1 minute read

Murderous Miss Molly- Eddie Schweikert

Murderous Miss Molly

Eddie Schweikert

“What should we do with the body?” She whispered in the lobby This was the folly Of murderous Miss Molly

Before, she had a wonderful life Never filled with any strife But then her life, it went awry When she married Danny P. Skye

At first he seemed so very happy He was caring and strong and liked to be sappy His eyes would shine like the moon on the sea And whenever he laughed, it filled her with glee

But then she discovered the horrible truth One Danny’d been hiding since his early youth Quite simply put, he’d murdered his parents Although it was labeled as a disappearance

It was not long before Miss Molly learned why Danny had murdered Mr. and Mrs. Skye Because Danny sleepwalked, he’d get out of bed And shout all the horrible things that went through his head

One night in December, he revealed The story he had so tightly concealed He murdered his parents one day when he was six Because they decided to enter politics! (Oh, how Danny hated politics!) But Miss Molly had some future plans of her own

To rise through the House and someday sit on the Speaker’s throne So she enlisted the help of her powerful friends To bring Danny P. Skye’s life to a very quick end

I shall not detail the gruesome death Or the horrible way he took his last breath But I will tell you this: they only got caught Because the camera in the lobby was within earshot

“What should we do with the body?” She whispered in the lobby That was the folly Of murderous Miss Molly

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