3 minute read

Chronology - 4.00

The interplay of Q4P∞ and Primordial QM → yields the Wheeler It-from-Bit face of QM....... Then the build-out of the Wheeler face, the Lloyd computing face of QM, evolves

THUS, further filling-out pre-Big Bang QM

Birnbaum takes a moment here at 4.00 to introduce the emergence of cosmic quantum computing. He states that the interactions between Q4P and Primordial Quantum Mechanics meant that the emergence of Quantum Mechanics in physical reality ensured that it not only came into being, but it came into being with a with a purpose.

Following Birnbaum’s original works, Summa I (1988), two physicists would take up his cause and flesh out the nature of the quantum mechanics involved in this groundbreaking metaphysical concept. Wheeler followed Summa I (1988) in 1989 and Lloyd followed Birnbaum’s Summa II (2005) in 2006.

While Birnbaum was happy to leave the particular mechanical details to the mathematicians, they missed the broader metaphysical implications of Potentialism. Yet, they still


provided some helpful insights into the limited parts of Potentialism that as within their wheelhouse to work upon and support Birnbaum’s larger work. It would also help bring some of the concepts of Birnbaum’s Potentialism squarely into the realm of physics, where it could no longer be ignored by oldguard academia.

Wheeler, a famed physicist who worked directly with Einstein, explained the It From Bit theory as, "It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — at a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe."

Just as Birnbaum predicted in his metaphysics, Wheeler confirmed in physics terms. Wheeler recognized that there was an underlying source of behavior for everything in the universe, something non-physical that was information driven. Of course, as wheeler was a physicist, he could not identify this source. But this is exactly what Birnbaum’s metaphysics carried the torch for, able to tie this mystery source simply and elegantly to Q4P.


Birnbaum also notes the work of Seth Lloyd, another highly respected physicists specializing in Quantum Mechanics. He would further analyze Birnbaum’s Q4P driven universe and arrive at the conclusion that the universe itself was one giant quantum computer.

Lloyd once remarked, “Every physical system registers information, and just by evolving in time, by doing its thing, it changes that information, transforms that information, or, if you like, processes that information. Since I've been building quantum computers I've come around to thinking about the world in terms of how it processes information.”

In other words, Lloyd takes Birnbaum’s theory and applies it in actual, real-world quantum physics experiments. What has he found? That, indeed, Birnbaum is right on target with his understanding of the universe as a biological quantum supercomputer.

The only thing missing from Lloyd’s interpretation is what is actually being computed. In the lifeless model Lloyd lays out, he cannot seem to understand what it is doing or why. But, as we’ve seen time and time again, this is the inherent limitation of physics – it cannot identify non-material motivators… the prime mover that sets everything in motion.


This issue is simply fixed using Potentialism Theory. In fact, Birnbaum even quietly note this evolution from basic Quantum Computing, to the Wheeler model, to the Lloyd to model, to Q4P itself.

As Birnbaum rightly points out, this is just one more example of Q4P working to fill out pre-Big Bang Quantum mechanics in what we would call making it fit for purpose.


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