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XXICentu yCollegecontent: Recipesoffood, rinks an dessertsstudent: MiguelA tonioRo s lesLope Subjec t English sect on: Au omotive" "gra e: 2


SautĂŠ beef and vegetables.

you need 1/4 cup soy sauce reduced sodium ("lite") Catalina dressing 2 tablespoons KRAFT CATALINA Dressing Lite 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 pound flank steak (flank steak), cut into th in strips 2 teaspoons corn flour (cornstarch ) 1 package (16 oz.) of frozen vegetables for stir fry;th awedand drain before using 2 cups long grain brown rice, cooked and h ot 1/4 cup peanuts (peanuts) PLANTERS Dry Roasted Peanuts. Well blended soy sauce, dressing and ginger. MIX meat with cornstarch ; h eat it in a large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-h igh h eat 3 min. or until or until cooked. Add vegetables and soy sauce mixture; cook and stir 3 min. or until sauce is th ickened and vegetables are warmed up well. SERVES meat mixture over rice; complete th e dish with peanuts.

Bakedbeef brisketwithbarbecue sauce.

you need 1beef brisket(4lb.) 1 onion, th inly sliced andseparatedwith rings 1 cupbarbecue sauceKRAFT OriginalBarbecueSauce 2 poundsred potatoes(approx.6), cut into 1-1/ 2 inch . 1 poundcarrots cut intoslices1/2inch . Th ick. HEAT oven to325째F. PLACEmeatin a roasting pan, fat sideup; poleonions andbarbecue sauceon top.Cover it. Bake2 h ours.Spreadth e potatoesand carrotsaround th e meat. MeatBakecovered for1 h our oruntil done(160째F). USAa slotted spoonto moveth e potatoesand carrotsto aserving bowl; keep th emcovered tokeepwarm. Place meatoncutting board andreserveth e sauceand onions inth e pan. Coverth e meatto keep warm.Collectfatsaucebooked; get ridof it.Pour sauceand onions ina saucepan; boil th emover h igh h eat.Stirring and turningoccasionally, simmerover medium-low h eat 5min. or untilsligh tly th ickened. SHORTmeatagainst th e graininto th in slices.Serve with vegetablesandsauce.

Sandwich "flappers"

you need 1 loaf (16 oz.) of ciabatta bread, split length wise 1/4 cup KRAFT Real Mayo Mayonnaise 4 large slices of Monterey ch eese with h ot peppers KRAFT Big Slice Pepper Jack Ch eese Slices 1/2 cup refried black beans, h ot 2 cups beef, cooked and sh redded 1 tomato (tomato) large, th inly sliced 1 avocado, sliced 1/2 cup sliced pickled jalapeno peppers HEAT broiler. PON bread h alves, cut sides up, on a baking sh eet. Spread th e top h alf with th e mayonnaise; put th e ch eese on th e bottom h alf. Broil, 6 Sch . away h eats for 2 min. or until bread are toasted and ch eese melted. SPREAD beans over ch eese; top with remaining ingredients. Cover th e sandwich

with th e top h alf of bread.

Pozole beef with cheddar cheese

you need 3 guajilloch ills, seeds and h ulled 1 anch orCh ile, h ulled and seeds Italian dressing 1/4 cup KRAFT Zesty Italian Dressing Diezmillo or 2 pounds boneless ch uck roll of beef (boneless beef ch uck eye roast), cut into 1-inch cubes. 1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 quarts (8 cups) beef broth

2 cans (15 oz. each ) h ominy (h ominy), drained 1 can (15.2 oz.) frozen corn (maize), drained 1 can (14-1 / 2 oz.) tomatoes (tomatoes) diced, drained 1 package (8 ounces) sh arp ch eddar ch eese KRAFT Sh arp Ch eddar Ch eese, cut into 16 slices 1/2 cup sour cream Sour Cream BREAKSTONE'S or KNUDSEN 1/4 cup ch opped fresh cilantro. STANDING ch ills in a small bowl. Add h ot water to cover; let th em soak 20 min. or until th ey are soft. Drain th em reserving 1/2 cup soaking water; adds everyth ing in th e blender and blend until smooth . HEAT dressing in a h eavy Dutch oven or large deep skillet over medium-h igh h eat. Add meat and cumin and cook 5 min. or until browned. Add th e puree and broth ; mix well. Bring to boil; simmer over medium-low h eat for 30 min. Add h ominy, corn kernels and tomatoes; mix well. Keep a soft boil 30 min., stirring occasionally.


you need 1-1 /2 poundbeefstew meat, cut into1-1 / 2 inch . 1 onion, cut into wedges 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 bottle(16.7oz.) Mexicangreen sauce 1/3cupbarbecue sauceKRAFT OriginalBarbecueSauce 1/2pound green beans(green beans), trimmedwith tips, cut into 1-in. 3 cupslong grainwh ite ricecooked,warm 1/2cup sh reddedMexican stylesh reddedfour ch eeseswith a touch ofcream ch eeseKRAFTMexicanStyleSh reddedFourCh eesewith

aTOUCHOFPHILADELPHIA 12 corn tortillas(6inch )h ot. BROWN meatin batch es, ina pressure cooker6L capacity,over medium-h igh h eat 3min. or untilbrowned on allsides.Put iton a plate andcover to keep warm. Add onionandcook and stir2 min.add th e garlicand meat;incorporatesgreensauce andbarbecue sauce.

CLOSEth e lidofth epressure cooker; put th epressure regulating valvein th event.Simmer25 to 30min. with a slowth rottle(low to medium h eat). Removepan from h eat; allowed to stand for10 min.or untilth e pressuredrops. Th e valve and th enremoveth e cap. Addth e beans; cookover medium h eat for10 min.oruntil th ey aresoft.

"Chili" red beans

you need 1/2pound ofground beef 2 teaspoonsadoboseasoningwith pepper 1 tbsp.virginoilolivaextra 1 onion, ch opped 1/2cupbell pepper(paprika) ch opped green 1 teaspoonminced garlic 1 tablespoonch ili powder 1 teaspoonground cumin 2 tablespoonstomato paste(tomato) 1 tablespoonch opped fresh cilantro 1 can (15.5 oz.) ofsmall red beans(smallred beans), untrained 1 can (14.5 oz.) tomatoes (tomatoes), diced, untrained 1 cupmildch eddarch eeseKRAFT Sh reddedMildCh eddarCh eese.

SEASON’smeatwith th e marinade. Dora Aboutin h ot oilin a large saucepanover medium h eat; wring. Add onion, bell pepper and garlic;cookstirringoccasionallyfor 5min. oruntil onionis tender. STIR inch ilipowderand cumin; cooking meat2 min.more. Stir inremaining ingredientsexcept ch eese. Bring to boil; simmerfor 30min., stirring occasionally.

Our favoritepinion

you need 4 ripebananas(yellow) (2-1/ 2lb.) Italian dressing1/3cupKRAFT ZestyItalianDressing, divided 1 pepper(paprika) green,ch opped 1 smallonion, ch opped 1/4cupch opped green olives 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/3cupch opped fresh cilantro, divided 2 poundsground beefextralean beef 1 can(8 Oz) tomato sauce(tomato) 2 packetsofseasoning with cilantroandach iote 2 wh oleeggs 2 egg wh ites

1/4cup skim milk 1 can (14.5 Oz) green beans(green beans) ch opped, drained 1 package(8 Oz) sh redded mozzarella ch eesewith KRAFT2% MilkSh reddedMozzarella2%MilkCh eese HEAT ovento 350 degrees. SHORTbananaslength wise into1/2inch slices. Th ick.Heat 2tbsp.dressing inlarge nonstickskillet.Addh alf th ebananas; cook1-1 /2 min.per sideor untilgolden brown onboth sides.Get th em out ofth e pan; keep warm. Repeat with 2 eremaining dressingand th e remainingbananas. Baketh e pinion30min. or untilcenter is set. Sprinkle with remainingcilantro.

"Tacos" ofpasta stuffed

you need 20crackers 1/2cup milk 1 pound groundbeef,cooked and drained 1 container (16 oz) cottage ch eeseCottageCh eeseBREAKSTONE'SorKNUDSEN 1 can (14.5 oz) tomatoes (tomatoes) diced, drained 1 egg 2 cupsench ilada sauce 1 package(12 oz) jumbosh ellpasta,cooked 1-1 / 2cups sh reddedMexican-stylefour-

ch eesesh reddedfineKRAFTMexicanStyleFinelySh reddedFourCh eese HEAT oven to350 degrees. PLACEcrackers in alarge bowl.Add milk; Let stand2 min.oruntil th eyh ave softened. Add meat, cottage ch eese, tomatoes and egg;mix well. POUR1/2cup ofth eench ilada sauceinth e bottom of a13x9baking dish Sch . Filleach

sh ellwith 2 tbsp.ofmeat mixture; arrange th eminth e source.Placeleftovermeat mixture overth epasta.Top with th e remainingench ilada sauceand sh reddedch eese; cover it. BAKE30min. oruntil ch eeseis meltedand sh ellsare h eated.

Stuffed turkeywithhoney and lemonglaze

you need 1/4cup butter 1 large onion,h alvedand sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoonsground cumin 2 teaspoonsanch och ilepowder 1 quart(4 cups) of water 2 packages(6 ozeach )ch ickenstuffing mixSTOVETOPStuffingMixfor Ch icken Frozen1 turkey(14lb); , th awed Italian dressing1/3cupKRAFT ZestyItalianDressing 1/2cup h oney, divided 1/2cuplime juice(lime) fresh , divided MELT butterin large skilletover medium h eat.Add onionsand garlic;cook and stir5

min.Addcumin andanch och ilepowder;cook1 min., stirring occasionally.Incorporates 3cups water;bring to a boil. Addstuffingmixes; mix well. Coverth e pan; remove from h eat. Let th e mixture sitfor 5min., Separate itwith a fork.Let cool15min. MEANWHILE, remove and discardth e neck andgiblets from th eturkey cavity. Liberaturkey legs, but do not cutth e stripof skin.Place turkeyin a roasting pan, breast sideup. HEAT oven to325 degrees.Fillth e turkey with th e mixtureyou prepared; flipswings backto h oldneck skinin place.Coverbreastwith foilto preventlostover browning.


you need 2-1 /2 cupsench ilada sauce, divided 2 cups cookedturkey,sh redded 1 package(8 oz) sh redded Mexican-stylefourch eesesh reddedfineKRAFTMexicanStyleFinelySh reddedFourCh eese, divided

4 green onions, ch opped, divided 12 corn tortillas(6 inch es), calientitas 1 tomato(tomato) Large, seeded, ch opped 1/4cup fresh cilantro, finely ch opped 2 tablespoonsItalian dressingKRAFT ZestyItalianDressing HEAT ovento 350 degrees. SPREAD1/2cupsauce overbottom of a13x9-inch baking dish sprayed with

cookingspray.Mix1/2cup ofth e remaining sauce, turkey, 1/2cup ch eeseand1/4cup ofonions.Put1/4cup of th ismixture into centerof each tortilla; youroll up. Place,seam-sidesdown, onth e sourceyou prepared; top with remaining sauceand ch eese.Coverth e source. Bake30min. or untilch eese is melted, removing th e lidfor th e last5 min.Meanwh ile, combinetomatoes,remainingonions, cilantro and dressing. PONtomato mixtureover th eench iladas.


BEVERAGES Watermelon Frappe


Serves: 4 • 6 ice cubes • 2 cups diced seedless watermelon • 1 teaspoon h oney Preparation meth od Preparation: 3min 1 Place ice cubes in blender. Cover and crush ed. Add watermelon and grind for 1 minute, until th e point frappe. Add h oney and blend for 10 seconds.

Fresh bloodstone

Ingredients Yield: 25 h orses • 1 liter of fresh orange juice • 1 cup seedless lemon juice • 1 slice onion as th in as possible • Hot sauce bottle (egg. Valentine®), to taste • 1/4 cup juice of Granada (optional) • salt to taste Preparation meth od Preparation: 5min 1 soak th e onion in lemon juice for 20 or 30 minutes. Discard th e onion and lemon juice mixed with orange. Add sauce, salt to taste and, if desired, juice Granada. Stir well and serve ch illed.

Agua de horchata

Ingredients Serves: 6 • 1 cup of wh ite rice • 5 cups water • 1/2 cup milk • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 2/3 cup sugar standard Preparation meth od Preparation: 10min 1 Place water and rice in a blender. Mash well until rice begins to crush , about 1 minute. Let th e mixture stand at room temperature for at least 3 h ours. 2 Filter th e water and discard th e rice. Add milk, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar. Stir well and refrigerate until just before serving.

Guava atole

ingredients Servings: 12 • 3 liters of water • 1 piece of cinnamon, of about 5 cm • 5 tablespoons cornstarch , dissolved in 1 cup cold water • 2 ½ cups sugar, or to taste • 600 grams of natural, fresh guava and wash ed • 1 pinch of baking soda • 1 cup water to liquefy guavas • 3 cans of evaporated milk Preparation meth od Preparation: 10min> Cooking: 25min 1 Boil 3 liters of water in a large pot with th e cinnamon stick. Add th e starch to th e boiling water and let boil for 4 minutes over medium h eat, and stirring constantly. Add sugar and mix. 2 Besides, gradually liquefies guavas with 1 cup water. Strain and add to th e pot with th e bicarbonate. Let boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. 3 Since guava is cooked slowly integrates evaporated milk in a th in stream. 4 Let th e wh ole mixture boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

Cucumber water

ingredients Serves: 8 • 2 liters of water • Sugar, to taste • 2 cucumbers in sh ell, wash ed and ch opped • 3 seedless lemons, juice • Ice cubes to taste Preparation meth od Preparation: 10min>ready in: 10 minutes 1 Mixture 1 ½ liters of water with sugar in a jug. Stir until th e sugar h as completely diluted. 2 Blend th e cucumber with th e remaining water, pour into th e jar with sugar water and add th e lemon juice. 3 Serve with ice cubes.

Yogurtsmoothiewith strawberry andkiwi

ingredients Servings: 2 •1 banana • 6strawberries • 1kiwi •125-150gvanilla yogurt •180mlpineapple juiceand orangemixed Preparation meth od Preparation: 5min 1Mix allingredients in ablender and blenduntil smooth consistency.

Yogurtand mangosmoothie

ingredients Servings: 2 • 2mangoes, peeled, pitted and ch opped •2 cups (½ liter) oflow-fatplain yogurt •125grams (½ cup)sugar •Ice cubes Preparation meth od Preparation: 5min Placemango,yogurt, sugar and ice in a blender.Blenduntil smooth drink.Pourintoglassesand enjoy.

Fruit smoothie with yogurt

Ingredients Servings: 2 • 2 boys bananas into ch unks • 155 g of frozen strawberries Yogurt • 1 cup low-fat vanilla • 3/4 cup low-fat milk Preparation meth od Preparation: 5min Blend 1 banana, frozen strawberries, yogurt and milk until smooth consistency. Serve in glasses and enjoy

Yogurt smoothie with orange and banana

Ingredients Serves: 4 • 2 frozen bananas, peeled and ch opped • 1 orange, th e pulp with seeds and membrane • 1 small bottle (250 grams) raspberry yogurt • 1 1/2 tablespoons h oney • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Preparation meth od Preparation: 10min 1 Place th e bananas, orange, yogurt, h oney and nutmeg in a blender. Blend mixture until a smooth consistency.

Melon and WatermelonSmoothie

Ingredients Serves: 4 •2 cupsseedless watermelon, peeled and cubed •1 cupgreenmelonpeeledand cubed •1 cupof Ch inesemelonpeeledand cubed •1/2cupice cubes •1/2cuplemon-limeflavoredsoda Preparation meth od Preparation: 15 mints Place1watermelon,h oneydew melon, Ch inese melon andiceina blender. Addsodaand blenduntil you h ave asmooth mixture.


Banana Cake


• 1 cup of flour with two tablespoons of yeast • 1/2 cup sugar • 100 grams of melted butter • 2 wh ole eggs. • 1 kilo of bananas • 2 eggs • 1/2 cup milk • 1/2 cup milk or condensed cream • Cinnamon to taste preparation:

• Sift togeth er sugar and flour with yeast • We add wh ole butter and two eggs • Knead and work th e dough on th e kitch en table • We covered th e dough in a greased pan, trying not to make too th ick mass • Put banana slices with in • In a bowl mix th e flour, beating well, sugar, eggs, milk and some cinnamon

• We drew all over th e bananas, but not th e mass rebase • You Sprinkle cinnamon and left in th e oven for h alf an h our over medium h eat. • Wh at we get wh en browned, deer cool a little before removing from th e pan.

Orange Dessert


• 48 vanilla wafers (6 packs of 8 plates) • 1/2 cup butter. • 1 can condensed milk Nestlé • 1/2 cup orange juice • 2 tablespoons orange zest • 1/2 cup orange marmalade • 4 egg yolks preparation:

• Process or grind cookies • place in a bowl or bowl and add th e melted margarine or butter, mix well • Place th e cookies in a pie pan, pressing down firmly with th e back of th e spoon • In a bowl place th e condensed milk, orange juice, zest, marmalade and yolks, integrate well with metal wh isk or wooden spatula • emptying based biscuit • Carry a medium oven preh eated to 175 ° C, for 30 minutes • Remove from oven, let cool and unmold.

Pionono of caramel and chocolate


• 1 pionono • 250 grams of fresh milk • 4 ch ocolate bars • Essence of vanilla or cognac • 25 g of butter • 1 tablespoon h oney • Walnuts or almonds (optional for decoration) preparation:

• In a bowl mix th e caramel with melted ch ocolate and perfumed with vanilla or brandy • Add butter, h oney and integrate well with th e mixture • Spread with h alf th e Pionono preparation and trample • with th e rest of th e mixture, covering th e outside Pionono • Optional: Garnish with walnuts or almonds

Meringue with strawberries


• 2 discs of meringue • 200 grams of cream • 2 tablespoons Icing sugar (powdered) • Vanilla essence • 250 grams of Strawberries preparation:

• Wh isk in a bowl (ice) th e cream until th ick, add sugar slowly and Flavor with

vanilla essence • Continue beating until a point Ch antilly cream. • Cut th e strawberries into slices. • In a bowl place one of th e discs and cover with meringue cream and Strawberries • Locate th e oth er disk and cover with th e remaining cream and Strawberry. • Store in th e refrigerator until serving time.

Lemon pie


•175 grams ofbutter •500g of sugar •1 egg •1 egg •250gself-rising flour • 11/2tablespoonslemon zest •3 egg yolks •1 egg •100 ml oflemon juice •100ml of water •1 tablespooncornstarch

•4 egg wh ites preparation:

•toputth e dough in a bowl th ebutterand sugar,addegg andyolk, beatwell. •We addzestandwe incorporateth e flourslowlyuntildough is smooth and does

notstick to your h ands. •We wrapwith plastic wrap, tookth e refrigerator for30 minutes. •Th en retired, stretch , putina greasedandflouredbaking pan, prickth ewell so th at itwill not rise •Brough t awarm ovenfor 15 minutes. •Wh engoldenremove andlet cool. •For th e fillingput: <3 yolks - 1 egg -6 tablespoonssugar-lemon juice-100ccwater-a littlescratch lemon-butter75 gr.



•120grams ofch ocolate •230grams of butter •480grams of sugar •4 eggs •140grams of flour •1 tsp ofsalt •1/2ccofyeast preparation:

•Heat oven to180°/ 200 ° •Melt th ebutter in a saucepanover very low h eat

•Mixin a bowlth e melted butterand sugar,add eggs •In a saucepanover low h eat, melt ch ocolatedicedand added to th eabove mixture •Add th eflour mixedwith saltand yeast.Mix until asmooth paste •Pourth e dough in a greasedpanwith butter or oil •Bake for30-35minutps. Th ebrowniesh ould not beovercooked. •Allow to cooland sprinklewith icing sugar. •Cut into squares(2 x 2approx)

Chocolate Mousse


•125grams ofCh ocolate •3 tablespoons milk •3 egg yolks •4 egg wh ites •3 tablespoons sugar •75grams of butter •Sal preparation:

•It putsin a saucepanover low h eatth e ch oppedch ocolateand milk.Wh en th ech ocolateh as melteditfrom th e h eatandaddth e ch oppedbutter. •In aseparatecontainermixth e yolkswellwith sugar.Th en th ech ocolatemixture aboveis added, stirring th rough out. •Beatth e egg wh itesuntil stiff, adding a pinch of salt. •Ch illedch ocolate mixture, incorporatewh itesuntil stiff, very gently, not breakingth e foam,slowlycaressingandmaking sure th atth eyare acquiringa toneequal. •You putth emoussein th eir containersand gets intoth e fridge.At least twoh ours before servingcoldon th e table.

Pancake with caramel


(15 pancakes):

• Milk 400cc • 1 pinch of salt • 150 grams flour • 3 eggs • 2 yolks • 30 grams butter preparation:

• Place in blender th e milk, salt, flour, egg yolks and melted butter cold • Blend everyth ing a few seconds and let stand for 20 minutes • Place on a piece of mantequeca pan, pour in th e center with th e h elp of a bucket, a portion of dough make it run to th e edges, cook a min on each side • Stack th e pancakes and serve spread with dulce de lech e and rolled.

Bananas with caramel coffee creamer

ingredients 8 to 10 bananas 250 gr. sugar Water c / n for coffee or moch a cream:

250 gr. h eavy cream 1/2 tbsp. Instant coffee 1 and 1/2 tbsp. sugar preparation:

Pour th e sugar into a saucepan and bring just dip it into th e fire to caramelize. Add a little water to ligh ten th e candy, boil 5 minutes. Incorporate bananas peeled and cut into two or th ree pieces each . Cook until tender and somewh at th ick caramel sauce. Cool well and serve with th e cream of wash ed coffee. You can sprinkle with ch opped walnuts or almonds.

Coffee cream: wh ip th e cream with th e sugar and coffee Ch antilly point, cool and use.

Nougat dessert


2 egg wh ites 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar 150 gr. h oney 500 cc. h eavy cream 50 gr. almond 50 gr. nut 50 gr. pistach ios 50 gr. of amoretti’s For th e sauce:

1 cup h eavy cream 240 gr. ch ocolate 2 tbsp. h oney 1 tsp. Cognac 2 tsp. vanilla extract preparation:

Add to beat th e egg wh ites with cream of tartar. Heat th e h oney in a saucepan until a syrup to ball point. Add a little h oney on th e

smooth ie clear, until a h oney Italian meringue. Wh ile beating. Put in a food processor all dried fruits and amarettis. Add to merengue. Riding th e cream and add it to th e mixture. Place in a pudding mold with buttered wax paper and keep in th e freezer.

Orange sorbet and passion fruit

Ingredients: 3 cups of orange juice 1/2 cup of fruit pulp of passion 1/2 cup superfine sugar 2 tbsp. Grand Marnier 2 egg wh ites preparation:

Mix orange juice, pulp passion fruit, sugar and liqueur in a large bowl. With electric mixer, attach th e egg wh ites until stiff. Add th e egg wh ites to th e mixture of juice and gradually mix with a metal spoon. Pour into metal trays. Freeze it until you start to solidify at th e edges, ensuring th at not too h ardens. Sh red it in a bowl and beat until ligh t and fluffy.

Pour mixture into th e trays and leave in th e freezer for 3 h ours or until it takes consistency. Serve balls decorated with candied orange and a sprig of mint in a bowl previously refrigerated.

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