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CAUTION: Road Work Ahead!
Despite challenges, engineers work to make infrastructure improvements throughout Wake County
Amidst the fear and uncertainty the lockdown brought, many agree there was one tiny positive blip: a marked decrease in traffic. The return to a normal way of life is very welcome, but also reminds those who live in the Triangle that, in many places, most of our roads were not created for the current population.
State and local officials have been planning updates and upgrades for years, but no one predicted how a pandemic could affect the labor market, nor could they have planned for the meteoric rise in property values.
For example, when a 2017 transportation bond was passed in Raleigh, the budget included accommodations for steady growth in property values and inflation. However, as City of Raleigh Senior Engineer in Roadway Design and Construction Chad Cantrell says, “Inflation is through the roof and this is a hot place to live. As we got to the end of these bond projects, there just wasn’t sufficient money to cover all [the projects on the bond] through construction.”
That is a common refrain for projects that are being funded on a local level. When it comes to statewide projects, for which funding is a little more predictable, there are also challenges. “Like every other industry, our contractors are being challenged by the labor market and there are supply chain issues,” says Marty Homan, communications manager for the North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles.
So while there may be headlines about expanding budgets and delayed timelines, and we’ll likely all start telling jokes about the state bird being the crane and the state flower being the blossoming orange cone, it’s important to look to the future. “I can’t stress enough how important having good transportation infrastructure is,” Homan says. “The region is growing tremendously, and we need the infrastructure in place to get people where they need to go.”
Here’s a quick look at some major projects happening now.
Where: I-440 Beltline between Walnut Street and Wade Avenue. Why: Built in the 1960s, this was the first section of the beltline to be built, and is the last to be widened. According to the NCDOT, it claims nearly triple the statewide crash rate for similar facilities. This project will improve safety and provide much-needed updates to this segment of the highly used loop. What: The road will be widened to six lanes, interchanges will be upgraded and all bridges will be replaced. When: The original finish date was 2023, but due to supply and labor issues the completion date has been pushed back to October 2024. At this time, you can see the beginning of a massive flyover, or high-level overpass, that will carry Wade Avenue over the beltline.
Where: Intersection of Hillsborough Street, Beryl Road and Blue Ridge Road at the State Fairgrounds. Why: To improve traffic flow and reduce train-related conflicts with vehicles and pedestrians. What: A bridge will be built for Hillsborough Street and the nearby railroad tracks so that Blue Ridge Road will travel, unimpeded, underneath Hillsborough Street and Beryl Road. No longer an intersection, a “jug handle” interchange will be built for travelers on Blue Ridge Road to access Hillsborough Street. The intersection will be closed for the entirety of the construction phase. When: Construction will begin when the annual North Carolina State Fair ends in 2022, and the interchange will open in just under two years, prior to the state fair in October 2024.

Where: Atlantic Avenue in Raleigh, from New Hope Church Road to Highwoods Boulevard. Why: An analysis flagged this section of Atlantic Avenue as a safety risk, so the stated goal is to improve visibility and create safer intersections. What: Medians are being installed, and the intersection of Ingram Drive and Atlantic Avenue will be raised to offer increased visibility. When: Construction started in March and is anticipated to be completed March of 2024.

Where: This project will be contracted and developed in three different stages. The first one, happening now, takes I-540 from the N.C. 55 Bypass to U.S 401 (near Ten Ten Road). Why: Also known as the Southeast Extension project, the goal is to complete the I-540 loop. This will improve travel for and to southern Wake communities, as well as ease congestion on nearby roads, including I-440, I-40, N.C. 42, N.C. 55 and Ten Ten Road. What: New roadways, bridges and interchanges are being built. When: The first phase, connecting the N.C. 55 bypass to U.S. 401, is under construction now. It’s set to open in 2024.
Where: Midtown Raleigh; Six Forks Road from Rowan Street to Lynn Road. Why: Increased traffic has created a demand to improve mobility and safety for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. What: The road will be expanded to three lanes of travel in each direction; sidewalks will be installed on both sides; and a separated, curbed bike lane will be created. When: While the project was originally funded by the 2017 transportation bond, increased real estate prices (to achieve the necessary expansions) created a need for further funding. If local funding is approved, the estimated start date is 2023. That start will be pushed back approximately one year if federal grants are needed.

Where: Near S. Salem Street in Apex. Why: The Peakway is an ongoing project that, when complete, will create a full loop around the Town of Apex for increased traffic flow. What: In order to close a gap in the loop, a bridge will be built over S. Salem Street and the nearby railroad tracks. When: Construction will begin in late 2022, with completion set for late 2024.
Want to stay up-to-date on the latest road construction projects near you? Here are some resources that can help. • Visit ncdot.gov/projects for a user-friendly way to navigate every ongoing and proposed NCDOT project. • Get involved in local alliances and city or town councils.
The Midtown Raleigh Alliance and Raleigh Citizens
Advisory Council are both active, vocal and ready for your input. • Attend feedback sessions hosted by local councils and the
NCDOT. People often speak up when it is too late, since projects are typically planned 5–10 years in advance.
Attending information sessions and offering feedback early in the process makes a big difference. • Follow social media for updates. From the NCDOT to your local town or city council, check out their corresponding social media accounts for updates in real time.