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12 Committee of the Whole

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10 Rules of Debate

10 Rules of Debate

11.5 Voting at a meeting, including voting in an election at a meeting, is to be by open means (such as on the voices, by show of hands or by a visible electronic voting system). However, the Council may resolve that the voting in any election by Councillors for Mayor or Deputy Mayor is to be by secret ballot.

11.6 All voting at council meetings, (including meetings that are closed to the public), must be recorded in the minutes of meetings with the names of councillors who voted for and against each motion or amendment, (including the use of the casting vote), being recorded.

Voting on planning decisions

11.7 The General Manager must keep a register containing, for each planning decision made at a meeting of the Council or a Council committee (including, but not limited to a committee of the Council), the names of the Councillors who supported the decision and the names of any Councillors who opposed (or are taken to have opposed) the decision.

11.8 For the purpose of maintaining the register, a division is taken to have been called whenever a motion for a planning decision is put at a meeting of the council or a council committee.

11.9 Each decision recorded in the register is to be described in the register or identified in a manner that enables the description to be obtained from another publicly available document.

11.10 Clauses 11.7–11.9 apply also to meetings that are closed to the public.

Note: Clauses 11.7–11.10 reflect section 375A of the Act

Note: The requirements of clause 11.7 may be satisfied by maintaining a register of the minutes of each planning decision.

12.1 The Council may resolve itself into a Committee to consider any matter before the Council.

Note: Clause 12.1 reflects section 373 of the Act

12.2 All the provisions of this Code relating to meetings of the Council, insofar as they are applicable, extend to and govern the proceedings of the Council when in Committee of the Whole, except the provisions limiting the number and duration of speeches.

Note: Clauses 10.21–10.31 limit the number and duration of speeches

12.3 The General Manager or, in the absence of the General Manager, an employee of the Council designated by the General Manager, is responsible for reporting to the Council the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole. It is not necessary to report the proceedings in full, but any recommendations of the Committee must be reported.

12.4 The Council must ensure that a report of the proceedings (including any recommendations of the Committee) is recorded in the Council’s minutes. However, the Council is not taken to have adopted the report until a motion for adoption has been made and passed.

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