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Student Spotlight: Manny Bryson
Class & Major: Senior, Human Performance/Exercise Science Hometown: Augusta, Georgia Campus Activities: Basketball player, Vice president of Black Student Union
Why did you choose to attend Midland? I chose Midland because of the small campus and family oriented vibe the campus gave off. Seeing how close the students and teachers are was a great first impression on my visit and it was the right choice for me.
What are your plans after graduation? I plan to play a fifth year of basketball and will be pursuing my master’s degree in Leadership and Talent Development.
How has Midland changed you? Midland has taught me to get out of my comfort zone and explore new opportunities.
What memories of Midland will you always carry with you? My favorite memory I will carry with me is the bond on the basketball team. I have grown extremely close to the guys and the amount of memories we have are priceless!
Student Spotlight