3 minute read

Chronology - 9.00

Q4P∞ choreographs the grand cosmic drama/trajectory which includes, among other components, exploding stars across the heavens → elements → life forms on earth → 21st Century humans and their everadvancing consciousness

Here, we take a moment to review the choreography of the cosmos through Q4P∞, its trajectory and accomplishments to date. Birnbaum reviews, as we explored earlier, the epochs Q4P has presided over.

From the formation of stars to the creation of the elements, and from the first humble beginnings of life to the dominance of 21st Century humankind. Even as humankind represents the pinnacle of current complexity, with its ever-increasing consciousness, it certainly is not necessarily the last iteration of Complexification. More is certainly still to come in the great Cosmic Drama.

The true beauty of the increasing complexity of the universe isn’t so much that it has continued to grow but how it has grown. The true strength of Q4P is that it continually adapts.


Every time it has seemed the world could gain no more in complexity, Q4P has turned the world on its head. From the first ignition of the first star, bathing the universe in light to the first plants to push up from the soil, Q4P has shown a remarkable resilience and an endless reserve of creativity, plotting its course towards Extraordinariation.

Even as life changed the entire nature of the universe, it is easy to get lost in the present and not realize how singularly different humanity is compared to all that came before it.

Was humanity’s birth inescapable? On that we are uncertain. Potentialism shows that the universe and everything within it does not follow a completely defined path, just a general roadmap. Q4P simply seeks optimally rich pathways on which to continue its course. According to Birnbaum, “everything is flexible beyond the immediate.” The particulars of the future are not pre-destined. Q4P is just constantly recalibrating to seek out the next level of Complexification on its path towards Extraordinariation.

So, while humanity’s existence might not have been guaranteed, something like us was. We are here at the tip of “cosmic pen” so to speak for what makes us unique and our contributions to the universe unique. We are sentient entities with consciousness, emotions, values, drives, and ambitions.


That is just what Q4P required for its next step in Complexification. Moreover, humanity has a sense of the spiritual – of the soul, conscience, art, and empathy. We bring all these and more to the table to press the universe onwards in greater complexity.

In Birnbaum’s own words, “Q4P needs the consciousness/emotional spectrum of humanity - and our related human dimensions - to advance optimally thru C+ onwards towards E+. Thus, we are fully-integral to Q4P and its ongoing advance-forward.”

The real question all this leaves us with is if humanity will be at the center of this next Complexification event. Will humanity further advance and usher in yet another epoch? Or will something take our place as the highest form of complexity?

There is no reason we cannot. Yet, the future is hard to predict, and as we discussed, Q4P intentionally leaves this so. And there is no reason to exclude the possibility that Q4P will morph the entire universe itself again (and again and again) if it deems it necessary or most efficient to optimize its pursuit for Extraordinariation.

The importance here is to note, we haven’t just reviewed a history – a chronology – that is in the past. Rather we are reviewing a chronology we are at the center of. There is a lot 203

behind us in the rearview. But nothing we have learned leads us to believe the universe is nearly done changing or growing. What we consider normal and all that exists will one day seem primitive and simple by comparison. We are living cosmic history at this very moment.

We’ll explore these future possibilities in the coming chapters. The short, truthful answer though, is that we simply do not know what that future holds. As we have seen, Complexification is impossible to predict before it arrives. The only thing we do know is that is impossible to say for sure, but it will be grand and incomprehensible in complexity and beauty.


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