Middlesex Curriculum Guide 2023-2024

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languages of France and the Francophone world. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement Examination in French Language and Culture.

FRENCH 70 - Advanced French – Francophone Literature and Film Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: French 60 or Permission of the Department. This course is a literature course designed to introduce students to the history of French literature and the literature of the Francophone world. We will read and analyze novels, plays, and poems of nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first-century authors from around the Francophone world. We will see and compare the cinematographic adaptation of a couple of our literary selections. The choice of our literature pieces will be based on the interests, experiences, and backgrounds of the students enrolled in this course. We will also address major and pertinent current events shaping the francophone world. The course aims to develop verbal and written communication abilities as well as analytical and critical skills. Students are expected to engage, contribute, and interact actively. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE OFFERED IN 2023-2024.

SPANISH [Head of the Department: Carolina Aldana] The Spanish Department incorporates the study of Spanish-speaking countries’ culture and literature to enhance communication and interaction in Spanish. All levels are conducted in Spanish in order to create a learning environment where students develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. The course contents are structured to promote exploration of Spanish in context and develop students’ understanding of the language. Students are required to demonstrate knowledge of Spanish language and be able to use it in real-life settings. Students who are native Spanish speakers are only permitted to take Spanish 70.

SPANISH 11 - Spanish Fall. For students with no previous or limited experience with Spanish. This is the foundation course in Spanish, stressing both the oral and grammatical functions of the language. The language in the classroom is Spanish; English is used only to help in the explanation of grammar. Emphasis is placed upon comprehension, pronunciation, and self-expression. Materials include textbook, workbook, and audio programs linked to the text.

SPANISH 12 - Spanish Grammar Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: Spanish 11 or Permission of the Department. This course is the continuation of the foundation course. Its goals are to introduce new tenses and grammar points, amplify vocabulary and increase written expression. Materials include textbook, workbook, and audio programs linked to the text.

SPANISH 21 - Intermediate Spanish - Part I Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: Spanish 12 or Permission of the Department. Grammar skills are reinforced with writing assignments and in-class conversation. Other tenses are introduced, including compound tenses. Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions are expanded. Materials include textbook, workbook, audio programs linked to the text, and outside readings.

SPANISH 22 - Intermediate Spanish - Part II Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: Spanish 21 or Permission of the Department. This course is a continuation of Spanish 21, emphasizing self-expression, conversational skills, and grammar. Materials include textbook, workbook, audio programs linked to the text, and outside readings.

SPANISH 31 - Advanced Spanish - Part I Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: Spanish 22 or Permission of the Department. The course offers an introduction of advanced grammar topics with further acquisition of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Additional tenses and compound structures are presented and incorporated through reading and writing. Active vocabulary and proficiency in speaking and listening are developed through conversations and oral presentations. Spanish and Latin American texts are introduced to support curricular objectives and provide the subject matter for in-class discussions and short compositions. Materials include textbook, workbooks, audio programs linked to the text, and outside readings.

SPANISH 32 - Advanced Spanish - Part II Fall, Spring. Prerequisite: Spanish 31 or Permission of the Department. The continuation of Spanish 31, this course further studies the essentials of advanced Spanish grammar and offers an exploration of more complex contextual themes. Students develop higher proficiency in all areas of language in preparation for special topic and/or Advanced Placement courses. This course requires regular compositions, oral presentations, and class discussion. Materials include textbook, workbooks, and outside readings and audios.


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