#46 – Course Conditions – Q1-2020

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hen we set out to “revive� the equipment managers committee, we had one goal in mind. That goal was to provide great education to our members and create opportunities not only to share their tips and tricks, but also allow them to network with their colleagues. With an ever changing industry that continues to evolve, it is imperative that we as technicians evolve with it. To best suit all of our members, regional EM meetings will be held, providing education ranging from hands-on demonstrations to round-table discussions. This past December we held the Metro-Detroit meeting here at Walnut Creek, where we were hosted over 30 MiGCSA members including Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, and Equipment Managers. The wellreceived keynote speaker was Hector Velazquez, his topic was a hands-on demonstration about proper soldering practices. This was a topic that both the seasoned veteran and the newly established technician walked away with more knowledge than they came with. Hector has done great things for this industry, provided education to technicians all across the United States, we were extremely lucky to have him!


Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association

| www.migcsa.org

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