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7.5 Aboriginal Custodianship Actions

5.01 Involve Aboriginal traditional knowledge and personnel in management of the river, catchment and estuary: a) Support the Conservation and Ecosystem Management TAFE course for Aboriginal Rangers by providing guest speakers. b) Build partnerships with Aboriginal Rangers to implement conservation and land management in the Manning catchment. c) Conduct cultural burns on Council land to reduce fuel loads and maintain ecological processes.

Issues addressed Riparian vegetation loss and degradation; Coastal Wetlands loss and degradation; Biodiversity loss - pests and weeds

Lead agency MidCoast Council (lead) with supporting agencies Hunter Local Land Services, PT LALC, TIDE.

5.02 Install interpretive signage and facilitate cultural activities to share the story of the Manning River’s significance to Biripi people.

Issues addressed Stewardship

Lead agency MidCoast Council with support from PT LALC.

5.03 Involve Aboriginal people in monitoring of the river: a) Engage Aboriginal people including school students and commercial fishers in Waterwatch monitoring. b) Establish a single contact person at Council for the Aboriginal Community to report pollution incidents impacting on estuary health.

Issues addressed Stormwater and litter; Floodplain drainage and ASS; Agricultural impacts Lead agency MidCoast Council with Hunter Local Land Services, PT LALC, TIDE.


Increase involvement of Aboriginal people in the Manning River ECMP by appointing two Aboriginal representatives to the ECMP Reference Group (See Action 8.01) and inviting Council’s Aboriginal Community Development Officer to attend meetings. Issues addressed Governance

Lead agency MidCoast Council


Manage the Manning River Catchment and its Estuary to maintain and improve social, cultural, and economic opportunities and benefits

“ The river is the lifeblood of our community – we drink from it, eat fish, use it for recreation. The river serves us, and we serve it.”

Cr Len Roberts, co-chair, Manning River ECMP Reference Group

Photo: Jordan Reed

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