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Chronology - 5.00

Q4P / pre-Big Bang Q4P∞ plots its escape from the metaphysical void → metaphysical cum reality (our evolving universe)

our 'Smart Universe' driven by our hypothesized natural force (Q4P)

Here Birnbaum summarizes the nature of the pre-Big Bang buildup. As we can see, Q4P is already well in control, both building energy towards its escape from the purely metaphysical void of the Cosmic Womb, into what will soon be called our physical universe – where it can begin its unending task of following and playing out the SuperFormula.

Beyond that, we can clearly see the eventual workings of Quantum Mechanics has already been laid out, prepped for the universe it will soon fill. Not only that, but it carries an agenda, given to it by Q4P. It will be tasked as both a physical extension of Q4P in action, as well as fulfilling the role of a cosmic supercomputer.

This is the last step towards the necessary 0-Point. Everything is laid out as Birnbaum Potentialism predicts. The stage is set to 178

lay down a set of physics to govern what is about to be created and the SuperFormula will have a medium in which it can be realized.

Birnbaum also makes mention here (whether the first to do so or not) of our “Smart Universe”. What exactly does he mean here? This can be confusing at first to those new to Potentialism. This does not mean smart like you or me. Birnbaum instead makes reference to the fact that the universe is being custom crafted to solve a problem.

It’s not just a random explosion of reality. Rather, it is an expression of a need that must be fulfilled. Q4P has been continuously building, but to what end? Birnbaum would remind us that there is an innate course Q4P follows. It is heading towards Birnbaum’s Extraordinariation (E+).

In this sense, the universe is being smartly architected, its blueprints purpose-driven so that Q4P can seek out its end goal. If the universe couldn’t support the smooth running of the SuperFormula, it would have no purpose for existing and would not have the necessary energy to have come into being.

It is hard to imagine how much energy was required to bring forth the Big Bang and the beginning of physical reality from the Cosmic Womb. What we do know is the ruling force of the Cosmic Womb is Q4P. There was nothing else that could have 179

made the universe. So, for it to have happened, it needed to specifically “solve” a problem for Q4P, giving it a place to calculate and express its further complexity.

As we will discuss in later chapters, this metaphysical fact undermines several older models of the physical universe. For now, it is sufficient to understand that the universe itself was custom-made to solve a problem. Everything in it is necessary, intentional, and even we have a necessary place within it. Even when we may doubt it, all is working completely as intended.


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