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New program analyzes diversity of Jewish identity
from Stump the Rabbi
New program analyzes
In a new series, Chizuk Amuno Congregation, the Jewish Museum of Maryland and a variety Latino Jewish heritage and the tensions between Black Lives Matter and Zionism. While each of the events has an expansive diversity of Jewish identity of community members will put theme to review, the organizers on informational and engaging hope that by peeking into these events to explore the ethnic, issues they can broaden the racial and cultural diversity community’s concept of Jewish of Jewish identity in “Jews of identity. A comprehensive Color, Jewish Institutions, and preview and registration Jewish Community in the Age information is available on of Black Lives Matter.” JewishMuseumMd.org.
The multiprogram series The organizers, Tracie Guyconsists of virtual events, from Oct. 18 to Feb. 28, on a variety of Decker, deputy director of JMM; psychologist Harriette Harriette Wimms is an organizer of “Jews of Color, Jewish Institutions, and Jewish Community in the Age of Black Lives topics such as population studies, Wimms; and Chizuk Amuno Matter.”
Michael F. Klein
The officers, board, and staff of the American Technion Society (ATS) mourn the loss of Michael F. Klein. He was a member of the ATSBaltimore Leadership Council, former member of the national BOD, and honorary lifetime member of the Technion Board of Governors. He was a Technion Guardian, whose many gifts included the Michael F. Klein Architectural Studio Complex. He received a Technion Honorary Fellowship and took part in the 21st Century Leadership Development Program. We extend our condolences to his wife Jennifer and the entire Klein Family. American Technion Society Steve Berger, President Zahava Bar-Nir, Chair of the Board Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO

board members Andrew Miller and Abram Kronsberg, shared their goals for the program.
Kronsberg first suggested that Chizuk Amuno offer an extended series. “Other programs have been done, but nothing particularly in-depth like this. This is an issue that will be here, and has been here, long term, and so we have to [explore it] long term,” he said. Because he sits on JMM’s board, Kronsberg reached out to GuyDecker for JMM to join the program.
Guy-Decker explained that the series aligns with JMM’s mission.
“I use this quote regularly, that museums are not community centers, but they can be the center of community,” she said. JMM integrates diversity into its exhibit naturally. “We included a kippah from a nonbinary person in a collection of kippahs, and in a wedding exhibit, we integrated same-sex couples. We are not the arbiters of who is Jewish. We are a museum of everyday Judaism. There are Ashkenazi Jews and also Black Jews. We would not be doing our job if we did not tell everyone’s story.”
Andrew Miller, who chairs the social justice board at Chizuk Amuno, was the synagogue president at the time of Freddie Gray’s death, which inspired his passion for the movement. He remembers an event where Ilana Kaufman, executive director of the Jews of Color Field Building Initiative, came to speak at the synagogue, and a lot of Jews of color attended. Miller spoke with some of the visitors and learned more about why they usually felt unwelcome in Jewish spaces. One woman, for example, had been mistaken for a caregiver when she attended a bar mitzvah.
“Every one of us has that story,” said Wimms, who’s Black — a fact she jokes her friends have only suddenly realized. When Wimms attended bat mitzvah classes a while ago, she saw a white woman enter the building unquestioned, but security decided to stop and question Wimms.
Because of these misunderstandings around Jewish identity, Miller has been unafraid of backlash when Chizuk Amuno supports Jews of color. When people were unhappy that the synagogue had put up a “Black Lives Matter” banner, he refused to rescind it.
For Kronsberg, his motivation is even more personal.
“I have a Korean grandchild,” he said. “For me, I don’t want this to be an unwelcoming community for them. We as Jews are always afraid we’re losing people and decreasing in population. Well, there are many people who want to join, who we need to welcome. We also have Jews in distress.”
While several recent events, such as the Baltimore Jewish Council’s “18 Days Exploring Racial Justice” and Baltimore Hebrew Congregation’s concert on Black and Jewish music, have explored issues around race and inclusion in the Jewish community, each event offers new options for growth.
“This isn’t a laundry detergent where you have to pick the best brand,” Guy-Decker said. “The truth of the matter is this is not new, and it’s not simple. Just like an exercise, you should practice as many [programs] as you have time for. What’s great about being an anti-racist is that you don’t have to pretend you aren’t racist. We’re all swimming in a soup of racism.”
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