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Detailed action plans will be developed for each key focus area for the first three years of the strategy lifespan, from July 2019 to June 2022. The action plans will include more detailed timeframes, resource allocation, responsible staff and methods of evaluation. The Waste Program Coordinator will monitor progress against the plans on a monthly basis and provide a six monthly progress report to Council. Work on actions requiring immediate attention has commenced.

The strategy will need to be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to reflect new information and changes in the external environment, in particular changes to markets for recycling, and to update the baseline data. Modelling of different options for achieving the goal of an additional 11% diversion of waste from landfill will also assist in future updates of the strategy.

It is recognised that to achieve this level of waste diversion new services will need to be offered, particularly in the areas of food waste and soft plastics collection and processing. Reduction in recycling contamination and illegal dumping and a strengthened focus on waste avoidance will be required. A concerted ‘call to action’ is recommended so that households, businesses, schools, council staff and visitors to the area all play their part in ensuring the success of the strategy.

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