1 minute read

Chronology - 14.00

"Dark energy [Q4P∞] is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations since the 1990s indicating that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate." [Wiki Dark Energy / Oct 22, 2017]

Meaning, # no Dark Energy [Q4P∞], then the Big Crunch [imploding universe] # sufficient Dark Energy [Q4P∞], then Expanding universe

Meaning, as well, that Potential [Q4P∞] is the prime determinant of the ultimate denouement of the universe; not gravity; not entropy; and most certainly not randomness

Birnbaum’s simple answer, Dark Energy = Q4P∞, was laid out clearly in Summa I (1988). But it would take decades even after Dark Energy was accepted, for scientists to finally begin to look for answers in the realm of metaphysics.

The cruelest irony is that Birnbaum had already published the answer. It was there for anyone who had eyes to read. The scientific community was simply not ready to accept the truth yet. Instead of listening, they would spend decades trying to debunk Potentialism. Ironically, this would happen even, as we have noted, physics works on the Computational Universe 214

would come out from Wheeler and Lloyd, respectively, right after Birnbaum laid groundwork in Summa I and Summa II.

However, it is perhaps the dark side of human nature that physicists would try [to co-opt] and take this new information and somehow make it fit in a purely physics mold. It has been said that if you only have a hammer, you tend to look at every problem as a nail.

Physicists have desperately been trying to adapt Birnbaum’s insight and turn it into such a nail. This was never to be the case though. The last gasp was to try and make a scientific moniker to mask the undefinable nature of Q4P behind a scientific term – Dark Energy.


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