1 minute read
Getting Ready To Ride
by miennan
segment or niche it appeals. On ce you know this the type of affiliates which are a best fit for you and your site become more obvious.
Unless you have a very high-volum e site with lots of income potential it is normally best to avoid ‘fee-based’ affiliate programs – after all, you are wanting to make money here not give it away and if they are charging fees odds are that not everyone who signs up is making money. As such they have set up their fee-based sy stem to help cover the costs associated with maintaining th eir directory. This is not unreasonable in some cases, bu t if you are a low-volume web site owner looking to make a few dollars you need to have an affiliate that is going to provide enough marketable products to work for you without a lot of effort and expense if you are really going to see any value.
Getting Ready To Ride
Most affiliates are very simple to sign up for – you fill out a few online forms and agreements and you’re in. A few require that they review your website to make certain that you are a good fit for them – but in either case the type of information you can expect to be asked for includes:
¾ ¾ Your name and contact information
Details about your web site and viewership