July 31, 2013

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Ogden Reporter


OGDEN, IOWA 50212 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013



School releases plan for special education services

Show representatives from City of Ogden, Ogden Municipal Utilities, Boone County Secondary Roads and HJN Inc. viewing the crossings and

adjacent roads and buildings at 1st Street and 4th Street crossings. -Phot0 provided

Analyzing Ogden’s RR crossings A representative from Bolton & Menk, the engineering firm hired to study the railroad crossings as part of the “Quiet Zone” project, met Monday, July 15 with Ogden officials and citizens to discuss safety improvements at the Union Pacific Crossing at 1st Street and 4th Street in Ogden. Part of the discussion centered around how to provide

better circulation at the crossings. Participating in the discussion were officials from the City of Ogden, Ogden Municipal Utilities, Boone County Secondary Roads and HJN, Inc. “We had a very good discussion about the proposed safety improvements” said Donovan Olson, Ogden City Administrator. “ The engineer

will put the suggestions into a revised plan to be discussed before any action is taken.” Olson said that if the public has ideas or comments about the proposed “Quiet Zone” project, they should send comments to: Ogden Mayor and City Council, Ogden City Hall, Box 694, Ogden, Iowa 50212.

Approval of USDA grant provides boost for the local community The City of Ogden, Ogden Municipal Utilities and Ogden Legacy were recently informed an application for a Rural Economic Development Grant had been approved. The $360,000 United States Department of Agriculture loan grant, secured through Ogden Municipal Utilities, was a major piece of the pie for the new medical clinic project now underway. “The loan/grant creates a funding mechanism for the construction of the wellness center,” said Ogden Legacy president Craig Christensen. The funds will be loaned to Ogden Legacy for up to 10 years, interest free. Payments will then go into a loan fund at Ogden Municipal

Utilities for small business development. Christensen sees the clinic project as a cooperative effort of several partners: • Ogden Municipal Utilities whose application for the Rural Economic Development Grant will help finance construction of the building. • The City of Ogden who has invested over $100,000 in the purchase, demolition and cleanup of the building site. “This is what really kicked off the project,” said City Administrator Donovan Olson. “It gave us a location for the building.” • The Leonard Good Trust with

its $500,000 commitment. According to Christensen, this substantial funding source made the clinic a realistic project. “That’s when everything came together and started to move forward.” • and the residents of Ogden who through donations and pledges chose to invest in the community. Christensen says they are about 2/3 of the way to their fundraising goal. “We have raised a substantial amount and hope to continue the effort.” These funds will help with the construction of the building as well as help to establish a low interest revolving loan pool for future economic development projects.

The Iowa Administrative Rules of Special Education require each school district to update their current plan for delivery of special education services every five years. A group of parents, special education teachers, general education teachers, and administrators have worked collaboratively to update Ogden’s current district plan. A draft of the Ogden Community School District’s Developed Special Education Service Delivery Plan is now available for review at the district office. Community members are invited to review and provide comment/ feedback on the proposed plan. If you have comments that you wish to be considered before the plan is finalized, please submit those comments to Kris Van Pelt at the district office. She can be reached by calling 515-275-2894, or by email at kris. vanpelt@ogden.k12.ia.us. Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013.

Thank you for your patience The Ogden Reporter has been updating its website, and as is often the case with something new, there are glitches that need worked out. It has taken us a little longer than anticipated, but feel the site is now set to go. Full page “e-ditions” of The Ogden Reporter can now be viewed on the website. Current subscribers can view the online version free of charge. A link on the website will assist you in applying for a user name and password. New subscribers can sign up for an online version of the newspaper at the regular subscription rate of $32 per year. Partial subscriptions are also available.

Kruse reunion is Aug. 10 The 77th Annual Kruse Reunion will be held Saturday, Aug. 10 at 12 noon at the Leonard A. Good Library. The potluck dinner will begin at 12:30 p.m.

Paulson reunion, See page three.

Boone County is setting for two crime novels “Headaches Can Be Murder” and “Love Can Be Murder” are set in the fictional town of Turners Bend, IA

Beaver school building burns Ogden, Boxholm and Grand Junction fire departments responded to a fire in Beaver last Saturday around 9:30 p.m. and found portions of the abandoned school in flames. Firefighters doused the structure and surrounding area to keep the fire from spreading to nearby houses. The cause is under investigation. -Ogden Reporter photo

Is your student up-to-date on immunizations? Parents of students entering college or junior high need to check their immunization records. All students entering college must be up-to-date on their immunizations; children entering seventh grade this fall are required to have one dose of the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine prior to the beginning of the school year. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Bureau of Immunization has completed the administrative rules process to require the Tdap vaccine for students enrolling in seventh grade. For more information, contact Boone County Public Health at 432-1127 or your doctor’s office.

North Star Press of St. Cloud, centering on Chip Collingsworth, a MN, has released the second Can novice crime writer. The sub-stories Be Murder crime novel by Minne- are Chip’s novels in the making. sota writers, Marilyn Rausch and Both stories have attractive men, Mary Donlon. Both stories start strong-willed women and lovable in Boone County, pets. Iowa, and then “This format has proceed to Minmade it easy for Book signing nesota locations. two writers, with Sat., Aug. 10 at Readers will enjoy two different styles, the many local refto write one novel,” The Book Shoppe erences to familiar says Donlon. places and events See ad on page 7 The books are in Iowa. “A visit to available in trade Boone two years paperback and can ago influenced the selection of the be purchased at The Book Shoppe, setting for the first novel,” says One Story Street, in Boone. An auRausch. Her daughter married into thor event will be held at the store the Mondt/Lowman/Hansen family Saturday, Aug. 10, from 10:30 a.m. from Boone. “We loved re-visiting to noon. The authors will be signour Iowa town and its residents in ing books. Refreshments will be the sequel.” served. The mystery/thriller stories are combined with strong elements of For further information and a folksy humor and romance. The sneak peek at the books, please visit books have a unique novel-within- the website at: http://rauschanda-novel format, with the main story donlonauthors.com/.

Watch for our 2013 Fair Tab

Office Manager Erica Bailey and Ogden’s new nurse practitioner Angela Christner are putting the finishing touches on the office at 245 W Walnut Street in preparation for their open house. -Ogden Reporter photo

Walnut Street Health & Wellness holds grand opening Nurse practitioner Angela Christner invites community members to the grand opening of her new Walnut Street Health & Wellness clinic located at the corner of West Walnut and Third Street. An open house is planned for Thursday, Aug. 1 from 5 to 8 p.m. (See ad on page seven.) “This is an opportunity for you to meet our staff, check out the remodeling and talk about the services we offer,” says Christner. “We will have new patient registration forms

available during that time.” Christner explains that as a nurse practitioner she can treat both physical and mental conditions through comprehensive history taking, physical exams, and ordering tests for interpretation. She can also provide diagnosis and recommendations for a wide range of acute and chronic diseases (within her scope of practice) and provide appropriate treatment for patients, including prescribing medications.

More than her fill of pie BELOW: Destiny Godwin of the Town & Country Pioneers 4-H Club competing at the county fair pie-eating contest. -Photo by Kathy Pierce

PAGE TWO - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In Depth


Ruth’s Reflections

These guys are not your typical back yard cooks Grillers were tested on their cooking skills Saturday, July 20 during Boone County Farm Bureau’s outdoor cooking contest at the 2013 Boone County Fair. This year’s overall winner was a team from Boone - Chad Christenson, Troy Thompson (seen above) and Nate Nerem. Robert Taylor (left) of Minburn won the specialty division, cooking elk. They, along with the two other division winners, Keith Carris, beef, and Dennis Hanson, pork, advanced to the state fair and will compete with outdoor chefs from all around the state.

Ogden Community Theatre presented “Seussical the Musical” Fri. through Sun., July 26, 27 and 28 LEFT: General Schmitz (Jim McConnell) was charged with keeping his cadets in line. The cadets, from left to right, Shaylie Johannsen, CJ Buck, Courtney Buzzell, Karsyn Clark, Greta Aspengren, Lauren Kennedy, Emma Pratt, Gabbi Pratt, Abby Bryan, Claire Thede, Emma Miller, Josie Hildreth. Playing a dual role of The Grinch and hunter was John Bloomberg (not pictured).

Anyone who reads this column probably has figured out by now that my life pretty much revolves around my four-legged friends, particularly the horses. I’d be content to spend the majority of my time just hanging out with them, taking care of them, enjoying their company. But I do have human friends also. I’ve met a lot of people through the work I do with the horse sanctuary - volunteers, visitors and program participants. I feel pretty lucky to have the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people and have made many good friends over the years as we all share a common interest in the horses. Many visitors to the horse sanctuary don’t realize that I have dogs, too. A few years ago, my old dogs Max and Jackson were a familiar sight up at the main barn. They were very friendly and they enjoyed greeting people. Everyone loved the two big, gentle dogs. It was hard losing them to complications of old age. After they were gone I eventually adopted two more dogs from the local animal shelter. Kelly, the first dog I adopted, was a rescue that was extremely fearful of people. Apparently she had been badly abused and was so traumatized, it was unsure whether she’d ever learn to trust again. Several months after I brought Kelly home I adopted Mari, a young female black Lab. Mari has no trust issues. She is a typical happy Lab, playful and energetic. That was two years ago. So far, neither dog has become a companion barn dog like Max and Jackson. Kelly is still extremely fearful of people, though she has accepted me. She spends her days safely confined in my fenced in yard at the house, where she has her own dog house, shade trees and room to run. At night, she has her own bed in my bedroom. Mari, too, stays at the house during the day. She prefers to snooze on the sofa while she waits for me to come home from work, but she spends part of her time out in the yard with Kelly. Both dogs are happy and content. I had not gotten Kelly spayed yet because she is still so extremely fearful of strangers. She gets very stressed if I try to put a collar and leash on her, and it would be very hard for her to have to go to the veterinarian’s for the surgery. I never worried about her getting pregnant because she was always safely confined in the securely fenced yard. That was fine for the most part. But then, along came Hank. Hank is a purebred black Lab that belongs to my barn manager. Hank is a very pricey dog, who could easily be a show dog and a Lab stud dog. So Hank was not neutered. Hank is a fairly young Lab, and is extremely energetic. He loves playing with Kelly and Mari and they love playing with him. I tried to keep a close watch on Kelly and was determined to not let Hank come near her when she was in heat. But Hank had other ideas and one day he came visiting Kelly and jumped the fence to get in with her. So any day now Kelly is going to be a mama. I was pretty upset and angry when I realized she was pregnant. I was upset with myself for not just taking her to the vet sooner to have her spayed, even if it would have been hard on her. I was mad at myself for letting an un-neutered male dog live on the property. But the closer Kelly’s due day comes, the more I’m accepting the fact that we’re going to have puppies. I’m looking forward to it now. I’m sure they will be absolutely adorable. I have a few potential homes lined up for the pups, after letting people know that we’re going to have “Kelpie Lab” puppies. I’m sure it’ll be an interesting combination! Even though it was an accidental pregnancy, I’ve come to the conclusion that everything does happen for a reason and maybe this is the best thing that could happen for Kelly. In the past few weeks, as her due date comes closer, she has become more trusting with me. She’s going to be a great mama. The puppies may be just what she needs to get over her past trauma and grief, and learn to love fully. There’s something about babies that is just magical – even the four-legged ones. My family is growing . . . again! Until next time, Ruth B.

RIGHT: Amber Breitbarth, left, played the part of Maizy La Bird, Jared Wilson, Horton the Elephant, and Cayli Graham, Gertrude McFuzz.

LEFT: Meet the Whos of Whoville from Ogden Community Theatre’s production of “Seussical the Musical.” Front row from left, Melanie Hoyt, Christy Thede, Christian Thede (front), Ashley Cowden, Bella Bryant, Jan Jensen, Brianna Dailey. Back row, Trey Thompson (Mayor of Whoville), Lizzy Cowden (JoJo), Shannon Wirtz (the mayor’s wife).

RIGHT: Zach Britton as The Cat in the Hat and Megan Kennedy as Sour Kangaroo. -Photos by Jim McConnell

We welcome “Letters to the Editor.” They must be signed. Address letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Ogden Reporter, Box R, Ogden, IA 50212, or e-mail kspierce@netins.net


The Ogden RepORTeR Postal Publication Number: USPS 403-820


BY THE OGDEN REPORTER, 222 W. WALNUT STREET, OGDEN, IA 502120818. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OGDEN, IA. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OGDEN REPORTER, P.O. BOX R, OGDEN, IA 50212-0818. CIRCULATION: The Ogden Reporter is distributed to 2,000 subscribers and over-the-counter buyers each Wednesday. The Reporter is the official newspaper for the City of Ogden, Ogden Community School District, and is an official newspaper for Boone County. DEADLINES: Friday noon. PUBLISHER: Ryan Harvey. PHONE: 515-275-2101 or 4101 - FAX: 515-275-2678 e-mail: kspierce@netins.net www.ogdenreporter.com


The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - PAGE THREE



IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Tom Prochnow, Pastor Tuesday, July 30: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 31: Prayer Shawl is at 1 p.m. Thursday, August 1: TOPS meets at 6 p.m. Saturday, August 3: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Sunday, August 4: Worship is at 9 a.m. Monday, August 5: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Tuesday, August 6: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Gary Hoyt, Pastor Wednesday, July 31: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Thursday, August 1: Seekers Bible study is at 10 a.m. TTT (Friendship room) meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 4: Prayer Gathering is at 8:15 a.m. Worship is at 9 a.m. Fellowship is at 10 a.m. Monday, August 5: Ecumenical Vacation Bible school is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 7: Hope Circle meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wade Brandt, Pastor Tuesday, July 30: Thrivent meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 1: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Saturday, August 3: Worship and Holy Communion are at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, August 4: Worship and Holy Communion are at 9 a.m. Family Bible study is at 10:20 a.m. Mission presentation by Caitlin Worden is at 6 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. BOXHOLM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rod Meyer, Pastor Sunday, August 4: Fellowship hour is at 9:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion is at 10:30 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 W WALNUT

Sunday: Bible class is at 9:30 a.m. (Classes for all ages.) Worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study is at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. James Bruch, Pastor Wednesday, July 31: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Friday, August 2: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, August 3: Mass is at 6 p.m. Sunday, August 4: Mass is at 8 a.m. Monday, August 5: Bible study is at 7 p.m. at St. Malachy’s. BOXHOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship is at 9:45 a.m. Ad board meets the fourth Wednesday of June, August, October and December of this year at 7:30 p.m. Joy Circle meets the first Thursday at 1:30 p.m. PILOT MOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship service is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday school is from 10 to 11 a.m. AA meets at 7 p.m. Monday. Quilters meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m. WATER’S EDGE CHURCH “For the Thirsty Soul” 341 W WALNUT

Rick Summerhays, Pastor Bible Study is from 9 to 10 a.m. Gathering is from 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Pre-service snacks served. Service is from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.: Contemporary music and a relevant message from God’s Word. OGDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Curt Fincham, Pastor Sunday: Sunday school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Evening service is at 6 p.m. BETHEL CHURCH D. Ray Hoke, Pastor

Affiliated with Christian and Missionary Alliance – 5 miles south


Kruse reunion is Aug. 10

Rev. Robert Henry Buhr

The 77th Annual Kruse Reunion will be held Saturday, Aug. 10 at 12 noon at the Leonard A. Good Library. The potluck dinner will begin at 12:30 p.m.

The Reverend Doctor Robert Henry Buhr, 79, of Overland Park, KS, passed away Thursday, June 13, 2013 at Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care. A memorial service was held Saturday, June 29 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Kansas City. A burial service will be held at the Swede Valley Cemetery south of Ogden at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013. Robert Buhr was born June 5, 1934 in Mountain Lake, MN. Reverend Doctor Buhr was an ordained Lutheran minister who served parishes in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mulvane, KS; Ogden, IA; Burlington, IA; and Sun City Center, FL. In recent years he was an active archive research volunteer at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. He enjoyed family, traveling, reading, historical research, and volunteering his time to church and community activities and events. He is preceded in death by his father Henry Buhr, brother James Buhr, sons Steven Phillip and Michael David Buhr. Survivors include his wife of 56 years Vivian “Nan” Buhr, mother Virginia Buhr, sons Paul Buhr and wife Patty of Sioux Falls, SD, and Thomas Buhr and wife Lori of Bellevue, NE, daughter-in-law Tess Buhr and grandson Robert Buhr of Bellville, IL. There are also three step-grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Memorial gifts may be made to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1700 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO, 64111 or Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, 1100 E. 55th St., Chicago, IL, 60615.

Zion Lutheran LWML met Members of Zion Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society held its July meeting with hostesses Dorothy Reimers and Eileen Westrum in the fellowship hall. “Walking in His Light,” a patriotic devotion, was led by Eldora Heineman, Lois Powers and Maxine Lingren. We have learned that God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. Every day our faith is tested: are we really walking with God in His light? Through prayer and positive actions are we trying to shed darkness and bring in the light? As American patriots of old defended the country they loved, to the point of sacrificing their livelihoods, families and even their own lives, so we as Christians are called to make a similar sacrifice. We are called to defend the gospel not just stand up for it but spread the good news to the world. The pledge of allegiance to the American flag and to the Christian flag were given. “Take My Hand and Lead Me” and “Onward Christian Soldiers” were sung, accompanied by Annette Powers, pianist. Pastor Brandt led the Bible study “Hide and Seek”, asking the question “Who are you?” Answers are found in Isaiah 43:1 and 1 Peter 2:9-10, and we find out of His mercy we are called to light. He meets all our needs in Philippians 4:19.

In closing, it was suggested to read Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and healing.” The business meeting was conducted by president Dorothy Kruse. secretary Joyce Boehm and treasurer Eileen Westrum gave their reports. Letter of appreciation was acknowledged from one of our seminary students who completed his year-long vicarage in Indiana. Zone secretary Dorothy Reimers reported results from a second conference grant for jails from 25 Lutheran districts was successful. Carol Claussen reported ten workers completed 17 tied quilts in June. LWR will warehouse their quilts in five different areas of the world and will disperse them to those areas rather than ship quilts in separate lots. In other business, Judy Tonsfeldt and Aleta Townsend visited shut-ins in July and also helped serve at the Ogden Manor. A one-day retreat to Mission Central at Mapleton will be held Sept. 21. All are invited to attend from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board, with deadline Sept. 10. Closing thoughts were “God will either spare you from suffering or give you the grace to face it.” Meeting closed with Lord’s Prayer and Table Prayer. No meeting in August. September 5 is the next LWML gathering at 2 p.m.

of Hwy. 30 on R 18 (L Ave.)

Men’s and women’s group home Bible studies are available. Call 2754091 for information.

Sunday: Morning worship is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday school for all ages, including adult electives is from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Evening services for adults and Jr./Sr. High youth are at 6 p.m. Wednesday: AWANA Club is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Bible study is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Adult Care and Share is from 6:45 to 8 p.m.

CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN BEAVER UMC YOKED PARISH Marjorie Smalley, Pastor Sunday: Church service is at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

The church of Christ Who are these people? When we think of the fact that sin is running rampant in our country we cannot help but to feel distress. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet said regarding Judah, “For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right” (Jeremiah 23:10). When we consider the divided state of the religious world and see error being promoted and find indifference to and prejudice against the unadulterated Word of God, we have difficulty preventing discouragement added to our distress. Jeremiah felt these emotions when he wrote, “Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets….I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah” (Jeremiah 23:9,14). So, in Jeremiah’s day, as in our day, there were religious leaders who strengthened the hands of evildoers by their disregard for the Word of the Lord. Then, for Jeremiah’s encouragement (and for ours), God said, “What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:28, 29). In other words, all who were wicked and that in spite of flinty hearts, His Word once received would burn out impurities, and break up hard-heartedness. It will not return to Him void or empty (Isaiah 55:10-11); it will fulfill God’s purpose and desired end. No one can estimate the ultimate good accomplished when God’s word is faithfully proclaimed and taught. Like a fire burning chaff, it will destroy the false doctrines of men; and like the hammer breaking rock, it will break the hard heart into repentance. The apostle Paul understood its power when he said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation….” (Romans 1:16). Let us faithfully proclaim the powerful gospel message of Christ to those who are lost, motivating them to render obedience to His word (Matthew 7:21; James 1:22,25). See our broadcast on local channel 6 Sundays at 6 pm & Tuesdays, at 7 pm! “In Search of the Lord’s Way”, Sunday at 7:30 am on KCWI, cable Ch. 9!

We would like to invite you to worship with us at 502 W. Walnut! Sunday Bible study at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 7:00 p.m.

Annual Paulson reunion is Sun., Aug. 11 The 78th Paulson Reunion will be held Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013 at the Family Life Center at the Hidden Acres Christian Camp north of Ogden. The potluck noon meal will be followed by the business meeting with election of officers, and activities – hiking, swimming, basketball, etc. available. If you desire Saturday overnight reservations, please call Mary J. Ott ASAP (515-846-6443). Also during the afternoon, the auction will be held with family members bringing old pictures, nostalgia items, baked goods, etc. If you have any births, deaths, marriages etc. to bring the Family Genealogy Chart up to date, please call Marva Jean Baldwin (303-674-2460). Directions: From Ogden, travel north on P70 (H Ave.) for 14 miles. (This will become Taylor Ave.) Turn right (east) at 370th Street and go one mile. Turn left (north) to campgrounds. Take 2nd driveway to large building – to the Family Life Center (reunion headquarters). Park in front or around to the north of building. Enter in side door. (If you are coming from the north on Highway 175, turn south on Taylor Ave. and go to 370th St. Turn left for one mile. Follow signs). Please plan on joining in the family fun. Spread the word to your family.

Nomination papers now available Ogden Community School District nomination papers are now available for two (2) at-large seats for school board candidate. Minimum number of signatures required is 27. The first day to file was Monday, July 8, 2013. Deadline is Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 at 5 p.m. with the board secretary. Please contract Kris Van Pelt at 515-275-2894 or kris.vanpelt@ ogden.k12.ia.us for further information.

Sign-up for the Pufferbilly Days Parade now There’s still time to sign up to be in the 2013 Pufferbilly DaysTM Parade. The deadline to join the parade is Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. For a complete application go to www.booneiowa.us or stop by the Chamber of Commerce office at 9th and Story St. See you at Pufferbilly DaysTM September 5-8. For more information please contact: Emily McColloch, Events Coordinator Pufferbilly Days, 903 Story St., Boone, IA 50036. 515432-3342.


THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BOONE COUNTY PROBATE NO. ESPR023575 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD R. HARRIS, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Richard R. Harris, Deceased, who died on or about June 20, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of July, 2013, the last will and testament of Richard R. Harris, deceased, bearing the date of the 22nd day of March, 2007, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Lee R. Johnson was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be

forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 9th day of July, 2013. Lee R. Johnson Executor of estate 214 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 Lee R. Johnson, ICIS PIN No: AT0003852 Attorney for executor Johnson Law Office, PC 214 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 Date of second publication: Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013.

BOONE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Continued from page five Verizon Wireless ............................ 91.16 Windstream ................................. 109.64 Building Repair Wal-Mart Community ....................119.34 Workmens’ Comp. Ins. IMWCA ........................................ 927.00 Miscellaneous Expense Creative Product Source, Inc....... 165.57 County Assessor Fund Part Time Wages Boone Co. Treasurer ................ 5,400.00 FICA County Contribution Boone Co. Treasurer ................... 413.10 Stationery & Forms Card Services - VISA..................... 21.36 Home Office................................... 35.98 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Boone Co. Treasurer ..................... 78.65 William P. Overton ......................... 38.76 E. Jason Sands ........................... 109.14 Telephone Services Windstream ................................... 70.42 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Access Systems .......................... 926.32 Workmens’ Comp. Ins. IMWCA ..................................... 4,457.00 Landfill Fuels Boone Co. Treasurer ................... 895.64 Operating Expense Arnold Motor Supply .................... 796.90 Boone Co. Auditor ....................... 190.15 Boone Co. Treasurer ..................... 10.00 Boone Hardware............................ 64.97 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources ........................... 1,706.83 KCI Landscape Supply ............. 5,658.64 US Bancorp Government Leasing................................ 8,639.27 Other Transportation Boone Co. Treasurer ................ 7,500.00 Official Pub.& Legal Not. Card Services - VISA..................... 10.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp ........ 39.00 Wilcox Printing & Publishing .......... 42.00 Telephone Services Scott A. Smith ................................ 60.00 Verizon Wireless .......................... 131.17 Windstream ................................. 134.31 Xenia Rural Water District ............112.72 Educational & Training Service Picketts Salvage .......................... 220.00 Engineering Services HLW Group, LLC ......................... 882.50 All Utilities Coe Transfer, Inc ........................... 34.15 Fixed Plant Equipment Repair Moffitt’s Ford ................................ 315.80 Van Wall Equipment .................... 707.04 Operating & Cons. Equip. Rep. Arnold Motor Supply .......................11.18 Cummins Central Power, LLC ..... 546.65 Mid Country Machinery, Inc. ..... 1,332.94 Moffitt’s Ford .................................. 20.00 Tort Liability Ins. IMWCA ..................................... 9,887.00 Contract Services Coe Transfer, Inc ...................... 4,000.00 Gravel Martin Marietta Aggregates ...... 6,294.15 Health Ins Premium Payroll Holding Acct. BC Treasurer / Flex Benefits .... 2,146.68 Fort Dearborn Life Insurance....... 682.74 ISAC - Group Health Insurance ........................ 139,979.00 Co. Employee Wellness Fund Card Services - VISA................ 1,092.29 Grand Total ....................... $ 723,747.19 July 17, 2013 Chairman Foster called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. all members present. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve the minutes of July 10, 2013 meeting. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve the agenda as published. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded

motion to approve position description as last revised August 24,2011 and approved advertisement for position available – Fulltime Superintendent of Building & Grounds for Boone County Government Campus. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. John Torbert, Iowa Drainage Association met with the Board to present the association’s annual report. Board reviewed and placed on file minutes from Boone County Conservation Board meeting from June 10, 2013. Board reviewed and placed on file Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority Financial Statement for year ended September 30, 2012. Board reviewed and placed on file Clerk of District Court Report of Fees Collected for June 2013. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve pay adjustment for Jessica Beebe, Administrative Asst., County Community Services to $32,532 per annum effective August 8, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve pay adjustment for LouAnn Larson, Case Manager/Social Worker, County Community Services to $37,461.60 per annum effective August 8, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve signing Applications for 2014 Homestead Tax Credits as recommended by Boone County Assessor as follow. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. 2014 Homestead Tax Credit: Brandon L. & Shellie F. Allen, 420 N Kennedy, Madrid; Kevin & Amy Gnann, 521 Monona, Boone; Barry J. & Yvonne L. Romitti, 2301 Pear Ln., Madrid (Douglas Township); Robert J. & Teresa J. Boyer, 1745 L Ave., Woodward (Marcy Township); Zachary L. Stier, 922 15th, Boone; Michael J. & Megan R. Weber, 2364 167th Place, Ames (Jackson Township). Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve signing the US Dept. of Agriculture Voluntary Permanent Base Acres Reduction on USDA tract 2153 from 25.5 acres to 21.5 acres. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to table appointment of Board of Supervisors representatives on Compensation Board. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Review and Discuss proposal for masonry preservation, maintenance & repair for the Boone County Courthouse as prepared by KARR Tuck pointing- proposal to repair specific areas $684. The Board told agreed to proceed and asked Foster to notify Karr. Andy Hockenson & members of the Boone County Conservation Board met with the Board to discuss sharing of the Naturalist position with the Landfill. The Conservation Board reported that they had unanimously rejected the proposal presented by the Landfill and they had decided to pursue another partner and considered Ledges Park proposal as a better fit than the Landfill for sharing of naturalist duties. Bob Kieffer, County Engineer; Scott Kruse, Asst. County Engineer met with the Board for a secondary Road Update Dan Kolacia, County Attorney, met with the Board for a department update. The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. These minutes were approved twentyfourth day of July 2013. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor

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Our Town

PAGE FOUR - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013


10 Years Ago From the July 30, 2003 issue Dan and Tina Snedden, Ogden are the parents of a son born Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames. He weighed 9 lbs., 1 oz. and has been named Lane Tucker. Lane is welcomed home by three brothers, Bryce, 5; Noah, 3; Ethan, 18 mos. Grandparents are Don and Delores Snedden, Ogden; and Dar and Rose Tucker, Jefferson. Great grandmother is Thelma Tucker, Grand Junction. The annual Lass reunion will be held Sunday, Aug. 3, with the family gathering for a potluck at 12:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Leonard Good Community Center. The OHS Class of 1993 will be having a reunion Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 9 and 10. Information will be mailed soon. The Boone County Sheriff’s Office has received a donation from the Leonard Good Trust of Ogden in the amount of $4,350. The donation was used to purchase ten stinger spike systems that will be used to stop pursuit driving when possible. Bob Hope was just himself the day Sharon and I met the famous comedian and his wife Delores in Boone, Sunday, June 22, 1980. The couple was warmly received as Hope, who died Sunday, July 27, 2003, at his home in California, participated in the dedication of the Mamie Doud Eisenhower Birthplace in Boone after the facility had been restored at a cost of approximately $80,000.

30 Years Ago

From the Aug. 3, 1983 Issue Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schall are the parents of a son born Friday, July 29, 1983. He weighed 8lbs., 4 oz. and has been named Brian Joseph. He joins a sister, Nichole, 8 and a brother, Eric, 6. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coffman of Huxley and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schall. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waters of Massena and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schall. Elliott and Hazel Reutter will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house Sunday, Aug. 14 at the Colonial House in Boone from 2 to 4 p.m. Persons are invited to share in an open house celebration for the golden wedding anniversary of Ron and Evelyn Carlson Sunday, Aug. 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the McGraw Center. The OHS Class of 1968 held their 15-year reunion Friday and Saturday evenings, July 15 and 16. Several met for an informal get-together Friday evening at a local lounge. Saturday evening was spent at a Boone restaurant enjoying dinner and a dance. Ogden’s Orlan Sprecher participated in the eighth annual Dr. Pepper all-star basketball game held Saturday, July 9 at the UNI-Dome in Iowa Falls. The 6’7” 1983 OHS grad plans to continue his basketball career at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. Ogden’s Tim Swanson, and DeWayne Lark and Greg Stark of Pilot Mound all participated in the 492 mile RAGBRAI XI starting in Onawa, Sunday, July 24 and ending in Dubuque Saturday, July 30. Members of the OHS Class of 1943 enjoyed their 40th reunion Saturday, July 16 at the Don Williams shelter house with a catered dinner. Mrs. Lenore Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cronk attended graduation exercises Saturday morning for their grandson, Craig Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Elliott of Lehigh. Craig received his BS degree.

60 Years Ago From the Aug. 6, 1953 Issue Art Miner of Ogden was elected as one of the three vice presidents of the “Forty and Eight” at its meeting in Waterloo this past Sunday. Joan Erickson and Newman Tuttle were married Sunday, July 26, 1953 at the Swede Valley Lutheran Church. Janet Grimm and Judy Paulson who share the same birthdate, July 30, celebrated the event Thursday evening when they entertained a group of their friends at a wiener roast at McHose Park followed by a 3-D show at Boone. Mrs. John Trevisol entertained the Canasta club members at her home Wednesday evening. A 6:30 dessert lunch was served by the hostess followed by the club game with prizes going to Mrs. Trevisol and Mrs. John Weber. A picnic supper was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marquardt Sunday evening honoring Mrs. Harry Mills, sister of Mrs. Marquardt. The Camp Fire girls met at the home of Katy Junck. Katy made cinnamon rolls and clover leaf rolls. Pvt. Clifford N. Rose is enroute to Germany with the U.S. Armed Forces with an artillery unit.

UI student receives degree after 2013 spring session The University of Iowa awarded an estimated 5,200 degrees at the close of the 2013 spring session. Sarah A. Kuil, Ogden, was one of the 5,200 students receiving degrees. She received a Master of Social Work degree. Sarah is a 2006 Ogden High School graduate.

Estate Sale


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BOONE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT Members of the Boone Soccer Team at Creighton University Soccer Camp pictured from left to right are Jared Dow, Ben Boesen, Hassan Abdel-Halim, Ryan Niday. Photos provided

OHS soccer athlete attends Creighton University Camp Hassan Abdel-Halim, son of Halim and Doralene Abdel-Halim, Ogden, attended Creighton University Soccer Camp in Omaha, NE this past week. The soccer camp is an intense four-day program to improve soccer skills. Hassan has been playing soccer since he was four years old, originally for the Ogden Soccer Club. He is now a member of the Boone Soccer Club and Boone High School Soccer Team. Hassan will be a junior at Ogden High School this fall. Several Ogden High School boys and girls play on the Boone teams, as there currently is no high school soccer program available in Ogden. Boone Soccer Club begins in the fall and Boone High School Soccer in the spring. Everyone is encouraged to attend games and support our local athletes in Players on the field at Creighton University. this exciting international sport!

COMING EVENTS MONDAYS, JULY 29Stop for a short visit with Sue of the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program at the Leonard A. Good Community Library, 208 W. Mulberry, Ogden, Monday, July 29, anytime between 1 and 2 p.m. Look for Sue and see what the many different volunteer opportunities there may be to fit your schedule. You can make a difference one person at a time. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1Ladies Day is at 12:30 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6Catered dinner at 12 noon, McGraw Senior Center. Speaker will be Brad Jermeland. MONDAY, AUGUST 12Heartland Senior Services Adult Day Center will be presenting an informational meeting entitled Caregiving A-Z. Join us Monday, August 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 205 S. Walnut in Ames so we

can assist with answers regarding Caregiving: Who, What, Where and Why! Call 233.2906 for questions or further information. Food Pantry drop-off, open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. EVERY THURSDAYTOPS Club (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every week on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 119 SW 2nd St., Ogden. Visitors are always welcome. First meeting is free. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization with thousands of associate chapters in the United States and Canada. Members learn about nutrition, portion control, food planning, exercise, motivation, and more at weekly meetings. For details, call Linda Trudo at 515-275-4620, visit www.tops.org or call TOPS Headquarters at 800-932-8677

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Wednesday, July 10 8:05 a.m.: A person called to report a theft of some tractor parts from his residence in the 2100 block of Rose Rd. The complainant believes the parts are at residence in Huxley, and that the suspect is an aquaintance. Deputy Ruter is investigating. Thursday, July 11 1:07 p.m.: Deputy Ruter began an investigation into a forgery/theft case. A person called to report that his ex was writing checks on a closed account, and also signing his name. The investigation is continuing. 6:39 p.m.: A person called to report that her step-daugther was making fraudulent charges on her bank account. Deputy Gray began an investigation. Friday, July 12 1:40 a.m.: Ames PD called and advised they had Dominic Lee in custody on a Boone County warrant for domestic abuse. Deputy Gray was notified and picked up Mr. Lee and transported to the BCJ. 2:02 p.m.: The 911 center received a call from a person in the 2100 block of Magnolia Rd. that her car was on fire. Deputy Ruter responded upon his arrival the car was fully involved. The Woodward Fire Department responded and put out the fire. There were no injuries. 4:47 p.m.: Sgt. Wingate responded to a call from the 6100 block of Lincolnway of a dog that would not let a person out of the vehicle. When Sgt. Wingate arrived to speak with the owner, he was attacked and bitten by the dog. The dog, a pit bull was taken to the humane society for quarantine. Sgt Wingate had to be treated at the BCH for his injuries. The investigation into the incident is continuing. 10:18 p.m.: Deputy Zuetenhorst made contact with Andrew Richards of Boone on a traffic stop, and after a brief investigation determined that Mr. Andrews was wanted for probation revocation. He was arrested and transported to the BCJ. Saturday, July 13 12:40 p.m.: A person called the BCSO to report there was a person trespassing on his property in the 500 block of W Ave., that would not leave. Deputy Twigg responded to resolve the situation. Sunday, July 14 1:23 a.m.: Perry Police called the BCSO to report a vehicle rollover, but the caller who called the Perry PD could not give a good location, only a general location north of their city. Perry PD was responding along with deputies from the BCSO. Perry PD eventually located the vehicle in Boone County in the 2300 block of Duck Ave. The vehicle was a total loss, and the driver was slightly injured and treated at the Dallas County Hospital. 11:33 a.m.: The Mokena Ill. Police Department called to report they recovered a stolen vehicle in their city along with the person that stole it. The vehicle was taken by a juvenile from Boone. 3:05 p.m.: The BCSO received several reports of a car accident at Highway 30 and Highway 169 west of Ogden. Deputy Twigg along with the Ogden Fire Department responded. There were no injuries. Monday, July 15 9:40 a.m.: A person called the BCSO to report that his handgun was stolen sometime between July 11 and the 15. Deputy Pontius took the report. 7:17 p.m.: A person called to report that a bicycle rider was riding her bike on the travelled portion of Highway 30 and Highway 17. Deputy Fangman made contact with the individual and advised her that this was dangerous and to ride her bike on the shoulder. 8:58 p.m.: A person called to report that she had struck a bicycle rider in the 1700 block of Highway 210. The rider was up and walking around and was not injured seriously. The driver of the car was cited for failing to yield to a bicycle rider. Tuesday, July 16 8:48 a.m.: A person came into the BCSO and was inquiring why deputies kept stopping at her residence in the 1700 block of L Ave. Lauren Wenzl was then placed under arrest for an outstanding felony warrant for assault causing injury. She was escorted to the BCJ.

7:11 p.m.: A person called the 911 communication center to advise that his helicopter had been shot at by two individuals in the area of 320th and Eagle Ave. Deputy Fangman was advised and responded to that area. Deputy Fangman located the two individuals believed to be responsible for this incident. After a brief interrogation the two admitted they did shoot their weapon but only at the ground. The aircraft was not hit in the incident and the FAA was contacted. The investigation into the incident is continuing. Wednesday, July 17 7:56 p.m.: A person called to report that her friend was texting her stating that she was going to kill herself by overdosing. Deputy Fangman responded to the call in the 1400 block of J Ave. Upon arrival at the residence the individual was not located but Deputy Fangman obtained an address to check in the city of Boone. Officers from the BPD checked the area in question and located the individual. The family was contacted to pick her up at that location in Boone. 9:29 p.m.: A person called to report they struck a deer at the 129 mile marker on Highway 30. A vehicle driven by Maranda Hahn of Boone, struck a deer, lost control and struck a vehicle driven by Omar Ruedas of Boone who was right beside the other car going the same direction on Highway 30. There were no injuries. 10:04 p.m.: A person called to report suspicious activity in the area of a trailer at 6100 West Lincolnway. The neighbor advised the person living at the residence was not home. Deputies responded and located the individual who advised he was walking to the shelter in Ames. He was checked out and continued on his way. The trailer was not disturbed. 5:10 p.m.: A person called to report a grass fire just west of the Des Moines River. Ogden Fire was contacted and put out the fire. Thursday, July 18 11:01 p.m.: The park ranger at Ledges State Park called and advised that he had an underage party at a camp-site and needed some assistance. Deputies from the BCSO responded and located the party and cited the following for underage possession; Joseph Buising; Kara Ganzer; and Emily Dalluge. The juveniles were released to their parents. Friday, July 19 2:31 p.m.: Deputy Ruter arrested Steven Robinson on a warrant from the Ames Police Department for larceny. 3:33 p.m.: Deputy Ruter assisted the Iowa State Patrol in locating a vehicle involved in a hit and run in the 1200 block of 125th St. Saturday, July 20 11:20 a.m.: A person called from a business in the 2200 block of 229th Pl. to report that he was threatened by the owner of a vehicle that the business towed. Deputy Twigg responded to the area and began an investigation. 11:22 a.m.: A person called to report she was concerned about her father and wanted the BCSO to check on his welfare. Deputy Twigg was advised and responded to the 1200 block of of T Ave. Deputy Twigg did make contact with the individual, the individual was fine and will follow up with the concerned family member. 4:58 p.m.: A person called to report that he had struck a deer with a motorcycle and there were minor injuries. The BCSO, ISP along with the BFD and an ambulance responded. 9:39 p.m.: A person called to report they were tubing down the Des Moines River and lost contact with two individuals in their party. The BCSO responded to the area and began a search of the river. The two people were eventually located. After locating the missing individuals it was discovered that four people in the party had been using alcohol and were not of age. They were Amber Monk, Brianna Ticconi, Nicole Corley and Taylor Wilson. All were cited for underage possession and released to their parents. Sunday, July 21 12:43 p.m.: A person called to report that she witnessed a vehicle going the wrong way on Highway 30 at Lincolnway. The caller ad-

vised the vehicle is now parked in the median of Highway 30. Deputy Twigg responded to the area but was unable to locate the vehicle. 12:23 a.m.: A person called to report that a male came out of the ditch in the area of the Waterworks and 188th Rd. She was not comfortable with stopping and called in. Deputy Gray made contact with the suspicious person and found him and another person and one of the two were intoxicated. Deputy Gray began an investigation and charged Travis Rolph with public intoxication, and Chris Burdess with possession of drug paraphernalia. Both were transported to the BCJ. 8:06 p.m.: A person called to report an out of control individual in the 100 block of 2nd St. in Pilot Mound. Sgt. Wingate responded to the area and met with the people and resolved the situation. 11:32 p.m.: All Boone County Law Enforcement was made aware of a stolen vehicle from Greene County. Monday, July 22 1:00 p.m.: A person came into the BCSO to report a theft of some items from his residence. The theft occurred in Luther. 8:18 p.m.: The Boone County area was hit by severe storms causing some damage to crops and the Central Iowa Expo site. The BCSO responded to numerous reports of storm damage. A main power line that runs through the Central Iowa Expo site was severely damaged. Highway 17 was closed for a time because of power lines hanging low over the highway. 11:29 p.m.: Deputy Quinn made a traffic stop at Highway 169 and 230th and after a brief investigation found the person may be under the influence. Joshua Greiner was placed under arrest for investigation into OWI. He was transported to the BCJ for further testing. Tuesday, July 23 9:07 p.m.: The Perry Police Department requested assistance from Sgt. Wingate and K-9 Bandit for a search for illegal contraband. A search was done with no further substances located. 4:18 p.m.: A person called to report they had struck a dog in the Angus curve and the dog was still alive. Deputy Spencer checked on the dog, and located the owner. The dog was later put down because of the injuries. Wednesday, July 24 11:21 a.m.: A person called to report that her house located in the 1800 block of 200th was possibly broken into. Deputies from the BCSO responded and checked out the residence and found it to be secure with no entry gained into the residence. 6:43 p.m.: A person called to report that they heard automatic weapon fire in the 1900 block of the 1st Street extension. Deputy Fangman was advised and responded to the area and began an investigation. That investigation is continuing. 5:31 p.m.: A person called to report that he thinks his mail is being taken. He advised Deputy Fangman that he arrived home earlier then normal and from inside the house he witnessed an individual on a go-cart pull open his mail box and leave. Deputy Fangman is continuing the investigation. 3:41 p.m.: A person called to report they found a female searching through their corn crib in the 500 block of H Ave. When the suspicious person was confronted by the home owner she said she was looking for her boy friend. They asked her to leave and she did on foot. Deputy Spencer and an Ogden Police officer searched the area but were unable to locate the individual. 9:30 a.m. and 12:40 p.m.: The BCSO took two reports today of loose livestock. One report was in the 1900 block of 130th, and the other was in the 900 block of 170th St. The owners were contacted after several attempts to make contact and the animal were secured. Thursday, July 25 4:37 p.m.: Deputy Spencer arrested Julian Kassis, 27, of Ankeny on a Boone County Warrant. Friday, July 26 8:17 a.m.: A representative from Forage Genetics called to report two generators stolen within the 2300 block of 259th.

Public Notices

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - PAGE FIVE


OGDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Monthly Meeting of The Board of Directors of the Ogden Community School District July 15, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER: The Ogden Board of Education held a regular Board meeting Monday, July 15, 2013 in the Ogden Community School District High School Library. Members present included Tom Cleveland, Sally Good, Chet Hollingshead, Camille Schroeder and Matt Van Sickle. Meeting was called to order by President Chet Hollingshead at 6:34pm. Other members present were Superintendent Brad Jermeland and Kris Van Pelt, Board Secretary. II. GOOD NEWS: Superintendent Jermeland shared good news from throughout the district. III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes • June 10, 2013 Regular Meeting • June 27, 2013 Special Meeting 3. Personnel Recommendations Appointments • Raymond (Chip) Wisecup, Title I Reading, .8 FTE, BA Step 6, $28,782.69; replacing Sandy Moore due to retirement, effective 2013-14 school year • Dena Boyd, High School Head Girls Track, Step 3 13%, $3,536.12, replacing Garrison Carter Resignations • Shellie Grabau, 7/8 Math, effective 2012-13 school year Transfers • Billie Glenn, from 5/6 Language Arts to 7/8 Reading, effective 2013-14 school year 4. Monthly List of Bills • June 2013 Activity, $21,448.14 & Nutrition Fund, $31692.22; July 2013 including General Fund, $48,069.17; Management Fund, $55.30; PERL, $3,774.05; PPEL, $2,313.75; and Sales Tax Funds, $12,249.55. Camille Schroeder moved to approve the consent agenda items. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. IV. DELEGATIONS/PETITIONS/COMMUNICATIONS The floor was opened to delegations, petitions, or communication on items not on the agenda. There were none. V. ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS A. District 1. Hans Boehm – Boehm Insurance: Hans Boehm was present to review the district’s insurance policy, including property, vehicle, workers compensation, unemployment compensation and general liability coverage. 2. Student Handbooks: Matt Van Sickle moved to approve the following handbooks for 2013-14: HS Student Handbook/Activities Handbook; HS Faculty Handbook; MS Faculty Handbook and

MS Student/Parent Handbook. Camille Schroeder seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 3. Board Goals The Board reviewed the previous goals from 2011-2013. A goal setting process will be discussed at a scheduled work session. 4. District Developed Service Delivery Plan – Special Education: Camille Schroeder moved to approve committee members and permission to consider revisions to the District Developed Service Delivery Plan for Special Education. Sally Good seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. B. Curriculum/School Improvement/ Professional Development: No report. C. Special Education Headcount: No report. D. Technology: No report. E. Finance/Facilities/Support Services 1. Food Service Competitive Quotes: The competitive bids for milk and bread products were provided to the Board for their review and consideration. Sally Good moved to approve the 201314 milk bid to Anderson Erickson and the 2013-14 bread bid to Martin Brothers Distributing. Camille Schroeder seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 2. Monthly Financial Reports: Matt Van Sickle moved to approve the June 2013 monthly financial reports. Tom Cleveland seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 3. Summer Capital Projects Update: Superintendent Jermeland gave an update on the progress of the summer projects that were Board approved on April 25, 2013. F. Superintendent 1. Board Policy Series Codes – 300-307 – Second Reading: Camille Schroeder moved to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series Codes 300-307, tabling Code No. 302.2 – Superintendent Contract. Sally Good seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 2. Board Policy Series Codes – 400406 – First Reading: Camille Schroeder moved to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series Codes 400-406. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 3. 2013-14 Legislative Priorities: Each district has the opportunity to submit five (5) prioritized legislative priorities. These priorities must be submitted to IASB by August 9. The entire list of 2013 IASB Legislative Action Priorities and Resolutions is provided for reference. The Board can suggest amendments to exiting resolutions or recommend new resolutions. Board action to set the 201314 IASB legislative priorities by August 9 is recommended. 4. Board Calendar The Board calendar was reviewed. 5. Next Board Agenda-Draft: A draft of

the tentative agenda for August 12, 2013 was provided for Board input. VI. OTHER VII. ADJOURN There was no further business to come before the Board for consideration at this time. Matt Van Sickle moved to adjourn. Camille Schroeder seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. President Chet Hollingshead adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 515-275-2894, Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Chet Hollingshead, President Kris Van Pelt, Secretary 7/1/12012 - 6/30/2013 EARNINGS REPORT ACUFF, FRED ........................$ 1,890.00 AHRENS, KATHY ....................31,385.09 AHRENS, KIMBERLY ..............23,589.34 ANDERSON, VICKIE ...............27,293.86 ARNOLD, VALERIE .................15,315.50 BAILEY, ANNE ........................16,638.00 BARGER, SHARON ..................3,984.54 BEHM-NEWHARD, NATHAN ..40,327.00 BENDA-MOSS, WANDA ..........2,700.00 BLAIR, REBECCA ...................74,320.00 BLOOMBERG, DORINE ...........1,582.08 BOGGESS, CHRISTAL ...........18,221.13 BOHR, TERRI .........................47,679.57 BORSOS, RHONDA .................9,228.66 BOSMA, JANET .....................14,438.58 BOYD, DENA ..........................37,816.27 BRANT, CATHERINE ................4,051.79 BROOKS, JEAN .....................50,887.09 BROTT, ELIZABETH ....................945.00 BROTT, GLORIA .....................41,787.39 BROWN, JAMIE ............................76.43 CARLTON, JACOB ......................145.00 CARTER, GARRISON .............39,640.29 CASEY, KEVIN ........................55,408.70 CASEY, SUSAN ......................25,260.21 CHRISTENSEN, CATHY ..............121.43 CHRISTENSEN, JESSICA ........5,859.24 CHUMBLEY, AMY ....................4,167.23 CHURCH, BONNA ...................2,263.49 CHURCH, SCOTT ....................2,906.65 CLAYTON, LEVI ........................2,028.19 CLAYTON, SAMUEL .................1,968.75 CORNELIUS, ROBIN ..............13,796.13 CROSMAN, EMILY .................37,152.86 DENNIS, PAMELA .........................15.36 DUTCHER, LINDA ..................48,741.72 DUTCHER, RICH ....................57,341.84 EARLL, JANICE ...........................393.60 EHLERS, JORDAN .................15,911.20 ELSBERRY, JOSEPH ................8,046.59 EMERSON, JOHN ....................3,645.00 ERICKSON, MARISSA ...........42,686.78 FLYNN, MICHELLE .................42,230.06 FRONING, JANICE ...................1,926.97 FULLER III, JOHN ...................36,643.62 GANNON, MALEEA ................16,344.74 GARVEY, MICHAEL .....................360.00 GERMER, LETICIA .................30,912.29 GIBSON, DIANE .......................2,660.00

GLENN, BILLIE .......................60,033.14 GOOD, DENNIS ......................42,320.68 GOODMAN, JUDY ...................2,200.00 GRABAU, SHELLIE ................51,876.03 GRADOVILLE, STEVEN ...............675.00 GRILLO, CHRISTINE ...................135.00 GRONSETH, CHRSTY ...........14,147.00 GUSTAFSON, RICKEY .............4,216.43 HABERER, MARLENE ............23,485.00 HABERER, MELISSA ..............13,601.85 HACKER, LINDA .......................2,680.82 HAGLUND, SUSAN ................61,468.43 HAMILTON, RICKY .................75,445.00 HAYES, LESLI .........................55,839.52 HEFLER, JARED .......................1,792.00 HIGGINS, JANA ......................39,598.13 HILL, SCOTT ..........................52,369.00 HOLTON, JOHN .......................8,226.14 HOPKINS, TINA .............................90.00 HUNT, BARBARA ...................13,983.43 HUNT, REBECCA ...................43,699.81 HUNTER, DIANE ....................58,874.94 HURST, ALAN ...........................7,166.05 INGRAM, AMANDA ..................3,828.91 JANSSEN-SOLHEIM, CHRISTINA .......................48,602.91 JERMELAND, BRADLEY ......118,750.00 JOHNSON, COLEEN ................9,124.65 JOHNSON, HOLLY .................51,244.74 JOHNSON, RANDY ..................2,501.77 JONES, THERESA .......................352.00 JUNCK, LEONE ...........................855.00 KALLEM, SUSAN ...................40,574.42 KAUFFMAN, FRANCES ..............976.51 KAUFFMAN, HOLLY ....................135.00 KEENAN, LINDA .......................4,748.16 KEMP, TERESA .......................44,704.67 KINNA, TRACY .......................24,313.53 KIRCHOFF, ELAINE ................22,240.00 KLAVER, JODY ............................704.00 KOBLISKA, RYAN .....................6,594.43 KRUSE, KARA ........................60,504.75 KRUSE, MICHELLE ................54,643.34 KRUSE, PAT .............................2,726.67 KRUSE, SHELLEY ..................53,224.07 LAKE, ANN .............................43,753.21 LAKE, DANIEL ........................56,256.20 LARSEN, DAVID .....................64,376.16 LARSEN, MICHAELYN .............4,612.50 LARSON, KELLI ......................20,513.93 LAUNDERVILLE, MARK .........36,950.14 LAUNDERVILLE, MICHAELA ...5,945.50 LEWISTON, KIMBERLY ............1,170.86 LIESKE, AMARIS ....................32,108.35 MADDY, BRIAN ......................32,575.52 MAJOROS, JEANNE ..............62,388.40 MCCLOUD, BRENDA .............22,497.67 MCCLURE, JEANONE .............2,126.85 MCCOMB, DARWIN ...............41,660.15 MCCOMB, DOUGLAS ............53,901.88 MCCONNELL, JAMES ...........15,526.38 MCCOY, ANGELA ....................3,279.56 MCDOWELL, GARRETT ...........1,607.69 MCHENRY, MEGAN ...............34,438.40 MEYER, LAURA .....................23,201.87 MEYER, ZACHARY ...................2,560.00 MEYERS, JULIA .....................12,881.96 MILLER, WANDA .........................346.43 MOORE, SANDRA ..................59,881.97 MORRIS, DAVID .......................4,216.85 MOSES, MICHAEL .................61,755.62

MUHLENBURG, DEB ...............9,237.74 MULLIN, CONNIE .....................9,481.03 MULLINS, DORAL ....................6,163.05 NEUBAUER, DAVID ................75,789.00 NICHOLS, DIANE ...................57,632.64 NIGRO, BUFFY .......................13,317.00 OIEN, CHRISTINE ..................23,466.70 OZMUN, DAWN ........................1,152.00 PAULSON, ANGELA .................4,513.53 PERDUE, FREDA ....................55,364.69 PETERSON, ALYSSA ...............5,897.46 PETERSON, BARBARA .................45.00 PLUEGER, MICHAEL ...............9,115.00 PORTER, KENT ......................10,028.74 PORTER, KIMBERLY ...................528.51 POWERS, ROBERT ................27,108.33 PRICE, AMY .............................5,715.86 RAMOLD, KRISTY ..................14,568.45 REGISTER, CHARISSA ...............945.00 REIMERS, BRIAN ...................71,996.96 REIMERS, MICHELLE ............58,137.49 REUTTER, CHAD .....................2,815.79 REUTTER, JON ........................2,608.23 REUTTER, LORI .......................6,862.51 RHOADS, STEFANIE ..............60,078.70 RONS, TIM .............................50,061.39 RUBENKING, ELEANOR ........10,149.15 RUBIN, PATRICIA ..........................45.40 RUDE, ALICIA .........................46,321.92 SALATI, LORI ...............................188.34 SATRE, RAMONA ...................61,422.57 SAVITS, DEANNA ...................62,688.26 SCHELLE, BRIANNA ...................231.54 SCHWENK, BRIANNA ...................90.00 SEEGER, KERSTEN ....................450.00 SIMPSON, TRACY ......................321.48 SKALICKY, LAURA .................15,056.27 SMITH, CHRISTINE ................43,073.50 SMITH, LYNN .........................58,184.94 SMITH, RICHARD ...................64,321.09 SPENCER, JILLIAN ..................1,056.00 SPRECHER, CYNTHIA ...........14,599.72 SPRECHER, LEROY ....................810.97 STINEMETZ, TIMOTHY ............9,328.00 STOCKMAN, EVELYN ..............9,225.51 STONE, CATHERINE ...................495.00 STROEH, WALTER ...................3,844.13 STUMBO, DOUGLAS ..................893.32 STUMBO, JERRY ...................13,694.11 STUMBO, LANCE ....................7,258.43 SUMMERHAYS, LISA .............11,400.76 SUNDELL, JESSE ..................44,900.87 SWANSON, KIMBERLY ..........55,125.54 SWANSON, SUSAN .................1,273.56 TAPKE, MICHELLE .................31,310.40 TETER, ANGELA ......................1,020.84 THEDE, KATY ...........................6,922.72 THOMPSON, HOLLY ................3,607.56 THOMPSON, JONATHON ........2,312.75 THOMPSON, RUTH .................1,035.00 THOMPSON, SEAN .....................829.26 THRANE, JANNETTE .............27,028.88 TONSFELDT, ROMUNDA .........9,890.00 TYNAN, JACOB ........................1,580.50 VAN DYKE, WENDY .................1,760.00 VAN PELT, CAROL ....................2,008.39 VAN SICKLE, KIM .....................1,152.00 VANPELT, KRISTINE ...............46,256.06 VANSCHUYVER, PENNY ............403.75 VANSICKLE, JESHUA ..............1,177.50 WALKER, MARGARET ................704.00

WENDT, TERENCE ...................4,147.67 WENGER, MICHELLE ..............1,185.45 WEST, ANN ............................54,550.91 WHITE, CASSIE .............................83.99 WILLIAMS BOOTH, SHANNON .........................10,252.85 WILLIAMS, MICHELE .............32,510.52 WILSON, NORMAGENE .........49,304.05 WIRTZ, TAMELA .....................39,147.21 WISECUP, RAY .........................2,411.92 WOLF, DAVID ............................1,407.89 WOODALL, MICHELLE ............2,835.00 ZANDERS, CHRISTOPHER ....82,000.00 ZINNEL, SHANNON .................5,063.81 Employees: ........................................203 Grand Total: ....................$ 4,391,524.30 Minutes of a Special Meeting of The Board of Directors of the Ogden Community School District July 29, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER: The Ogden Board of Education held a special Board meeting Monday, June 29, 2013 in the Ogden Community School District Administration Office. Members present included Sally Good, Camille Schroeder, via telephone, and Matt Van Sickle. Meeting was called to order by Vice-President Sally Good at 7:03am. Other members present were Superintendent Brad Jermeland and Kris Van Pelt, Board Secretary II. CONSENT AGENDA: 1.Approval of Agenda 2. Appointments: Laurie Strandberg, 5th grade reading & 7th grade Technology, BA Step 6, $35,978.36, replacing the reassignment of Billie Glenn to 7/8 Reading; Doralene Abdel-Halim, .5 FTE Family Consumer Science, BA Step 1, $15,610.20, replacing Gloria Brott due to resignation, pending licensure. Camille Schroeder moved to approve the consent agenda items. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. III. ACTION: A. Howe Elementary Student Handbook: Matt Van Sickle moved to approve the 2013-14 Howe Elementary Student Handbook. Camille Schroeder seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. There was no further business to come before the Board for consideration at this time. Matt Van Sickle moved to adjourn. Camille Schroeder seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. VicePresident Sally Good adjourned the meeting 7:08am. Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 515-275-2894, Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Sally Good, Vice-President Kris Van Pelt, Secretary

Classifieds Pay!

BOONE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS July 10, 2013 Chairman Foster called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. all members present. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve the minutes of July 3, 2013 meeting. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve the agenda as published. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve hiring Jon Russell, Operator, Boone County Landfill at $14.87 per hour effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve resignation of Cody J. Potter, part time Jailer, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve retirement of James Lukawski, part time Deputy, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve resignation of Maxine Hunter, part time cook, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve resignation of Michael D. Morlan, part time cook, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve resignation of John Sloter, part time jailer, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve resignation of Brandy Jo Turner, part time dispatcher, Boone County Sheriff’s Department effective July 10, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve signing the FY14 County Substance Abuse Prevention Services Agreement between Boone County and Youth & Shelter Services. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Charles Vanderheid, Boy Scouts of America and Joseph M. Folsom, Board member met with the Board to discuss proposed safe rooms at Camp Mitigwa. Scott Smith, Landfill Administrator, met with the Board for a Landfill update. John Grush & Ray Neumann, VA Commissioner, presented the contract for VA Services with Story County. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve signing the contract with Story County for providing of Veterans Affair services. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve secondary road claims

18439 to 18480 and county claims 130730 to 130947 totaling $577,272.35 and issuance of county warrants 100852 to 101038 in payment of same. Handwritten warrants 100673 to 100675 totaling $146,474.84 were approved for publication. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to table signing of Economic Development Financial Assistance Contract by AgReliant Genetics, LLC, Boone County, and the Iowa Economic Development Authority – Contract Number: 12-TC-078 pending further review. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to hire Ahlers & Cooney, P. C. and Michael Galloway of the firm to provide Human Relations Consulting for Boone County. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Bob Kieffer, Co. Engineer & Scott Kruse, Asst. Co. Engineer met with the Board for a Secondary Road Update. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. These minutes were approved seventeenth day of July 2013. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor Boone County Claims Listing For July 10, 2013 General Basic Fund Board of Health Home Care Services........... $ 24,797.00 Garden & Lawn The End Zone ................................ 64.15 Elec. Apparatus & Access. Boone Hardware............................ 17.95 Custodial Supplies Caffrey Wholesale, Inc................. 531.93 Hardware Boone Ace Hardware .................. 232.29 Fuels Boone Co. Treasurer................. 5,166.17 Emily J. Klein ................................. 18.11 Martin Oil Wholesale ................... 302.40 Minor MV Parts & Access. Farley’s Tire ................................... 20.90 Madrid Automotive ...................... 129.63 MTI Distributing, Inc ...................... 40.31 NAPA Auto Parts ........................... 58.29 Ogden Farm & Feed Center ........ 181.61 R & W Power ............................... 230.48 Van Wall Equip. Inc. ..................... 126.11 Stationery & Forms Fidlar Technologies, Inc ............... 263.44 Home Office ............................. 1,054.80 Proforma ...................................... 345.00 Quill Corporation ......................... 192.39 VisionBank ................................... 133.08 Magazines, Period. & Books Clark’s Food Mart .......................... 51.09 Jax Mercantile Co ........................... 3.49 Office Expense St.Croix Regional Med. Center.... 218.00 Wearing Apparel & Uniform Carpenter Uniform & Promotion .. 441.87 DHS Building Maintenance Overton Cleaning......................... 810.00 Secure Shred Solutions ................. 50.50 Homemaker-Home Health Aid Home Care Services............... 16,250.00

Chore Services Red Rock Area Community Action .................................. 1,750.00 Food & Provisions Martin Bros ............................... 3,109.12 Utilities Payments A & M Laundry, Inc ...................... 235.41 Alliant Energy ............................... 281.00 City of Boone................................. 83.43 Walters Sanitary Service.............. 369.86 Bus Boone Co. Transportation ...... 10,350.00 Sheriff Transportation Boone Co. Sheriff ........................ 343.75 Official Pub.& Legal Not. Boone News Republican ............. 361.36 Wilcox Printing & Publishing .... 2,364.00 Board Proceedings Boone News Republican ............. 488.26 Mid-America Publishing Corp ..... 721.68 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ....... 662.36 Postage & Mailing Copy Systems ............................. 222.50 Mail Services, LC......................... 793.16 Neopost USA, Inc ........................ 135.00 TotalFunds by Hasler ................ 2,000.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Boone Co. Hospital Clinics ......... 154.00 Card Services - VISA ................... 265.44 John Cook, MD ........................ 3,076.06 Telephone Services Kailyn M. Heston ........................... 30.00 Ogden Telephone Co..................... 29.73 Verizon Wireless .......................... 610.07 Webster Calhoun Telephone Co .. 162.24 Windstream .............................. 1,448.88 Care of Prisoners Medical Associates Pharmacy .... 603.37 Carolyn Moreland ..................... 1,200.00 Accounting, Audit, & Cler. Serv. Cost Advisory Services, Inc ..... 5,850.00 Mail Services, LC......................... 316.83 Data Processing Services Access Systems ....................... 7,971.01 ESRI........................................ 10,800.00 Home Office ................................ 709.95 The Schneider Corporation ...... 9,050.00 Solutions, Inc .......................... 26,287.34 Windstream ................................... 28.00 Educational & Training Service ISACA Secretary / Treasurer ........ 360.00 Proforma ...................................... 608.73 Secretary of State Notary Public ... 30.00 Medical & Health Services State Medical Examiner ........... 1,520.00 Natural & LP Gas Alliant Energy ............................... 454.09 Star Energy ............................... 1,219.39 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ............................ 7,105.19 Ogden Municipal Utilities ............ 502.00 Xenia Rural Water District............ 198.51 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Condon’s Services Ltd. ............... 158.99 Freedom Tire ............................... 443.96 Building Repair Boone Hardware............................ 36.84 Carson Electric, Inc ..................... 113.90 Kriz-Davis Company................. 1,224.01 Lester Refrigeration – voided ...... 474.82 Martin Marietta Aggregates ......... 517.57 Mid National Graphics LLC ......... 100.00 Midland Power Cooperative ........ 335.00 Fixed Plant Equipment Repair Lester Refrigeration ..................... 317.53 Operating & Cons. Equip. Rep.

Card Services ........................... 1,149.99 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Home Office .................................. 26.98 UnityPoint Clinic ............................ 37.00 Xerox Corporation ....................... 148.79 Radio & Related Equip. Repair Boone Hardware.............................. 9.00 NAPA Auto Parts ............................. 5.03 Cleaning & Sanitary Boone Co. Landfill ......................... 24.00 The Portable Pro ......................... 550.00 Quill Corporation ........................... 95.96 Walters Sanitary Service................ 89.34 Dues & Memberships IA Drainage Dist. Assn .............. 3,300.00 Iowa State Assoc. of Counties . 5,000.00 Contrib. - Other Gov. & Organ. Central Iowa Tourism ................... 600.00 IA Railroad Historical Society . 10,000.00 Red Rock Area Community Action .............. 2,477.50 Agric./Hort. Services RFS Co. ....................................... 504.91 Miscellaneous Expense Boone Co. Treasurer.................... 775.00 IMWCA .......................................... 52.00 Data Processing Equip. CDW Government, Inc. ............... 533.45 Internet Serv. United Network ..... 335.00 Motor Vehicle Moffitt’s Ford ............................... 736.63 Shop Equipment Andrew R. Hockenson................... 51.36 Other Equipment/Radio, etc Boone Co. Hospital Clinics ......... 543.00 Cabela’s ...................................... 223.91 General Fund CIE Road Proj. Capital Improvements/Maint. Foth Infrast & Environment ..... 11,980.80 Gen. Supp. Fund Stationery & Forms Home Office .................................. 49.04 Workmens’ Comp. Ins. IMWCA ................................... 34,530.00 MH-DD Services Fund Diag. Eval. Not Rel. - Comm. Eyerly Ball Mental Health.......... 1,544.85 Outpatient Paula Carroll ................................ 250.00 Pamela Caviness, LISW ACSW ... 155.00 Eyerly Ball Mental Health.......... 6,754.76 Story Co. Community Life Prog..................................... 5,875.00 Residential Care Facility The Pride Group, Inc ................ 3,116.40 Hospital Mary Greeley Medical Center . 10,263.00 St. Lukes Hospital .................... 4,679.91 Supported Community Living Story Co. Community Life Prog .. 269.77 Sheriff Transportation Tama Co. Sheriff .......................... 193.43 Other Transportation Boone Co. Transportation ........... 985.14 Adult Day Care Home Care Services.................... 300.00 Supported Employment Services Story Co. Community Life Prog .... 85.64 Case Management-100% County Co. Community Services............. 360.78 Legal Representation Johnson Law Firm, PC ................ 450.00 Mental Health Advocates County Case Mngt. Service ........ 125.00 Other Human Resources Services IMWCA ........................................ 384.00

Iowa Physicians Clinic ................... 74.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence John W. Grush ............................. 435.60 Brandi Kanselaar ......................... 353.70 Telephone Services Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 45.00 Verizon Wireless ............................ 89.51 Windstream ................................... 54.77 Workmens’ Comp. Ins. IMWCA ........................................ 340.00 Rural Serv. Basic Fund Telephone Services Windstream ................................... 34.00 Contrib. - Other Gov. & Organ. Boone Co. Landfill .................. 10,336.25 Animal Bounties Boone Area Humane Society ... 1,560.18 Secondary Road Fund Culvert Material Denco Corp. ............................. 7,550.60 Lowe’s Companies, Inc. .............. 189.92 NAPA Auto Parts ........................... 98.21 Cover Aggregate & Sand Martin Marietta Aggregates ...... 3,357.44 Stratford Gravel, Inc. .............. 77,332.85 Traffic & Street Sign Material Iowa Dept. of Transportation .... 1,236.57 Iowa Prison Industries ................. 132.00 Hardware Fastenal Company .......................... 8.37 NAPA Auto Parts ......................... 144.85 Fuels Martin Oil Wholesale ................ 4,577.65 Mid Iowa Petroleum Services ...... 275.00 NAPA Auto Parts ........................... 30.17 Seneca Corporation .................... 867.00 Tires & Tubes Heartland Tire & Auto Center ...... 236.59 Minor MV Parts & Access. A & M Laundry, Inc ...................... 351.32 Arnold Motor Supply ..................... 10.08 Boone Ace Hardware .................... 31.99 Boone Hardware............................ 16.94 Heartland Tire & Auto Center .......... 4.00 Inland Truck Parts Co. ................. 817.36 NAPA Auto Parts ...................... 1,016.67 Northland Products Co................ 209.95 O’Halloran International Inc. ..... 1,277.57 Van Wall Equipment ...................... 31.10 Verizon Wireless .......................... 146.46 Walters Sanitary Service.............. 166.60 Ziegler Inc. ................................. 2310.18 Minor Equip. & Hand Tools Iowa Dept. of Transportation ....... 230.85 NAPA Auto Parts ........................... 10.06 Ogden Building Supply ............... 111.96 Ogden Farm & Feed Center .......... 79.09 Postage & Mailing Boone County ............................... 71.44 Home Office .................................. 22.24 Telephone Services Ogden Telephone Co..................... 85.48 Verizon Wireless .......................... 115.37 Webster Calhoun Telephone Co .... 24.63 Windstream ................................... 97.45 Engineering Services WHKS & Co .............................. 8,174.82 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ............................... 159.37 Black Hills Energy .......................... 85.83 Ogden Municipal Utilities ............ 187.08 Water Use City of Madrid ................................ 10.91 Ogden Municipal Utilities .............. 54.39 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Certified Power, Inc. ................. 1,114.33

Heartland Tire & Auto Center ........ 70.00 O’Halloran International Inc. ........ 660.00 Safelite Fulfillment, Inc ................ 343.06 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Access Systems ....................... 1,108.27 Tort Liability Ins. IMWCA ................................... 58,919.00 Buildings American Concrete...................... 605.00 ProBuild - Boone ........................... 46.48 Jail Commissary Fund Wearing Apparel & Uniform Dish Network ................................. 51.00 Central Iowa Expo Project Contrib. - Other Gov. & Organ. VisionBank .............................. 39,144.92 Grant Fiscal Agent Fund Other / Misc. Expense IMWCA ........................................ 541.00 Windstream ................................... 15.03 County Comm. Serv. Case Mngt. Custodial Supplies Madison Co. Treasurer ................ 126.95 Stationery & Forms Home Office ................................ 124.53 Madison Co. Treasurer .................. 79.66 Utilities Payments Madison Co. Treasurer ................ 245.04 Technical Services County Case Mngt. Service ........ 792.00 Postage & Mailing Madison Co. Treasurer ................ 125.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Shannon Brown ........................... 237.15 Brian Drey ...................................... 81.00 Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 63.45 Kimberly Schomaker ..................... 78.30 Donald L. Watson ........................ 181.80 Telephone Services Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 15.00 Madison Co. Treasurer ................ 247.08 Verizon Wireless .......................... 333.00 Windstream ................................... 91.32 Educational & Training Service County Case Mngt. Service ........ 220.00 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Madison Co. Treasurer .................. 66.08 Workmens’ Comp. Ins. IMWCA ..................................... 4,877.00 Buildings Madison Co. Treasurer ................ 329.30 E911 Surcharge Telephone Services CenturyLink ................................... 42.91 Corporate Translation Services ..... 55.19 Minburn Telecommunications ..... 278.26 Data Processing Services Access Systems .......................... 198.00 Mainstay Systems ....................... 600.00 Other Equipment/Radio, etc. InfoBunker ................................ 5,400.00 Saga Communications of Iowa 3,600.00 Emergency Management Utilities Payments Alliant Energy ............................... 153.34 City of Boone................................. 22.60 Walters Sanitary Service................ 19.00 Postage & Mailing Boone Co. Auditor ......................... 10.86 Telephone Services Electronic Engineering................. 120.00 SUPERVISORS please turn to page three

PAGE SIX - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friday, July 19 8:25 a.m.: Officer received a report of an alarm of some type going off in the area of 1st and Walnut St. The officer was able to determine that a smoke alarm was going off at 201 E. Walnut St. The officer spoke with the resident and it was determined to be a false alarm. 12:07 p.m.: An employee of Community United Methodist Church asked for assistance in getting lodging for a couple of adult males that were passing through town. The men were gone upon officer’s arrival. 1:03 p.m.: Officer received a report of a Craig’s List scam. The officer advised the resident that the check he received for more money than item he was selling, was most

likely no good and to not send any money back to the sender. 9:38 p.m.: Officer responded to the 700 block of W. Locust for a domestic situation. This turned out to be a verbal argument only and no charges were filed. 9:47 p.m.: Officer received a report of a neighbor dispute in the 300 block of S.E. 4th. Saturday, July 20 9:04 p.m.: Officer received a report of two juvenile males being in the Ogden High School. The subjects were able to get in the building as it was unlocked for play practice. The boys’ parents were notified of this as well as school superintendent. No charges filed as of now. Sunday, July 21 2:45 p.m.: Officer assisted motor-

OGDEN POLICE REPORT ist with a flat tire in the 600 block of E. Walnut St. Monday, July 22 12:45 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders and Boone County Ambulance at 219 NW 7th Street. 6:00 p.m.: Officer assisted Boone County Deputy with a traffic stop at 220th and 222nd Dr. 11:20 p.m.: Officer was asked to check the welfare of an Ogden resident. The subject was fine. 11:40 p.m.: Officer assisted Boone County Deputy with a traffic stop in the 1300 block of H Ave. Tuesday, July 23 11:03 a.m.: Officer was asked to check on welfare of an Ogden resident. There was nobody home at the residence.

1:15 p.m.: Officer cited Nathan Musser, 34, of Ogden for driving while suspended and failure to wear seat belt. 5:15 p.m.: Officer responded to Clark’s Food Mart in regards to a theft. Officer cited Thomas Loyd, 23, of Ogden with theft-5th degree. 11:30 p.m.: Officer responded to several juveniles out in the 300 block of W. Walnut St. The officer contacted parents to come and get the juveniles. Wednesday, July 24 12:15 p.m.: Officer responded to a possible domestic situation at 245 W. Walnut #4. This was determined to be a civil issue. 3:45 p.m.: Officer assisted Boone County Deputy with a suspicious female that was observed on private

property in the 500 block of H Ave. The officer was unable to locate the female. Thursday, July 25 8:30 a.m.: Officer received a complaint in regards to a child custody issue. The child was sick and the officer confirmed this and advised this was a civil issue and if the parents have issue with this to contact their attorneys. 1:15 p.m.: Officer responded to a male juvenile out of control at 207 N.E. 3rd St. 10:30 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders and Boone County Ambulance. Friday, July 26 7:30 a.m.: Officer responded to a reported unattended fire at 507 E. Walnut St. This was a stump that

had been on fire and was smoldering. 9:00 a.m.: Officer assisted stranded motorist with a flat tire. 1:15 p.m.: Officer received a report of a vehicle westbound on 220 th St. with storage door open on camper. The officer stopped the vehicle at I Ave. and 220th St. and advised of the open door. 6:16 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of Kirby Vacuum Salesmen that were going door to door in the 300 block of S.W. 4th St. and being rude. The officer spoke with the subjects and advised they should leave town. These charges are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Diggs Construction Building a reputation on your home improvements.

BUILD ON Michael Diggs - owner 420 N.W. 3rd St., Ogden

275-4079 - office 460-4504 - cell

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - PAGE SEVEN

The Classifieds



Jordan & Mahoney Law FirM, P.C. Is Pleased to Announce

Nicolas G. Fontanini



LAND FOR SALE Boone Co. Co. 87.3 87.3 Ac., Boone Ac.,m/l m/l 25.7 Crop remainder 25.7Ac., Crop Ac., in Timber. remainder in timber. 1 mi. W. of Boone 1 mi. west of Boone Great Hunting Ground Great Hunting Ground Opportunity! Opportunity! $350,000 $350,000

Has Joined the Firm

Walnut Street Health & Wellness Walnut Street Health & Wellness

Angela Christner, ARNP

245 W. Walnut St., Ogden, IA 50212 P: 515.275.2536 • F: 515.275.2534 www.walnutstreethealth.com

Help us celebrate our Grand Opening! Join us for our Open House August 1 - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. **Snacks and refreshments will be available**

Nevada, IA – 800-593-5263

Schedule your SportS phySical by calling

www.Hertz.ag www.Hertz.ag

GARAGE SALE Multi-FaMily garage Sale

Fri., aug. 2 & Sat., aug. 3 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

319 ne 4th St., ogden Lots and lots of baby clothes from newborn to 4T, diapers from newborn to 1, never been opened, adult clothes, racks, household items, shoes, toys, baked goods, mens work boots, lots of misc. items.

Garage Sale Fri., Aug. 2 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Sat., Aug. 3 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

620 NW 5th St., Ogden NEW Snap On bicycle, oak round table, motorcycle helmets, saddle bags, 18’ ATV trailer, jewelry, misc.

Dr. Rick Elbert at 515-275-4899 Appointments are necessary - Cost is $25 No insurance will be filed.

OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., 3 to 6 p.m. Wed. - 3 to 6 p.m. and Fri. by appointment.

Functional Chiropractic 329 West Walnut St. in Ogden

NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE: An auction of personal property and household belongings owned by Skyler Steenhock and located at 244 Haws Drive, Unit #D-06, Ogden, Iowa, will be held at the above location on August 9, 2013 at 9 a.m. Jy31, A7

Check out our new website

245 W Walnut Street Ogden, Iowa 50212

GARAGE SALE 1245 Java Place Aug. 1 7 to 5

Aug. 2 7 to 5

Aug. 3

7 to Noon Renovating a house and need to clear out some items. Furniture, shelving, dolls, toys, house decor.

FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX: 2 BR Duplex. All appliances provided. One car garge. Jy17 , tfn Call 515-203-7251 FOR RENT VERY NICE 2 BR apt. in Ogden, Water, sewer, garbage paid. Laundry available. Call: 515-231-9340. APARTMENT FOR RENT NICE LARGE 1 BR upstairs apartment in Ogden. Remodeled with new carpet. $325/mo. plus water and sewer. Call: 515-249-7054

SERVICES HOUSE CLEANING Perfectly Clean will clean a 2 BR home, 2.5 to 3 hours for $45.00 Call 515-432-3989. J10, 17, 24, 31

GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR WILSON GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR: Will pick up and deliver. Call Tom Wilson at 515-2754343 tfn

Richard T. Jordan Michael F. Mahoney John D. Jordan Ryan J. Mahoney Meredith C. Mahoney Nerem John R. Flynn Nicolas G. Fontanini


at the National

Join Our Team Christensen Farms is now hiring:

Truck Washer - at our

Alden Truck Wash Power washing trucks and trailers Following biosecurity standards Maintaining a clean environment Full time positions with great benefits and pay! Learn more about these opportunities P: (515)275-2536 and apply online today at www.christensenfarms.com or call 1-800-889-8531 for more information. Equal Opportunity Employer

Robin Good REALTOR®

Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

Licensed in the State of Iowa

816 8th Street, Boone, IA 50036 Cell: 515-298-0843 • Office: 515-433-2004 robinegg66@hotmail.com

$30,750 526 SW 5 St 4 th

Property measures, 150 x 162.8


Want to be in a great neighborhood with lots of activity, this lot is located by the high school. Great view of the track and football field from your back yard. To see a video of this property go to this link: http:// youtu.be/6Rb1QeE4ToE.

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CFO/CONTROLLER POSITION: Rowley Masonic Community is seeking a CFO/Controller. Competitive wage and great benefits. Send resume to: Administrator, PO Box 578, Perry, IA 502200578. Jy24, 31

HELP WANTED NOW HIRING ALL SHIFTS: Apply in person to Clark’s Food Mart. Jy31, A7

Great gift idea . . . a subscription to

The Ogden Reporter


P.O.Box R Ogden, IA 50212

Like us on Facebook! The Ogden Reporter is working on a new website, we will have our full newspaper available online! We are also working on is online advertising Watch for updates in The Ogden Reporter in July on these exciting new options!

318 S. Kennedy Street Madrid, IA 50156 515-795-3641

501 Bank Street, Suite 2 Webster City, IA 50595 515-835-7432


The Book Shoppe Bookstore Presents: Author Event

Book Shoppe

TWO CRIME NOVELS WITH BOONE COUNTY SETTINGS Stop by for a signed copy of these exciting new books and join the authors for refreshments at

Inc. On Story Street

817 Story St., Boone

Sat., Aug. 10, 2013 10:30 a.m. to Noon

POSITION AVAILABLE SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING & GROUNDS, BOONE COUNTY The Boone County Board of Supervisors is accepting applications for a full-time Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds for the Boone County Government Campus (Courthouse and three other nearby facilities.) Applicants should have experience in managing full and part-time staff as well as maintaining buildings and grounds. Experience and/or certification in steam boiler/HVAC operation and maintenance are desired. Salary range is between $38,000 to $45,000 depending on qualifications and experience. This position has been classified as FLSA Exempt and is not entitled to either overtime or compensatory time. A County employment application and job description are posted online at www.boonecounty.iowa.gov or may be obtained from the Boone County Auditor’s Office located on second floor of the Boone County Courthouse, 201 State St., Boone.

Deadline to apply is Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. All applications need to be returned to the Boone County Auditor’s Office

walnutstreethealth.weebly.com BOONE COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, genetic information, the presence of disability or any other legally protected status.


Please help us re-stock


Classifieds don’t cost . . .They pay!

615 Story Street Boone, IA 50036 515-432-4510


SMALL PLASTICS COMPANY FOR SALE: Operate full or part time. Move to your area. 563-2132458 Jy3, 10, 17, 24, 31, A 7

OGDEN’S FOOD PANTRY! Most needed items . . .

Macaroni & cheese, tuna, dry cereal, peanut butter, stew, Treet, Spam, salmon, sloppy joe, canned fruit juice, canned tomato juice, canned soup, rice, instant potatoes, pasta, canned fruits, pasta sauce, pasta salads, Hamburger Helper, Chicken Helper and Tuna Helper. Cakes mixes, soup crackers, hot cereal, baked beans, chili beans, vegetables, toothpaste, toothbrushes, evaporated milk, canned pumpkin, canned tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato sauce.

Food items may be taken to McGraw Senior Center, the Leonard Good Library or to the Community United Methodist Church.

While we are new to the Reporter, we are out to earn your confidence!

Fast... Reasonable... Reliable... ~ Free Local Delivery ~ Trust us with all your custom printing needs  Business Printing  Brochures  Personal Printing  Letterhead  Newsletters  Envelopes  Business Cards  Print Marketing  Business Forms  Posters  Graphic Design Services


‘Can Do’ Company! 9 2nd Street NW Hampton, IA 50441

Lisa Flack, Custom Print Manager 641-456-2585, ext. 113

Jessica Birdsell, Custom Printing 641-456-2585, ext. 111

PAGE EIGHT - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, July 31, 2013

HOURS: OPEN 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 7 Days a Week!









Beef, or Pork..........

Lunch Meat..............

HORMEL 16 oz. pkg.

399 249



Black Label Bacon...


Jumbo Wieners....




Deli Shaved Meat.. SHUR FRESH SLICED 12 oz. pkg.

2 189 29

369 39 Deli Style Franks 1 Italian Sausage..... FARMLAND JUMBO 16 oz. pkg.


BERRY-RITE! Pint Blueberries 6 oz. Raspberries 6 oz. Blackberries 16 oz. Strawberries





2 469




LAND-O-FROST 7.5-9 oz.


CAPRI SUN 10 pk.-6 oz.

2 229


Drinks............................. PETER PAN 16.3 oz. jar

Peanut Butter......... KRAFT REAL 30 oz. jar


3 249 99











Baby Carrots.........


.99 259


Mixed Greens.........











10 oz. can









149 149

Pears.............................. DOLE 9 oz. bag

Spinach Leaves.....




4 1299




100 oz. btl.

16-24 oz. jar

14.5-15 oz. can






24 oz. sqz.









2 ltr. btl. plus dep.



Every Tuesday!




Corner Cookout Mon., tues., thurs., Fri., and Sat. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

5% Discount



Senior Citizens’

Prices effective Wednesday, July 31, 2013 through Tuesday, August 6, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. No sales to dealers.




KEMP’S ITTIBITZ 2.9 oz. ctn.


EGG BEATERS 16 oz. ctn.




BLUE BUNY 12-ct.

SHUR FINE 24 oz. btl.

KRAFT 12 oz. pkg.


500 Cheese............2/500 Ice Cream..........79 FLAVOR CRISP 00 19 00 Drink Mix.........5/ 1 Egg Product....... 2 Pizza...............3/ 9 CHICKEN 00 00 99 99 Brownie Mix......2/3 Bomb Pops....2/5 Spread............... .99 2 17 99 49 49 Syrup...................1 Entrees.............. 2 American Singles...2 99 19 GELATINS SANDWICHES 89 Pancake Mix......1 SUB 79 CHICKEN SALAD 29 Treats...............2/500 SOUR CREAM CRESCENT PIZZA ROLLS MEALS SANDWICH SPREAD 99 Chips Ahoy........2 29 00 68 30 PIECE 49 CHICKEN 79 2/ 99 SHRIMP Crackers..............2 GIZZARDS PUDDING CAKES

16 pc. box

16 oz. pkg.




2 2 3

2 5 1


20-24 oz. pkg.











9.5-10 oz. bag

We do film developing All types of exposures, CD’s enlargements and copy craft!


.99 2/6 GELATINE

4-ct. 3.25 oz.


4-8 oz. box



16 oz. btl.


499 99 Fabric Spray.......4 99 Bath Tissue.........4

DOWNY - 51 oz. btl.

Fabric Softener.... FEBREZE 27 oz.




Plus Tax




12 in. pkg.

7.3-10.1 oz.




00 29 99

18-ct. box

8-13 oz.

CYLInDer eXPreSS ProPAne eXCHAnGe tAnkS



4 2 1 12


4 .99 6


16 oz. tub

20 oz. Raisin Bran 12.5 oz. Honeycomb 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp Super 11 oz. Fruity Pebbles 11 oz. Cocoa Pebbles 12 oz. Alpha Bits








8.75-11.5 oz. bag


1/2 lb.





SPECIAL OF THE DAY SERVED HOT TO GO! - 11 a. m. - 1 p.m. in our deli!!


SHUR FINE 32 oz. box


Check out our corner sign for the


Saltine Crackers.....2/

APPLE ALE 18-pk. cans plus dep.



6 8 98

6-pk. btl. plus dep.


12-pk. cans plus dep.





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