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Figure 2: Map of the Planning Areas for the three separate Coastal Management Programs

The rationale for developing three separate CMPs to cover the Manning River Estuary is that the threats, risks and issues affecting each of these Planning Areas are different and require detailed attention that will be better handled in separate programs. The NSW Government identified some 15 open coast hazard sites along the NSW coastline where the impact of coastal hazards and the risk to assets are particularly high. The Old Bar / Manning Point Beaches are identified as high-risk open coast hazard sites. Hence Council is developing the Old Bar Manning Point CMP as a high priority and conducting detailed investigations to develop the best options to manage these risks. We have distinguished between the Old BarManning CMP and the Open Coast CMP northward from the entrance at Harrington because these Planning Areas represent separate secondary sediment compartments: the Manning River sediment compartment for the former, and the Tacking Point – Crowdy Head for the latter. While all three programs will meet the mandatory requirements of the Coastal Management Act and address coastal hazards within their respective Planning Areas, the Manning River ECMP will have a strong focus on the impact of land based activities on water quality in waterways of the Manning system and the OBMP CMP will cover coastal processes and the impacts of oceanic water on the land. The CMP’s are inter-related and there will be ongoing communication between the programs, including integration through the IP & R Framework.


Figure 2: Map of the Planning Areas for the three separate Coastal Management Programs

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