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Association Update
Back to “Normal”
Normally this time of year we are gearing up for the Western and Big Event Fundraisers. Normally we are scheduling our first board meeting since early spring and having detailed meetings about the spring meeting that is scheduled to head up to Northern Michigan in 2021. Normally we are searching for a spot to host the Michigan gathering at GIS. Normally we are doing back to school shopping for our 7 and 4-year-old. As all who are reading this know there is just not much normal left. So, we can rage against the impact of COVID or we can use it to our advantage. As Winston Churchill and many more have said “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
I think a massive upheaval like the COVID-19 pandemic can be an opportunity. I have heard of a few courses that still have not placed bunker rakes or ball washers back out, had this been an item to be voted on there is no way it would be considered. However now golfers have seen what it is like and Superintendents have too. As I asked a non-industry friend of mine “How much would you pay per year to have rakes in the bunkers at your club?” “If you had to write a bunker rake check every spring, what would it be?” He did not have an answer but the thought of paying for them was not very palatable. As we all know there is a cost to having them out there, same as ball washers and I will even go so far as to say tee markers. This year has really shown us what we need. I think a case can be made that all we need is a cup in the green and a flagstick. What sort of expense do these extra items have? It may be a good opportunity to do a deep dive into this and ask your owners/members/golfers if this is how they want their payments allocated. I think many would rather see those funds invested into greens rather than hazards or teeing areas. After all they are paying a greens fee, not a bunker rake fee.
For the MiGCSA we are extremely fortunate to have strong support of our Industry Partners every year including this one. As we go into the early order and planning season please consider the companies that support you in your decision-making process. We have revamped our calendar to try to get some more in person events going safely. We continue to work on virtual options and are open as always to suggestions from our membership. Please call me directly or speak to your local board member.
I hope many of you were able to use this to your advantage and enact some change that would have taken months or years to complete before COVID-19. 2020 has been a lemon of a year, use it to make some lemonade.

Adam Ikamas, CGCS
MiGCSA Executive Director

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The Toro Lynx® Control System was developed specifically to help you address the unique challenges and changing priorities you face every day. With the Lynx® System, you can now have all of your essential irrigation information readily available in one place, conveniently combined into a single, intuitive interface.
The patented INFINITY™ Series sprinklers are designed to save you time and money. Whether you choose a Toro Satellite or 2-wire control system the patented SMART ACCESS™ design enables you to add new technology for decades to come. You won’t need to invest in new sprinklers as technology advances. The INFINITY Series is built for flexible expansion, not replacement, to keep your course looking its best and your golfers playing.
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