Vol. 52, No.35
Serving the San Gabriel Valley Since 1966
September 10, 2014
Special Section
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Summer Travels
Temple City, San Gabriel, & ROSEMEAD PAGE 5
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Where were you on Tuesday, September 11, 2001? As the images began to appear on the news broadcast, I could remember holding my 3 week old son and receiving a phone call from my husband asking if I was watching the news. “I answered no, why?” Thus began my day of watching the serial pictures of the planes crashing into the World Trade Towers. As the images appeared on the television, and my eyes watched in horror, my brain could not comprehend that this was happening to us, America. We as Americans
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Remembering 911
watch this happening to everyone else and not us. As the days and now years go by and people get back to their normal routines, we must never forget that there are people in our world that disagree with our opinions, religion, politics and our way of life and because of that they want to harm us, Americans. America is know as a melting pot and we have so many different races, religions and cultures that make up this beautiful country, it’s sad that we still have people in this world that feel it’s necessary to harm one another because of beliefs, religion and culture. Below is recap of some of the events that happened on this tragic, blood stained day in American history. “ The morning of September 11, 2001 started like any other for most people -- not least of all the morning anchors and producers expecting to report on kids going back-to-school, fall fashions and other stories typical of a Courtesy photo Tuesday in September. But the morning turned out very differently. All the
major networks were
by Devette Johnson/ Huffington Post National
live with footage of the World Trade Center by 8:52 a.m., minutes after the first plane hit the North Tower. Matt Lauer cut an interview short to deliver the news with Katie Couric on “Today,” while Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer broke the news on “Good Morning America.” News about the terrorist Remember 911 continued on page 10
Partnerships with Schools to Sign-Up El Monte Children for Health Coverage by Lorena Sanchez El Monte
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As students in El Monte head back to school, an innovative partnership is working to ensure that students are healthy and ready to learn. The Mountain View School District, along with three other schools in Compton, Lynwood, and Pico Rivera is continuing to work in collaboration with the Children’s Defense Fund and The School Superintendents Association (AASA) to identify and enroll uninsured children into health coverage. “Ensuring every child is enrolled in the health coverage they need to survive and thrive will help level the playing field for children and close the opportunity gap. I applaud the Mountain View School District for recognizing that healthy children are going to be
learning children and working to ensure enrollment of children in health coverage becomes an integral part of the school culture,” said Marian Wright Edelman, President of The Children’s Defense Fund. While California has made tremendous progress in reducing the number of uninsured children over the past several years, hundreds of thousands of California children remain uninsured and many of those children are eligible for free or low-cost health insurance but are not yet covered. “This project will bring us a step closer to ensuring that every child has the health care they need to do well in school,” said Lorena Sanchez, Health Programs Coordinator at Children’s Defense Fund-California. A
growing body of research demonstrates what teachers and parents know: healthy students are more likely to attend school, are better able to focus in class and are more ready to learn, ultimately earning better grades and achieving more in school. This will be the second school year that the district works to identify children who lack health insurance and links them with assistance to apply for health coverage. The district is taking steps to ensure that this is being done effectively and sustainably within its routine school practices. Last year, the district took the initiative of modifying its student enrollment and emergency cards to include a question about a students’ current health
coverage status, a model originally spearheaded by CDF as a tactic schools can easily implement to achieve identifying those children needing health insurance. Those children who indicate they lack health insurance on the school forms will be immediately connected to a local community health worker who will assist the family and child in obtaining health coverage. To get the word out about the importance of getting children covered, the school district is reaching out to parents, school personnel, and their local community through their Back-toSchool Nights, health fairs, and other special activities. “This partnership between school districts and supporting organizations is essenHealth Care continued on page 5
Mid Valley News
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September 10, 2014
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The Mid Valley News is published every Wednesday by Valley Communications, LLC Business and Editorial Offices are located at: 11401 E. Valley Blvd. Masterson Building, Suite 200B El Monte, California 91731 (626) 443-1753 FAX (626) 443-2245 E-mails
editor@midvalleynews.com Advertising/Legal Notices: legals@midvalleynews.com Display Advertising: bhealy@midvalleynews.com cpuente@midvalleynews.com Publisher/: E. Clarke Moseley Editor/ Feature Writer: JoAnne Disney Asst. Editor/Designer/Social Media/ Photograher: Devette Johnson CFO: Cheryl DiPane Editor Advertising/Circulation: Cheryl DiPane Sales Executives: Brad Healy Carlos Puente Office/Legals/Photographer: Melissa Rocha
Sports Editor: Joe Torosian Sports Writers: Tim Peterson, Duane Barker, Andy Villanueva, Josh Ouelette, Sports Photography: Andrew Bettridge Duane Barker Ted Wilson
Contributing Writers Anne Donofrio-Holter Michelle Earle Joe Castillo Mavis Hansen Jerry Jambazian Lynn Burkhardt
Intern Writers Ashley Lanuza Nicole Rodriguez Valley Communications, LLC, all contents here in are copyrighted and may not be reproduce in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the mangement and staff of Valley Communications, LLC. Adjudicated as a paper of general circulation in the City of El Monte, County of Los Angeles Superior Court, Nov. 7 1973. No. C68383 official paper for the County of Los Angeles, Adjudicated on general circulation Los Angeles July 18,
Rates and program as of 05/01/14. Subject to change without notice. * PLEASE BE ADVISED: Interest Rate = 4.25%. The APR listed is effective as of 5/01/2014 and is an example of the loan pricing offered for a particular product. Loan pricing that you may qualify for can be different based on your credit history, loan-to-value (LTV), occupancy, property type, loan amount, loan purpose, and income/financial obligations. A minimum credit qualifying score is required. Programs are subject to change without notice. Not applicable to loan pre-approvals without property selected. At 4.25% Fixed Rate (4.269% APR), Equal 360 monthly payments of $49.20 per $10,000 borrowed. NMLS# 403205 Housing Lender
Club on the mends. Rumor has it that they will be opening again in 60 days. This is great news for the City of El Monte and surrounding neighborhoods.
September 10, 2014
Around Town by Mavis Hansen Thirteen years ago, on September 11th, many of us watched our televisions in disbelief of the horrible disaster happening in New York City. As one unbelievable sight after another evolved, the shock and reality of the situation sank in. It was a changing day of our way of life for so many. Let us not forget how everyone came together to do whatever they could to help. Let us always be proud of our country and strive to be proud of what we can contribute. In observance of 9/11 let’s remember to fly our flag! I am always encouraging everyone to volunteer to help others and to join one of the many organizations devoted to many things that better our way of life and our community. El Monte Friend O’Garden Club met on Friday, September 5th in the meeting room of the Norwood Library, 4550 N. Peck Road, El Monte. President Sandy Fout called the meeting to order and led the Flag Salute. The business portion of the meeting included a discussion on the programs and events for the 2014-15 year. Members voted to be dark the months of November, December and January, although a Christmas Party will be held on December 19, 2014. Members bring a brown bag lunch to the regular meetings. Each month a gift and a plant are provided by one of the members for a drawing and there is a program on gardening. The September program was presented by David Siegrist on Hydrophonic Gardening. The next meeting of the El Monte Friend O’Garden Club will be on Friday, October 3, 2014. Guests are always welcome. For further information or membership, contact President Sandy Fout at 626442-7295. The Woman’s Club of South Pasadena presented a beautiful Fashion Show on Saturday, September 6, 2014. The Fashion Show/ Luncheon was held at the historic clubhouse, 1424 Fremont Avenue, South Pasadena. The absolutely delicious luncheon was provided by Heirloom of South Pasadena. Vendors provided fashionable clothing, purses, scarves and jewelry of all types.
Chances were available for the many gift baskets and designer purses. The Fashion Show was presented by POSH, Apparels and Accessories Boutique, located at 2537 Mission Street, San Marino. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit The Woman’s Club of South Pasadena Scholarship Program for High School Seniors. Wendy Grace was chairman for the Fashion Show. Regular club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, October through May. The meetings begin at 10:30 am and lunch is served at noon. Guests are always welcome. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. For further information or lunch reservations ($12.00) contact Lynn Cathcart at 323-255-5739 or President Toni Marshall at 626-2897526. The Pacific Clinics Training Institute and the National Alliance on Mental Illness is presenting their 30th Annual Presentation of the Georgette Shatford Series of How to Survive and Thrive with a Mentally Ill Relative. This series of seven programs, held on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm are held at the Pacific Clinics Training Institute, 2471 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena. First in the series begins on September 9, 2014 with lecture “Inside the World of Bipolar Disorder”, September 16, 2014 lecture will be Balancing Bipolar – 4 pillars of treatment. Lectures are presented by Michael Di Paolo, Ph.D. All are open to the public and free of charge. A Blood and Toy Drive will be held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at the City of El Monte executive parking lot, 11333 Valley Boulevard, El Monte from 7:00 am until 1:00 pm. El Monte is the host partner with the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. For those unable to give blood, toys are happily accepted. Each year the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases treats 1,100 new cancer patients and it takes 2,000 units of blood to treat these patients. For further information contact the City of El Monte at 626580-2001. Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste the right way, on Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm at the City of Hope Parking Lot, 2144 Buena Vista Street, Duarte. For information on what you can or cannot bring, phone 1-800-238-0172. Always lots to do, see you soon, someplace AROUND TOWN.
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Mid Valley News
Student's Corner The Kitten by Nicole Rodriguez
I remember a time when I really felt depressed. It occurred this past summer. It happened when I was staying at my grandma’s house. My aunt and grandma fed the stray cats every now and then. It was around 9 P.M. and my aunt let me feed them one night. I poured the cat food and the cats came to eat when they heard me shake the bag. As I was about to walk inside, I heard a faint meow. Then I heard the same meow again. It came from the side of the house. I went to see why the cat was crying and why was it not eating. As I rounded the corner, I almost missed it. It was a kitten that was trying to walk towards the front of the house where the other cats were eating. I
in the towel. I dried the cat while my aunt left to find wet cat food. I started to dry him and he only stared at me and cried. The cat had its eyes wide open, which gave it an innocent look. After the cat was dry, I petted it. A minute later, it was closing its eyes and purring. I smiled to myself and started to feel sorry for the little one. My aunt came with the wet food. The cat’s eyes instantly opened at the sound of the door creaking. My aunt told me to open the cat food while she looked at the cat’s leg. I cringed at the kitten’s cry. The kitten sniffed the food and slowly started to eat. My aunt got a little 1 inch cubed bowl and poured the cat’s water in it. The cat drank and ate as much as it
little fur ball sleep and fell asleep myself. I aroused to someone calling my name. Opening my eyes, I found my aunt looking for something. She said in a panicked voice that she could not find the cat. That sentence woke me from my sleep as I looked at the plastic box and then at my feet. He was gone. I joined her looking through her room. I checked under the bed. I would have overlooked the cat, but its glossy wide eyes caught my attention. I smiled to myself and tried to reach the kitten. I called my aunt and said that I found him under the bed but could not reach him. My aunt slowly pulled him out, but the kitten was scared. She petted him until he calmed down. After the
Courtesy photo
came slowly, fearing it was going to run away, but it continued to cry and stare at me. I bent down on my knee and cautiously reached out to pet the kitten. It was then I noticed it was only standing on three legs. I carefully picked it up and petted it, murmuring to it that it was going to be okay. Its bottom half was dirty and caked with mud. I returned to the inside of the house to show my aunt the injured kitted. She took it from me and was carefully washing the cat. The kitten was skinny to the bone. Its fur was a gray color and its paws were black, making it look like they were dumped in ink. Part of its face was black and gray. It gave the kitten a loveable and charming charisma. When my aunt was done, I opened the towel and watched as she placed it
could and then laid there. My aunt told me to watch the cat as she fashioned a plastic box and the towel as its temporary sleeping area. We positioned the box in her room where we could see or hear the little one at night. I offered to sleep on the floor to watch the kitten. When it was time to sleep, I honestly was not able to because I was concerned about the kitten. I eventually fell asleep; I awoke in the middle of the night because of something stirring at my foot. I looked down, half asleep and expecting a monster to be there. I saw what it was and sighed in relief, glad that the creature by my foot was the kitten purring and pressed against me. I was dumbfounded, because the cat could only get out of the box if it jumped. So I let the
kitten was relaxed, we put him back into the box to eat and drink. I sat down in front of the cat and read. An hour later, my aunt left for work and told me what to do if the kitten was crying or restless. I sat next to him and gave him more food and water. Then the kitten started to cry. I mentally went through a list of what could be wrong. He was not hungry or thirsty, because it had food and water in front of it. The cat was not lying on its bad leg so its position was not causing it to cry. Then I realized that it needed to go to the bathroom. I picked up the cat and gently carried it outside in the yard. The kitten’s fur was soft now that he was cleaner. I placed him carefully on the ground and he leaned on my hand until Kitten continued on page 4
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Mid Valley News
September 10, 2014
Summer Travels
Cruising Alaska Continues: Mt. McKinley ( Denali ) by Jo Anne Disney Mt. McKinley
We finally arrived at our destination, the picturesque Mt. McKinley also known as Denali. And, due to the changing weather on the mountain, it is only visible 30% of the time. Only one word can describe this mountain and that is spectacular! We took the only way to get up close and per-
sonal with the mountain, and that is by taking the National Park Service Tour. Denali is referred to as a “living tapestry.” History tells us that the “Alaska Natives and other peoples have used this land for nearly 11,000 years, but the footprint remains small. Despite some development in and near the park, Denali
is much the same today as it has been for all those years. No rivers have been diverted here. Habitat is protected. Wolves and other animal predators continue to hunt.” The park is “vast and wild: six million acres with few established trails, the largest ribbon of road. Denali is a national treasure in part
too warm when we were there and the animals did not come out. During our tour we visited Savage Cabin, “a rustic shelter just off the park road. This backcountry cabin, and others like it, have been used for decades by rangers conducting winter park patrols.” We were fortunate because during
the summer visitors can get a chance to see what it was like back in the time for early park advocates and settlers. The cabin is also close to the park’s “designated wilderness” boundary. The views traveling up toward the mountain are amazing. Looking at all of the wide open space makes one feel so free. And, breathing all of that fresh air is simply wonderful. We learned that nearly 1,300 people attempt to climb Mt. McKinley each year. They have to register with the National Park and must pass a physical. And, because of the vast changes in altitude, they are instructed to take their time because some people get very ill. If climbers are successful, it can take approximately 2
photos courtesy of Jo Anne Disney McKinley continued on page 10
because it is a place where visitors may still see large animals at home in the wild: caribou, bear, wolf, Dall sheep, and moose.” Unfortunately, the weather was Kitten continued from page 3
Webb'S Rules
A CAT by Eugene R. Webb
A cat sure can be a whole lot of fun; But most people can’t settle for just one. Having the love of a cat is worthwhile; Watching a cat can always bring on a smile. Cats are as smart as they can be; They love to play and climb a tree. But they can do the darndest things; And happiness is what a loving cat brings. Most cats like to be free to roam; But love brings them back to their home. A healthy cat can always be trained; For God gave them a creative brain. A cat can come in any shape, color or size; Usually beautiful, clever and very wise. They are truly God’s priceless gift; And are known to give the heart a big lift. A cat is more than just a bundle of fur; You haven’t lived until you hear one purr. A cat likes to lay around, nap and get fat; It’s heaven when you have the love of a cat.
he could find his balance. He looked and sniffed the ground, tried to dig a hole, then peed. I picked him back up and was going towards the house when the other cats meowed to me. I placed the injured cat a few feet away from its mom. The mom saw the kitten and sniffed him. Then she passed the kitten. The injured kitten cried to the mother cat and tried to get her attention by standing up and limping to her. The mom moved away and I could hear the heart break in the injured kitten’s next meow. I picked up the injured kitten and went inside to put him in the box. I felt sorry for the little fur ball. Not only was he injured, but his mom did not even want to help or look at him. I went inside my aunt’s room and placed him in the box. I gave him food and petted him until he was asleep and purring. It was then I swore that as long as he lived, I was going to take great care of the little fur ball. My aunt came home late from work and said we were going to the veterinarian in the morning to see what was wrong with the cat’s leg. That night I fell asleep listening
to the soft purr of the kitten. The next day, my aunt, the kitten, and I got into the car and drove to the vet’s. We were nervous and hopeful that the kitten’s leg was only a sprain or something was stuck in its paw. As we got out of the car, the kitten was shaking and looking around nervously. We went inside and waited. I was praying that the kitten was not too injured, because if he was, the cat would have to be put down. We were called in by one of the veterinarians and went inside one of the rooms. The room was white with a metal table in the center. The kitten was staring at me and I felt sorry for the little fur ball. We met the vet and he started to observe the cat’s leg. He said that he would not know for sure if it was a break or a sprain until they took x-rays. My aunt gave the okay, and we waited outside in the waiting room until the x-rays were done. We sat down in silence. After about fifteen minutes, the vet called and I felt anxious, almost as if it was me we were there for and not the kitten. The kitten was on the table looking frightened and petrified. The
vet stood on the other side of the table and explained to us what was wrong. He said the bone was broken. The break was more complicated than that, though. He said that the bone broke on the edge, separating the growth plate with the rest of the bone. This meant that the kitten’s leg would not grow anymore and he would always have a limp. My aunt and I sat in silence as we took a while to understand this. She then asked what we could do. He told us a few options. We could let them operate and put the bone together, but the bone would never grow. Another option would be to let the bone heal naturally over one or two months. The third option was to put the cat to sleep. My aunt told the vet that we would think about it. We got the cat and left the vet’s office. On the way home, I petted the little fur ball and asked my aunt what she thought we were going to do. Then she asked what I thought. I responded that we should just keep the kitten and not do the operation. She only nodded and we silently Kitten continued on page 10
September 10, 2014
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Mid Valley News
Rosemead San Gabriel Temple City Rosemead San Gabriel Temple City
‘Time Jockey’ Thank You by Joe Castillo
Showing Support …. Approximately 200 family members and friends paid their final respects to Matt Castillo, a 2010 graduate of Temple City High School, who passed away on July 1. Services including the Prayer of the Rosary and Mass were held at St. Luke’s Catholic Church in Temple City on July 18 and 19. Final internment was held at Resurrection Cemetery in Monterey Park. The services included music and singing performed in the church and
at the gravesite, a butterfly ‘renewal of life’ release and a prayer performed by the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians Kizh Nation. Matt Castillo was 22 years old before a heart attack prematurely ended his life. He will be remembered for his smile, his laughter and his love of games, both electronic and board. The family of Matt wishes to express their sincere appreciation to his friends, family and local community for their support during this challenging period…..
Sonia Tran Part of Biggest Honors Class in SDSU History by Beth Chee San Gabriel/ San Diego
On the heels of the announcement that San Diego State University is launching an Honors College in fall 2015, the university is thrilled to welcome the largest in-coming class of Honor’s students in the his-
tory of the university. Two hundred and twenty six high achieving students have been accepted into the University Honors Program including Sonia Tran, a freshman from San Gabriel’ s Gabrielino High, who is majoring in Electrical Engineering. In addition to the stellar grade point averages, SAT and ACT scores required for admission, students in SDSU’s Honors Program
are also expected to show a commitment to achievement and to giving back to the communities in which they live and work. Honors students will participate in transformational educational experiences, including study abroad, leadership programs, undergraduate research with faculty mentors and internships. courtesy photos
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Rosemead Kiwanis News
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Health Care continued from page 1
tial to our efforts to identify and enroll eligible children in Medi-Cal, Covered California and other programs,” said Sharon-Adams Taylor, Associate Executive Director of the American Association of School Administrators. The project is made possible by a grant awarded by the Atlantic Philanthropies, a private foundation that is dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. “We know that insured children are more likely than their uninsured peers to perform well in school. We also know that uninsured children are more likely to miss additional days of
school. This project offers our school district the opportunity to not only address the critical health needs of our students, but also improve academic performance and school attendance,” explains Superintendent Lillian Maldonado French of the Mountain View School District. Additional school districts working in partnership with CDF and AASA on schoolbased health outreach and enrollment efforts include, the Compton Unified School District in Compton, CA; El Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera, CA, and the Lynwood Unified School District in Lynwood, CA.
RIF Orientation Slated–the annual orientation meeting for Reading is Fundamental has been scheduled for Thursday, October 2, 2014. Location as usual will be St Anne’s Group Home, 155 N. Occidental in Los Angeles, starting with registration at 8:15–program runs from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and usually includes “birds eye views” of programs offered by authors of books distributed thru RIF. Parking and participation is free. The RKC will be dark on this date in order to facilitate participation by interested Rosemead Kiwanian site coordinators. Attendance by Kiwanians is encouraged even though the program of necessity is primarily geared
towards school staff. The RKC is hoping to have our own joint late afternoon meeting of RKC site coordinators with school site staff coordinators and principals later in the month. Participation in the St Anne’s meeting will afford in depth overview of the RIF program which will lay a foundation for our own training. The latter will focus on optimization of the Kiwanis role in working with school staff principals and PTO groups. RKC Fall Social–for the first time in memory the Rosemead Kiwanis Club will be holding an “all members social,” replete with food, a white elephant sale, and several special features
(at least one guaranteed to be a total surprise). The date is the evening of Saturday, September 20, 2014, at the Open Bible Church beginning at 6:30 pm. Cost is only $10 per person.
PICK UP THE MVN It’s All Good News
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Mid Valley News
September 10, 2014
into Summer Break CROSSWORD
Crossword Puzzle solution in issue 9.17.14
Solution for Sudoku in issue 9.17.14
What's in the Stars?? ARIES A desire for increased financial security could force you to look for work or investments that would pay off big. TAURUS Don’t expect to spend a lot of time at home today, Taurus. You’re more likely to be in the car and away from home. GEMINI Emotional turmoil on the job could stress you out way too much.
1. Figure of speech 6. School org. 9. *Where official places football after a play 13. *Often twirled at football games 14. Nocturnal flyer 15. Ma Bell, e.g. 16. Artificial leg 17. Also 18. Neptune’s realm 19. *Team with most NFL championships 21. *_______ league 23. “___ you sure?” 24. Dateless 25. David Alan Grier’s initials 28. “I ____ the sheriff...” 30. Uproar 35. The Colosseum today, e.g. 37. Mimicked 39. Inspiration for poets and musicians 40. Oscar winner and directed by Ben Affleck 41. Donkey in Latin America 43. All over 44. Animals of a particular region 46. *Football center move 47. Viscount’s superior 48. Start a golf hole 50. *BYU Cougars’ home state 52. Fleur-de-___ 53. Soap bubbles 55. Not decaf. 57. *Princeton opponent in what is considered first college game 61. Caribbean Sea island country 65. Finno-_____ language 66. Club on a card, e.g. 68. *Home to the Dolphins 69. Michael Moore’s hometown 70. Pitcher’s stat 71. Painter _____ Degas 72. Ficus tree fruit, pl. 73. A Bobbsey twin 74. Swarms
DOWN 1. Recipe abbreviation 2. Pro ____ 3. Ear-related 4. “Roll Out the Barrel” dance 5. Comes in 6. Used for stewing, pl. 7. *Sometimes a team goes for this after a TD 8. High up 9. Religious offshoot 10. Legal action 11. South American wood sorrels 12. *____ Romo 15. *Part of a football cleat 20. *What players do to help fix injured joint or limb 22. “I see!” 24. Chest bone 25. *It includes 7 rounds 26. Saintly glow, pl. 27. Jig, in France 29. “Moonlight Sonata,” e.g. 31. Highlands hillside 32. Trite or hackneyed 33. Wombs 34. *Sugar and Orange, e.g. 36. Not to be done, especially for a baby 38. Exclamation of annoyance 42. Style of abstractionism popular in 1960s 45. Change 49. In favor of 51. *Concussion preventer 54. Colorado resort 56. Seeing eye dog, e.g. 57. Queen Elizabeth I’s neckwear 58. Tangerine grapefruit hybrid 59. Type of math 60. Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire, e.g. 61. Extended time period 62. “Leaving Las Vegas” Oscar winner 63. Prayer leader in mosque 64. Manners intended to impress 67. A retirement plan
CANCER Everything you try to do should go fairly smoothly. Relations with others are warm, friendly, and congenial. LEO Don’t be surprised if they tell you how wonderful the place looks. Conversation should be lively and entertaining, though you should sidestep any discussion of controversial subjects. VIRGO Today, Virgo, you might spend a great deal of time in the car running errands in the neighborhood.
Visit all new Follow MVR on Facebook @midvalleyradio & Twitter @ midvalleyradio Solution for Sudoku 9.03.14
LIBRA Money that you’ve been earning for a long time may finally come your way today, Libra, but don’t be surprised if you have to do a lot of running around in order to get it. SCORPIO The special someone in your life may be having some trouble with colleagues. Don’t just comfort him or her, Scorpio. SAGITTARIUS Today you’re likely to be working hard behind the scenes. CAPRICORN Friends could entice you to join them for a short day trip, perhaps to the country. AQUARIUS Tempers might flare and co-workers clash, so stay calm and keep going. On the positive side, the financial and recognition payoffs for whatever you accomplish today should prove well worth the effort. PISCES Today you should feel especially sexy and relationships with romantic partners should go well, Pisces.
Crossword Puzzle solution 9.03.14
September 10, 2014
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Mid Valley News
HELP and HOPE in El Monte!! by Melissa Morales El Monte
Social Model Recovery Systems, Inc. would like to announce that its Mid Valley Outpatient program recently relocated to 3131 Santa Anita Avenue in El Monte. Mid Valley Outpatient is committed to providing individuals and families opportunities for a better life through recovery from alcohol and drug abuse while promoting positive change throughout the community. We provide a supportive, safe and comfortable place where people can spend time in the company of clean and sober individuals, provide referrals to community resources including agencies that supply job training, education enhancement, and other vocational improvement skills, as well as to health and mental health clinics, housing agencies, sober living homes, and shelters. Other services provided for individuals struggling with the consequences of alcohol and other drug use include: individual counseling, group counseling on addiction education, anger management, relapse prevention, life skills enhancement, court and DCFS approved parenting classes, family unity and education groups, HIV/AIDS/STI
awareness presentations, Twelve Step groups, social and recreational activities, observed urinalysis drug testing as well as Spanishspeaking staff and groups. Fees are based on the ability to pay and no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Partial funding is provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Substance Abuse Prevention and Control. The program is licensed and certified by the State of California,
Department of Health Care Services. We accept participants receiving CalWORKS, General Relief, or Medi-Cal benefits, have insurance or the ability to pay a private rate, and unfunded individuals. If you feel you can benefit from our services, please feel free to inquire. All services are confidential. We accept community referrals as well as walk-in and telephone inquiries. Intakes are made by appointment,
City Terminates Contract with Albert’s Towing Services by Valerie Martinez El Monte
El Monte, Calif. — The City of El Monte recently terminated its contract with Albert’s Towing Services citing a failure of the company to pay more than $120,000 in fees owed to the City. In the course of investigating violations of Albert’s Tow’s contract with the City to tow vehicles impounded by the Police Department, the City also investigated reports of larger operational deficiencies and irregularities which would not only constitute violations of the contract, but may also violate State laws governing tow company operations. Among the allegations shared with the City were reports that Albert’s Tow was overcharging vehicle owners and only accepting cash for the release of vehicles. It was also alleged that signage at private parking lots intended to alert vehicle owners that their vehicles could be towed was deficient. “We have zero tolerance
and alternate referrals are provided if we are unable to meet the needs of applicants. Services and treatment duration are based on individual need and are re-assessed regularly. A participant’s program may consist of two 90-minute group sessions per week, one 60-minute individual session, and three Twelve Step meetings weekly. Expected treatment stay is six to 12 months. Mid Valley Outpatient is the treatment provider for
Rio Hondo Superior Court’s Drug Court program. Drug Court offers treatment as a viable alternative in lieu of incarceration. All treatment services in this program are provided to court-ordered individuals placed into Drug Court. Mid Valley Outpatient 3131 Santa Anita Ave Ste. 112B El Monte, Ca. 91733 Phone (626) 453-3432 Fax (626) 453-3415 Hablamos Espanol
Car Culture Corner Up and Coming shows Hot Import Nights HIN in San Pedro, Sept 20
86 fest
for companies who break the law and bully our residents,” said Mayor André Quintero. “As soon as we heard about how they were towing cars illegally, we asked staff to investigate. I am proud that we are taking action to rid our City of businesses who take advantage of our community.” The City embarked on the investigation after receiving numerous complaints from community members about unfair and illegal towing practices in a parking lot adjacent to the local courthouse. The towing of vehicles from this location was not conducted under the authority of Albert’s Tow’s contract with the City but was instead carried out under a separate private arrangement between the tow
company and the property owner. On May 14, 2014, the City issued notification that it was formally suspending the agreement with Albert’s Tow and would immediately cease to refer vehicles to the company. A final termination notice was issued on June 19, 2014. The City will work with local prosecutors and State regulators to ensure that anybody who is found to have violated State laws are held accountable. The City of El Monte will also actively explore ways to recover any and all monies owed to the City. Albert’s Towing Services was one of two towing companies contracted by the City to provide tow services.
Sept 21, 86FEST presented by Turn14 Distribution will take place on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at IRWINDALE SPEEDWAY. The Largest Gathering of Scion FR-S, Subaru BRZ, and AE86 Toyota Corolla GT-S enthusiasts in North America for the third year in a row. Time: 11am - 6pm
Oct 4-5 is off road expo
Off Road Expo Returns Oct 4 & 5 To Fairplex in Pomona
Formula Drift
Oct 11-12 is formula drift a Irwindale Speedway. It All Comes Down to the FINAL FIGHT for the Formula DRIFT Championship.
LA Auto Show
Nov 18-20 is LA auto show
Street Machine and Muscle Cars Nationals March 22-23, 2015 9am-5pm, 9am -4pm, Pomona, Fairplex
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Mid Valley News
Joe T.’s Scoreboar d By Joe Torosian
Should Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice have been suspended for an entire year instead of two games for beating his girlfriend? Absolutely. Should he do jail time? Absolutely. Instead in the legal realm he got off the hook and the NFL suspended him for two games. I don’t know how he only got two games, but he did. That was the punishment issued by Commissioner Roger Goodell. Now the video of Rice beating his girlfriend has been released to the public and it’s awful. Everyone is screaming for an increase in punishment. To the heart that sounds like a very good thing, but to the rational mind isn’t it also a scary thing? The idea being after a particular judgment has been passed, new outrage, a new surge of emotionalism can change a judgment that has already been handed down, is dangerous. I don’t like the two-game suspension for Rice, but the NFL screwed up and they need to live with it. You should not be able go back and change a sentence on anybody, based not on new evidence, but on emotion. That is the definition of a dangerous and slippery slope. Mid Bits (just like tidbits) ***The 19 coverage area teams of the Mid Valley News are a combined 8-25 after the first two weeks of the football season. ***I’m loving Fantasy Football, not so much Fantasy Baseball, these days. ***How much do the Dallas Cowboys have invested in Tony Romo” Oh yeah, six-years for 55-million. ***Was ABC really trying to show a WNBA game on the opening Sunday of the NFL season? ***How much does Tom Brady have left? Happy Birthday this week to: 9/10: Former San Gabriel kicker Patrick Courtney turns 23. 9/10: Former Gabrielino/ Current Baldwin Park baseball coach Joe Laski turns 36. 9/11: Former El Monte American/Arroyo pitching standout Mark Larini turns 25. 9/11: Former Monrovia linebacker Josh Lowdon turns 22. 9/12: Former Temple City offensive lineman Eric Becher turns 25. 9/14: Longtime area assistant coach/college scout/San
September 10, 2014
Arroyo Handles Temple City, 42-32
by Steven Mercado Temple City
Gabriel alum Zeke Prado turns 34. (If you have a sports birthday you’d like acknowledged drop me a line at the address below) Contact Joe at joe@midvalleysports.com Follow Joe at @joet13b on Twitter Listen to “The Joe Show” every Wednesday (6:P.M.) at www.midvalleyradio.net Arroyo quarterback Chaz Miller celebrates his 75-yard touchdown run with his teammates. Photo by Steven Mercado
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The Arroyo Knights looked shaky once again in their second game of the season, but not shaky enough to keep them from winning as they fended off the Temple City Rams by the final score of 42-32 on Friday night at Hitchcock Stadium. Arroyo was led by senior quarter Chaz Miller, who went 13-for-23 for 204 pass-
ing yards and three touchdowns and ran the ball six times for 101 yards and two touchdowns, including a 75yard scamper four minutes into the first quarter. The game’s first five drives ended in touchdowns, putting Temple City on top 18-14 after missing the twopoint conversion. Arroyo finished the first quarter with a 62-yard bomb from Miller
to senior wide receiver Anthony Barcelo as time expired. Injuries haunted the Rams in the second half, as seven of their starters hit the ground and required assistance to get back to their sideline, including senior wide receiver Kyle Floyd, who scored three touchdowns in the game.
Rio Hondo Prep Falls Just Short by Joe Torosian El Monte
It doesn’t come with the fanfare of USC-UCLA, but in the Northwest it’s tough to find a better rivalry than Mission Prep against Rio Hondo Prep. Friday night at Kares Field the story was the same, as the two teams traded blows before the Royals picked up the road victory, 28-27, on the game’s last play. Trailing late 28-21 in the final minutes, Rio Hondo Prep advanced the ball as far as the Mission Prep 40 yard line where they were stopped and faced a fourth down and 15. They took a timeout and then did a smart thing. They gave the ball to running back Gio Perez, who then threw the ball over the top of the defense to Domenico Chico for a touchdown. Knowing the physical Royals were wearing his team down, Kares Coach Ken Drain decided to go for a two-point conversion and the win, but Perez was stopped a yard short to give the visitors the win. Rio Hondo Prep’s Gio Perez runs and passes the ball. Photo by Belinda Mosher
September 10, 2014
AYSO Season Kicks-off in Temple City
The Peterson Principle By Tim Peterson
I keep hearing about Pomona. I mention that San Dimas is the team to beat in the Mid-Valley Division after last week’s loss to Monrovia and I keep hearing about Pomona. I saw San Dimas beat a more physical Los Altos team Friday night by converting a two point conversion late in the fourth and now I really think the Saints are the team to beat. But again I’m hearing about Pomona. I make a comment to the San Dimas coaching staff (assistants) a couple of weeks ago about Pomona looking pretty good and I get the response. “Yeah, they were pretty good last year too...until they played us.” And you know, well, it’s true. Last year the Red Devils rolled through everybody. They were dropping 50 bombs on people on a regular basis – 54 on Garey, 53 on Wilson, 61 on Baldwin Park, 51 on Nogales...and we started to believe. And then they played a team of some substance – San Dimas - and lost 49-6. The Devils did get a win over Rosemead in the playoffs but were thumped by Paraclete in the second round. So that brings us to this year and Pomona is at it again. The Red Devils have scored 93 points in two games in blowout victories. Darreon Lockett has thrown for over 661 yards and nine touchdowns, and Desmond Bobo and Shawn Wilson have combined for over 400 yards receiving. Senior linebacker Andre Walker is making life miserable for opposing ball carriers. So again we start to believe and again I keep hearing about Pomona. We’ll know a little bit sooner this year than last. Pomona plays Mission Prep next week followed by Colony. Miramonte League play starts October 10. Are the Devils for real? Can they make a run in the Mid-Valley Division? It looks good now but we shall see. And in the meantime I keep on hearing... How does Salesian handle Muir easily in Zero Week and then fall to Claremont last Friday night? Didn’t Claremont just lose to El Rancho by three touchdowns? There have to be some concerns in the Knights neighborhood. Arroyo has allowed 98 points in two games. Had Temple City not kicked onside four times (and never recovered once) Arroyo might have lost that one. The Mission Valley League is a collective 2-10 so far this year with the only victories coming against
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Mid Valley News
Temple City and Bosco Tech (by Gabrielino). League play should be interesting. Funny, I haven’t heard anything about La Mirada not living up to expectations this year. If you haven’t had a chance to see Azusa Pacific running back Terrell Watson yet make plans to soon. He rushed for over 200 yards last Thursday in the Cougars huge overtime win over Grand Valley State. APU is Division 2 now are looking like a force to be reckoned with.
Everybody plays in AYSO. Photo by Joe Torosian by Joe Torosian Temple City
That’s my principle. Tim can be reached at tim@ midvalleysports.com or on Twitter @tspeterson40
The Temple City AYSO Region 98 kicked off its 40th season on Saturday at Live Oak Park in Temple City. Fifty-three teams of boys and girls took part in ten different divisions. The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) was established in the Los Angeles area in 1964 with nine teams. It was the dream of a group of devoted soccer enthusiasts who started the organization in a garage. Today, AYSO has more
than 50,000 teams and more than 650,000 players. It also employs 50 people at its National Support and Training Center in Hawthorne, California. Over the years, AYSO has created many valuable programs and concepts. Most notably, AYSO revolutionized youth sports with its “Everyone Plays” and “Balanced Teams” philosophies. In AYSO, each child who registers is guaranteed to play at least half of every
game. To help create evenly matched games, all AYSO players are placed on new or “balanced” teams each year. These decisions are made based on each player’s skill level and the overall ability of the team. The regular season goes to the middle of November and features interlocking games with AYSO programs in Arcadia, San Gabriel, South El Monte and Boyle Heights.
‘The Mid’ Area Football Top Ten The combine record of this Top Ten is 8-9, that’s not too good but the combined record of our nine other coverage area schools is 0-16. Monrovia is the only school here that is allowed to dream big dreams, the big area game this week is between them and Arcadia.
1. Monrovia Wildcats (2-0): Went to Bonita, saw Bonita, conqured Bonita. 2. Arcadia Apaches (1-0): Get Monrovia after bye week. 3. La Puente Warriors (1-1): This is a competive team, and that might be good
enough. 4. Rio Hondo Prep Kares (1-1): Gio Perez is terrific, team is good, but depth is the issue. 5. Gabrielino Eagles (1-0): We predicted the Eagles would win 42-6, it was 49-6. 7. Baldwin Park Braves
(1-1): Team in limbo, how good are they? We’ll find out against Northview this week. 8. Arroyo Knights (1-1): Not playing good football...yet. 6. Rosemead Panthers (0-2): Strong schedule, but they need some better results.
9. Bassett Olympians (0-2): This team is going to be okay...just give it time. 10. Temple City Rams (0-1): Not a great team, but they did have Arroyo on the ropes for the first time since 2008
Game Night Week Two (All kick-offs 7:P.M.)
Thursday, September 11th
Temple City Rams (0-1) at Alhambra Moors (0-2) Rio Hondo Prep Kares (1-1) at The Rams are not perfect, but Gabrielino Eagles (1-0) seem to have some fire. This is another step up game Prediction: Temple City 30 for the Kares, we like the Alhambra 22 Eagles offense. Prediction: Gabrielino 31 Rio San Marino Titans (2-0) at San Hondo Prep 30 Gabriel (0-2) This will be rip city. Duarte Falcons (0-2) at Mont- Prediction: San Marino 65 San clair Cavaliers (2-0) Gabriel 0 Falcons struggling big time. Prediction: Montclair 46 Arcadia Apaches (1-0) at Duarte 6 Monrovia Wildcats (2-0) Go with Monrovia at home. Friday, September 12th Prediction: Monrovia 40 Arca-
dia 17 Montebello Oilers (0-2) at Arroyo Knights (1-1) This game feels like a toss-up. Prediction: Arroyo 28 Montebello 27
The Panthers continue their tough non-league schedule. Prediction: Burroughs 34 Rosemead 16
Claremont Wolfpack (1-1) at Mountain View Vikings (0-1) This will be a wrecking ball El Monte Lions (0-2) at Bashitting the Vikings this week. sett Olympians (0-2) Prediction: Claremont 48 Mt. Two teams desperately seeking View 0 life. Go with the Olympians. Prediction: Bassett 33 Calvary Chino Cowboys (0-1) at South Chapel 23 El Monte Eagles (0-2) Go with the visitors. Rosemead Panthers (0-2) at Week Two continued on page 10 Burroughs Indians (0-1)
Mid Valley News
Page 10 Trustee Sale NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-14-05-789 - Loan No. Moreno -Order No.: 1408675 APN 8107003-003 and 005 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/21/2013. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 09/17/2014 at 1 :00PM, Lender’s Foreclosure Services as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 11/26/2013 as instrument number 20131678565 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, executed by: Alfonso Moreno, a single man and Maria Cardenas, an Unmarried Woman, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At: ON THE FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE EL MONTE CITY HALL EAST, LOCATED AT 11333 VALLEY BOULEVARD, EL MONTE, CA 91731, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California describing the land therein: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2352 Mountain View Rd., El Monte, CA 91733. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $559,778.02 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The Beneficiary may elect to bid less than the full credit bid. The
beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (626) 579-5350 or visit this Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case 14-05-789. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Lender’s Foreclosure Service, P. O. Box 92086, City of Industry, CA 91715-2086, Sale Line :( 626) 5795350, Lender’s Foreclosure Services, TS No. CA-14-05-789 - Pub # APN 8107-003-003 and 005, 8/27/2014 09/03/2014 9/10/2014 MID VALLEY NEWS
NOTICE TO PUBLIC POLICE UNCLAIMED MONEY Notice To Public Police Unclaimed Money In accordance with Title 2, Chapter 2.64, Section 160 of the El Monte Municipal Code, notice is hereby given that the El Monte Police Department is holding unclaimed money in the amount of $21,969.52. This money has remained unclaimed for over three (3) years and will become the property of the City on November 9, 2014. 09/10/14 & 09/17/2014
NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014219672. ORIGINAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: REALBEAUTY SALON 3360 TYLER AVENUE EL MONTE, CA 91731 LA COUNTY Registered Owner(s): MAURILIO LOPEZ JR. 865 RANDOM LANE DUARTE, CA 91010 MARIA INES RODRIGUEZ 865 RANDOM LANE DUARTE, CA, 91010 This business is conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Registrant has commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name on OWNER. Notice – This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious Business Name Statement expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before that time. The filing of the statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). 08.20.2014, 08.27.2014, 09.03.2014, 09.10.2014 MID VALLEY NEWS
Pick up the MID??
Kitten continued from page 4
drove home. We arrived home and I placed the plastic box outside and sat with the kitten outside reading. I thought about what would happen to the kitten. It made me think about what things I had that the cat did not. I had a loving family, a home to come to everyday, and I am well and healthy. I saw the kitten’s mom come towards the water to drink. The injured kitten cried, stood up, and climbed out of the box. I tried to put him back in the box, but then I realized the mom cat was staring. I let go of the kitten and he limped towards his mom. I was worried that the mom would not acknowledge its kitten and continue drinking. The kitten cried as it rubbed against its mom leg. The mom surprised me by licking the kitten’s face clean. After a minute, the kitten started to feed off of the mom. I smiled and was glad the mom finally accepted its kitten back. The mom was walking off now and the little fur ball followed. I stood up and walked over to the kitten and picked him up. As much as I wanted the mom to take and accept the kitten, he was in no condition to follow her and move from place to
place. I carried him back. He cried as I sat down, and his mom not looking back. I gently placed him on my lap, and he cuddled closer to me. I stroked his fur, hoping he would fall asleep and forget about his mom. He started to purr and I picked up my book and read. I put the kitten in his box. He stirred, but fell asleep when he was comfortable. I looked at him, feeling sorry for him. He must have felt abandoned, alone, scared, not knowing what was going to happen to him. I walked over to the balcony. My aunt and grandma live on a hill and I could see one hill to my right. On the other side, at the bottom of the hill, I saw every house, car, person, everything. I wondered if this is how people in heaven feel. Peaceful, watching over everything, almost like a picture that tells a story of people’s lives. The next morning, the kitten died. My aunt and I did not know what happened. He was there, perfectly fine. Then he cried and cried. His body tried to fight; he was scared. I watched. I was trying to pet him and comfort him as much as I could. I knew what was happening by the cries. He sounded
September 10, 2014
NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Notice is given that pursuant to sections 21700-21713 of the Business and Professions Code, Section 2328 of the Commercial Code, Section 535 of the Penal Code, that Wells Cargo Self Storage at 901 W. Service Ave., West Covina, Ca. 91790 will sell by competitive bidding, on or after September 25, 2014 at 10:30 a.m., property belonging to those listed below. Auction is to be held at the above address. Property to be sold as follows: household goods, furniture, personal items, clothing, electronics, tools, auto parts and miscellaneous boxes, belonging to the following. Arancel, Zenaida Diaz, Nicole Esqueda, Joseph M. Hall, Jr., Richard HENRY JR, WAYNE LOPEZ, JOHN MARTINEZ, RAUL Mattie, Robert Nolasco, Luis NUNEZ, EDWARD J. Garcia, Harry GUERRERO, CATHERINE Guerrero, Georgette Lange, Chris Rivera, Sergio Rose-Colson, Jeanice Watkins, Bryon L. 09/03/14 & 09/10/2014 MID VALLEY NEWS Alaska continued from page 4
weeks to reach the top. We stayed at the Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge. And, on a clear day the mountain sits right in front of you. From this point, you are only 40 miles from the mountain.
911 continued from page 1
attacks was still unconfirmed at that point, with anchors reporting that a plane had crashed into the building but unsure of the size, and eyewitnesses speculating that it could have been a bomb. When the second plane hit the South Tower, it became instantly clear that something deliberate was going on. It also became one of the most harrowing and tragically iconic moments in television history — a visual that is still seared into the collective consciousness ten years later. To watch the footage now is to experience something akin to the feeling of seeing a horror movie. We see the anchors fumbling to explain what is going on, even as we know all too well the terror and trauma they are about to experience. Then that plane hits, and we see these usually composed people suddenly lose it, if only for a moment. What’s remarkable is how much they all maintain their focus, even as the world literally changes before their eyes.” As time passes, we must remember 911 and the innocent people that lost their lives, and the men and women that sacrified their lives to help those in need on this tragic day in American history. So where were you?
Our next stop on the tour: Talkeetna and Anchorage
The Mid Valley News
Rosemead City Hall 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead like he was in so much pain. His last cry was different, though. It was almost peaceful, because it was faint and ended on a different note. I think it is possible to die of a broken heart. There was nothing wrong with him, he could have lived. I think God sent the kitten down to me, because he taught me to love life, family, and friends. His mother did not want him, but I did. He was unique, a fighter. This cat taught me to love my family and be lucky for what I have; to enjoy it while it lasts.
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Read it & Smile Week Two continued from page 9
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Prediction: Chino 29 South El Monte 17 La Puente Warriors (1-1) at Walnut Mustangs (0-2) Warriors need this win to show they belong with the better, not lesser, teams. Prediction: La Puente 27 Walnut 20 Northview Vikings (2-0) at Baldwin Park Braves (1-1) Have to go with the Vikings who keep producing. Prediction: Northview 34 Baldwin Park 17
September 10, 2014
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Mid Valley News
Entertainment Corner
Cantinflas: The Story of Legendary Mario Moreno by Melissa Rocha National
Mario Alfonso Moreno better known through his stage name as Cantinflas, started in poverty as the sixth child of twelve children. He was born in Mexico City on August 12, 1911. Cantinflas worked his way up to become one of Mexico’s biggest actor’s and comedians and the story of his life is now showing in theaters. The movie also talks about his struggle to not be over shadowed by his iconic comedic character, Cantinflas while he pursues other movie roles, as Mario Moreno did in the movie, Around the World in 80 Days. The name Cantinflas comes from the Spanish word cantinflear which means to express in a silly and senseless manner or to babble. In the film playing Cantinflas is the Spanish actor, Óscar Jaenada, and taking the lead as Cantinflas Russian wife, Valentina Ivanova, is the actress Ilse Salas. This movie is
filled with drama and comedy as you find out things that you never knew about Cantinflas. Cantinflas had to struggle through a young age because of poverty and he tried many different talents and which at his age, he didn’t seem to have any. Mario tried boxing with the backing of his boss who bet on Mario to win. After his first match, he was only good at dodging punches until one punch from his opponent knocked him out and that ended his boxing career. He also tried dancing and that didn’t work well for him either. While working at the bullfights, he would make fun of the matadors which his boss noticed him making fun of the matador and challenged him to give it a try, but he ended up in the ground looking like a fool in front of the owner. The first time he tried comedy, he was thrown out of the stage by the angry crowd.
Cantinflas then realized that he was trying too hard to be funny and then realized later that just being himself was funny enough and the crowd and audiences accepted him. One day Mario Moreno walked into his dressing room with a bag of old clothes that didn’t quite fit, including a dirty rag and black ink.
Courtesy photo
After perfecting his comedic character, he walks out of his dressing room dressed as a humble man with pants that never stayed up, a tattered t-shirt, and a dirty rag on his shoulder and a thin moustache. His spontaneous acting, along with his knew look, is what brought Cantinflas to life.
In America, Charlie Chaplin will always be known as the best comedian and actor and in Mexico, Cantinflas will always be their Charlie Chaplin. The movie is great for the entire family. The film is rated PG, but does have some adult content.
Will they consider ever doing something so advanced? Time will tell, all I can say now is Harry Potter movies are over but the story really
lives on Universal Orlando. I hope that Universal Studios Hollywood tops Orlando’s. Harry Potter is scheduled to arrive in Hollywood in 2016.
Diagon Alley Arrives to Universal Studios Orlando: Part 2 by Glen Maldonado Orlando
A towering dragon that breathes fire and the home for Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, a new attraction unlike any other that takes you on a mind-blowing ride through the Gringotts vaults – pulling you into an incredible adventure. The ride features a very amazing and beautiful pre-show with an actual replica of the banks insides and interactive goblin bankers. You then enter the banks basement and witness a great preshow and arrive to the banks caves. You are given 3D glasses and you take off into a great journey. The ride features roller-coaster like turns with a rotating cart to easier witness the giant 3D screens in which you witness Harry Potter and his escape from the bank Gringotts. They also use practical effects like fire and wind to really immerse the rider into the ride that also has interchangeable tracks and different levels. It’s a hard to understand its mechanics, but it’s an extremely advanced enjoyable ride. Hogwarts Express, which
photos by Glen Maldonado
takes guests on a journey between the two lands of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, are transported into a spectacularly themed environment. The train has no real windows but fake windows that are TV’s. As the ride begins, the TV shows you leaving London station in which the station is design to look like. You are then caught leaving London with some dark shadows caught in the distance following the train. We they arrive in the country and on the other side of train another screen
shaped like a train door we see the shadow by the door of what appears to be Harry Potter and his friends. They walk past looking for a train room to stay in and later they encounter Death Eaters. Overall, my experience in the Diagon Alley at Universal Orlando was great. Never has a theme park put so much detail in a little area. Universal is really creating a new experience that is challenging other parks. Will Disney follow and create an immersing experience land? Sea World is losing revenue.
Mid Valley News
Page 12
September 10, 2014
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9032 E. Mission Drive, Rosemead, CA 91770 (former PACE Preschool) Email: missioncommunity@gmail.com Visit: www.missioncommunityumc.org
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