2021 Western Golf Day
t was a great day for the MiGCSA Members and friends took part in the 2021 Western Golf Day Fundraiser at Spring Lake Country Club on Monday September 27th. This event is the second of the three fundraisers the MiGCSA has every year. All of the proceeds from these events go to fund the future of our industry by the way of scholarships, philanthropic causes related to turf and funding research at Michigan State by way of donation to the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF).
Thank you to our host Drew Paxton
A very special thank you to our Premier Fundraiser Sponsors BASF, Bayer, EZGO, Matt LaFontaine Automotive, Site One Golf, Spartan Distributors & Adam Garr with Syngenta. Thank you to our hole sponsors Baker Vehicle, Bio Health, FIP Irrigation, Golf Cars Plus, Harrell’s, Revels, Michigan Synthetic Turf, NuFarm, Porous Pave, Rhino Seed, Standard Golf, Target Specialty Products & Trimax/Timberwolf Turf. Complimentary beverage station thanks to Earthworks and Herman & Associates.
The winning team of Skip Conolly, Joe Hancock, Kevin Frank and Kevin McVay
Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association
| www.migcsa.org