FANCY collection
Midas ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ resmi üyesidir. Midas is a member of ‘’Responsible Jewellery Council’’. ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ dünyada gelişen ‘‘Temiz Altın’’ kullanımı ile ilgili ABD’de faaliyet gösteren bir kuruluştur. Midas has become member of ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ to support ‘‘Clean Gold’’ movement in the world.
Türk kuyumculuk sektörünün temel taşlarından biri olan Midas 1983 yılında İstanbul – Çemberlitaş’ta bulunan 200 m2 ‘lik bir atölyede atılmıştır. Midas, atölye üretiminden endüstriyel üretime geçerek kuyumculuk sektöründe yeni bir dönüşümün başlamasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır. İçi dolu – içi boş makine ve el işi zincir üretiminde ve toptan satışında tüm dünyada güvenilir bir marka olan Midas, aynı zamanda farklı teknolojileri ve el işi ustalığını birleştirerek fantazi takı üretimini de gerçekleştirmektedir. 20 kuyumcu ustası ile küçük bir atölye de başlayan serüven, bugün 12.500 m2 ‘lik son teknoloji ile donatılmış üretim tesisinde 300 çalışan ile devam etmektedir. Midas, içi dolu – içi boş zincir modelleri ve fantazi modellerinin satışını toptan olarak yapmaktadır. Alanında uzman tasarımcıları tarafından hayata geçirilen zincir ve fantazi modelleri ile yeni trendlerin oluşmasına yön verirken aynı zamanda müşterilerinden gelen model taleplerini de değerlendirmekte ve üretimini gerçekleştirmektedir. Midas, aile mesleği olan kuyumculukta amatör ruhunu hiçbir zaman kaybetmemiş, ürün kalitesini arttırmaya yönelik çalışmalarını her zaman bilimsel yöntemlere dayandırmış ve öğrenen organizasyon olabilme anlayışını benimsemiştir.
Stepped into the Gold Chain World in a production shop of 200 m2 in the year 1983 with 20 employees specialized in jewelry, Midas has become one of the leading companies of the sector today. Our company that moved to and continued to produce in its modern factory 8000 m2 in the year 1997 has played an important role in the start of a new transformation in the jewelry sector with this shift from shop production to industrial production. Midas has also set it a main target of contributing to the jewelry sector, by following the changes and developments in the world, so that it can become one of the locomotive sectors in our country. Midas, which has increased its available capacity throughout the time and now continuing to produce in modern production facilities of 12.500 m2 equipped with the latest technology and manned with 300 employees who have adopted the principle of learning continuously and achieving the excellent quality, continues to offer its customers the products of superior quality with designs giving direction for the new trends. Our firm took new steps in the year 2008 with the intention of institutionalization, and set its own cultural values on stronger foundations with the reorganization it has carried out. Midas that is the first company to remember, and the most reliable one, in the sector when it is full chain production made investments on the production processes in the year 2008, and started to produce hollow chain relying on its experience of many years. Midas continues to produce in compliance with the integrated Quality Management System it put into practice in the year 2010 as the first and only company in the sector. Proving that it produces without compromising on the product quality and the customer satisfaction as required by the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard, that it gives importance to the health and safety of its employees during the production process as required by the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety management Standard, and that it carries out its production processes without harming the environment as required by ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, our company has been entitled to the Integrated Quality Management System Certificate in consequence of the inspections performed by Bureau Veritas, the leading certification body in our country and the whole world. Midas Integrated Quality Management System has been accredited by four different accreditation agencies: Turkish Accreditation Agency TÜRKAK, British Accreditation Agency UKAS, German Accreditation Agency DAR, and the American Accreditation Agency ANAB. Achieving a first in the sector by implementing the Corporate Resource planning Project, our company has been carrying out this project successfully with the participation and support of our employees. Acting with a strategic management understanding that will ensure the rise of our corporate values and growth potential, Midas A.Ş. management has ensured the emergence of a professional firm preserving the amateur soul in jewelry that is the family business. Our company that endeavors to improve the production processes and increase the product quality on the basis of scientific methods in line with the Total Quality Management principles has focused on increasing its corporate performance constantly in the light of the continuous development principles with the understanding of being a learning organization. The relations between our company and all its stakeholders are based on continuity, honesty, and mutual trust. In order to be successful in the competitive environment of the present day, we develop strategies to anticipate the changing business conditions and react to them swiftly. Our objective is to serve our customers by targeting to be always the best in our own branch in our own sector, with an innovative, strong, and growing management understanding.
MF031050-14YB 45cm-3,00gr
MF031052-14YB 45cm-2,65gr
MF031064-14Y 45cm-2,90gr
MF031056-14Y 45cm-2,35gr
MF031060-14Y 45cm-1,95gr
MF031061-14YB 45cm-3,40gr
MF031063-14Y 45cm-2,45gr
MF031057-14Y 45cm-2,00gr
MF031067-14YB 45cm-2,65gr
MF006592-14Y 45cm-5,70gr
MF025231-14Y 45cm-4,75gr
MF031264-14YB 45cm-4,80gr
MF031262-14YB 45cm-5,60gr
MF031275-14Y 45cm-4,15gr
MF025281-14Y 45cm-3,85gr MF028315-14Y 45cm-3,60gr
MF031255-14YB 45cm-4,30gr
MF028295-14Y 45cm-4,15gr MF028297-14Y 45cm-5,40gr
MF027132-14YB 45cm-3,90gr MF010156-14YB 45cm-3,65gr
MF006789-14YB 45cm-6,50gr
MF027131-14Y 45cm-3,75gr MF010155-14YB 45cm-4,85gr
MF007451-14YB 45cm-5,75gr
MF011020-14Y 45cm-15,00gr
MF011016-14YB 45cm-6,15gr
MF011000-14YB 45cm-6,00gr
MF015832-14YB 45cm-4,15gr
MF015849-14YB 45cm-3,95gr
MF011013-14Y 45cm-7,40gr MF021477-14Y 45cm-4,10gr
MF017846-14Y 45cm-4,00gr
MF006525-14YB 45cm-3,80gr MF006503-14YB 45cm-3,95gr
MF021113-14Y 45cm-5,25gr
MF007286-14YB 45cm-5,65gr
MF006523-14YB 45cm-5,30gr
MF025047-14YB 45cm-7,50gr
MF013704-14YB 45cm-3,15gr
MF013705-14YB 45cm-3,00gr
MF011014-14Y 45cm-15,35gr MF011307-14YB 45cm-3,20gr
MF025508-14YB 45cm-4,90gr
MF031730-14YKB 45cm-8,35gr MF025544-14YB 45cm-3,70gr
MF006594-14Y 45cm-4,65gr
MF020020-14Y 18cm-2,30gr
MF011883 14YB 18cm 3,70gr
MF020650-14Y 45cm-1,70gr
MF011389-14YB 45cm-5,60gr
MF026986 14YB 18cm 1,35gr
MF026985-14YB 45cm-2,55gr MF026983-14YB 45cm-2,45gr
MF011743-14YB 45cm-5,20gr
MF006810-14Y 45cm-3,05gr
MF024718-14YB 45cm-2,25gr
MF007800-14YB 45cm-8,30gr
MF028183-14Y 45cm-2,00gr
MF031490-14Y 45cm-2,75gr
MF026743-14Y 45cm-3,00gr
MF023443-14Y 45cm-3,90gr
MF025287-14Y 45cm-2,20gr
MF030035-14Y 45cm-2,05gr
MF021679-14Y 45cm-3,30gr
MF031504-14Y 45cm-2,20gr
MF024726-14Y 45cm-1,85gr
MF030978-14Y 45cm-6,10gr
MF007165-14YB 45cm-3,05gr
MF007166-14YB 45cm-4,20gr
MF030855-14Y 45cm-3,40gr MF006234-14YB 45cm-2,75gr
MF019208-14YB 45cm-5,00gr
MF025381 14Y 18cm 1,40gr
MF030031-14Y 45cm-2,10gr MF023172-14Y 45cm-3,40gr
MF023718-14Y 45cm-2,90gr MF024830-14Y 45cm-2,35gr
MF025308-14Y 45cm-1,55gr MF025351-14Y 45cm-2,10gr
MF023171-14Y 45cm-4,00gr
MF025438-14Y 45cm-3,05gr
MF023780-14Y 45cm-2,90gr MF025291-14Y 45cm-1,65gr
MF023623-14Y 45cm-2,95gr MF023186-14Y 45cm-1,70gr
MF030666-14Y 45cm-2,00gr
MF023633-14Y 45cm-3,00gr MF025541-14Y 45cm-1,95gr
MF023444-14Y 45cm-2,25gr
MF028008-14YB 45cm-2,65gr MF032170-14Y 45cm-3,30gr
MF032169-14Y 45cm-4,20gr
MF016422-14YB 45cm-5,35gr MF028716-14YB 45cm-2,60gr
MF027971-14Y 45cm-3,15gr
MF028009-14YB 45cm-2,95gr
MF006505-14YB 45cm-3,90gr
MF028714-14Y 45cm-2,60gr
MF010597-14YB 45cm-3,15gr
MF007233-14YB 45cm-4,70gr MF007661-14YB 45cm-6,25gr
MF007235-14YB 45cm-5,70gr MF027975-14Y 45cm-3,90gr
MF017046 14Y 18cm 3,15gr
MF029630-14Y 45cm-8,85gr MF004768-14Y 45cm-4,05gr
MF011033-14Y 45cm-2,35gr
MF028463-14Y 45cm-5,65gr MF013703-14YB 45cm-6,00gr
MF026977-14YB 45cm-6,80gr
MF007624-14YB 45cm-5,90gr
MF026197-14YB 45cm-6,20gr
MF011021-14Y 45cm-7,20gr
MF025356-14YB 45cm-7,05gr
MF025172-14YB 45cm-7,40gr
MF025355-14YB 45cm-8,30gr
MF025045-14YB 45cm-11,75gr MF011011-14Y 45cm-10,10gr
MF011476-14YB 45cm-11,25gr MF025505-14YB 45cm-8,50gr
MF011023-14YB 45cm-11,55gr
MF011474-14YB 18cm-7,55gr
MF028845-14YB 45cm-33,50gr
MF028846-14YB 18cm11,85gr
MF030066-14YKB 18cm-2,50gr
Set No MF030068-14YKB
MF030067-14YKB 2,25gr
MF030065-14YKB 45cm-4,70gr
MF028921-14Y 45cm-4,25gr
MF033380-14Y 18cm-2,20gr
MF028918-14Y 45cm-4,45gr
MF033379-14Y 18cm-2,15gr
MF010586-14Y 45cm-27,10gr
MF010596-14Y 18cm-12,85gr
MF028208-14YB 45cm-15,55gr
MF028209-14YB 45cm-16,40gr
MF028467-14Y 45 cm-7,50 gr
Kolye/Necklace MF027674-14Y 45cm-6,55gr Bileklik/Wristband MF027677-14Y 18cm-3,85gr
Kolye/Necklace MF026982-14Y 45cm-14,60gr Bileklik/Wristband MF028566-14Y 18cm-5,40gr
MF020849-14Y 18cm-1,60gr
MF033378-14Y 100cm-6,56gr
MZ009165-14YB 100cm-17,00gr
MF025336-14Y 100cm-5,80gr
MF011559-14Y 100cm-3,45gr
MF028517-14YB 100cm-4,70gr
MF030442-14Y 100cm-5,50gr
MF024711-14Y 100cm-5,70gr
MF028344-14YB 100cm-6,20gr
MF021912-14Y 100cm-4,70gr
MZ009162-14Y 100cm-11,80gr
MZ009239-14YB 100cm-9,80gr
MF027330-14Y 100cm-20,00gr
MF028193-14YKB 60cm-4,90gr MF029401-14YKB 60cm-7,10gr
MF029368-14YKB 60cm-8,15gr
MF029597-14Y 40,64cm-2,45gr
MF029497-14Y 40,64cm-2,25gr
MF031125-14Y 40,64cm-2,50gr
MF029591-14Y 40,64cm-2,50gr
MF029676-14Y 40,64cm-2,30gr
MF029672-14Y 40,64cm-2,25gr
MF029589-14Y 40,64cm-2,90gr
MF029590-14Y 40,64cm-2,05gr
MF029592-14Y 40,64cm-2,20gr
MF029673-14Y 40,64cm-2,60gr
MF029671-14Y 40,64cm-2,75gr
MF029593-14Y 40,64cm-3,25gr
MF029636-14Y 40,64cm-2,65gr
MF029665-14Y 40,64cm-2,40gr
MF029635-14Y 40,64cm-2,50gr
MF030602-14Y 40,64cm-1,85gr
MF029715-14Y 40,64cm-2,25gr
MF029499-14YB 40,64cm-2,45gr
MF029679-14Y 40,64cm-2,50gr
MF029493-14Y 40,64cm-2,50gr
MF029761-14Y 40,64cm-5,40gr
MF029762-14Y 40,64cm-6,10gr
MF029474-14Y 40,64cm-2,45gr
MF029714-14Y 40,64cm-2,15gr
MF029492-14Y 40,64cm-3,20gr
MF029736-14Y 40,64cm-3,70gr
MF029473-14Y 40,64cm-1,75gr
MF029491-14Y 40,64cm-4,15gr
MF029507-14Y 40,64cm-3,20gr
MF029595-14Y 40,64cm-2,65gr
MF029594-14Y 40,64cm-3,10gr
MF029588-14Y 40,64cm-3,95gr
MF029500-14Y 40,64cm-2,20gr
MF029489-14Y 40,64cm-2,40gr
MF029490-14Y 40,64cm-3,35gr
MF029358-14Y 40,64cm-11,20gr
Kolye/Necklace MF030366-14Y 45cm-37,45gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030366-14Y 18cm-18,30gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030367-14Y 7,50gr
Set No MF030368-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030369-14Y 45cm-46,35gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030369-14Y 18cm-21,85gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030370-14Y 7,05gr
Set No MF030371-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030363-14Y 45cm-26,15gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030363-14Y 18cm-12,95gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030364-14Y 7,00gr
Set No MF030365-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030348-14Y 45cm-20,30gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030348-14Y 18cm-10,10gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030349-14Y 6,35gr
Set No MF030350-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030420-14Y 45cm-19,60gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030420-14Y 18cm-9,85gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030421-14Y 6,35gr
Set No MF030422-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF031144-14Y 45cm-9,35gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031144-14Y 18cm-4,00gr KĂźpe/Earring MF031145-14Y 4,30gr
Set No MF031146-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF028403-14Y 45cm-9,45gr Bileklik/Wristband MF028403-14Y 18cm-4,30gr KĂźpe/Earring MF031470-14Y 3,70gr
Set No MF031471-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030360-14Y 45cm-15,20gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030360-14Y 18cm-8,15gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030361-14Y 6,60gr
Set No MF030362-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030423-14Y 45cm-24,10gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030423-14Y 18cm-11,55gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030424-14Y 7,00gr
Set No MF030425-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030378-14Y 45cm-19,40gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030378-14Y 18cm-9,75gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030379-14Y 6,20gr
Set No MF030380-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF028492-14Y 45cm-14,60gr Bileklik/Wristband MF028492-14Y 18cm-6,30gr KĂźpe/Earring MF031468-14Y 6,00gr
Set No MF031469-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030126-14Y 45cm-5,80gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030126-14Y 18cm-2,75gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030127-14Y 3,00gr
Set No MF030128-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF031646-14YB 45cm-28,90gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031646-14YB 18cm-13,70gr Küpe/Earring MF031647-14YB 7,70gr
Set No MF031648-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF031643-14YKB 45cm-28,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031643-14YKB 18cm-13,50gr Küpe/Earring MF031644-14YKB 7,35gr
Set No MF031645-14YKB
Kolye/Necklace MF031561-14YKB 45cm-13,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031561-14YKB 18cm-5,80gr Küpe/Earring MF031562-14YKB 4,70gr
Set No MF031563-14YKB
Kolye/Necklace MF030145-14YB 45cm-8,95gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030146-14YB 18cm-5,25gr Küpe/Earring MF030147-14YB 3,95gr
Set No MF030148-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF031422-14YB 45cm-8,80gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031422-14YB 18cm-4,05gr
Kolye/Necklace MF031426-14YB 45cm-15,65gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031426-14YB 18cm-7,15gr
Kolye/Necklace MF031598-14YB 45cm-11,30gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031598-14YB 18cm-5,00gr Küpe/Earring MF031599-14YB 3,95gr
Set No MF031600-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF031640-14YKB 45cm-20,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031640-14YKB 18cm-10,15gr Küpe/Earring MF031641-14YKB 5,30gr
Set No MF031642-14YKB
Kolye/Necklace MF025795-14Y 45cm-20,80gr Bileklik/Wristband MF025795-14Y 18cm-8,75gr
Kolye/Necklace MF031543-14YB 45cm-10,60gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031543-14YB 18cm-4,75gr Küpe/Earring MF031544-14YB 4,30gr
Set No MF031545-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF031570-14YKB 45cm-12,35gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031570-14YKB 18cm-4,15gr Küpe/Earring MF03-1571-14YKB 3,75gr
Set No MF031572-14YKB
Kolye/Necklace MF030438-14YB 45cm-41,40gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030438-14YB 18cm-19,85gr Küpe/Earring MF030439-14YB 7,95gr
Set No MF030440-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030399-14YB 45cm-34,90gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030391-14YB 18cm-35,60gr Küpe/Earring MF030392-14YB 4,80gr Yüzük/Ring MF030394-14YB 7,85gr
Set No MF030401-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030112-14YB 45cm-29,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030113-14YB 18cm-14,80gr Küpe/Earring MF030114-14YB 3,95gr Yüzük/Ring MF030115-14YB 5,50gr
Set No MF030117-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030122-14YB 45cm-19,00gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030123-14YB 18cm-10,60gr Küpe/Earring MF030114-14YB 3,95gr Yüzük/Ring MF030115-14YB 5,50gr
Set No MF030125-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030235-14YB 45cm-13,65gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030236-14YB 18cm-9,60gr Küpe/Earring MF030237-14YB 6,05gr
SET NO MF030239-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030372-14Y 45cm-34,60gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030373-14Y 18cm-14,05gr Küpe/Earring MF030374-14Y 8,15gr Yüzük/Ring MF030375-14Y 5,45gr
Set No MF030377-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF031536-14YB 45cm-31,80gr Bileklik/Wristband MF031537-14YB 18cm-11,90gr Küpe/Earring MF030231-14YB 8,30gr Yüzük/Ring MF030232-14YB 5,20gr
Set No MF031538-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030251-14YB 45cm-31,20gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030252-14YB 18cm-10,60gr Küpe/Earring MF030243-14YB 3,40gr Yüzük/Ring MF030244-14YB 3,60gr
Set No MF030254-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030247-14YB 45cm-25,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030248-14YB 18cm-9,80gr Küpe/Earring MF030243-14YB 3,40gr Yüzük/Ring MF030244-14YB 3,60gr
Set No MF030250-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030241-14YB 45cm-11,00gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030242-14YB 18cm-8,65gr Küpe/Earring MF030243-14YB 3,40gr Yüzük/Ring MF030244-14YB 3,60gr
Set No MF030246-14YB
MF012221-14Y 45cm-44,25gr
MF012524-14Y 18cm-20,65gr
MF027249-14Y 45cm-34,20gr
MZ008092-14Y 45cm-12,55gr
MF027253-14Y 45cm-44,70gr
MF027248-14Y 18cm-14,00gr
MZ008092-14Y 18cm-6,40gr
Kolye/Necklace MF030204-14YB 45cm-19,00gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030199-14YB 18cm-9,20gr Küpe/Earring MF030200-14YB 5,85gr Yüzük/Ring MF030201-14YB 2,90gr
Set No MF030206-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF030192-14Y 45cm-20,20gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030193-14Y 18cm-8,60gr KĂźpe/Earring MF030194-14Y 5,90gr
Set No MF030196-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF030207-14YB 45cm-18,35gr Bileklik/Wristband MF030208-14YB 18cm-8,60gr Küpe/Earring MF030200-14YB 5,85gr Yüzük/Ring MF030209-14YB 3,80gr
Set No MF030211-14YB
MF011217-14Y 45cm-15,65gr
MF011069-14Y 45cm-10,60gr
MF011217-14Y 18cm-6,60gr
MF011069-14Y 18cm-6,45gr
MF011067-14Y 45cm-15,95gr
MF011067-14Y 18cm-6,65gr
Kolye/Necklace MF018070-14YB 45cm-8,65gr Bileklik/Wristband MF018224-14YB 18cm-7,05gr Küpe/Earring MF018138-14YB 6,60gr
Set No MF025028-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF024275-14YB 45cm-10,55gr Bileklik/Wristband MF024276-14YB 18cm-4,65gr Küpe/Earring MF024277-14YB 5,35gr
Set No MF025030-14YB
MF018288-14YB 45cm-16,00gr
MF018289-14YB 18cm-11,90gr
Kolye/Necklace MF016999-14Y 45cm-13,90gr Bileklik/Wristband MF017000-14Y 18cm-4,25gr Küpe/Earring MF017001-14YB 4,95gr
Set No MF024969-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF026350-14Y 45cm-10,50gr Bileklik/Wristband MF026351-14Y 18cm-6,25gr Küpe/Earring MF026352-14Y 4,15gr
Set No MF026353-14Y
Kolye/Necklace MF026463-14YB 45cm-5,35gr Bileklik/Wristband MF026464-14YB 18cm-2,50gr Küpe/Earring MF026465-14YB 2,45gr
Set No MF026466-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF026447-14YB 45cm-9,65gr Bileklik/Wristband MF026448-14YB 18cm-4,70gr Küpe/Earring MF026449-14YB 3,00gr
Set No MF026450-14YB
Kolye/Necklace MF026460-14YB 45cm-8,85gr Bileklik/Wristband MF026461-14YB 18cm-3,55gr Küpe/Earring MF026462-14YB 4,90gr
Set No MF026480-14YB
MF031657-14YKB 7,10gr
MF031659-14YKB 5,65gr MF031662-14YB 8,40gr
MF030232-14YB 5,20gr
MF030244-14YB 3,60gr
MF030209-14YB 3,80gr
MF030115-14YB 5,50gr
MF030394-14YB 7,85gr MF024831-14Y 1,25gr
MF020291-14YB 4,85gr
MF020290-14YB 5,85gr
MF018181-14YB 6,30gr
MF018138-14YB 6,60gr
MF017763-14Y 5,00gr
MF020561-14YB 3,40gr
MF018160-14YB 3,55gr
MF020393-14YB 6,10gr
MF012056-14-YB 3,05gr
MF027682-14Y 4,40gr
MF031257-14YB 4,60gr
MF018154-14YB 3,90gr
MF022076-14YB 5,35gr
MF018003-14YB 3,60gr
MF011795-14YB 5,35gr
MF020934-14Y 6,80gr
MF020935-14Y 7,30gr
MF018182-14YB 4,35gr
MF020394-14YB 4,70gr
MF020300-14YB 3,80gr
MF020289-14YB 4,85gr
MF022074-14Y 4,50gr
MF020094-14Y 3,95gr
MF030040-14Y 8,85gr
MF031135-14Y 5,70gr
MF030041-14Y 6,95gr
MF017843-14Y 3,35gr
MF029219-14YB 3,70gr
MF022090-14YB 2,55gr
MF020092-14Y 3,30gr
MF022955-14Y 4,40gr
MF021522-14YB 4,75gr
MF020109-14Y 3,00gr
MF029397-14Y 4,15gr
MF026978-14YB 6,20gr
MF018093-14YB 5,65gr
MF024400-14YB 3,25gr
MF026357-14YB 3,95gr
MF020904-14Y 4,85gr
MF020088-14Y 3,45gr MF017614-14Y 4,70gr
MF031183-14Y 1,80gr MF031234-14Y 1,30gr
MF031175-14Y 1,20gr
MF025152-14YB 2,95gr
MF031233-14YB 1,85gr
MF003589-14YB 3,00gr
MF024944-14Y 1,55gr
MF028722-14Y 1,40gr
MF031010-14Y 1,50gr
MF030839-14Y 0,65 gr
MF030392-14YB 4,80gr
MF031270-14YB 3,70gr
MF019250-14Y 2,95gr
MF002733-14Y 3,25gr
MF024912-14YB 4,25gr
MF018731-14Y 6,80gr
MF024399-14YB 3,90gr
MF027681-14Y 3,25gr
MF023721-14Y 2,80gr
MF028846-14YB 11,85gr
MF027677-14Y 3,85gr
MF029346-14YBR 6,00gr
MF013866-14Y 9,10gr
MF029459-14Y 8,30gr
MF029460-14Y 9,95gr
MF028959-14Y 18cm-1,20gr
MF027171-14Y 18cm-2,15gr
MF023194-14Y 18cm-1,10gr
MF027263-14YB 18cm-1,05gr
MF028004-14YB 18cm-1,80gr
MF021501-14Y 18cm-2,25gr
MF028474-14Y 18cm-3,05gr
MF018571-14YB 14cm-2,65gr
MF024260-14Y 14cm-3,50gr
MF024259-14Y 14cm-2,50gr
MF011084-14Y 14cm-2,55gr
MF014400-14Y 14cm-2,80gr
MF018508-14YB 14cm-2,05gr
MF024697-14Y 14cm-1,95gr
MF018515-14YB 14cm-2,50gr
MF011085-14Y 14cm-4,10gr
MF017739-14YB 14cm-3,80gr
MF018509-14YB 14cm-2,90gr
MF017831-14Y 14cm-3,45gr
MF017832-14YB 14cm-3,45gr
MF017789-14YB 14cm-3,20gr
MF017793-14YB 14cm-3,00gr
MF017833-14YB 14cm-2,85gr
MF017787-14YB 14cm-3,20gr
MF017795-14YB 14cm-3,15gr
MF017835-14Y 14cm-3,05gr
MF017796-14YB 14cm-2,50gr
MF018517-14YB 14cm-2,30gr
MF018507-14YB 14cm-3,10gr
MF030287-14Y 14cm-1,40gr
MF030284-14Y 14cm-1,45gr
MF030295-14Y 14cm-1,40gr
MF030294-14Y 14cm-1,27gr
MF030296-14Y 14cm-1,30gr
MF030299-14Y 14cm-1,30gr
MF030300-14Y 14cm-1,15gr
MF030262-14Y 14cm-1,65gr
MF030260-14Y 14cm-1,70gr
MF030279-14Y 14cm-1,30gr
MF030288-14Y 14cm-1,65gr
MF030290-14Y 14cm-1,70gr
MF030289-14Y 14cm-1,60gr
MF030263-14Y 14cm-1,65gr
MF030272-14Y 14cm-1,45gr
MF030274-14Y 14cm-1,50gr
MF030261-14Y 14cm-1,75gr
MF030273-14Y 14cm-1,50gr
MF030307-14Y 14cm-1,40gr
MF030276-14Y 14cm-1,40gr
MF030275-14Y 14cm-1,35gr
MF030270-14Y 14cm-1,50gr
MF030293-14Y 14cm-2,00gr
MF030267-14Y 14cm-1,75gr
MF030265-14Y 14cm-1,90gr
MF030266-14Y 14cm-1,80gr
MF030278-14Y 14cm-1,80gr
MF030292-14Y 14cm-1,75gr
MF030291-14Y 14cm-1,90gr
MF030269-14Y 14cm-1,75gr
MF030271-14Y 14cm-1,55gr
MF030277-14Y 14cm-1,45gr
MF011083-14Y 14cm-1,60gr
MZ002067-14Y 25cm-1,60gr MF019963-14YB 25cm-1,90gr MF020298-14YB 25cm-1,70gr MF019894-14Y 25cm-1,70gr MF033430-14Y 25cm-2,05gr MF031082-14Y 25cm-2,55gr MF031083-14YB 25cm-2,35gr MF031081-14Y 25cm-2,35gr MF000333-14Y 25cm-3,90gr MF000120-14YB 25cm-9,70gr MF000266-14YB 25cm- 3,75gr
MF012977-14YB 25cm-2,60gr MF011202-14YB 25cm-2,70gr MF012982-14YB 25cm-3,75gr MF011506-14YB 25cm-3,70gr MF020416-14YB 25cm-2,30gr MF011747-14Y 25cm-2,70gr MF000183-14YB 25cm-3,20gr MF013075-14Y 25cm-3,00gr MF000193-14YB 25cm-4,05gr MF031104-14YB 25cm-3,45gr MF010106-14Y 25cm- 6,65gr
MF008575-14YB 1,35gr
MF011136-14Y 1,25gr
MF011367-14Y 0,50gr
MF012320-14Y 0,55gr MF011499-14YB 0,75
MF029471-14Y 1,15gr MF011129-14Y 0,40gr
MF011118-14Y 2,80gr
MF011134-14Y 0,30gr
MF013209-14Y 0,80gr
MF011274-14YB 2,30gr
MF011378-14YB 1,30gr
MF008459-14Y 0,50gr
MF013086-14Y 0,35gr
MF011355-14Y 1,10gr
MF031661-14YB 60cm-33,40gr
MF031660-14YKB 60cm-42,85gr
MF031658-14YKB 60cm-27,00gr MF031655-14YKB 60cm-29,65gr
MF011414-14YB MF011504-14Y MF010587-14YB MF011054-14YB 4,20gr 13,45gr 14,00gr 48.00gr MF011206-14YB MF011455-14YB MF011450-14YB 10,00gr 17,25gr 29,50gr
Yalçın Koreş Cad. No: 18 Pk: 34197 Bahçelievler-İstanbul-Türkiye Tel: +90 212 503 90 80 Fax: +90 212 503 90 82 E-mail:
Toptan Satış-Whole Sale Serefefendi sok. No: 36 Nuruosmaniye-İstanbul-Türkiye Tel: +90 212 514 07 11 Fax: +90 212 513 08 65 E-mail:
U.S. Distribution
50 McDermott Place Bergenfield-New Jersey 07621 Phone: (0201) 244-1150 Fax: (0201) 244-1151 E-mail:
Midas ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ resmi üyesidir. Midas is a member of ‘’Responsible Jewellery Council’’. ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ dünyada gelişen ‘‘Temiz Altın’’ kullanımı ile ilgili ABD’de faaliyet gösteren bir kuruluştur. Midas has become member of ‘‘Responsible Jewellery Council’’ to support ‘‘Clean Gold’’ movement in the world.
Bu kataloğun her hakkı mahfuzdur. Tümü yada herhangi bir bölümü MİDAS A. Ş.’den önceden yazılı bir izin almaksızın herhangi bir yol ile çoğaltılamaz ve kopyalanamaz. All rights resrved. Reproduction of this catalog or parts there of in any from or by any mean’s is prohibited without prior written consent from MIDAS A.S.