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Herein lies Birnbaum’s Third Mechanic of Potentialism. Complexification, C+ for short, is the mechanism that Q4P uses to fulfill its inherent need to express itself and strive towards E+. Birnbaum particularly uses the word Complexification to distinguish it from simple complexity. Complexity is a mechanistic word that can only describe physical complexity. C+ takes into account more advanced, metaphysical complexity as well as physical complexity.

If this seems confusing, let’s consider something such as music. Simple music is a collection of notes played out one after the other. In terms of physical complexity, if I tap out keys one at a time on a piano, I have technically created music. So, how does one account for real music? Beyond even being written and performed in a certain key, how does one express anything like emotions that it stirs? Using purely physical terms, it quickly becomes apparent that complexity is a far from sufficient word.

Now, this is a cosmology book. So, we won’t delve too deep down the rabbit hole on Potentialism’s philosophical ramifications regarding human creativity. Just remember for now why we use C+ and what it represents.


That being said, C+ is a readily visible product of Q4P. It is present wherever complexity grows in the universe.

• It was present when the first particles formed the first atoms.

• It was present when those, in turn, formed the first molecules.

• It was present when those molecules formed the first stars and planets.


• It was present when a lonely planet gave birth to life, then humanity.

However, Complexification is a constant, not just visible at points of profound change in the universe. To circle round once again to our ball analogy, C+ can be thought of as the road upon which our ball is rolling. The road is created, like water makes a river channel, from the interplay between Q4P and E+, digging channels through our universe upon which Q4P will follow.


The big difference with C+, though, is that the road it creates is anything but simple. In fact, it is quite the opposite and is so by design. C+ creates complexity, and the creation of complexity is the natural way of the universe.

In totality, this gives us Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+.


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