5 minute read

Chronology - 8.50

[ Evolution in a snapshot ]

Lloyd elucidates the Quantum - # information (bit) buildout

# computing # programming

aspect/dimension of Quantum Mechanics

Let us now throw in a fourth component -

concept/term) into the mix* (Quantum) # engineering (my

One can assign the term Quantum Engineering to the entire 4-component basket (noted just-above).

Quantum Potential Engineering per Potentialism Theory

# information (bit) build-out per Lloyd # computing per Lloyd # programming per Lloyd # engineering per Birnbaum The full Quantum Engineering basket is fused into Q4P∞, at latest by the Big Bang ignition point

Now we have 'replaced' Darwinism

Post- Big Bang (14.8 billion years ago)


Q4P∞ then drives the evolution of the universe, and then - post the formation of our planet 4.5 billion years ago the evolution of Evolution.

(see Evolution1000.com for fuller presentation)

* I presume that Lloyd did not want to tangle with the neo-Darwinists

As we have noted, while Lloyd was able to lay of physics groundwork down, following Birnbaum’s metaphysical treatise of Q4P, Lloyd’s work lacked the full dynamic and understanding of what he was actually describing as it lacked the necessary metaphysical component of Q4P.

In chronological order, Birnbaum set the stage for thoughtful analysis of the universe as a computing and optimizing universe in his first publication, Summa I in 1988. He further laid out the proper design for this optimizing/computing universe in Summa II in 2005. Finally, in 2006 Lloyd would follow Birnbaum’s work with his own, Programming the Universe, in which he would


explore some of Birnbaum’s ideas in Quantum Mechanical terms to work out some of the mathematical minutia of Birnbaum’s foundational work.

Metaphysics must always properly incorporate physics, even with its shortcomings, to produce proper theory. Unfortunately, physicists rarely see the need to properly engage in good metaphysics, leaving them to oftentimes miss the forest for the trees. As Birnbaum has often stated himself, “metaphysics has become somewhat of a lost art since Spinoza”, a 17th Century Dutch philosopher who was instrumental to the likes of such important thinkers Albert Einstein.

However, I will cover Llyod’s work here, so we can see the parts physics managed to get it right as it tried to follow Birnbaum’s initial work. Lloyd maps out three aspects of our Quantum Computing universe:

1. Information Building.

Information building is a recognition that the world, as a quantum computer, is storing information. This is a groundbreaking change in the world of cosmology, as Birnbaum well explained, because it meant changes we see as the universe ages actually continuously creates information –making the universe more complex day by day as it matures.


2. Quantum Computing.

You’ve probably heard this term referring to manmade computers. In this context though, it is recognition that the universe, as a whole, is actually computing – carrying out computations – and the answers to those computations are linked to the Information Building.

3. Quantum Programming.

Finally, Lloyd confirms Birnbaum’s assertion that the universe is following some great Quantum Program. This makes sense, after all, as a computer can’t compute if it has no program to execute.

However, due to a lack of understanding regarding the SuperFormula, Lloyd misses out on the last component entirely:

4. Quantum Engineering.

There is one final piece to the puzzle of the universal Quantum Computer: Who or what programmed it?

Unfortunately, Lloyd fell short of reaching this final goal post. It was simply too necessary to be grounded in good metaphysics to understand the full implications of the first three parts he did manage to interpret.


The answer is Q4P. Specifically, Birnbaum calls this Quantum Potential Engineering. As he specifically states here, “per Potentialism Theory…The full Quantum Engineering basket is fused into Q4P∞”.

While this may seem obvious at this point, it has far-reaching implications we have to consider. Note that Birnbaum specifically calls the universal Quantum Computer a Biological Cosmic Supercomputer. The key term here is biological.

While physicists look at inorganic bodies such as stars and nebulas, Birnbaum notes the presence of life and considers it not only as important to the Quantum Computing concept but arguably its Most important part.

Particularly, Birnbaum is always uncomfortable with labelling the universe a computer. While Birnbaum liked Lloyd’s continuance of his work, it fell short in understanding the central role of life. To Birnbaum, the supercomputer function of the universe was just one aspect of something larger going on –a function of the larger “living universe” we inhabit. Lloyd also fails to give proper credence to the fact that we are a living/organic computer of sorts - Birnbaum's QuantumPotential-Organism. While this distinction may go over the heads of quantum physicists, this is a crucial distinction to metaphysicists.


We are, as living entities, a crucial part of the universe itself, not just observers watching it go by. Moreover, as intelligent creatures with our own individual thoughts, desires, and goals, this lends evidence that we somehow matter as individuals –not as just as components of some larger machine.

Birnbaum explains that life itself is engineered, through Quantum Engineering, to be a necessary part of both the universe and the cosmic Supercomputer and is necessary for it to carry out its ongoing program and computations.

Not only does this change things around, putting humanity itself front and center in the unfolding complexity of the universe, it also challenges preconceptions about how we came to be. Specifically, how we evolved.

In the coming chapters, we will explore this more fully as we take a more in-depth look at life and humanity. But it is worth noting right here that this causes a fundamental problem with Darwinism.

Most people have been traditionally taught that we evolve through some mechanistic “survival of the fittest” - and our random mutation – scenario and that our evolution is largely based on trial-and-error chance.


However, Potentialism teaches us two things: Q4P isn’t in the habit of making big mistakes and it isn’t in the habit of wasting energy. Moreover, if we are being engineered to take part in some cosmic program, we’d need to be properly built for purpose.

This truth fundamentally turns Darwinism on its head. It shows that the universe is intentional and is following a master plan. This leaves little room for Darwin’s haphazard [and logically improbable] evolutionary scheme. Meaning there IS indeed evolution – but via Q4P.

Instead, Birnbaum states here that “Q4P∞ then drives the evolution of the universe, and then - post the formation of our planet 4.5 billion years ago -the evolution of Evolution.”


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