Mid Valley News Jan. 27, 2016

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Vol. 54, No.04

Serving the San Gabriel Valley Since 1966

Special Section Temple City, San Gabriel, & ROSEMEAD PAGE 5

Local Events page 2, 3 “Off Beat Happenings”


page 14 - 15

Sports pages 9 - 10

January 27, 2016 Letters to the Editor

page 3

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Arcadia High School Mourns the Loss of Two Brothers by Ryan Foran Arcadia

The Arcadia Unified School District family offers our deepest condolences to the Lin family, their friends and loved ones. We are beyond saddened to learn of the death of the Lin brothers, William and Anthony, who attended Arcadia High School. The thousands of students, staff, friends and family that loved and knew them well in our tight-knit community will feel the loss of the beloved brothers. We know our community will stand united as we go

through this unthinkable tragedy together. We ask everyone to please respect the Lin family’s privacy during this extremely difficult time. While this tragedy did not happen on campus, it will undoubtedly have an enormous impact throughout all our schools. We will provide additional counselors and support services this week when students return to school, and for as long as they are needed. Arcadia Unified prides itself as being a positive leader in this great

community, and will continue to make the well-being of our students and staff a

priority. We appreciate the many condolences and support for the Lin Family. We

know this will continue, and we thank you all.

Courtesy Photo

Mountain View School District’s School Resource Officer Honored

Past or Current Resident

by Michele Earle El Monte

Jesus Rojas, Mountain View School District’s School Resource Officer (SRO), and member of the El Monte Police Department has been selected as the California-Hawaii Elks Association Enrique Camarena Law Enforcement Award winner for 2015-16. The award recognizes an individual who has gone above and beyond in the field of alcohol and drug awareness prevention, and whose work exemplifies the standards by which Enrique “Kiki” Camarena lived, worked and died. Providing a safe and drug free environment for the citizens of El Monte is a high priority for Officer Rojas. In his second year serving as MVSD’s School Resource Officer he has made a tremendous impact on the students, families and staff and his dedication and effort to educate the students in MVSD’s 13 schools

in drug awareness and prevention greatly impressed the Elks Association. Whether presenting a drug free assembly, conducting a parent workshop on drug prevention, leading a classroom of students in the identification of drugs, organizing Neighborhood Watch meetings to combat drug violence near Courtesy Photo schools, reading to a classroom of students to munity. He is an excellent ing his MBA from Azusa promote literacy, coordinatrole model for the youth Pacific University. He is ing community-wide special and what they can aspire honored to give back to the events, or patrolling the to be. He is a product of community where he grew streets of El Monte, Officer the Mountain View School up and with great pride and Rojas exemplifies the qualiDistrict and attended Payne passion serves the citizens of ties of Agent Camarena. Elementary School, Kranz El Monte. As a homegrown Growing up in El Monte, Intermediate School and success story, Officer Rojas Officer Rojas can relate to graduated from El Monte is a stellar example of what the many challenges and High School before earnstudents can achieve if they temptations that students Officer Honored continued on page 13 face each day in the com-

Mid Valley News

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January 27, 2016

Off Beats happenings PICK UP THE MVN It’s All Good News

The Mid Valley News is published every Wednesday by Valley Communications, LLC Business and Editorial Offices are located at: 11401 E. Valley Blvd. Masterson Building, Suite 200B

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Editor: Joe Torosian Tim Peterson, Duane Barker, Andy Villanueva, Josh Ouelette, Sports Photography: Duane Barker Ted Wilson

Contributing Writers Anne Donofrio-Holter Michelle Earle Joe Castillo Mavis Hansen Lynn Burkhardt Annick J. Downhower

Writing Interns Ashley Lanuza Daisy Arias A.J. Dorado Sylvia Camacho Alyssa Lopez Savannah Vanegas Valley Communications, LLC, all contents here in are copyrighted and may not be reproduce in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the mangement and staff of Valley Communications, LLC. Adjudicated as a paper of general circulation in the City of El Monte, County of Los Angeles Superior Court, Nov. 7 1973. No. C68383 official paper for the County of Los Angeles, Adjudicated on general circulation Los Angeles July 18, 1992, No. BS016380

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Local Libraries

El Monte Library College: The Guided Tour – SAT & ACT Practice Test Saturday, February 6 2016 at 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. El Monte Library, 3224 Tyler Ave., El Monte, CA 91731 Juniors! Not sure which aptitude test to take? Come to this practice test session for the chance to sample questions from each section of the ACT and the new SAT. Once scores are tabulated, you’re report will show the scores side by side. Please bring a calculator and two #2 pencils. Sign-up at the Reference Desk in person or by phone. This project was supported in whole or in part by the

U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. The El Monte Library is part of the County of Los Angeles Public Library. For additional information, please call Stephanie Maldonado, Teen Services Librarian, at (626) 444-9506 or visit the County Library website at www.colapublib. org.

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January 27, 2016

Around Town by Mavis Hansen This first month of the New Year 2016 seems to have flown by “quick as a wink.” If you have an extra blanket that you would like to donate to help someone else keep warm, you may take your donation to El Monte/South El Monte Emergency Resources Association at 10900 Mulhall Street, Building G, Room 28, El Monte or contact Lillian Rey for further information at 626-444-7269. San Gabriel Valley District of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs will hold their Annual Birthday Council and Crafts Festival on Friday, January 29 at Pico Park, 9528 Beverly Boulevard, Pico Rivera. The Birthday Council traditionally honors the Past District Presidents. Those attending will be: Paulette Wright Pope 2004-06, Margery Spillman 2006-08, Toby Kahan 2008-10, Linda Koontz 2010-12, Mavis Hansen 2012-14 and Past State President Paulette Meadows 2004-06. The first San Gabriel Valley District President was Una Smith, 1956-58. The hostess club for this council meeting will be the Pio Pico Woman’s Club, located at 9214 Mines Avenue, Pico Rivera. Pio Pico W.C. is celebrating 100 years of State Federation this year and over 100 years of community service. Current President of the Pio Pico Woman’s Club is Guadalupe Diaz. Highlight of the SGVD Birthday Council will be the Crafts Festival. The Crafts Festival is held annually in conjunction with the Birthday Council and is a marvelous opportunity for all members of the twenty seven clubs within the San Gabriel Valley District to display their talents with all types of homemade crafts, sewing and needlecraft items. All items entered are brought to Pico Park on the day before the Birthday Council and are displayed according to the various categories. An impartial panel of judges select those for First, Second, Third and Honorable Mention. Award ribbons are placed on the winning entries in preparation for the viewing on the day of the Birthday Council. Members vote on “Best of Show” and all awards are presented, after lunch, at the Birthday Council. The San Gabriel Valley District of Women’s Clubs holds three Councils each year, Fall Council, Birthday Council and Spring Council where

the Arts & Photography contests for members and students and the Music Contest for High School students are held and awards presented. District Board meetings are held monthly September through June on the second Friday of the month. The SGVD 60th Annual Convention will be held on April 22-23. San Gabriel Valley Front Line, dedicated to the support of Veterans, First Responders and Their Families invite you to a community forum to be held on Tuesday, February 2 at the American Legion, Pasadena Post 13, located at 131 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Dinner Speaker will be Artist Kenneth James, USMC Veteran who will present “Love Triumphant.” The speaker will be followed by a casual dinner and social time. All interested community members are welcome. There is no charge for the dinner or program. For a reservation or further information, contact by Email: sgvfrontline@ gmail.com or by phone: 818-478-5740. El Monte Friend O’Garden Club will meet on Friday, February 5 at the Norwood Library, 4550 N. Peck Road, El Monte. The meeting will begin at 11:30 A.M. February meeting has become a tradition to celebrate the past presidents of the club and for a “President’s Pot Luck Luncheon” with members participating by bringing something delicious to share. This month the opportunity gift will be donated by David Siegrist and the plant will be donated by Sandy Fout. Following lunch, a program will be presented by Dale Carter who will speak about the Los Angeles County Arboretum. El Monte Friend O’Garden Club is a member of the Arboretum District of California Garden Clubs, the Pacific Region of Garden Clubs and National Garden Clubs, Inc. Members interested in gardening are welcome to attend. There is no charge to attend a meeting and reservations are not required. For further information contact President Sandy Fout at 626-4427295. The next meeting for the Arboretum District will be on Monday, February 22, 9:30 AM to Noon in the Palm Room of the Los Angeles County Arboretum. Guests are always welcome. On Thursday, January 28, I will be baking a very special birthday cake, lighting 13 candles and wishing my youngest grandchild Jake Hansen, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!” Have a wonderful week. See you soon, someplace AROUND TOWN

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Mid Valley News

Letters to the Editor Joe Walker wrote on January 20th Great editorial Ms. Disney. The plan to reduce La Tunas to one lane each direction and include bike lanes has almost no support among the citizens in town but several council members are convinced that it is best for the city. We have packed many council meetings and are discussing the issue here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/120954168279835/ Joe Walker Temple City Regarding the Las Tunas Revitalization Project: Why would anyone seriously propose to cut Las Tunas down to one lane in each direction? Have they even considered what this is going to do to the traffic load on other streets? Forcing traffic off Las Tunas isn’t going to reduce traffic levels; surrounding streets will simply get more crowded. I don’t see what good the changes to Rosemead Blvd. have done, and I sure don’t want to see the same thing on Las Tunas. I’ve stopped shopping at Walgreen’s on Rosemead because threading my way through those concrete barriers to get into their parking lot just isn’t worth it. (And I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of bicyclists I’ve seen using those bike lanes since they completed this project.) I vote for Option 3. It’s the only one that makes any sense. Kathleen Golden West Ave.

Webb'S Rules COINCIDENCE by Eugene R. Webb

Coincidence is a God thing; And happiness is what it brings. I’ve heard others call it a God shot; Since getting sober it happens to me a lot. It’ll take a stranger and make them a friend; It’s a wonderful way for a new life to begin. I went into the Chase Bank not too long ago; To deposit some checks and get some dough.

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Now I know God directed me to this tall teller; He turned out to be a real nice feller. He said, “Mr. Webb did you write a book”? I said, “Why yes, I’ve written three, at him I looked”. Just because I was wondering how he knew; On each check was written “book” in full view. He asked, “What kind of books would they be”? I said, “Alcohol, friends, and relation all in poetry”. Edgar said, “I’d sure be interested in the alcohol one”; I would say that is when our friendship begun. When I saw him again, he said, “His girlfriend knew me”; I had met Jennifer years ago at another bank, you see. Edgar plays a guitar, writes music, and poetry too; He has a lot of wonderful things he plans to do. Meeting this thoughtful man was God showing love; It’s Jennifer and Edgar that I have been thinking of.

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Mid Valley News

January 27, 2016

College News

Pasadena Unified Invites High School Families To“CASH FOR COLLEGE” Workshops by Hilda Ramirez Horvath Pasadena

Accessibility and Safety Showcased in Duarte Bicycle and Safe Routes Master Plan by Karen Herrera Duarte

Accessibility and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians throughout our City is on the road to enhancements! The Community Development Department in conjunction with renowned consulting firm Fehr & Peers, has created a Citywide Bicycle Master Plan and Safe Routes to Transit Master Plan designed to encourage “pedal power.” The Bicycle Master Plan focuses on incorporating previously undesignated areas throughout the City to create a comprehensive network. The Safe Routes to Transit Plan alternatively focuses on pedestrian improvements surrounding the Duarte Gold Line station area. Both plans are designed to both improve the overall quality of life and support multi-modal transportation, throughout the Duarte community and surrounding communities. As a result of the plan bicyclists will be able to easily and safely ride throughout the City using clearly designated lanes. Pedestrians will also be able to easily and safely access the area surrounding the Duarte Gold Line Station as a result of proposed improvements including new sidewalks, new pedestrian lighting, new high visibility crosswalks and streetscape enhancements.

To tailor the plan to our residents, the Community Development Department engaged in a series of public engagement activities including a community open house introducing both plans while providing the public an opportunity to share feedback in October of 2015 as well as conducting a Bicycle Master Plan public survey.

Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) counselors are urging high school seniors and their families to attend “Cash for College” workshops on January 30 at Pasadena City College and get one-on-one help completing applications for college grants and scholarships that are due March 2, 2016. Additional workshops are scheduled at PUSD high schools in January and February. “Our core mission is to ensure that students graduate from our schools prepared for college and careers, and part of that preparation is ensuring that our graduates can fund their post-secondary education,” said Superintendent Brian McDonald, Ed.D. “We invite district families to attend these free workshops and learn how to navigate the college funding systems so that all of our children have an opportunity to realize their potential.”

The Saturday, January 30, Cash for College workshop is from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the PCC Creveling Lounge, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. Families can get help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and/ or the California Dream Act Application (for eligible AB540 students). These forms must be submitted by March 2, 2016, to receive priority consideration for state and federal financial aid including grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. Families should bring important documents to complete the forms. For a list of documents and more information, go to www. pasadena.edu/cashforcollege. Although the PCC workshop also offers help completing the Cal Grant GPA Verification form, PUSD submits all student grade point averages electronically to the California

Student Aid Commission so that students can concentrate on completing the FAFSA and other forms in time. John Muir High School held a Cash for College workshop in January; another is scheduled Feb. 17 at 3:15 p.m. Rose City High School offers assistance to students and families every week; contact the school at rosecity.pusd.us for details. Stay connected to the Pasadena Unified School District! Visit us online at www.pusd.us; follow us on Twitter @PasadenaUnified, www.twitter.com/PasadenaUnified; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ PasadenaUnifiedSchoolDistrict; text PUSD to 888777; and subscribe to our YouTube channel at www. youtube.com/klrnpasadena. Or call the Communications Office, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 396-3606

El Monte City Calendar Tuesday, February 2 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. City Council and Successor Agency Closed Session Items Council Chambers City Council and Successor Agency Meeting Council Chambers Wednesday, February 3 7:30 a.m. El Monte/South El Monte

Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Mixer El Patio Restaurant 11672 Ramona Blvd., El Monte Friday, February 5 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jack Crippen Senior Center Open House 3120 N. Tyler Ave., El Monte

Monday, February 15 Holiday President’s Day Holiday City Hall Offices Closed Tuesday,February 16 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. City Council and Successor Agency Closed Session Items Council Chambers City Council and Successor Agency Meeting Council Chambers

January 27, 2016

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Mid Valley News

Rosemead San Gabriel Temple City Rosemead San Gabriel Temple City

‘Time Jockey’ Oroville by Joe Castillo

Gold Water …. On January 24th of this week, the 168th anniversary of the discovery of gold was celebrated. In 1848, John Marshall discovered gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma and the greatest single event in California history began. Nearly six months later, on July 24, 1848 John Bidwell discovered gold near the middle fork of the Feather River. Bidwell set up a trading barter system with the local Native Americans asking them to trade their gold rocks for food. The Native Americans agreed and soon John Bidwell was rich with bartered gold nuggets. Bidwell’s Bar became the center of activity, became the county seat and grew to become a mining camp but by 1856 the gold was all played out. Bidwell’s Bar faded away, the county seat was moved to Ophir which was later renamed to Oroville. Fast forward 107 years later to another type of gold. On April 24, 1963, the California Water Project completed one of its most aggressive water projects. Orville Dam, the 2nd tallest dam in the United States and Lake Oroville, the 2nd largest man-made lake were finally completed. At a cost of millions of dollars, and a number of human lives, the Oroville Dam project would eventually provide water to two-thirds of the state’s agriculture industry and California population. Governor Edmund G. Brown

and Director of Water Resources William Warne spearheaded the project and identified its significance to the entire state for generations to come. The Oroville Dam is an earth filled dam, standing 770 feet high and a capacity of 80 million cubic acres of water. The crest of the dam is over 2,300 yards or nearly 1.5 miles in length. Since 1848, Oroville, approximately 65 miles northeast of Sacramento, has had its share of golden moments, both mineral and liquid, with both having a significant impact to the history and growth of California…. Restoration… I recently had the chance to view a collection of classic cars and among them was a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray. Restored by Sammy and Charlene Dominick, the classic car was originally built in August 1963 in St. Louis, Missouri. It was number 635 out of 10,594 Corvette coupes produced that year and had an original cost of $4,250. The engine is a 327 cubic inch V-8 with 300 horse power and 4-speed transmission, a pretty powerful car even by today’s standards. Restoration of the car took nearly 2 years and over 3,600 hours to complete. But the classic vehicle probably looks better than the original day it was sold. With a light-blue shine and white sidewalls, it still stands out among all the other classic cars…..

Kiwanis Honors Dr. Doug Sears Learning Center Students by Jerry Jambazian Temple City

The Kiwanis Club of Temple City recognized an outstanding student from the Dr. Doug Sears Learning Center. Pictured left to right: DDSLC teacher Mrs. Shannon Findley, James Caldero and his mother Sandra, and Temple City Kiwanis President Steve Montesanti. James is 17 years old and has an older sister. He enjoys fishing, hiking, working out, and spending time with his friends. James said, “The best things about the Learning Center are the great teachers, friendly atmosphere, and the flexibility of the online program.” The best thing that ever happened was the opportunity to grow closer and develop friendships with others at his church and strengthen his relationship with God. If he could change one thing, it would be to do away with his laziness and procrastination. Personal goals are to have a career in law enforcement, grow academically, improve his GPA, apply

himself and go to college, become stronger and put on more muscle, and grow in his relationship with God by reading the Bible regularly and praying often. Each week the Temple City Kiwanis Club is pleased to recognize outstanding students and their teachers from Cloverly, Em-

ing their award. Their photo will also be published in the Mid Valley News and posted on the Temple City Unified School District Office website. Temple City Kiwanis has been serving our community since 1939. Members are dedicated men and women who desire to make a dif-

Courtesy photo Jerry Jambazian

peror, Longden, Oak Avenue, and the Dr. Doug Sears Learning Center. Kiwanis treats students and their teacher to lunch. Students receive a certificate, a letter for their parents, a bumper sticker, a gift certificate from The Hat Restaurant, and a photograph of them receiv-

ference in the quality of life for the youth of Temple City. Kiwanis meets at 12:00 noon each Tuesday at Denny’s Restaurant. To find out more about Kiwanis, please contact Jerry Jambazian at (626) 643-9460. You can also visit their website at www.templecitykiwanis.org.

Silent Sundays Series at the Playhouse: The General (1926) by San Gabriel Mission Playhouse San Gabriel

We have teamed up with the Los Angeles Theatre Organ Society to present a new series at the Playhouse, Silent Sundays If you did not get the chance to see The Mark of Zorro, mark your calendar for January 24th! Next up in the Silent Sundays series is The General, a visual masterpiece set in the South during the Civil War directed by and starring Buster Keaton. Keaton is Southern railroad engineer Johnnie Gray. His locomotive, The General, is stolen by Union spies with his love, Annabelle, on

board. The action sequences of Keaton, The General that take place between Gray is beautifully filmed. It is and the soldiers while trying “admirably faithful to auto recapture the locomotive thenticity in costumes and highlight Keaton’s athletiprops-the imagery evokes cism, who did all of his own Matthew’s Brady Civil War stunt work. photography…its visual Keaton spared no exscope is not simply imprespense in the making of The sive, it is also dramatic and General. The film contains at times awe inspiring” a scene that is considered (Axmaker, 2014). the most expensive single Accompanying the film is shot in silent film history. He American Theatre Organ Sotransformed the little town ciety’s Organist of the Year of Cottage Grove, Oregon to (2012) Mark Herman. One Civil War era Georgia bringof America’s busiest young ing in Civil War artillery, theatre organists, he perrestored railroad cars, and vintage engines. A favorite Silent Films continued on page 12

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January 27, 2016

Mid Mid Valley Valley News News

El Monte/South El Monte Chamber News El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce · 10505 Valley Blvd. · Suite 212 · El Monte · CA 91731 Phone: 626-443-0180 · Fax: 626-443-0463 E-mail: chamber@emsem.biz / www.emsem.biz

El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2015 - 2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD:

LORI CRAVEN Brown’s Jewelry & Loan


DONNA DUNCAN Donna Duncan, Consultant

VICE PRESIDENT JACK DALTON – Ramona Property Managers, Inc.

ALICIA ESCALERA Valley Vista Services



HENRY VELASCO Citizen Member

ART BARRIOS Planning Commission, City of El Monte JODY BUSH Citizen Member LUIS CETINA Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

JUVENTINO “J” GOMEZ City Councilman, City of El Monte JOSE JACQUEZ Lawrence Equipment CAESAR MAYOR Southern California Credit Union TOM MILLETT Citizen Member JACKELYNN NEVARES Citizens Business Bank ERNIE AMAYA Rose Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary DONNA SIMPSON Vons Credit Union

Chamber Ambassadors Ernie Amaya ( Chairman )……………………………...............................…………………..Rose Hills Memorial Park David A. Ayala............................................................................................................................................Union Bank Jody Bush, (2007 Ambassador of the Year)..................................................................................Citizen Member Noemi Caraveo.............................................................................................................CHAP Care South El Monte Martha Cerda............................................................................................................................State Farm El Monte James Chen.......................................................................................................................... Prive Water/ State Farm Robert Chin...........................................................................................................International Dancing & Singing Joe W. Conner,.............................................................................................................................. Ph.D. - Legal Shield Teresa Dang.................................................................................................................................ReMax Elite Realty Craig Doerr (2013 Ambassador of the Year)..................................................................American Reclamation Edward Guerrero...............................................................................................................................EKG Creations Pastor Wayne Hoglin.........................................................................................................Trinity Reformed Church Chris Knight..............................................................................El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce Caesar Mayor (2011 Ambassador of the Year).............................................. Credit Union of Southern California Maria Menendez..(2015 Ambassador of the Year)...........................................................................Allure Dental Arts Orell Moreno...........................................................................................................................................Union Bank Wendy Munoz............................................................................................................................C.B.M. Towing, Inc. D. Carlos Puente ..............................................................................................................................Mid Valley News Carina Ramirez.....................................................................................................................................Nunez Dental Dennice Ramos...............................................................................El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce Maria Ramos......................................................................................................................... Nunez Dental Center Jose Rosas.....................................................................................................................................Wells Fargo Bank Laura Santos..................................................................................................Royal Coaches Auto Body & Towing Ernesto Villegas (2014Ambassador of the Year)................................................................................Villegas Realty Vanessa Villegas.................................................................................................................................Villegas Realty

Chamber Events


Ambassadors' Luncheon Meeting

Tuesday, February 2nd, 11:30 am, Chamber of Commerce Board Room

Breakfast Networking Mixer

Wednesday, February 3rd,

7:30 am, El Patio Bar & Grill, 11672 Ramona Blvd., El Monte Legislative Committee Meeting Thursday, February 11th, 9:00 am, Chamber Board Room

Evening Networking Mixer Wednesday, February 17th, 5:30 pm, El Sombrero Restaurant, 3550 Santa Anita Ave. El Monte

Chamber of Commerce Board of Director’s Meeting Thursday, February 25th, 8:00 am, Chamber Board Room

January 27, 2016

NEW MEMBERS in DECEMBER Tizon Bistro 11308 Lower Azusa Rd. El Monte 91732, 626-672-0285 Enrique Gomez,

Page 7

Mid Valley News

El Monte/South El Monte Chamber News photographs by Ken Rausch, also Courtesy photos

CONGRATULATIONS 2016 Queen Alyssa Granados and Royal Court


A big thank you to Shakey’s Pizza for fund raising for the Nohemi Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship Fund

Starbucks Coffee - Garvey 11979 E. Garvey Avenue, El Monte, CA 91732, 626-288-2931

Tag That, LLC 1348 Santa Anita Avenue #A, South El Monte, 91733, 626-848-2484 Jackie Tovar Shannon Perez jackie@tagthatservices.com Shannon@tagthatservices.com

“Papa John’s Pizza Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony” “ERA Holiday Toy Giveaway”

Liberty Creditor Services, Inc. 10507 Valley Blvd. Ste. 450, El Monte 91731, 626-377-9165 Sevan Davoodian Orin Masihi sdavoodian@libertycreditorservices.com

Team Logic IT 2200 S. Fremont Avenue Ste. 203, Alhambra 91803, 626-427-1776 Mike Francis, mfrancis@teamlogicit.com

“Folklor La Morenita Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony”

Aladdin’s Kitchen Restaurant 4988 Santa Anita Avenue,Temple City 91780, 626-416-5454 Nash Metri, kabab.shisha@yahoo.com

Merrill Cleaners Inc.

“Tag That Ribbon Cutting South El Monte”

Teddy Bear Mixer

4727 N. Peck Road, El Monte 91732, 626-448-3415

“33rd Annual Christmas Basket and Toy giveaway”

“The Craven Estate Evening Mixer hosted by the American Red Cross”

Aladdin’s Kitchen Restaurant

Welcome New Chamber Member Aladdin’s Kitchen Restaurant 4988 Santa Anita Avenue Temple City CA 91780 (626) 416-5454

Follow us @ MidValleyNews

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January 27, 2016

Mid Valley News

Fall Fall into into Spring Spring Break Break CROSSWORD Crossword Puzzle solution in issue 02.03.16

Sudoku What's in the Stars??

Solution for Sudoku in issue 02.03.16


You might find yourself feeling anxious. Get the facts before you tumble down that rabbit hole. Consult an expert for advice. Make your mantra for the day, “be here now.”.


It’s a love wins kind of day for you. You’ll finally get a clear read on where people stand. This might even green-light a daring move.


Invite your motley crew of friends to gather ‘round your hearth or flex your epicurean skills and host a dinner party. This could also bring a moment of truth with an important person in your world.


HOLLYWOOD LEGENDS DOWN ACROSS 1. Smeltery refuse 1. Buzz off 2. Age of Aquarius flick 6. Dunce 3. Edible root of taro 9. Back of the neck plants 13. Big Dipper shape 4. Alaska native 14. Rejuvenating spot 5. Train station porter’s 15. Succeed head gear 16. Helped 6. Northern European 17. Waikiki garb capital 18. *Like characters 7. *Kong, e.g. played by Lon Chaney 8. Country singer ____ 19. *Marx brother Hill 21. *Famously played 9. Season to be jolly title role in “Cleopatra” 10. 1970s hairdo 23. *1950s teen idol, ___ 11. *Laurel and Hardy or Hunter Abbott and Costello 24. Not that 12. Old-fashioned “be25. Thrilla in Manila fore” boxer 15. Old Faithful 28. Friendly jab on Face20. Edward Teller’s crebook ation 30. Set aside as inferior 22. Lung necessity 35. Marijuana user’s 24. Lacking substance hookah 25. Deep cavity 37. Stole material 26. Jeweler’s glass 39. Cowboy sport 27. Coastal feature 40. Christmas season 29. *”Spartacus” star 41. Boston hockey player 31. *”Mommie Dearest” 43. Petri dish filler 32. Ruler sides, e.g. 44. Holiday activity? 33. This and desist 46. Caffeine tree 34. Type of dessert 47. Egg holder 36. *”An American in 48. *1979 Sean Connery Paris” and Natalie Wood clunker 38. Potter’s oven 50. Newton, e.g. 42. Lacking guile 52. “____ no evil,...” 45. Easily handled 53. Spew profanities 49. Poe’s “The Murders in 55. Roman road the ___ Morgue” 57. *Scarlett O’Hara or 51. Left gratuity Blanche DuBois 54. Pinch in the nose 60. *Katharine or Audrey 56. Bullying, e.g. 64. Asian chew 57. Extremely 65. Springsteen’s “Born 58. Any thing in the ____” 59. Docs for dachshunds 67. Make baby food? 60. Aesop’s race competi68. Mountain ridge tor 69. #37 Across, e.g. 61. Celestial bear 70. English county 62. *Where all Hollywood 71. Training spots legends’ work winds up 72. ATM extra 63. Sales clerk’s call 73. Doled out cards 64. Paper or plastic? 66. Seek damages


Able to form deeper connections with your existing armies too. Someone who has been hovering on the periphery of your inner circle could earn an all access pass to your affections.

Crossword Puzzle solution 01.20.16


The urge to splurge will be strong, but potentially regrettable. You’re prone to making rash decisions, make sure you save the receipt and check the return policy.


No filters! Express yourself without a kilobyte of censorship. Speak your truth, as it’s probably on the tip of your tongue anyway.


Go on a complimenting spree, dole out the hugs and encouraging words. You make a difference, remember that


Visit all new

Grab those gadgets, and keep them handy. Geek is chic today. Maybe you’ve wanted to queue up some blog posts or learn a new piece of software.


You’ve got the vision in your crosshairs. Now, nab the leading edge by taking a calculated risk. If the odds are even slightly in your favor, this is the day to leap.


Get out of town for the day. A change of scenery is always the magic elixir when your worldly sign gets stressed or bummed out. Embrace the moment of truth and let your feelings be known.


You’re more capable of throwing caution to the wind, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart. Admitting that you’re fired up about something could thaw the frosty vibes.


Bring on the adventure dates! The adrenaline junkie in you is craving companionship. Be it with a friend or a romantic interest, trying something new and exciting together will seal your bond.

Digital Broadcasting

Follow MVR on Facebook @midvalleyradio & Twitter @ midvalleyradio

Solution for Sudoku 01.20.16

January 27, 2016

Joe T.’s Scoreboar d By Joe Torosian

Talk about being the kiss of death. In terms of sports predictions, I most certainly am. In last week’s column, I came out and said I was rooting for New England in the AFC title game. They lost to the Denver Broncos. In the same column, I came out and said I was rooting for the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC title game. They lost to the Carolina Panthers. Then, I also committed a hundred or so words to talking about how great the USC men’s basketball team was playing this season. I mentioned that they were off to their best start in years and ranked number 21 in the country. They lost twice this past weekend to Oregon and Oregon State. I never gamble. I have an older brother, El Monte alum 1959, who has always wanted to take me to Las Vegas. He has always begged me to go, assuring me that if I went I would be a big winner. “Joe,” he says. “You have to come to Vegas with me. I’ll pay for everything because you’re going to win big. First timers always win big, that’s how they get you to keep coming back.” After all my predictions from last week became splatted like roadkill on the 605 Freeway, my brother told me not to come near him. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want any of your bad mojo messing me up.” Painful? Not too much, my brother is a 49ers fan. So forget him. But…I did have a brilliant idea. Do you have somebody you want to get even with? Somebody you want to settle a sports score with? Well, I am offering my services to you. For a small fee or a large lunch, I will write about the team your brother or your friend loves. I will say that I believe they are going to win and hence my ‘hex’ will fall on them. I’m bad mojo right now. So if you want to make sure your Carolina Panthers win and your brother’s Denver Broncos lose, drop me a line at the email below. ***Mid-Bits (Like Tidbits) *** “Peyton Manning says ‘Omaha’ more than Marlin Perkins did.”—Dennis Miller *** The New York Mets have resigned outfielder Yoenis Cespedes to a three-

Page 9

Mid Valley News

year deal worth $75-million. *** Just in case you’ve lost track of the Los Angeles Lakers I’ll bring you up to date. They are the secondworst team in the NBA with a 9-37 record. They are not just bad, they’re worse than being stuck in line at the DMV. *** Back to Peyton Manning. I thought he looked more mobile on Sunday against the Patriots than he has in years. In regards to his arm, what can I say? I don’t think he could throw a football through Christmas wrapping paper. (Yeah, I should have said “a glass window” but I’m getting tired of that analogy.) *** I saw the movie “13 Hours” on Friday night. They must have had it set to a fast speed because it only took two hours to watch the whole thing. Happy Birthday this week to: 2/1: Former El Monte offensive lineman Rich Whittington turns 52. 2/1: Former San Gabriel standout quarterback Isaac Valdez turns 24. 2/1: Former Rosemead football bruiser Danny Young turns 40. (If you have a sports birthday you’d like acknowledged drop me a line at the address below):

Prep Athletic Notes by Sports Staff San Gabriel Valley

Local Wrestling Rosemead traveled to Arroyo last Thursday for a Mission Valley League match-up. The longtime powers squared off, undefeated in the league play, with the JV’s going first and followed by the varsity. In an energized duel the Knights JV pulled off a 52-12 win. The varsity teams then hit the mats with similar results. Arroyo outwrestled Justin Fregoso’s Panthers teams 51-18. Next week the Knights will be looking for revenge against Gabrielino. The Eagles dethroned Arroyo as MVL champs a year ago and are 3-0 this season. The match will be at Gabrielino High School, Thursday at 3:15 P.M., with the JV first and then followed by the varsity units. News Around the San Gabriel Valley Several players from the Mid Valley News coverage zone will be playing in

Long time Mission Valley League powers Arroyo and Rosemead renewed their rivalry last Thursday afternoon. Photo by Joe T.)

the East-West Hall of Fame game on January 30, at West Covina High School. The West team will be coached by Arroyo’s Jim Singiser and his staff. Reminder About “Lions Down Under” El Monte football standouts Roy Barajas and Edward Dominguez have been selected to represent California and play in the “Down Under Bowl” in Australia in June. Lions Head Coach Joel

Sanchez is attempting to raise funds to cover the players cost. With air fair, food and board, the cost comes out to $6,000 per player to participate in this once in a lifetime event. For more information about donations, please contact El Monte football coach Joel Sanchez at joel.sanchez@emuhsd.org or (626) 444-7701, Ext. 1913.

Girl’s Soccer El Monte at Arroyo by Sports Staff San Gabriel Valley

Yes, the games do get intense.

The El Monte girls soccer team traveled to Arroyo to take on the Lady Knights in a Mission Valley League battle.

Contact Joe at: joe@ midvalleysports.com Follow Joe at @joet13b on Twitter Listen to “The Joe Show” every Wednesday (6:P.M.) at: www.midvalleyradio.net Like “The Joe Show” on Facebook.

Heads up play is always required in soccer.

Picture of the Week

The El Monte High School baseball alumni game was held on Saturday at the high school. The Gray Cats (alumni) defeated the Young Cubs (current team) 5-3 with a walk-off home run in the bottom of the seventh. The oldest alumni participating was Jaime Alvarez, class of 1967. Photo courtesy of Steven Urena.

Page 10

January 27, 2016

Mid Valley News

Boys & Girls Basketball Scoreboard

The Peterson Principle By Tim Peterson

Pasadena-Muir in basketball never gets old. The gym is always packed to the rafters with both Bulldog and Mustang fans alike and for one night anyway, it seems like the only event in town. It’s a time to renew old acquaintances as alumni from classes over the last several decades show up wearing school colors. Parents are there as well as former coaches. And the student sections, out in full force, are screaming from the opening introductions until the final buzzer. It was the same atmosphere last Friday night at the Dog House in Pasadena’s “Dog House.” Is there a better name for a gym? The crowd was standing room only, and even that was limited. I was tucked into a corner on the north side of the court surrounded by Muir fans. Pasadena fans took up probably 70 percent of the seats but in my immediate group it was all Mustangs. “Did you see Hunter, though? Did you see Agent Zero?” said a Muir fan sitting next to me referring to Mustang forward Hunter Woods who knocked down a three and blocked a shot in the fourth quarter. “Hey, how many fouls does he have?” another fan asked of Woods a few moments later. “C’mon son, you gotta be aware of the clock!” said the same gentleman a minute later when the Muir guard hoisted an ill-advised shot. “Man, he can’t buy a bucket!” Every Muir basket was met with cheers and every Bulldog score was met with grunts and groans as they tried to be heard above the hollers and cheers of the PHS contingent. The Mustangs hung around for a while until the Bulldogs started cooking in the fourth quarter and pulled away. Tyrek Adams threw down a dunk that brought the house down and the Muir fans threw their hands up in frustration. The Bulldogs eventually iced it late in the game and the home crowd gleefully celebrated. As the game wound down a few Muir fans began to file out. “Where are you going? Where ya’ll going?” said a Pasadena fan chiding the Mustang faithful. “It’s not over yet.” But it was over. At least for this night. For Muir, there would be other games but this one belonged to the Dog House. Muir will get another shot when the two teams hook


Mt. View 61 Rosemead 46

Bosco Tech 62 Verbum Dei 52

Duarte 52 Azusa 15

San Gabriel 62 Bell Gardens 60

Sierra Vista 58 Workman 17

Alhambra 55 Montebello 45

Gladstone 48 Baldwin Park 47

Burbank 70 Arcadia 42

Temple City 73 South Pasadena 50

Temple City 70 Blair 19

Ganesha 61 La Puente 50

La Canada 66 Monrovia 39

Bassett 65 Pomona 61

Crescenta Valley 71 Arcadia 39

Wednesday, January 20

Sierra Vista 57 Duarte 45

South El Monte 56 Arroyo 54

Workman 70 Baldwin Park 58

Rosemead 65 Mt. View 56

Pomona 72 La Puente 54

Rio Hondo Prep 66 Westridge 65 (2 OT)

Pasadena Marshall 52 El Monte 49

Bassett 55 Edgewood 50

El Monte 32 Arroyo 19

St. Genevieve 74 Bosco Tech 38

La Salle 63 Bishop Amat 44 Saturday, January 23

South El Monte 65 Mt. View 31

BOYS Tuesday, January 19 Schurr 64 San Gabriel 51 Keppel 41 Alhambra 36

up again February 11 at Muir. It’s an electric atmosphere. Come out and feel the electricity. **Still haven’t had your fill of football? The EastWest All-Star game is this Saturday, January 30 at West Covina High School. Some players will go on to play at a junior college and others might play the D-2 or D-3 level. A select few may even go D-1. But for most of the players, Saturday night will be the last time they ever get to put on the helmet and pads. One last chance to hear the roar of the crowd. Kickoff is set for 6:00 p.m. That's my principle. Tim can be reached at: tim@midvalleysports.com and on Twitter @tspeterson40.

Temple City 75 Blair 62 Monrovia 66 San Marino 46

Pasadena Poly 59 Rio Hondo Prep 56

Monrovia 38 San Marino 35 Thursday, January 21 Saint Joseph 45 La Salle 44 Friday, January 22

Gabrielino 55 Rosemead 25 Duarte 51 Sierra Vista 29


Baldwin Park 60 Workman 42

Tuesday, January 19

Montebello 47 Alhambra 35

Baldwin Park 41 Gladstone 16

Sacred Heart of Jesus 46 San Gabriel Mission 30

San Gabriel 55 Bell Gardens 53 (2 OT)

St. Anthony 51 La Salle 54

Keppel 72 Alhambra 9

San Gabriel Academy 57 AGBU 29

San Gabriel 57 Schurr 53

South Pasadena 52 Temple City 45

Workman 82 Sierra Vista 58 Duarte 43 Azusa 39

Thursday, January 21

La Canada 70 Monrovia 28

Burbank 54 Arcadia 41

Chadwick 47

La Salle 47 St. Mary’s Academy 43

Friday, January 22

Wednesday, January 20

Gabrielino 67 Rosemead 47 Arroyo 54 El Monte 42

San Gabriel Mission 44 Ramona Covenant 43

South El Monte 58 Mt. View

South El Monte 46 Arroyo 20

'The Mid' Girls Basketball Duarte and South El Monte are good, but take a look at who is now at number three. Joel Parker’s Rio Hondo Kares are playing tough ball and getting better by the day. Arcadia should be better, but they are really struggling in the Pacific League right now. San Gabriel won a pair of thrillers to even its record out. There’s a new team to keep an eye on? Try the Bassett Olympians

1. Duarte: 17-3 2. South El Monte: 16-4 3. Rio Hondo Prep: 12-3 4. Gabrielino: 12-6 5. Temple City: 12-8 6. Arcadia: 11-9 7. Bassett: 10-3 8. San Gabriel: 10-10 9. El Monte: 10-10 10. Monrovia: 9-12

Crescenta Valley 65 Burbank 41 Bassett 41 Edgewood 14 Saturday, January 23 Rio Hondo Prep 56 Pasadena Poly 34

'The Mid' Boys Basketball

The El Monte slow down continues and they are out of the Top 10 for the first time this season. Actually, with the exception of Gabrielino, the entire Mission Valley League is slowing down. Arroyo has dropped all the way to number nine. Monrovia is barely hanging on but Rio Hondo League rival Temple City has righted itself and won some big games. San Gabriel Christian Academy has climbed to number seven.

1. Gabrielino: 17-3 2. La Salle: 13-6 3. Bosco Tech: 14-6 4. Temple City: 14-6 5. Alhambra: 12-8 6. Rio Hondo Prep:

12-5 7. San Gabriel Academy: 11-6 8. Bassett: 9-7 9. Arroyo: 10-10 10. Monrovia: 9-11

Monrovia Edges La Canada, 1-0 by Joe Torosian Monrovia

Monrovia’s Savanna Pfau’s second-half goal on an assist from teammate Brandy Perez gave the Wildcats 1-0 victory over the visiting La Canada Spartans on Friday afternoon at Monrovia High School. The victory improved Monrovia 9-5-3 overall, but, more importantly, pushed its Rio Hondo League record to 2-1-1 and kept them in the chase after league-leading San Marino. La Canada dropped to 1-3 in league, 7-6-3 overall. The physical contest that stayed mostly in the center

of the field, only saw three corner kicks the entire game (Wildcats 2, Spartans 1). The teams collected eight fouls each while playing to a scoreless first half. The Wildcats, the more aggressive squad, was “Teammates gather and congratulate Savanna Pau (#8) after she scores the hit with six offside game winning goal for Monrovia last Friday.”—Photo by Doug Brown penalties, the Spartans three. net. Monrovia host’s second Monrovia was able to On the defensive side, place South Pasadena today manage seven shots on goal Wildcats’ goalie Ariana (Wednesday), and travels to with Pfau’s being the only Robles played all 80-minBlair on Friday. one to slip through to the utes and made seven saves.

September January 27, 30, 2016 2015 TRUSTEE SALE

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-14-651412-CL Order No.: 100726103-CA-MAI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/23/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): EUGENIA JAVANA CATALAN, A SINGLE WOMAN Recorded: 1/31/2007 as Instrument No. 20070205000 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 2/3/2016 at 10:30AM Place of Sale: Near the fountain located at 400 Civic Center Plaza Pomona, California 91766 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $725,861.35 The purported property address is: 11413 ELLIOTT AVENUE, EL MONTE, CA 91732 Assessor’s Parcel No.: 8105-011-103 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one

mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 888-988-6736 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site http://www.qualityloan.com , using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-14-651412-CL . Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation 411 Ivy Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-6457711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 888-9886736 Or Login to: http://www. qualityloan.com Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-14-651412-CL IDSPub #0099156 1/13/2016 1/20/2016 1/27/2016 MID VALLEY NEWS

NOTICE OF BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education for the El Monte City School District, 3540 N. Lexington, CA (Los Angeles County), will receive Bid Number A1416-01-ERATE19 for the procurement of the following: BUSINESS CLASS BROADBAND INTERNET SERVICES FOR 1GB, 2GB, 5GB AND 10GB for ERATE Year 19 Bid Packages and specifications are available via erate@emcsd.org The Board of Education reserves the right to select any and all bids. No bidder may withdraw their bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Refer to the formal bid documents and specifications for additional information, terms and conditions. Bids can be submitted electronically to erate@emcsd.org or delivered to the address below: by 10:00am February 15th, 2016 El Monte City School District, Reception Area, 3540 N. Lexington Ave, El Monte, CA 91731 1.20.201 & 1.27.2016 MID VALLEY NEWS

Page Page 119



File No. 2016006699. ORIGINAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 986 PHARMACY 2035 S. MYRTLE AVE. MONROVIA CA. 91016 LA COUNTY.

File No. 2016007330. ORIGINAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A C LOCK & KEY 10625 E. GARVEY AVE EL MONTE CA 91732 LA COUNTY.

Registered Owner(s): J S PARK 2035 S. MYRTLE AVE. MONROVIA CA. 91016


This business is conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant has not commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name on J S PARK, TITLE; PRESIDENT.

This business is conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant has commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name on J ANTONIO VALLES GANDARILLA , TITLE; OWNER.

Notice – In accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920, A Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 Days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered Owner. A new fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, The Fictitious Business Name statement must be accompanied by the affidavit of identity form. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this State of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). Dean C. Logan, Los Angeles County Clerk. By: Meekie Fisher, Deputy Published The Notice: 1.13.2016, 1.20.2016 1.27.2016, 2.3.2016 MID VALLEY NEWS

Notice – In accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920, A Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 Days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered Owner. A new fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, The Fictitious Business Name statement must be accompanied by the affidavit of identity form. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this State of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). Dean C. Logan, Los Angeles County Clerk. By: Meekie Fisher, Deputy Published The Notice: 1.13.2016, 1.20.2016 1.27.2016, 2.3.2016 MID VALLEY NEWS


All Interested Parties


City of El Monte Planning Commission


2857 Parkway Drive / APN: 8109-009-004 (A full legal description of the property is on file in the office of the El Monte Planning Division)


Lot Division (Parcel Map) No. 73562 Modification No. 43-15


A request to subdivide a 21,240 square foot parcel into two (2) lots for residential units and a common interest lot for the construction of a Planned Unit Development with two (2) 2-story dwelling units. A Modification is also requested to exceed the max imum Floor Area Ratio of 20% or 5000 square feet whichever is greater to 24%. The subject property is located in the R-1B (One-family dwelling) zone. This request is made pursuant to the requirements of Chapters 16.12, 17.20 and 17.34 of the El Monte Municipal Code.


Samir Kandah 1301 Yellow Rose Way Upland, CA 91786


The Toasa Family LLC 3110 East Garvey Avenue West Covina, CA 91791


Article 19. Categorical Exemptions - Section 15315 (Class 15 – Minor Land Divisions) in accordance with the requirements of the California Environ mental Quality Act of 1970 and the CEQA Guide lines, as amended


Pursuant to State Law, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive testimony, orally and in writing, on the proposed project. The hearing is scheduled for:

Date: Time: Place:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. El Monte City Hall – Council Chambers 11333 Valley Boulevard, El Monte, California

Persons wishing to comment on the environmental documentation or proposed application may do so orally or in writing at the public hearing or in writing prior to the meeting date. Written comments shall be sent to Ivan Galeazzi; El Monte City Hall West; 11333 Valley Boulevard; El Monte, CA 91731 or at igaleazzi@elmonteca. gov. If you challenge the decision of the City Planning Commission, in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Planning Division at, or prior to, the public hearing. For further information regarding this application please contact Ivan Galeazzi at (626)258-8626 Monday through Thursday, except legal holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Published on Wednesday, and mailed on: January 27, 2015 MID VALLEY NEWS

City of El Monte Planning Commission Marcella Magdaleno Planning Commission Secretary

El Monte Union High School District 3537 Johnson Avenue • El Monte, California 91731 (626) 444-9005 The El Monte Union High School District is seeking community members in the area of 5 classifications to serve on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee for the 2008 General Obligation Bond Measure D. 1. Business at large 2. Parent/guardian of enrolled student/s 3. Parent/guardian of enrolled student/s and active in parent and teacher organizations 4. Bona Fide Taxpayers’ organization 5. Senior Citizen In November 2008, Measure D for $148 million was approved by the voters. As a member of this community, you have seen the physical improvements of the schools. As a parent, you have seen the improvement in teaching methods, upgraded technology, and increased levels of success for graduation and the preparedness for college, universities or trade schools. An active oversight committee is part of the accountability process of all monies received and implemented to ensure even check and balances. Committee may consists of up to ten persons of the 5 groups listed and meet on quarterly basis. To obtain an application, either visit the El Monte Union High School District website and key in the following link or visit the district office located on the address listed below. LINK: http://www.emuhsd.org/ index.php/parents/comm/citizens_oversight_committee_coc/ All completed applications must be submitted by Tuesday, February 2, 2016 no later than 12:00 noon. Email completed forms to: Melisa. Carrillo@ emuhsd.org or deliver in person to: EL MONTE SCHOOL



3537 Johnson Avenue El Monte, California 91731 1.27.2016 MID VALLEY NEWS

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORINA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES POMONA COURTHOUSE 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA POMONA, CA 91766 EAST DISTRICT ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: KS019601 PETITION OF JOSE GUADALUPE ZARAGOZA FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petitioner: Jose Guaadalupe Zaragoza filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: 2. Present Name: JOSE GUADALUPE ZARAGOZA Proposed Name: WILLIAM MASON ZARAGOZA 3. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 3, 2016 Time: 8:30 AM Dept: J A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county. Published The Notice: 1.27.2016, 2.3.2016 2.10.2016, 2.17.2016 MID VALLEY NEWS

Page 12

January 27, 2016

Mid Valley News Notice of Bids

Notice of Bids 4.

NOTICE OF THE CITY OF EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA INVITING BIDS FOR A PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT “Request for Sealed Bids for the construction of the DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE-2” (Wrought Iron Fence and Site Amenities) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of El Monte (“City”), County of Los Angeles, State of California solicits sealed bids for construction of the “DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE-2” (Wrought Iron Fence and Site Amenities) located in the public right-of-way of the Valley Mall. This proposed undertaking is commonly referred to as the “DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE-2” (Wrought Iron Fence and Site Amenities) and for the purposes of this notice of inviting sealed bids may hereinafter be referred to as the “Project”. The Project is to be funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds awarded to the City. CDBG funds will be used to install a perimeter wrought iron fence, single pole shade structure, removal and installation of a PCC sidewalk, installation of safety bollards and a drinking fountain at the Downtown Valley Mall project area. The Federal government allocates annual grants to cities and urban counties to develop viable communities by improving infrastructure, the environment surrounding the community, and increasing the opportunities to expand economic growth, principally for low and moderate-income households. This is a federally funded project, thus federal regulations and procurement requirements apply. All services performed by the contractor or any sub-contractor shall be provided in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill exercised by members of the contractor’s or the respective sub-contractor’s profession. Such services shall be performed under the direct supervision of qualified and experienced personnel.


Each bid must be accompanied by a Bidder’s security in the form of a Bid Bond issued by a corporate surety, a certified check, or cashier’s check payable to the City of El Monte, or cash for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate sum of the bid price for the Project, including alternates. The successful Bidder shall be required to execute a material and labor payment bond and performance bond, issued by a corporate surety, acceptable to the City, each for not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the bid price for the Project. As provided in Public Contract Code Section 22300, the successful Bidder may substitute securities for any money withheld by the City of El Monte to ensure performance under the Project. 5.


From the date of the City of El Monte’s issuance of a notice to proceed to the successful Bidder, the Contractor under the Project shall have sixty (60) calendar days to achieve the substantial completion milestone for the project. This contract will include one interim milestone and a substantial completion milestone. In the event that the successful Bidder/Contractor may fail to complete the work by such date(s), liquidated damage(s) at the rate of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) per day per delayed milestone(s) shall be payable to the City of El Monte. 6.


No Bidder may withdraw its bid for the Project for thirty (30) calendar days after the date stipulated for opening, and all bids shall be subject to acceptance by the City of El Monte during this period. The City of El Monte reserves the right to withdraw this advertisement for bids or not award all of any part of the Project in its sole and absolute discretion. 7.


The project scope of work includes the installation of 135 linear feet, four (4) foot tall wrought iron fence, 12’ x 12’ single post cantilever type shade structure, removal of 310 square feet of PCC sidewalk, placement of 250 square feet of PCC sidewalk, installation of six (6) safety bollards and a drinking fountain. The wrought iron fence, PCC sidewalk and site amenities will be installed in the public right-of-way adjacent to the properties located at 10919-10925 Valley Mall, El Monte, CA 91732. A new playground structure and safety surfacing will be installed as part of Phase-1 of the Downtown Playground Improvement Project.

A MANDATORY pre-bid conference meeting will be conducted at 10:00 am, Thursday, February 11, 2016 at the project site located in the public rightof-way adjacent to the properties at 10919-10925 Valley Mall, El Monte, CA 91732. Bidder should allow a minimum of one (1) hour for the pre-bid conference. The Bidder(s) shall have knowledge of the existing conditions in the Project Area, which affect the cost of the Work, and the signature on the Form of Bid shall be considered by the City to be evidence of this knowledge.


The Project, by virtue of its funding source, is also subject to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701u) (“Section 3”) which seeks to ensure that employment and other economic and business opportunities generated by Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) financial assistance, to the greatest extent feasible, is directed to public housing residents and other low-income persons, particularly recipients of government housing assistance, and business concerns that provide training and economic opportunities to low- and very-low income persons. In recognition of the forgoing, all Bidders are strongly urged to take special notice of the following statement, which relates to the Project and the methodology by which a successful Bidder is to be selected:


The successful Bidder and each of its subcontractors must have current and active licenses, registrations, certifications and other credentials required to legally perform the Project at the time the Bidder is required to submit its bid to the City. The Project requires the Bidder/Contractor to possess a California Class “A” – General Engineering Contractor and/or Class “B” – General Building Contractor or other appropriate license issued by the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) and each listed subcontractor shall have an appropriate license for the type of work proposed to be performed under the contract. Bidders are also advised to take note of Public Contract Code Section 20103.5 which provides in relevant part:

“… at the time the contract is awarded, the contractor shall be properly licensed in accordance with the laws of the state…Failure of the bidder to obtain proper and adequate licensing for an award of a contract shall constitute a failure to execute the contract and shall result in a forfeiture of the security of the bidder…”



Sealed bids for the proposed Project will be accepted by the City on or before 10:00 AM (local time) on Thursday, February 18, 2016. Each bid shall be delivered in a sealed envelope which is plainly marked on the outside “DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE-2” (Wrought Iron Fence and Site Amenities) and addressed to the City of El Monte, El Monte City Hall – East, 11333 Valley Boulevard, El Monte, California 91731, Attention City Clerk. The envelope containing the sealed bid shall include one (1) original set of Bid Documents and one (1) photocopy set of the bid documents. The Bidder’s name and address shall also be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. All bids which have been timely received will be publicly opened and read at the business office of the City within approximately 30 minutes after the bid submittal time. Bids received after this date and time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations and the U.S. Department of Labor will be required. As of April 1, 2015, registration with DIR is now mandatory as a condition for bidding, and is mandatory for working on a new public works project. EACH BID MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE BID FORM PROVIDED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS OR ON THE BID FORM AS MODIFIED BY ANY ADDENDUM ISSUED BY THE CITY, IF APPLICABLE. Each bid shall be executed by an authorized officer of the Bidder and shall be accompanied by the following forms which are included as part of the Bid Documents and which must be completed as applicable by each Bidder and submitted with the rest of the Bidder’s proposal: -Section 00300 Bid Price Form -Section 00410 Bid Bond -Section 00430 List of Subcontractors -Section 00450 Non-collusion Affidavit -Section 00465 3-Year Contracting History -Section 00470 False Claims -Section 00471 Civil Litigation History -Section 00472 Criminal Convictions -Section 00473 Debarments -Section 00474 Labor Law/Payroll Violations -Section 00490 Contractor’s Industrial Safety Record -CDBG Requirements/HUD Section 3 Plan (Appendix G) -Section 3 Business Certification Form -Section 3 Economic Opportunity Plan -Section 3 Resident Certification Employees (Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Diego, Imperial County/El Centro, and Bakersfield Counties Notice of Section 3 Commitment Section 3 Economic Opportunity Report Appendix J State of California, Department of Industrial Relations Public Works Contractor Registration 3. PROCUREMENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR THE “DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE-2” (WROUGHT IRON FENCE AND SITE AMENITIES) Bid Documents for the proposed Project will be available beginning on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, and may be downloaded from the City’s website under RFP and Bidding Opportunities. For questions please contact Jerry Moreno in the Economic Development Department first at (626) 258-8624.


Silent Films continued from page 5

forms in over 30 concerts and film screenings across the country and abroad yearly. In addition to being an organist, Mark is President and Tonal Director of the Los Angeles Organ Company. ‘Silent Sundays’ is produced in partnership with the Los Angeles Theatre Organ Society, as part of the Mission Playhouse’s Community Engagement Program, Engage! The series continues with Wings (March 20), and The Goddess (May 1). Tickets are $10 advance sale, $12 at door. Group discounts are available. To buy tickets in person, come to the Playhouse Box Office Tuesdays or Thursdays from 12:00pm5:00pm. You can also call the Mission Playhouse Box Office at (626) 308-2868 during this time to purchase over the phone.


The Mid Valley News

This is a HUD Section 3 construction contract. First preference will be given to a bidder who provides a reasonable bid and is a qualified Section 3 Business Concern. Second preference will be given to a bidder who provides a reasonable bid and commits to achieving the Section 3 employment, training and subcontracting opportunity goals by submitting a written commitment (Economic Opportunity Plan).

The HUD methodology for determining what constitutes a “reasonable bid” for purposes of Section 3 will be included among the Bid Documents. 9.


Bidders are hereby notified that the Project is a Federally funded project and as such is subject to Federal minimum wage requirements set forth under the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC section 276a). Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations and the U.S. Department of Labor will be required. The Project is also a “public works” project within the meaning of Division 2, Part 7 (Public Works and Public Agencies) (Labor Code Section 1720 et seq.) (“State Prevailing Wage Laws”) and as such is also subject to State “prevailing wage” requirements under the State Prevailing Wage Laws. Pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act and the State Prevailing Wage Laws, the successful Bidder and all subcontractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as predetermined by the United States Secretary of Labor under the Davis-Bacon Act and by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations under the State Prevailing Wage Laws. If the predetermined minimum wage for a certain type or classification of labor is different as between the wage determined in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act and the wage determined in accordance with the State Prevailing Wage Laws, the higher wage rate determination shall apply. Applicable Federal and State minimum prevailing wage rates will be maintained on file with the City of El Monte and are made a part hereof, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor and such laborers and mechanics. All laborers and mechanics employed or working upon the Project will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account, the full amount of wages and bona fide fringe benefits (or cash equivalents thereof) due at time of payment. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex or religion will also be required. 10.


If any interested person seeks additional information regarding this Notice Inviting Bids on the proposed project, please contact Jerry Moreno, Landscape Technician, during the regular business hours of the City of El Monte, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday at (626) 258-8624 or via e-mail at jmmoreno@elmonteca.gov. NOTICE GIVEN THIS 27th DAY OF JANUARY 2016.


By: JONATHAN HAWES CITY CLERK CITY OF EL MONTE Publication Schedule: (Mid Valley News) 01/27/16

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January 27, 2016

Page 13

Mid Valley News Officer Honored continued from page 1

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Sunday Service

work hard, continue their education, and stay away from drugs. Each day he goes above and beyond to instill in the students the detrimental effects of drugs and the ways drug use can destroy dreams and lives. Officer Rojas excels in many areas but the annual Red Ribbon Week campaign, celebrating the heroic efforts of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena and promoting living drug free lives is one where he truly shines. His organization of the Red Ribbon Week activities at MVSD’s schools provides not only a fun and energetic assembly, but carries a strong message of the importance of living drug free and making a commitment to being healthy. Throughout the assemblies, he shares stories with the students of the effects of drug use and the consequences of being involved with drugs, and highlights Agent Camarena’s ultimate

sacrifice and commitment to battling drug trafficking and drug use. While conveying this important message, Officer Rojas also encourages the students to study hard, stay in school, set goals and work toward their dreams. He believes in the students he serves, wanting only the best for them and is committed to guide them to a successful future. The students view Officer Rojas as someone who serves as an example of the values, attitudes, and behaviors they should embody. “We love when Officer Rojas is at our school. He is really nice and helps keep us safe. We are thankful for his service and he is our modern day super hero,” said Jonathan, 5th grader from Maxson School. Officer Rojas is committed to providing a safe and drug-free environment for the students of the Mountain View School District and the youth of El Monte, and his

exceptional service is helping to shape character, nurture intellect and build skills for success in the students. “We are extremely fortunate to have Officer Rojas in our District,” said Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent. “He spends every day visiting schools and getting to know the students personally. He speaks with them about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying drug free. He is an important contributor to our District and community and truly cares about the health and safety of our students. As a former student of the District he is a tremendous positive role model for our students, showing them what you can accomplish if you work hard and stay drug free.” The California-Hawaii Elks Association will honor Officer Rojas with the Enrique Camarena Law Enforcement Award in May at their annual convention in Anaheim.

Discover Santa Anita’s Seabiscuit Tour

by Annick J. Downhower Arcadia

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Movie studios, like Universal and Warner Bros., offer “backlot” tram tours. Santa Anita, the Great Race Place, has its own hidden gem of a backlot tour. And, unlike the studio tours, it’s free! Every Saturday and Sunday during the live racing seasons (currently running through April 10), guests can enter through Gate 8 (off Baldwin Avenue), park for free, and head to Clockers’ Corner for the Seabiscuit Tour. The most popular tour time is 9:45am. Reservations are highly recommended. To start the tour, guests board a tram which takes them into another world. Known as the “backside,” the stables of the track are open only to trainers, jockeys, owners and trainers’ staff. However, the Seabiscuit Tour gives the general public behind-the-scenes access. As the tram winds through the backside, live narration provides information on the thoroughbreds and the San Gabriel Valley’s horse racing tradition. Visitors see horses going to and from the track, being groomed, and getting new horseshoes. They pass the barn where Seabiscuit was stabled and see the facilities of Hall of Fame trainers including Bob Baffert, trainer

of Triple Crown winner American Pharoah. Additionally, guests may glimpse award-winning jockeys, such as Victor Espinoza and Gary Stevens, taking a horse out to train. Guests will want to have their cameras ready to capture the sights of the backside at work. After the tram completes its journey, visitors continue the guided tour on foot, gaining access to other restricted areas- the historic Receiving Barn, the Jockeys’ Silks Room and Dressing Room, and the Saddling Barn. Then it’s on to the Walking Ring and the statue of champion Seabiscuit. Finally, it’s time to visit the carriage horses and maybe have the chance to pet one. Before the tour, guests can get a cup of coffee or sit down and order breakfast from the waiters at Clockers’ Corner. As they dine, guests

will see Santa Anita’s morning routine- thoroughbreds exercising, trainers timing horses, and jockeys and agents negotiating future rides. It’s easy to forget the freeway is only blocks away while watching the horses and hearing their hooves, all against the backdrop of the purple-toned San Gabriel Mountains. The Seabiscuit Tour and breakfast at Clocker’s Corner are perfect for families, horse fans, out-of-town visitors, and clubs. Don’t miss this wonderful start to a Saturday or Sunday. The Seabiscuit Tour information line is (626)574-6677 and reservations can be made at (626)574-6362. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10am. And, if guests would like to place a wager, Early Bird Betting is available from 8:30 to 10am.

January 27, 2016

Mid Valley News

Page 14

Entertainment Corner

Academy Takes Historic Action to Increase Diversity

by Oscars.org National

In a unanimous vote Thursday night (1/21), the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences approved a sweeping series of substantive changes designed to make the Academy’s membership, its governing bodies, and its voting members significantly more diverse. The Board’s goal is to commit to doubling the number of women and diverse members of the Academy by 2020. “The Academy is going to lead and not wait for the industry to catch up,” said Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs. “These new measures regarding governance and voting will have an immediate impact and begin the process of sig-

nificantly changing our membership composition.” Beginning later this year, each new member’s voting status will last 10 years, and will be renewed if that new member has been active in motion pictures during that decade. In addition, members will receive lifetime voting rights after three ten-year terms; or if they have won or been nominated for an Academy Award. We will apply these same standards retroactively to current members. In other words, if a current member has not been active in the

The Future is VR by Glen Maldonado Anaheim

The future is Virtual Reality and every company is making their version of this technology. Google is making one. Sony has been working on one, and some have already made theirs. Oculus has made theirs and is all ready to ship. Virtual Reality is being made mainly for games but movies are being made and so are short videos. YouTube has enabled their player to be compatible and you can actually move the video

selling an adapter that makes your phone into a Virtual Reality device. It costs $100 but is very limited at the moment. Like all new things, it takes time for content to be available for it. Many expos are showcasing the technology, but when will it all be available at Best Buy? Well no device has a clear launch date. And, are people really interested? Not all new technology has survived before like 3D. It’s great in theaters but not many people have it

with your phone by simply moving the angle. Sundance Film Festival is showcasing movies this week with the

at home. Only time will tell if people will buy Virtual Reality.

technology and people are excited. Movies in Virtual Reality sound cool but also very isolating. Samsung is already

Attention Harry Potter fans! Are you counting down the days until the Wizarding World of Harry Potter opens April 7 at Universal Studios Hollywood? Are you a Muggle who can’t wait to enter Hogsmeade and ride “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” and “Flight of the Hippogriff”? How would you like to win tickets to that opening,

last 10 years they can still qualify by meeting the other criteria. Those who do not qualify for active status will be moved to emeritus status. Emeritus members do not pay dues but enjoy all the privileges of membership, except voting. This will not affect voting for this year’s Oscars. At the same time, the Academy will supplement the traditional process in which current members sponsor new members by launching an ambitious,

global campaign to identify and recruit qualified new members who represent greater diversity. In order to immediately increase diversity on the Board of Governors, the Academy will establish three new governor seats that will be nominated by the President for three-year terms and confirmed by the Board. The Academy will also take immediate action to increase diversity by adding new members who are not Governors to its executive

and board committees where key decisions about membership and governance are made. This will allow new members an opportunity to become more active in Academy decision-making and help the organization identify and nurture future leaders. Along with Boone Isaacs, the Board’s Membership and Administration Committee, chaired by Academy Governor Phil Robinson, led the efforts to enact these initiatives.

Breeder of the Year. Southern California racing did very well at the Eclipse Awards. Undefeated Songbird (trained by Jerry Hollendorfer) and Nyquist (trained by Doug

O’Neill) were honored as the best 2-Year-Old Filly and Male. Nyquist is already being discussed as a top contender for the upcoming Kentucky Derby. Stellar Wind was named the premier 3-Year-Old Filly. Super-mare Beholder won her third Eclipse award, this time for Older Female.

American Pharoah Wins Again

by Annick J. Downhower Arcadia

Team Pharoah was a big winner at the Eclipse Awards held at Gulfstream Park in Florida. By a unanimous vote, American Pharoah was named 2015’s Horse of the Year. He also received the award for top 3-YearOld Male. His trainer, Bob Baffert, won Trainer of the Year, while Pharoah’s owners, Zayat Stables, took home honors as Owner and

Ultimate Harry Potter Sweepstakes by Annick J. Downhower Universal City

PLUS trips to the Harry Potter attractions in both Orlando and Japan and the “Making of Harry Potter” at Warner Bros. Studios Tour in London? If that sounds exciting, go to www.tripadvisor.com/wizardingworldhollywood and enter to win the “Ultimate Harry Potter Trip Around the World.” Universal and TripAdvisor have teamed to create

the sweepstakes which runs through February 24. Entrants must be US citizens, age 18 and over. One lucky winner and her/his 3 guests will enjoy airfare,

4-night accommodations at each site, 2-day entry tickets to the theme parks, plus the London tour. It’s a fantastic Harry Potter journey. Enter today!

January 27, 2016

Page 15

Mid Valley News

Entertainment Corner

The Return of the NAMM Show by Sal Gomez Anaheim

The 2016 NAMM Show Convention, otherwise known as the National Association of Music Merchants, landed at the Anaheim Convention Center this past weekend with thousands in attendance to see and use the latest in music technology. The annual convention attracts musicians, fans and supporting companies in

what can best described as the greatest “meet & greet” on earth. The convention is not open to the public but if you know someone who knows someone that has a connection to music or the business of music, there is a very good chance you can also attend....someday. In attendance are guitar merchants, drum manufacturers,

lighting rig companies, microphones, speakers and any and all needs any artists or studio is interested in obtaining for their new endeavors. But for most people attending there are the live performances scattered over the entire convention site. From legends in music like Graham Nash, to veritable tribute shows featuring a

photos by Sal Gomez

who’s who in music with people like drummer Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, to guitarist Rudy Sarzo of the 80’s metal hair band Quiet Riot, taking the stage to honor the legacy of icons like drummer John

Bonham, the band Rush and guitarist Randy Rhoads. These concerts are open to the public and tickets can be purchased so keep an eye out for next year’s NAMM Convention and support live music.

IS NOW ON TWITTER! photos by Sal Gomez


The Boy by Glen Maldonado National

This week only 3 small movies came out and I picked “The Boy.” A young

American named Greta (Lauren Cohan) takes a job as a nanny for an 8-year-old

boy in a remote English village. To her surprise, Greta learns that the child of her new employers is a life-size doll. They care for the doll as if it was human, which helps the couple to cope with the death of their own son 20 years earlier. When Greta violates a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring her worst fears to life, leading her to believe that the doll is alive. The film’s star, Ms. Cohan, is best known to everyone as Maggie from AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” Her acting isn’t the best, but it’s nice to see her do different things. “The Boy” is directed by William Brent Bell who is best known for “The Devil Inside.” Stacey Menear is a first time writer and he did a great job with this film. I certainly like the twist in the end. The movie leaves you believing in something and then takes a whole other turn. The film has jumps but this a horror film, and people will scream in the theater. But don’t worry, there are no gory scenes and very little blood. It’s not a very graphic movie, but the story is more entertaining. If you like horror films, I recommend you see this one. It won’t raise your blood pressure that much, but it will raise it a bit. Grade B Rated PG-13

Also, look out for a special sports section coming soon.

January 27, 2016

Mid Valley News

Page 16

Business and Services

CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE Cathay Bank Distinguished Student

Luis Chavez Martinez

South El Monte High School

Luis was chosen to receive this recognition because he inspires excellence through his desire to do whatever is needed to make the program succeed. He volunteers his time coaching other students in choir to help them with notes or any other issues his peers may be struggling with. Luis also volunteers his time staying after school to help clean and organize the choir and performance rooms. He is a role model for our students because of his caring attitude towards his peers and teachers on campus.


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IS NOW ON TWITTER! @midvalley_news

Also, look out for a special sports section coming soon.

Employment The Mid Valley Newspaper has been in circulation since 1966.

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