August 7, 2013

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Ogden Reporter



Before and after school Kids Club program starting soon Former graduate returns to head up local program


Ou MIgHT SAY THE start-up of Youth and Shelter Services’s Before and After School Program in Ogden and a former school teacher’s retirement was by design.. Jana (Jones) Rector’s plans after retirement from 35 years of teaching were to move to Ogden, to be closer to her family. “And I wanted to contribute to a community and the school system that provided me a wonderful, successful childhood,” said Rector, a 1972 OHS graduate. “Youth and Shelter Services has given me that opportunity to supervise a safe, nurturing, stimulating environment.” Rector has taken a position as a staff supervisor with the Ogden Kids Club program for children in grades kindergarten through sixth. She and two other staff members will be available at Howe Elementary School before school at 6:30 a.m. and after school until 6 p.m. for those youth whose parents/caretakers are seeking a safe place for their children until they can be home. Staff will also be available during scheduled early dismissals and “no school” days Monday through Friday throughout the year. The environment is designed to allow space for arts, crafts, dramatic play, games and building activities. The literacy center provides fun and educational activities each day.

JANA RECTOR Kids Club staff supervisor Weather permitting, children will spend time outdoors. Nutritious snacks are served every afternoon. The program will also offer a chance for students to give back to their community through service projects. Field trips may also be scheduled. Rector says her retirement from the teaching profession does not mean retiring from teaching or learning. “If I can assist children - at any age - to continue learning socially, emotionally and academi-

Shaw graduates from basic Army National Guard Pvt. Jacob A. Shaw has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, SC. During the nine weeks of training, Shaw studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Shaw is the son of Debbie and Gaylin Shaw of Grand Junction. He is a 2011 OHS graduate.

cally, I am going to take that opportunity and make the best of it.” She appreciates the fact that while the program is very structured, it can be flexible in all things valuing the diversity of each child, one of her favorite things, Rector says, in working with children. Although this is a new opportunity for Ogden Community School, Youth and Shelter Service’s goals and objectives developed from their other established programs around central Iowa. This has helped Rector develop learning activities that she feels will be fun and engaging. “Learning takes place all hours of the day, across all settings,” explains Rector. “Let’s provide for our children’s learning to be positive.” She sees the implementation of a before and after school program in Ogden as a benefit for the school system. “Ogden is too good of a community and has too good of a school system to not keep moving forward,” says Rector. “We are fortunate Supt. Jermeland has the vision to move us in the right direction.” You can register for the program online at Click on the Programs tab, select Afterschool Programs, Kids Club, Register for Kids Club. Paper forms are available by contacting Program Coordinator Laura Teske at 515-233-3141.



Wheeler’s photos place at state fair Local photographer James Wheeler’s award-winning photos will be on display Cultural Center of the Iowa State Fairgrounds, during the Iowa State Fair. This year’s fair drew 3,678 entries, 862 of which will exhibited. Wheeler won first place in the special division-black and white or color-family farm with his entry “On the Rural Route.” His photo of an abandoned rural home titled “Lonely Ruination,” took second place in the special division-black and white or colortoned, tinted and solarized. Wheeler also won an honorable mention in the black and white category. If you plan on attending the fair, be sure and check out his and all the other photos on display. Wheeler’s photos will be featured in next week’s Ogden Reporter.

High school orientation set for Aug. 14 Incoming ninth graders and new students to Ogden High School are invited to new student orientation Wednesday, Aug. 14, at 12 noon in the high school auditorium. Students will receive locker assignments, schedules, be taken through how lunch works, among other things. Current 10-12 students will be available to assist.

A salute to the local 4-Hers. Included in next week’s issue of the Ogden Reporter will be a special fair tab with results and photos from the Boone County Fair.


Ohms joins staff at One to One to One Physical Therapy One to One Physical Therapy welcomes Katie Ohms to its Ogden office. Ohms is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a special interest in pediatrics and women’s health. She is certified in LSVT BIG, an exercise program to help treat patients with Parkinson’s Disease, and has experience treating neurological and musculo-skeletal issues from newborn to geriatric.

Before coming to Ogden, Ohms spent the past three years practicing at a hospital in Minnesota. She graduated from the PT Program at Creighton University in 2010. Ohms lives in Perry with her husband Nate and two children, Chloe, 2 and Camden, 3 months. Visit the website at to learn more about the staff and how they can be of help.

A Back-to-school Bingo night The library is planning a “back to school” Bingo night Tuesday, Aug. 13 from 6 to 7 p.m. Any school age child is invited to come and play. Prizes and snacks will be served.

Giving up engine collection after 30 years “One man at the sale said he walked through and thought it was a bunch of old junk. He told me later ‘boy was I wrong.’” “It was hard to see my 30 years of collecting gone in one day,” said Miller, “but I felt it was time and did not want to leave it for my kids to deal with some day.” Miller said he’s keeping all his



It was time to say goodbye to his baby. The four-horse Waterloo hitand-miss engine became a member of Arvid Miller’s family in 1982, adopted from Kensett, Iowa. After being blessed with years of enjoyment, Miller understood he needed to finally let go. Waterloo Boy was moving on to a new home and a new life in Columbus, NE. Selling the engine, along with his entire collection, at a recent auction was not an easy decision for a man who has been passionate about fly-wheel engines for years. His first experience with them was back in the 50s while working a job for Buckley Construction - building the bowling alley in Ogden. “We mixed all the concrete for the footings and the floor with an old cement mixer that was powered with an old flywheel engine,” said Miller. “We shoveled all the gravel and cement mix into the mixer by hand and moved all the mixed concrete with wheel barrows. I still remember Gene Buckley yelling and saying ‘you guys need to put some water in that engine.’ He knew it was getting low because he could see a lot of steam coming out of it.” In 1978 Miller took his grandpa Robert O. Johnson, his mother and brother to Living History Farms for an antique plowing demonstration with horses and antique tractors. Miller recalled hearing the old hit and miss engines running under some shade trees . “I walked over there and saw several of these old engines and talked to the owners.” He was addicted. He wanted to buy and restore an old engine of his own. The opportunity came in 1982 when he saw an ad in the Des Moines Register’s classified section. That very day he made the trip to Kensett, and $400 later was the new owner of Waterloo Boy. “The engine was complete and on the original truck, but when I

tools and machinery and plans to continue building scale model flywheel engines - and anything else he can dream up. The scale model engines begin with a casting kits. Miller then machines them and makes all the parts. According to him, it takes all winter to make one. “There are only a few of us crazy

enough to do this stuff, and we are scattered all around the world,” said Miller who bought three casting sets in Wisconsin. “I feel very lucky that I have the skills to restore and build things in my retirement,” he said. “It gives me a reason to get up every day.”

LEFT: Engines such as Arvid Miller’s prized Waterloo Boy were common on farms before the rural areas became electrified. The gasoline-fed engines were used for pumping water, grinding feed, sawing wood and even to power the earlier washing machines. They are still popular with the Amish population. Arvid Miller’s son made sure this special creation of his dad’s, a motorized bicycle, stayed with the family. got home, I discovered it was really worn out,” said Miller, “but with lots of time and money ($1,000) I restored it back to new condition. It ran really sweet and I was very proud.” Waterloo Boy accompanied Miller to many antique power shows over the years. “It was always my favorite because it was the first engine I restored. I had way more than a thousand dollars worth of fun with it.” Miller more than recouped his money when his prized engine brought $6,500 at the sale. Miller will tell you that most of his collection was purchased while he was working full time. He traveled as far as Sturgis, SD, Grand Rapids, MN and Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada. “As I got older, I got a little wis-

er,” said Miller about his purchases. “I was advised to not buy common engines, but save my money and buy two or three good, collectible ones. As time went on, I knew what to look for. That advice really paid off.” Miller talks about an engine he purchased from a friend several years ago for $4,000. “I always felt I paid a little too much for it. But it sold at the auction for $7,000.” Throughout the years Miller bought and sold quite a few engines to support his hobby. He and his wife hauled them to swap meets all around the Midwest, the largest being Le Sueur, MN, a meet he says draws over 1,200 vendors. Miller’s sale Saturday, July 13 drew 265 buyers from 12 states and one from Canada, most interested in his 33 flywheel engines. Coming the farthest distance was a buyer from Vale, OR.

BELOW: The majority of Arvid Miller’s 33 fly-wheel engines have been restored to nearmint condition. More photos on page two.

PAGE THREE - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Ruth’s Reflections I was determined to not complain about any rain that we get this year. No matter when, how much, or how little, it’s all good. I really should be learning to dance in the rain. I’m not complaining about the rain. There are, however, a few things that the rain has brought out that I am not happy about. A few million things, it seems like – flies. House flies, horse flies, little flies, big flies. Too many flies. I know, I’m spoiled here. Regardless of how much or how little rain we get, the flies always come out about the end of July, early August, and last several weeks until a good hard frost. Some years they’re worse than others. This year is a bad one. I’m very meticulous with the barn and maintain a well-structured manure management program. That helps a lot on keeping the fly population down. But the files are still abundant, and they are doing their best to drive the horses crazy. Every so often I see Laureate, the big Hanoverian, go galloping for the shade of the turnout shed to escape a big one. It seems like the black horses, like Lars, are especially attractive to the flies. The poor guy has to have fly wraps on his legs to keep them from getting chewed up, too. I put fly masks on almost all the horses every morning at feeding time. Some of the masks, including Laureate’s, have ear covers, too. He looks like an oversized bunny with his blue mask on. Then when I do nighttime feeding, all the fly masks have to be taken off for the night. I’ve always used fly masks on my horses during the summer months, partly to protect their eyes from dust and sun as well as the flies. It wasn’t a big deal when I just had my two horses, but now, with over 20 to take care of, it makes doing the morning and night feeding take a while longer. The horses are more comfortable with their protective face masks on, so it’s worth the extra time and trouble, but I will be thankful when fly season is over. This past week I finally got to go for a nice, long trail ride in the mountains with Dustee. It’s been about four years since I’d been out to my favorite trail riding

area, so I was happy to set out on my favorite trail. I’d forgotten how long a climb it was to the top, and how strenuous it was. Poor Dustee wasn’t used to that type of work and the elevation, so he was huffing and puffing about halfway up. I realized that he was a bit younger the last time we rode this trail, so I got off and walked for about a mile with him. I was really huffing and puffing by the time we reached the top, too. Guess I’ve aged a bit, too. But it was a lovely ride, nonetheless. As we headed back to the parking lot, I tried to remember where to turn. I thought I knew where I was going. Dustee tried to turn at one intersection, but it didn’t look right to me, so I made him keep going down the trail. After a while I thought it was taking forever to get back to the parking lot, and sure enough, soon we were almost to the highway. When I saw cars, I realized we’d missed the turnoff. If I’d just listened to Dustee when he tried to tell me we should be turning, we’d not have had to go that extra mile. That night, I slept better than I have in months. Spending hours out on the trails, riding through the fragrant forests of pinion and pine trees, listening to the wind lightly blowing through the tall aspens, enjoying the many brightly colored wild flowers was wonderful. We scared up a flock of grouse and some wild turkeys, too. Heavenly! Then it was back to work. Sunday we had a riding clinic. It was hot, and the flies were out in full force. I put special fly masks made for riding on the horses that we used for the clinic and lots of fly spray. Before the clinic, I’d fixed a cool spot for Kelly in the laundry room, with extra blankets. She’d had a restless night and I was pretty sure she was going to have her puppies soon. Sure enough, when I came down to the house after the clinic, there was one little newborn black puppy. By the end of the afternoon, there were two more. Kelly is a proud mama now. Sweet! The pups are adorable, but thank goodness she didn’t have a huge litter! Until next time, Ruth B.

Miller visits with auction go-ers about one of his engines.

License plates revealed buyers at the auction came from Nebraska, Oregon, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas and even Manitoba, Canada for the highly collectible fly-wheel engines. The auctioneer estimated a turnout of over 600 people.

Photos provided

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BY THE OGDEN REPORTER, 222 W. WALNUT STREET, OGDEN, IA 502120818. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OGDEN, IA. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OGDEN REPORTER, P.O. BOX R, OGDEN, IA 50212-0818. CIRCULATION: The Ogden Reporter is distributed to 2,000 subscribers and over-the-counter buyers each Wednesday. The Reporter is the official newspaper for the City of Ogden, Ogden Community School District, and is an official newspaper for Boone County. DEADLINES: Friday noon. PUBLISHER: Ryan Harvey. PHONE: 515-275-2101 or 4101 - FAX: 515-275-2678 e-mail:


The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - PAGE THREE




IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Tom Prochnow, Pastor Tuesday, August 6: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 7: Prayer Shawl is at 1 p.m. Thursday, August 8: TOPS meets at 6 p.m. Saturday, August 10: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Sunday, August 11: Worship is at 9 a.m. Council meeting today. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Gary Hoyt, Pastor Wednesday, August 7: Hope Circle meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Thursday, August 8: Seekers Bible study is at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 10: Garden of Weedin Digging starts at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, August 11: Prayer gathering is at 8:15 a.m. Worship is at 9 a.m. Fellowship; Garden of Weedin Digging is at 10 a.m. Garden of Weedin Digging is at 1 p.m. Tuesday, August 13: Food Pantry is from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Ministry Oversight team meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wade Brandt, Pastor Wednesday, August 7: ELM St preschool board meets at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 8: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Saturday, August 10: Worship is at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, August 11: Worship is at 9 a.m. Family Bible study is at 10:20 a.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. BOXHOLM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rod Meyer, Pastor Sunday, August 11: Fellowship hour is at 9:30 a.m. Worship is at 10:30 a.m. Food Pantry Sunday. Tuesday, August 13: Church council meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Women of the ELCA General meeting is at 9 a.m. Ogden Manor Service is at 2 p.m. (Miriam Group) CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 W WALNUT

Sunday: Bible class is at 9:30 a.m. (Classes for all ages.) Worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study is at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. James Bruch, Pastor Wednesday, August 7: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, August 8: Hall reservation from 12 to 4 p.m. Pastoral Council meets at 7 p.m. Friday, August 9: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, August 10: Mass is at 6 p.m. Sunday, August 11: Mass is at 8 a.m. Monday, August 12: Bible study is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Mass is at 7 p.m. Teacher meeting is at 6 p.m. BOXHOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship is at 9:45 a.m. Ad board meets the fourth Wednesday of June, August, October and December of this year at 7:30 p.m. Joy Circle meets the first Thursday at 1:30 p.m. PILOT MOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship service is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday school is from 10 to 11 a.m. AA meets at 7 p.m. Monday. Quilters meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m. WATER’S EDGE CHURCH “For the Thirsty Soul”

Goldie E. Jones

Wayne “Cheeto” Merriam

Goldie Ethel Jones 95, of Westhaven Community in Boone and formerly of Ogden, IA, went home to be with the Lord Saturday morning, Aug. 3, 2013, at Westhaven Community. Visitation will be Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Carson – Stapp Funeral Home in Ogden. Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m., Friday, Aug. 9, 2013, at the Community United Methodist Church, 337 SW 2nd St., Ogden, with Rev. Gary Hoyt officiating. Interment will be in the Linwood Park Cemetery in Boone, IA. For online condolences and obituaries please visit: www. Goldie was born Aug. 27, 1917 in Fedora, SD, the second of five children, to Emily and Robert L. Thompson. Goldie attended country school in Miner, CO, and graduated from Fedora High School in 1934. On Dec. 3, 1941 Goldie married Lee Jones and they moved to Iowa to make their home. They started married life farming in the Mackey area, where their three oldest children were born. In 1955 the family moved to a farm in Amaqua Township where their two youngest children were born. After Lee’s death in June, 1975 Goldie purchased a home and moved to Ogden where she resided until Dec. 2010 when she moved to Westhaven CommuGOLDIE ETHEL JONES nity in Boone, IA and lived there 1917 - 2013 until her death. As a farmer’s wife Goldie enjoyed gardening and raising her family. Her hobbies included cooking, sewing and quilting. She also tried many different craft ideas, and enjoyed finding ways to use things that are normally thrown away and making them into cute and fun things. Goldie was a member of Community United Methodist Church where she was active in circles and UMW. She belonged to McGraw Senior Center and took part in the activities there. She was also very involved with 4-H as a leader during the years her children were members. Goldie is preceded in death by her parents, two younger brothers and her husband, Lee and one granddaughter Brenda. She will be lovingly missed by her five children; Myra of Ogden; Richard of Ogden, Carolyn of Fort Dodge, Pati (Neil Saunders) of Ogden, Robert (Lisa) of Boone; grandchildren Tony of Des Moines, Tari (Marshall Baker) of Colorado, Jessica of Fort Dodge, Alyssa (Curt Hunt) of Overland Park, KS, Tanner (Michelle) of Corpus Christi, TX with the Coast Guard, Rev. Dustyn (Brandon Keepers) of Holland, MI, Julian (Whitney) in Korea with US Army, great-grandchildren CJ, Cassie, Caiden all of Fort Dodge, one older sister and one younger brother and many loving nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the wonderful caring staff and Pastor Jeff at Westhaven in Boone for their care of our mother. Those wishing to express their sympathies through a memorial may direct their gift to the family for their discretion.

Wayne “Cheeto” Merriam, 30, of rural Ogden, IA, left us on Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013, doing what he loved best, Jeeping. Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boxholm. Rev. Rod Meyer will officiate. Burial will be at Glenwood Cemetery in Ogden. Visitation will be Friday, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Church. For online obituaries and condolences visit: Wayne Edward Merriam was born April 4, 1983, in Casper, WY the son of Robert Sr. and Dee (Hermanns) Merriam. He graduated with the Ogden High School class of 2001. Wayne worked at Van Sickle Construction Company from August 2002, until the time of his death. Wayne was a talented and adventurous young man who could operate any kind of heavy equipment thrown his way and enjoyed seeking many adventures. Wayne made his employment fun with antics and jokes as well as his daily life. He enjoyed fishing, camping, snowmobiling, riding mo- WAYNE EDWARD MERRIAM 1983 - 2013 torcycle, and most of all playing in the dirt. He was also a proud member of ABATE. He is survived by his bloodhound, Maggie; his mother, Dee Merriam of Boxholm, IA; sister, Melinda Dewsnup of Boxholm, IA; his brother, Robert “Bob” (Katie) Merriam of Ogden, IA; half-brothers, Mark (Aveliza) Merriam of Sacramento, CA, and Tim Merriam of Boone, IA; and several aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins, and many friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Robert “Big Bob” Merriam Sr.; grandparents, Ed and Vida Hermanns and Tim and Viola Merriam, as well as his best friend, James Teed. Memorials may be left to the discretion of the family.

Sunday: Sunday school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Evening service is at 6 p.m. BETHEL CHURCH D. Ray Hoke, Pastor

Affiliated with Christian and Missionary Alliance – 5 miles south of Hwy. 30 on R 18 (L Ave.)

Sunday: Morning worship is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday school for all ages, including adult electives is from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Evening services for adults and Jr./Sr. High youth are at 6 p.m.

Wednesday: AWANA Club is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Bible study is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Adult Care and Share is from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Men’s and women’s group home Bible studies are available. Call 2754091 for information. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN BEAVER UMC YOKED PARISH Marjorie Smalley, Pastor Sunday: Church service is at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

The church of Christ Who are these people? On Saturday morning, February 1, 2003, President George W. Bush spoke seven saddening words to the nation: “The Columbia’s lost. There are no survivors.” As one observer noted, “They were just fifteen minutes from home.” It can be argued that everything in life involves risk. Strapping oneself to a fuel tank containing one-half million gallons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen definitely qualifies. However, there are different kinds of risk, such as becoming a Christian! We may not face risk of life and punishment here in the USA today, but worldwide and throughout history, being a Christian has carried very serious potential for risk. The apostle Simon Peter knew this. Jesus told him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish” (John 21:18). With these words, Christ foretold the death Peter would be called upon to die. A Christian preacher named Stephen learned the risk. When he delivered a sermon that angered enemies of the faith, Stephen was beaten to death with stones (Acts 7:57-60). James, the son of Zebedee, learned about risk: “Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church. Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword” (Acts 12:1-2). Certainly the apostle Paul knew the risks: beatings, imprisonments, stoning, scourging, shipwreck, and more (2 Corinthians 11:22-26). No one better appreciated the risks of obeying God than the Son of God Himself, who “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; cf. 1 Timothy 2:6). What “risks” might you face as a Christian? No one can say for certain. Jesus acknowledged that some would lose family relationships as a cost of being His disciples (Matthew 10:34-37). This is a very real possibility for us today. Would you accept the risks that Peter, James, Stephen, Paul and countless others (Hebrews 11:35-38) accepted? Do you believe what Jesus offers is worth the price? As great as the risk of following Jesus can be, the risk of not following Him is infinitely greater – “everlasting punishment” (Matthew 25:46). See our broadcast on local channel 6 Sundays at 6 pm & Tuesdays, at 7 pm! “In Search of the Lord’s Way”, Sunday at 7:30 am on KCWI, cable Ch. 9!

Reita A. Smith, 78, of Ogden, passed away Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, at her daughter’s home in Madrid, IA. Reita’s wishes were to be cremated. A gathering of friends and family was held Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013 at Carson – Stapp Funeral Home in Ogden. A graveside service followed at Glenwood Cemetery in Ogden. Rev. Gary Hoyt officiated. For online obituaries and condolences please visit: www. Reita Ann Blair was born March 27, 1935, in Catlettsburg, KY, the daughter of Woodrow and Katherine (Hill) Blair. She received her early education in California, and later attended schools in Perry, IA. On Oct. 30, 1970, Reita was united in marriage to G. Gordon “Gordy” Smith at the Community United Methodist Church in Ogden. Reita worked as a Human Resources Specialist at the Woodward State Hospital and later owned and operated The Brass Rail in Ogden along with her husband, Gordy. The couple lived in Ogden their entire married lives. Gordy passed away REITA ANN SMITH Oct. 7, 1998. 1935 - 2013 Reita was an avid golfer and also bowled in league. She also enjoyed working in her yard as well as gaming, visiting casinos, and vacationing in Las Vegas with Gordy. Survivors include five children, Cherie (fiancé, Harp) Wilson of East Moline, IL, Melony (Terry) Wisecup of Princeton, IA, Kevin (Denise) Reeves of Hampton, IL, Lisa (Brian) Strait of Madrid, IA, and Allen Reeves of Fairview Heights, IL; step daughter, Julie Smith of Scotland; several grandchildren and great grandchildren; mother-in-law, Helen Smith of Boone, IA; two sisters-in-law, Caroline Harmison of Freeport, IL, and Sherrie (John) Nystrom of Nevada, IA; as well as other surviving relatives including Duane Davis of Gowrie, IA, and his family. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, Gordy Smith on Oct. 7, 1998, one brother, Wallace Blair, and her daughter, Lyla Onstot. Memorials may be left to Homeward Hospice, 400 South Dakota Ave., Ames, Iowa 50014.

Bible Study is from 9 to 10 a.m. Gathering is from 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Pre-service snacks served. Service is from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.: Contemporary music and a relevant message from God’s Word. OGDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Curt Fincham, Pastor


Iowa Walleye Master Special! MENTION PROMO CODE "IOWAWALLEYEMASTER" Includes lodging, guided walleye fishing9 hours per day, meals and taxes. Rates are per person, 2 person minimum. Available July, August and September 2013.


Baudette, Minnesota

The 77th Annual Kruse Reunion will be held Saturday, Aug. 10 at 12 noon at the Leonard A. Good Library. The potluck dinner will begin at 12:30 p.m.

BOONE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT Friday, July 26 1:08 p.m.: Deputy Spencer arrested Harold Gilliam II, 50, of West Virginia on a Boone County warrant. 9:10 Deputy Quinn stopped a vehicle within the 1800 block of 270th. The driver, Zachary Peterson, 42, of Boone and passenger, Jessica Bastian, 26, of Boone were cited for open container. 11:08 p.m.: Sgt. Wingate found a vehicle in the ditch within the 1400 block of 334 th. The driver, Cristian Durnan, 26, of Bondurant was arrested for operating while intoxicated. Saturday, July 27 9:29 p.m.: A resident of Beaver reported the Beaver School on fire. Deputies, Ogden Fire, Boxholm Fire and Grand Junction Fire were called. Investigation is continuing. Monday, July 29 4:48 a.m.: Deputy Zeutenhorst and Ogden Police Chief Bailey arrested Nathan Musser, 34, of Boone for public intoxication on P-70, north of Don Williams. 4:58 p.m.: Dennis Kesler, 61, of Ames reported hitting a deer within the 1500 block of 270 th. Deputy Zeutenhorst responded. 11:19 p.m.: Deputies Zeutenhorst and Gray responded to a single vehicle roll over fatality at 22nd and Nature Road. Investigation is continuing.

FAMILY HOME 614 N. 1st St. • Ogden MLS # 37829

NEW LISTING 307 SE 4th St. • Ogden Ready to move into, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 baths. Owner has done many recent updates: vinyl siding, vinyl windows, metal roof and new electrical. Large yard has been beautifully landscaped and is close to elementary school. MLS # 38151


PRICE LOWERED 1415 Greene St. • Boone Owner has done a lot of updating on this 3 bedroom, 3 bath property. this 1 family home was once a duplex and could easily be turned back into a duplex so you could live in one part and rent out the other. MLS # 38217

Guided Walleye Fishing

Kruse reunion is Aug. 10

Linda Keenan 230-5322

We would like to invite you to worship with us at 502 W. Walnut! Sunday Bible study at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 7:00 p.m.

Lake of the Woods Minnesota

The Jurgen and Anna Paulson family will celebrate its 78th annual family reunion Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013 at Hidden Acres Christian Camp, 3837 Union Ave., Dayton, Ia. Arrival time is 11 a.m.. to register, get acquainted and renew friendships for parents, aunts and uncles, and many cousins. The potluck dinner will be held at 12 noon, followed by the business meeting and election of officers. The auction will take place with family pictures and nostalgia items, baked goods, etc. to be auctioned. Afternoon activities include hiking, swimming, basketball, etc.

Reita A. Smith

4BD 2BA • $124,900

MOVE IN READY 213 SW 5th St. • Ogden MLS # 37687

1BD 1BA • $59,900

MANY UPDATES! 205 North St. • Dana MLS # 37666

2 possible 4 bdrm, 3 bath dream home in a great location on large lot. Exceptional care and maintenance of property. Full basement with bath, possible bedrooms and walk out door. A MUST SEE! MLS # 37748



Old Hwy 30 east • $99,900

SOLD 985 214th Lane • Boone MLS # 36338

D L O S $189,900

D L O S $99,900

SOLD 1119 165th Place • Boone MLS # 37048 3BD 1BA • $55,000


SALE PENDING 797 216th Dr. • Ogden MLS # 37663

SOLD 420 NW 2nd • Ogden MLS # 37550



Rick Summerhays, Pastor

Jurgen Paulson descendants plan 78th reunion

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School is starting, drive safely!

PAGE FOUR - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Our Town


10 Years Ago From the August 6, 2003 issue Work started last week on the Lincoln Prairie Walk/Trail east of Ogden and should be completed this fall. The small town of Bouton east of Perry saw more excitement than it has seen in a long time when a crew from Sports Illustrated magazine chose the Bouton Elevator as the location for a photo shoot Monday, Aug. 4, 2003. Drake University, Des Moines, released its list of graduates. Ogden area students who received degrees following the 2003 spring semester include Angela McCoy, bachelor of science, in business administration, accounting major; Carey Johnson, bachelor of arts, biology major; Shannon Dorr, bachelor of music education, musical education major. The annual Lass family reunion was held Sunday, Aug. 3, 2003 at the Leonard Good Community Center. Kristen Friedrichs, 2003 OHS graduate, has been awarded a $9,000 Presidential scholarship for the 2003-04 academic year at Central College in Pella. Friedrichs is the daughter of Daniel and Kathleen Friedrichs, Ogden. Jessica Fisher, 2002 OHS graduate, is one of approximately 85 resident assistants (RAs) in the University of Northern Iowa’s Department of Residence for the 200304 academic year. Fisher is the daughter of Brenda Fisher, Ogden, and Steve Fisher, Grand Junction.

30 Years Ago From the Aug. 10, 1983 Issue Two Ogden women were released unharmed at a farm home east of Carroll at approximately 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon after they were abducted at gunpoint during the noon hour at the Ogden City park and forced to drive their two male abductors to Carrol. A new, bright, modern sign greets passersby on new Highway 30 as they make their way toward Ogden’s south edge. The Ogden sign is 8’4 5/8” x 14 ‘, stands 25’ tall and was erected a few weeks ago. It’s “Ogden” lettering resembles the “Ogden” insignia found on many OHS varsity jackets. Marjorie Muench, formerly of Ogden, now of Ames will be doing pencil portraits daily at the cultural center on the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Muench specializes in profiles of children and offers pastels and browntones. The 58th Zunkel reunion was held July 31 at the McGraw Center for a noon basket dinner. The Doxology was sung. The OHS Class of 1963 met for their 20 year reunion July 16 at an Ames restaurant. Leone Junck was in charge of the program with Paul and Judy Schmidt and Charlene brice in charge of the 25th reunion. The OHS Class of 1973 met for their 10 year reunion Saturday, July 23 with a buffet supper at a Boone restaurant. The Ogden Merchants fast pitch softball team ended its 1983 season being defeated by the Spencer Bud and Fort Dodge Independent Merchants in sub-state action July 30 in Fort Dodge. Ogden finished with a 37-win, 18-loss record, winning the Ames district tournament and placing first in the Des Moines suburban traveling league.

Ellsworth Community College softball Bulldogs earn postseason softball awards signs Ashlee Ellsworth to play Bulldog senior outfielder Ashlee Ellsworth was named first team allconference by softball coaches in the West Central Conference. Maddie Diggs, a senior infielder for Ogden made the all-conference second team. The Bulldogs finished 10-8 in the conference and 14-12 overall. All-conference honorable mention went to junior Jordan Poock and eighth grader Kami Wheelock. Softball awards night was held Sunday, Aug. 4 at the Ogden Middle School Cafeteria. Varsity awards Most Improved .. Abbey Gustafson Bulldog Pitcher ........Jordan Poock Golden Glove ...........Maddie Diggs

Ogden’s JV team finished with a 14-5-2 record.

Marlow receives nursing pin Ashlee Ellsworth, a center fielder for Ogden High School, has signed a letter of intent to play softball at Ellsworth Community College. She hit .418 her senior year with two home runs and 24 stolen bases. Ashlee was also named to the first team all-conference this year. “Having more local kids on our roster this year was my main goal. Iowa has some good softball players out there and Ashlee is a prime example of this. I’m excited to get her speed and coach-able attitude on campus this fall,” says ECC Head Softball Coach Heather Gant. Pictured at the official signing ceremony are, front row from left to right: Nicole Ellsworth, mom; RJ Ellsworth, brother; Ashlee Ellsworth; Rob Ellsworth, dad, and Heather Gant, ECC Head Softball Coach.

Grand Community Class of 1973 held reunion in Boxholm

Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Urban Campus student Karissa Marlow (right) of Ogden receives her nursing pin from her mom, Kris Marlow, at the pinning ceremony recently held on the DMACC Ankeny Campus. Karissa graduated from DMACC’s Associate Degree Nursing program.

Briefly School Board will meet August 12 in the Ogden High School Library The Ogden Community School District Board of Education will hold the regular board meeting Monday, Aug. 12, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Library. The tentative agenda is as follows: call to order; good news; consent agenda; delegations, petitions and communications; Action items: A. District, 1. Approve bus routes for 2013-14, 2. Approve bus drivers for 2013-14, 3. Appoint 102 investigators; B. Curriculum/school improve-

Grand Community Class of 1973 held their 40th class reunion in Boxholm Saturday, July 27, 2013. They began their afternoon touring the Boxholm school building and David Peterson’s Museum. They then had a catered meal by Grand Times catering at the Loren Okerblad Community Center. Class members in attendance were front row left to right: Carol (Heck) Treloar, Barb (McCoy) Appenzellar, Becky (Pritchard) Waters, Rose (Henrichs) Russell, Mary Ann (Toyne) Schultz, Back row left to right: Kathy (Roberts) Ahrens, Val Lind, Sharon Hurley, Curt Johnson, Gregg Williams, Sheri (Petty) Michaels, Joy (Anderson) Cihak, Mark Trueblood, Ruth (Hall) Jarrell, Loren Phipps, Pat Fairchild, & Donna (George) Sego. - Photo provided

Schedule your SportS phySical by calling

Dr. Rick Elbert at 515-275-4899 Appointments are necessary - Cost is $25 No insurance will be filed.

OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., 3 to 6 p.m. Wed. - 3 to 6 p.m. and Fri. by appointment.

60 Years Ago

From the Aug. 13, 1953 Issue Mrs. Arlene Rector of Alexander comes to Ogden with five years teaching experience after her graduation from Iowa State Teachers college at cedar Falls. She will teach the third grade at North School. Boone County girls wishing to tenter the contest for plowman’s queen are asked to fill out the blank below and send to T.N. Nelson, Farm Bureau Extension office, Boone, Iowa, Aug. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kruse of Boone are the proud parents of a 6 lb., 10 oz. daughter born Thursday, August 6 at Boone County Hospital. She has been named Linda Arlene. Leonard Good shot a hole-in-one on the Boone golf course recently while playing a round with Dr. Collins and Ray Sherman of Boone. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Bobby Leichliter and Bobbie Elaine from Macon, Georgia arrived Tuesday to visit in the parental Fred Leichliter home. Dinner guests Monday in the Groom-Upton home were Mr. and Mrs. Gale Mickels and children of Waterloo. The Rev. and Mrs. Reynolds Murdock of Cantril arrived Monday for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Murdock. Delmar Underwood, while on a buying trip to Chicago last week, attended a reunion of his old army outfit, the Ozark 102nd Infantry Division.

Coaches Award ............... Liz Good Bulldog Slugger...Ashlee Ellsworth Bulldog Batting Champ ........ Kami Wheelock Bulldog MVP ...........Maddie Diggs, Ashlee Ellsworth (voted on by team) Senior Awards.........Maddie Diggs, Ashlee Ellsworth JV Awards Pitcher ................ Kate Christensen Offensive Players .... Josie Consier, Avery Germer Defensive Player ....... Anna Langel Coaches Awards .... Katie Lowman, Jackie Lawler Stolen Base Champ ... Anna Langel

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ment/professional development: 1. State AYP (annual yearly progress) report; C. Finance/facilities/support services: 1. Monthly financial reports; D. Superintendent: 1. Board policy series codes 400-406 - second reading; 2. Board policy series codes 407-414 - first reading; 3. Board committees - set dates; 4. Board calendar; 5. Next board agenda draft; 6. Enrollment projections; other; adjourn.

COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, AUGUST 6Catered dinner at 12 p.m., speaker will be Mr. Jermeland, McGraw Senior Center. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8Water Buffalo’s meet at 6 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14Fun and games at 12:30 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. Food Pantry drop-off, open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. EVERY THURSDAYTOPS Club (Take Off Pounds

Sensibly) meets every week on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 119 SW 2nd St., Ogden. Visitors are always welcome (preteens, teens, and adults - male and female). First meeting is free. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization with thousands of associate chapters in the United States and Canada. Members learn about nutrition, portion control, food planning, exercise, motivation, and more at weekly meetings. For details, call Linda Trudo at 515-275-4620, visit or call TOPS Headquarters at 800-932-8677

Boone County Hospital upcoming events The Alzheimer’s Support Group will be held Tuesday, Aug. 6, 6 p.m., Westhaven, Boone. This group meets the first Tuesday of every month. Jo Kline Cebuhar, an attorney who specializes in end-of-life issues, will be the guest speaker. If you have questions, call Angela Lewis, Beckwith Family Adult Day Services at 432-2275. The Boone County Hospital Family Birth Center Sibling Class will be held Wednesday, Aug. 7, 6 p.m., BCH 4th floor conference room. This sibling class for 2 to 10 year-olds helps children prepare and accept the arrival of a newborn. To register, call the Birth Center, 433-8400. The next class will be offered Sept. 18 The Boone Blood Drive will be held Monday, Aug. 12, 1 to 6 p.m., Central Christian Church. To schedule an appointment to give blood, call (800) 287-4903. The drive is sponsored by the Boone County Hospital Auxiliary. There is still time to schedule your child’s sports physical. Sports Physicals will be held Tuesday, Aug. 13, 6 to 8 p.m., Boone County Family Medicine, Boone. No insurance is filed. Cost is $25 at the time of service. Immunizations will also be available and billed to insurance. Individuals must be established patients of BCFM. To schedule an appointment, call 432-2335. The Ogden Clinic will have sports physicals on Monday, Aug. 5, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call 275-2417. Madrid physicals can be scheduled Monday through Friday. Call 795-4300. The BCH Foundation’s Educating & Empowering U program will be held Tuesday, Aug. 20, noon, BCH 4th floor conference room. “Healthy Eating on a Budget...True or False: It costs more money to eat healthy” will be presented by a HyVee Dietitian. Learn lifelong strategies for eating healthy without breaking the bank. Lunch will be served. To register for this free program, call Sara Behn at 433-8470 or email her at sbehn@ Parents of students entering college or junior high need to check their immunization records. All students entering college must be up-to-date on their immunizations; children entering 7th grade this fall are required to have one dose of the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine prior to the beginning of the school year. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Bureau of Immunization has completed the administrative rules process to require the Tdap vaccine for students enrolling in 7th grade. For more information, contact Boone County Public Health at 432-1127 or your doctor’s office.

Public Notices

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - PAGE FIVE

THE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF OUR GOVERNMENTAL UNITS THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BOONE COUNTY PROBATE NO. ESPR023575 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD R. HARRIS, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Richard R. Harris, Deceased, who died on or about June 20, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of July, 2013, the last will and testament of Richard R. Harris, deceased, bearing the date of the 22nd day of March, 2007, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Lee R. Johnson was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 9th day of July, 2013. Lee R. Johnson Executor of estate 214 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 Lee R. Johnson, ICIS PIN No: AT0003852 Attorney for executor Johnson Law Office, PC 214 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 Date of second publication: Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013.

THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BOONE COUNTY PROBATE NO. ESPR023589 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERTA BLOOD, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Alberta Blood, Deceased, who died on or about January 21, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of July, 2013, the last will and testament of Alberta Blood, deceased, bearing the date of the 29th day of January, 1980, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Allan Blood was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 26th day of July, 2013. Allan Blood Executor of estate 1645 H Avenue Ogden, IA 50212 Lee R. Johnson, ICIS PIN No: AT0003852 Attorney for executor Johnson Law Office, PC 214 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 Date of second publication: Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2013.

Planning a Garage Sale? Let the Ogden Reporter and Gold Nugget help with your advertising. Call 515-275-2101 to place an ad.

BOONE COUNTY HOSPITAL QUARTERLY BILLS The following are the bills allowed by the Board of Trustees, Boone County Hospital, for the quarter ending JUNE 30,2013, pursuant to Section 347.13, Chapter 347. Income from Hospital Service to Patients: ....... $11,946,432 Taxes: ................................ $523,262 3M .......................................... 36,109.46 CIMA COMPANIES, INC............. 550.55 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS......................... 67.50 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE .......... 51,048.63 AAHAM ....................................... 560.00 CITY OF BOONE ................... 22,258.98 IOWA DEPT. HUMAN SERVICES .......................... 54,384.0 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS .................. 14,659.35 AAMA ........................................... 30.00 CITY OF MADRID ....................... 149.80 IOWA DEPT. OF REVENUE ........ 170.46 PHILIPS LIFELINE .................. 10,668.34 AANAC ....................................... 110.00 CLEAN HARBORS EN. SERVICES ........................... 1,809.50 IOWA HEALTH - DES MOINES 1,071.90 PICIS, INC. ............................. 15,460.75 ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC ........................................ 481.71 CLIA LABORATORY PROGRAM 683.00 IOWA HEALTH DM MOBILE DIAG................................... 5,056.00 PITNEY BOWES ....................... 1,548.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES ....... 8,238.24 CODING INSTITUTE................... 229.00 IOWA HEALTHCARE COLLABORATIVE ....................... 533.00 PIZZA RANCH ............................. 147.77 ACADEMY NUTRITION DIETETICS ............................ 388.00 COLORADO GRILL .................... 550.75 IOWA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION ................................. 3,783.00 POE INTERPRISES, INC ............... 77.50 ACCESS SYSTEMS ................ 4,060.81 COMBUSTION CONTROL CO 2,236.66 IOWA INDIVIDUAL HEALTH BENEFIT........................... 10,857.25 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS ........... 218.95 ACE HARDWARE ....................... 251.86 COMPUTER RX ....................... 1,288.36 IOWA OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOC .................................. 525.00 POSTMASTER.......................... 1,160.00 ACE MOVING & STORAGE ..... 2,313.00 CONCEPTUS INCORPORATED ................................ 10,367.22 IOWA PHYS CLINIC MED FND .. 516.00 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORP (PDC) ........................ 1,625.33 ACOG ........................................... 60.70 CONSUMER CONTACT/ HALO 4,129.01 IOWA STATEWIDE POISON .... 4,500.00 PREMIER ..................................... 146.00 ADVANCED MEDICAL DESIGNS INC. ........................ 74.24 COOK MEDICAL INCORPORATED .............................. 201.19 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ............... 12,493.06 PRESCOTT’S INC. ................... 1,570.00 AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL ..... 9,757.60 COOPER SURGICAL............... 2,953.80 IP PATHWAYS, LLC ............... 25,355.00 PRESS, GANEY ASSOCIATES, INC. ..................................... 1,519.30 ALCON LABORATORIES, INC. .................................. 38,407.97 COUNTRY PLASTICS ................ 131.16 J & L CUSTOM SERVICES ...... 2,138.00 PRESTO X LLC......................... 1,828.97 ALLIANT ENERGY-IP&L ...... 104,779.94 COVENTRY HEALTHCARE ........ 429.49 J A SEXAUER ............................. 192.50 PRIORITY HEALTCARE DISTRIBUTION.................... 1,938.69 ALLSCRIPTS LLC.................. 23,673.48 COVIDIEN ................................... 650.00 JIMMY’S BBQ .............................. 95.45 PRO BUILD ................................. 547.50 AMAZON.COM ........................ 3,180.05 CPSI ...................................... 43,759.37 JIM’S FLOOR COVERING, INC.4,563.40 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SERVICE ............................ 2,078.56 AMBASSADOR COMPANY ........ 395.00 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING ................. 1,669.00 JOHNSON & JOHNSON HEALTH CARE ................... 3,615.92 PROFORMA ................................ 132.00 AMBU INC. ................................. 439.70 CUTTING EDGE ........................... 12.00 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY ............... 207.30 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL, INC.1,748.00 AMERICAN ACADEMY............... 201.20 D MED CORPORATION ........ 38,719.26 KCI USA .................................. 2,646.98 PROTEX CENTRAL .................... 340.00 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS ............................ 93.15 DAKOTA SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. ....................................... 680.75 KEDRION BIO PHARMA, INC .... 922.16 PROVEN PHARMACEUTICALS .. 578.00 AMERICAN ASSOC DIABETES EDUCAT ................................ 165.00 DALLAS COUNTY CLERK OF COURT .................................... 50.00 KERMA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC .................. 147.04 PUFFERBILLY DAYS ................... 500.00 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY . 250.00 DATEX OHMEDA ........................ 702.50 KEY SURGICAL INC..................... 23.45 QUALITY POWER SOLUTIONS ...................... 11,397.30 AMERICAN COLLEGE OSTEOPATHIC ...................... 645.00 DAVIS BROWN LAW FIRM...... 2,836.00 KIWANIS ..................................... 110.00 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS........... 21,555.94 AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION....................... 196.00 DAYTON REVIEW/GOLD NUGGET ............................... 182.00 KOCH FILTER CORPORATION .. 952.22 QUORUM HEALTH RESOURCES LLC........... 222,671.40 AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOC. .............................. 2,319.00 DE LAGE LANDEN ................ 30,716.55 KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING ............................... 150.00 R & B SOLUTIONS ................... 5,934.99 AMERICAN REPUBLIC INS CO. .... 7.02 DELL MARKETING LP. ............ 6,398.88 KRAMES STAY WELL, LLC ........ 694.28 R W POWER ................................ 197.13 AMERISOURCE BERGEN ..... 90,685.54 DELTA LOCUM TENENS ....... 30,236.29 KRIEGER E. GREENHOUSES, INC .......................................... 53.50 RACOM CORPORATION.......... 5,094.57 AMES LOCK & SECURITY ......... 708.15

DEPT. VETERANS AFFAIRS ....... 708.54 KRONOS INCORPORATED... 11,737.41 RECONDO TECHNOLOGY, INC .................................... 16,322.81 AMES TAXI SERVICE.................. 120.00 DES MOINES REGISTER ........ 1,356.00 KRUCK PLUMBING AND HEATING CO ......................... 956.55 REMINGTON MECICAL .............. 144.63 AMNISUSRE INTERNATIONAL, LLC..................................... 2,697.83 DICK’S FIRE EXTINGUISHER S & S ...................................... 974.90 KWBG/WAIIT RADIO ............... 4,319.99 RESTORE BENEFIT SOURCE .. 3,402.75 ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO ...................................... 3,425.33 DMS HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES ............................. 76,120.02 LABSCO ....................................... 88.70 RNA MEDICAL ............................ 232.00 ANESTHESIA MOBILE SERVICES PC .................. 53,749.98 DOCTOR EASY MEDICAL PRODUCTS ............................ 93.10 LANSINOH LABORATORIES, INC. ....................................... 920.25 ROGERS AUTOMATED ENTRANCES ..................... 11,047.61 ANGIO DYNAMICS INC. ............ 840.80 DR FIRST.COM, INC.............. 12,444.00 LAZONO MIKE ........................... 200.00 ROSE CONSTRUCTION........... 7,151.25 AONE .......................................... 220.00 DR VINYL OF GREATER DES MOINES .......................... 85.00 LEE ANESTHESIA P.C. .......... 53,749.98 ROTARY CLUB OF BOONE ........ 100.00 APEX PRINT TECHNOLOGIES 4,464.98 DRAGER MEDICAL, INC. ........... 122.97 LEIGH FOSTER RENTAL PROPERTIES ..................... 2,550.00 ROTO ROOTER SEWER ............. 595.75 APIC ........................................... 185.00 DRAGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS, INC ........................ 80.05 LESTER REFRIGERATION ......... 312.57 RSVP VOLUNTEER PROGRAM .. 208.15 AQUATROL.............................. 5,041.80 DUTCH OPHTHALMIC USA....... 545.00 LIBERTY HARDWOODS, INC. ... 177.17 SAGE SOFTWARE, INC. ............ 698.63 ARK ENTERPRISES ................... 282.46 DUTCH OVEN BAKERY ............. 415.50 LIFE SERV BLOOD CENTER. 29,633.40 SANOFI PASTEUR INC. ......... 13,668.73 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INDUSTRIES ..................... 1,876.48 EAGLE VISION ........................... 103.00 LINK SPLINTS PLUS .................... 91.38 SAXTON, INC. .......................... 2,225.00 ARROW INTERNATIONAL INC. 4,056.11 EARTHGRAINS COMPANY ..... 2,652.98 LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS .................................. 144.51 SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR COMPANY ......................... 2,576.73 ARTEC ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING .................... 2,145.00 ECOLAB ..................................... 908.01 LOCUMTENENS. COM ......... 44,207.93 SCHWIG MARKETING LLC......... 700.00 ARTHROCARE MEDICAL CORPORATION ................. 2,073.22 EDWARD DON & COMPANY ..... 135.59 LOWE’S ...................................... 248.68 SECRETARY OF STATE ............... 150.00 ASHHRA ..................................... 160.00 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO ...................................... 1,403.20 LSI SOLUTIONS ......................... 245.00 SEE THE TRAINER ...................... 413.37 A-TEC RECYCLING INC ............ 509.88 ELI HEALTHCARE ...................... 259.00 LSS DATA SYSTEMS........... 114,926.27 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ...... 555.00 B BRAUN MEDICAL INC ............ 364.25 ELMED INCORPORATED ........... 167.64 MACRO HELIX, INC. ............. 13,203.80 SEVEN OAKS RECREATION ....... 805.35 BANK OF AMERICA .............. 32,188.09 EMC NATIONAL LIFE COMPANY ......................... 3,708.00 MADRID ACTION COMMITTE.... 500.00 SHELTON DEHAAN CO INC ... 3,074.00 BARD MEDICAL DIVISION .... 27,704.83 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC ................... 261.76 MADRID HOME ....................... 4,300.00 SHORT STOP ............................... 44.27 BAUER BUILT TIRE ................. 1,032.54 EMERGENCY PRACTICE ASSOC. ............................ 59,759.43 MARKETLAB INC. ...................... 410.66 SIEMENS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. .................................... 8,413.24 BAXTER 340B ............................ 408.81 EMERGENCY TRAINING CENTER,LLC ........................ 708.00 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. ......... 15,076.42 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS .................. 25,280.57 BAXTER HEALTHCARE-IV SYSTEMS ........................ 30,690.51 EMERGENCY VEHICLE SALE SERVICE ............................... 340.50 MARY GREELEY MEDICAL CENTER ............................. 9,490.13 SIGLER COMPANIES ............... 1,092.83 BAYMONT INN ........................... 269.92 ENCISION INC......................... 1,636.56 MAYO MEDICAL LABORATORIES ................ 4,659.50 SIGNATURE HEALTHCARE.... 62,267.12 BC GROUP INTERNATIONAL, INC. ......................................... 95.00 ENCOMPAS UNLIMITED, INC. .. 196.31 MCGOWAN ENTERPRISES, INC. .................................... 1,286.19 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP........... 4,370.00 BEAVER VISITEC........................ 380.29 ENSLEY PHOTOGRAPHY............ 75.00 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICAL CORP ............................... 11,942.35 SKYWALKER COMMUNICATIONS INC. ........................ 606.63 BECKMAN COULTER INC .... 20,342.99 ENTERPRISE ELECTRIC INC ..................................... 1,349.13 MEDIA USA ADVERTISING INC ........................................ 395.00 SOURCEONE HEALTHCARE ... 2,515.02 BEEKLEY MEDICAL ................ 1,268.20 ENV SERVICES, INC. .............. 2,605.00 MEDIACOM ............................. 3,466.63 SOUTHWEST TECHNOLOGIES INC. ....................................... 283.39 BENEFIT SOURCE INC. ............. 386.45 EXCEL MECHANICAL CO. INC. ............................. 1,115.00 MEDIBADGE .............................. 238.15 SPACELABS HEALTHCARE .... 2,707.49 BERCHTOLD ................................ 68.43 EXPAND-A-BAND....................... 230.67 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES

PHARMACY ....................... 3,975.47 SPRING GREEN ........................... 62.50 BESSE MEDICAL SUPPLY ...... 4,094.00 FAIRCHILD COMMUNICATIONS 300.00 MEDICAL GRAPHICS CORPORATION ...................... 71.00 SPRING VALLEY WIRELESS .. 3,585.00 BEST BUY BUSINESS ............ 3,142.99 FAIRWAY OUTDOOR............... 1,200.00 MEDICAL INFORMATION...... 83,006.00 STANDARD REGISTER COMPANY ......................... 3,618.06 BIG GREEN UMBRELLA MEDIA, INC. .................................... 1,624.00 FAMILY CONCEPTS, LTD........... 229.26 MEDICAL PHYSICS, INC. ....... 1,398.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE .......... 13,556.75 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES ...... 6,508.32 FAREWAY STORES ................. 1,160.06 MEDIVATORS .......................... 6,841.14 STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORYAR ......................................... 540.00 BKD, LLP ............................... 21,916.79 FAST HEALTH CORPORATION 1,680.00 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES INC .. 17,908.44 STERICYCLE INC. ................... 2,183.32 BLACK BOX RESALE SERVICES 215.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS ................... 197.32 MEDRAD INC. ............................ 662.00 STERIS CORPORATION........... 4,095.17 BLACK HILLS ENERGY ............. 855.15 FIRST ADMINISTRATORS, INC .................. 1,729,117.62 MEDTRONIC .............................. 455.36 STONE RIVER PHARMACY SOLUTIONS ............................. 56.05 BLACKHAWK AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS ............................. 875.00 FIRST DATA BANK, INC. ....... 11,894.00 MEDTRONIC USA INC. .............. 797.41 STORAGE UNITS ........................ 510.00 BLANK CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 132.00 FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE INC ........................................ 534.39 MEGADYNE MEDICAL PRODUCTS ....................... 1,558.27 STOREY KENWORTHY ................. 26.50 BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCY 2,802.00 FISHER HEALTHCARE .......... 14,693.75 MERCEDES MEDICAL INC ........ 250.00 STRYKER ORTHOPAEDICS ... 22,385.52 BOONE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ......................... 175.00 FOLLETT CORPORATION .......... 255.22 MERCY CLINICS ................... 19,977.00 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION ......................... 9,392.02 BOONE CITY PARKS ................... 25.00 FRASIER HEALTHCARE ........ 98,999.47 MERCY COLLEGE HEALTH SCIENCES .............................. 10.00 STUDER GROUP.................... 10,154.67 BOONE COUNTY CATTLEMEN 1,288.36 GE HEALTH CARE ............ 54,025.39 MERCY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER ........................... 16,665.00 SURVIVAL FITNESS .................... 200.00 BOONE COUNTY EMERGENCY 466.10 GE HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL SERVICE .......................... 69,186.52 MERCY MEDICAL CENTER .... 4,299.99 SYNERGY................................. 6,878.21 BOONE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE.................................... 25.00 GE HEALTHCARE SUPPLIES..... 130.45 MERGE HEALTHCARE .......... 12,600.00 SYNTHES LTD USA.................. 2,281.68 BOONE COUNTY FAMILY MEDICINE ............................. 146.00 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS .............. 50.00 MERIDIAN MEDICAL TECH INC. 715.00 SYSCO FOOD SVCS OF IOWA ........ 62,578.58 BOONE COUNTY HOSP AUXILLARY .... 2,385.00 ................................................. GENESIS DEVELOPMENT .... 26,843.61 MERRITT HAWKINS .............. 17,630.29 SYSCO GUEST SUPPLY ............. 241.68 BOONE COUNTY HOSP FOUNDATION .................. 16,577.27 GG & B COMPANY.................. 1,000.95 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS . 8,423.39 TELEFLEX MEDICAL ................... 173.00 BOONE COUNTY HOSPITAL .. 3,943.43 GI SUPPLY ................................. 243.00 MID AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP ................................. 1,710.78 TELEVOX SOFTWARE INC ...... 2,354.10 BOONE COUNTY ISU EXTENSION .......................... 144.00 GIFTS GALORE ....................... 1,428.28 MID IOWA ANESTHESIA INC ................................... 52,500.00 THARPE COMPANY, INC. ........... 501.97 BOONE COUNTY LANDFILL ........ 86.40 GLEASON DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, PC ...................................... 2,416.34 MIDWEST CRYOGENICS INC.... 232.50 THE CITY OF BOONE .................. 28.00 BOONE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ............................... 1,442.20 GLOBAL STAR ............................. 66.90 MMIC ..................................... 74,525.00 THERACOM ............................. 2,601.28 BOONE COUNTY TREASURER7,258.01 GRAINGER INC ..................... 14,099.04 MMS MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANY ............................ 123.25 THUNDER ROAD EMBROIDERY ..................... 1,123.50 BOONE FIRE DEPARTMENT...... 135.00 GRAPETREE MEDICAL STAFFING ...................... 139,105.78 MOBILE INSTRUMENT SERVICE ............................ 1,589.83 TODD’S TAXI SERVICE ............ 1,595.00 BOONE HARDWARE .................. 242.91 GREATER IOWA CHAPTER........ 185.00 MOCLS ....................................... 233.00 TOM WALTERS COMPANY...... 1,140.00 BOONE HIGH SCHOOL ............. 150.00 GRIFOLS BIOLOGICALS INC. . 4,551.56 MOFFITTS FORD MERCURY LINCOLN ............................ 9,213.20 TOUCH THERAPY.................... 1,261.00 BOONE NEWS REPUBLICAN . 2,511.60 GRIFOLS THERAPEUTICS INC.11,760.17 MPULSE MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE ........................ 1,800.00 TRI SCRIPT .............................. 4,379.77 BOONE REHABILITATION SERVICES ...................... 452,553.41 GRIFOLS THERAPEUTICS, INC. .................................. 14,442.63 MUTUAL OF OMAHA COMPANIES ........................... 96.76 TRI STATE DISTRIBUTION .......... 575.89 BOONE RENTAL ........................ 158.98 HALOS CONSULTING SERVICES ............................. 430.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS ..................... 51.18 TRI STATE ELECTRONIC SERVICE ............................. 7,594.30 BOONE SOFTBALL .................... 250.00 HANCOCK COUNTY MEMORIAL ........................... 465.00

NARSVPD, INC........................... 100.00 U S CELLULAR ........................... 199.44 BOONE SUPERWASH ............... 180.00 HANS RUDOLPH, INC ............... 148.05 NATIONAL ELEVATOR INSPECTION ........................... 40.00 UI DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORIES ............................... 1,454.00 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. .. 6,549.00 HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS, LTD ..................................... 1,169.82 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER ............ 120.00 UNITED FUND OF BOONE ........... 57.00 BOUNDTREE MEDICAL, LLC .... 172.96 HAYES INTERPRETING SERVICES ............................. 213.75 NATUS MEDICAL INC. ............... 385.01 UNITED HEALTHCARE............. 1,757.96 BRACCO ................................. 1,687.16 HAYMARKET MEDIA INC ............. 98.00 NET DIRECT SYSTEMS ........ 11,236.60 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ......... 502.08 BRADY ANESTHESIA, LLC ..... 8,880.00 HCPRO ....................................... 273.00 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL MEDICINE ............................. 169.00 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ........................... 11,000.00 BROWN’S MEDICAL IMAGING ........................... 15,000.00 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS ........ 977.15 NUCARE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. ...................... 2,086.49 UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SERVICES .............................. 203.24 CAFFREY WHOLESALE INCORPORATED................... 356.70 HEALTH FORUM ........................ 330.00 OGDEN ATHLETIC ..................... 100.00 UNIVERSITY HYGIENIC LABORATORY .................... 5,766.89 CAPITAL BANK & TRUST ........ 9,576.32 HEALTH TALENT SOLUTIONS 2,243.36 OGDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 40.00 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA .................. 75.00 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY 12,315.77 HEALTHCARE SERVICES MANAGEMENT ................ 51,864.65 OGDEN FUN DAYS .................... 100.00 US BANK ............................. 394,840.06 CARDIAC SCIENCE CORP. ........ 492.71 HEALTHPORT............................. 226.83 OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES.. 674.84 UTAH MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC ......................................... 296.25 CARDINAL CLEANERS ................ 21.70 HEARTLAND DOOR & FRAME, INC. ......................................... 42.50 OGDEN TELEPHONE COMPANY ......................... 1,937.82 VAN WALL GROUP ..................... 331.43 CARDINAL HEALTH ............ 339,943.54 HELMER ..................................... 341.90 OHARCO ................................. 2,504.96 VERACITY GROUP INC ........... 1,670.00 CARDINAL HEALTH MEDICAL ........................ 132,819.62 HEWLETT PACKARD CORP ... 3,972.81 OLIVER PRODUCTS COMPANY ......................... 3,377.92 VERIZON BUSINESS .................... 74.26 CARDINAL HEALTH PHARMACY MANAG ..... 101,532.63 HFMA HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL 292.00 OLYMPUS AMERICA INC ....... 3,125.12 VERIZON WIRELESS ............... 6,475.42 CARE FUSION 2200, INC...... 13,540.00 HILL ROM ................................ 9,382.06 ON SITE INFORMATION ............ 862.88 VIRTUAL RADIOLOGIC .......... 15,150.75 CAREFUSION 2200, INC............ 986.25 HOLOGIC INC. ........................ 1,166.40 OPTUM ....................................... 702.95

VISA .......................................... 9,069.96 CARLSON’S ECOWATER SYSTEMS ............................. 343.00 HOME OFFICE THE ................ 5,456.93 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. .................................... 1,150.00 VISA VISA ................................... 158.25 CARPENTER UNIFORM & PROMOTIONS ...................... 516.49 HOSPIRA WORLDWIDE, INC.. 2,863.40 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 229.93 VIVID IMAGES ........................ 930.00 CARSTENS................................... 38.61 HOUCK TRANSIT ADVERTISING 850.00 ORSCHELNS .................................. 2.48 VSP ........................................... 5,242.22 CASSLING ............................... 7,187.00 HUBERT COMPANY .................. 353.35 ORTHOTEK, INC. .................... 1,029.99 WAL MART PAYMENT CENTER . 974.10 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. ... 23,210.25 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS . 13.01 PANACEA HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, INC .................. 304.95 WALTERS SANITARY SERVICE ............................. 2,994.29 CEDARS OF MADRID HOME 13,500.00 HY VEE FOOD STORE ............ 4,339.30 PAPER DIRECT ............................ 58.99 WEIGHT WATCHERS NORTH AMERICA .............................. 575.36 CELLERATION, INC................. 3,721.62 ICE TECHNOLOGIES ............ 23,399.25 PASSPORT HEALTH COMM INC. ....................... 1,709.57 WELLMARK INC.......................... 595.55 CENTRAL IOWA HOSPITAL CORP ............................... 38,821.24 IMGMA ....................................... 450.00 PATHOLOGY LABORATORY . 34,552.79 WERFEN USA LLC .................. 2,980.00 CENTRAL STATES ROOFING CO. ........................................ 508.96 INR................................................ 81.00 PATTERSON MEDICAL ........... 1,179.79 WESTERN AG INSURANCE COMP ............................... 51,938.06 CENTURION MEDICAL PRODUCTS ....................... 4,643.50 INSURANCE STRATEGIES......... 950.00 PENTAX MEDICAL COMPANY 1,631.12 WHITFIELD & EDDY P.L.C. ..... 10,850.00 CENTURY LINK ..................... 24,685.54 INTERACTIVATION HEALTH NETWORK ......................... 2,000.00 PEPSI COLA GEN BOTT INC .. 6,740.02 WILCOX PRINTING PUBLISHING....................... 1,571.12 CHANNING L BETE CO INC ... 1,400.11 IOWA ARBORETUM ................... 150.00 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS.......... 248.19 WINDSOR................................. 1,190.96 CHEM WARE CORP ................... 311.86 IOWA BOARD OF PHARMACY .... 90.00 PHARMCO PRODUCTS INC...... 617.00 WINDSTREAM......................... 2,047.96 CHUCK’S PANIO SERVICE .......... 95.00 IOWA CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE .............................. 255.00 PHARMEDIUM SERVICES, LLC..................................... 5,451.69 WOLTERS KLUWER HEALTH ..... 607.38 CIGNA HEALTHCARE ........... 43,077.99 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK ......................... 1,280.00 PHARMSERV SOLUTIONS ..... 1,366.71 WOODMAN CONTROLS COMPANY ................................ 1,000.00 WRIGHT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INC. ................................... 12,173.18 ZIEGLER INC ............................ 1,690.23 ZIMMER US, INC. .................. 47,240.27 ZYNX HEALTH INC................. 31,250.00

School starts soon Please drive carefully. Our audiologists specialize in providing extensive, comprehensive patient care.

(800) 233-4327 TOLL FREE






Come see us at NFBA the Iowa State Multi-Award Fair-Varied Winner 2012

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PAGE SIX - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013

School Starts Soon!


Saturday, July 27 4:55 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of a possible intoxicated or tired driver eastbound on 220th St. The officer stopped the vehicle at L Ave. and 220th St. The driver was not intoxicated. 6:00 p.m.: Officer did a welfare check on an Ogden resident. The subject was fine, but was experiencing phone problems. 7:26 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of barking dogs at 220 SW 4th St. The officer warned the owner about allowing dogs to bark. 8:00 p.m.: Officer received a report of possible gunshot. The Lucky Pig had fired a blank out of a starter pistol to start a contest. 8:55 p.m.: Officer received a report of a possible intoxicated driver

at Casey’s General Store. The officer checked on the driver and he was not intoxicated. 9:20 p.m.: Casey’s employee advised officer of subject in town with overdue movie rentals. The officer spoke with the subject in question and advised to return the movies and pay any late fees or be charged with theft. 10:00 p.m.: Officer assisted stranded motorist. 10:49 p.m.: Officer warned subject living at 202 SW 2nd about lighting off fireworks. Sunday, July 28 1:55 a.m.: Officer received a complaint of barking dogs at 413 E Sycamore St. The officer warned the owner about allowing dogs to bark.

11:10 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders and Boone County Ambulance at Ogden Manor. Monday, July 29 5:20 a.m.: Officer assisted a Boone County Deputy with a suspicious person in the 600 block of H. Ave. 3:40 p.m.: Officer investigated harassment. 5:02 p.m.: Officer investigated a theft from Clark’s Food Mart. Officer arrested Katelyn Hamilton for alleged 5th degree theft. Tuesday, July 30 9:39 a.m.: Officer investigated a possible phone scam. 12:27 p.m.: Officer assisted a Boone County Deputy with a three vehicle accident and a subject who fled law enforcement on foot at 330th

St. and Highway 169. 2:40 p.m.: Officer responded to 519 NW 7th St. Lot #4 for a trespassing complaint. 5:00 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders at 531 E. Walnut St. Wednesday, July 31 9:20 a.m.: Officer assisted a subject with a lost dog. 11:21 a.m.: Officer assisted a subject with a property dispute at 519 NW 7th Lot #3 2:35 p.m.: Officer responded to an incomplete 911 in the 600 block of E. Oak St. 4:30 p.m.: Officer responded to 220 SW 4th St. for a domestic dispute. Thursday, August 1 3:53 p.m.: Officer received a

complaint of a parking issue in the 100 block of NW 3rd St. The officer had owner of the vehicle move the vehicle. 5:10 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders and Boone County Ambulance at 508 W. Walnut #3. Friday, August 2 12:35 p.m.: Officer assisted subject locked out of vehicle. 4:18 p.m.: Officer received a call from an Ogden resident in regards to a property dispute. The officer advised to contact an attorney. 7:23 p.m.: Officer assisted subject locked out of vehicle. These charges are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Be careful with your car-full!

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - PAGE SEVEN

The Classifieds


Friday Fest Chop ‘n Shop The Lucky Pig and Plahn & Simple are teaming up the second Friday of each month from June-Sept.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bring your receipt from one business to the other and receive 15% off your purchase at either store.

Discount available during Friday Fest hours only!

Live Acoustic Music! • Wine Tasting (Snus Hill Winery)

Cory D. Jones/Brad Henrichs Annual Golf Outing

THANK YOU for your support, thoughts, and prayers while I was hospitalized. Walt Stroeh

A BIG Thanks to: The Ogden Lions Club, Rhodes Masonic Lodge, The American Legion, Marcy Township, Wal-Mart, Papa Murphy’s, The Pizza Ranch, and people like you, The Citizens of Ogden! For supporting our canoe trip to the Boundary Waters. Troop 155

FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX: 2 BR Duplex. All appliances provided. One car garge. Jy17 , tfn Call 515-203-7251 FOR RENT VERY NICE 2 BR apt. in Ogden, Water, sewer, garbage paid. Laundry available. Call: 515-231-9340.

THANK YOU We wish to thank everyone that came to help us celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary and for all of the nice cards we received. A special thanks to our children for having it. It meant a lot to see our many friends. Joe and Barbara Stanley

SERVICES GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR WILSON GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR: Will pick up and deliver. Call Tom Wilson at 515-2754343 tfn

Check out our new website

MOVING OUT SALE Household items and furniture

Sat., Aug. 10 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 213 SE 4th St., Ogden

NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE: An auction of personal property and household belongings owned by Skyler Steenhock and located at 244 Haws Drive, Unit #D-06, Ogden, Iowa, will be held at the above location on August 9, 2013 at 9 a.m. Jy31, A7

The Book Shoppe Bookstore Presents: Author Event

TWO CRIME NOVELS WITH BOONE COUNTY SETTINGS Stop by for a signed copy of these exciting new books and join the authors for refreshments at the

817 Story St., Boone 515-432-2556

Sat., Aug. 10, 2013 10:30 a.m. to Noon

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED NOW HIRING ALL SHIFTS: Apply in person to Clark’s Food Mart. Jy31, A7

DRIVERS WANTED DRIVERS: Immediate Linehaul Openings! Great Home-Time, Pay and Benefits! CDL-A w/X and T, 1 yr exp. req. (EOE/AA) Old Dominion Freight Line, Call Marty Pudlowski: 1-866-585-6336. A7, A14

Richard T. Jordan Michael F. Mahoney John D. Jordan Ryan J. Mahoney Meredith C. Mahoney Nerem John R. Flynn Nicolas G. Fontanini

Cost: $60 per person/$240 per team

APARTMENT FOR RENT NICE LARGE 1 BR upstairs apartment in Ogden. Remodeled with new carpet. $325/mo. plus water and sewer. Call: 515-249-7054

Has Joined the Firm

4-person Best Shot • 9 a.m. Shotgun Start



Nicolas G. Fontanini

Oak Park Golf Course, Dayton, IA

Call: 515-547-2712 to sign up. 125 W. Walnut 275-2040 • Ogden

Is Pleased to Announce

Sat., Aug. 24

Includes 18 holes with cart, lunch, t-shirt, and cash prizes.

113 W. Walnut 275-9946 • Ogden

Jordan & Mahoney Law FirM, P.C.


COUNTER SaLES/PROjECT PLaNNINg DRafTINg CaD DRawINg Counter sales, Monday thru Saturday, no holidays, no Sundays, Saturday until noon. Looking for person that has building materials knowledge and likes to work with people. Person needs to have some experience with CAD drawing residential - interior design or have the ability to learn quickly. Must be flexible to perform other duties as needed. This could include loading customers, answering phones, stocking. Paid health insurance for single coverage - assistance on family plans, paid holidays, vacation. Full-time position.

See more about our company at: or contact

VETERANS AFFAIRS DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR, BOONE COUNTY Boone County is accepting applications for a part-time Veterans Affairs Director/Administrator. Applicants should be willing to interact and advocate for veterans needs in Boone County, at both local and federal level. The position entails 20 hours per week assisting veterans with maintenance and disability applications, requires computer skills, the ability to communicate effectively in both written and verbal context and public relations skills. A County employment application and job description are posted online at or may be obtained from the Boone County Auditor’s Office located on second floor of the Boone County Courthouse, 201 State St., Boone.

Deadline to apply is Friday, August 30, 2013 at 4:30 p.m.

All applications and resumes need to be returned to: Boone County Veterans Affairs, % John Grush, 900 West 3rd St., Boone, IA 50036 or by email to: BOONE COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, genetic information, the presence of disability or any other legally protected status.

FOR SALE SMALL PLASTICS COMPANY FOR SALE: Operate full or part time. Move to your area. 563-2132458 Jy3, 10, 17, 24, 31, A 7


615 Story Street Boone, IA 50036 515-432-4510

318 S. Kennedy Street Madrid, IA 50156 515-795-3641

501 Bank Street, Suite 2 Webster City, IA 50595 515-835-7432

Come Join the Fun! Fall Scheduling Beginning at

Aubrey equestriAn Center Riding lessons and classes. New horses to meet, driving. Fun Shows, Play Days and Birthday Celebrations!


Make riding Part of your Planning.

Boone Co. Co. 87.3 87.3 Ac., Boone Ac.,m/l m/l 25.7 Crop remainder 25.7Ac., Crop Ac., in Timber. remainder in timber. 1 mi. W. of Boone 1 mi. west of Boone Great Hunting Ground Great Hunting Ground Opportunity! Opportunity! $350,000 $350,000

Please contact sharon scandrett at 515-275-3102

Nevada, IA – 800-593-5263

Come and visit the center to see what we do and meet the horses.

Classifieds don’t cost . . .They pay!


PAGE EIGHT - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, August 7, 2013

HOURS: OPEN 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 7 Days a Week!








4 159


Shrimp Ring.............. FARMLAND PORK SAUSAGE 12-16 oz.

BEEF lb.

Stew Meat..................


Kielbasa Rope........

JIMMY DEAN 7-8.6 oz.


Breakfast Bowls...

Thin Shaved Meat.....

SHUR FRESH 12 oz. pkg.

80% LEAN lb.

Hot Dogs...................



3 279


279 279

Sirloin Patties...........

4 7


6-pk. 1/2 ltr. btls. plus dep.


2 179

SHUR FINE 40 oz. sqz.

Ketchup........................ OCEAN SPRAY 64 oz. ctn.


249 199

Juice Blends........... WELCH’S GRAPE 22-32 oz.

Jam or Jelly.............



99 99 4-lb. pkg.

20.532 oz.


8 pc. box





3 79 1 99 3



12 oz.

4-ct. pkg.



12 oz.




400 299

Complete Salad...2/ GREEN GIANT RED 24 oz. bag

Petite Creamer Potato.....


5 1



00 98


26 oz. btl.

6-pk. 4 oz.

17 oz. loaf






12 oz. pkg.

.99 4 1









7.5-9 oz. bag


7.25 oz. box

24-pk. 1/2 ltr. btls.


12-pk. cans plus dep.


PILLSBURY GRANDS! 16.3 oz. tube

TOTINO’S 9.8-10.9 oz.

40-100 ct.




SUNNY D 64 oz. btl.


NABISCO RITZ 8.1 oz. pkg.

ALMOND BREEZE 64 oz. ctn.


SHUR FINE 15.25-15.5 oz.


PRINGLES 5.3-5.96 oz.





9.75-10.5 oz. bag

We do film developing All types of exposures, CD’s enlargements and copy craft!





10 5 00



2/7.5 oz. 15 oz. tub 8 oz. spread

1-lb. pkg.

SPECIAL OF THE DAY SERVED HOT TO GO! - 11 a. m. - 1 p.m. in our deli!! ASSORTED RUFFLES








14.5 oz. can


5 3 5/10




100 Biscuits...........2/300 Party Pizza.....4/500 ROLLS 92 19 99 Tea Bags............3 Chocolate Milk...2 Grillers...............2 19 Brownie Mix......2/500 Citrus Punch.......149 Pot Pies.............279 49 99 99 Toasted Chips.....2 Pizza................. 3 Milk.....................2 00 3-pk. MAGNUM ICE CREAM BARS Dunksters........2/4 6-ct. KLONDIKE ICE CREAM BARS 20-ct. POPSICLE ASST. POPS 59 Potato Crisps...2/300 SPREAD 28 49 Popcorn.............1 99 49 00 Cookie Mix.......2/4

Check out our corner sign for the



Tomato Sauce.....2/

2 2





.99 00 2/4

Snow Peas..........






DOLE CAESAR 9.9 oz. pkg.

MANN’S 6 oz. pkg.





Head Lettuce........

HUNT’S 8 oz. cans




1 .89 19



Salad Dressing......




2.5 lb. pkg.



SHUR FINE 30 oz. jar






Links or Rolls..........

219 .99




Every Tuesday!




Corner Cookout Mon., tues., thurs., Fri., and Sat. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

5% Discount



Senior Citizens’

Prices effective Wednesday, August 7, 2013 through Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. No sales to dealers.


5 oz. can

12-ct. box

400 99 Pop-Tarts............2 38 Muffin Mix...........2

MOTT’S - 8 oz.

Fruit Snacks.....2/ KELLOGG’S 12-ct.


CYLInDer eXPreSS ProPAne eXCHAnGe tAnkS



Plus Tax






4 4 99

99 12-roll pkg.



5 2/4



7.4-8.9 oz.

00 4.5-8 oz. box



38 30-pk. cans plus dep.




5 14 TOP


6-pk. btl. plus dep.


18-pk. cans plus dep.





3 2/3


00 12-16 oz.


24 oz. jar

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