tuition\Transportation Received Earnings on Investments Nutrition Program Sales Student Activities and Sales Other Revenues from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediary Sources State Foundation Aid Instructional Support State Aid Other State Sources Commercial & Industrial State Replacement Title 1 Grants IDEA and Other Federal Sources Total Revenues General Long-Term Debt Proceeds Transfers In Proceeds of Fixed Asset Dispositions Total Revenues & Other Sources Beginning Fund Balance Total Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Budget 2018 3,212,380 86,426 40,000 560,000 8,500 350,000 250,000 1,187,000 0 3,878,776 14,374 855,000 58,614 104,200 126,000 10,731,270 0 495,209 0 11,226,479 2,893,470 14,119,949
Re-est. 2017 3,136,354 92,536 40,973 558,000 8,000 333,000 241,000 871,000 0 3,640,300 0 849,000 58,319 104,156 125,000 10,057,638 0 497,705 0 10,555,343 4,545,796 15,101,139
Actual 2016 2,975,005 92,027 82,655 546,574 8,364 125,697 239,468 904,916 0 3,790,126 0 658,871 61,428 116,612 307,447 9,909,190 4,300,000 493,802 42,979 14,745,971 3,073,765 17,819,736
Avg %1618 3.9% -3.1% -30.4%
*Instruction 23 6,897,500 6,630,000 6,103,504 6.3% Student Support Services 24 216,000 195,000 126,508 Instructional Staff Support Services 25 313,000 490,000 353,759 General Administration 26 280,000 274,300 254,419 School/Building Administration 27 389,000 395,000 370,852 Business & Central Administration 28 145,000 140,000 125,426 Plant Operation and Maintenance 29 795,000 745,000 702,868 Student Transportation 30 543,000 483,000 362,410 This row is intentionally left blank 31 0 0 0 *Total Support Services (lines 24-31) 31A 2,681,000 2,722,300 2,296,242 8.1% *Noninstructional Programs 32 340,000 300,000 298,634 6.7% Facilities Acquisition and Construction 33 800,000 1,315,000 3,480,243 Debt Service 34 495,838 473,110 182,090 AEA Support - Direct to AEA 35 302,770 269,554 274,887 *Total Other Expenditures (lines 33-35) 35A 1,598,608 2,057,664 3,937,220 -36.3% Total Expenditures 36 11,517,108 11,709,964 12,635,600 Transfers Out 37 495,209 497,705 638,340 Total Expenditures & Other Uses 38 12,012,317 12,207,669 13,273,940 Ending Fund Balance 39 2,107,632 2,893,470 4,545,796 Total Requirements 40 14,119,949 15,101,139 17,819,736 Proposed Tax Rate (per $1,000 taxable valuation) 12.28044 Location of Public Hearing: Date of Hearing: Time of Hearing: BCIG Elementary Music Room 04/10/17 6:00 p.m. 403 Barnes Street xx/xx/xx Ida Grove IA 51445 The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing on the proposed 2017/18 school budget at the above-noted location and time. At the hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of revenues and expenditures on file with the district secretary. A copy of the details will be furnished upon request. 1
Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Board of Supervisors IDA GROVE, IOWA MARCH 13, 2017 The Board of Supervisors convened in adjourned session, members present Chair Rhett Leonard, Creston Schubert and Raymond Drey. Minutes of the meeting held February 27, 2017, were read and approved. Traci Riessen, Treasurer, was present to propose PTO for a permanent part-time employee. Schubert moved to approve amending the personnel policy to allow .04 hours per hour worked for a permanent parttime Deputy Treasurer and payout on June 30 of each year with no carryover of PTO hours, effective July 1, 2017. Leonard seconded the motion and it carried, all voting Aye. County Engineer Jeff Williams presented a Detour Revocation form for U.S. 20 Detour on M-25 and D-15 in the amount $5,243.78 from 10/17/16 to 12/09/16 from the Iowa DOT. Leonard moved and Schubert seconded a motion to authorize the Chair to sign said form. Motion carried, all voting Aye. Kim Compton, Wellmark Representative, reviewed the County’s ISAC Health Insurance plan and usage with regards to premiums, deductibles and wellness benefits. Joe Cronin, Assessor, was present to discuss correspondence received from Iowa One Call with regards to GIS Parcel Data charges. It was the consensus of the Board to send a letter to Iowa One Call explaining that due to a contract with Sidwell on GIS Parcel Data, we honor the contracted charges. Leonard moved to approve the Clerk of Court’s report. Schubert seconded the motion and it carried, all voting Aye. A motion by Drey and seconded by Leonard to appoint Seth Neubauer as Grant Township Trustee for a term ending Dec 31, 2020. Motion carried, all voting Aye. The Board acknowledged receipt of Manure Management Plans from PGA/Allan Schmidt. Claims in the amount of $61.21 and $66.80 were approved from Benefits, Inc., from the Self Funding Fund. The following claims were approved: GENERAL BASIC: Amazon, Office Supplies $201.80 Bomgaars, 07-022-7 Uniform/ Maintenance 269.75 Buena Vista County Sheriff’s
Office, Nta0010526 Service Fees 23.98 Century Business Products Inc., Copier Maintenance-Recorder 40.00 City of Ida Grove, Utility 204.54 Counsel, Copier Maintenance/ Leases 366.52 Creston Schubert, LodgingSupervisor Training 224.00 Danielle Bennett, Owl Pellets 200.25 Darin Schau, Well Closure 500.00 Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co., Inspection Stamp 37.55 Dist. 3 Auditors’ Assoc., 2017 Dues 35.00 District 3 Treasurers, Registration 18.00 Don Poggensee, Lodging Reimbursement 50.00 Edsen Electric Inc., ServicesSupervisor/Sheriff 995.70 Fancy Threads Embroidery, Shirts 291.84 Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 362.26 Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, Service Fees JV1197-98 34.00 Hargroves Plumbing & Heating, Services 157.00 Hemer Plumbing Heating & Electric, Public Safety Sink/Labor 775.00 Horn Memorial Hospital, Med. Invest./Training Supplies 2,504.54 IACCVSO, Registration 60.00 Ida County Historical Society, Moorehead/Stagecoach FY2017 25.00 Ida County Sanitation Inc., February Garbage 151.87 Ida County Secondary Rds., February Fuels-Conservation 147.80 Ida County Sheriff Dept., Court-Related Services 124.00 Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., Acct. 7856 Wax Worms 17.97 Ida Grove Food Pride, Acct. 183 Supplies 54.52 Iowa County Recorders Assoc., Registration 20.00 Iowa Office Supply Inc., Office Supplies/Paper 304.98 Iowa State Medical Examiners’ Office, Autopsy Fees 3159.00 Jim’s Sewer Service, Camera/Clean Sewer Lines 337.50 Kelly Young, February Cleaning 50.00 Lbj Investigations, Service Fees 287.80 Linn County Public Health, Radon
Test Kits 150.00 Long Lines Internet, Internet Service-General 54.95 Malcom’s Paint & Hardware, Supplies - Conservation 50.01 Mangold Environmental Testing Inc., Testing 35.25 Mid-America Publishing Corp., Ads/Notices/Proceedings 1906.04 MidAmerican Energy, Utilities 2612.61 Neil Schumacher, Well Closure 500.00 North West REC, Utilities 1130.00 NW Iowa Youth Emergency Services Center, 15 Bed Stay 2250.00 Oakleaf Property Management, April-May Rent 50.00 Odebolt Lumber, Plywood-Displays 77.14 Office Depot, Office Supplies 67.68 Office Systems Company, Copier Contract 79.00 Patrick Stevens, Corrected: Call/Training Expense 1144.62 Postmaster, Postage-Supervisors 49.00 th Public Safety Agency Fun., 4 Qtr. FY2017 Allocation 138717.75 Rhett Leonard, Registra./ Lodging/Meals/Mileage 579.14 Rogers Pest Control, Pest Control 40.00 Scantron/Harland Technology Services, Semi-Annual Maintenance 4117.00 Selections, Jan./Feb. UPS & Supplies 59.90 Stephanie Mefferd, Corrected: Investigator Expenses 827.87 Storey Kenworthy - Matt Parrott, AP Warrants 342.07 Supplyworks, Custodial Supplies Less Disc. 199.87 Thomson Reuters - West Payment Center, West Law/ NW Digest 869.40 U S Cellular, Cell PhoneSanitarian 116.64 Webster County Sheriff’s Office, AGCR7244 Service Fees 23.00 Wibe & Phillips, Postage Reimbursement 6.10 Woodward Youth Corporation, Services 2238735G 1306.20 General Basic Total: 171868.41 GF DESIGNATED FOR COMPUTER:
Tyler Technologies Inc., Property Tax Planning GF Designated for Computer Total: SECONDARY ROAD: Aramark, Shop Supplies Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa, Registration Bomgaars, 07-015-2 Supplies Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc., 2017 Bridge Inspection Chad’s Plumbing Inc., Water Line Repair - Arthur City of Arthur, Utility City of Battle Creek, Utility City of Holstein, Utility City of Ida Grove, Utility-Shop/ Office Counsel, Copier MaintenanceEngineer Equipment Blades Inc., Blades Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 Hallett Materials, Ice Control Sand Hanson Auto Supply, Parts/Filters/ Tools/Other Hayes Oil Company, Oil/Grease Ida County Sanitation Inc., Feb. Garbage-Engineer Independent Salt Company, Hiway/Treated Bulk Inland Truck Parts Co., FenderBlack Interstate Power Systems Inc., Parts Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Grader Blade Bolts Iowa Office Supply Inc., Acct. 192306 Supplies Iowa State University, 7 Registrations Jeffrey Williams, Food/Lodging/ Fuel/Registration/Mileage Jim Hawk Truck Trailers Inc., Part Little Falls Machine Inc., Buffer Spring Martin Marietta Aggregates, Class A Mid-America Publishing Corp., Ad-Engineer MidAmerican Energy, UtilityBldg./Hwy. Mile 2 Tire & Lube, Tire Repair North West REC, Utility-Hwy./Bdg.
343.75 343.75 104.59 260.00 298.49 6751.50 736.32 118.52 15.25 37.66 36.40 85.04 2304.00 168.74 2832.50 1039.14 1664.50 18.56 5424.75 151.14 806.43
Noteboom Implement LLC, Acct. 26310 Cap Screw Odebolt Lumber, Lumber-Engineer Oden EnterprIses Inc., Sheet Pile Overhead Door Co., RepairsOverhead Door Rees Mack Sales & Service, Parts RFG Logistics, Road Salt Sexton Oil Co., Gas/Diesel Sioux City Truck Sales Inc., Adapter Sundquist Engineering PC, Services Verizon Wireless, Survey Wireless Vetter Equipment, Parts/Filters Von Bokern Associates Inc., Services Ziegler Inc, Parts Secondary Road Total: REAP: Danielle Bennett, Registration Reimbursement REAP Total: SHERIFF’S K-9 FUND: Bomgaars, #07-056-6 Auto/K9 Supplies Charlie Meyer, K9 Work on 47-10 Valley Veterinary Center, K9 Shots X 2 Dogs Sheriff’s K-9 Fund Total: IDA COUNTY SELF-FUNDING: Benefits Inc., Self-Funding Premium/Cobra Ida County Self-Funding Total:
3.71 214.70 13905.00 326.70 187.63 5599.39 11516.23 8.88 450.00 40.01 345.85 1000.00 335.72 61551.53
72.00 72.00
125.97 629.00 389.08 1144.05
724.00 724.00
64.20 10.76 630.00 552.56 273.82 82.18 1610.85 50.00 670.77 25.00 794.04
IDA CO. CONFISCATED PROP.-SHERIFF: Iowa Dept. of Justice, Vehicle Seizure 200.00 Ida Co. Confiscated Prop.Sheriff Total: 200.00 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Amazon, Drone Parts/Accessories 527.38 Bomgaars, #07-009-5 Supplies 46.97 Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 6.04 Hanson Auto Supply, Decal Remover 11.99 Pronto, Acct. 30 Feb. Fuel 139.68 Emergency Management Total: 732.06 E911 SURCHARGE AGENCY FUND: Alpha Wireless Comm. Co., Radio Repair 521.00 Amazon, Acct. 6045787810450656 Monitors 1912.77 Centurylink, Lines 712 233-0022 283.4 Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 66.03 Frontier Comm. of Iowa (213), 02130385-S-171041 517.57 Ida Grove Community Rec. Center, Room Rental E911Sohm 30.00 Shield Technology Corp., CAD License 10000.00 E911 Surcharge Agency Fund Total: 13330.86 PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY: Adams Motor Co., Vehicle Maintenance 683.53 Bomgaars, #07-056-6 Auto/K9 Supplies 23.26 Casey’s General Store Inc., #12504 Feb. Fuel 1076.84 Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 215.40 Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., Acct. 401 Feb. Fuel 1135.24 Ida Grove Food Pride, Acct. 166 Jail Meals/Supplies 2700.71 International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police, Membership 150.00 Iowa Office Supply Inc., Office Supplies Acct. 103739 114.69 Jack’s Uniforms & Equipment, Uniform/Shipping 133.83 Lewis Family Drug LLC, Acct. 101734-8 Prisoner Prescriptions 15.70 Long Lines Internet, Wiring/ Internet-Sheriff 82.50 Lovett Enterprises Inc., April Storage 55.00 Marco Inc., Copier Lease 150.15 Mile 2 Tire & Lube, February Services 169.86 Pronto, Acct. 32 Feb. Fuel 656.33 Robbie Ludy, Interpreting Services 86.00 Secretary of State, Notary 30.00 Shopko Stores Operating Co. LLC, Jail Supplies 39.83 Sirchie Fingerprint Laboratories, Test Kits, Bags / Shipping 239.78 Solutions Inc., ,Backup/Service Calls 780.46 Supplyworks, Cups/Wipes 89.95 U S Cellular, Air Cards Dec. & Feb. 925.68 VISA, Lodging/Meals/Fuel/Internet 1162.99 Vollmar Motors Inc., Oil Changes/ Service 420.52 Public Safety Agency Total: 11138.25 COUNTY ASSESSOR: DEPARTMENT OR FUND
Counsel, Copier Lease-Assessor 52.99 Devlun Whiteing, Conference Board/Mileage 21.17 Don Friedrichsen, Conference Board/Mileage 27.80 Frontier, Phone Chgs. March 2017 20.12 Joe Cronin, February Mileage 97.19 Lloyd E. Holmes, Conference Board/Mileage 24.68 Long Lines Internet, InternetAssessor 7.50 MId-America Publishing Corp., Notice-Prop. Tax 17.10 Randall Fineran, Conference Board/Mileage 25.46 Reserve Account 35031707 Ida Co., Postage - Assessor 1600.00 Tony A. Bennett, Conference Board/Mileage 21.17 County Assessor Total: 1,915.18 COUNTY TOTAL: $263,020.09 At 11:00 a.m., this being the time and place as published, Chair Leonard opened the public hearing with regards to the FY-18 proposed budget. At 11:25 a.m., Chair Leonard closed the hearing. No one was present for the hearing. Schubert moved to approve Resolution 1705 Elected Official Salaries which included a 5% increase for all elected officials except the Supervisors to receive a 4% increase. Drey seconded the motion and it carried, all voting Aye. WHEREAS, the Ida County Compensation Board met on December 13, 2016, and made the following elected officials’ salary recommendations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 331.905 and 331.907; a 6% increase: Supervisors from $24,724 to $26,207; Sheriff from $56,616 to $60,013; Auditor & Treasurer from $44,374 to $47,036; Recorder from $43,688 to $46,309 and Attorney from $44,339 to $46,999. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ida County Board of Supervisors approves the following salary adjustments for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, at the rate of a 5% increase: Sheriff-$59,447; Auditor & Treasurer-$46,593; Recorder-$45,872 and Attorney-$46,556. A 4% increase for the Supervisors-$25,713. Approved this March 13, 2017, with the following vote: Ayes: /s/Rhett Leonard; /s/ Creston Schubert; /s/Raymond Drey, Attest: /s/ Lorna Steenbock, Auditor. A motion by Schubert and seconded by Drey to approve Resolution 17-06 Adoption of Budget and Certification of Taxes for FY-2018. Motion carried, all voting Aye. See Below for Resolution 17-06. At 11:30 a.m., this being the time and place as published, Chair Leonard opened the public hearing for the FY-17 Budget Amendment Public Hearing. At 11:50 a.m., Chair Leonard closed the public hearing. No one was present for the hearing. Drey moved to approve Resolution 17-07 FY-17 Amendment to County Budget and Appropriation Adjustment. Schubert seconded the motion and it carried, all voting Aye. RESOLUTION 17-07 WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors, Ida County, Iowa adopted and certified the Budget for fiscal Year July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, on the 22nd day of February, 2016; WHEREAS, proposed expenditures in various department were approved as part of that budget; and WHEREAS, Appropriations were made to the departments for the FY 17 in accordance with Section 331.434(6), Code of Iowa, by the Board of Supervisors by Resolution 16-18 on 20th day of June, 2016. WHEREAS, the amended budgets require that the appropriations also be amended; and there are sufficient resources available without increases in taxes for FY ending June 30, 2017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors, Ida County, and the Appropriation revision as set forth below, be approved, and the Auditor directed to correct the records accordingly. (See chart below) There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again at 9:00 a.m., Monday, March 27, 2017, or on call of the Chair. /s/ Lorna Steenbock Auditor
GENERAL BASIC/Designated For Public Safety Department: Sheriff
GENERAL BASIC Department Special Investigations
GENERAL BASIC/Designated For County Purposes Fund (0009) $20,000 th
Approved this 13 day of March, 2017, with the vote as follows: Ayes: /s/Rhett Leonard, /s/Creston Schubert, /s/Raymond Drey ATTEST: /s/ Lorna Steenbock, Auditor
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/s/ Rhett A. Leonard Chair
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
From the Ida County Sheriff ’s Log Thursday, March 9 Of icers received 21 calls for service. Among the calls were four traf ic stops, one alarm tests, one 911 wrong number and one abandoned 911 call. 2:56 a.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 500 block of Willow Street 3:26 a.m.: K-9 search on Dodge Avenue and 270th Street 8:43 a.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 400 block of First Street for fall 8:58 a.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 5300 block of 240th Street 9:34 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 100 block of Hamburg Street 12:15 p.m.: Welfare check requested, medical examiner requested 12:25 p.m.: Emergency transport 12:44 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 12:46 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 800 block of Second Street 1:53 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 2:58 p.m.: Open window/door reported in the 500 block of Willow Street 4:46 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 500 block of Burns Street 5:37 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 500 block of Burns Street 11:21 p.m.: Report of driving without a license Friday, March 10 Of icers received 27 calls for service. Among the calls were four traf ic stops with two resulting in arrests, one 911 transfer and one abandoned 911 call. 3:24 a.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 400 block of Minnesota Street 8:36 a.m.: Report of fraud/ scam from the 600 block of Taylor Street 10:14 a.m.: Civil paper service at the Ida County Courthouse 11:58 a.m.: Report of harassment and threats from the 1400 block of Harvest Avenue 12 p.m.: Report of harassment and threats from the 400 block of Willow Street 12:10 p.m.: Report of harassment and threats from the 1000 block of Industrial Park 12:26 p.m.: Warrant served at the Ida County Courthouse, arrest made 12:52 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 1:12 p.m.: Warrant served at the Ida County Courthouse, arrest made 1:15 p.m.: Controlled burn reported in the 2300 block of Quail Avenue 1:29 p.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 100 block of Ida Street 3:06 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 500 block of Walnut Street 3:09 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 200 block of Moorehead Avenue 4:52 p.m.: Report of structure cave-in in the 5900 block of 310th Street 6:11 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 5400 block of Highway 20 6:51 p.m.: Assisted outside agency 8:49 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported on Highway 59 near 140th Street 9:36 p.m.: Accident reported on Chestunt Street near Fifth Street, damages only 10:16 p.m.: Report of reckless driving, speeding on Highway 175 10:40 p.m.: Accident reported on Highway 20 near Eagle Avenue, damages only 11:15 p.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 100 block of Cleveland Street Saturday, March 11 Of icers received 14 calls for service. Among the calls were two traf ic stops and one abandoned 911 call. 1:18 a.m.: Assistance requested in the 100 block of Cleveland Street 5:37 a.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 300 block of Railroad Street 8:32 a.m.: Criminal mischief re-
proted in the 5200 block of 150th Street 8:34 a.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 5200 block of 220th Street 10:35 a.m.: Non-medical transport 11:39 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 600 block of Second Street 12:43 p.m.: Controlled burn reported on Landmark Avenue 2:46 p.m.: Accident reported in the 3000 block of Dodge Avenue, damages only 6:24 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported on Chestnut Street near Fifth Street 8:47 p.m.: Assisted motorist on Highway 59 10:43 p.m.: Complaint of a party in the 600 block of Father Dailey Drive, arrests made Sunday, March 12 Of icers received 13 calls for service. Among the calls were one traf ic stop, one alarm call and two abandoned 911 calls. 10:20 a.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 500 block of Zobel Lane 11:01 p.m.: Controlled burn reported on Landmark Avenue 1:55 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported to the Ida County Courthouse 3:35 p.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 5:53 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 5:58 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 7:22 p.m.: Welfare check requested 10:07 p.m.: Noise complaint from the 300 block of Railroad Street, arrest made 10:20 p.m.: Assisted outside agency Monday, March 13 Of icers received 15 calls for service. Among the calls were one alarm test and one abandoned 911 call. 2:14 a.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 4:29 a.m.: Assisted motorist on Highway 20 8:55 a.m.: Accident reported on Highway 20 near Market Avenue, damages only 12:10 p.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 12:43 p.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 700 block of King Street for chest/heart pain 12:56 p.m.: Assistance with urinalysis testing 1 p.m.: Violation of a court order in the 100 block of Lubeck Street 1:21 p.m.: Non-medical transport 2:43 p.m.: Sex offender registry check at the Ida County Courthouse 2:45 p.m.: Property reported recovered or returned 3:29 p.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 3:57 p.m.: Welfare check requested 9:09 p.m.: Search warrant served in the 300 block of Hamburg Street Tuesday, March 14 Of icers received 26 calls for service. Among the calls were three traf ic stops, one 911 transfer and one request for extra attention. 8 a.m.: Controlled burn reported on Jasper Avenue 8:09 a.m.: Call to talk to an of icer
9:02 a.m.: Controlled burn reported on Sixth Street 9:04 a.m.: Controlled burn reported on Sixth Street 9:09 a.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 9:11 a.m.: Sex offender registry check in the 4800 block of 125th Street 9:37 a.m.: Welfare check requested 10:01 a.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 10:21 a.m.: Controlled burn reported in the 1700 block of Sixth Street 10:23 a.m.: Controlled burn reported on Sixth Street 11:40 a.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 600 block of Morningside Street 11:58 a.m.: Call to talk to an of icer 12:04 p.m.: Animal complaint reported to the Ida County Courthouse 3:13 p.m.: Report of fraud/scam from the 2300 block of Quail Avenue 3:43 p.m.: Report of fraud/scam from the 1400 block of German Avenue 3:52 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 500 block of Sixth Street 4:01 p.m.: Civil paper service in the 2300 block of Carriage Avenue 4:36 p.m.: Suspicious person/ activity reported in the 100 block of Jacob Avenue 4:59 p.m.: Civil paper service at the Ida County Courthouse 7:43 p.m.: Assisted motorist on Highway 175 8:15 p.m.: Emergency transport Wednesday, March 15 Of icers received 32 calls for service. Among the calls were 11 traf ic stops, one alarm call and one call for jail activity. 7:36 a.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 9:04 a.m.: Controlled burn reported on Highway 59 10:13 a.m.: Accident reported with injuries in the 400 block of Moorehead Street 10:17 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 500 block of Second Street 10:23 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 5900 block of Highway 175 10:28 a.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 100 block of Cleveland Street 10:37 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 400 block of Court Street 11:05 a.m.: Civil paper service in the 300 block of Dodge Avenue 11:39 a.m.: Report of fraud/ scam from the 1100 block of Brady Avenue 2:18 p.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 2:25 p.m.: Report of missing juvenile 2:36 p.m.: Welfare check requested 3:51 p.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 100 block of First Avenue 4:50 p.m.: Medical assistance requested in the 700 block of Second Street 5:48 p.m.: Animal complaint from the 600 block of Taylor Street 6:04 p.m.: Assisted with unlocking a vehicle 8:07 p.m.: Animal complaint in the 200 block of Jasper Avenue 8:40 p.m.: Controlled burn reported in the 5900 block of 260th Street
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IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR IDA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUST OF MINNIE S. BROCK, DECEASED HARRY HAHN, JR. EDUCATIONAL TRUST PROBATE NO. 7730 NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF FORM 990-PF THE TRUST’S ANNUAL RETURN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE HARRY HAHN, JR. EDUCATIONAL TRUST: You are hereby notified that Form 990-PF, Annual Return of Private Foundation, has been prepared by Thomas R. Mohrhauser, Attorney for the Trust of Harry Hahn, Jr. Educational Trust. Said Annual Return is available for inspections at Thomas R. Mohrhauser’s Law Office; 314 Main Street; Mapleton, Iowa 51034; (712) 882-1468, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, by any citizen who requests inspection within 180 days from this notice. Said notice has been published in the Ida County Courier on March 22, 2017. Dated this 16th day of March, 2017. /s/ Thomas R. Mohrhauser THOMAS R. MOHRHAUSER Attorney at Law 314 Main Street Mapleton, Iowa 51034 (712) 882-1468
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IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR IDA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RONDA K. Kroll, Deceased CASE NO. ESPR009285 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (SMALL ESTATE) TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF RONDA K. KROLL, Deceased, who died on or about February 26, 2017: You are hereby notified that on March 2, 2017, the last will and testament of RONDA K. KROLL, deceased, bearing date of February 25, 2001, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Trevor Kroll and Todd Kroll were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated March 2, 2017. Trevor Kroll 1021 Bryn Mawr Drive Papillion, NE 68046 and Todd Kroll 317 NW Waterview Court Ankeny, IA 50023 Executors of the Estate Kristal L. Phillips #AT0006248 Attorney for the Executors Wibe & Phillips 427 West Main Street P.O. Box 100 Cherokee, Iowa 51012-0100 Date of second publication 22nd day of March, 2017
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City of Ida Grove
CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL MARCH 6, 2017 Meeting convened at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Whiteing. Council members present: Jeff Buehler, Paul Cates, Ryan Goodman, and Scott Tomlinson. Absent: Doug Clough. Others present were: Jared Schulte, Patty Haack, Marlo Schoer, and City Attorney Peter Goldsmith. A motion was made by Jeff Buehler to approve the agenda. Seconded by Ryan Goodman. Motion by Paul Cates to amend agenda to include Sheriff’s report. Seconded by Ryan Goodman. Motion to approve agenda, as amended, passed unanimously. Mayor opened public hearing on FY 2018 budget. No written comments. No oral comments from audience. Mayor held hearing open. Appearance by Patty Haack to discuss community partners/downtown beautification. She discussed trash can covers/sleeves, bike racks and benches downtown. This has been scaled back from lamp posts and trees. Estimated cost is about $14,000 for current project. Have $500 now, applied for $7,000 grant. Motion by Jeff Buehler, subject to receiving plans, to approve concept. Seconded by Paul Cates. Approved unanimously. 6:20 Mayor asked again for comments on budget – no comments. Mayor closed hearing. Jeff Buehler moved to approve FY 2018 budget. Seconded by Paul Cates. Motion passed unanimously. Downtown revitalization update. Paul Cates reported there still is a question from Mark Brenner about scratched glass. Discussion on final payment to RDG. Questions remain about doors for Selections and Farm Bureau. Motion by Jeff Buehler to not approve final payment and Paul Cates will ask RDG to come meet with council. Seconded by Scott Tomlinson. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Jeff Buehler to discontinue fuel sales and have city sell existing fuel. Seconded by Paul Cates. Motion passed unanimously. Paul Cates moved to approve purchase of new mower. Scott Tomlinson seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Jeff Buehler, seconded by Scott Tomlinson, to pay Chelsea Gross six weeks maternity leave and allow her to use two weeks of personal time/vacation. This is a unique situation, because she was promised this by the former City Clerk. This does not set a precedent for future maternity leave. New City Clerk will be asked to develop a comprehensive personnel policy to include a possible maternity leave provision. Motion approved unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Ryan Goodman and seconded by Scott Tomlinson. Motion passed unanimously. Peter Goldsmith, Interim Secretary Devlun Whiteing, Mayor
PUBLIC NOTICE City of Battle Creek
MARCH 13, 2017 BATTLE CREEK, IA The Battle Creek City Council met in regular session on Monday, March 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Hall. Mayor Holmes presided over the meeting. Council members present were: Jill Wingert, Todd Riessen, Judy Schau, Myra Meek, and Dan Hedberg. Mayor Holmes called the meeting to order. Motion by Schau, seconded by Riessen to approve the agenda and minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Holmes opened the public hearing on the FY18 budget. No comments. Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion by Wingert, seconded by Hedberg to approve the Resolution 2017-3-13 the FY18 budget as published. Roll call – ayes – Wingert, Riessen, Hedberg, Schau, Meek. Motion carried unanimously. Rick and Lauri with the Hoffman Agency presented the council with the insurance renewal effective 4/1/17. Deron Schmidt reported on the Fire Department. He requested the closing of Ida Street from Highway 175 to Second Street the evening of July 1st for their street dance. Council approved. Sheriff Harriman reported on the Sheriff’s
Department. Tim Burow and Ed Sohm reported on the Ambulance Department. Ed gave a presentation on the ALS transfers. Nuisances were discussed. Mayor Holmes discussed the annual Clean Up days. Due to the lack of funds, it was suggested that we may not be able to offer a clean-up day this year and/or may want to consider raising monthly garbage rates. This will be discussed at next month’s meeting. Craig reported on maintenance issues, including the repairs needed as a result of the fire hydrant that was struck on 6th & Walnut and the estimate obtained for a wet well grinder. The council reviewed two employment aps for the part-time maintenance position. The council elected to leave the position open and directed the city clerk to run the ad for two more weeks. Motion by Hedberg, seconded by Wingert to approve the bills and reports. Motion carried unanimously. Hedberg moved to adjourn at 9:30 pm. Wingert seconded and motion carried unanimously. Diane Lansink, City Clerk/Treasurer Lloyd Holmes, Mayor
CLAIMS: 2/17/2017 – 3/16/2017: Al’s Corner Oil, fuel $202.79; Bomgaars, supplies $154.34; Brown Supply, supplies $750; Council Bluffs Online, webpage $35; EFTPS, taxes $2,156.76; Frontier, utilities $971.39; Hallett Materials, supplies $303.31; Hanson Auto, supplies $71.76; Hayes Oil, fuel $319.54; Iowa Dept. of Revenue, sales tax $436.67; IPERS, pension $1,216.52; Mid-America Publishing, publications $63.53; MidAmerican, utilities $2,364.28; Postmaster, postage $102; Selections, supplies $23.22; Sheila Petersen, mileage $7.56; Shopko, supplies $28.33; Valley Bank, insurance $1,250; Wallace Construction, hauling $155; Payroll (2/07/17) $2,803.25; Payroll (2/21/17) $3,040.12. DISBURSEMENTS: General $3,981.60; Library $1,557.97; RUT $13,890.63; T&A $499.23; LOST $9,500; Water $4,754.69; Sewer $4,031.41; Garbage $5,032.81. REVENUE: General $7,802.78; Library $205; RUT $8,323.84; T&A $36.88; Emergency $0.98; LOST $4,943.29; Debt $0.39; Sliplining $1,437.52; Water $5,537.50; Sewer $4,417.80; Garbage $4,653.82; Storm Water $1,502.41.
MARCH 13, 2017 The Galva City Council met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Nading presiding. Council members present: Bloyer, Freese, Goettsch, Schossow. Absent: Wiese. Guests: Wade Harriman. Motion by Freese, second by Goettsch approving the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Schossow second by Goettsch, approving the Consent Agenda. All ayes. Motion carried. Consent Agenda: a. minutes of 2-13 & 15, 2017; b. Clerk/Treasurer’s Financial Reports, c. Allow Bills Presented; d. Liquor License renewal Brenda Segebart d/b/a Lumber Inn. BILLS PRESENTED: January 9, 2017: Payroll Account – federal, state, FICA & IPERS withholding $826.38 Reserve Fund – transfer funds 153.00 Depreciation Fund – transfer funds 249.00 Aurelia Lumber – lumber/supplies 233.34 Badger Meter – beacon services 196.69 Cherokee Rural Water –1,570,000 gallons 4,239.00 Foundation Analytical – ww testing 18.00 G & C’s – fuel 72.49 – Repairs 752.38 Galva Post Office – postage 151.00 IMFOA – spring conference 125.00 I & S Group – engineering fees 2,029.75 Iowa Prison Industries – 3 sign posts 63.70 MidAmerican Energy – utilities 1,355.26 Mid-America Publishing Corp. – publications 244.21 Schaller Telephone – monthly phone bill 18.24 SIMPCO – housing trust fund 4,000.00 Stevenson Hardware – supplies 110.80 Triple C Pest Control – 2017 mosquito control 1,900.00 Walmart – cabinet, binder, toner 258.77 Mark Vogt – 8 hours snow plow 173.20 John Walsh – 7 hours snow plow 151.55 Brad Pedersen – certified operator 609.32 Jim Rasmussen – salary 2,500.00 Insurance stipend 434.00 Anita Brandt – Salary 1,315.90 – Reimb. medical insurance 217.00 LIBRARY BILLS: Payroll Account – federal, state, FICA & IPERS withholding 347.95 Schaller Telephone 42.67 MidAmerican Energy 151.31
Baker & Taylor – books 189.72 Walmart – DVDs, supplies 358.97 Stevenson’s Hardware – vacuum bag 5.99 State Library of Iowa – class fee – Trish 35.00 Patricia Niemeier – salary 68 hours 836.40 – Reimburse medical insurance 219.40 – Reimburse mileage 23.54 – Reimburse knobs – bathroom vanity 19.16 Mary Wiese – 3 hours at 9.22 27.66 Cindee Lichter – 7.5 hours at 9.22 69.15 Aimee Kell – 3 hours at 9.22 $27.66 RECEIPT SUMMARY BY FUND – GENERAL – $2,096.42; ROAD USE – 3,672.27; EMERGENCY 9.02; LOST – 2,694.18; TRUST & AGENCY – 24.54; WATER UTILITY – 9,952.35; RESERVE FUND – 153.00; DEPRECIATION FUND – 249.00; SEWER UTILITY – 3,862.37; SOLID WASTE – 4,023.11. DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY BY FUND – GENERAL – $2,076.74; LOST – 0.00; ROAD USE – 1,812.95; WATER – 4,632.24; SEWER – 3,371.53; LOST – 90.00; TIF – 4,000.00. PUBLIC HEARING – 2017-2018 BUDGET – Motion to open the public hearing by Freese second by Bloyer. All ayes. Motion carried. Following discussion motion by Freese second by Schossow to approve the 2017-2018 budget as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Freese second by Bloyer to close the public hearing. All ayes. Motion carried. RECODIFICATION – DAWN KIMMEL – SIMPCO – The council discussed the best way to go through the draft of ordinances and it was decided to send Dawn our suggestions for changes and she will attend another meeting with the council to go over the changes. UNEMPLOYMENT WAGES – JIM RASMUSSEN – Motion by Freese second by Schossow to approve deducting the amount EMC insurance paid Maintenance Person Rasmussen for his regular paycheck for the week he was off due to an injury. All ayes. Motion carried. WATER TOWER INSPECTION/CLEANING BIDS – Bids were received from: -Maguire Iron, Sioux Falls, S.D. $1,805.00. -Utility Service Company, Atlanta, GA., $2,250.00. -Central Tank Coatings, Elgin, IA - $2,000.00. -Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group, Henderson, KY., $2495.00. Motion by Goettsch second by Bloyer to ac-
cept the contract from Maguire Iron. All ayes. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT – QUAD COUNTY CORN PROCESSORS – Following discussion motion by Schossow second by Goettsch to accept the application for a new entry way at 300 Crawford Street. All ayes. Motion carried. The new entry way will not be any further north of the current bump out of the building. RESOLUTION 2017/2018 SALARIES & MILEAGE – Motion by Freese second by Schossow to approve Resolution 2-2017 setting the wages for employees as those in the 2017/2018 budget. All ayes. Motion carried. IDA COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT – Sheriff Harriman talked with the council about the recent happenings in Ida County. SEWER RATE AMENDMENT – The first reading amending the code of ordinances of the City of Galva by amending provisions pertaining to sewer rates was read and approved upon motion by Goettsch second by Freese. All ayes. Motion carried. This amendment will increase the sewer rate to 20.50 per month. CD#3958 RENEWAL – Motion by Freese second by Goettsch to renew CD 3958 for 11 months at 1%. All ayes. Motion carried. STREET WORK BIDS – The city received bids from: • Blacktop Service – Humboldt, IA. – Single seal coat pea gravel or chips $1.85 per square yard; asphalt $121.50 per ton. • Sta-bilt Construction Co. , Harlan, IA. – per square yard pea gravel $1.83, chip $2.06; limestone; $1.97 cold patch $675 per ton. • The Road Guy – Yankton, S.D. – seal coat either pea gravel or chip $1.60 per square yard; hot mix $160 per ton for patching. Following discussion motion by Freese second by Schossow to accept the bid from BlackTop Service Company for the 2017 seal coating. IN OTHER BUSINESS, THE COUNCIL DISCUSSED: • Insurance and tractor repairs to the windshield and grill • Shelter House Upgrades • Library Personnel Policy There being no further business, the council adjourned upon motion by Schossow. Mayor Stan Nading ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer Anita Brandt, IACMC/MMC
Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Deadline for Classified ads - Friday 3 pm (Excludes Holidays)
Card d of Thanks nks THANK YOU: Thank you to all of our family & friends who reached out to us during this difficult time in the loss of our wife, mother & grandmother, Deb Cranston. Whether it be a visit, a card, flowers, prayers, hugs or even just thoughts of us, we appreciate everything. A special thanks to Father Ball for his visits & for a heartfelt funeral mass, & thanks to Joey & Kay for providing beautiful music during mass. Thanks to Joey, Dr. Luft & everyone at Horn Memorial Hospital for always taking such good care of her when she was in ER & on the floor. Your care & compassion are beyond compare. We would also like to thank Horn Hospice for their caring nature during her final hours. Thanks to Josh & Christie at Christensen-Van Houten Funeral Home for making such a difficult time a little easier. We would also like to thank St. Martin’s Ladies’ Guild for the desserts & salads & for their time during the luncheon. Thank you to Staley’s for catering a delicious meal. She always enjoyed working with you at different events that you catered. An extra special thanks to Kelly Leonard for all of the in-home care & friendship you provided to her this past year. She knew she could always rely on you to be there for her & that meant a lot to all of us. She will be missed greatly by all who knew her, but we know that we will meet her again someday. Breathe easy & fly with the angels, pretty lady. The Family of Deb Cranston Jeff Cranston Derick & Kim Cranston & Family Kelly & Tracey Rohlk & Family 12-1t/cra*
THANK YOU: I would like to thank all my relatives & friends for the birthday wishes I received by either sending cards, phone calls or stopping by. Thank you again. They made my day. Merlin Gebers 12-1t/cra*
THANK YOU: Thanks to Dr. Luft & nurses at ER & to Joel & Dustin for a safe trip to ER at Mercy. Thanks to Dr. Kensinger for surgery & all the wonderful nurses at Mercy. Thanks to the kids for bringing meals & other food brought in. Thanks for the cards & visits. Thanks to Home Health & therapy at home. Special thanks to my husband; I couldn’t of done it without you-you are my hero. God bless. Arlis Renze 12-1t/cra*
THANK YOU: Thank you to everyone who sent birthday greetings for my 88th birthday. I was so surprised & overwhelmed by your kindness. Donna May Schau 12-1t/cra*
Reall Estate Re HOME FOR SALE: 102 4th St., Steamboat Rock, IA. 2-3 bedroom home. Asking $46,000 OBO. Open house on 4/1/17, 1-4 p.m. Call or text Elizabeth at 319215-7179. 12-1t/cra*BB
For Rent FOR RENT: In Ida Grove. Two-bedroom, onebath apartments. One furnished, one unfurnished. Ph. 712-371-2577. 43-tfc/cra FOR RENT: In Ida Grove. One-bedroom apartments. No smoking & no pets. Contact Bev at 712-371-2367. 9-tfc/cra FOR RENT IN IDA GROVE: Two-bedroom home with full basement. Available immediately; must have references. Ph. 602-3123537 or 712-364-2875. 12-2t/cra* HOUSE FOR RENT: Two-bedroom in Ida Grove. Garage. $450/month, plus deposit. No pets. Ph. 712-880-9973. 5-tfc FOR RENT IN IDA GROVE: Three-bedroom duplex. Garage. $425/month plus deposit. No pets. Ph. 712-880-9973. 5-tfc FOR RENT: Two-bedroom & four-bedroom homes in Ida Grove. All appliances included, plus a garage. In a nice neighborhood. Garden area. Ph. 712-369-9856. 11-2t/cra
Even vents NOTICE: Old Man Winter is coming. Call us today for propane. Johnson Propane Heating & Cooling. 712365-4740. 41-tfc/cra
HELP WANTED Galva-Holstein CSD is looking for a hard working, well organized person for head custodian/ maintenance director. Must be able to work with others and be exible. Starting July 1, if not sooner for training. Full time, 12 months, salary based on experience - with a minimum of $40,000. Excellent bene t package. Send your application and resume by April 1 to: Superintendent Jon Wiebers 519 E. Maple Holstein, IA 51025 Ph: 712-368-4353
FOR RENT: Arthur apartments. One- & twobedroom. Ph. 712-830-3211. 11-4t/cra HOMES FOR RENT: Three-bedroom in Ida Grove, $600/ mo. Two-bedroom in Holstein, $550/ mo. Two-bedroom in Galva, $450/ mo. Appliances provided. No pets or smoking. Call 712-790-1887 or 712592-9735. 11-tfc/cra ATTENTION NEW TENANTS: First month free with one-year lease (for new tenants). Ground-floor apartments available. Ida Grove Apartments. Ph. 712-364-2571. 12-1t/cra
Garage ge Sale S le DOSE GARAGE SALE: Downtown Ida Grove. Thursday, March 23, 8-5. Friday, March 24, 8-5. Spring clothing. Easter items, collectibles, crafts, books, movies, household, tools & a lot more. Always something new. 12-1t/crags Check out the
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HELP WANTED: Marketing/Recreational Director: Candidate must have experience with social media marketing, good computer skills & a vibrant personality for public speaking. May be based out of Lawton/Moville or Holstein area. Please complete an online application @ www.char-mac. com or stop at the Lawton campus to complete an onsite application. Come join our Char-Mac family. 11-2t/cra HELP WANTED: Part-time Housekeeper to work 60 hours every two weeks, flexible shifts. Part-Time Dietary Aide to cook, bake & create salads. 64 hours every two weeks with opportunity to pick up more hours. Benefits, including health insurance, available for above positions. MT/ MLT needed for weekend package 1 to 2 weekends per month. CLIA certification required. Apply by March 31 to www.hornmemorialhospital. org. Applicants are not discriminated in hiring based on race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. Interpreter is provided at no cost. 12-2t/cra HELP WANTED: Office assistant/Christian education coordinator: 35 hrs./ week with seasonal fluctuations to 40 hrs./week. Will provide secretarial assistance to the church & coordinate & facilitate education classes & activities for youth of all ages. Must be able to work independently. Could start immediately. See for full job descriptions. Submit resume for the combined position to: Schleswig United Church of Christ, P.O. Box 10, Schleswig, IA 51461. Positions will remain open until filled.12-2t/cra
Notic tices
HELP WANTED: The City of Battle Creek is seeking a part-time maintenance person to work approximately 20 hours per week, more or less. Duties include mowing, reading water meters, snow removal & assisting the maintenance superintendent with a variety of other duties. Starting pay is $9-10/hr. Drug-testing-required position. Stop by the City Clerk’s office or call 712-365-4646 for an application. Deadline to apply is March 10th. Position will remain open until filled. 12-tfc/cra HELP WANTED: Michaelsen Construction of Ida Grove is looking for a full-time employee. Duties include tiling, operating heavy equipment & trucking. Class A CDL required. Contact Scott at 712-364-3202 or 712-210-1749. 9-tfc/crags HELP WANTED: First State Bank in Ida Grove is looking for an assistant to work supporting our officers in various areas of the bank. The applicant should be willing to learn different features of banking, have very good communication skills & excellent computer skills. This is a full-time position. If interested, please send your resume or stop in & pick up an application at First State Bank, 200 Moorehead Ave., Ida Grove, Iowa, 51445. 12-1t/crags IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED: Seeking one or two people to work in farrowing house near Ida Grove. Duties include taking care of baby pigs, power washing, processing, etc. Call 712-367-2363-home, 712367-2255-hog house, or 712-2606477-cell. If no answer, leave a message. John Lansink. 12-2t/crags*
For or SSale le FOR SALE: Net wrapped alfalfa orchard grass hay. Reasonably priced. Terry Eason, Battle Creek. Ph. 712-365-2560. 12-1t/crags
LANSINK COMPLETE TREE SERVICES: Call us for trimming, removal, stump grinding. Over 40 years’ experience. Aerial bucket. Free estimates. Ph. 712-883-2437, Danbury. 12-1t/crags FOR SALE: Water heater, home furnaces, LB White heaters, Infra-Red Tube Shop heaters. Call Propane Hank at 712365-4740. 41-tfc/cra
NOTICE: We have A.O. Smith water heaters on hand, gas & electric. Install a gas water heater today & save big dollars starting today. Call Propane Hank at 712-365-4740. 28-tfc/cra
NEW AT rehabd: In Holstein. Men’s personal hygiene products by Duke Cannon. Inspired by Soldiers. Made in the USA. Great products for every man’s needs. 12-1t/cra
NOTICE: IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY & SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 & the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. 12-1t/cra(INCN)*
NOTICE: Camper propane tank special. Grab a spare, full 30# tank. $85. Johnson Propane, Battle Creek. Ph. 712-3654740. 12-2t/cra
WE PAINT: Are you ready to freshen things up for spring? Give us a call for your interior painting jobs. Color consultations & free estimates. Kim: 712-269-6341. Sandy: 712-3691601. 12-3t/cra
COUNTRY COLOR BODY SHOP Ryan Van Houten Auto Body Repair/Refinishing Glass Replacement Located west end of Battle Creek. 131 S. Center Street Call for appointment 712-365-4910 ASE Certified I-car trained. 12-1t/cra
Livesto Live tock BULLS FOR SALE: Angus & Limousin bulls with weaning weights up to 908 lbs., Y wts. to 1,660 lbs. Complete performance, feed efficiency & EPD data. Excellent disposition. Great set of easy calving, carcass improving 2-yr.-olds & yrlngs. available. Fully guaranteed. We sell a lot of bulls & over 80% sell to repeat buyers every year. Leonard Limousin and Angus. Mark Leonard, Holstein, Iowa. 712368-2611 or 712-830-9032. 9-9t/crags
✔Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver
ALL NEWS, DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in the Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver
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Read the
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NOTICE: Before you send your old gold away to someone you don’t know, bring it into Murray Jewelers, your hometown jeweler in Ida Grove for over 69 years. Ph. 712-364-2822. 4-tfc/crags NOTICE: Call today to get your furnace & water heater cleaned & checked. Call Propane Hank @ 712-3654740. 41-tfc/cra FREE: Firewood logs in Ida Grove. Call Dean at Lansink Tree Services for details: 712-883-2437. 12-2t/crags NOTICE: Get your propane forklift tank or camper tank filled at Johnson Propane, 960 First St., Battle Creek. 32-tfc/cra DEADLINE FRIDAY - 3 PM!
Ida County Courier
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Home Sweet Home!
Somerset Apartments in Holstein-offers one bedroom apartments for persons 55 years of age or older or persons with a disability. Utilities included and rent is based on 30% of gross annual income. Laundry room and off street parking available.
Please call 877.521.8750 or visit Equal Housing Opportunity
H O L ST E IN E L EC TR IC , L T D . 2 0 6 W e st 1 s t S t . H o l s t e i n , I A 5 10 2 5 P h . 7 1 2 . 3 6 8 . 2 24 2
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HELP WANTED VETTER EQUIPMENT is looking for individuals to join our parts departments in the Storm Lake and Ida Grove locations. The job includes counter sales, inventory control, incoming freight, forklift certification, hydraulic hose repair and phone orders. The individual will be required to lift and move specified freight into customer’s vehicles or to technicians in the service department. Great benefit package and competitive wages with these agricultural openings. Contact the office managers at our Storm Lake and Ida Grove locations, or go online to to fill out an application. Experience in agriculture or parts sales a plus, but not required.
We offer competitive pay plus experience factor, LPN/RN tuition assistance, generous anniversary bonus, employee referral bonus & much more. Apply online or in person. Come join our team at Odebolt Specialty Care!
Odebolt Specialty Care 801 S. Des Moines St., Odebolt
712.668.4867 Jill Grote, Business Office Manager Tammie Godbersen, Director of Nursing AA/EOE Disability & Vets Not for Profit
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
K J Ridge View J Dance Night
Photos by: Bethany Jones | Ida County Courier Dance night: The Ridge View High School dance team hosted its annual dance night on March 10 in Holstein. Starting in the top right and moving clockwise: Ridge View dancers started the evening with a “Harry Potter” themed novelty dance that took home a Division I rating at state; fifth and sixth graders performed a routine for the crowd; Ridge View dance squad members wrapped up the evening with a co-ed routine; male students joined the dance team in a co-ed routine with a basketball theme; members of the River Valley dance team brought a pom routine titled “Bang, Bang;” Ridge View dance team performed a military-themed dance and Ridge View dancers performed their hoopla routine, which earned them a second place rating at state. The team is coached by Roxy Dutler.
Ida County Courier
Ida County Courier
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Maximum Income Per Household Household Size
Three Month Income
Annual Gross Income
1 2 3 4 5
$5,198 $7,009 $8,820 $10,631 $12,443
$20,790 $28,035 $35,280 $42,525 $49,770
For families with more than five members, add $1,820/$7,280 for each additional member.
Mid-Sioux offers heating assistance With the previous cold temperatures and the dramatic rise in some heating fuel costs, families may be in need of help with their utility bill. The Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LiHEAP) through Mid-Sioux Opportunity Inc. may be able to help. Applications will be taken through April 28. The program is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Iowa Department of Human Rights/DCAA and has been established to help qualifying, low-income Iowa homeown-
ers and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs. In an effort to better assist clients and to eliminate waiting in line, applications are taken by appointment only. For Ida County, call 712-364-2175 on Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Cherokee County at 712-275-3322 on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 800-8592025 to schedule an appointment. Applicants will need to furnish a copy of their most recent heating and electric bill, original Social Security card for each household
member and proof of all household members’ gross income for the past calendar year (2015 or 2016 Federal Income Tax Return), the past 13 weeks or for the past 12 months. All payments are subject to availability of funds. Eligibility for participation is established according to the following federal income guidelines: For more information, visit Mid-Sioux on the web at www., central of ice 1-800859-2025, or hearing impaired, call 711.
Ba le Creek Council approves budget The Battle Creek City Council approved the iscal year 2018 budget March 13. The budget was approved following a public hearing where no one was present to speak for or against the budget. The proposed budget is $1,321,315, an increase of $553,846 when compared to last year’s $767,469. The estimated tax levy rate will be $12.08443 per $1,000 assessed valuation, up from the current $11.06123. Expenditures include: Public safety—$790,201 is budgeted, up from last year’s $251,501. Public works will see an increase of $31,022 to $120,355. Health and social services will see no change from the $0 budgeted in the current year. Culture and recreation—the budgeted amount is $48,970 down from the current year’s budget of $50,615. Community and development will see a $24,000 increase from the current $41,357. General government is up $2,889 to $22,022. Debt service decreases from
$3,590 to $960. Capital projects will decrease $200 to $13,760. Business type/enterprises will decrease $38,920 to $283,690. The city’s estimated revenues for iscal year 2017-18 are $1,336,822, up from last year’s $794,697. Revenue and other inancing sources are as follows: Taxes levied on property are $144,904, down from last year’s $146,828. Other city taxes will see a $12,861 increase to $79,961. Revenue from licenses and permits will decrease $50 to $1,245. Use of money and property revenue will decrease from $5,630 to $5,480. Intergovernmental revenue decreases $1,136 to $124,533. Charges for services increases from $379,855 last year to $945,649. Miscellaneous revenues went from $100 to $50. Transfers in went from $68,220 to $35,000. Rick Nichols and Lauri Hummelgard with the Hoffman Agency presented the council with the insurance renewal, effective April 1.
Deron Schmidt gave the ire department report. He requested the closing of Ida Street from Highway 175 to Second Street the evening of July 1 for their street dance. The request was approved. Sheriff Wade Harriman reported on the sheriff’s department. Tim Burow and Ed Sohm gave the ambulance department report. Sohm gave a presentation on the ALS transfers. Nuisances were discussed. Mayor Doc Holmes discussed the annual cleanup days. Due to a lack of funds, it was suggested that the city might not be able to offer a cleanup day this year and/or may want to consider raising monthly garbage rates. This will be discussed at next month’s meeting. Craig Young reported on maintenance issues, including repairs needed to a ire hydrant that was struck on Sixth and Walnut Streets, and the estimate obtained for a wet well grinder. The council reviewed two employment applications for the parttime maintenance position. The council elected to leave the position open and directed the city clerk to run the ad for two more weeks.
Fair board discusses fund-raiser, mud run The Ida County Fair Board met March 12 with the meeting called to order by President Kevin Weber. Those in attendance were Peggy and Danny Gebers, Randy Rohlk, Becky Miller, Keri Weber, Matt Grell and Jared Schmidt. Keri Weber gave the secretary’s report. It was approved. Becky Miller gave the treasurer’s report, the status of various accounts and outstanding bills. The treasurer’s report was approved. Discussion was held on proposed updates for Little Hands on the Farm. Kevin Weber found a small bin. Godbersen Farms has agreed to donate the bin to the fairgrounds. Other areas being worked on include: possibly having the high school construction class build a small building and make improvements to the old commercial building area. It was agreed to have a builder look over the structure of the old building. Peggy Gebers gave an update on the mini-golf fund-raiser, which will be held in Holstein on March 24, beginning at 5 p.m., at Veterans Memorial Hall. Any teams wanting to sign up need to contact Gebers. Discussion was held regarding who will bring food. The mud run was discussed. After discussion, it was decided that the mud run would be Friday night ,beginning at 5 p.m., for the kids, followed by an adult division and a team division. Jared Schmidt and Karla Meier will continue to work on this event. The fair board will do a walk through at the fairgrounds to decide possible course areas. Rohlk and Danny Gebers will contact McDermotts, so they can look at a possible concession trailer. Rohlk mentioned the proposed
lighting for the grandstand and stated we need to add an additional light for the seating area when exiting the grandstand. All thought this was a good idea. The food stand has been rented for May 20 for a graduation. Camper/boat storage removal is April 9 at 1 p.m. The board received an invitation
from the Ridge View FFA to attend its annual banquet on March 21. Danny and Peggy Gebers planned to attend the banquet on behalf of the fair board. The next meeting will be after campers and boats are taken out of storage on April 9. Keri Weber Secretary
Iowa designates end of March for Severe Weather Awareness Week With the spring season approaching, Iowans are ready to get back outside to grill, enjoy the sunshine and say goodbye to the snow. Even though Ida County has already faced the irst severe weather of the season in March, Iowa of icially designates March 27-31 as Severe Weather Awareness Week. If no severe weather is occurring or expected, the National Weather Service will conduct a tornado drill on March 29, between 10 and 11 a.m. The purpose of this drill is to ensure that Iowans can adequately receive a tornado warning and can practice any actions that would be taken in the event of a real tornado. The test warning will be sent through all communication channels normally used for severe weather dissemination. If severe weather is predicted, the time and date will be rescheduled. Every year in the United States, hundreds of people are killed and thousands are injured because of the weather. Dangerous weather can take many forms, ranging from violent tornadoes to crippling winter storms. While there is nothing you can do to prevent the weather from occuring, there are things to do to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Know the hazards, be aware of the hazards you may face during a weather event. Know when to expect dangerous weather, monitor forecasts and listen to announcements from the National Weather Service. Pay attention, be aware of all watches, warnings and advisories surrounding your area. And inally, have a plan to stay safe. Be prepared both on the road and at home. Each day during Severe Weather Awareness Week, the National Weather Service will cover severe weather topics and have this information available on their webpage
at and on their social media channels. •Monday: severe thunderstorms •Tuesday: receiving warning information •Wednesday: tornadoes •Thursday: family preparedness •Friday: looding Knowing when severe weather is possible will give you time to
prepare. You can always ind current conditions, forecasts and hazardous weather information at If you’re not on your computer, you can access the same information via your mobile device at For additional safety information visit: severeweather and
Photo Submitted
Delivering meals: Megan Ross, social services coordinator at Morningside Healthcare Community, delivering meals on wheels for March and April with a past resident, Freda Noll.
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APPLY AT: 122 E. State Hwy 175 Ida Grove, IA 51445
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ida County Courier
Cave-in/barn fire
Courthouse Report Real Estate Transfers Bette Schmidt trust, trustee warranty deed to Wayne and Janene Riessen, N 1/2 NE 1/4, Section 24, T-87-N, R-41-W, with exception and the S 1/2 NE 1/4 and all of the N 1/2 SE 1/4 lying north of Highway 175 in Section 24, T-87-N, R-41-W, Ida County. Ida County Treasurer, tax sale deed to Adair Holdings LLC., Lot 11, Block 13, Ida Grove. Barbara and LaWayne Wessel, warranty deed to LaWayne and Barbara Wessel, S 1/2 SE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 19, T88-N, R-39-W and the SW 1/4, Section 19, T-88-N, R-39-W, Ida County. Andrew Goettsch, quit claim deed to Andrew Goettsch trust, Lot 4 and 5, with exception, Block 5; Lots 1 and 2, Block 9 and Lot 3, Block 9, Galva. John Nebel, assignment of real estate contract to Jacqueline Bleil, Lot 4, with exception, Block 18, First Addition, Ida Grove. Betty McIntosh, warranty deed to Jacqueline Bleil, Lot 4, with exception, Block 18, First Addition, Ida Grove. Jacqueline and Jay Bleil, warranty deed to Starview Property Management LLC, Lot 4, with exception, Block 18, First Addition, Ida Grove. Cody and Stephanie Knop, warranty deed to Amanda Clark, Lot 6, Block 1, Moorehead’s Addition, Ida Grove. William and Grace Burgart, warranty deed to Karna Jo Free, Lot 16,
Block 7, Holstein. Allen and Kathleen Salmon, trustee warranty deed to Kelly Salmon, Lot 2, Block 3, Carney’s Acres, Ida Grove. Bette Schmidt trust, trustee warranty deed to Jack and Linda Ausborn, SWfr 1/4, Section 7, T-87-N, R-40-W, Ida County. North Star Community Credit, warranty deed to Morgan Renze, a tract of land in the SW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 20, T-88-N, R-40-W, Ida County. Leigh and Sandra Janssen, warranty deed to Sandra Janssen trust, Lots 8 and 9, Block 24, Second Addition, Ida Grove. J and J RAS, warranty deed to Janice and Paul Jakopin, a one-third interest in the east three-fourths of the SE 1/4, Section 34, T-88-N, R39-W, with exception, Ida County. Lorna Vollmar, warranty deed to Tyler and Allyson Gebers, Lot 3, Block 8, Schmidt’s Third Addition, Holstein. Hermelinda Villa Solis, warranty deed to Antonio Amador Leal and Elizabeth Trujillo Arjon, Lots 8 and 9, Block 12, First Addition, Galva. Tyler and Allyson Gebers, warranty deed to Lauren Meyer, Lot 9, Block 31, Fourth Addition, Holstein. Pamela and Joseph Cobb, warranty deed to Gilkoco Family Trust, NW 1/4, Section 35, T-88-N, R39-W, with exception, Ida County. Clerk of Court Due to a change in procedures at
the Ida County Clerk of Court of ice, information is only provided electronically. The following information is from data iled by the Ida County Clerk of Court of ice. Traf ic and other charges might include charges that were dismissed. For more information on speci ic cases contact the clerk of court or visit Traf ic charges Speeding Jason Hanna, Fort Dodge; Mary Beltman, Sibley; Jani Solko, Cherokee; Sarah Schwebach, Cherokee; Walter Misech, Sergeant Bluff; Carrie Bachman, Klemme; Michael Weyer, Rich ield, Wis.; Candace Freese, Galva. Other April Winters, Le Grand, driving while license under suspension. Andrew Pritchard, Aurelia, dark windows. Augustus Leonard, Holstein, seat belt. Heather Hammer, Battle Creek, seat belt. Morgan Bode, Holstein, seat belt. Brian Colshan, Cushing, failure to comply with safety rules. Justin Frank, Ida Grove, seat belt. Robert Marlow, Spencer, maximum group axle weight violation. Criminal Shauna Tingle, Sioux Rapids, disorderly conduct, dismissed. Gregory Forrest, Des Moines, violation of a no contact order, $65 ine suspended, 24 days in jail.
Deputies make several arrests The Ida County Sheriff’s Of ice has released information on several arrests made during the past week. On March 8, Michael William Euchner II, 26, of Sioux City was arrested on an outstanding warrant issued from the Iowa Department of Corrections for parole violation. He was taken into custody by Ida County deputies and later released into the custody of the Woodbury County Sheriff’s Of ice. On March 10, Jeremy Joseph Kenkel, 37, of Ida Grove was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and child endangerment. The charges were the result of a search warrant that was executed at Kenkel’s residence on Feb. 2. He was transported to the Ida County jail where he was held overnight. He was released the following day after posting $2,000 bond. On March 10, Matthew Blake Peers, 29, of Cushing was arrested on an outstanding Ida County warrant for contempt of court. The original conviction against him was for a traf ic violation. He was transported to the Ida County jail and later released after posting $300 bond. On March 10, April Lyn Winters, 33, of Holstein was arrested and charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license following a traf ic stop in Holstein. In addition, Winters had an outstanding
warrant from Marshall County for theft in the ifth degree. She was transported to the Ida County jail where she was held overnight. She was released the following day after appearing before the magistrate. On March 10, Alexis Anmarie Hansen, 21, of Manilla was arrested and charged with possession of methamphetamine third offense, a class D felony and possession of drug paraphernalia. The charges were iled following a traf ic stop in Ida Grove. She was transported to the Ida County jail where she is currently being held on a $5,000 bond. On March 12, two individuals were arrested after deputies received information of an underage alcohol party in Ida Grove. Arrested were: James Michael Downey, 18, of Carroll was charged with possession of alcohol under the age of 21 and interference with of icial acts. He was transported to the Ida County jail where he was held overnight. He was released the following day after appearing before the magistrate. Jared Andrew Krause, 18, of Carroll was charged with interference with of icial acts. He was transported to the Ida County jail where he was held overnight. He was released the following day after appearing before the magistrate. Several juveniles were also
Campbell arrested on Sac County warrant An Odebolt man wanted by the Sac County Sheriff ’s Office was arrested in Council Bluffs March 16 at approximately 9:58 a.m. Stephen Ray Campbell, 43, was arrested and booked into the Pottawattamie County Jail on drug and child endangerment charges from Sac County. He is currently being held on an $11,600 bond. Campbell was sought in con-
nection to a search warranted executed at his home on March 7. During the search, deputies found substances believed to be marijuana, methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. Three children were found in his home at the time of the search, and their babysitter, Sheila Marie Boell, 40, of Odebolt, was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Kansas.
ATTENTION RESIDENTS NEAR 400 BURNS STREET It has been requested that the City temporarily suspends enforcement of the noise ordinance on Saturday May 6, 2017, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., to allow for a resident to host a musical performance in their backyard, in celebra on of a high school gradua on. Those residents that would be opposed from allowing this to take place should no fy City Hall by April 5, 2017.
charged with interference with of icial acts and minor in possession of alcohol in connection with this incident. On March 12, Tyler Lee Corbin, 19, of Ida Grove was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. The charge was iled based on evidence discovered during a March 9 traf ic stop in rural Ida County. He was released pending a court appearance. On March 12, Allen Wayne Hedberg, 49, of Holstein was arrested and charged with driving while his license was revoked following a traf ic stop in Holstein. He was transported to the Ida County jail where he was held overnight. He was released the following day after appearing before the magistrate. On March 15, David Lee Stieneke, 27, of Quimby was arrested and charged with violation of a no contact order. He was booked into the Ida County jail and later released after appearing before the magistrate.
Area ire departments responded to two calls during the past week. On March 10 at 4:52 p.m., the Ida Grove Fire Department was called to the Brian Mefferd farm at 5908 310th St. for a cave-in. According to the comm center page, the Ida Grove and Battle Creek Fire Departments and Ida Grove Ambulance were called to the scene. Details were not available at press time from Ida Grove Fire Chief Scott VanDusen. On March 11 at 2:38 a.m., the Odebolt Fire Department was called to the Greg Schroeder farm at 3690 Hope Ave. for a barn ire. Odebolt Fire Chief Greg Neville reported the cause was undetermined. The barn was a total loss. Also lost in the blaze were 15 sheep, hay and straw. The Wall Lake Fire Department provided mutual aid. Approximately 8,000 gallons of water were used to cool off fuel barrels located near the barn. The department was at the scene three hours.
Classifieds start at $12
for 25 words or less 10¢ a word over 25 (Green Saver additional $6 a week)
Photo Submitted
New officer: The Ida County Sheriff’s Office has added a new officer to the team due to donations from local businesses and citizens of Ida County. Ida County Deputy Sheriff Alex Ehlers picked up K-9 Nera from Mid-Michigan Kennels two weeks ago and started the bonding phase of the training. K-9 Nera is a one and a half year old female German Shepherd that was imported by Mid-Michigan Kennels from Poland. The newest member of the team and her handler left last week to begin their four-week basic handlers training course in Michigan.
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