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BYOM - the Key to Seamless and Powerful Productivity
Unlocking productivity in meetings has never been as important as it is today. With virtual meetings now common place, we need to consider how we can boost productivity without stifling creativity. So, how can a business encourage both productivity and creative thinking at the same time and from anywhere?
“Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas. “
-Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple
Equipping huddle spaces and meeting rooms in an office with the capability for spontaneous meetings, staff can make the most of their collaborative time and create a bigger impact for the business. With BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting), employees can meet physically or virtually seamlessly, whether it’s a spontaneous or scheduled meeting.

What is BYOM?
BYOM is a meeting solution that allows participants to use their own devices. The agnostic meeting room technology responds to a participant’s device allowing them to be the centre of the meeting. Once set up, this solution allows for meetings to start instantly and with the familiarity of one’s own device.
Piecing Together a BYOM Solution For a BYOM solution to be effective, staff need to be able to enter a meeting space and cast their screen to the meeting room display as well as connect to the peripherals in the space. This would allow them to collaborate seamlessly with physical and virtual attendees through their own laptop or device. It’s important to consider BYOM technology that is agnostic. This will connect with existing displays, cameras, and microphones in the room as well as personal devices, no matter the brand or software used.
Your solution should also be fully secure, allowing it to fit with existing IT infrastructure without compromising network security. Finally, consider how you can maximise your budget. Find the right BYOM tools that will provide an intuitive experience that boosts productivity without breaking the bank.
BYOM shifts how we should think about our meeting solutions. We no longer need to work around the limitations of technology but can create a flexible and agnostic space for productive meetings.
Enjoy interactive, wireless conferencing

with ClickShare Conference CX-30
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