Bulletin No. 53 of the Friends of MAVA.

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Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Monthly Newsletter

Elio Quarisa . Concerts. Newsletters

M. A. Carretero.

Since the current Board of the Association took up their positions, one of the projects that has been pursued has been to hold concerts in the Museum Auditorium.

special feeling for any manifestation of art, and with a call to enjoy good music program can be derived to the manifestation of art through the glass.

All our shows have in comThis project aims persiguir mon it is free, both for our twofold. Association, that will not disburse any expense for each On the one hand, contribu- of the celebrations, and the te to the spread of musical public, they will not have to culture in our town. pay any money for the entrance. Furthermore, attracting a widening number of visitors Through collaboration Follato the Museum. na July, Foundation PresiWe believe that the more activities are carried out in the MAVA more likely it is to raise the number of visitors.

Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCĂ“N. (MADRID) info@amigosmava.org

But we also know that the mass is not an end for which he has to toil, as the risk to the works, as they are placed, is very high and the attendance of a large number of public is not advisable. We are seeing that little by little increasing the number of groups seeking guided tours to our museum and we are confident that the "word of mouth" is working between the different cultural groups that abound in our capital. The public who come to the concerts have a

dent Miguel Angel Colmenero, we could celebrate the first of these concerts.

musical instruments in their execution, a brief explanation of its operation . And it seems that we will be able to go to the public offering successive concerts and meet our goal of being able to perform a concert every month. For this we have, and the support of the Foundation Miguel Angel Colmenero, in collaboration with the Conservatory "Manuel de Falla" Alcorcon and the Conservatory of Music of Getafe.

The Conservatory of our City will cooperate in the next concert on the 17th with a On page 5 of this Newsletter performance group made we accomplished event in- up of students saxophones formation, collected by the of the music center. public demonstrations that accompanied us in this ope- We will also run from now ning session, was a comple- with the help of Pedro Morete success and enjoyed the no Gomez, Director General extraordinary tenor voice of of Education and Citizenship David Romero Luengo, with in our City, who attended the opening concert of our the issues interpreted and project and we provided supported by Juan Carlos support to spread sufficiently Martinez piano. in advance of the celebraWe must also acknowledge tion upcoming events. the assistance for this conWith all these positive fibers cert of the Conservatory of as we hope to fulfill our purMusic "Teresa Berganza" of pose of providing our bit in Madrid. spreading musical culture to One of the features that will everyone in our city and atdifferentiate our shows from tract more visitors to our Mubeing carried out normally in seum. other venues is that we want Also the name of MAVA is to have a strong educatiogoing to spread this other nal component. way of artistic expression To do this, we complement and to become a leader, the execution of the works not only for being one of the that make the performers dwindling areas of glass art with a reference to the life museum in our country, if not ofthe authors of the works, become also a space to enthe subject they want to ex- joy classical music. press and, when used

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

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Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXIV) M.A.C.

Part of the month

Intellectual Proper- necessary to cover its which shall be in wrioperating expenses. ting, shall a majority ty Law



Concerts in the MAVA

Rights of artists.

Luís Machí in Albacete

 Activities on the MAVA  News  Our activities  Glass recycling  How does CONTENTS:

Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Concerts in the MAVA


Luis Machi in Albacete


Research line


Activities in Museums


Javier Velasco in Miami


Activities on the MAVA


Drawing competition


Convention in Malaga


Necklace in Siberia


Glass techniques




Culture 2013


Christian Kerez


Musee of Monterrey


The glass museum


Claim light walls


If the interpretation is performed pursuant to a contract of employment or contract for services, it is understood that the employer takes on those exclusive rights to authorize reproduction and public communication under this title and a deduction of the nature and purpose the contract.

Lending means of fixations of performances made available to them for use for a limited time without economic or commercial benefit directly or indirectly, provided that the loan is done through establishments accessible to the puArtists who participablic. te in the same action, It is understood that such as the components of a band, there is economic choir, orchestra, babenefit or for direct or indirect commer- llet or theater company shall appoint a cial where lending by an establishment representative to the accessible to the pu- granting of authorizablic gives rise to the tions referred to in this Title. payment of an amount not exceeFor this designation, ding the amount

agreement of the performers. The exploitation rights to performers will last fifty years, counted from January 1 of the year following the performance. The performer has the inalienable right and inalienable right to have his name on their performances, except where omission is dictated by the manner of use, and to object to any distortion, alteration, mutilation or any attack on their performance that would damage their prestige or reputation. It will require the authorization of the dubbing artist for his performance in their own language.

URGENT NEWS  David Magan in the MAVA.

Staiend glass in Guadalupe 21 Glass recicled


Animals jump of paintings


Cultural tours


Culture 2013 Programme


II Salon of women artisans


Glass Farm in Holland


Other trends


Award “Cirilo Rodriguez”


Road glassmakers


The Dolphin Treasure


Inspired by prints


With recycled products


How does


Cristina Iglesias


Defects Arts Center


The glass in the fashion


Three unaligned points


Awards Fundetec 2012


OSDE in Bariloche




From March 7, 2013 to September 16, 2013. New temporary exhibition that opens at the MAVA on Thursday March 7 at 20'00h entitled Transparency domesticated Magan David. At 19 h. David held a lecture on his work at the Museum Auditorium.

As we move around their work, experience the "pictorial enjoyment" of the chromatic possibilities of transparency. David is represented by Galeria Cayon Spain, Madrid, and between 18 December and 2 February had his works displayed in the gallery room.

Two of his works have been exhibited in "European Glass ConThe works of David are rigorous structures that could be categori- text", in Denmark, in New Talent shows, on the island of Bornholm. zed as a painter speech of new concepts. For the second year, David has participated in ARCOmadrid The color converses in a mounting space and participatory rea- Magán with Cayón Gallery. dings is not static picture plane. www.amigosmava.org

Page 3

Part of de month. Jaromir Rýbak. ting glass sculpture in the interior

March 2013

and exterior architecture, resulting exposures Rooms Rooms I and II, but was a major impact on their Czech colleagues, had little impact outside (NEW GLASS 2/91: 11). Between the second half of the

Volume II — Number 53

80s and early 90s made a series of three-dimensional works, abstract, whose inspiration symbolic elements of sky-sublimation, liftand earth. The play "Red Cloud", in the collection of MAVA, belongs to this series. With Jaromir Rybak she participated in the 15th edition of Glass Now, in 1994. (GLASS NOW 1994: 19). In the next edition of this international exhibition, Takako Sano invited alongside Dee and Mihály Stephen Melcher to make a special exhibition of his works (GLASS NOW 1995: 5). In recent years his work became

Study at the Middle School of

the "Czech School", one that

Zelezny 'Brod where you choose

uses a priority the glass-mold

the specialty of Painting on

casting technique developed in

Glass (1967-71), which then

his works by the couple Libens-

Monstrous beings threaten open

completes the Academy of Ap-

ky'-Brychtová-for his sculptures.

jaws of grades from the depths

plied Arts in Prague (1973-79) under the leadership of Professor Stanislav Libensky'.

In 1979 he established as an in-

more figurative, without being realistic.

of hell imagined.

dependent artist in Prague, be-

The mixture of glass with metal,

ginning his collaboration with Gi-

especially bronze, provides a set

Jaromir Rybak belongs therefore zela Šabóková in architectural

of contrasts between hardness

to the generation of Gisela

and brittleness which opens a

Šabóková, Milan Handl and Dana Zámezniková, to name a few. Ry'bac's work fits perfectly into

and lighting. The relentless pursuit, that characterizes the work and perso-

new avenue for experimentation.

nality of Rybak, led him to make

In his teaching career prominen-

interesting experiments integra-



Page 4

Established artists. Elio Quarisa.

Our web


Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

"The greatest reward of Elio was hearing from students comment on how the inspired and affected their lives in a positive way," said Mack in Hot Sheet Glass Quarterly.

In his long career he worked in the best factories in Murano glass, from Barovier Toso, which began at the age of 9 years to help support his family after his father died. (Child labor helped keep the glass industry launched during World War II).

glass tradition led him in his retirement, to teach future generations of those who share this passion, even in the United States, nonprofit centers profit organizations such as Public Glass in San Francisco and Chicago Hot Glass.

Quarisa Barovier Toso advanced rapidly, reaching the level of First Master.

According glassblower Jeff Mack, studio manager at the Toledo Museum of Art's Glass Pavilion, Quarisa often spoke of his love for the art of glass and how it was linked to its roots of Murano.

After 27 years in this important glass house, moved to Seguso Vetri d'Arte, the first of several leading companies, which was coveted and technical consultant of some of the best designers. His love for glass work and their desire to ensure the Murano

Mack says Quarisa wanted to spend his years of experience to future generations so that this art is not lost, often referring to the "grandeur" and "magic"

In the workshop the Corning Museum of Glass, Amy Schwartz is working to create the Scholarship Fund Elio Quarisa and is accepting tax-deductible contributions to support the intermediate level in the ovens working students who are interested in Italian techniques. "These are basically people who have or have studied with Elio and want to continue that tradition," said Schwartz in Hot Sheet. "The plan is to raise enough money to give a scholarship each year.'s Not a donation but a scholarship fund." In addition, Schwartz said the Rakow Library at Corning is considering possibly be a photo file and history Quarisas largest Muranes glassmaking. "Elio had the dream to talk with teachers and document the history of glass before it reached its end," says Schwartz. "We're talking about how we can make a project to go forward."

Young artists. Tomas Brzon.

Thomas was born in Novy Bor, Czech Republic in 1982. He began his studies in 1998 at the School of Glassmaking Kamenicky Senov with Professor Frantisek Janak and Mr. Pavel

Our web



Since graduating, Tomas has refined his skills working with renowned glass artists as Martin Rosol, Jan Mares and Boyadjiev

He has exhibited in Europe and the U.S., and currently lives and works in Novy Bor, where he has his own studio.


Page 5

Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


On February 22 opened our project "MAVA Concert" with a recital by tenor David Romero Luengo. This project is one of the most cherished achievements in cultural activities to be undertaken by our Association.

the Association, the audience for coming and highlighted the cooperation received from the Conservatorio Teresa Berganza,

rried out in a completely altruistic, which is prominently thank because without Such support our program could not have been carried out due to lack of reMadrid, but especially the Founsources. dation President Miguel Angel Colmenero, July Follana, without On behalf of our government tewhose support it would not have am Alcorcon City Council attenLong ago we were trying to ma- been able to hold this event ded Councilman Conservation ke it happen and finally we think and, in future, be able to carry and Maintenance, Sayago Antowe can get it. out our project. nio del Viso, and the Director Before David Romero interpret General of Education and CitiWith good public attendance each of his songs, our President zenship, Pedro Moreno Gomez, developed this educational gave a brief sketch of the autDavid Romero expressed his conconcert with the following prohor of the work and enunciated gratulations on the interpretation gram: the translation of the letter in so- made. me of them. For our part also appreciate the David played the songs with a cooperation of the Department splendid voice and excellent re- of Culture for the assignment of cords in both the pianos as in space MAVA Auditorium to celefortes, in the low notes as in the brate the concert. high treble and a very bright The entire concert was recorded ring that caused the delight of statically and after the video adthe audience, being hailed ded a few tweaks, such as titles each interpretations with entand a photograph of the singer, husiastic applause. we have built a Youtube and He was accompanied by a suyou can watch through this link. perb piano performance from The next concert we have proJuan Carlos Martinez. grammed into this project Note that all the assistance re"MAVA Concert" will be held on ceived, both singer, pianist, and Sunday the 17th at 12 o'clock. In presenting the concert, our Julio Conservatory Follana, and interpreted by the group of Chairman thanked, on behalf of Foundation President Miguel An- saxophones Conservatory the entire Board of Directors of gel Colmenero, has been ca"Manuel de Falla" Alcorcon. www.amigosmava.org

Page 6

Luis Machi in Albacete.

The Director of the UP gave the floor to our President, who thanked him for the invitation to participate in this inauguration, said the first visit when he and other members of the Board of the workshop of Louis AMAVA Machi in March 2010 and the sad feeling I experienced when encountering Machi in the last Fair of Albacete and hear from his lips that had had to stop working glass by conditioning the crisis. So he had taken great joy at the news of the exhibition which was inaugurated.

March 2013 Volume II — Number 53

View photos

Four visions of abstract art through various disciplines such as photography, painting, or sculpture made of glass ... It's what the eye welcomes the exhibition 'Three in four', that at 19.30 pm on the last 27th Foundation was inaugurated in CCM.

The first director of the Popular University, Ricardo Beléndez, who out of friendship with those now exposed in the CCM Foundation served as host of the show.

He praised the artistic conditions and knowledge of glass that has Luís Machi and encouraged him to this exhibition is not an oasis in the desert. Long history

Agree that only two elements that unite the various works of this exhibition: Abstraction and friendship Without wishing to prepare any which brings sweetened over the script, Beléndez attended a couple years, the satisfaction of success of of hours early to see the photothis opening was more than obvious But after all this work there are ma- graphs of Manuel Ruiz, the glass in the faces of all artists who, in the ny more, among other things, the sculptures of Luis Machi, in both end, have sought to express himself names of four artists in the city of cases have been maintained "a through these works. Albacete with a long history linked very pleasant surprise, the work in In a more communicative Baeza, to art: Manuel Ruiz, Luis Machi, Pethe form of collage and acrylic of who uses elements such as titles or rez and Pablo Baeza Carrilero that Carrilero Perez, in which he found kept the latter have " all we have in "the feeling and power of abstrac- poems to "fill the work content"; Perez Carrilero more innovation, which the works for you to enjoy. " tion" and, finally, the new pictorial focuses on "small compositions on work of Pablo Baeza, 'Wounds', In addition to this show, they share paper and predominantly black in which looked "great evolution in their love of art with its link to the the way of expressing" of This artists. many of them"; "narrating the desCollective Cillero, which includes truction process or disease of the many artists from very different With all this, Beléndez concluded changing reality" through his absbackgrounds. that it is "one of the exhibitions of tract photography, Miguel Ruiz, or various artists from more level I've its refinement and mastery of mateThere's nothing better for an artist seen in the past seven months in rial as rigid and fragile at the same that surprised, though, for good, the city of Albacete", something time as glass, Luis Machi. and they can be given by satisfied that contributes to that "this city that showed surprised the audienThe exhibition catalog can be viedoes not die." ce at the inauguration yesterday. wed via this link.


Page 7

March 2013

Line of research: Inclusions (XII).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo

barriers to prevent the glass from Figs 6, 7 and 8 are three tests

In Fig. 1 is a sample with an in-

moving or falling on other parts.

clusion of soft iron wire galvanized.


It also features a large gas bubble, possibly formed by entrained air and gases from the antirust coating.

Volume II — Number 53


Some experiments were performed by mixing two different metals to check whether there fusions between them, or if some-

combining copper with silver leaf fine, fine gold and fine silver with gold respectively. The red, yellow and orange are very intense and transparent, while retaining certain metallic sheen.

The incompatibility is not as gre-

how combined colors or produ-

In Fig. 9 is a test that combines tin

at as in the case of soft iron due

cing plastic effects.

and gold and silver, which can

to the lower section of the wire (0.2 mm). Other tests showed little metal mesh voltages, which suggests that there is a relationship bet-

The results were: In Fig. 4 there is a sample with a tin foil along with two copper wires.

be observed in other shades. Metals including quite experienced in thickness have been described so far, but others may be experienced, such as lead, gold and silver.

ween the thickness of the wire

Copper seems to reinforce the

used, the air bubbles (which in

process of crystallization of tin,

the case of metal mesh are in-

which this piece has completely

evitable) and the tensions that

lost its metallic gray and earthy

Under this heading are grouped


yellow looks orange.

a number of experiments have

Fig. 2 and 3 show considerable

The two photographs of Fig. 5

tension when viewed through

correspond to the front and

the polariscope.

back of a work that combined

In the Fig 2 shows an area where the glass is cloudy with a whitish film, produced by burning the coating antioxidant. In the mesh of Fig. 3, the windows are moved during the heating of the furnace, so that part of the mesh was outside the sandwich. This problem is common when using thick materials between two glasses, and you have to establish a system of ceramic fiber

the two sheets of the same size


been very successful due to the effects achieved and good plastic material compatibility achieved.

triangular copper and tin, in ad-

It is working with fake gold leaf,

dition, allowed a copper wire

silver leaf false, iridescent meta-

coming out of one end of the

llic bread, fine silver leaf and

play acting as fireplace.

gold leaf fine.

The shades are made of red

Each of these metals offer diffe-

copper themselves to earthy

rent colors and textures that will

orange and yellow tin.

be described below.

It can be seen that in the image

The advantage of these mate-

below, where copper should be

rials is that they can be easily

first, the texture is also earthy,

found in specialized in fine arts

instead of presenting the usual

and crafts, and its price, even in

smooth texture in copper.

the case of pure gold is relatively



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Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


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Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


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Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


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Javier Velasco in Miami.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Javier Velasco doubly in Miami.

to make a total immersion into the "unknown".

From 21 February to 30 March can be his series "precipitates" Buzzart in In the Frost Museum exhibition, the gallery, located in Wynnwood, which will present his installation the art district of the American city. "Deep Blue", the artist will use the size that offers the great room Moreover, since last February 27 space input to invade with a blue installation can be "Deep Blue" at glass fabric emerging from a kind the Frost Art Museum. the same color coral in the ceiling suspended composing a stunning "Precipitates" is an exhibition that combines photography and paint- installation dimensions and viewers who visit may touch. ing parts. They reflect the artist's vision from which the artists face the contemporary art world, in which, according to Velasco, "are obliged to rush into the void". A personal reflection on how the current art world challenges artists

This work suggests a set of lights, which becomes even changing as you interacting with the viewer. Javier Velasco's work has evolved throughout his career from forays into different disciplines, but always from the analysis of feelings and emotions.


He has produced video installations and performances that brought him even with Harald Szeemann exhibit at MOMA or the Venice Biennale. His work has been exhibited in numerous galleries and also institutions such as ARCO, BIACS, Art Cologne, Art Lisbon Arteaméricas. His work is included in collections such as the MAT in Mexico, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Spain and the Consulate of Spain in Miami. Titles: "precipitates" / "Deep Blue" Venues: Buzzart / Frost Art Museum City: Miami Country: United States Dates: February 21 to March 30, 2013 (Buzzart) / Effective February 27, 2013 (Frost Art Museum)

Page 12

Activities on the MAVA. Know Your Museum.

March 2013

series and projected images on the series history books. In this March talks will be: Tuesday March 5, 18pm. What is an installation?

Volume II — Number 53

From the three most representative facility of MAVA collection: glass body, Javier Velasco, shipwrecked, Xavi Muñoz and Snow White, Javier Perez-Blanco, will talk about the contemporary art installations and narratives behind each. Thursday March 14, 18h. Geometric Abtracción David Magan’s work Taking advantage of the great artist's temporary exhibition at the MAVA David Magan, there will be a tour of the works in the company of the author. David also displays his work as a photographer, and give the keys to making a good photograph of glass, no easy task. Through the talks that we propose, the MAVA aims to discover the Museum's permanent collection and temporary exhibition of the moment, in a more complete and thorough, from different points of view, delving into the personality of the artist, in the work in context ... which is not enough time to do a tour in general.

Thursday February 21, Maria Lugossy 18h: Genesis vs War

Maria Lugossy is a wonderful Hungarian sculptor whose work we find two distinct stages: the Genesis series, which revolves around a mystical vision of the origin of man, and the series of history books which radically changed his work now focuses on issues more committed, full of The talks will be in the room itself, shadows, with a great tragic in front of the work, where apburden on victims of all human propriate projecting images of conflicts. the author and his work. They will The talk was held in front of the last about 40 minutes. play "Birth of Venus" (Room I) In the month of February was perfect example of the Genesis held the following activity: www.amigosmava.org

After the talk, we propose a workshop with optional glass jewelry. These combine to taste small flat glass transparent and opaque colors that they shall go in the oven for melting. The result is a beautiful glass pendant. Entries will be collected a few days later. Cost per participant Workshop: 3 €. Workshop Duration: 30 minutes approx. Reservations: 911127630

Page 13

Activities MAVA. Drawing competition.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

From February 14 to September

check redeemable at any of

2, 2013.

the stores in the mall.

The remotely Museum Children's

Checks will be given to parents

nounced on September 12, at

Drawing Contest "How do you

of children awarded.

the museum's website.

The award categories are:

The award ceremony and exhibi-

see the MAVA", calling the 5th edition. For this we have the invaluable support of Alcorcon TresAguas

- Award-drawing more original and fun.

Mall, where we will discuss all the - Award-more elaborate dra-

story told (comic style). The jury's decision will be an-

tion of the drawings will be held on Saturday September 21 at 12 noon at the Mall TresAguas Alcorcon.

drawings and make the awards.

wing (techniques used).

The conditions of participation

- Award fuller picture (spatial vi-

museum's archive.



Participation in the competition

Children from 5-11 years.

- Award-drawing with the best

The technique is free: watercolors, colored pencils, crayons, markers, collage, etc.. The only valid format is the official drawing sheet, which will facilitate the MAVA. The finished drawings are presented only in the MAVA. The deadline for submission is February 14 to September 2, 2013. The Mall TresAguas awarded four prizes, one for each category, from 200 € purchase a


The drawings will form part of the

implies acceptance of these rules.

Page 14

Agreement UMA - Glass Museum Málaga.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Students of Fine Arts, Architectu-

This agreement also includes the case in the district of Malaga

re and Tourism UMA participate

implementation of projects and

in the enhancement of Funtuna- programs of research, developlla Malaga neighborhood. The rector of the University of Málaga, Adelaide Street, and Gonzalo Fernandez-Prieto, on

ment and innovation, and training to perform in the faculties and departments above services.

behalf of the enterprise space,

In addition, there will be lecture

and Crystal Art Glass Ltd., today

and joint activities related to so-

signed a cooperation agree-

cial promotion of research and

ment with the aim of developing new technologies. joint programs through School of Tourism, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Architecture and the Interuniversity Institute UMA UPCHabitat and Territory Tourism.

neighborhood Funtanalla high, where the Museum of Glass and Crystal.

For his part, Antonio Guevara, has highlighted the importance of this agreement, which unites three knowledge areas such as tourism, architecture and art,

of Tourism, Antonio Guevara,

hood, through the museum.

the Dean of Fine Arts, Salvador Haro, the director of the School

various studies related to rehabi- rector, Conservation and Sustai-

the neighborhood-

done at the University.

ties to enhance the neighbor-

sada and secretarial Works Di-

technology, in order to value

the Museum of Glass in the work

ded by the Dean of the Faculty

vides for the implementation of

the application of information

thanked the interest shown by

and to perform a series of activi-

of Architecture, Santiago Que-

ning and tourism promotion, and

De la Calle Gonzalo Fernandez

This ceremony was also atten-

Specifically, the agreement pro-

litation, architecture, art, plan-


nability UMA, Carlos Rosa. During his speech, the chancellor said that the agreement "provides an opportunity for the University to meet its most immediate, putting the knowledge in the social environment, in this

"This work will bring in the tourist map of Malaga the museum and the neighborhood, with the help of the Friends of the Museum", Guevara concluded. Gonzalo Fernandez closed the ceremony highlighting the historical importance that has taken this neighborhood, which once was a place of potters, and with a clear shade industrial, and through initiatives like these is the intention to develop its wealth.


Page 15


Necklace in Siberia. necklace was also a noble of

March 2013

"blue blood". She was a remarkable woman in his tribe or clan. In the excavations of the necropolis of Chultukov also found a collection of hairpins elaborate,

Volume II — Number 53

decorated with griffins, wolves and pins with solar symbols. This gives us data on the mythology of that time and their religious beliefs. All hairpins were found in the hairstyles of married women. The 17 beads of the necklace,

Necklace" for his style of Ancient

which was found in perfect con-


dition, are made from sheets of brightly colored glass and found around the neck of a woman of about 25 years in his grave in a mound in the Altai Mountains ( Siberia).

It was probably made by craftsmen of the Middle East already knew this sophisticated technique, and its value at that time would be very high, equivalent to several dozen horses, to

Although it was found in 2004

change. A luxury object pre-

has never been released until



This young woman belongs to

Never found anything like it in

the people Pazyryk, known as

the area, this is a unique gem.

the "Princess of Ukok" also found

The closest thing found in Scythian mounds of Crimea, but these isolated accounts, never complete a necklace like this. Is estimated to have a length of between 2300-2400 years. Corresponds to the time when Alexander the Great ruled from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. The technique used for its manufacture is known as "Millefiori" and consists in manufacturing a rod with a fine pattern of colo-

in the mounds of Chultukov and date from the fourth century BC In the burial mound also found a bronze mirror with a hanging chain, also in bronze, and a knife inside a bag placed beside the body trousseau. The mirror was treated like a living, which points to its magic function. Displays a set of skeletal remains of sacrifices. It is probably a priestess.

Our priestess has no making us suppose that could be a virgin. This shows that during major historical changes that took place in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and southwest Asia was higher in the more remote areas of Asia, which imported some interesting things. On one hand, shows the magnitude of the historical events that took place after the conquests of Alexander the Great, on the other, shows that the Siberians in those days, as now, could afford some unique pieces made by the most advanced technologies. In general, it is not surprising that Siberia has always been a sort of "stream of civilization", a transit territory, rich resources and attractions for migration. We must take into account the fact that the route through Kazakhstan is close to the ski side of

red glass rods which are heated

The finding was presented by

the ancient Silk Road, and most

in the oven to melt between

the director of the excavation

likely arrived in this way those ac-

them, then cut and molded

the archaeologist Dr. Andrey Bo- counts found in Altai.


rodovsky: "The objects found be-

The beads have a diameter of between 2 and 2.5 cm. And were placed in a strip made of tendons without knots. He has been called "Cleopatra

long to their ancestors by comparison with other debris and

Obviously, this area was a busy place. "

would date from the end of the

The fabulous necklace is curren-

fourth century BC III and early

tly held by the Institute of Ar-

B.C. in the early Hellenistic pe-

chaeology and Ethnography in

riod. I think the real owner of the Novosibirsk for study and not yet exposed to the public.


Page 16

Musee of La Granja. Program March.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


Page 17

N E W S (I).

Among glass, light and colors.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

works of different formats. In the pieces, the artist also rescues some lifestyle concepts conveyed by his father's family. It also highlights the value of all resources by reusing materials, and therefore oppose the idea that promotes consumer society today.

Multiple objects made of glass and other materials, and colors of light bathe the Museo Calderón Guardia.

tion of Victoria Montero, Costa Rican artist based in New York, which encourages the use of all the senses.

The enclosure in Barrio Escalante, yesterday opened an exhibi-

The show is called "Storm Glass" and comes alive through 16

"Flirting with the utility of this work does not limit their senses, expands. Everyday objects have specific uses and meanings, objects of art have unlimited uses and applications, "said the artist. The exhibition will be open until March 23.

Culture 2013.

This past February we visited the ex-

quire the role that had owned stu-

the practice as the core of artistic

hibition "Impressionism and outdo-

dio compositions.


ors. From Corot to Van Gogh ", of-

Corot and Constable took in the

With the advent of the twentieth

whole of his work and, after gai-

century and the birth of the avant-

ning recognition and independen-

garde painting outdoors retreated

ce, oil studies outdoor spread ra-

to a position in front of the studio

Oil painting outdoors reached its

pidly, especially with members of


peak with Impressionism but was to

the Barbizon School, Rousseau,

late eighteenth century when the

Diaz de la Peña, Dupré, Daubigny,

Through the 113 works that are dis-

first evidence of this artistic exercise

... -.

training to supplement training the

Like them, they often went to the

tains, Trees and plants, waterfalls,

sites of the forest of Fontainebleau,

lakes, streams and rivers, skies and

about 60 kilometers from Paris, ar-

clouds, the sea, the exhibition tra-

tists such as Monet, Sisley, Renoir,

ces the evolution of this style that

Bazille, Cézanne made studies out-

represented a new approach to

Throughout the nineteenth century

doors in the center of its produc-

artistic creation and renewal of ni-

painting outdoors transcends the

tion, leading thereby consolidating

neteenth-century painting.

fered by the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum from February 5 to May 12.

artist-eye, hand and visual memory rather than imagination - regarding the completion of the works in the shop.

private sphere of the artist to ac-


tributed in seven different roomsRuins, roofs and roofs; Rocks, Moun-

Page 18

N E W S (II).

Christian Kerez in Zurich.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

A stack of glass boxes of diffe-

tion for the new administrative cen- floor, and sports courts with

rent heights and areas, surroun-

ter in Holderbank Holcim-release is

spectacular views in the last

ded by steel trusses triangulated

the maximum ground surface by


defines the planned extension by superimposing different programs Swiss architect Christian Kerez for

into a single volume indoor vertical

Leutschenbach school complex


on the outskirts of Zurich.

Some concrete slabs and faceted profile, extending in front to create generous peri-

Thus, the building includes classro-

meter balconies, complete

The draft Kerez-School professor

oms on the first three floors, an au-

the structure.

of Architecture ETH Zurich and

ditorium and a library on the fourth

won the international competi-

The Monterey Museum opens its doors. Pulquero Glass, of Mexican origin, is another attraction that is located on this floor. The second level is dedicated to the popular and industrial glass. In its rooms you can see several examples of handcrafted glass, produced as much as by anonymous as recognized names. On the same floor are exhibits traditional nineteenth century apothecary and a number of pharmaceutical glass copies of the time. Finally, as the last part of the route of this section, three rooms are dedicated to the glass industry in Mexico. The attic of the museum, third level, initially used as a temporary exhibition

Glass museum opens its doors to the pu- has in its first level with the traditional blic to foster an appreciation for art

European glass from the sixteenth to

glass in Mexico.

the nineteenth centuries, the latter's

The three-story building The museum

arrival to America and its comparison with European production.


hall, now houses the permanent collection of contemporary art in glass, consisting of works by local artists, national and international.

Page 19

The glass in Museums: Decorative Arts in Prague.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague is part of the cultural attractions the Czech capital shares with his visitors, is right in this place which combines aesthetic manifestations and to craft because of their outstanding quality make the place a good recommendation. Its location in the middle of the old city is complemented quite well with the building which houses it is a neo-Renaissance palace built between 1897 and 1899. Services:

tal, which by its nature and recorded during the Baroque is a great pride for the museum. What you'll find: As its name implies, the art master is responsible for projecting spaces through a series of objects belonging to a period ranging from antiquity to the twentieth century.

According to the above you can see artistic creations such as embroidery, metalwork, glass, porcelain, metal furniture, textiles, furniture, clocks, rugs and As part of its permanent exhibit is allegories to trades that are part the collection of Bohemian crysof its permanent exhibition.


It should be mentioned that the collections are displayed in an order determined by the type of material in which they were developed, this allows you to discover a kind of evolution that ends with contemporary objects that make manifest the ability of the authors without effort. prices: Unguided 120 CZK, 130 CZK with guide. Timetable: On Tuesdays between 10:00 and 19:00, Wednesday to Sunday between 10:00 and 18:00.

Page 20

The claim of the walls of light.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Abando Station and FEVE, La Ri-

the Café Iruña, after passing

The initiative came after the pre-

bera market and the Company

through emblematic windows

sentation of the book on leaded

have in common Bilbaína walls

dotted the city center.

Betanzos in Bilbao History.

At Easter the attractions of the

"We saw that we had to go a

windows of Bilbao seek to at-

step further with the historical, ar-

let in light through the stained glass windows that decorate.

The beauty of stained glass in Bil- tract foreign audiences.

tistic and cultural are the win-

bao value starts with a guided

dows and so we thought we'd

tour program that aims to turn them into a tourist attraction. On February 23 and March 2 the tour of the buildings housing the best historical windows of Bilbao will be directed especially to the locals.

Visitors can follow the guided tours in Basque, Castilian and English. The leaded restorer Paula Monica Betanzos, author of a book about those in Bilbao, will be responsible for imparting teaching two workshops, which will ad-

show it to tourists," said the director of Bilbao Turismo, Mercedes Rodriguez. The program of activities will be completed with a route guide, which is also included in the website of Bilbao, as a tool for heritage.

The tours depart from the Heart

dress the different techniques

of Mary church which houses

performed in its development,

Historiko Bilbao president, Unai

the Museum of Artistic Repro-

among other artistic aspects.

Aizpuru, has announced that it

ductions, in the neighborhood of

will generate a mobile applica-

Bilbao la Vieja, and ending at

tion in different languages.


Page 21


The Treaty of Guadalupe Monastery Windows (X).

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

8 and 10cm length, welded to the lead matrix and that may be either circular as flat rectangular or square-like drawing which provides the author or Sometimes simple profiles in "H" wing very narrow. Not until the nineteenth century when it began using wire loops, usually iron or copper.

Fernando Cortes Pizarro.

linseed oil and Blanco of Spain, The next step is to shut down the serves to give more strength to wings or leads ("... establish abri- the panel and especially as waterproofing to prevent the pasdera leads to ...") for the face that we soldier and then we re- sage of water into the building. peat the wings and fallen soldier One of the last operations deson the other side. cribed is the placement of the At present, this operation down reinforcing rods - "Iron varretas" -. traditional wings leads, fruit of good practices of the trade, is still absolutely necessary to prevent the windows are loose and improve the strength of the panels. Surprisingly, given the thoroughness of the author's explanations, which at this point does not mention anything about the different processes caulking of the windows, both of the leads as the area between the panels and the wooden frames where they mounted. These operations are absolutely necessary, especially when the windows are located externally as is the case of this treaty. However, this absence is not so striking when you consider that in fact none of the above treaties windows touched this topic. The putty traditionally used by glassmakers, based composite

This is, again, a traditional intervention essential to ensure the stability of the panels once installed in the window, making them more resistant to wind pushes and avoiding warping in the lead network. Interestingly, this being a very important operation to ensure the long life of a window, it is noteworthy that this is one of the few treaties windows, and possibly only, where this issue is discussed. However, although in some pictures if that implies, the author does not specify how many we put rebar in each panel. Traditionally they are placed horizontally and about a foot away from them (about 20 or 25cm, depending on the size of each panel). To fix the panel strips are conventionally used lead between


When the author refers to the placement of the panels, it seems that a large part of the windows of the Monastery of Guadalupe spoken in this treaty, were mounted on wooden frames and not directly in the grooves carved in stone . This fact is evident when the author refers to the nails used to fix: "The tacks with which ordinarily claban stained glass are some calling for claban bonba and in the corners and where to and lead seal." Also, later in the next chapter, we are told that the tacks are used if the window "... whatever clabada in context ...". Here the author obviously any comments on the grouting or sealing of the glass panels to racks and wooden frame using putty required operation on mounted windows wood windows. This chapter ends with a final mention of the reinforcing rods. The author tells us that prefer "round non blank fields, because in four days they cut the lead and here is followed more quickly break the window." Indeed, the round rods have traditionally been the most common, although it is true that sometimes also used for square or rectangular.

Page 22

Recycling. Scotland committed to recycling.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

The Scottish government launches campaign 'Recycle and Win' at IKEA Edinburgh.

and limit the amount of beverage containers going to landfill (currently only in Scotland is selectively removed 30% of the containers).

The initiative consists of nine pilots in 14 different locations simultaneously with the return sys- The Minister for Rural Affairs and tem as protagonist. Scottish Environment, Richard Lochhead, visited the IKEA Edin'Recycle and Win' (Recycle and burgh to kick-off the campaign Reward) is the name given to in one of the first pilot test sites. the new Scottish Government campaign that aims to raise In IKEA Edinburgh has placed a awareness on recycling its popu- machine 'reverse vending' to relation through various pilot proturn the containers, as the Swegrams based return system bedish company committed to the verage containers. return system as a key part of its sustainability program. Authorities and Scottish companies have jointly launched the For each package retrieved, campaign based on rewarding IKEA will offer a discount of 10 people for the correct separapence to redeem in store or a tion of glass, aluminum and plas- donation of 10p to a charity. tic (PET), offering a series of de"A few years back our empty posits and incentives such as glass bottles to the store to get money, discount codes or voumoney was common practice. chers for donations charities for their packaging. Now, thanks to modern technoThe initiative, sponsored by Zero Waste Scotland, aims to encourage people to recycle more

logy, we are giving new life to this traditional approach through recycling and return system, "said Lochhead.


The Scottish political power also recalled that the 22,000 tonnes of recovered plastic containers that end up in landfills each year in Scotland, "that material would be worth £ 6 million." Meanwhile, Iain Gulland, director of Zero Waste Scotland, said: "It is vital to consider new approaches to increase recycling rates and capture the value of the materials that are otherwise sent directly to landfill." Gulland recalled that return systems have proven successful worldwide, putting Germany, South Australia and the Scandinavian countries as examples. In total, nine pilot projects have been launched in Scotland in 14 different locations, including outlets in public spaces, big events, shopping centers, schools and colleges, etc … To have extrapolated results and solid, the campaign will run until September 2013.

Page 23

The animals jump from the paintings. cing then in a new reality diffe-

March 2013

rent from you know, "this clash of realities should we think about the uncertainties of life." For the construction of his sculptures, the artist begins forming a metal skeleton of the animal in question to that then covered

Volume II — Number 53

with sharp fragments of colored glass. Once finished sculptures, placed in front of the paintings which returned the animal to make them major players who come alive through the glass. His ability to recreate the fur of animals poses "natural" approach their work as true collectibles. Marta Klonowska has received numerous awards including the Great works of art have mostly

ka is an artist with a taste for the

players who can go from royal-

glass material it uses to make

ty, divine personages or even

sculptures of animals, mainly

situations that reflect the context dogs, which appear in historical

Artist in Residence at the Cite International des Arts in Paris (1999), again the Artist in Residence at the Skulpturpark Aker-

of the time the piece was ma-

paintings by artists such as Peter

by in Sweden (2002).


Paul Rubens, Michel de Bouillon

In 2006 he was a finalist for the

Who is fixed, then, in the small

and Francisco de Goya.

Bombay Sapphire Prize in Lon-

details that accompany a pain-

The artist studied at the Acade-


ting, for example?

my of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Po-

His exhibitions have been presen-

Those details are usually unnoticed indispensable part of speech of a part or simply account for a period of stay or the feel of the artist as an element in a work is never over.

discovered the benefits of translucent glass to produce sculptures with pieces of this material in colors. Klonowska animals are

Marta Klonowska is aware of these details and rescues to become sculptures.

land, and it was there where he

"characters" in the works side of the aforementioned artists, the artist who revalues turning them into pieces where no more pla-

Originally from Warsaw, Klonows- yers than pointy glass forms, pla-


ted at the Finnish Glass Museum in Riihimäki (2009) and Lorch + Seidel Galerie in Berlin (2011). The artist currently lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany. "Art enriches the lives of people, new perspectives, dimensions and emotions. The art makes me happy. "

Page 24

 Our activities.

March 2013

In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2013.

 Cultural Tours. On Tuesday, March 5, will at-

Once in Segovia, and before at-

tend the opening of the exhibi- tending the inauguration of the tion "The Illustrated Refranero"

painting Vitrearum Artis fire, visit

Artis Vitrearum in Segovia.

the workshop Alba Martin Casa-

Volume II — Number 53

This is painting on glass fire. Ruben Garcia Fernando Llorente with Artis form Vitrearum Vivanco, a workshop located in Segovia where do stained glass and restoration and also make it all work with diamond, fusing and etching to sand and acid. Before we pass by the farm to visit the Tech Museum of Glass.

do. To promote the development of an industry badly injured in Spain, the young entrepreneur Martin Segovia Alba create the first workshop that combines glass blowing torch technique. We hope that you may have set up their shop and we can enjoy the good work of this artist Segovia.

 Culture 2013 Programme.

The Prado Museum offers the

and gone beyond his works rea-

known, mostly from private co-

public an exceptional opportu-

ched the British royal collections.

llectors internationally, to contri-

nity to see, first session, all production of Juan Fernández known Labrador, Spanish painter of the first half of the seventeenth century and concerning the early history of the still life in Spain.

The five works of the artist who owns the museum, a vase, purchased in 1946 from a private collector, possibly in the seventeenth century was part of the

bute to enhance knowledge and awareness of the extraordinary production of this mysterious and exquisite painter. In this March visit this exhibition,

royal collections - and four works which will open on the 12th and that entered the collection in

His fame as a painter of still lifes,

2006 with Naseiro, will be presen-

claimed by collectors, Hispanic

ted by the rest of his work


runs until June 16.

Page 25

Hall II women artisans in Morocco.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

The Réseau Marocain of Femme - Produce crafts Spanish repre-

- Images of at least 5 pieces in

et du Développement (RMFD)

jpg format with a resolution of

organized as part of International Women's day, the second edition of the "International Exhibition of women artisans." It is an international fair of exhibition and sale to be held in Mo-

sentative. - To be present every day of the event.

The objectives of this activity include, meeting and communi-

ge and sharing of ideas and projects, partnerships and new

tion of each piece that includes descriptive name or title, dimen-

play and sale.

sions, weight, production techni-

Those interested in participating

que, materials and production year.

email ealvarez@fundesarte.org

Fundesarte sent a selection of

before January 17, 2013, the fo-

candidates to the organization

llowing documents:

who has had contact directly

cation between women artisans - Contact details. from different countries, exchan-

x 10 cm, together with a descrip-

- Bring enough material for dis-

hammedia (Morocco), from 6 to in this event should send to 10 March 2013.

300 dpi and a minimum size of 10

with selected artisans. From what we've seen on Face-

- Curriculum and company his-

book, Susana Aparicio is trave-


ling these days to Mohammedia

forms of cooperation and presentation of individual parts and creations of the participants. The organizer covers the cost of attending a Spanish artisan (3x3m stay and stand.). The requirements are: - Have Spanish nationality. - Knowledge of French in order to participate in discussions that are organized.


to attend this fair.

Page 26

Glass Farm in Holland.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


The prestigious Dutch architectu- church, the town hall and main re firm MVRDV is the author of street. this multifunctional building locaThe farm is the seventh glass of ted in the town of Schijndel. these proposals. The fully covered by a tinted The town was heavily involved in glass façade which is printed in the design process, with heated a collage with images of typical debates, surveys, and controfarms in the area, but at a level versies between supporters and 1.6 times higher than the real opponents in the local press. one. The idea can be interpreted as a contemporary response to the desire of the public vernacular authenticity. The original square of this small town in the province of Brabant was destroyed in 1944, after the bombing of the allied troops. In 1980 Winy Maas, one of the four founders of MVRDV who hails from Schijndel, the mayor proposed architectural intervention to fill the void unusually large town square. 10MVRDV presented during these repeated choices twentythree years to build a new structure in the square between the

The images are printed in a more or less translucent, depending on the need of light and views. At night the structure is illuminated from the inside, becoming a monument to the traditional farmhouse. With a height of 14 meters, the building is intentionally designed not to scale and is 1.6 times bigger than a real farm.

The project is a response to the demands of municipal regulations which defined a volumetric Thus, an adult has a sense of promatching the farms of the reportion in relation to the consgion. truction similar to that of a child, allowing you to evoke nostalgic MVRDV studied all local historimemories. cal farms, which were measured and analyzed generating an The equipment has 1600 m2 and ideal average from these data. consists mainly of a series of public services such as restaurants, In collaboration with MVRDV, shops and a health and beauty the artist Frank van der Salm center. photographed all these traditional farms, making up with all the Coinciding with its completion, image of the "typical farm" opened an exhibition at the Muwhich is printed in the 1800 m2 seum Jan Heestershuis on conof glass facade. text and authenticity. The result is similar to the window Later this year NAi Publishers puof a cathedral. blish a book showing the development of the project.


Page 27

Other trends. Director of a technician, not a politician.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

The director of the National Art Museum Reina Sofia, Manuel Borja-Villel, argues that it is essential to the management autonomy of institutions like museums "regarding political vicissitudes and any pressure from potential sponsors."

the stage of "signature architecture" of the nineties who have come to an end. This evolution also reflects changes in culture.

Latin American art, for example, with the American art. "Realities that have the same value," he said.

He showed slides of the permaOn the evolution of the IVAM, nent collection of the Reina Sothe art historian ruled regarding fia, in the room next to a Rothko a question from José Luis Pérez that projected the film Rear WinHe said on Friday February 22 Pont, president of the Valencian dow, of Hichtcock, or one in Claustre within Obert, discussion Association of Art Critics, collawhich projects Bienvenido Mr. space created by the University borating in the organization of Marshall, with American art. of Valencia and the country, mi- the conference. He postulated the creation of nutes before delivering the lec"Clearly, the IVAM had a presen- "communities of affection". Claiture The future of museums, bece that has no" answer. med also "small exhibitions that fore a packed auditorium. bring visibility to minorities." And reinforced the importance The Castellón (Burriana, 1957) Before the current crisis brutal, defended the Centre de Cultura of a museum has a "speech, a story" with the establishment of Borja-Villel concluded that new Nau's need for "museum direcapproaches are needed effectitors are not political appointees joint ventures, cross-cutting or thematic, identifying it. ve public-private partnership, in but technical positions" and which the property is no longer stressed the existence of good In his speech, emphasized precithe determining factor, to contipractices manual that enables sely "in the story of what is said in nue to provide a public service. that choice. mediation devices and public on the idea" that define its proThe director of the Queen was So was elected director Borjaposal in the Reina Sofia. presented by Professor of AestVillel Queen, after holding the hetics at the University of Valenreins of the museum and the Ta- He criticized the speech hierarcia, Roman Street, which was pies Foundation. chical, elitist, vertical, which precisely his teacher. knows a lot he does not know Three experiences that used to anything, and the prevailing re- De la Calle said the ability to link illustrate the changes undertalations between center and pe- Borja-Villel managing your historiken since the eighties in muriphery. cal look and their critical and seums. contextualized. He advocated other realities Since the foundation, for examshow that the hegemonic vision The Vice Chancellor for Culture, ple, the IVAM exciting, until tooptics at a historic moment, as Antonio Ariño, acted as moderaday, marked by the crisis affector in the subsequent question ting the survival model, through time and public interventions. www.amigosmava.org

Page 28

XXIX Award "Cirilo Rodríguez".

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Dedicated to reporters working outside Spain the award is considered a professional and one of the most prestigious in your area, the plurality of the jury and the extensive list of reporters who earned it.

They have also been invited to join the jury representatives of newspapers, magazines, agencies and television and radio broadcast or national coverage, serving as the secretary of the APS, without vote, as the Director of Communications at Bankia, Amalia Blanco.

The honorary president of the contest shall be held the Princess of Asturias.

In previous editions have been awarded journalists Manuel Leguineche, Carcedo Diego, Felipe Sahagun, Jose Virgilio ColIt is organized in memory of chero, Javier Martin Dominguez, Cirilo Rodriguez Segovia journaHermann Tertsch, Beatriz Iraburu, list, correspondent for Spain's Jurors will hold a first meeting in Juan Jesus Aznárez and televiNational Radio (RNE) in New the city of Segovia April 15, the sion equipment consisting of Anthree finalists that will be appoin- gela and Jose Luis Marquez RoYork. ted to a second meeting, on 24 dicio. The jury is composed of the pre- May, where they will choose the sidents of the Federation of Jour- winner and the award fee. They also have the prize Roman nalists Spain (FAPE), Elsa GonzáOrozco, Ferran Sales, Gervasio lez, and APS, Alfredo Matesanz The allocation amounts to € Sánchez, Pilar Bonet, Juan Ferand the director of Radio Sego- 6,000 prize for the winner, and $ nandez Elorriaga, Vicente Romevia, Luis Antonio Hernandez Ro1,000 for each of the two finaro, Evaristo camera Canete, Fran driguez station where his career lists. Sevilla, Ramon Lobo, Juan Cierco, Thomas Alcoverro, Javier Esbegan. Moreover, the three receive an pinosa and Enric González. Moreover, juries are the winner exclusive piece of Royal Glass of the last edition, this time EnriFactory of La Granja, called Ends Rosa Maria Calaf list, Javier que Ibañez, coordinator at the "Lens of the earth", and hoped del Pino, Joaquim Ibarz, Soledad editing table of EFE in Bogota that, as in the past, received the Gallego-Diaz and Eugenio Garcand journalists Felipe Sahagun, Prince of Asturias in hearing the ía Gascón. Ramon Lobo, Thomas Alcoverro, winners in the Zarzuela Palace, Gervasio Sanchez and Diego along with organizers, jury mem- The award is sponsored by the City, the County and Bankia, Carcedo. bers and sponsors. with the collaboration of FAPE, Iberia, and Center of Glass House. www.amigosmava.org

Page 29

Old Road Roman glassmakers.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


An ancient Roman road-century A.D. where transiting glass artisans, called to such use Vitrarius Clivius, has been found in Pozzuoli (Naples) during excavations that were carried out to maintain a modern highway. The newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno has released this unexpected discovery occurred after heavy rains ended up in a sink of the road, having to call a repair kit to rebuild. These recent excavations have shed more light on the Clivius Vitrarious, expanding the historical record with which we already had. The way of the glass artisans, had great fame throughout the Roman Empire, with their nort-

hern counterparts artisans that were located in the current Milan.

years), and aims to have them completely stabilized for 31 December 2015.

Although this latter finding has rich archaeological heritage of Naples and the Campania region, the main attraction of the area is still the ancient city of Pompeii, which are preparing a restoration project by the end of the month.

All this can be carried out thanks to the contribution of 105 million euros by the EUSF and national funds.

The first areas to be studied are two old houses, the Domus of the Dioscuri and the Domus of the red walls.

The European Union is also concerned about its archaeological heritage, which is why the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, has scheduled a visit for this month of February.

In the future it will be necessary In the end, the experts will be to submit to a thorough analysis responsible for properly securing Pompeii market because despite all excavations (since there being the second most visited have been numerous cases in archaeological site in the world which various parts of the area (behind the pyramids of Egypt) have been collapsing in recent does not provide much wealth for the country where you are.


Page 30

The Dolphin Treasure (IV). As regards the European stones,

March 2013

may be some bodies of work vessels Parisian workshops or, more likely, Idar-Oberstein, and a group of vessels, among them the cup avenerada with a snail on top, which lacks the figure of Neptune guiding him [ O54], the

Volume II — Number 53

cup seisavada [O119] and other large [O120] - are attributed both the stone as gaskets, Johann Daniel Mayer at Augsburg, Louis XIV's also had work in its collection. As the authors of the rich fittings, mentioned at the workshop áuliThe recent cataloging also attri-

Finally, some works have unique

co Toutain. Pierre Delabarre Al-

buted to the workshop of Sara-

characteristics or specific traits

couffe attributed to the cup with

chi a group of pitchers and cups have been grouped under the

child and dragons, greatly redu-

diverse, some colored stones, carved with good technique

name of some workshops hypot- ced [O2] and cup with a dragon hetical case of the "workshop of [O3], made around 1630.

and very close to their models to the eagles', named for undersMiseroni workshop. Francesco

tanding a number of vessels that

Tortorino, Kris proposed and con- have similar cases and which, in firmed by Venturelli, is author of

one way or another eagle motif

a masterpiece, the glass of the

appears, if the crystal eagle

Hunt [O79], carved in the style of [O109], bottle rings [O94], the the Augustan Roman works and

pitcher [Ø93], etc., the same

relates to the political symbolism

happens with the so-called

This architect was silversmith and merchant family of silversmiths and introduced in court circles. He was received in 1625 and is the author of a repertoire of jewelry designs. He died around 1654.

of the Spanish Habsburgs Carlos I "workshop of the Roses', possible At its environment belonging cup and Philip II. origin of two ornate pieces with of Cupid riding a dragon [O19], this, the pitcher [O92], a flagon

and the chest with cameos

of the Musée du Louvre and the

[O32], which belonged to Cardi-

other with the initials "HC" and

nal Mazarin, for other parts of the

the emblem of Henry II.


ries of correct glasses, with some

As for glasses or colored hard

All this, as well as some more

exceptions imaginative case of

stones unrealized Milan, form a

glasses, is made of enameled

dolphin-shaped salt shaker

short, but interesting, non-

gold following models beaked


European vessels, among them

style sheets or pea pods (Cosses

a cup from Mughal India, con-

of pois), typical Parisian tardoma-

ducted at the end of the sixte-

nierismo, which result in the se-

At Giambattista Metellino workshop, very close to the Sarachi productions, but their high technical quality, are assigned a se-

According Alcouffe and Reinholz, these glasses are distinguished by their smooth areas interspersed with insects (used to remove imperfections of the crystal), classes are interrupted at the edges of the stone, and small motifs. Examples are the jug [O99], saves her stand tall [O108] and tray [O107].

enth century [O70] and a cup of cond half of the reasons to stubble and enamels painted in shagold with turquoise mosaic, Ottoman or Indian work of high

des of pink and green with a pro-

quality, also the late sixteenth

fusion of white.

century [O69].

Paris also come marked the few

Chinese labors are perhaps

surviving garrisons belonging to

Ming and early Ching, the cup

silversmiths of great importance

[O68], glass [O67], a jade teapot for the history of art in France. and two cups stolen in 1918.


Page 31


Inspired engraved glass. being able to stamp my own style

March 2013

in the bottle. " Jameson St. Patricks will be available in 24 markets worldwide from February 2013. The uniqueness of their design and limited availability make it a valuable asset for those who wish

Volume II — Number 53

to celebrate the Irish spirit with their friends in the universal day. About the Author David Smith. From an early age, David was interested in painting and sketches. At just 16, he became an apprentice to a local traditional labeling and gold. It was there that he discovered his special interest and passion for mirrors and windows, particularly the first Victorian era. Among his most recent works include the album cover 'Born and Raised', number one on lists of popular musician and guitarist John Mayer, showing, by request of the musician himself, old designs of collecting business cards. The bottle, designed by artist

specializing in the shaping of the

David Smith, is inspired by the

glass, which was inspired by the

engravings glass of Irish pub.

mirrors and glasses of Irish bars to

On March 17 the Irish take to the streets to celebrate St. Patrick, a national holiday that stretches

shape the new bottle, which can access only the brightest thus is limited.

around the world, and that is all

In the words of David: "As a whis-

that is themed green and Irish

key drinker and admirer of Ja-

whiskey like Jameson.

meson, I found a fabulous op-

Therefore, the brand wants to

portunity he could not refuse.

pay particular tribute to the

It was a natural collaboration,

launch of a limited edition bot-

since both preserve the craft


and tradition in a contemporary

Specifically, the second of what


The Victoria and Albert Museum in London also exposes some of the beautiful and intricate works of David, and many customers also privileged creations charge. Through his passion and thirst for knowledge, David continues to create beautiful and decorative artworks convoluted for their own pleasure and that of the rest of the world. In addition to creating custom artwork, David organizes workshops on the gold leaf that let you

purports to be a series of colla-

Having the opportunity to de-

share your knowledge with equa-

borations with different artists

sign an iconic bottle that has

lly enthusiastic artists worldwide,

annual occasion of the feast ‌

barely changed in two hundred

thus helping to preserve this an-

years is not something you often

cient craft for future generations.

In this case, the protagonist is David Smith, a recognized artist

give one, so I take great pride in


Page 32

Works with recycled products. Andalucia, interested in this sub-

March 2013

ject, presenting themselves and unpublished works of any form of so-called fine arts. The works can be done individually or in groups, being able to present two works than by author.

Volume II — Number 53

The materials and technique will be free to use, with the central theme of the inorganic waste reuse and social awareness for recycling and waste. A prerequisite is that the works must be made with at least 60% of waste materials. The size of the works shall not exceed 2 meters in any dimension, presenting them ready for exhibition. May not be rapidly degradable organic materials. The three works selected to participate in an exhibition to be held from May to June 2013 in a prestigious exhibition space of Seville, among which will be the three winners.

Within the environmental edu-

collective action towards recy-

cation program on waste and

cling and promoting sustainabili- The prize for the three finalists will be distributed as follows: ty.

recycling aimed at the university community Andalusian Recapacicla, was launched this past February 18, the I & Recycling Art Contest at the universities, and whose works can be sent to the next April 14.

It is an initiative of the Ministry of


Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment in collaboration with the Andalusian Federation of

netbook type laptop for first

a digital SLR photography and video for the second;

Municipalities and Provinces, Ecoembes, Ecovidrio and Anda- 

and an electronic tablet

Art and Recycling aims to deve-

lusian universities, among which

with 16GB and Wi-fi for the

lop environmental sensitivity

is the University of Huelva.

third finalist.

through artistic initiatives, addressing the recycling of glass containers and through participatory creations that promote awareness and individual and

Participation in this competition

All those interested in participa-

is open to all artists from the An-

ting in this initiative bases can be

dalusian university community,

downloaded here.

as well as other artists living in


Page 33


How does.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Elio Quarisa.


Page 34

Cristina Iglesias: Metonimia.

View photos

March 2013

trades, old and new, in particular concrete, metal, clay, glass and alabaster. However, sometimes invent its own, as shown in the frames of woven wire mesh coated brass powder, used in the wards and corridors hanging free.

Volume II — Number 53

Previously, it had appropriated antique tapestries, bucolic landscapes motif to evoke realms inaccessible glimpsed from within an architectural structure. The concept of refuge prevails between generative metaphors that permeate his work. The structures that refer to functional objectives, without obeying utilitarian ends, were already in his first mature works, sculptures executed in the mideighties.

Since Cristina Iglesias (San Sebastián, 1956) first exhibited his work in the mid-eighties, proposed a powerful aesthetic, as debtor of poetry, literature and theory of architecture as the discourse itself sculpture. Consequently, explored the issues of sculpture as an art form first-order-designed for display in museums and gallery space, and second, in his conception of "site specific", as public art, an example of this can be seen on the doors that you created for the recent expansion of the Prado Museum. In both areas of his artistic practice, Cristina Iglesias is very attentive to the ways in which space can operate as a repository of memory and also as a place for speculation and reverie. Also during these three decades of artistic, Cristina Iglesias has explored the interface of nature and culture through multiple procedures. Deep Fountain (The deep source) project launched in 2006 in a square of Antwerp, opposite the Museum of Fine Arts, is made up of a monumental reflective pond, whose waters are emptied and refilled cycle through a rift

that divides his bed carved interlaced foliage. In stays submerged, fish and other sea creatures live freely labyrinthine spaces of three rooms permeable than the artist settled in 2010 in the seabed of a nature reserve located on the coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico).

As plant rooms, ceilings and suspended corridors that followed, offer places for reflective observation, quick access front.

Because instead of demanding an interactive part5icipación, the artist establishes prevailing situations in reflection: Intermittent waterfalls and whirlpools lso flowing wells captivate the viewer, the haunting shadows cast by the pavilions not only dissolve their structures the surrounding A series of documentaries entitled Guided Tours (Tours), review space, but its cryptic text fragments that evoke mysterious netthese unique projects, besides her realms and fictional worlds other works installed in urban far removed from the current spaces and courtyards of Eurocontext, become the focus of pe and elsewhere. attention of visitors. In this retrospective includes reSimilarly, the heavy incline your lated documentaries with smasuspended ceiling, which resemller sculptures created for the bles a seabed surface crusting, context of galleries and museums, in order to show the enti- inexplicably made an investment re route of the activity of the ar- in our everyday experience, to suggest that our understanding tist. of the natural order and our plaSo fundamental to visual reper- ce within it is never predictable. toire as the lush foliage that appears and some of his works, are Highly attentive to the multiple allusions to architectural typolo- ways in which the built environment, past and present, has imgies, natural and artificial, the main points of reference are the pacted the world and structured organic, Cristina Iglesias integracaves, caverns, labyrinths and halls, porches, canopies and ca- tes this perception in aesthetic pleasures and metaphysical banas. truths complex offering their In his work abound materials re- works to their diverse audiences. miniscent of the construction


Page 35

Defects in the Center for the Arts. Miguel Nunez said SECUM tech-

March 2013

nicians have already gone a few times to raise appraisals of damaged glasses, which at first glance the most affected are the front especially the entrance to the library of Glass. As a likely cause, could mention

Volume II — Number 53

would cause the following spring that exists in the underground part of the complex also popularly known as "Titanic", "as you will see there are many cracks, damp, it is obvious that over the years, starting to generate subsidence, I believe that there is a failure, "he said. In another vein, Cortés Aguilar spoke of the key priorities for this year, "we want the culture reaches everyone and that is for everyone, not only should we stay in here, but we should have on the people to come to their colonies , holdings, encargaturas order and feel the presence of all the facilities we have at your disposal, such as the Teatro In the past few days were detec- everything must be preserved,

Obrero, the Casona Pardo and

ted anomalies in the glass walls

there are some flaws because it

the same CRAM, aprovéchenlos

of the Regional Center for the

always has human faults and so- ".

Arts of Michoacán (CRAM),

on begin to restore the glass wall

which are mostly light bending

problem we encountered, al-

(buckling) or inclinations, alt-

ready have an investment to

hough presumably they are not

that end, we are waiting for it to

at this time of consideration and

arrive. As for the figure would

danger to the audience, they

not disclose the amount becau-

deserve to be strengthened to

se I have not exactly mind, but if

provide better service in the cul-

I tell you that there are hundreds

tural facilities.

of thousands of dollars, "the sta-

After a tour that made a few

te official.

days ago by the Secretary of

For CRAM staff could not give

Culture CRAM in Michoacán

details about, saying that the in-

(SECUM), Marco Antonio Aguilar

formation was the previous ow-

Cortés said that in a month you

ner of the space, Esteban Luis

probably already have the re-

Murguia Banuelos and techni-

sources to begin restoring the

cians SECUM already attending

details emerged in the glass

to the final details and who will

walls of the building .

repair again this week in the city,

"We have good facilities in the CRAM, good thing Zamora has a center of this nature, obviously

as revealed by Miguel Nunez, CRAM administrator, who insisted that he is unaware of the works to be done in this regard.


He said that all cultural institutions should be in constant synergy "as are the CRAM, Colegio de Michoacán, Centers of educational, technological and universities to form a real cultural network, for what little resources we have in look at all and is of great benefit. " Finally he said that this year are betting that more input is intended for culture in the state "have a wealth of artists and culture in Michoacán, we are asking them to artists for their initiative and supported by the organizational form our can go out and participate, will be a way to boost the talent issued in the state, overcome economic issues. "

Page 36


The glass in the fashion.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Element is the title of this new collection that takes as its inspiration the Leon element philosophy, entremezclĂĄndolo with their own knowledge and dreams and even using recycled materials, such as glass and plastics to get transformed into architectural forms, natural and artistic mini sculptures which are integrated one by one in the collection pieces. Also, circular architectural silhouettes are a tribute to the great Niemeyer, smooth and comfortable shape models through technological and natural fabrics like wool, silk, tulle and lace with the intensity of red, burgundy, coral, shrimp makeup , copper, oil and black protagonists and main elements of the proposed Lafuente. The new collection also has great collaborations. The stockings are handmade and exclusively developed by Maria Lafuente Berkshire and the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja de San Ildefonso provides handmade carved glass pieces that complement the pieces designed by Leon. Also because of the MercedesBenz Fashion Week, Maria Lafuente and Paco Herrero have made a collection of custom shoes, made from natural materials and nobles. The designer Maria Lafuente Leon where new forms of art and work presented last month at the Gatake shape. llery of Madrid Alternatiba its new Those in charge of the music for Autumn Winter 13/14. the collection were the compoA privileged setting that combisers and David Dalmau Zamnes modernity and sophistication pronha Edson.


Both brands synergies added for this new collection where the experience of over 50 years of Paco Herrero joins design and originality of Maria Lafuente. A national product quality and aesthetic that tries to relaunch the 'made in Spain'.

Page 37

Three unaligned points. In that line will open the annual

March 2013

programming today. The ability to create art is one of the most precious gifts of human beings enjoying. This is not something scientific, but something emotional.

Volume II — Number 53

We can not do without it, the dream in which immerses us the art of innovation proposed. All that needs adequate space to enhance this hunch. Palexco is the right place, we can move and change the looks. It is the place where we can talk today, I do not think I'm wrong when I say that we can even interact with the sculptures and drawings of José Pedro Croft, with this comprehensive look at his work presents us with the title of "Three unaligned points ". This is our commitment, the City The mayor of La Coruna, Carlos bruary 22 Three exposure unalig-

That ability to express themselves Council of A Coruña. in both dimensions favors a special dialogue with the audience In the week of the sad death of

ned points, Jose Pedro Croft,

that I think we will enjoy a show

one of the biggest names in in-

to remember.

and color, which forged works

The sculpture, using materials

of our city, we received another

The exhibition can be seen at

such as glass or mirrors offer the

master of brightness.

the Municipal Exhibition Hall of

possibility of awakening sensa-

Negreira, inaugurated on Fe-

ternational sculpture.

Palexco. Then attached to the speech by the mayor at the opening of the

Jorge Peteiro, our painter of light that came to mimic many points

tions even in the most laymen, of José Pedro Croft opens an anperceiving space and the artist's nual program that announces concern for working with intui-

the presence of important natio-

tion, but also with discipline.

nal and international artists, un-

"So close and yet so far, we of-

His drawings house the paradox

sculptures that we see here to-

ten say about our relationship with Portugal.

of geometry, its evocative simpli- day and supplementing the supcity. ply of Alfonso Kiosk in which un-

So close as to feel twinned as far

Both facets, sculpture and pain-

as we stop to discover.

ting, surely complement.

exhibition of José Pedro Croft:

Today we received in this magni- The second point I wanted to ficent setting of Jose Pedro Croft Palexco that brings news from

published works and some of the

doubtedly is a true mile gold contemporary art. I would also like to acknowledge

make is in relation to the singular the work of David Barro, exhibicontainer that today houses the tion curator, editor of Sting, one

across the Minho, a visit is always work of Croft, who agree with

of the people more and better

works in Galicia to stay connec-

welcome and enclosing details

me that has found an ideal spa-

that I would like to emphasize

ce in Palexco, a room that we

ted with the art circuits.


claim as a framework for this ty-

Today we take also to present his

The first has to do with the talent

pe of exposure, an infrastructure book on Croft, a work that sumwe want to value and scope of marizes and evaluates its com-

of Croft, one of the artists referential contemporary Portuguese art that combines the ability to combine sculpture and drawing.

both coruñeses and visitors who

plex simplicity, which explains

come to our city to operate as a and clarifies us, a perfect commeeting with the biggest names pany to come to our homes to in contemporary art.

continue enjoying this sample through reading. "


Page 38

Awards Fundetec 2012.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

The award in the category of

been for the Provincial de Pon-

become Trending Topic in Ma-

'Best Project of public or private

tevedra for his project 'Life + Vi-


entity directed to Citizens' has

ñas Atlantic', a project of viticul-

been, for absolute unanimity of

ture intelligent which seeks to li-

During his closing remarks, the

the jury, to the Directorate Ge-

mit the problems caused in the

neral of Police (DGP) for his project 'Police 2.0'.

vineyards of the D. O. Rias Baixas Society, and president of Fundeby the mildew fungus. tec, Victor Calvo-Sotelo, said

It is a strategic management

Finally, in the category of 'Best

plan that is based on leveraging

Project of Nonprofit Entity aimed res ingenuity and creativity, and

the advantages and particulari-

at SMEs, Micro and Autonomous' that's what we have shown all

Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information

that "given the challenges requi-

ties of each social network to im- prize went to the Art and Craft,

the recognition awarded Funde-

prove communication between

Handicraft Organization of

tec. Precisely in the Digital Agen-

the institution and the public,

Spain, for its initiative 'Workshops

da presented above is noted as

answer your queries, offer pre-


one of the main objectives pro-

vention tips, safety, and even re-

It is an application for iOS and

mote inclusion and digital litera-

quest the cooperation of citizens Android mobile devices that for certain actions. allows geographically locate

In the category of 'Best Project of the craft workshops and craft Nonprofit Entity directed Citizen'

attractions that can be visited.

the award has corresponded,


also unanimously, the Galician Association of ICT Companies (AGESTIC) for its initiative 'Destination Employment'. This is a pilot project that aims to train women to facilitate their incorporation into the labor market or start their own company. The award in the category of 'Best Project of public or private entity aimed at SMEs, micro enterprises and self-employed' has

The awards ceremony was attended by over 200 people, including representatives of the central government, regional and local companies and executives, foundations and associations class. So many people watched the live broadcast via the official blog (which now can be seen now deferred), and the Twitter

cy. In this sense, the publicprivate partnership, which is a reference Fundetec is essential for further progress towards a digital society. " The four winners were awarded the trophy 'Network Game', a glazed glass mosaic on wood, unique copy created by artist José Luis Berrocal. The work is inspired by a game of Parcheesi aimed at achieving the core arroba, representing the Information Society. It was also given to the two nonprofit entities of a check for €

hashtag # PremiosFundetec got 15,000.


Page 39

OSDE Foundation in Bariloche.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


OSDE Foundation came to town Thus, stressed that the Foundato generate activities in the fields tion has no connection with the of health and culture. company OSDE. While this institution has existed for more than twenty years in the country, so far never had a presence in Bariloche. The magazine was present at the opening of the latest exhibition organized by the Foundation. This is an exhibition of works in glass, and can still be visited. Gallery Speaking to Bariloche, the benchmark locally OSDE Foundation, James Pisano, said the aim is to support local artists, and also bring other outsiders.

Among some of the events you have planned for the coming months, Pisano said: a Neonatal Medical Congress, a show with the Storytellers group Sarmiento library and a series devoted to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Hotel Llao Llao. "We have a very rich book and still want to do more things," he said. Pisano also entrusted Bariloche Gallery will soon have a space three times the capacity of currently occupied in OSDE confe-

To do this, he explained that while the work of the institution is not oriented to sponsor, they are responsible for providing the necessary resources for an event can take place. The only condition is set to beneficiaries is that the proposal is free to the general public. "The Foundation, he added, is solved with contributions from companies, not money OSDE. Sino with companies working with the Foundation."


rence room, and will be built in the grounds. The magazine follows the activity of the Foundation OSDE from scratch. In November last year, the institution organized a tribute to Astor Piazzolla with Guild Foundation and the singer Graciela Novellino. That event, Pisano said, "we fell from heaven" because until then had plans to start fresh in 2013. Last month it opened an exhibition of works in glass by local artists Gladys Carena, Susana Calderon Schrader Nocetti and Magda.

Page 40

Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de

March 2013

Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Volume II — Number 53

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña


Mª Luisa Martínez García.

Teresa Fernández Romojaro 

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.

www.amigosmava.org 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

Page 41

Line of research. Images.

Volume II — Number 53

March 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 9

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Volume II — Number 53

March 2013


Cristina Iglesias. Images.

Volume II — Number 53 March 2013

Page 43

Luís Machí. Images.

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