Turfgrass Matters July 2020

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JULY 2020

The Summer of COVID-19


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Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

President’s Message - Ryan Kraushofer Wasn’t it every Superintendents dream to have no golfers on the course? Well it finally happened, and whomever would have thought that golf courses would have to close because of a virus! Westminster National was closed on March 19th when Governor Larry Hogan announced that any business that paid amusement tax needed to close. At the time, this allowed several courses that did not pay the tax a last chance for revenue, before they too would be ordered to shut down as well. Turns out, Maryland was the next-to-last state to reopen golf courses – it’s been really tough, I don’t need to tell you! This whole ordeal prompted us to poll MAAGCS leadership on the effects of COVID-19 on their maintenance practices and to the business at their club. Read this article inside! On a local level, our execs Tyler Eastham and David Norman have been doing an outstanding job working with all our allied associations, which include MAPGA, MSGA, NGCOA MA, ESAGCS and MASTMA. They have been answering emails and phone calls around the clock during the closure. This includes numerous letters, emails and phone calls to the Governor, the Secretary of Commerce and county officials. Believe me, they left no stone unturned and the hardline approach was very frustrating!

Ryan Kraushofer

Westminster National Golf Course westminsternationalgc@yahoo.com @GolfSuper2Gm

Now that golf is open, MAAGCS has initiated two golf events, The Chesapeake Challenge and the Match Play. Eastern Shore won the Cup this year at Queenstown Harbor, ending our three-year winning streak. And Joe Haskins drew the pairings for our Match Play, and the first round is in the books. We extended the cutoff for each round to make sure everyone has a chance to play their matches. We’re also working on ways to make sure we can safely continue with the rest of our schedule of events this year. Mark your calendar for The Stewards of the Chesapeake at the venerable Elkridge Club on October 27th. Also, the Assistants Forum heads to Springfield GCC on November 13th, featuring education and a Ryder Cup match with VGCSA. Thank you to all of our partners that continue to support our association during these uncertain times. I really wasn’t expecting any new partners this year especially since the renewal process was happening as businesses were shutting down. But I would like to thank Wiedenmann, Capital Golf Cars, Ocean Organics, Quali-Pro, Earthworks, Lawn & Golf Supply and Ruppert Nurseries for becoming new partners this year. Without everyone’s support we wouldn’t be one of the best chapters in the United States. Finally I know for many guys it’s been work, work, and work, to keep up with a reduced staff these past months. Please remember to take some time for yourself and remember if you ever need anything your peers are one phone call away. Stay Safe and Cheers to better times ahead.

Ryan Kraushofer MAAGCS President

On the Cover: The Summer of COVID-19

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 3

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Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

Adaptation and Flexibility - Anthony Lewis Equipment Managers Update Needless to say, the underlying theme of this issue is Covid-19. At GIS 2020 we were in crowded seminars all day and packed social events every evening. Six weeks later, the Club closed temporarily, and our team was sitting down to determine which course maintenance practices are absolutely essential. While operating with limited staff is a challenge - a few adaptations on the equipment end seem to have helped keep us ahead. What goes up must come down. There was an unseasonably warm stretch in late February and early March that kicked off some early growth. Knowing that fairways do not need to be cut well ahead of the first group and the staff that was retained could operate anything, we did not raise mowing heights. The uncertainty of the virus’ duration and the timing of when the course would reopen made the challenge of lowering heights back to normal bigger than keeping mowers at their heights during a closure. However, triplexes were adapted to mow different surfaces and that’s where keeping frequency of clip (FOC), bedknife selection, and roller styles in mind is imperative.

Anthony Lewis Chevy Chase Club alewis@chevychaseclub.org

a) Frequency of clip is the relationship to the number of blades on a reel, the RPM of the reel, and the mowing speed. The formula is listed below and is equally important for raising a mower to cut a higher cut surface or lowering say a tee mower to mow greens. Manipulating the travel speed while mowing or adjusting the reel speed are free and usually only take minutes to do. *1 mph = 1,056 inches per minute b) Bedknife selection when adapting a mower to a different height of cut range or playing surface is key to quality of cut. Too thick a bedknife can drag and too thin a bedknife is susceptible to foreign object damage, flexing, or simply does not stand the grass up prior to cutting. All manufacturers provide tables with part numbers and height application ranges. I find it best to select a bedknife suited for the middle or slightly lower end of your ideal mowing height. This allows you several grindings while keeping the chances of dragging to a minimum. c) Roller style and how the rollers are pitched usually need to be changed when repurposing cutting units. The relationship of the front and rear roller to the bedknife control the attitude while the roller style impacts how the turf is conditioned prior (and sometimes after) being cut. Manufacturers list settings for the fixed roller via numbered indexes or spacers in the operating manual. Larger diameter front rollers will stabilize the cutting unit through taller grass or faster mowing speeds. Understanding that equipment can be adapted, vendors are flexible, and that we’re a community made such a sudden change of life much less stressful. Our local distributors were great with modified invoicing and keeping in touch with colleagues to share information was huge. Equipment Management boils down to acknowledging the fleet has to meet the course demands and you don’t need to know everything- just who to contact per the circumstance. These last few months are testament to that, and I hope we can all continue to grow stronger and form new bonds.

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 5

spec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership The Effects of COVID-1 The Effects of COVID

The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Lead The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Le The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Le

The Effects of COVID-19 The Perspective of the MAAGCS Leadership The Effects of COVID-19

The Effects of COVID-19 The Effects of COVID-19 The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership The Effects of COVID-19 The Effects of COVID-19 The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership The Perspec*ve of the MAAGCS Leadership

No No ques(on, No ques(on, ques(on, thethe the COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic pandemic hashas has hadhad had a major aa major major impact impact impact on on golf on golf golf in o th th state state state to reopen to to reopen reopen golfgolf golf courses. courses. courses. Turfgras Turfg Turfg par(cularly par(cularly par(cularly hard, hard, hard, as itas aswas itit was was thethe the 49th49 49 thethe the impacts impacts impacts by polling by by polling polling thethe the MAAGCS MAAGCS MAAGCS leadership leadership leadership for for their for their their specific specific specific impacts. impac impa President President President Ryan Ryan Ryan Kraushofer Kraushofer Kraushofer (Westminster (Westminster (Westminster Na(onal), Na(onal), Na(onal), ViceVice Vice President President President Chris Chr ChF Mike Mike Mike Bos(an Bos(an Bos(an (Waverly (Waverly (Waverly Woods Woods Woods GC)GC) GC) andand and Board Board Board Members Members Members Josh Josh Josh Fuhrman Fuhrman Fuhrman (Th Chris Chris Chris Sandels Sandels Sandels (Mt. (Mt. (Mt. Vernon Vernon Vernon CC CC in CCVA) in in VA) VA) andand and Alejandro Alejandro Alejandro Baiocchi Baiocchi Baiocchi (Woodmont (Woodmo (Woodmo Harriman Harriman Harriman (Hermitage (Hermitage (Hermitage CC CC in CCVA) in in VA) VA) andand and JonJon Jon Lobens(ne Lobens(ne Lobens(ne (Montgomery (Montgomery (Montgomery Co.Co. Co. Go

No ques(on, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on golf in our area. Maryland golf was hit

ques(on, COVID-19 pandemic hasahad a major impact oningolf our Maryland area. Maryland golf NoNo ques(on, the the COVID-19 had major impact onongolf our in area. golf was hit was hit th No ques(on, COVID-19 pandemic had major impact golf area. was Nopar(cularly ques(on,the the COVID-19 pandemic has hadaato major impact on golfininour our area.Maryland Marylandgolf golf washit hit state reopen golf courses. Turfgrass Ma:ers delves deeper into hard, as pandemic it was thethhas 49has th state to reopen golf courses. Turfgrass Ma:ers delves deeper into par(cularly hard, as it was the 49 state to reopen golfgolf courses. deeper into par(cularly hard, asby itas was thethe 49 49 ththstate reopen courses. Turfgrass Ma:ers delves into par(cularly hard, ititwas the impacts polling MAAGCS leadership for theirTurfgrass Ma:ers specific impacts.delves Responses are from MAAGCS statetoto reopengolf courses. Turfgrass Ma:ers delvesdeeper deeper into par(cularly hard, as wasthe 49 impacts by polling polling theMAAGCS MAAGCS leadership for their specific areMAAGCS from MAAGCS Noby question, the COVID-19 pandemic hasforhad atheir major impact onimpacts. golfResponses inResponses ourResponses area. Maryland golf was hit particularly hard, as it was the 49th state to reopen thethe impacts polling thethe MAAGCS leadership their specific impacts. are from the impacts by leadership for their specific impacts. Responses are from MAAGCS the impacts by polling the MAAGCS leadership for specific impacts. are from MAAGCSRiver CC), President Ryan Kraushofer (Westminster Na(onal), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling President Ryan Kraushofer (Westminster Na(onal), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling River CC), President Ryan Kraushofer (Westminster Na(onal), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling River CC), golf courses. Turfgrass Matters delves deeper into the impacts by polling the MAAGCS leadership for their specific impacts. Responses are from MAAGCS President Ryan Kraushofer (Westminster Na(onal), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling River CC), President Ryan Kraushofer Na(onal), President Chris Fernandes RiveratCC), Mike Bos(an (Waverly (Westminster Woods GC) and Board Vice Members Josh Fuhrman (The(Rolling Golf Club South River), Mike Bos(an (Waverly Woods GC) and Board Members Josh Fuhrman (The Golf atRiver), South River), Mike Bos(an (Waverly Woods GC)GC) and Board Members Josh Fuhrman (The Golf Club atatClub South President Ryan Kraushofer (Westminster National), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling River CC), Mike Bostian Mike Bos(an (Waverly Woods and Board Members Josh Fuhrman (The Golf Club South River), Mike Bos(an (Waverly Woods GC) and Board Members Josh Fuhrman (The Golf Club at South River), Chris Sandels (Mt. Vernon CC in VA) and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Presidents Chris (Waverly Woods GC) and Board Members Chris Sandels (Mt.(Mt. Vernon CC CC in VA) and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Presidents Chris Chris Sandels (Mt. Vernon CC VA) and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Presidents Chris Sandels Vernon ininin VA) and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Presidents Chris Josh Fuhrman (The Golf Club South River), Chris Sandels (Mt. Vernon CC in VA) Former and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Presidents Chris Harriman Chris Sandels (Mt. Vernon CC VA) and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Presidents Chris Chris Harriman (Hermitage CC in at VA) and Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented. Harriman (Hermitage CC in VA) and Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented. Harriman (Hermitage CC in VA) and Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented. Harriman (Hermitage CC in VA) and Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented. Harriman (Hermitage in VA) Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented. (Hermitage CC in VA)CCand Jonand Lobenstine (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented.

ic has had a major impact on golf in our area. Maryland state to reopen golf courses. Turfgrass Ma:ers delves de leadership for their specific impacts. Responses are from nster Na(onal), Vice President Chris Fernandes (Rolling R nd Board Members Josh Fuhrman (The Golf Club at South and Alejandro Baiocchi (Woodmont CC). Former Preside Jon Lobens(ne (Montgomery Co. Golf) also commented.

Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fu Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Jos

Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bostian Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobenstine Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels Ryan Kraushofer Chris Fernandes Mike Bos*an Josh Fuhrman Chris Sandels

1. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your daily routine of golf course management for you and your crew?

Fuhrman - The golf course is extremely busy, with all-time highs for rounds being played.

Bostian - Rounds have increased by over 25%. We have added more staff than usual to keep up with the amount of play. Morning jobs have to be completed with the utmost efficiency because once 9:30am rolls around there is very little opportunity to work in peace. Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne

Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne

Fernandes - At the beginning of COVID-19 it affected every aspect of our golf course Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne Alejandro Baiocchi Chris Harriman Jon Lobens*ne

management and our crew. Crew hours were cut drastically. We had to make decisions for the course on a day to day basis not knowing what the next day was going to bring. Once the course opened back for play it became a little more routine and back to normal but we had to only focus on the important issues around the course and details got left behind only to have to play catch up almost every week. Kraushofer - I would have to say now that we’re open again not much has changed. We have always operated with a small crew so we haven’t had to worry about doing split shifts. As far as our daily routine goes, we are raking bunkers more often since we don’t have any bunker rakes on the course. When we were closed, I only operated with two people on the grounds crew. 6

Sandels - Being in Virginia, we have been privileged to allow golf during the entire pandemic. Early spring, we had the opportunity to begin a bunker and re-grassing renovation. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, the ability to hire seasonal staff was nonexistent, making it difficult to even complete daily course tasks. To aid in the memberships expectations of how the course “should play,” it was vital for us to get support from the necessary individuals to prioritize course operations in the following order: (1) retain a healthy staff, (2) promote and maintain a healthy golf course, (3) complete a successful project, (4) condition the golf course. In doing so, it provided the membership with an understanding of our focus and expectations.

Our morning routine changed, with no morning staff meetings. We were able to adjust but hope to get back to our old routine. On a positive note, our breakroom has remained extremely clean. We have remained focused on retaining a healthy staff, which has benefited with everyone staying healthy. Baiocchi - We have separate crew meetings in the mornings and afternoons with daily temperature checks. We’re having our interns and mechanics clock in earlier to setup equipment with using proper PPE. We do this to eliminate cluster and “time wasting” in our shop first thing in the morning. In the beginning it was hard because it was only the managers working. After the third week we started bringing in our full time staff. By the start of the second month, we brought in the rest of the crew and have made some key hires. Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

There is no locker room or break room usage for the crew, only bathrooms, and lunches are eaten outdoors or in their vehicles. They are now punching in the old school way with a stamp clock and a bunch of time cards. Every employee has been given masks, a box of gloves and disinfectant wipes. Wipes are used for the fuel station, clock-out station, tool room, wash pad and every piece of equipment. Friday catered lunches have now become boxed instead of buffet style. Harriman – We had to use staggered start times, and less all-hands meetings have hurt us efficiency-wise. No overtime also hampered getting detail work done. The hourly guys were taking a day off during the week in order to work the weekend without OT. We were lucky it was so cold and nothing grew for a while. Lobenstine - No water coolers is fantastic. No bunker rakes has increased efficiency of surrounds mowing and bunker prep. Bunker prep now is to at least take care of footprints. No ball washers eliminates that task. Moving to 12-minute tee time intervals has been a real blessing. Most of our properties are only doing about 260 rounds/day versus 320, up to 360 rounds on busy days in the summer. We give COVID questionnaires for staff each day and disinfect all common surfaces around. Some courses are doing split lunches. We supply masks for all staff. After we were shut down, we kept all seasonal staff on for 2.5 weeks, as we were still getting things in shape for the season. We raised all mowing heights, which reduced mowing frequencies. Seasonal staff was let go April 10th, and only full-time staff remained to do all the work. When we re-opened May 8th, most of our agronomy teams were full within a couple days. We are currently at 100%. On expenses, we are buying what we NEED, not what we WANT. Big difference. We also took the shutdown as an opportunity to NOT SPRAY and learn from it. We evaluated for all predictive disease models to see the thresholds. This was a great opportunity for natural selection and to save some sprays. As we reopened May 8th with the best conditions ever across the board.

food and beverage side has been impacted negatively, and they are finally being able to operate at a limited capacity. Our membership numbers have remained healthy, and we have even had a few people join! Of course, the club has taken a financial hit in many ways, but a strong membership has kept the club afloat. Baiocchi - Business has escalated for the entire club except fitness/locker room. Golf course operations, outside dining, tennis and pool facilities are open while following proper protocols. Harriman - F&B business has been very lacking, but golf play has been off the chart. The golf shop hit their normal monthly revenue goal in June. Lobenstine - During seven weeks of shutdown, MCG missed out on about $2 million in budgeted revenue. During the shutdown, we saved about $700,000 in expenses. We deferred some large expenses. Every invoice on hand was paid as late as possible (on the due date, not before). Since re-opening May 8th, we beat the aggressively-budgeted May revenue numbers, even with only being open for 22 days plus golf shops closed, limited F&B, and driving ranges at reduced capacity. Every golf course has remained very busy. In June we were back indoors for food, and golf shops had re-opened. We are killing it in the areas of greens fees, cart revenues, driving range and lesson revenues. We are extremely close to making budget for the fiscal year. Phenomenal. We have seen lots of new golfers or golfers who have come back to the sport. We have added over 6,000 new names to our player database. Amazing. Golfer satisfaction is at an all-time high. Conditions are uniformly great across the board. Our pricing is as high as it’s ever been at most properties, and we are so far NOT needing to bring back any discounted rounds. Survey data shows that people are overall highly satisfied with the prices they are paying. This is good.

3. How have golfers reacted to measures on how golf is played at your club? (e.g., flagsticks in, no rakes, cart usage) 2. What is the current impact on the business of the club? Fuhrman – Less golf outings and tournaments, along with low guest rounds, is hurting revenue. Bostian - From May 7 to June 30 in 2019 we did 8,300 rounds, and that was a very profitable season. This year in the same time span we have done over 11,000 rounds. We did lose $250,000 in revenue in April 2020, but we are gaining on that quickly. Fernandes - The club’s business is based on member dues, outside golf outings, F&B, and outside events. With no large gatherings, the club’s revenue has been cut by over a third. Kraushofer - Business has been great! We haven’t seen play like this since the mid to late 90’s. We’re averaging 200+ golfers Thursday-Sunday and well over 100 a day on the remaining days. We’ve got our league play started again, and we’re slowly getting back to tournament business. We have also booked several new golf tournaments for the fall. It will be interesting to see if we stay as busy now that we’re getting into the hot and humid Mid-Atlantic Summer. Sandels - The golf course has seen a record amount of rounds the last several months, and I do not think it is the course conditions that have enticed them to come out. The

Fuhrman - Members are okay with cups being upside down, and I haven’t heard any complaints about no rakes or water coolers. Bostian – The biggest reaction is the lack of drinking water on the course for our customers. I imagine only 20% of golfers will remove the flagstick in the future, if this carries on for a few more months. Golfers never used the rakes before, so i doubt my staff will look forward to having that obstacle in the way anytime soon. We have done everything possible to provide single rider carts, but the demand has not been as high here over the last few weeks. We have 20 carts in our fleet that have a plastic divider between the passengers almost like a sneeze shield. Fernandes - The membership here loves the purity of golf and the social aspect golf provides. So all the changes and restrictions that are set in place has made it tough for our members to enjoy the game. They completely understand why we have the restrictions, but it has changed the game. Kraushofer - To limit the touching in the cups, we decided to use a 2” piece of PVC pipe which works great. Most golfers accept this, but I have found the PVC thrown off the side of the green a few times. If golfers don’t want to respect this, I’ll probably be removing it all together soon. Even though Governor Hogan suggested single rider carts, about 80% of our play has been doubling up since day one. Now that we are in

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 7

phase 2 we have started charging an extra $7 for anyone that wants their own cart. Sandels - Some hate it and others love the “new normal”. When it was not allowed, most golfers enjoyed being forced to walk and they love being able to place their ball in the bunker. Those who rely on a cart have been excited to be back on the course! Baiocchi – Members have enjoyed their rounds with no complaints while playing with several measures including solo cart riding, pull carts, robots, no rakes in bunkers and no flagstick touching. Harriman - Golfers took everything in stride with no complaints. Lobenstine - Overall, golfers are very appreciative of all the safety precautions we have taken. This is reflected across the board in survey data we get back from every property. But some folks recently JUST WANNA TOUCH THE DAMN FLAGSTICK ALREADY!!

4. What impacts do you see as ongoing, even after we reach Phase 3? Fuhrman – For some course hard goods like ball washers, I don’t see us going back out. I would love to see bunker rakes go by the wayside. Bostian – The biggest impact will be the continued extra staff ($$$) in the parking lot to check-in customers on i-pads and then sanitizing of carts after each use. Also we may see a lack of outing revenue due to crowd control – it will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Fernandes - I think the restrictions for golf courses will lift. Saying that, we have to still be mindful that some individuals that will not feel comfortable with certain restrictions being lifted and we will have to adjust to make sure all members and guest feel safe, while playing the game they love. Kraushofer - If we ever enter phase 3 we will be increasing our single rider cart fee to $14 per person. Sandels - I believe when looking back at the pandemic, it will have helped in advance the game. With golf courses being one of the only activities allowed in some areas, many individuals either got back into golf or decided to try it. Also, I think many will have the opportunity to work from home more often, making golf more accessible. Baiocchi – There could be increased cart traffic due to one rider per cart, divots not filled and bunkers not being raked Harriman - In Phase 3 we are all back to normal on the golf course. (Note: Virginia entered Phase 3 on July 1) Lobenstine - We will continue to leave water coolers off the course. Superintendent’s dream. We don’t know how long this COVID golf boom will last, but with more folks continuing to work from home and finding enjoyment in the game of golf again, we feel like we’re in a pretty good position moving forward. We really ADD VALUE to the experience by being able to be complete rounds in four hours or less.

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Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Save the Date Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Springfield Golf & Country Club Assistants Forum Joint with VGCSA Lentz Wheeler MAAGCS Alejandro Biaocchi Hosted Assistant Representatives HostedByBy

Assistants Forum Joint with VGCSA | Springfield Golf & Country Club Assistant RepresentaLves

8301 Old Keene Mill Rd Springfield, VA 22152

MAAGCS VGCSA Alejandro Josh MAAGCS Alejandro Biaocchi VGCSAPeters Josh Peters Biaocchi The MAAGCS / VGCSA Assistants Forum is designed as a career development progra Assistant RepresentaLves Event Overview superintendents and crew members involved in golf course operaLons. Membershi Superintendents are encouraged accompany their staff, and The MAAGCS / VGCSA Assistants Forum is designed as a career development program fortoassistant superintendents andPartners crew are also inv sportscoat, no Le.

Lentz Wheeler Lentz Wheeler

members involved in golf course operations. Membership is not required. Superintendents are encouraged to accompany their staff, and Partners are also invited. Meeting attire is Following sportscoat,educaLon no tie. MAAGCS and VGCSA Assistants will square off in a Ryder Cup s two assistants from each chapter will compete against each other in captain's choic Following education MAAGCS and VGCSA Assistants will square off in a Ryder Cup style match. Teams of two assistants from each will be awarded for the team winning each match, and 1/2 point will be awarded to chapter will compete against each other in captain’sLes. choice One point will be awarded forpoints the team match, Theformat. team that accumulates the most willwinning be the each champions. VGCSA Josh Peters and 1/2 point will be awarded to each team if a match ties. The team that accumulates the most points will be the champions. The MAAGCS / VGCSA Assistants Forum is designed as a career development program for assistant

superintendents and crew members involved in golf course operaLons. Membership is not required. MAAGCS Alejandro Biaocchi

Superintendents are encouraged to accompany their staff, and Partners are also invited. MeeLng aUre is sportscoat, no Le. Following educaLon MAAGCS and VGCSA Assistants will square off in a Ryder Cup style match. Teams of two assistants from each chapter will compete against each other in captain's choice format. One point will be awarded for the team winning each match, and 1/2 point will be awarded to each team if a match Les. The team that accumulates the most points will be the champions.

VGCSA Josh Peters The MAAGCS / VGCSA Assistants Forum is designed as a career development program for assistant superintendents and crew members involved in golf course operaLons. Membership is not required. Superintendents are encouraged to accompany their staff, and Partners are also invited. MeeLng aUre is sportscoat, no Le. Following educaLon MAAGCS and VGCSA Assistants will square off in a Ryder Cup style match. Teams of two assistants from each chapter will compete against each other in captain's choice format. One point will be awarded for the team winning each match, and 1/2 point will be awarded to each team if a match Les. The team that accumulates the most points will be the champions.

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 9

host GM/Superintendent John Anderes, CGCS and the entire Queenstown on a spectacular event. In addition we could not have pulled this off nd event sponsors’ support, so THANK YOU!

ESAGCS Prevails in Chesapeake Challenge

Scenes from the 2020 Chesapeake Challenge

The Streak is Broken

Both ESAGCS and MAAGCS members were excited to hit the links for the annual Chesapeake Challenge at Queenstown Harbor. The golf course was in perfect shape, with MAAGCS and ESAGCS each fielding 13 teams for this year’s battle on the Bay. Live scoring and the modified format of tee times instead of a shotgun start made for an exciting day for everyone following along. MAAGCS was aiming to continue the hot streak and claim a 4th consecutive win -- and with an early point on the board after a lopsided 7&5 victory by MAAGCS President Ryan Kraushofer and his partner Ben Ellis, it looked promising. However, ESAGCS had different plans, as they rallied to win seven of the next 11 matches, breaking the MAAGCS streak of victories and ending the ESAGCS drought of disappointing losses. Congratulations goes out to the ESAGCS team for coming out on top! This is always one of the most exciting events of the year, and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue the tradition amid the current situation the world is facing with COVID-19. Thank you to all of the competitors who made this a successful event, and a special thank you goes out to host GM/Superintendent John Anderes, CGCS and the entire Queenstown Harbor staff for putting on a spectacular event. In addition we could not have pulled this off without our partners’ and event sponsors’ support, so THANK YOU!

Scenes from the 2020 Chesapeake Challenge

GCSAA My Learning Hub

GCSAA My Learning Hub

GCSAA.org is full of excellent resources including the My Learning Hub. Members have access to free competencybased education they need in live and on-demand webinars, the 5-minute fix video series and more. Live webinars award education points upon completion. Most live events are 60 minutes or 90 minutes with points values based on length. Visit gcsaa.org/education/my-learning-hub for more information and to get started. Aug. 26 @ 10 a.m. Spring Dead Spot & Take-all Root Rot Prevention presented GCSAA.org is full of excellent resources includingbythe My Learning Hub. Members have access to free Syngenta July 29 @ 10 a.m. competency-based educa@on they need in live and on-demand webinars, the Mosdell, 5-minutePh.D fix video series Lane Tredway, Ph.D., and Dean Strategies for Managing Dollar Spot & Brown Patch presented byand Syngenta more. Live webinars award educa@on points upon comple@on. Most live events are 60 minutes or Mike Agnew, Ph.D., and Matt Giese 90 minutes with points values based on length. Sept. Visit gcsaa.org/educa@on/my-learning-hub for more 9  @ 10 a.m. informa@on and to get started. New Approaches to Fairy Ring & Mini Ring in Bermudagrass Aug. 11 @ 10 a.m. Putting Greens presented by Syngenta Steps for Successful Fine Fescue Establishment presented by theUpcoming Webinars Oregon Fine Fescue Commission Lane Tredway, Ph.D., and Luke Dant Ross Braun, Ph.D.

Upcoming Webinars

July 15 @ 10 a.m. listed times U.S. Central time zone Effec@ve Large Patch Management in ZoysiagrassAllpresented by Syngenta Mike Richardson, Ph.D., Lane Tredway, Ph.D., and MaR Giese


July 29 @ 10 a.m. Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents Strategies for Managing Dollar Spot & Brown Patch presented by Syngenta Mike Agnew, Ph.D., and MaR Giese

Match Play Championship presented by Syngenta Round 1 Complete With golf being closed for most of the Spring, we got a late start on the matches in the MAAGCS Match Play Championship presented by Syngenta. As soon as golf was back open, teams could not wait to get back on the course and back into competition mode. Defending champions, Brothers from Another Mother (Andrew Harrison & Ralph Meola) suffered an early loss to Strokes Gained Sippin’ (Andrew Puddester & Mike Esh) ending their quest for a threepeat. Last year’s runners-up team McBaltimore & Sons (Tim Kennelly & Kyle Trzaskos) advanced in a close match over Water Dog’s (John Anderes & Jason Neal), bringing them one step closer to a second straight year in the finals. A special thank you goes to Sam Camuso of Syngenta for sponsoring the event. We hope everyone has enjoyed the competition so far and best of luck to the remaining teams! Don’t forget to take pictures and post them to twitter and Facebook mentioning @MidAtlGCSAA and #MAAGCSMP2020.

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 11


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Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday, October 27, 2020 The Stewards of the Chesapeake heads to Elkridge Club

f the Chesapeake heads to Elkridge Club Presented by ate ctober 27, 2020

6100 N Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21212

Ralph Meola (Use the best quality of the two pictures below)

The event is limited, and will sell out fast, so be sure to register ASAP to guarantee your spot in the tournament.

The annual Stewards of the Chesapeake is the biggest MAAGCS golf event and fundraiser of the year and this year, Ralph Meola and Elkridge Club will play host. The club is 133 years old and has been in the same location for 123 years. The 18-hole golf course spans 117 acres, featuring rye grass fairways and bent Hosted By grass tees and greens. Designed by Seth Raynor, one of golf’s greatest architects, this par-71 course is Ralph Meola forgiving, but not without the challenges of ponds and bunkers to encourage friendly competition. The Stewards of the Chesapeake event was established in 2000 by the MAAGCS to develop a primary Stewards of the Chesapeake is the biggest MAAGCS golf event and fundraiser of the year and source of funding to support local research projects, support environmental efforts, and government alph Meola and Elkridge Club will play host. Thetoclub is 133 years and hashas been the a great opportunity relations as they pertain the golf industry. Theold tournament alsoinprovided on for 123 years. The 18-hole golf course spans 117 acres, featuring rye grass fairways for MAAGCS members to invite their club or company officials to participateand in the event for the ees and greens. Designed by Seth Raynor, one of golf’s greatest architects, this par-71 course preservation and improvement of both the game of golf and our environment. The tournament has raised but not without the challenges of ponds and bunkers and to encourage friendly compeJJon. over $200,000 since its inception, proceeds benefit the Maryland Association of Green Industries (MAGI), various Universities, the GCSAA and other groups supporting environmental issues, such as the ds of the Chesapeake eventChesapeake was established in 2000 MAAGCS to develop a primary Bay Foundation. Weby lookthe forward to seeing you in October! unding to support local research projects, support environmental efforts, and government they pertain to the golf industry. The tournament has also provided a great opportunity for embers to invite their club or company officials to parJcipate in the event for the Aqua-Aid, BioBoost, BASF, Bayer, Davisson Golf, Inc., ESAGCS, n and improvement of both the game of golf and our environment. The tournament has Floratine, Genesis Turfgrass, Helena Chemical, Landscape Supply, $200,000 since its incepJon, and proceeds benefit the Maryland AssociaJon of Green Ecosystems, Noble Turf, supporJng M&M Consulting, Nufarm, Nutrien, MAGI), various UniversiJes,Luck the GCSAA and other groups environmental issues, PoconoTurf, PondHawk by LINNE Industries, Rain Bird, Syngenta, Chesapeake Bay FoundaJon. We look forward to seeing you in October!

2019 Sponsors

Textron, Turf Equipment and Supply Company

Mark Kingora, Corey Haney, Scott Furlong with Ryan Kraushofer, Joe Haskins Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 13

At SiteOneŽ Landscape Supply, our industry pros deliver ideas and answers to help you take your course to the next level. When you package that with a large inventory of leading brands, time-saving delivery service and flexible financing options, it’s easy to see why SiteOne is the top choice for green industry pros.

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USGA Northeast Regional Update Warm Season Grasses for Warm Seasons – Elliott Dowling As temperatures rise, the thought of transitioning areas to warm-season grasses resurfaces on Course Consulting Service visits. This is an annual conversation that will likely occur from now until temperatures start to cool again. If you are thinking about utilizing warm-season grasses, now is a good time to experiment – especially on par-3 tees, practice tees or short game fairways. These areas receive a lot of divots during the season and cool-season grasses are slow to recover during summer heat.


States like Maryland and Pennsylvania are within in the transition zone, so it is appropriate to try warmseason grasses. If you have areas of the course that rarely meet expectations during summer; if you are concerned about water, pesticide or fungicide inputs; or just want to try something new, this is the year to sod some bermudagrass on a tee or small fairway and compare the performance to cool-season grasses. NORTHEAST REGION AGRONOMISTS: ADAM MOELLER, director, Green Section Education – amoeller@usga.org DARIN BEVARD, director, Championship Agronomy – dbevard@usga.org

Elliott Dowling Agronomist Northeast Region

ELLIOTT DOWLING, agronomist – edowling@usga.org PAUL JACOBS, agronomist – pjacobs@usga.org


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Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 15

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Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

Thank You, 2020 MAAGCS Partners! Please patronize these outstanding companies which support the profession!




AQUA-AID Solutions Aquatrols Capitol Golf Cars Collins Wharf Sod Corteva Agriscience


ClubProcure Davisson Golf Disney Sand & Gravel

Fisher & Son Harrell’s Luck Ecosystems Newsom Seed Noble Turf Oakwood Sod Earthworks East Coast Sod Fairway IQ

Ocean Organics PondHawk by Linne Industries Quali-Pro Rain Bird Sunbelt Synatek Finch Services FMC Corporation Growing Solutions

Pocono Turf Ruppert Nurseries

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 17

MAAGCS Schedule of Events May - October 2020: - MAAGCS Match Play Championship, Various Locations TBA - Annual Championship, Westminster National Golf Course, Westminster, MD September 17, 2020: Thursday - MAAGCS U.S. Open Social, Guinness Open Gate Brewery, Halethorpe, MD October 27, 2020: Tuesday - Stewards of the Chesapeake, Elkridge Club, Baltimore, MD November 10, 2020: Tuesday - MAAGCS/VGCSA Assistants Forum & Ryder Cup, Springfield Golf and Country Club, Springfield, VA December TBA, 2020 - MAAGCS Annual Meeting January 30 – February 4, 2021: Golf Industry Show, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV February 3, 2021: Wednesday: GIS Social Event Joint with VGCSA and MAAGCS, Las Vegas, NV - TBA February 17, 2021: Wednesday: MAAGCS Education Seminar, Turf Valley Resort, Ellicott City, MD

Extraordinary is Your New Ordinary

Spencer Roberts Golf Course Superintendent, The National Golf Club of Kansas City

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When you can count on your turf to be at its best, others can count on you to be at yours. See the science behind the extraordinary at es.bayer.us/stressgard ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS Bayer Environmental Science, a Division of Bayer CropScience LP. 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. environmentalscience.bayer.us. Not all products are registered in all states. Bayer, the Bayer Cross and Stressgard are registered trademarks of Bayer. ©2019 Bayer CropScience ES-0619-SGFT-0161-A-1


Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents

Tyler Bloom Looks Forward and Back New Venture is Workforce & Leadership Consulting

Two weeks removed from my position at Sparrows Point Country Club has brought a lot of reflection, and pride. I am grateful to the golf course superintendents and suppliers during my time in Baltimore. You really made my transition and time a lot of fun and memorable. The relationships developed are very dear to me, and I appreciate the support over the years. Chris Harriman, while I hate to give too much credit, was instrumental in allowing me to serve on the MAAGCS Board for the last five years. I thoroughly enjoyed my time, and hope I made a positive impact. There’s a lot of time spent coordinating content for newsletters to bring value. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute. I also advocate to get involved, because it is a great group of people serving and trying to move the needle forward for others. One of the benefits of being involved with the MAAGCS was to influence the youth outreach program. The foundation we set has paved the way for other associations to try to replicate. The MAAGCS began a movement of action, and I hope to see others get behind the program. As I learned throughout the last few years, for any significant change to happen to improve awareness about career opportunities, employers need to drive the ship to build a lasting pipeline of talent. This is an employer problem to solve that needs the help of support partners from academia, industry and local communities. One person cannot solve this problem, but a rising tide can. Influencing culture, attitude, peoples’ potential is something that each person reading has the ability to do. We all get caught up in the pride and performance of our golf courses, the sales metrics, but I hope you can take great pride in being associated with the MAAGCS and the relationships.

Tyler Bloom President TBloom, LLC Workforce & Leadership Consultant www.tbloomllc.com

Stepping away from the daily role of golf course superintendent was not taken lightly, because it is such a dynamic and rewarding career. I miss the morning sunrises, communication and coordination with staff, the interactions with members, and the pride associated with providing a great experience. However, a unique opportunity to carve my own path and serve as a change agent in workforce development was my calling. I get to serve like-minded individuals in and out of golf facing similar labor challenges. I am also educating and introducing a user-friendly platform that can help managers of all backgrounds develop and grow their people, build more team awareness and cohesion, and exceed business strategy. In the last few weeks, I have been able to observe golf courses and businesses dealing with a multitude of pain points. Business success in this pandemic is interconnected to people strategy. I’m certain our industry will thrive, because we have creative problem solvers like you to navigate through the storm. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and build friendships that will last a lifetime. Tyler Bloom’s new company is TBloom, LLC, specializing in workforce and leadership consulting – visit www.tbloomllc.com for more information.

Turfgrass Matters | July 2020 19

trademarks used herein are the property of their respective company. GS_5355_1_7 extension service to ensure registration status. GreenCast,® Posterity,® the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other ©2020 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local


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The fungicide that holds strong for many moons. Introducing Posterity® fungicide, the most active SDHI in the turf market that elevates the control of key diseases including dollar spot and spring dead spot. Posterity delivers power that lasts, holding stronger for up to 28 days of dollar spot control, and setting a new standard for spring dead spot control. With Posterity, you can manage the toughest and most prevalent diseases with confidence. Visit GreenCastOnline.com/Posterity to learn more or contact: Sam Camuso | 240-405-5069 | sam.camuso@syngenta.com


©2020 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. GreenCast,® Posterity,® the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective company. GS_5355_1_7

trademarks used herein are the property of their respective company. GS_5355_1_7 extension service to ensure registration status. GreenCast,® Posterity,® the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other ©2020 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local

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