WHAT IS INTEGRATED WATER CYCLE MANAGEMENT? Integrated water cycle management considers the water cycle as a whole and how planning for each element of water services (drinking water, sewage, waterways, stormwater and groundwater) can merge to provide more sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes. Water is a precious resource. Every living thing on our planet needs water to survive. All the water that MidCoast Water delivers to people’s taps originates from a freshwater environment. There is a limited amount of water in a river or groundwater aquifer at any one time. This water is required for the healthy functioning of ecosystems whose plants and animals not only help to sustain human life but have their own indisputable right to existence. It is also shared with other people, such as the upstream farmers who use it for their house water, stock water, and irrigation. Once town water has been used, the effluent has the potential to pollute the environment, as well as posing a significant health hazard. Integrated Water Cycle Management refers to the way MidCoast Water delivers these town water and sewer services in a way that does not harm the environment, and is economically and socially responsible and sound. It means that our communities will be able to thrive now and into the future. Our Water Our Future is MidCoast Water’s Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy. It is an adaptable strategy for the next 30 years which aims to ensure that: Water is managed responsibly and sustainably There is sufficient quality drinking water now and into the future
IWCM Strategy 2015
“A sound 30-year IWCM Strategy 'right sizes' any necessary capital works projects and is essential for the provision of appropriate, affordable, cost-effective urban water services that meet community needs and protect public health and the environment. A water utility's sound 30-year IWCM Strategy developed using a transparent evidence based analysis in accordance with the IWCM Check List identifies the integrated water supply, sewerage and stormwater scenario that provides the best value for money on the triple bottom line (TBL) basis of social, environmental and economic considerations.” (NSW Dept. Primary Industries Water)