Michigan Turfgrass
CONFERENCE January 3-5, 2018
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN
••• TO REGISTER: www.michiganturfgrass.org
Why Support the
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation? Not to be confused with trade organizations, membership in the MTF is direct support for research at the Turfgrass Research Program at MSU.
The MTF Mission Statement:
“To work in partnership with Michigan State University, supporting ongoing programs in research, education and extension in the area of professional turfgrass management that will benefit all individuals who manage turfgrass or derive pleasure from the results of such management.”
President’s Message
What’s New for the 2018 Conference!
10 Keynote Speakers 12 Conference Schedule 19 What You Need to Know 20 Vendor Halftime Show & Silent Auction 21 Candidates for Election - 2018 Board Members 22 MTF Executive Committee & Board Members 23 MSU Turf Team & Support Staff
Your membership dues fund a significant portion of the research that the MSU Turf Team conducts each year as well as offsetting the fixed costs of operating the Foundation. In the last ten years the Foundation has contributed over $ 1,200,000.00 to support the improvement of and management of turf through MSU. Thank you for supporting Turfgrass Research and continuing research education at MSU. Sincerely, MTF Board of Directors
Michigan Turgrass Foundation
henever someone is put in a position of making decisions or planning for outcomes that may affect others… it requires sincere thought and consideration. Each of you who maintain properties, institutions or private companies understand the implications of a bad decision. Gathering the proper information prior to any decision-making process begins is crucial. “Garbage in ----Garbage out” …. we all have experienced the results of that phrase… and it will always be the case. On the opposite side, it can be very rewarding when the proper research leads to a successful result. And it’s always about results. I have been fortunate over the past 9 years to have been able to engage with some of the best decision makers our industry can provide. The Foundation could not function without those who willingly took on responsibilities that require time and dedication to an organization… and with these hectic days it is a rare quality. Time can be the most important item anyone can give another and it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Each of those who spent time at meetings when they could be doing something more enjoyable have my utmost respect and gratitude. More importantly, I hope all of you feel the same and perhaps would take a second to thank those who over the years made the decision to do something to support our industry. Looking forward… it is gratifying to know that the Foundation is in good hands. We have made strides in numerous areas and know the areas that need improvement. Knowing your weaknesses is important, but fixing them is even more crucial. Henry Ford was quoted, “ Don’t find fault, find a remedy”. I believe your Board of Directors understand that and will continue to improve the Foundation in many ways we wouldn’t even envision. Here are a few of the key items regarding the Foundation. Each of the 3 Endowments (Founders/Rieke/LaFontaine) have been the beneficiary of a market upswing. Each have been seen activity both in income and disbursements. It is gratifying to know that the intended use of these by our peers long ago is coming to fruition. Communications with our members has improved greatly. The Turf Team continues to provide important information with their “Turf
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Team Updates” that are emailed to all our members and the Board of Directors thanks them for their efforts. Our new Membership Software (Wild Apricot) has been vital to our efforts in messaging and record keeping but it’s most important task begins this year as we seek to update our membership files and regain our membership levels. Most of you have received email inquiries or physical mailings regarding membership renewal. The MTF serves its members in many ways …. some more visible than others…and we encourage those that have neglected to renew or join to take a moment and make the MTF part of their professional organizations that they belong to. Funding Research is the reason the Foundation exists. The Turf Team at MSU takes pride in assessing the needs and direction that the Turf industry is heading and the MTF will support their desires whenever possible. Our goal in the upcoming months is to regain our membership levels and increase financial support of the Turf Team. Finally, Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President over the last 2 years. It has been a pleasure to work with the Board of Directors, Allied Associations, Turf Team, MSU and so many more. Carey Mitchelson President Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Welcome to the 2018 Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Annual Conference. This year marks the 88th year that the Foundation has hosted the conference and we believe this year’s assembly has something for everyone. Our Educational Sessions include many respected speakers and several topics related to turf, employment, research, education and much more. We expect you will find a subject that will be of interest and well worth attending. The educational sessions are the key to any successful conference, however, there are many other activities over the 3 days that will provide an opportunity to mingle, engage and satisfy everyone’s interest. It is our hope you find the time to participate in either a few of the events that we offer or some of the many social gatherings that will be present. The Vendor Halftime Show is always the place where all attendees can circulate with friends and peers and this year’s affair will once again be the place to meet and enjoy food and drink. We thank all the industry partners who not only make this portion of the Conference possible…but thank all of them who provide equipment, materials and financial support to the Hancock Turf Research Center on the MSU Campus. The support they provide ensures research continues at MSU and we appreciate all they do. As part of the Halftime Show, our Annual Silent Auction will be held at the center of the room and once again all income derived from the Auction will again be donated to the Rieke Endowment.
Meetings, luncheons, special occasions and the chance to catch up with peers in the industry is all a part of the conference. This year’s Conference Committee has diligently worked scheduling so that your time can be used effectively. To help with your planning, the MTF will once again make our conference schedule available on Yapp. This app was widely used last year and we hope all of you take advantage of its features. Yapp not only lists our conference activities, it also allows feedback from you and your thoughts on sessions which is vital for future conferences. We will again offer paper programs for those who prefer that reference. However, from last year’s response with the Yapp we believe our goal of making our Conference a “Green Friendly” participant may be a reality sooner than later. We recommend engaging with Yapp not only to enhance your conference…but allow others know your experience at the conference and sessions. As you look over your schedule and plans…please keep in mind all those who volunteered their time to make this conference possible. The MTF is fortunate to have many committed individuals on the Board of Directors all willing to take on numerous activities. That said, the Conference Committee is one of the most demanding committees on our list of undertakings. Your incoming President and past Conference Chairperson, Amy Fouty, has laid the ground work for others on the Conference Committee and the results speak for themselves. Amy handed over the reign’s this year to MTF Board Member Curt Boak and he has done a tremendous job in organizing all that is required. He put together a team that began working on 6
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
this year’s conference soon after last year’s conference was completed. Board Members Dan Mausoulf and Brad Lazroff have spent many hours organizing and thoughtfully putting together each day’s events and features. It can be daunting at times …and unappreciated almost always, but without their efforts the conference wouldn’t be what it is for your enjoyment. Thank you to Curt, Dan and Brad for all they have done. As with every year, our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Kevin Frank. Dr. Frank is the established voice in the room when discussing any issue related to the conference. Over the years I have been involved with the MTF Conference he has always put every effort available to him to coordinate speakers/topics/schedules and any item related to the conference. His calm demeanor, no matter the issue, has always made meetings and decision making composed and thoughtful. We lean on his expertise continually and when you see him walking the halls checking on everything, please give him a thumbs up for all his spirited attitude and proven leadership. Finally, it has been my pleasure to be involved with the Foundation as a Board Member over the years. I would like to acknowledge all those who volunteered their time to the MTF. In these scheduleheavy days, it requires unique individuals willing to give their prized time. The Foundation has been fortunate to have robust leadership in the past. Its current Board is genuine in its goal of improving all aspects. I am certain future leaders will continue to make the Michigan Turf Foundation the premier Foundation of its type anywhere in the world.
What’s New For The 2018 Conference It’s a great honor and a very rewarding experience to be a part of the 2018 Michigan Turfgrass Conference committee and the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation these last 2 years. My goal is to keep the conference growing and expand into innovative ideas to keep things fresh. Feedback is so important so when you attend this year please use the yapp ap to provide feedback about the conference. With the conference fast approaching don’t forget online registration is now open. Don’t wait to register because you will not want to miss this event. It’s going to be a magnificent event to get information to take back and use in your specific field. Whatever position you hold in your field there is something to learn here and time to ask questions. We open the conference with a session on balancing work and family life. The challenge of time management can be a challenge with the high demand in our fields of work. Don’t miss this opportunity of valuable information that you can take back and use in your work/personal life. For the golf attendees we have Gordon Moir from St. Andrews speaking on tournament preparation and the history of St. Andrews Golf Course. He travels to us from Scotland! These are just a couple of the speakers this year so check out the conference schedule and plan to attend. The Halftime show and silent auction will be at 4:00pm on Thursday so mark your calendar and plan to attend this unique social event. Curt Boak Lawn Tech
Mr. Gordon LaFontaine The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation has world-wide recognition as the premier Turfgrass Foundation anywhere. There is no one more responsible for its stature than, Mr. Gordon (Gordie) LaFontaine. His leadership of the Foundation over five decades is unprecedented and his commitment to MSU, the MTF and anyone involved in Turf world-wide is beyond remarkable. It is impossible to say MTF without thinking of Gordie LaFontaine. It will always be that way. It has been a remarkable journey and one that has left an imprint on almost all of us. Recently, Gordie indicated to the Board of Directors that he would like to step back from his handson role as the Executive Director of the MTF to spend more time with family and friends in his home in Houghton Lake, Michigan. His list of accomplishments is beyond the scope of this writing and more importantly we are certain he treasures the friends he has made more than the deeds he has achieved. For those attending this year’s Conference, we understand you have many sessions, meetings and miscellaneous events to attend….we also suggest a couple thoughtful minutes with Gordie…those few asides can provide some thought-provoking strategies that you may not have in the classroom. Gordie has assured us he will continue to be a presence when needed and at the forefront of anything MSU related…. and we are grateful and certain that will happen. His impact and leadership will never be duplicated, but he leaves a legacy he can be proud of and one future Boards will strive to continue.
Thank you Gordie
for all you have done.
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
The History of the St Andrews Links and Tournament Preparation GORDON MOIR St Andrews Links
Gordon Moir is the Director of Greenkeeping
with responsibility for overseeing the six courses managed by St Andrews Links Trust. Gordon was born and raised on a farm near Fraserburgh, a fishing town 40 miles North of Aberdeen and approx. 100 miles north of St Andrews. He started at Fraserburgh Golf Club as a greenkeeper in 1976, earned a City and Guilds degree in turf management from Elmwood College and became the course manager at Fraserburgh in 1980.
Gordon Moir & Tom Watson
In 1991 he moved with his family to St Andrews to become course manager on the Eden course at St Andrews Links and in October 2000 was promoted to the position of Director of Greenkeeping. In Gordon’s 17 years in his current role he’s overseen 3 Open Championships, 2 Ricoh British Womens Open Championships, 1 Amateur Championship and 1 Curtis cup along with a European Tour event every year along with the St. Andrews Links annual events of which there are numerous. In 2005 – 2008, Gordon was heavily involved in the construction and opening of the seventh course, The Castle Course. Gordon supervises a core staff of 60 to maintain the 7 courses, which includes his own workshop team of 5. In addition to the core staff, an additional 30 to 35 summer staff is hired from April until October. Gordon has been the Secretary and Treasurer of the local greenkeeping chapter for the past 7 years. Gordon’s been married to his wife Pauling for 34 years and has a family of 3. Godon’s main hobby is golf but he does enjoy watching other sports.
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Balancing Work and Family Life
MIKE GOATLEY, Ph.D. Virginia Tech
Lisa Goatley is a Licensed Professional Counselor
working in a group private practice in Blacksburg, VA. She has been a psychotherapist for 28 years. She holds a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Maryland and is licensed to practice in Virginia. Lisa has worked in the therapy field with people suffering from depression, anxiety, major mental illnesses, marital and family issues, and substance abuse issues. She has been married to her husband Mike for 28 years and they have two adult children.
Michael Goatley, Jr. is Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist in the
Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences of Virginia Tech. He received his BS and MS degrees from the University of Kentucky and a PhD from Virginia Tech. He served on the faculty of the Plant and Soil Sciences Department of Mississippi State for 15 years before returning to Virginia Tech in 2004 where he currently serves as Virginia’s Extension Turfgrass Specialist. Goatley’s responsibilities are statewide development and implementation of educational outreach programs for all areas of turfgrass management. His extension and research programs focus on applied strategies in environmental stewardship in turfgrass management through cultivar evaluation, improved establishment and maintenance methods, and urban nutrient management. Goatley has co-authored four books on sports turf management and served as President of the national Sports Turf Managers Association in 2012 and 2013.
SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................
Balancing Work and Family Life – Lisa Goatley, Cascade Group; and Dr. Mike Goatley, Virginia Tech University
« 10:45 AM
« 10:45 AM
The History of the St. Andrews Links – Gordon Moir, St. Andrews Links
LUNCH 12:00 PM
« «
1:30 PM
« 2:30 PM
Michigan Golf Course Renovations: What We’ve Learned in the Last 5 Years – Dr. Trey Rogers, MSU Pythium root dysfunction: symptoms and treatment options – Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski
Dealing with Difficult People – Lisa Goatley, Cascade Group
2:30 PM
Turfgrass Pathology Research Update – Dr. Joe Vargas, MSU
« 2:00 PM
Tips for Eradicating Difficult to Control Weeds – Aaron Hathaway, MSU
LUNCH 12:00 PM
« 1:30 PM
BMP’s in Sports Field Management – Dr. Mike Goatley, Virginia Tech University
Tournament Preparation at St. Andrews – Gordon Moir, St. Andrews Links
« 4:30 PM
(Hancock Turfgrass Research Center)
« 8:00 – 8:30 AM
Landscape Weed Bed Control – Dr. David Gardner, The Ohio State University
Registration/Coffee & Donuts
« 8:30 – 10:15 AM
Jacobsen 322 hybrid technology & “Jacobsen TRUSET” cutting head – Dean Morison, Jacobsen Product Support
« 10:15 – 10:30 AM
« 10:30 – 11:30 AM
3:30 PM
« 3:30 PM
« 9:00 AM
WEDNESDAY, January 3
Troubleshooting Turf Equipment – John Garlets and Tom Burke, Spartan Distributors
LUNCH 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
« 12:30 – 1:30 PM « 4:30 PM
Annual Meetings MiGCSA and MTF
Troubleshooting Turf Equipment Continued – John Garlets and Tom Burke, Spartan Distributors
Annual Meetings MiGCSA and MTF
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................. THURSDAY, January 4 GOLF NEMATODE SESSION (Big Ten AB)
« 8:00 AM
Introduction – Dr. George Bird, MSU
« 8:10 AM
What are Nematodes? – Dr. Robert Wick, University of Massachusetts
« 8:50 AM
Nematode Damage and Determining Thresholds – Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski, Univ. Rhode Island
« 9:40 AM
Golf Course Nematicides, the Florida Experience – Dr. Billy Crow, Univ. Florida
« 10:40 AM
Hey! It Might be Nematodes (redux) – Fred Warner, MSU
LUNCH 11:00 AM
GOLF SESSION (Auditorium)
« 12:30 PM
Art of Application: Beyond Basics Part 1 – Ryan Beauchamp, Syngenta
« 1:30 PM
WALES Tank Mixing and Critical Factors for Ensuring Pesticide Efficacy: Beyond Basics Part 2 – Ryan Beauchamp, Syngenta
« 2:30 PM
Pigments and UV Light – Dr. Ed Nangle, The Ohio State University
« 3:30 PM
Scholarship Awards (Auditorium)
« 4:00 PM
Vendor Half-Time Show (Big Ten A-C)
« 12:30 PM
Past, Present, and Future of Barton Hills CC: Why Sod and Why Now? – Matthew Chapman, Barton Hills CC
« 1:30 PM
Strategies for Communicating with Members/Golfers – Tim Matty, CC of Detroit
« 2:00 PM
Tournament Preparation for the Meijer LPGA Classic at Blythefield CC – Katie Hefron
« 2:30 PM
Tournament Preparation for the Majors – Dr. Phil Dwyer, Scotts MiracleGro
« 3:30 PM 14
EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS SESSION (Hancock Turfgrass Research Center)
« 8:00 AM
Buying Seed – Coated Seed or Not? – Wayne Horman, Landmark Seed
« 9:00 AM
Competition Kills – Dr. Mike Goatley, Virginia Tech University
« 8:00 – 8:30 AM
« 10:00 AM
Herbicides for Establishing Turfgrass – Dr. David Gardner, The Ohio State University
LUNCH 11:00 AM
Registration/Coffee & Donuts
« 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Best practices toward maintenance and quick troubleshooting of EZ-GO Jacobsen Utility Vehicles – Dave Horn, Jacobsen Product Support Open Table Discussions
« 10:00 – 10:15 AM « 12:30 PM
From Idea to Shelf: 150 Years of Product Innovation at Scotts MiracleGro – Dr. Phil Dwyer, Scotts MiracleGro
« 10:15 – 11:30 AM
« 1:30 PM
Understanding Fertilizer Technologies to Optimize Turfgrass Performance – Dr. Eric Miltner, Koch Industries
« 2:30 PM
Selecting Kentucky bluegrass based on family types for different turf uses – Wayne Horman, Landmark Seed
« 3:30 PM
Scholarship Awards (Auditorium)
« 4:00 PM
2017 Vendor Half-Time Show (Big Ten A-C)
Tips and Tricks for Shop Organization – Dave Ertl, Equipment Technician, Traverse City Golf & Country Club Technicians: Bring in your Ideas and Experiences And share with Fellow Technicians, Open Table
LUNCH 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
« 12:30 – 2:00 PM
Quality of Cut and After Cut Appearance: What to do and what not to do – John Garlets and Tom Burke, Spartan Distributors
Scholarship Awards (Auditorium)
« 4:00 PM Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Vendor Half-Time Show (Big Ten A-C)
SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................. FRIDAY, GOLF SESSION (Big Ten A)
Rapid Fire Research Updates – Dr. Thom Nikolai, Aaron Hathaway, Kevin Laskowski, Jacob Bravo, Francois Xavier Rucamumihigo, and Dr. Kevin Frank, MSU
« 9:00 AM
Wetting Agents and Playability – Dr. Ed Nangle, The Ohio State University
« 10:00 AM
More questions than answers - high performance putting surface management – Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell
« 11:00 AM Physiology Research Update – Dr. Emily Merewitz, MSU
« 11:30 AM Biocontrol of Japanese Beetle Research Update – Dr. David Smitley and Mick Piombino, MSU
« 8:00 AM
Goats, Gardens and Grass Bucks Run Golf Club – Craig McKinley, Bucks Run GC
« 2:00 PM
Using a Pesticide Mix Tank to Save Time – Eric Rank, Chikaming CC
« 2:30 PM
A New, Old Look: Construction of the South Course at Arcadia Bluffs GC – Jim Bluck and Ryan Williams, Arcadia Bluffs GC
Disease Management for Athletic Fields – Nancy Dykema, MSU
« 11:00 AM
« 3:00 PM
On Course with Fat Tire Biking – Craig Kooengia, Indian Trails GC
« 3:30 PM
Barton Hills CC Golf Course Renovation – Colin Seaberg, Barton Hills CC
« 4:00 PM
Renovations at Cascade Hills CC – Brett Zander and Orville Davis, Cascade Hills CC
MiSTMA Field of the Year Presentation
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Planning for Natural Disasters – Amy Fouty, Jared Noodle, and Andy Flynn, MSU The Grow-In of Cooley Law School Stadium – Zach Severns, Lansing Lugnuts
« 3:30 PM
Landscape Management: Fertilizing, Pruning, and Bed Maintenance – Dr. Robert Schutzki, MSU
« 11:00 AM
Michigan’s Major Tree Problems in 2018 – Dr. Dave Roberts, MSU
« 1:30 PM
« 2:30 PM
Biocontrol of Japanese Beetles and Strategies for Managing Damaging Insects in Lawns – Dr. David Smitley and Mick Piombino
LUNCH 12:00 PM
« 1:30 PM
Michigan Pesticide Regulatory Update – Molly Mott, Pesticide Enforcement Specialist, MDARD
« 10:00 AM
LUNCH 12:00 PM
Tips and Tricks for Renovating Athletic Fields – Dar Howard, Residex, Performance Sports Turf
Weeds and Seeds: developing alternatives to traditional herbicides – Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell
« 2:30 PM
Soils 101: pH, liming, CEC, and textural discontinuities – Dr. Jim Crum, MSU
« 3:30 PM
« 4:30 PM 16
« 8:00 AM
« 9:00 AM
In Season Plant Growth Regulators: High Risk or High Reward? – Keith Winter, Fort Wayne TinCaps Baseball
« 10:00 AM
What have we learned from 6 years of pesticide ban on K-12 playing fields – Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell
« 9:00 AM
LUNCH 12:00 PM
« 1:30 PM
« 8:00 AM
January 5
The Science and Practical Implications of Soil Testing – Jon Dahl, MSU
What You Need to
KNOW Conference Hotel: Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center 219 S. Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: 517-432-4000 Website: Kelloggcenter.com
Please Contact the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center for Hotel Reservations Phone: 800-875-5090 Group Code: 1712MITUUU Group Rate: $111.00 per night. Exp. 12/2/17 ATTIRE: Business Casual (slacks and a collared shirt for men and comparable for women) is the preferred conference attire. Jeans, t-shirts, and ball caps are discouraged. DINING: On your own MDARD PESTICIDE RECERTIFICATION CREDITS IN COMM. CORE, PRIV. CORE, 3A, 3B, AND 6 Wednesday, Jan. 3 — (4) Credits Thursday, Jan. 4 — (6) Credits Friday, Jan. 5 — (7) Credits 1.75 GCSAA EDUCATION POINTS ARE AVAILABLE INDIANA CCHS AVAILABLE IN CATEGORIES 3A (2CCHs), 3B (10 CCHs), AND RT (4CCHs) CONFERENCE APP: See Michigan Turfgrass Foundation website or consult registration to download your free conference app ON-SITE REGISTRATION HOURS: Wednesday 8 am-noon Thursday 8 am-noon Friday 8am-10am
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Candidates for
HALFTIME SHOW & SILENT AUCTION January 4, 2018 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm To support the Dr. Paul Rieke Endowment Fund, the Silent Auction returns to the 2018 MTF Conference January 3th, 4th, & 5th, at the Kellogg Center on the MSU campus. At this time, we are looking for donations to the silent auction. These donations can reflect your business and or product line or be non-related as a “Good Will’ donation. Either way we will display your company name and logo (if provided) along with your donated item. The Dr. Paul Rieke Professors Endowment Fund was created in 1999 at Paul’s retirement from active teaching to honor Paul and preserve the integrity that he instilled into
to the 2018 Board of Directors his teaching, research, and Extension activities, and to promote turfgrass science. At that time, Dr. Rieke helped determine how the Fund would be used and his wishes are to support an ongoing turfgrass graduate student position at MSU. The auction will take place January 4 at 4:00pm during the halftime show of the conference. If you would like to donate an item please call or email me and I will provide you the paperwork to donate your item and answer any questions you may have. Thank you in advance for supporting the MSU turfgrass program and the Dr. Paul Rieke Turfgrass Endowment Fund. Please complete form, scan and send to Curt Boak: cmb@lawntechofmi.com
DAN LUCAS, Kingsley Club Superintendent for 32 years, the last 19 at the Kingsley Club. MTF Board member since 2014. I have been a member of the MTF for 37 years. I want to continue to be a part of all the great things this organization does for the University and the turf industry in Michigan.
ROBERT M. PYLAR, Bayer 1994 graduate of The MSU Turfgrass Management Program and very fortunate to pursue my passion for the green industry with over 28 years of experience in both golf course management and business & sales management within the plant protectant industry. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation in supporting Turfgrass research, education & extension efforts to professional Turfgrass managers throughout our industry.
SCOTT RETTMANN, Walnut Creek Country Club After graduating from Michigan State with my bachelors and the 2 year certificate in Turfgrass Management, I worked 3 years at the Philadelphia Cricket Club, two years of which were as a Superintendent. Following my time in Philadelphia, I returned to Michigan and have been the Superintendent of Walnut Creek Country Club for 5 years. What MSU provides for the industry in terms of research is crucial to continued success of the professionals in our industry, and I would be honored to help the foundation advance its efforts to support the research programs.
JEFF HOLMES, Egypt Valley Country Club Being in the golf course business for over 30 years has been a rewarding and eye opening experience. I have served on several superintendent association boards, committees and out reach programs. Being a graduate of the Michigan State University Turfgrass Management program and a Michigan based superintendent my entire career, it is always a pleasure to serve and help make our industry better. I would look forward to being elected to the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation board of directors.
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Terms Expire 2018 Rob Pylar, Bayer (Incumbent) 2018 Representing: At Large Dan Lucas, Kingsley Club (Incumbent) 2018 Representing: Northern Michigan District Lee Collins, SiteOne (Term out) 2018 Representing: Western Michigan District
Carey Mitchelson, College Fields Golf Club (Term out) 2018 Representing: Mid-Michigan District
Carey Mitchelson, College Fields Golf Club 2018 Representing: Mid-Michigan District
Amy Fouty, Michigan State University 2019 Representing: Sports or Institutional Turf
Terms Expire 2019 Amy Fouty, Michigan State University 2019 Representing: Sports or Institutional Turf Curt Boak, Lawn Tech 2019 Representing: Lawn Applicator
Doug Johanningsmeier, Harrell’s LLC 2020 Representing: Lawn Maintenance
Bob Reed, Tri-Turf 2019 Representing: Commercial Turfgrass Supplier
Eric Davey, Prestwick Village Golf Club 2019 Representing: At Large
Lee Collins, Site One 2018 Representing: Western Michigan District
Terms Expire 2020 Doug Johanningsmeier, Harrell’s LLC 2020 Representing: Commercial Turfgrass Supplier
Brad Lazroff, Huron Meadows Golf Course 2020 Representing: Sports or Institutional Turf ce nferen MTF Co 3, 2017 y Jan. Tuesda dation s Foun rfgras MSU Tu
T EVEN ability ardt Ann Erh MSU Sustain or, Direct
To learn about other sustainable events on campus you can visit our website: http://bespartangreen.msu.edu
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Matt Gaver, Spring Lake Country Club 2020 Representing: Western Michigan District Dan Mausolf, Stine Landscapes 2020 Representing: Lawn Maintenance
PLANT, SOIL AND MICROBIAL SCIENCES Dr. James Crum, Soils Phone: 517-353-0134 Email: crum@msu.edu Dr. Kevin Frank Turfgrass Extension Phone: 517-353-0147 Email: frankk@msu.edu Support Staff: Aaron Hathaway, Research Assistant II Dr. David Gilstrap Senior Academic Specialist Phone: 517-353-0140 Email: gilstrap@msu.edu
Dr. Emily Merewitz Turfgrass Physiologist Phone: 517-353-0203 Email: merewitz@msu.edu Support Staff: Kevin Laskowski, Graduate Student Sha Liu, Research Assistant I Xavier Rucamumihigo, Graduate Student
MTESP Adam Ikamas, Coordinator Email: adamikamas@migcsa.org
Dr. Thom Nikolai Senior Academic Specialist Phone: 517-353-0133 Email: nikolai@msu.edu Support Staff: Aaron Hathaway, Research Assistant II
Dr. David Smitley Phone: 517-355-3385 Email: smitley@msu.edu Support Staff: Erica Hotchkiss, Research Assistant I Michael Piombino. Graduate Assistant
Dr. John N. Rogers III Coordinator, Two-Year Golf Turf Phone: 517-353-0136 Email: rogersj@msu.edu Support Staff: Jacob Bravo, Graduate Student Thomas Green, Graduate Student
Mark Collins, Farm Manager Phone: 517-353-3117
Dr. Joe Vargas Phone: 517-353-9082 Email: vargas@msu.edu Support Staff: Ron Detweiler, Research Assistant III Nancy Dykema, Research Assistant III Adam Palmatier, Research Assistant I Liu Yan, Graduate Student
Jesse Sholl, Operations Coordinator Phone: 517-353-3117
MSU TURFGRASS INFORMATION CENTER Peter Cookingham, Head Phone: 517-353-7209 www.tic.msu.edu
Gordon LaFontaine
« 23
“To work in partnership with Michigan State University, supporting ongoing programs in research, education and extension in the area of professional turfgrass management that will benefit all individuals who manage turf grasses or derive pleasure from the results of such management.�
The MTF Mission:
Phone: 517-392-5003
P.O. Box 27156 Lansing, MI 48909-7156