MIDLAND UNIVERSITY'S PARENT AND SUPPORTER NEWSLETTER EARLY SPRING 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Director Housing Renewal Info Conversations With Your Student Upcoming Campus Breaks Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Dear Families and Supporters,
We are off to an exciting spring semester, and Commencement will be here before we know it. The campus is alive and active, despite the snow and cold temperatures that we have had.
The Office of Student Affairs is currently holding interviews for our next group of Resident Advisors. This is an exciting time in our office, and we are anxious to see the team we put together for the 2023-2024 year. At Midland our RAs are an integral piece of student success. In the fall semester this group put together 95 programming options for our students and had 2,160 touchpoints with our residents.
Important discussion topics to have with your student:
Spring break-residence halls close Saturday, March 4th at noon and reopen on Sunday, March 12th at noon.
Housing renewal-this is the time for current students to be involved in the selection of their housing placement for next year. March 1st students will be able to take the Parade of Halls tour and look at rooms in other residence halls. Please make sure you are aware of our 4 semester on-campus residency requirement as you are having conversations with your student about their housing intentions for Fall 2023.
Spring 2023 hall closing- The residence halls close at noon on Saturday, May 6th. All students must be checked out by noon on Saturday unless they are graduating on May 6th or working for Midland University over the summer.
You are our partners in helping ensure your student’s success at Midland. Please never leave a question unanswered. We are just an email away at studentaffairs@midlandu.edu.
Encourage your student to finish spring semester strong. Send them a note, care package or Venmo a little money for a coffee to let them know you are thinking about them and supporting them on their college journey.
Kris Dvorak-Director of Student & Resident Services
direct them to the food pantry
TheWarriorOpenCupboardislocatedon the3rdflooroftheOlsonStudentCenter.
Is your student low on funds at the moment? j o b
Wekeepanassortmentofshelf-stable foods,toiletryitems,andseasonalclothing available.Thanksinlargeparttolocal donorsandsupportingareachurches.
direct them to handshake
Handshakeworkswithtop employers,includingFortune 500companies,torecruit studentsandgivethem accesstojobsandinternships notavailableanywhereelse Alsofeaturedare employmentopportunities availableatMidland!
special delivery care package
Wheretolivenextyearand howtoapplyforhousing:
Sinceitishalfwaythrough thesemester,nowisthe perfecttimetogetaletter orpackageinthemailfor yourstudent!
Clothesforspring/summer Packingsuppliesmoveouts(packingtape,bubble wrap,etc)
Sunglasses,sandals, sunscreen
Lightweightoutdoor games
Information to come via email to your student
housing renewal for on & Off Campus Students
Allonandoffcampusstudentsmustcomplete thedesignatedhousingapplication
Housingapplicationinformationwillbesentvia emailtoallstudents.
Studentswhodonotcompletetheapplications willbechargedforhousingandamealplanfor the2023-2024AcademicYear.
Thosewhocompletethehousingapplicationwill needtoattendthehousingrenewaleventonMarch 29thtopickandlockintheirspot
Residentsareabletoviewthehallsduring ParadeofHallsMarch1st
Tohonoranyroommaterequests,allformsbyall roommatesmustbeturnedinandmutual!
o p p s
Giftcardsforoutdoor picnics address to: First&LastName 907N.LoganSt. Fremont,NE68025
March 6-12th NO CLASSES
Halls close March 4th @ Noon
Halls reopen March 12th @ Noon
April 7 & 10 NO CLASSES
Halls will remain open
Halls close Saturday
May 7 @ Noon
Spring Spring Break Break
Easter Easter Break Break
Summer Summer Break Break
If you have any questions about the topics discussed in this newsletter, or would like to remove your name from our email list, please email us at studentaffairs@midlandu.edu.