The Season of Lent and Easter A Time of Repentance and Renewal Nancy Kane, Associate Professor Moody Bible Institute “It is not repentance that saves me; repentance is the sign that I realize what God has done in Christ Jesus.” Oswald Chambers “Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps.” Luke 9:23
When is Lent this year? Lent starts Ash Wednesday, February 25th Palm Sunday is April 5th Passover is April 9th Easter is April 12th
History of Lent It seems certain that a Lenten season preceding Easter goes back to the time of the Apostles. Lent began simply as a time of fasting from Friday at the ninth hour to Sunday morning, commemorating the time of Christ’s death by self-examination and repentance, demonstrated by self-denial in preparation for Easter. Though not universally applied in the early centuries, this forty-hour fast was widely recognized as identifying oneself with Christ. Some practiced this fast on a weekly basis, while others only fasted once a year. By the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.), which was the first general Council of the Church, Lent was to be observed for forty days in which fasting was emphasized. The Council’s original intent seemed to be for new Christians preparing for baptism, but it soon encompassed the whole church. The forty days not only commemorated Christ’s forty days in the wilderness/desert but was also a time to recall the forty-day fasts by Moses and Elijah.
Purpose and Explanation Observing Lent is a way to prepare for the Easter celebration. It is a time to consider the depth of our sin and misery to which the message of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross is the answer. It is a time to slow down, reflect on our need for Christ, and reaffirm our relationship with Him. We also look forward in anticipation to the celebration of His resurrection. Fasting is encouraged to focus one’s mind towards reflection and recognition of our need for Christ’s salvation. Sometimes we don't notice how certain things we do have gained power over us and dictate our actions. In Lent fasts, we discover these things and give them up so that God can be in charge. In fact, the less we have to preoccupy us, the more room there is for God and the life He has called you to live. While many fast from food during Lent, another way to fast is from those things that fill up our time Provided by Nancy Kane, Moody Bible Institute. Midday Connection /
unnecessarily – television, technology, shopping, etc. This 'giving up' is done: as a discipline for learning self-control, to free our minds from the pursuit of material things, to identify with Christ's sufferings, and remember what the true pleasures are for followers of Christ, and as an act of sorrow over our wrongdoings and our state of sin. Consequently, many see Lent as a time to simplify their lives, take out the busyness in their schedules, and focus on what is most important to them. In fact, all of this prepares you for Easter, in which we celebrate the magnitude of Christ’s overcoming the power of sin and death.
Devotional Exercises and Reflections Spiritual Disciplines •
Fasting, Prayer, Meditation on God’s Word, Study, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service, Confession, Worship, Guidance, Celebration
Specific Passages of Scripture •
The Ten Commandments – taking each commandment for each ten-day period and asking God for His insight as you reflect on the truth as it pertains to your own life.
The Beatitudes – Matthew 5:1-12 – Read the beatitudes each day and then take one beatitude for a period of time and reflect deeply on its application to your own life.
Following Jesus’ Life – Review Scripture from one of the gospels focusing on: 1) Jesus Baptism and Temptation, 2) His Ministry, 3) His Teachings, 4) His Journey to Jerusalem and the Cross and 5) His resurrection and appearances
Reflections on Jesus’ Journey to the Cross – See other handout
Other Spiritual Practices •
Stop and pray for 15 minutes in the morning, at noontime and at night. At each time of prayer, praise God for a specific attribute of His as well as noticing indications of His grace.
Pray for those that you dislike for God’s blessing and His best intentions to be realized in their lives.
Do anonymous acts of kindness for people.
Ask God to guide you to those that struggling in some way – economically, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually and seek to encourage and bless them in a particular way.
Think upon something that you do every day, and talk to God while doing it, in a way that you are bringing Him into your activity. Provided by Nancy Kane, Moody Bible Institute. Midday Connection /
Attend special worship services.
Lenten Devotionals •
Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
A Hunger for God – Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer, John Piper, Crossway Books, 1997
The Passion of Jesus Christ – Why He Came to Die, John Piper
The Incomparable Christ – The Person and Work of Jesus Christ, by J. Oswald Sanders, Moody Press, 1982
A Violent Grace by Michael Card, Multnomah Books, copyright 2000
Bread and Wine – Readings for Lent and Easter, Orbis Books
Small Surrenders – A Lenten Journey by Emilie Griffin, Paraclete Press, 2007
Provided by Nancy Kane, Moody Bible Institute. Midday Connection /