Proposal for Studio Project

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je s s i c a l a i

4 7 9 0 | KA d ept. 3 m aster ’s | sept. 29, 201 0


[ d o m ain+por tal]


[temporary domain+portal]

“The absence of use = the sense of freedom.”- As Found


LOCAT IO N : Ydr e N ø r r eb r o 1 . Neig h bor ho o d . . . 2 2. Ar ea . . . 7 3. Si te. . . 17 APP R OAC H : Acc es s p o i n t + Po r t al mach i n e ...25 P R E C E DE N T S . . . 2 9 P R OJE C T T IM E LI N E . . . 31


1: 20 0 00

Bispebjerg Station

NØRREBRO Nørrebro Station


Assistens Kirkegård

LO CAT IO N: Ydr e N ør r ebr o




Ydr e N ør r e br o The site is situated within the larger area of Ydre Nørrebro, where the culture is diverse and the communities bursting with activities. The Unspoken social tensions and invisible thresholds embodies the area and separates the suburbia housings from the chaotic streets.

Fo und O b j ects Collage Below is a collage made of found objects in the area. It illustrates the insecure tension of the neighborhood with the alcohol and liquor bottles, and the informal atmosphere with the sunglass and the red-lip-bucked-teeth toy. This is then contrasted with the opaque texture and pigeon feather, representing the serene suburbs.


1: 1 0 0 0 0

Fred er



Nørreb ro Bycen ter

Bispebjerg Station


Ro s

i ng

sg ad e


Ta g

en sv e


j Nørrebro Station


St or i es of N ør reb r o A diverse population of the area is established from the observations and experiences gathered. Then a series of cognitive mapping is derived from the stories, in attempt to establish the daily lives of the population situated within the spaces of the city. This is a strategy to better understand the inhabitants and their connection to Nørrebro at a more personal level.

C og n i t iv e M a p p ing: M o de l 1 Here two stories are illustrated. The purple fold ups represents a sequential routine of an recent Afghanistan immigrant to the area. The blue fold ups represents an older immigrant from the same origin. The model explores how the two interact, as each are situating themselves between keeping their original culture and accepting a new life in a foreign land.


Co g ni t i ve M apping: Mo d el 2 Here the red fold ups represent the views of an old lady within the hotdog stand near Nørrebro Station. It illustrates her voyeuristic view of the actions surrounding her, while security nestled within her shop. The green fold ups portray a contrasting story of a baby in her carriage. She is actually experiencing the actions of the streets, as she travels up and down from the station with her mother, teasing out every smell, sound, and sight.



sg ad e

i ng Ro s

Bispebjerg Station

Nørreb ro Bycen ter

Cur r ent Situation Current circulation Ta around the area ge ns ve program Public j


Higher-end housing

j Nørrebro Station

Shopping stores blocking paths into the area

Si ze c o mp a r is o n o f t h e a rea

W i th i n t h e p ub lic h o usi ng a rea :

80 % are on welfare 9 9% are foreigners, compares to 8 5 % in 1987 230 surveillance cameras are within the housing area, which is about 1 0 persons per camera. Currently, the public program housing is victim to many juvenile crimes, thus affecting the security of the overall area. This discourages pedestrians or other communities to approach and utilize the green area. The train tracks and shopping stores further excludes the area by being the barrier from the streets. 13

sg ad e

i ng Ro s

Bispebjerg Station

Nørreb ro Bycen ter

P r oposed P lan

sund svej Nørrebro Station

By removing some of the barrier housing and stores, the Ta g en area can green sv ej open. be more More mixes of housing and commercial buildings within the area can also encourage more interaction between communities.

PRECEDENTS: Overview of selected DSB Area Competition Projects

Inhabitants / Citizen’s Vision : Activities Park The park should be the connection between the two separated neighborhoods on either side of the train tracks. The park can be opened up to more visitors by going over or under the tracks. Two thirds of the inhabitants support public programs in the DSB area to foster more interaction between neighborhoods and increase security.

Possible activities suggested by the youth of the areas include: Bowls, mini-golf, play area to explore, and small animal farms. The old paper mill factory, before its demolition, was also suggested as a space for mechanic workshops that could teach children to fix bikes or scooters. The overarching goal of the area is a place for youth to learn and explore.


1: 250 0



F O UN D Si te The site is under the Tagensvej traffic bridge, near the Bispbjerg Station. Starting from the top left is the image approaching the site along side the train. The middle is when one enters the site. Lastly, the bottom shows when one exit the site, looking back at it. The images at the right are interior shots of the space within.


The DO M A IN As found, the site may seem like a “junkspace,� however it is already a domain of a specific type of inhabitants. Littered with alcohol bottles, broken bicycles, graffiti, and oil barrels, the space seeps out an ominous atmosphere. This rustic and dangerous feeling is the exact quality of the space, however in order to foster a more diverse group of users, some of this quality must be eradicated. It is then the challenge of the project to decide the degree of which this quality is kept or exterminated.

3 D C o g n it iv e Ma ppi ng : M o de l 1 The first model is a simple attempt at separating the space within with movable panels. With the existing arches and columns, the panels can easily slide between them to create individual spaces. This then allows different types of activities to occur for different users. A set of stairs is also added, allowing pedestrians to descend from the street above.


3 D Co g ni t i v e M apping: Mo d el 2 The second model illustrates the spaces within the site unfolded, focusing on the specific qualities and activities of each of the bays underneath the bridge. The old train tracks create a perspective view into the green areas beyond the bridge, while the channels the view from one activity to the next.






Acce sspo i n t +Po rtal Mach i n e The main strategy for the site is to convert it into a portal for people who seek spaces for sub-cultural activities. It is a machine that transforms the mainstream culture into the sub-culture. Utilizing it as an accesspoint, people can begin to engage in the various areas already built. These areas, or domains, are where the subcultures gather and share with their community. Three variety of the domains are listed here.


The paths of the access point are describe in orange and red. The orange representing the paths between the two green areas on either side of the space, while the red path describes the possible circulation to bring people from the streets. 27

Various Domains





senior citizen


school kids

~ fold ~

� [Found spaces] are constantly reshaped and redefined as users organise and reinterpret them by spontaneous, often temporary activities.�- As Found, Contested uses within Left-over spaces of the city.




If a part of the green area is available for temporary habitation, the homeless can seek shelter through the portal by camping there.

The garden area can provide private or public planting lots for the elderly. gar den er School kids can access the already built football courts or hockey rings after class and create their own play areas.

Manipulate Physical Structure

kids enjoying sports ~ fol d~

Invite / anticipate / grow temporary activities 29

~ fold ~

Existing Qualities of Domains

Open wild green spaces north of the bridge...

Small gardens sprouting on the east side of the site, taken care by the local residence...

Because the site is already a domain of selected few users, it is the aim of the project to further emphasize the dominions, plus additional possibilities of suggested opportunities. The architecture shall serve as the physical means in which it will pressure and emphasize the possible activities. This will be a fluid connection towards the planning of the place, as it is eternally temporary, and open to manipulation of the occupants.

P ar is P r o m en a de Pl a n t ée

N Y Hi g hl i n e

F urther Read i ngs

~ fol d~

Small stages, stadiums, rooms, hockey rings, football fields, and pin pong tables built by the existing users...

“Over time, these non-perspective liminal space acquire and express multiple and shifting social, aesthetic, political, and economic meanings as opposed to clarity of function and distinct identity.”


-Junkspace [Rem Koolhaus] -Fake Estates [Gordon Matta Clark] -Local Code [Nicholas de Monchaux] -Learning from Las Vegas [Robert Venturi] -Carlo Scarpa -Jan Gehl -John Habraken -Kenneth Frampton

KB H S t rø get

Ad vent ure pl a y gr ounds

local code : healing the interstitial landscape We propose the radical collision of infrastructures—real and virtual. We propose the re-making of the leftover American landscape, not through the creation of singular spaces, but through the networked rehabilitation of non-sites, and non-places. We propose a re-thinking not only of place, but of our profession of place-making. In 1973, Gordon Matta-Clark’s Fake Estates reified the “gutterspace”of New York City’s land-survey process. The project was amongst to first to highlight the distance between infrastructural planning and lived reality, and to highlight the empty artifacts that result. These are the sites of our proposal for WPA 2.0, sites that we propose to remediate, and populate, using contemporary tools of spatial analysis and parametric design.

Fake Estate, Gordon Matta-Clark, 1973




FALL 2010




Uge 35

Uge 36

Uge 37

Uge 38

Uge 39

Uge 40

Uge 41

Uge 42

Uge 43

Uge 44

30. aug

6. september

13. september

20. september

27. september

4. oktober

11. oktober

18. oktober

25. oktober

1. novemb

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Program (PGD)



Workshop Teatro de Los Sentidos

Teatro de Los Sentidos

Study-trip Venice


Lectures and 3+-debates (Optional)


Project: Concept, project, production





Intros and mandatory Crits Rhino (Optional) Project-development (PGD)


Project related Communication 4a (PGD) AC FGD-courses 1. & 2. semester

2,0 2,0

Scandinavian Architecture Theory and Method 2 3. semester Project - final crit (Dec. 14th)


Fi nali zed The mes and Conc e pt

P rec e de nt r esea r ch

Fini sh P ri nted P rese nt ati on


Uge 43

Uge 44

Uge 45

Uge 46

Uge 47

Uge 48

Uge 49

Uge 50

Uge 51

Uge 52

Uge 1

Uge 2

Uge 3

Uge 4


25. oktober

1. november

8. november

15. november

22. november

29. november

6. december

13. december

20. december

27. december

3. januar

10. januar

17. januar

24. januar

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P Final

Exhibition Individual consultations

Handling Architecture Projet-related Communication 4b

Fina l Revie w

Pr oduc t ion Per iod

S tru ctu ral De sgi ns

Pr ogram s and planni ng m ethods


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