7 minute read
Table 6. MidCoast 2030 Goals and Actions relevant to the Rural Strategy
• There is no set method or current land use planning framework for considering and addressing rural challenges or realising opportunities.
This last item is reflected in the lack of specific rural land use planning strategy and policy at the national, State and regional levels. Making the establishment of a rural planning framework both a challenge and a priority for the MidCoast, which is both a rural and regional local government area.
New strategies and plans to guide rural land use planning in the MidCoast are as a result, heavily influenced by local strategic work, where Council and the community have a shared and vested interest to build upon a common vision for our region. The following documents have therefore been identified as critical to the formulation of the Rural Strategy and the key goals and actions for implementation as they relate to the Rural Strategy are identified.
• MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2030: Shared Vision, Shared Responsibility • MidCoast Tourism Destination Management Plan • MidCoast Council Local Strategic Planning Statement
8.1 MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2030
The MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2030: Shared Vision Shared Responsibility was the first Plan prepared for the new 10,000 square kilometre MidCoast local government area after it was created in May 2016. Within this document a shared vision for the MidCoast was put forward:
We strive to be recognised as a place of unique environmental and cultural significance. Our strong community connection, coupled with our innovative development and growing economy, builds the quality of life we value.
The community developed key values and actions to reflect this vision and identified who and how these would be realised. Each of the values in the Plan had actions relevant to rural land use planning:
Table 6. MidCoast 2030 Goals and Actions relevant to the Rural Strategy24
WE VALUE... our unique, diverse and culturally rich communities
Our diverse communities offer active and social opportunities, are safe and are places where we work together with a creative focus acknowledging our rich history and culture. Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Who can help?
We are a diverse community that works together to care for all our members Acknowledge, celebrate and empower our local Aboriginal communities. Support a diverse housing mix that provides choice and meets the needs of our community. MidCoast Council NSW and Federal Government Community groups
23 MidCoast-2030-Shared-Vision-Shared-Responsibility (14).pdf 24 MidCoast-2030-Shared-Vision-Shared-Responsibility (14).pdf
Empower our towns and villages to retain and celebrate their unique identity, while working towards a shared community vision.
We will embrace the uniqueness and creativity of our communities
Support communities to identify priorities for ensuring they are sustainable into the future. Support the preservation and uniqueness of our history and cultural heritage in our towns, villages and significant places. How will we know we are on track? 3 The community is satisfied with land use planning decisions Local Aboriginal groups and organisations
WE VALUE... a connected community
We are socially and physically connected with each other, by ensuring we have activities, facilities, roads, footpaths and technology that are upgraded and well maintained. Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Who can help? We feel connected to each other Encourage public spaces, facilities and events that strengthen social connections. MidCoast Council NSW and Federal
It is safe and easy to get around our region Plan for, provide and maintain a safe road network that meets current and future needs. Encourage the use of alternative transport options through the provision of a safe, accessible and connected walking and cycling network. Advocate for the provision of community and public transport to meet the needs of our growing and ageing communities.
We utilise technologies to connect us locally and beyond Use technology and innovation to improve the way we live, work, learn and connect. Advocate for improved telecommunications and utilities to provide consistency across the region.
We protect the health and safety of our communities
Continue to develop a sustainable network of water, sewer and storm water systems to meet community needs and health and safety standards. How will we know we are on track? 3 The condition of our sealed roads has improved Government Community groups Regional Development Australia Chambers of Commerce and business community Utility providers Transport providers Local Aboriginal groups and organisations
WE VALUE... our environment
Our natural environment is protected and enhanced, while we maintain our growing urban centres and manage our resources wisely Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Who can help?
We protect maintain and restore our Value, protect, monitor, and manage the health and diversity of our natural assets, wildlife and ecosystems. MidCoast Council
natural environment
We manage resources wisely Ensure climate change risks and impacts are understood and managed. Protect, maintain and restore water quality within our estuaries, wetlands and waterways. Improve the capacity of industry and the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for the natural environment. Ensure our natural assets are maintained to a standard appropriate to their use. Sustainably manage our waste through reduction, reuse, recycling and repurposing. Proactively manage our resource consumption. NSW and Federal Government Environmental groups Local Aboriginal groups and organisations Education and training providers Chambers of Commerce and business community
We balance the needs of our natural and built environments
Ensure growth and new development complements our existing natural assets, cultural assets and heritage sites. Optimise land use to meet our environmental, social, economic and development needs. How will we know we are on track? 1 There are improved or maintained scores in the annual waterways report card 4 The community is satisfied with land use planning decisions
WE VALUE... our thriving and growing economy
We are a place where people want to live, work and play, business is resilient and adaptable to change by utilising knowledge and expertise that supports innovation Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Who can help? Our region is a popular place to visit, live, work and invest Develop and promote our region as an attractive visitor destination offering products and experiences that meet the needs of our visitors and residents. Provide an environment to grow and strengthen local businesses and attract new business. Increase opportunities for quality education and training. Advocate and identify opportunities for increased workforce participation. MidCoast Council NSW and Federal Government Regional Development Australia Local Aboriginal groups and organisations Education and Our villages and training providers business precincts Chambers of are vibrant Commerce and commercial, business cultural and social community hubs Tourism providers and Destination NSW
Support and encourage the development and attraction of strategic events. Ensure strategies and processes recognise, maintain and support sustainable economic growth. Use existing knowledge, expertise and technology to develop businesses based on new ways of thinking.
We encourage greater rural and agricultural economic diversity Encourage the diversification and sustainability of agribusiness through the utilisation of sustainable farming practices, new technologies and innovation.
How will we know we are on track? 1 There is a reduction in the MidCoast unemployment rate
2 The net number of new businesses has increased 3 Annual visitor numbers have increased
WE VALUE... strong leadership & shared vision
We work in partnerships towards a shared vision, that provides value for money and is community focused. Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Who can help?
We work in partnership with our community and government to ensure council is a trusted and flexible organisation that delivers on their needs
We make opportunities available for the community to inform decisions that shape our future Partner with, and positively influence the State and Federal Governments in delivering local priorities and services. Develop and deliver services and programs that provide value for money. Implement community focused systems to support simple and convenient ways to access and do business with our council, both online and in person. Provide clear, accessible, timely and relevant information to support and inform the community. Improve community understanding of how decisions are made for the local area.
MidCoast Council NSW and Federal Government Community groups Not for profit organisations Regional Development Australia Local Aboriginal groups and organisations Other councils Education and We develop and training providers encourage community Chambers of and civic leadership Commerce and business community
Inform, educate and empower council, business and community leaders to respond and adapt to challenges and change. Identify and participate in initiatives for regional cooperation and collaboration. Provide opportunities for the development of our elected and community leaders. How will we know we are on track? 2 The community is satisfied that decisions are made in their best interest 3 The community is satisfied with the level of engagement by council
8.2 Local Strategic Planning Statement
Changes to the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 in 2018 required every Council to prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) which sets out the 20year vision for land-use in the local area, the special character and values that are to be preserved and how change will be managed into the future.
These statements are to be read in conjunction with relevant State and Regional planning policies and plans, which will continue to guide planning decisions and the preparation of development controls in local environmental plans.25
25 E56C7C8D06C04D658615983B78F4D42F.ashx (nsw.gov.au)