3 minute read

Chronology - 6.50

It was necessary (for Q4P∞) to instigate/trigger/create our universe inasmuch as Q4P∞ needed an extraordinary PLATFORM - with a very substantial material/physical dimension to more fully play-out Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

Meaning, metaphysical realms alone were not a dynamic-enough PLATFORM to optimize the advancements sought including the rate, diversity, complexity, richness, and quality of advance sought

At the true crux of why did Q4P create the universe, Birnbaum gives us a clear answer. The SuperFormula: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+ needed a place within which it could play-out. It needed some medium where change could occur. For, without change there is no Complexification. And without Birnbaum's C+ Complexification, there is no vehicle to move towards Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+). But this all required a physical dimension, filled with both matter and energy.


In short, Birnbaum tells us that with all its inherent advantages, the metaphysical realm lacks sufficient dynamism-potential to advance to the next level of Complexification. That is Q4P is not free enough to be the agent of change it is designed to be. So Q4P needed a customized universe where it would optimize its abilities.

The Big Bang morphed a 100% metaphysical universe into a hybrid universe [physical PLUS metaphysical]. This materialization, creation of our physical universe fashioned this dynamic platform that Q4P needed to continue its quest. Specifically, it created a hybrid universe. It is easy to look at the Big Bang itself and only consider the creation of the physical universe, but this is actually very inaccurate.

What was created instead was a hybrid universe - one that was both physical and metaphysical. The metaphysical realm and the Cosmic Womb did not disappear or recede in importance. Rather, our resulting universe was a combination of both what was with a new physical aspect.

Bridging these two realms is Q4P – the glue holding the metaphysical and physical together – ensuring both work in unison towards the ultimate cause of Extraordinariation. Q4P may not even be done morphing the universe itself to suit its needs.


We will explore this in later chapters regarding the future though. For now, the important take away is to remember and understand that the creation of the physical universe only made a larger universe, and nothing was lost in the process. As noted before, Q4P abhors waste and doesn’t tend to act randomly, not on a large scale. While the day-to-day is dynamic and unpredictable, the universe flows like a river with a destination in mind.

Birnbaum goes on to list some of those necessary aspects of the new universe that would have to be present for Q4P to work most efficiently. Aside from physics needing to behave just as it does, there were also particular needs for Q4P regarding less tangible features such as its richness and quality. But, as we discussed earlier, qualitative features, while insubstantial, are just as real and can be just as important. And they certainly do when dealing with a metaphysical tool such as Q4P.

Likewise, as we will see in later discussions on humanity, the universe would have to be complex enough to handle not only the qualitative but things which exist solely in the mind. As we discussed previously, this would first be animal intelligence and then human intellect. But even intellect would not be enough for the complexity our universe was headed towards.


The universe would need and seek ever greater goals of complexity including such concepts as love, altruism, mercy, spirituality, intergenerational bonding, and ever-higher levels of consciousness. In short, Q4P needed a universe where humanity could exist.

As Birnbaum has explicitly stated, “Q4P needed a richer platform - a PHYSICAL platform to advance more richly along “Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.” As we shall see, the full breadth of complexity the physical world has to offer is a work still in the making.


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