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Flying-fox expert definition
Additional mitigation measures for any activity at a nationally important Grey-headed Flying-fox camp
The following additional mitigation measures apply to works at Karloo Street Reserve and Smiths Lake camps:
• The action will not occur if the camp contains females that are in the late stages of pregnancy or have dependent young that cannot fly on their own (generally August to
February). • Disturbance activities will be limited to a maximum of 2.5 hours in any 12-hour period, preferably at or before sunrise or at sunset. Disturbance activities can be defined as any activity, other than routine activities, that disturbs the camp and applies to Level 2 actions.
• Knowledge of flying-fox habitat requirements. • Knowledge and experience in flying-fox camp management. • Knowledge of flying-fox behaviour, including ability to identify signs of flying-fox stress. • Ability to differentiate between breeding and non-breeding females. • Ability to identify females in final trimester. • Ability to estimate age of juveniles. • Experienced in flying-fox population monitoring including static and fly-out counts, demographics and visual health assessments.
• It is strongly recommended that the expert is independent of the Plan owner to ensure transparency and objectivity. The Department may be able to help with finding flying-fox experts. • ABLV-vaccinated (N.B. This is often an essential requirement during management implementation as detailed within the template). • Trained in flying-fox rescue (N.B. This is often an essential requirement during management implementation as detailed within the template). Local knowledge and experience.