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The Atomic Epoch and the Rise of Matter

The next epoch we see occurred when particles started to combine into atoms. Hydrogen, followed by helium, began to form. This was a complete game-changer in a universe that was made entirely of energy and particles. Matter as we know it began to form. While the first ones to form were gases, they took up space and were actually matter with mass and gravity.

This second Complexification event meant the universe could start building out materials for its future. Now, this did not occur quickly. It’s important to remember that Q4P has no time schedule. The only rule is that complexity must always grow. So, for a long time, we had only the very lightest of elements. Before this event, atomic science meant nothing. You yourself, the air you breath and everything you touch is made entirely of atoms. It is hard to imagine a universe where not a single one existed. So, it is rather easy to prove this epoch as a Complexification event.

Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. Particles became arranged in the traditional parts of the atom we are familiar with – protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a

profound way? Yes. Atoms create the means by which all 91

matter in the universe could exist. Without this epoch, the universe would have just been an eternal sea of unshaped energy and particles.

We should also remember how singularly amazing atoms are. Take a moment and think about the fact that every atom that exists is made of the same exact thing. They are all just protons, neutrons, and electrons. Then look at the power Q4P has infused in these three simple particles.

By simply rearranging their numbers, you can make the oxygen that we breath, a piece of gold, or a lump of carbon. But on the atomic scale, they are all made of the exact same materials. Atoms are one of the most versatile and near-magical creations of Q4P that has ever been created. Potential wasn’t nearly done with this miraculous invention because Q4P always designs with future Complexification in mind.


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