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results also indicate that a pricing ‘mid-point’ has been reached and that the community is sensitive to utility costs and that pricing variations can produce strong reactions.

Therefore, moving forward, the community has made it clear that they are happy with the current levels of service and the typical residential bill required in delivering this service.

The LOS provided by Water Services were negotiated most recently with our community during the development of the Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy (MidCoast Water 2016) where we worked together to find a balance between the community expectations of the services provided versus their willingness to pay. Table 3-1 represents the priorities in regards to water supply and sewerage servicing that were identified during the development of the current Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy, Our Water Our Future 2045 along with a performance indicator that will be used to monitor our performance.

Table 3-1: Integrated Water Cycle Management Priorities and applicable LOS Performance Indicators

IWCM Priorities Level of Service Performance Indicator Water Security & Climate Variability

Water Supply Reliability Pressure at critical locations Duration, frequency and severity of drought water restrictions Peak daily demand/capacity Length of supply interruption - planned and unplanned

Water Quality & Catchment Management

Water Quality Microbiological parameters Physical parameters Chemical parameters

Leakage, Infiltration & Condition of Major Assets

Sewerage Reliability Sewer mains breaks and chokes per 100 km of main Sewer overflows to the environment

Odours Number of odour complaints per 1,000 properties

Effluent Management Effluent Quality 90% licence limits for effluent discharge

Legislative Framework and Acts

Best-Practice Management Framework

Response to Customer Enquiry Customer Complaints Number of water service complaints per 1,000 properties Number of sewerage service complaints per 1,000 properties

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