1 minute read

Figure 35: The three stages of evaluation

Figure 35: The three stages of evaluation

Feasibility assessment of all potential actions

Evaluate for legal, technical and engineering feasibility (including confidence in performace) in relation to the objectives and intended outcomes

Viability assessment of all feasible actions

Level of detail depends on the impact and complexity of the risks and decision Economic assessment, distribution analysis and viable funding mechanisms

Assess acceptability of feasible and viable actions

Rank and select actions for acceptability to community and stakeholders, including consideration of efficiency, equity and consistency with principles of ecologically sustainable development.

Reference: NSW Coastal Management Manual Stage 3


Engage with the community, build capacity and support partnerships to promote understanding, connection and stewardship.

“ It’s the responsibility of everyone to respect and understand our iconic river system. Appreciate it, utilise it, and do their bit to keep it clean.”

Sam Nicholson, Dairy Farmer, member ECMP Reference Group

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