2 minute read
Compiled from JTA reports
Billy Crystal joins Jewish organizations in raising a glass to first responders
If you turn up for this Zoom cocktail event, you better look mahvelous.
Billy Crystal hosted as the Secure Community Network, the security advisory body to U.S. Jewish community, raised a glass on May 20 to the fi rst responders who have been on the front lines during the coronavirus pandemic.
Crystal, the comic who starred in movies such as “When Harry Met Sally,” in the 1980s coined the phrase “You look mahvelous” as Fernando, an oleaginous nightlife host on “Saturday Night Live.”
FBI Director Christopher Wray and the chiefs of the Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles police departments were among the top law enforcement o cers joining Crystal in an event dubbed “Virtual L’Chaim.”
“Medical professionals, law enforcement, fi refi ghters, EMTs, and so many others are devoting their lives to ensure our communities are as safe as possible,” Michael Masters, the director of SCN, said in a statement.
SCN is formally a liated with the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
— Marcy Oster
Billy Crystal
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e rst kosher wine in a can has arrived
Bartenura Moscato is the super sweet, bubbly kosher wine beloved by Upper West Side Jewish gals and hip hop stars alike. It made splashy headlines back in 2005 when the rapper Lil’ Kim mentioned it in one of her songs.
From there, other performers (including Canadian-Jewish rapper Drake) were turned onto the drink, and some have mentioned the sweet wine in their music, too. Since then the kosher wine has just exploded (you can read an interesting history of Moscato here in Vinepair).
For those who have never tasted Bartenura Moscato, it’s sweet, smooth, and only slightly bubbly, like drinking alcoholic fi zzy grape juice. It may not be considered the most sophisticated wine, but who cares when it’s delicious and makes some great sangria too?
Now, the beloved sweet wine is making its appearance in can form just in time for the pandemic summer of 2020. That means it will also go down in history as the fi rst kosher wine in a can. Sweet.
Royal Wine Corp, who produces the wine, says the cans are already available in many stores and will be available everywhere by June. It’s sold in four-packs for $15. Good thing my local wine store delivers.
—Shannon Sarna