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Maintenance of Existing Facilities

where native title is not extinguished, prior to approval Council will notify and give an opportunity for comment from any representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander bodies, registered native title bodies corporate and registered native title claimants in relation to the land or waters covered by the reservation or lease as required under the Native Title Act 1993.

Where a proposed update of a Park Master Plan, Capital Works Program, Sportsground Action Plan, Sports Facilities Asset Management Plan or any other plan is the approving documentation for a public work on Crown land, that approval will not be given unless the requirements of the Native Title Act 1993 have been addressed including the notification and opportunity to comment noted above.

Any development must comply with the scheme contained in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Maintenance of Existing Facilities

Council will ensure the facilities on the Reserve are maintained to an appropriate standard. It intends to:

 Maintain the structures and open spaces on the Reserve in accordance with Council’s Asset Management Plan to measured targets within available resources.

 Continue to monitor the condition of structures on the Reserve and ensure effective maintenance procedures are in place through tenure conditions and Section 355 committee maintenance responsibilities.

 Prepare a safety audit of the site and repair or replace any areas that may impact on public safety.

 Continue to effectively administer Council’s seasonal policy of park occupation policy (MidCoast Council Terms & Conditions for use of Recreational Spaces Procedure 2016) with the prime users of the Reserve’s sportsground and general community use areas.

 Encourage community groups to assist with maintenance of whole of Reserve, particularly through appropriate signage. Note that appropriate signage is an important on-site management tool to avoid inappropriate usage, conflicts, and reduce safety concerns especially regarding movement of vehicles and animals in peak usage times.

 In conjunction with signage, use temporary barriers (ribbon fences, star pickets, single string markers etc) to direct and assist flow of traffic and appropriate occupation during peak use times.

 Ensure appropriate management of playing surfaces on all vegetated sportsgrounds (excludes rodeo arena, responsibility of primary user) including mowing at suitable time intervals.

 Ensure the efficient and conservative use of water, pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers across the Reserve, where required.

 Ensure regular collection of rubbish and elevate compliance activities against illegal dumping of rubbish.

 Council officers to continue monitoring for issues of compliance and general site amenity.

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