Newsletter nº 49

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

Monthly Newsletter

Michel Scheiner . liabilities. Newsletters

M. A. Carretero.

Our Royal Academy of Language defines "commitment" an obligation or a word. Or what is the same, when it announced a compromise must be with intent to comply within a reasonable period of time. When we speak of "political commitments" should think of the promises that make us rulers or would-be, on behalf of their parties or on its own, with the guarantee that they will be met, also in a reasonable period of time. This should be a truism is, unfortunately, only theoretical, since we have many current and past examples of some flagrant breaches and that "where I say, I say Diego".

This preamble is motivated to put in situation two commitments announced publicly, sharp, crystal clear by our Hon. Mayor of Alcorcon, D. David Perez, at the ceremony commemorating the 15th anniversary of the inauguration of MAVA, our Museum. And never better "our" because it's all people in our city, as it is owned by the municipality. Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCĂ“N. (MADRID)

handling this whimsical element, will be interested Our first municipal authoriin the MAVA those who ty told us all who attenhave not visited yet and ded this commemoration will appreciate the sculpthat assumed a dual comtures which houses our mitment; Museum. A) Take the glass to the And the latter serves to neighborhoods of our city analyze the second comthrough workshops, demitment announced by monstrations, exhibitions. David Perez. Spanish proso that the inhabitants of verb says, "If the mountain Alcorcon know everything will not come to Mohamabout the handling of med, Mohammed goes to glass and art that can be the mountain." created with this unique So, as our mayor complaiitem. ned in remembrance beB) Remove the works for fore us and rightly so, that display in the museum the inhabitants of the MAspaces more attractive to VA AlcorcĂłn not go the the general public in order same way they do in other to be known by the larevents that occur in our gest possible number of city, we had to works out neighbors. of his current exhibition We are delighted, first, and put them in places that the government temore attractive to citizens. am of our samples TownsBut given the magnitude, hip MAVA interest in attenwith the extent of these ding a commemoration commitments, we are asheld in its facilities. sailed by a triple uncerSince the equipment was tainty when are going to elected in May last year, see these commitments 2011, we had not had the fulfilled? How are you opportunity to see one of going to take? How has their representatives atfunding for its implementatending various celebration? tions that have taken plaSince my main interest in ce at the Museum: exhibithese measures are cations, Science Week, conrried out as soon as possiferences , etc. ble, that demonstrations Then is enormously gratif- are carried out with suffiying for us that our first mu- cient dignity, the sculptunicipal authority is interes- res that are now exposed ted because our neighin the MAVA have a suitabors are aware of the va- ble location and to have rious aspects of handling sufficient funds to undertaglass and a convenient ke these commitments, I way for them, taking him only ask that you leave to the different neighbor- our Mayor advised by exhoods of our city. perts on the topics glaziers With this, we are confident and are always under the that those who attend the supervision of Javier Govarious demonstrations un- mez, founder of our MAderstand the difficulties of VA.

November 2012

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Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XX) M.A.C.

Part of the month

Intellectual Proper-  ty Law

Glass in Marte

Stone Soup

Congress SECV

TITLE VII. Software.

 Activities on the MAVA  News

Volume II — Number 49

 Our activities  Glass recycling  How does


That the information necessary to achieve interoperability has not been previously  made easily and rapidly available to the persons referred to in the preceding paragraph. 

It will require the authorization of the right holder where reproduction of the code are indispensable to obtain the information necessary to  These acts are achieve interoperaconfined to the bility of an indepenparts of the origidently created comnal program puter program with which are necesother programs, prosary to achieve vided that the follointeroperability. wing requirements: The exception refe That these acts rred to in the preceare performed ding paragraph shall by the licensee apply provided that or by any other the information so obperson authori- tained: zed to use a co It is used only to py of the proachieve the gram.

Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Glass in Marte


Stone Soup


Research line


Activities in Museums


Enterprise Risk


Activities on the MAVA


Science Week





Angela Teunissen


 Stained glass of Las Huelgas.

Technical Glass




Culture 2012


Glass for EEUU


Pere Ignasi in Ibiza


1st Forum glazier


The glass museum


Congress SECV


interoperability of an independently created program. Be given to others only when necessary for the interoperability of the independently created program. No use for development, production or marketing of a computer program substantially similar in its expression, or for any other act which infringes copyright.

The rights in computer programs and their successive versions and software products, may be subject to registration in the Intellectual Property.

Las Huelgas in Burgos to observe the homogeneity of the layers of glass. These stained glass windows were made by French artists from the late twelfth and the fourteenth century. They also have a particular structure because they are not colored homogeneously although different layers are formed by red glass separated by other layers colorless.

Staiend glass in Guadalupe 21

The fragment analyzed in the ANC, of

Glass recycling


just a few millimeters long, the window

Farcama 2012


Cultural tours



Culture 2012 Programme


This analysis has yielded more informa-

Meteorite glass


tion on the production process of the

Glass mural


Other trends


Layoffs at Guardian


Fair in Madrid


Glass workshop in Murcia


More on The Trinity


Stained in Portugal


wood ash, confirming this fact the me-

How does


dieval period and Central European

Exhausting the bottle


Barbosa in Extremadura


Sofa Chicago 2012


CEJ Exchange


The liquidity of the soul


llaboration with the Institute of Cera-



mics and Glass fragments analyzed

comes from San Pedro and extracted during the restoration of the same in

window for successful conservation. Obtaining data on major elements present in the sample can be known glass manufacturing period, origin and production method. The results have provided information "about high levels of potassium in the glass, which demonstrates the use of

region of manufacture." The production process would have beThe National Accelerator Centre (CNA, joint center between the University of Seville, the Andalusian and CSIC) in co-

CSIC the windows of the Monastery of

en to "alternative in an introduction to a mixture of mold and other transparent red mixture controlling red layer thickness and transparency and intensity the final crystal", according to information from CNA.

Page 3


Part of de month. Suresh Dutt.

November 2012

Color plays an important role in his work. Shape and color with which you want to display the "purity and honesty of the glass," in his words. Despite his youth and has won several awards in his country, including in 2003 and Adrian Sas-

Volume II — Number 49

soon Award for the Arts with oven, under sponsor of Adrian Sasson dealer and collector, with a blown glass piece that later was exposed Crafts Council in London. In 2004 the MAVA commissioned Colin Webster, Head of Glass Intitute Surrey, to curate a group exhibition. The show was titled A Sense of Place and met her works by 16 British artists linked one way or another to Surrey Institute. Jaquard Max, Peter Durkin, Colin Webser and Suresh Dutt himself, were some of the participating This young British artist trained at the Surrey Institute of Art and Design College in Farham Unviersity.

facilities that this university offers.


Glass and its nature, its intrinsic

"Gaza double skin" is one of the

qualities, its processes, is what

pieces in this exhibition presen-

But his relationship with the Su-

most attracts Suresh Dutt running ted Suresh and later donate to their works using the technique the Museum.

rrey Institute has not completed

of blowing-with some variations

their studies but still active,

as incalmo-and casting.

being named Artist in Residence for the biennium 2002-2004 and the lack of self-study, using extensively the magnificent

It is a piece blown hot manipulated, cut and polished in order to

Since cold cuts, carving, polis-

show the density, the positive

hing and to sometimes matea

and negative spaces accentua-

sandblasted to give their works

te the fluidity of the structures.

of great beauty.

Page 4

Established artists. Michael Scheiner.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

was awarded a Fulbright senior scholar fellowship for research and lecture in Colombia, South America where he taught at the University of the Andes. Scheiner’s lecture, entitled “Harmony and Discord”, dealt with the evolution of his work, as well as the tools and technologies he has had to invent in order to realize his technically challenging and sometimes large-scale ideas.

Michael Scheiner is a critically acclaimed sculptor working out of Central Falls, Rhode Island. He has received numerous grants for his work including those from the National Endowment for the Arts, The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation and the Ford foundation. His work has been exhibited internationally and can be found in such collections as the Renwick Gallery of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution;

Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art; The Corning Museum of Glass; Carnegie Melon Institute of Art and Bloomberg Headquarters, New York. Mr. Scheiner has worked at the Rhode Island School of Design as an instructor in the glass department since 1983 and has taught extensively at both Pilchuck Glass School and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. He has also worked as a designer for Dansk International. In the Spring of 2000 he

Young artists. Holly Grace.

One of his more curious works is Duet (1990), which implies the discomfort or futility of relationships. It consists of two long, intertwining horns of a delicate pink. The mouthpiece of one horn penetrates the bell of the other. That makes them unified and interdependent as they hang together, horizontally, from one rope attached to each. But it also means that the only way to play as a pair would be to accept a blast in the face.

Our web

coration, creating a body of work that explores the historical and ongoing fascination with nature. She is particularly interested in the shape of the first industrial designers assimilating the patterns of nature to design and decorate massproduced objects. Out of the nature and interpretation industry source form and decoration to create a variety of hybrid objects, a synthesis of man and nature.

Human interaction with nature has always been an important theme in his work. He grew up in Perth, Australia, a city of extreme isolation in which nature is a beautiful reality, still hard. The divide between the urban and natural landscapes was small and constantly changing. It has gained a respect for principles and fascination with nature to observe this interaction through the windows,

creating a division between landscapes transparent controlled and uncontrolled. The glass has continued to be his way of interpreting the dynamic relationship between the two areas: control and randomness, city grids and the Fibonacci sequence, urban planning and natural selection.

Historical techniques used to create the texture of the glass, found in nature replication patterns to create your decorative glass. Through sandblasting, etching and bonding of the outer and inner surfaces of the forms, highlights the transparent qualities of glass. Addresses issues with double vision, so to speak. Making his observations of nature, to create stylized forms.

It also draws on the industrial processes of the nineteenth century As an artist, using glass as an invisiand the twentieth century Scandible skin to explore the form and de- navian designs.

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Glass in Marte.

November 2012

ago, they have billions of years old, and are indicative of water flow, soil material that has analyzed CheMin is more representative of modern processes on Mars.

Volume II — Number 49

"Much of Mars is covered with dust, and we had an incomplete understanding of their mineralogy," said David Bish, Chemin coinvestigator at the University of Indiana in Bloomington. "Now we know that is mineralogically similar to basaltic material, with significant amounts of feldspar, pyroxene and olivine, which was not unexpected. Approximately half of the surface is made non-crystalline materials such as volcanic glass. " Bish said: "So far, Curiosity has analyzed the materials that are consistent with our initial ideas Gale crater deposits registering a transition over time from a wet to dry environment. The Curiosity of NASA robot has completed the first experiments showing that Martian soil mineralogy is similar to basaltic volcanic soils in Hawaii.

"Our results provide a refined quantitative and in some cases new identifications of minerals in the first analyzes of X-ray diffraction on Mars."

The minerals were identified in the first sample of Martian soil analyzed inside the rover.

The sample for the first specific analysis Curiosisty CheMin was picked up by a patch of dust and sand that the team has caCuriosity instrument used his che- lled Rocknest. mistry and mineralogy (Chemin) to obtain results that are cleaThe sample was processed ring doubts and provide confithrough a sieve to exclude partidence on previous estimates of cles larger than 0.006 inches the mineralogical composition (150 micrometers), approximaof the fine dust and dirt spread tely the width of a human hair. on the red planet. The sample has at least two "We had many previous discuscomponents globally distributed sions about the mineralogy of dust in dust storms caused more the Martian soil," said David Bla- sandy and locally. ke, the Ames Research Center Unlike conglomerate rocks anaof NASA's principal investigator lyzed by Curiosity few weeks CheMin.

Ancient rocks such as conglomerates, suggest that flowing water, while the minerals in the soil youngest are consistent with limited interaction with the water. " During the two-year primary mission of the Mars Science Laboratory project, researchers will use the 10 instruments on Curiosity to investigate whether areas in Gale Crater ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life. The identification of minerals in rocks and soil is essential to the objective of the mission to assess past environmental conditions. Each mineral records the conditions in which it formed.

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“Stone Soup”.

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

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Coinciding with the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the inauguration of MAVA, artists Meritxell Tembleque and Joaquin Falco, co-founders of the Catalan Association of the Arts of Glass, have brought to our museum a spectacular collection of works, some that were already made and other they have created especially for this exhibition, we can enjoy until 21 January next year.

come accustomed to, not only do not write it manually despreocupamos us by our handwriting. Therefore, this type of writing transports us to a time of transformation, refers to a passage of times each stored in a different way.

For me, the point of access to work and Quim Meritxell is closely related to memory: dream, touch, historical and personal. His pieces are like dreams frozen Silvia Levenson, in presenting the in various forms, stones, bodies exhibition catalog, says "The or archetypes. sculptures of Meritxell and Quim Written language defines our are the result of a happy combimemory, which in turn determination of forms, deeds and nes our experience as human transparencies. I know for many beings. Maybe the glass contriyears the work of this artist coubutes to the preservation of the ple and always has impacted memory that we will survive. their use of writing. Recorded phrases and words on glass, calligraphy writing giving the feeling of being suspended in space. They perform pieces that are like messages or travel notes thrown overboard. Writing becomes a personal diary that everyone can read but can hardly decipher: the overlap of the phrases makes reading difficult and impossible.

Maybe that is why artists use the stone paradox of glass, container quintessential memories.

The Glass is very technical. For artists who use it, the challenge is to remain faithful to poetry or concept without getting lost in technology, without trying to impress the visitor with juggling technical or trade secrets. It is a challenge and Quim Meritxell honestly have faced as they Actually these sculptures speak have found a balance between also of a mind that changes and form and content that we face amending our eyes: in the digital toward his most complete. age, there are few people who write by hand. The computer Quim Meritxell and make visible and the cell type we have beideas and dreams, turning them

into objects and once these objects exist, make dialogue with the space. It is a journey that requires a certain obstinacy: they are facing a production process that is usually long, you start with the idea and ends with the installation of the sculpture. These two artists share the same determination that has to be completed in the process of putting art to poetry and through which we secretly reveal what is present in the objects, made an obstinate memory of whispered words. " Miriam Di Fiore also gives his word in the catalog through a poem titled "Glass, Stones and Words". It speaks of "blood-red words", "silicon crosswords", "Poems crystal", "Dialogue between two that create", "Everything in your glass tells me about Love." And the artists tell us: "We feel our work as an extension of nature. We want this feeling of unity. For us the glass is like no other material, processing and the constant flow of matter. Sorry, as an expression of the polarity of nature: solid and liquid, the permanent and the impermanent, as a paradox in the world of constant change and flow. Documents that have been set over time in Earth's history are written in the stones, or what the same, are the stones themselves. In an imaginary journey to step back in the history of the Earth, we could see as the mineral matter evolves toward life and consciousness. " Artists should have pronounced a conference on the exhibition of his work the day after his inauguration, but because of poor publicity of the event had to be postponed to another time that will be released, hopefully, with the necessary anticipation and dissemination.

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

Line of research: Inclusions (VIII).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo.

This is Bullseye glass in two different shades of green, with dark Textures produced by fragmented glass, whether broken blue glass powder in the interstices. or cut. When the fragments of glass are arranged on another glass sheet and are melted, retains its original shape, but when they are in surface shapes are rounded and decreases its original volume. This allows us to achieve different finishes and textures. You can play only with fragments of glass, whether they are transparent colorless or color, or you can enter any item including contrast them as glazes or color chips, sand, broken glass or smaller particle size. In this case the work process is more complex, because it put a small amount of glue between each piece of glass and the base sheet and wait until it has dried. Then sprinkle the contrasting material, and with a clean dry brush, to "sweep" the amount of deposit on the surface of the pieces of glass, so that will only stop the gaps between them.

In either case, the shapes of the cuts are clearly defined, creating a puzzle quality. Figs 3 and 4 belong to two different works detail, prepared similarly, but fired at different temperatures. In Fig 3, has reached complete fusion: fragments are embedded in the base glass. In Fig 4 has been achieved only embossed fusion.

Metallic Materials. COPPER.

sion techniques, but also with the casting. In Fig 5 is a detail of a glass sculpture made by casting technique. They appreciate different elements copper tones ranging from red to orange. Second, the effect of a reducing atmosphere, enjoy a diverse range of staining deep red when enclosed between two glasses. Considering how difficult it is to get red tones with glass, the use of copper may be a good resource. Thirdly, the copper has a melting point of 1,084 ° C, with the glass melting techniques never overcome 850 ° C.

Experimenting with metals has been one of the most fruitful.

That is, the copper will not reach the temperature sufficient to be One of the metals is more artistic fluid, thereby avoiding that evolve gases. possibilities offered copper, as mentioned above. We can get several different preFirstly, copper is compatible with glass.

Although its expansion coefficient is much greater than that of glass (approximately 180 x 107, compared with 90 x 10-7 SpaIn Figs 1 and 2, two fragments of nish glassware glass) is very flexidifferent works created with cut ble, very ductile and has a great glass, including enamels and un- capacity to withstand compresder glass. sion , thus avoiding that suThe latter is also placed on false rrounds the glass breaking. silver leaf, which becomes clear Copper has been one of the in areas in contact with the ena- "inclusions" most frequently permel. formed in the field of art glass and sculpture, not only with

sentations copper to work with glass, but it is especially useful in sheets of different thicknesses and wires. Copper inclusions present a problem: if copper is very thick, the upper glass sheet can be enclosed with air to soften the heat of the oven and fall on the other sheet, enclosing air. In Fig 6 the inclusion of thick copper foil has about trapped air bubble.

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Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

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Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

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Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

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Hazard glass companies in Spain.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

supply. Finally involves a further increase of the electrical energy by 13%. " At this point, Montes recalled that consumption of Glass, 2011 Spain was 5,398,868 megawatt / hour and the impact of the tax could mean an increase in their production costs of 12.6 million euros with respect to energy expenditure in 2011.

The Socialist Group in the Senate meets with the Glass Association Spain and discusses how the new energy taxes imposed by the Government will create a significant loss of competitiveness of Spanish industry and jeopardize its future.

vocal member of the Committee on the Environment and Climate Change, Felix Montes and socialist deputy Santa Cruz Tenerife, José Segura.

Felix Montes said the Spain Glass Association brings together a large number of companies, as Felix Montes said that his group a whole, directly employ more will present to Congress a veto than 7,000 employees, a figure and a package of amendments which rises to 15,000 if we into the Law on Fiscal Sustainabil- clude auxiliary enterprises, and ity and Energy said that "does a turnover of over 1,600 million not share at all the philosophy of per year. law" Montes noted that all these The Socialist Group in the Senate held a meeting on the 16th October in the Upper House with the Glass Association Spain to discuss how the new energy taxes imposed by the Government will generate a significant loss of competitiveness of Spanish industry and jeopardize their future. After this meeting, the Socialists were concerned about this situation and his commitment to the industry and announced the filing of a veto and a package of amendments to the draft Law on Tax Measures for Sustainable Energy, which is currently pending in the Congress of Deputies. The Glass Association delegation Spain, which was composed by the Technical Secretary, Carlos Rodero, the Director of Corporate Communications, Felix de las Cuevas and Purchasing Manager, Manuel Hurtado, was received by the Speaker of the Socialist Group in the Senate, Marcelino Iglesias and Secretary General, José Miguel Camacho. Then held the said meeting with the PSOE spokesman in Industry, Energy and Tourism, Jesus Alique, Senator Segovia and

Senator segoviano justified the meeting and said that this law seriously undermines fiscal sector due to the implementation of direct tax that makes the ordinary regime, ie, conventional energy production. He highlighted the fact that these companies are supplying energy mainly through the gas, which will make this law has an economic impact of 7%. At this point, he added that this additional cost will move the utilities themselves to consumers with a significant economic impact.

Felix Montes said that his parliamentary group understands the situation and the representation of industry and recalled that various associations have extended companies are characterized by high energy consumption, so this complaint through an open letter to the Government, pubthat the energy may be belished in the print media, which is tween 25 and 30% of the proasked to reconsider its position duction costs. because there is a high risk of The PSOE parliamentary stressed harm to the Spanish industry, that this representation of the they close businesses that have industry believes that the Law on productive investment that can Tax Measures for Sustainable En- relocate to Spain and you can ergy has approved the Govern- leave the position of Spanish inment and is currently in progress dustry in a competitive disadvanin Congress parliamentary, sigtage relative to other partners nificantly harms them and that, Europe as Germany and France if implemented these tax measnot to apply this type of natural ures could lead to closure of fa- gas rate and leave clearly benecilities that are already in a very fited. difficult situation. Montes emphasized that socialist "So far the crisis, he said, already sector share that concern about closed plants, furnaces and pro- the importance of energy costs duction lines and the industry's in the final production. competitive position relative to In this way, announced that his other European countries is begroup drafted an amendment to tween 8.84 and 12.34 euros / the law in all their proceedings in megawatt / hour, worse than our European competitors. " the House of Representatives because "not at all share the phiFelix Montes said that this tax package affects in various ways losophy of law" and added that to the companies. it will also present a battery of amendments partial to amend "First, they will be affected by the tax from 6% to technologies these rules and not jeopardize from the ordinary. Also will suffer either the glass industry and the an increase of 7% in the gas, Spanish industry in general. which is its main source of

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Activities on the MAVA. 15th Anniversary.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

On October 23 was commemorated in the MAVA the 15th Anniversary of its inauguration in 1997.

ding those present the work carried out by the various bodies that have enabled our Museum is known around the world and making a special mention of the The Museum's auditorium was work done by the Friends of MAfilled with a large crowd that caVA. me to celebrate this important date for MAVA. Two representatives of the Association Blue Word recited seveWere present, among others, ral poems written especially for Mayor of Alcorcon and several this event and inspired by some components of its government of the works on display in the team, representatives of the oppermanent collection. position parties, a representative of the Ministry of Culture of the Javier Gomez, the founder of Community of Madrid, the muthe museum, said a few heartseum's founder, Javier Gomez, felt words recalling the support the President of ICOM-Glass and received for maintenance and Director of the Technology Mucommending the work of the seum of Glass in La Granja, Palo- Friends of MAVA Museum for disma Pastor and representatives semination worldwide through of cultural associations of the our newsletter. Municipality. Next, David Perez, Mayor of AlOn behalf of our Association at- corcon presented the medals tended the Chairman and and commemorative glass mamembers of the Board. de on that date to the Coordinator of the Museum's volunteer After the presentation ceremony guides, the President of Vitrium, by the Director of the Museum the President of Alarte, the mawas a semblance of fifteen yenager of the company Glass Rears of life of the Museum with covery and Recycling SL and projected images relating to this the owner of the Mall Three Waperiod. ters. Paloma Pastor, President of ICOM-Glass Technology and Director of the Museum of Glass in La Granja delivered remarks Cards for this event and remin-

To close the ceremony, the Mayor of Alcorcon, David Perez, delivered a speech in which he congratulated the work carried

out by the Museum and regretting that the inhabitants of the municipality does not come in as many as other events, visit the collection permanent and temporary exhibitions that have been organized. To conclude his speech, took above all the audience a double commitment: 

Bring the glass to the neighborhoods of our city through workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions. so that the inhabitants of Alcorcon know everything about the handling of glass and art that can be created with this unique item.

Take the works of the Museum for display in spaces more attractive to the general public in order to be known by the largest possible number of neighbors. The event was enlivened by the excellent music played by a brass ensemble from the Conservatory "Manuel de Falla" Alcorcon.

After the formal ceremony opened the exhibition "stone soup" of artists and Joaquin Meritxell Tembleque Falco.

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Activities on the MAVA. Science Week.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

The use of glass goes back to Mesopotamia millennia ago and was maintained over time until the company coruñesa The Reflection, founded in 1935, began to work it, an activity that keeps the fourth generation.

The Reflexarte collective, composed of artists Julia Ares, Xosé Maria Diaz, Tone Galán, Tiago Madeira, Acisclo Manzano, Manuel Patinha, Soledad Penalta, Paco Pestana, Montse Rego, Carmen Senande and Alvaro de la Vega, has spent years developing his work in the field of sculpture, using glass as a means of action. The exception starring Julia Ares, who first in his career using this material, revalued in recent international events like the Venice Biennale 2011.

The curator, José Luis Rey Barreiro, explains that "the company decided to celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2010 by inviting a number of artists Galician and Portuguese residents in Galicia they discovered the glass. Were practicing in the company for three months and then had two to do it, "she says about the iniNow combine it all into a unique tiative that opened the Delegaexhibition in the exhibition hall of te of Culture, Mario Outeiro. the Pazo de San Marcos. Venue: the Provincial de Lugo. The project was born in La CoruDates: From 25/10/2012 to ña, on the occasion of the 75th 26/12/2012. anniversary of glassware ReflecSession: Monday to Friday, from tion, founded in 1935 by Jesus 10.30 to 14 and from 16.30 to Gonzalez Ares. 20.30 h. Thanks to the generosity of this Saturdays from 10.30 to 14 and company, the artists were able to build their own dreams letting from 16.30 to 20 h. the imagination flow through the beauty and luster of glass. The exhibition is organized around a burial.

Sundays and holidays from 11 to 14 h. Free admission.

Page 15

Angela Teunissen in Luzón.

View photos

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

In August last visited the exhibition of the works featured in Angela Teunissen Schools Museum alcarreño people of Luzon. Directed by the Councillor for Culture of the Municipality, Luis Javier Lopez Herguido, we were admiring the beautifully crafted of glass sculptures done by this Dutch artist living in Spain and we had already had the opportunity to learn at home and at the Museum Technological Glass, in the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja.

Teunissen Angela lives and works between Holland and Spain. In the early years of his career made several expressive art courses, film and interior design at the Academy of Arts 'Rietveld', Amsterdam. In 1994 he learned with a specialist to carve hard stone granite, marble and stone. In Tetterode glass factory, Amsterdam, learned the art of glass blowing, the hot melt and the roll-up.

Its focus is on trying to adapt very different materials, and even Angela's work is made of optical as antagonistic as stone, iron glass blown, shaped and coloand glass, and playing them tored inclusions envelopes. gether with the special characteristics of each, thus a perfect In many of the figures you can combination of strength and see metal strips formed by many gentleness, softness and flathead nails black color and strength, impenetrability and offering a beautiful contrast to transparency. the perfect transparency of the pieces. In his works, usually organic design, there is a high degree of In other works, are rounded abstraction, but also explores head pins which are inserted in the figuration, passing this time a the figures forming rings of diffedistinctly fragile and dynamic. rent colors.

In addition to commissioned works, Angela has exhibited in several European cities like Amsterdam, Scherpenzeel, Kropswolde, Uithoorn, Noordwijk, Nijkerk, Holysloot and in different parts of Spain, and in Madrid, Granada, Competa, La Caleta or Sorvilán. The sculptor Angela Teunissen has achieved a high degree of perfection and delicacy in his work, always captivating the audience with the final result of his creations. All works have been carried out on Angela some inspiration from the artist regarding its vital principle "give and take = share". Therefore, their project titled "Art Share". Its website announces: "Buy a glass object and another gift, if you want to give it as a gift to someone else. He / she will be surprised and look with new eyes the art of sharing”.

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

Glass techniques. Color palette (XVII).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo

Tests were made by painting directly on glass, without good reIn Fig 1 shows a test with pearl sults soaking with water bars luster. stroke improved somewhat, but An amount above was thick, un- the cook was still too light bediluted, forming multiple layers. cause the small amount of pigThe result after cooking was not ment that is held on the glass. good: it made him wary and In Fig 2 and on an ordinary sheet descascarilló. glass, polished rods attempted with ceramic paint, and the reHowever, below is using a thinner layer, diluted with better re- sult was rather poor after baking. sults. When glass is sanded to make the surface rougher, better effects, and can be made with On clear glass is less clear pearly the chalk lines dry and wet on the surface, leaving a fairly effect, best seen on stained sharp strokes. glass or opal glass. The results depend iridescent color background glass.

In Figs 3 and 4 can be seen as the glass was sanded using a minitaladrodora, and it was possible to paint over bars without The cooking temperature of the- problems. se products varies between 650 In Fig 5 the same test, once cooº C and 750 º C, it is preferable ked. to longer cooking a lower temperature. The graphics are retained but As colloidal metals, must be ven- the texture of the glass matting is not fully recovered its brightted during cooking. ness despite the temperature Pastel ceramic rods. reached. The appearance is also better if you apply polish, cook and bake and reapplied several times.

These bars have the appearance of the drawing chalks or cakes, but are formed by substances such as kaolin and ceramic glazes. In ceramics, clay bisques are often used on uncooked or varnish.

After baking, the lines retain their quality "dry" cake, but are fixed to the glass. This technique can be used on glass and sandwich, but in the latter case it is necessary to bake enamels parbaking, and the result is not as good as when in surface, since a layer of air in the texture of the graphics that prevents appreciate properly.

The problem of adapting these ceramic rods for use with glass is to get the lines to be marked in a perfectly polished surface and In Fig 6 a detail of a test bar deporous nothing. corated with graphics, and covered by another glass.

Bubbles can be seen covering graphic texture.

Glass engraving and enamelling A method for producing sharp edges in the glass enamels using involves carving the glass surface making it hollow lines and zones, and subsequently refilling with enamels. This technique is based on the traditional work called champlevé or champleve enamels, in which the enamel is poured over an opening in the metal and put successive layers until it reaches the height of the surrounding metal. To create the prints has been used minitaladradora with carborundum or diamond drills, the first used to create fine lines and define contours, while the latter are useful for larger areas. In tests that were made, different results have been achieved according to the thickness and depth of the marks created in the glass, and the manner of introducing the enamel into the gaps. When lines are thin, the result is a subtle and barely perceptible line, which completely retains its definition provided in a clear glass melt. The test shown in Fig 7 is made recording fine lines with a diamond drill, and then rubbed with black enamel on them, so that impregnates the gaps. After has been cooked with a glass top.

N E W S (I).

Buddha in glass. sculpture is twice as high as one that she made in 2006 and was then known as the Buddha statue made of glass highest in the world. He said his new statue has some small cracks and that "is not perfect", but it does the desire to rescue the damaged glass Buddha images painted on the walls of the famous Dunhuang cave in western China.

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November 2012

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Yang is artistic director and cofounder of the glassworks Liuli Gongfang. She herself is Buddhist and created sculptures of Buddha and other glass works in traditional and modern styles exhibited in Taipei. The Taiwanese sculptor Loretta Yang has made a glass statue of two meters (6.6 feet) above the "Thousand Hands Buddha".

She says it has been inspired by a painting of some 800 years of Chinese Yuan Dynasty.

About this artist and published an article in the newsletter of last June.

Loretta Yang said that the

Culture 2012. The third, and final, refers to the modern conception of the exotic and its links with ethnography. Indolence scenes painted female Tahitian Gauguin during his period of exoticism reflect some influence of Eugène Delacroix. The French Romantic painter was one of the first to travel to North Africa and also a precursor in the way of conceiving the work of art as a product of the creative imagination.

This past October we visited the exhibition "Gauguin and the trip to the exotic."

not only have become more seductive images of modern art but also exerted a major influence on the artistic movements of The exhibition addresses three the early twentieth century, as issues ranging chaining and inte- the French Fauvism and German rrelated. Expressionism. The first, and fundamental, is the figure of Paul Gauguin, whose flight to Tahiti, where primitivism reconquered by way of exoticism, works as a leitmotif of the entire journey. His iconic paintings, created through the filter of Polynesia,

The second is the journey, the journey as an escape from civilization, which will serve fresh impetus to the forefront, and travel as throwback to the origins, to the Edenic state, and elemental utopian longing primitivism.

The rhythmic movement and the seductive color of their romantic depictions of the "splendor of the East", would be a major precedent for some artists of modernity. Paul Gauguin, the artist became mythical wild to find a new vision for art became the new canon exotic to the German expressionists, primitivists Russians and the French Fauves. While many of them, as Ernst L. Kirchner, Erich Heckel and André Derain, studied primitive art in ethnographic museums, others, such as Emil Nolde and Max Pechstein, set sail for distant lands in search of another.

N E W S (II).

U.S. Glass. product of the French multinational and prestige with large manufacturers. The agreement is 15 million euros. From Saint Gobain director of sales and marketing worldwide Nates Krishnan says, "is a great challenge and we will provide high security glass with huge demands and 50% less weight than existing glasses, which are more effective in nighttime visibility and durability in environments with many dangers. "

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November 2012

Page 18

The U.S. Army chooses Saint Gobain glass for their vehicles

hield and side windows security for the next three years.

The U.S. Army has selected Saint Gobain as its supplier of winds-

The U.S. Army's decision was based on the high reliability

Pere Ignasi in Ibiza. The Mallorcan artist Pere Ignasi opened in the Club Diario de Ibiza in a sample containing a selection of blown glass sculptures and entitled 'Snort i fer Ampolles IV'. The exhibition, which runs until November 9, containing pieces of different shapes and colors, bottles and sculptures that draw the viewer's attention and surprising for its delicacy and fragility. As always, we wish Pere Ignasi the greatest success.

1 glassmakers Forum. From 3 to 9 December is scheduled to hold 1st. Forum of glass masters in the Valencian town of L'Ollería. The promoter of the idea is our friend Luis Antonio Bodgs Costales has gotten the Mediterranean cede its facilities to glassblowing in that weekend. Be present, among others, Pilar Aldana, Miguel Díez, Llavador Ana, Pedro Garcia, our President and the vowel Rosa Garcia.

Page 19

The glass in Museums: Vida.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

LIFE Museum & Art Gallery is located on Route 136, six miles south of Borgholm, Oland, near a beautiful hill, overlooking the waters of Kalmarsund. The present building of 2000 m2, made of glass, iron, concrete and wood, is located in a historic place just north of the inn Halltorp.

In 2003, the north gallery was added to house the art collection Rasjo: an extensive collection of contemporary art, Swedish.

-Vallien and Ulrica HYDMAN Bertil Vallien show new glass sculptures In 2009 there is a unique show of and paintings and there are new paintings by Evert Lundquist paintings that will be in the room (1904-2004). Trotzig.

Another new gallery opened in June 2005, coinciding with the At the time of its opening in June artist Ulf Trotzig 80 years. 2001, the newly built museum featured an art gallery and two The gallery displays the art of wings dedicated respectively to Trotzig, the spanning fifty years. the work of Ulrica HYDMANTrotzig is one of the biggest naVallien and Bertil Vallien of. mes in Sweden and has exhibiHere you can see the full range ted his work on numerous occaof his art, spanning four decasions, especially at the Royal des. Academy of Fine Arts in StocThe most important works of the 1960s, with the most recent work in glass, ceramics, sculptures and paintings are displayed in the museum.

This summer 2009, the art gallery displays paintings Ringstrom LIFE Lotti and Marie Capaldi.

kholm. He and his wife, writer Birgitta Trotzig, are part of the Swedish cultural elite.

An exhibition of silver, on various topics, held annually in the museum shop. In 2009 the theme is "VÅGAT". Twenty silversmiths are invited. In the museum shop you can find lots of glassware special Bertil Vallien and Ulrica HV. Have been made especially for the museum and not in any other place. LIFE also has an indoor pool and an outdoor cafe with a fabulous view of Kalmarsund.

Page 20

52nd Congress of the SECV.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012


The Escola Superior Alcora ceramic (SCALE), organized in 2013 to 53 Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass

have covered various topics such as ceramic pigment synthesis, Optimization of Raw Materials, Evaluation of new energy systems, new features of ceramic tiles, Archaeometry and Art. During days 3 to 6 October 2012, This range of topics, is an examwas developed in Burgos 52 An- ple of the concerns presented nual Congress of the Spanish So- by ESCAL investigating and are ciety of Ceramics and Glass recognized nationally and inter(SECV), one of the centers of re- nationally. ference, at European level, the development and innovation of During this Congress was held the annual meeting of the SECV, ceramics and glass. which decided to select the EsThe Escola Superior Alcora cera- cola Superior Alcora ceramic mic participated with the prehost the 53 Annual Meeting of sentation of a total of 9 innovati- the SECV to be held in 2013, ve work between lectures and which also supports the potenposters. tial, which presents this teaching With this issue of the SCALE Com- and research center under the ISEACV, development and innomunications has established itself as the fourth institution (of 95 vation in the ceramic sector. participants) in presentation of work, after the Institute of Ceramics and Glass CSIC (Madrid) with 35 communications, Materials Science Institute of Aragon CSIC and University of Zaragoza with 11 communications and Materials Science Institute of CSIC in Seville with 10 communications. The presentations by the ESCAL

All sessions have been developed at the Hospital of the King except the initial presentation, held in Burgos Cathedral itself, and that the City had received from participants, which was held in the Conference Centre.

the Atapuerca system, since the first inhabitants of the mountains also used ceramics. The 52 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass has brought together 300 experts in Burgos from 3 to 6 October and has served to reflect on the future of this sector, also scarred by the crisis, and to emphasize the heritage and conservation area, one of the issues addressed in this quote always. The city of Burgos has magnificent and unique examples of stained glass case of strikes, first in Spain, or rosette of the cathedral, which has been analyzed in the paper that opened these days and it was the responsibility of the president of the organization, Professor at the University of Burgos Pilar Alonso Abad.

Researchers and technologists from national and international universities and companies in this sector, analyzed from energy and environmental requirements Participants also took advanta- that affect the future of this inge of their presence in the capi- dustry ceramics and glass to study the properties of building matal of human evolution to visit terials, the art techniques and materials.

Page 21

The Treaty of Guadalupe Monastery Windows (VI).

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

and disadvantages of using only "fine lead, tin unmixed" or remelted lead the entire network, including tin solder points. Since we makes clear, the opinion of the author is to discard the tin because "... if it is all together as seamlessly merged what is inposible that could serbir for ministry."

Fernando Cortes Pizarro.

With respect to lead, the propoThe recommended method is to sed system to recycle old profirescue all possible windows is as les is recast and turn them into new profiles for new windows, follows: which, for many centuries, it has - "You will put the glass on the been common practice floor, partly flat glasses that are amongst the glass, and even a healthy and not abuse them few years ago was made in sowhen they offered sirban. Lame workshops. barásla with water and conical In this operation, I want however with a broom by dambas parts to emphasize the fact that the and rinsing very well, put to author proposes separating the drain. After the lean put on the "armaçón" leads welds contaitable and to derail enpeçarás thus empeçando by a bank and ning the pure tin as this respect still exists today some misinforputting the tips of the scissors between welding and soldering, mation. no more biting with these scissors and removing the lead braço to depart the bidrio. And being section, cut, and in this way it will go and carefully undoing all that large glass pedaços can serbir, bayan apart and integers to another when they are small. "

For the analysis of ancient weights from different periods to date we know that the usual ratio of lead / tin usually somewhere between 98 or 99% of lead and a 1 or 2% tin.

But sometimes the analyzes we offer leads that contain much higher amounts of tin, between Currently working methods 4 and 6% - which is probably exwould be the same, except perplained by the reuse of old lead haps the fact of placing the networks and which had not seglass on the floor and wash with parated the welding points tin. water and ashes. A part of this chapter is devoted to discussing the advantages

Indeed, we know that too leads containing tin, but are more resistant to chemical deterioration, are too hard and slightly malleable and therefore difficult to work for the leaded process ("... do not leave till easily ..." ) and, once the glass in place, the panels are very rigid against the wind thrusts. Here we describe how to perform the process and cast molten lead or "baciado" molds "which, he says," ... has no difficulty, only requires that the lead is well melted and not miss ember ... ". The type of "mold leads baçiar" he describes is made of iron and is very similar to others that have survived from that time. The duration of each heat is "... time that can be spent on say a Maria Abe" ...-that is, approximately 15 seconds, "... so that in an hour you can make fifty buelta few more or less" While at present, given the easy availability of industrially manufactured leads at reasonable prices, and very few are continuing to perform personally glassmakers the casting process and subsequent stretching leads, this operation has been for centuries the competition glassmakers.

Page 22


Recycling. Question of distance.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

However, other data show that study that 81.7% of hoteliers see recycling as an act that is not a big effort. Furthermore, 'the trend is positive, "says Emilio Gallego, because the structure that dominates Spain hospitality is small and family businesses, where the owner is also consumer and messages to reach society as a whole.

The majority of glass used in bars and restaurants are bottles belonging to the company that packaged. Returnable packaging system is the mechanism by which the establishment has to return empty bottles to these companies every time you purchase new bottles. Given this system, which is the most widespread, the task of recycling other containers used in hospitality as bottles or other containers falls squarely on the owner. Fermin own a small restaurant near the airport of Barajas (Madrid), where for four years serving breakfast and lunch to their customers.

Spanish Federation of Hotels and Restaurants (FEHR), Emilio Gallego, 'industrial or business areas large and dispersed', often far away from the city.

According to the latest data collected by Ecovidrio, the hotel industry has recycled 681,183 tons of glass in 2011 and more than 44,000 establishments in Spain actively collaborate with the glass recycling and adopt it as a daily habit.

Spain already has half of a container for every 270 inhabitants and settled over 16,000 containers adapted to the trade.

Awareness campaigns and actions taken by municipalities Ecovidrio and are intended to provide the infrastructure necessary to involve the sector in the collection of glass.

Nevertheless, a study conducted in facilities throughout Spain for Ecovidrio, the non-profit association responsible for managing the recycling of glass containers, identified that 50.8% of them calling for greater proximity of containers and 47 , 7% demanded more infrastructure.

In this line and according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Packaging Act of 1997 requires companies to fund the separate collection of packaging placed on the market, offering the possibility to join a businessman System Integrated Management System (IMS).

According to FEHR, Spain has 370,000 catering companies, of which 240,000 are 85,000 bars and restaurants.

Ecovidrio currently has 2,607 companies participating in this For its activity, a number of glass system in which the containers containers are thrown into a are marked with a logo identibucket for later transfer to the fied as 'green dot', which allows Considering that HORECA, ie the them apart from the rest of the green container, but this is more channel representing the activithan a mile away, making it diffipackages. ty of these companies consume cult for this small business recyIn the end, Fermin, who is aware 48% of glass packaging placed cling. on the market, the issue spreads of the many benefits that entails Like him, other hoteliers are still much concern about the envienvironmental and recycling far from achieving the optimal ronmental impact that can glass containers in general, values of recycling, since in most have certain practices in this of- wants to overcome the distance cases their stores are located, and go for giving a new life to all fice. glass passing through his restausays the secretary general of the rant.

Page 23

Farcama 2012.

View images

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

Sultanate of Oman the second prize in the category of polychrome glazed glass. They told us the difficulties being experienced to succeed amid the economic crisis so extensive in time we suffer, and all of them express the need to try to sell products outside our borders, and that domestic consumption has dropped markedly.

As in previous years, in the first week of last October we visited the Craft Fair XXXII Castilla La Mancha, in Toledo. This year, due to the crisis affecting both public bodies as the guild of craftsmen, the number of participants has dropped significantly. Of a total of about 250 artisans that we saw last year has spent about 160 this year. The glass sector was no exception.

About fifteen participants last year has gone to six this year. We noticed the absence, among others, Montse Fogliati, Antonio de la Torre, Marcos Arcos and Ana Ubeda. We could greet Creta, Isaac Perez, Grisailles Moreno, Natalia Benchoam, Vitrale and Enrique de Lucas, of Adral Creations. Regarding the latter, we remind our readers that we already mentioned in our Bulletin n ª 44 last May, having obtained in the

It's a real shame that this important craft fair is so drastically reducing the number of its exhibitors, because the quality of our craftsmen is extraordinary and it is necessary that the public can enjoy their work, both through the products the exhibit as many of them perform at the fair itself. Another serious problem, apparently and according to our information, affects this fair is the absence of artisans in their organization, whose team is full of politicians who do not master the craft world. Stick to what you know best.

Page 24

November 2012

 Our activities. In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2012.

 Cultural Tours. On Saturday November 3 we will visit the glazier Jose Maté artisan market to be held in Getafe, in

Volume II — Number 49

the Souk Mall Getafe 3.

2011. A Joseph Maté are especially grateful because he was one of the few who came to our call when we call

The event, as stated in the bro-

on Central Spain glassmakers to

chure published by the organiza-

launch ADVANCE Association, once

tion, will feature more than 80 arti-

it had been certified and registered

sans who work the most diverse

with the Ministry of Interior.


If you really come to this event more

José Maté uses torch technique

than 80 artisans who announces the

and were visiting him and his old

organization hope to spend a plea-

workshop in Madrid town of Bece-

sant diversion and edit a photo ac-

rril de la Sierra in May of last year

counts our Facebook page.

 Culture 2012 Programme. international artists, among hem Camille Pissarro, one of the first Impressionist and Daubigny, French landscape of the Barbizon School. The cosmopolitan profile Martin Rico had had his most successful works outside Spain so that, with the exception of the Prado, is a painter underrepresented in institutional collections of our country. Organized in collaboration with the Meadows Museum in Dallas, which will be exhibited next year, the show brings together a hundred pieces, including paintings, watercolors and drawings, most of them unpublished.

This November will visit the exhibition "The landscaper Martin Rico" in the Museo del Prado. Martin Rico is a pioneer in the introduction of realistic landscape in Spain. Its special capturing light and the peculiarities of the cities you traveled gave great recognition

The exhibition, entitled The Landscape reflects Martin Rico since the beginning of its activity as a watercolorist, through an album made with a view to their natural places like El Escorial, Segovia and Avila who owns the Prado, related to the romance, until further stay in Paris, still yet to work in Granada, Seville and Toledo, contribution made from in his time, particularly in the USA Switzerland or end in Venice. where his work is represented in Still chronologically and divided museums and private collecinto five sections, presented a tions. total of 43 oil paintings-more a For over forty years, until his deportrait painted by Sorolla Marath, he worked in Paris and Veni- tin-Rico, nine watercolors, 40 noce, where he captured the betebooks and 9 drawings on loan auty of the two cities and confrom the Hispanic Society of tacted prominent European and New York, with in order to show the public their fullest career.

Page 25

Meteorite with black glass.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012


Last year he fell in southern Mo-

later, many of them in Antarcti-

rocco a meteorite from Mars.

ca-and must be subjected to a

Over a year ago, in July 2011, a meteorite from Mars fell in the

series of checks to determine its origin.

Moroccan desert after crossing

However, Morocco fell in July

the sky like a fireball.

and began to recover his re-

Rock fragments, called Tissint, were recovered and analyzed by an international team of scientists has now revealed so-

mains in October, before contact with the atmosphere of our planet began to seriously affect erosion or pollution.

me of its secrets in the journal

Only four other Martian meteori-


tes have been collected after

The researchers explain that the

seen her fall.

meteorite is composed of a lar-

Analysis has revealed that Tissint

ge number of black glass that

has a lot of black glass that Mar-

can hold soil of the Red Planet,

tian soil may contain.

but there is no evidence of former life. Although it had ever existed,

Possibly, the rock shot out into space when an asteroid or other body struck Mars. During the collision occurred a merger that could have produced the black glass and retained in the chemical signatures of the Martian surface features. Scientists have not found any signs of ancient life form. "Because the Martian rock was subjected to intense heat any form of microbial life that may have existed in the depth of the cracks would have been destro-

The rock shows evidence of

yed," says Chris Herd, a researcher

three distinct components deri-

at the University of Alberta who

ved from the interior, surface

has participated in the analysis of

that treasure Martian would pro- and atmosphere of Mars. bably been destroyed during

Burning Fusion

the rock.

To explain the nature of the

The Curiosity rover looks right now

composition of Tissint, the aut-

on the ground whether Mars

And the rock floated through

hors propose that the rock was

could once have harbored life,

space from 700,000 to a million

worn by fluids derived from the

but scientists believe that the best

the trip.

years before rushing on Earth.

surface of the Red Planet, which opportunity to solve the mystery is Tissint is a very valuable meteori- went through the Martian soil. a mission to bring to Earth rocks te.

These fluids are subsequently de-

Most of these space rocks are

posited in the cracks and crevi-

not seen to fall, but found much

ces of the rock.

the red planet, something that NASA intends achieve in a few years.

Page 26


Glass mosaic mural.

November 2012

'Uracoa', named in honor of his hometown.

Volume II — Number 49

To cover the 12,000 square meters of the side walls of the trench from Avenida Libertador, each of which has a length of 1,500 meters and a height of four, were used twenty million parts produced in Bidania and issued in rear panels for easy installation.

For weeks, the occupants of more than 50,000 vehicles daily look at one of the busiest arteries of Caracas the largest glass mosaic mural has been done to date in the world: three kilometers of colored tiles, arranged in the design of one of the most revered artists Venezuelans live in the South American country, Matthew Manaure.

Venezuelan VIU by the developer of the project, PDVESA La Estancia, the social and cultural work of Petroleos de Venezuela SA 20 million pieces

The mural, which is three kilometers long, played an original work of Venezuelan artist Matthew Manaure (Uracoa, 1926), one of the most prestigious living What you might not know is that artists in the country and one of drivers million pieces that animathe main representatives of Latin te his journey are manufactured American Abstraction. in Gipuzkoa, particularly in the company of Bidania Reviglass. Manaure previous murals, which The company Guipuzcoa, dedicated since 1985 to manufacture glass mosaic from recycled glass, was selected along with his collaborator Urbana

among other distinctions have the National Arts Prize of Venezuela, have been declared of Cultural Interest, but none of his projects has reached the dimensions of the newly opened

As indicated sources of this company, which exports its products to over 60 countries and has a long experience in the application of vitreous mosaic art projects or with a strong sense of creativity, "the main challenge was to adapt the product to the requirements color and available in the mural, following in detail the design of the author, for his final approval. " And some nuances given by the artist, recognized, have been particularly difficult to obtain. Besides the size of the mural, gives an idea of the complexity of the task in which the company embarked Gipuzkoa that installation work, for which also assisted, have dragged on for more than three months. "We must highlight-highlight-the work of local installers. Despite the difficulties of the task, both dimensions of the mural as it had to be precise assembly, have done an outstanding job. "

Page 27

Other trends. II International Forum.

November 2012

Prestigious international and national centers In this second edition, the International Forum for Culture Spaces. The Spider in the net analyze the necessary relationship between new technologies and the institutions responsible for the custody and dissemination of cultural heritage.

Volume II — Number 49

The edition of this 2012 will be attended by representatives of major cultural institutions, as well as their cultural heritage, characterized by the optimization of new technologies in their daily lives. Museums and New Technologies will be the keynote of this FIEC II, which will be headed by Jasper Visser, founder of The Museum of the Future, the first professional level takes years advising or developing digital strategies for major cultural institutions such as Museum of National History in the Netherlands, the Qatar Museum Authority or Duthc Doha Centre for International Cultural Activities in Amsterdam.

The relationship between museums and new technologies will be discussed from 7 to 9 November in the City of Culture of Galicia in the II International Forum on Spaces for Culture (IFAC), which will bring together leading practitioners and independent international and national institutions such as the Tate Modern, The British Museum, the ThyssenBornamisza galleries or the MACBA, Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona. Entitled The Spider in the net, this FIEC II seeks to analyze the strategies implemented by different institutions to bring the artistic offerings to a greater

number of people, making the real engines of museums in cultural offer even serve to reactivate tourism. The FIEC Gaiás returns to after the success of its first edition in which representatives of major cultural institutions in the world as the MoMA in New York, IRCAM-Pompidou in Paris, the Barbican Centre in London and the Library of Alexandria, between others, for three days analyzed the role of cultural infrastructure and economic development factors, as poles to attract business projects or as platforms for projecting the image of a community abroad.

Joining him will be representatives of major international organizations like Marc Sands, director of New Media and Public Education of the Tate Modern in London, Shelley Mannion, head of Digital Education program of The British Museum, Susan Hazan, Curator of New Technologies and Responsible Internet in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem; Samuel Bausson, webmaster of the Muséum of Toulouse, or Sanderhoff Merete, Researcher and Project Manager of the SMK-National Gallery of Denmark. Similarly, the experts will FIEC national centers as Rufino Marcos Ferreras, Head of Educational Development of the ThyssenBornemisza Museum in Madrid and director of educational portal, or Anna Ramos, head of Radio Web MACBA- Muse of Contemporary Art of Barcelona.

Page 28

Layoffs at Guardian, of Llodio.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

The trail has a name Laminations for 42 months in case of dismissal compensation "far superior" to Arregui, Llodio Guardian, one of

claiming the committee blew

the major European multinatio-


nals in the automotive glass industry and architecture, among others, and its head office is located in Llodio.

In a tense meeting of more than three hours, the company announced the launch of a feasibility plan where contract can-

Despite being historically one of the most reliable companies of Álava, the crisis is also taking its toll on their production. Or at least that's the perception that handles the address, which launched a cracking the council to ensure the viability of the firm. "There will be layoffs soon and in a significant number," snapped the manager of the company plan glazed, Jesus Urien.

cellations will be inevitable.

a "joint reflection", while eup-

days in the factory of Llodio.

hemistically called his decision to fire workers as part of a "restructuring" to adjust to the current situation of falling sales.

a decision that "difficult environment and the provision required

the number of victims, union

ment between all to ensure the

sources barruntaban late the

future of Guardian".

Both areas currently employ over 600 workers.

the direction of the company.

en dizzy partridge for nine

and distressing.

company said yesterday that it is

to achieve a satisfactory agree-

"This attitude is shameful.'ve Bemonths to finish confirming the intentions pursued from the beginning," he told this newspaper a spokesman for ELA.

positions are again opposing

Concerning these day strike, the

Although never made explicit

and 28) to try to to talk sense to

And far from agreement, the

the exact number of redundant

convened an assembly strike

administration areas.

make things worse.

ting of "mere formality" to know

address the workforce to star in

tee, he expected a deal more

management has only served to

what is expected to be a mee-

Until then, the staff held and

70 workers in production and

No form. The truce requested by

Both parties will see their faces in

In a statement issued a call to

wrong foot to the full commit-

te held in September (the 26, 27

me source.

and conditions.

move would affect about 60 to

three-day strike that the templa-

"So what is this now" asks the sa-

"A shameful attitude"

The answer caught on the

"close" to its principles after the

the dictates of law.

The hypothetical negative complement layoffs is something wrong within the committee, es-

UNDENIABLE WEIGHT IN THE VALLEY Disputes aside, what is there seems no doubt that the weight of the U.S. multinational in the Valley Aiala is undeniable. Along with the other big sector, Vidrala, until recently employed about 2,000 families in the area, approximately one in ten residents. The rest of the cake would work repartirían Valley of the pipes

and tubes Tubacex Reunited The guarantee in writing and wit- pecially since in the past year and two historical companies in hin the new collective agreehave gone about 200 jobs in the the rail sector as Amurrio JEZ Railment of an additional 45 days company, some of them with way and Railway Systems.

Page 29

Craft Fair-Market in Madrid.

November 2012

sales figures that are planned for this year? What profit figure will be able to get on their sales in order to survive after spending so high?

Volume II — Number 49

How much does each stand to Madrid after including all expenses relating to the Fair? Do you expect the Madrid get some economic benefit at the expense of the effort of the craftsmen? We believe that in these times of crisis our authorities should support more than ever the craft We have published the require- In this year we will also be vigiments to participate in the XXV lant to report any breach of the sector to prevent bleeding that is occurring gradually by the deedition of the Fair to be held in rules that may affect the glass the Plaza of Spain in Madrid bet- sector and can do much dama- fection of artisans who can not ween 15 December 2012 and 5 ge to his reputation with the pu- keep holding the increase in costs and reduced sales. January 2013. blic attending the fair. As in previous editions, each exhibitor must own authorship of the products displayed for sale, which are specifically listed in the application form submitted, permanently ensuring a varied and enough of them. Exceptionally, unrelated products may be accepted in the initial application for participation, when so authorized by the Organization.

Moreover, what seems totally unacceptable in times of crisis we are facing is the high fee that is required by the artisans of the fair stands.

The craftsmanship is not a business these days, as some might think of politicians who make decisions on the economic conditions of the Fairs.

The amount to be paid (including VAT), for the craft workshops and entities carrying on business in the area of the Community of Madrid will be € 1870 (1870 euros) for the stands of 8 square meters, and 1,760 € (1760 euros) for the stands of 6 square meters.

Maybe I can be a business for pseudoferias craft (?) That proliferate for our towns and cities offering resale items manufactured in sweatshops in developing countries and are staffed by people with no qualifications.

And yet the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, in any case, the Tender threat to The rest of artisan workshops their right to continue with the and entities paid € 2,420 (two organization of the XXV Fair Craft thousand four hundred and In last year's edition we reported twenty euros) for the stands of 8 Market of the Community of Masome of our artisan glassmakers square meters and 2,200 € (2200 drid, on the assumption than Apthat could be produced in Mueuros) for the stands of 6 square plications for participation coverano products at booth Il Vetro, red by total amount of 85% of meters, including VAT. to name Nereo Casagrande, the stands available at the Fair. according to the research we How will they be able to repay did on the Internet and the result this investment artisans, plus tra- We hope with concern the decision of the artisans to participate published in our newsletter of vel and subsistence expenses, in the Fair burdensome given last January. plus the amount of raw matewhat they must be the figure as rials for its products with limited high registration fees this year. It is forbidden the sale of products that are not handmade and own authorship and the resale of products.

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Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

Glass workshop in Murcia (and XVI).

finished products in these furna- Also collected numerous samples ces and their environment, in or- of vitreous matter of each oven for composition and colors used. der to clarify their role and the The process is again described by Guasparre Parigini di Simone, materials used. We hope that the results of these who pointed out that for all the analyzes and comparisons of the It has paid particular attention fried indispensable for monthly to materials from the successive remains found in the written maconsumption of a glass workshop phases of the oven 1 to try to terial and other archaeological required a minimum of three findings allow interpretation tune elucidate the related use the working days. just move. abundant remains of lead Recently they have found the re- rich in silver (galena and metal). mains of a furnace, which has been interpreted as frit in Germagnana, near Florence, in a large production complex: it is a rectangular structure (2.30 x 2.70 m), which consists of a core trough, flanked by paths sidewalks, which extends into a long and narrow combustion pit. JIMENEZ PEDRO CASTILLO JULIO NAVARRO PALAZÓN JACQUES THIRIOT

The melting furnaces Puxmarina not necessarily at the same time would work, since it is often in workshops where there is more than one oven one being used as a junior, so the work did not stop while they cleaned and reloaded one. The exemplary dual chamber may be a cooling or lehr. Finally, one of five copies of Puxmarina seems to have been intended for the preparation of lead for a purpose which is to be supplied. We have taken numerous samples of different residues and

Page 31

More on "The Trinity".

November 2012

However, the protective group had complained to the Office of Planning, Environment and Heritage possible plunder case on account of the destruction of a temple and annealing furnaces and air transport facilities and an oven glass fusion through "mechanical planned" given the size and

Volume II — Number 49

strength of the assembly. After visiting the factory complex, the conservation group has announced an expansion of this denunciation to discover also the demolition of a boiler.

Urbanism technicians begin to Catalog Andalusian Historical inspect the glass factory Investigating whether the demo-

Heritage this former factory complex and symbolic of Mira-


flores Avenue.

ment of the City of Seville, Maxi-

ses conform or not licensed

And is that the building is one of

ced as part of this visit would in-

fought in 2011.

the rare examples of architectu- vestigate the demolitions underre has survived the great industaken on site to check whether

litions undertaken on the premi-

A technical team of the Planning Department of the City of Sevilla has begun to inspect the

try and industrial expansion Sevi- they comply or not the actions lla first outside its walls. authorized by the Compensation

old glass factory 'Trinity', located The declaration of a Cultural fiin Miraflores Avenue, to check if led and approved at that time, the demolitions undertaken on

namely, protecting the nave,

the premises conform or not to

furnaces and chimney of the

license waged in 2011. The platform 'Save the glass factory of the Trinity', which defends this former factory complex, extended his hand and pillaging the complaint raised by the prosecution for the destruction of a temple and annealing furnaces of this enclosure whose nave furnaces and fireplaces are protected as a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC).

when the Ministry of Culture

Board formed around this farm. Under the expanded complaint protectionist platform, gathered

by Europa Press, "machinery traplant as a place of ethnological ces demonstrate the use of indusinterest, although the Regional trial equipment demolition", since Administration promotes a new

method to catalog, in addition, two three ships in a single category, that of "landmark industrial".

"the demolition license granted by the Planning Department to 'Demolition Pavón 'exhaustively excluded property and contents craft furniture numbers one, two


and three. "

The venue, however, belongs to

However, a team of technicians

society 'edify Property Development', incidentally declared insolvent under the disaster suffe-

It was on September 4, 2001

miliano Vilchez (PP), also announ-

from the Planning Department has started this Monday to inspect the old factory complex, a

red by the real estate and cons- work will extend over a conference to elucidate the scope and truction.

agreed to enroll in the General

lace investigated demolitions.

Page 32

Stained glass in the Palacio da Pena.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012


The Palacio Nacional da Pena

of stained glass: the Conserva-

who had commanded the di-

(Sala dos Veados) in Sintra, pre-

tion Committee and the Com-

ning place in Palacio das Needs,

sents "Stained glass and glass:

mittee of ICOM Portuguese Cor-

in Lisbon.

the taste of D. Fernando II", sho-

pus Vitrearum.

wing for the first time to the public collections of the palace windows, after a campaign of about ten months of conservation work, restoration and reconstitution.

After the establishment of the

To restore, display and study this

Republic, the Palace was han-

important set of windows, the

ded over to the Ministry of Fo-

Parks Sintra - Monte da Lua sig-

reign Affairs and almost all of its

ned in 2010 an agreement with

funds were dispersed.

the Department of Conservation and Restoration (DCR) of the Fa-

The windows of the room were removed and transferred to the

The exhibited works are a remar-

culty of Science and Technolo-

kable set of windows of the four-

gy of the New University of Lis-

teenth to the nineteenth centu-

bon, which has extensive expe-

ry, including the oldest known

rience in the fields of glass and

On this date, and following a re-

stained glass in Portugal.

stained glass involving students

quest from Conservative Pena

and teachers.

National Palace, the "8 drawers

The special nature of the occa-

reserves of the Ajuda Palace, where they remained until 1949.

with glass" came to be placed in

sion even led to the reorganiza-

The association's main objective

tion of the collection of glasses

is the restoration of the whole,

that palace, because it is one of

but also involves a deep analysis This presentation will also integra-

the most representative collec-

of laboratory work to identify the te the windows of the room No-

tions of European glass history in

materials used, dates and cha-

that country, and will be posted

racterization of the panels, and

on the Board along with two

the study of the pathologies

Veados windows.


This program will be announced

Have also been able to establish of Pena Palace, which is the only

to the public the diversity and

important international contacts set of windows commissioned by

excellence of two important co-

for this collection can be studied D. Fernando is still in the same

llections while allowing the

Portuguese in the field of the his- place since the nineteenth cen-

scientific community to benefit

tory of glass production in Euro-

from future research.


In this sense, the opening was

Produced in Central Europe

produced in Nuremberg in 1840-

timed to coincide with the pre-

(Germany, Switzerland and the

1841 out for this space.

sence in Lisbon of the largest in-

Netherlands), the windows of

ternational experts in the fields

churches, monasteries, houses

of conservation and restoration

and workshops of artisans, came to Portugal by King Ferdinand II,

the windows of this building.

ble and Pena Palace Chapel. As in the Palacio das Necessidades, were placed in windows of different eras windows Noble Hall

tury. The window of the chapel was

These windows have recently benefited from a thorough restoration work and now you can see up close and in detail.

Page 33

How does.

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Michael Scheiner.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012


Page 34

Exhausting the bottle.

November 2012

where wines are stored. The result of this research was born a limited collection of cups and glassware that lengthen the life cycle of the bottles of wine with an appellation of origin near his home, the Utiel-Requena. So, the last bottles of Parreno

Volume II — Number 49

(Latorre Agrovinícola) Vegainfante (Utiel Agricultural Cooperative), Vegalfaro or Al vent (Bodegas Coviñas) have not gone to the container but a glass workshop. The work is little more than a clean cut in the bottom of the conPerfection is not credible. The new furniture and new fabrics,

while trying to resist the outrage- tainer, however, the result is surous prices of many objects of in- prising.

lamps, glassware and even seek dustrial production.

In the same way that the bottles


The craftsman refers to contact

vary the pride of their necks, the

For years producers explore fur-

with people, to care glazier, the

slope of his shoulders and even

niture, as car manufacturers, the potter or the tailor.

the length and girth of their bo-

possibilities to customize their

In the same way that in coun-

dies depending on the type of

tries like Brazil industrial design is

wine containing, glassware Wi-

The Dutch designer Hella Jonge- still a strong field craft (as it was

neries has echoed these varia-

rius for Ikea devised ceramic va- the work of tanners in Spain), in

tions lengthening or shrinking

ses Industry who were born diffe- other places as longs craftsman

their own necks, now converted

rent, deformed and identified.

finish quality brand products.

into cup feet.

They were cheap but no two

Maybe that's why, looking for in-

The cups and glasses Wineries li-


are alike. That detail made them dividualized care, designers Ana mited collection are on display in unique. Yago (Valencia, 1973) and José the exhibition can be seen in EsThe Japanese wabi sabi, the be- Antonio Giménez (Valencia, auty of things imperfect, put on 1975)-study directors Sanserif

sence Craft Center Valencia un-

weight again among the most

It has met Creatius Sanserif work

sophisticated furniture and simple decor. It is characteristic for objects in a

Creatius-have chosen to treat

til 9 November.

wine as if it were the pork fruitful: of 14 artisans from that commutaking advantage of it everytnity. hing.

From chandleries to cartonerías

breaking the uniformity of hou-

To that end they decided to join and small businesses to internathe showcase Sara Sorribes to tional Lladró, the new industrial

seholds, also seeks to encoura-

go beyond the last drop and

crafts appeals to specific indivi-

consider what to do with the

duals over an anonymous mar-

bottles, thick, glossy and iconic


globalized world, but beyond

ge choice, accumulating above,

Page 35

Barbosa in Extremadura.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

reclassified land (200,000 square meters factory annexed to the present) and organize all the administrative structure. " To Closet "that is the responsibility of government, working together and being available to entrepreneurs." Now missing some paperwork "for which I hope there are no problems and that the work can begin in mid-2013."

About seven in the evening, and in Merida, appeared before the media the President of the Government of Extremadura, José Antonio Monagas, the COO of Spain and Portugal Barbosa Glass Company, and the Mayor of Villafranca, Ramón Ropero. The reason?, Offer what they consider important news for Extremadura, and more specifically to Villafranca. And so, Lt. Javier announced that the Board of Directors of Glass Barbosa on Monday decided to build a new smelter in Villafranca, with an investment of 40 million and a stable job creation of more than 100 people. The extension could have been done in any of the seven factories that the company has spread across Europe, however, noted that Lieutenant Villafranca have chosen because "it is the

most efficient and most profitable of the whole group," and "the so strong institutional collaboration and agility of administrative procedures by the Junta de Extremadura and the City of Villafranca ".

Wardrobe also noted the importance it will have for job creation Villafranca "this is good news, which counteracts the information we received yesterday the head of Befesa, we announced that, having already invested 9 million euros, have frozen Villafranca project since the mills are at present in Spain only 20 or 30% of their normal production, so they do not back down, but will wait until circumstances change. "

The expansion will double the current activity of the factory as well as doubling the staff and is The President thanked the confiexpected to start construction in dence Extremadura This industry mid-2013. group and described it as "good The investment will be made news for Extremadura", as he with 100% capital of the compa- said "will create quality jobs with ny, and increased production is permanent contracts." destined for export. With his words made a commitThe Mayor of Villafranca, ment to "maintain the facilities Ramón Ropero, declared himthat the government is lending self a "mayor happy." to entrepreneurs, so that in no case the bureaucracy prevents Publicly thanked the Governa company succeed," likewise, ment of Extremadura has turned also promised to maintain the the project "with your support company speed up administratiand involvement with the City of ve end. Villafranca, we have that in record time have been

Page 36


November 2012

Corning Museum of Glass Hot Glass Roadshow's crowdpleasing live demonstrations of hot glassblowing by SOFArepresented artists and master glassblowers. One general admission ticket of $15 admits visitors to the fair, rela-

Volume II — Number 49

ted lecture series, special exhibits and events. SOFA CHICAGO 2012 kicks off with an Opening Night Preview in Festival Hall on Thursday, Nov. 1, featuring hors d'œuvres and libations. The public is cordially invited to attend from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $50. SOFA CHICAGO 2012 hours are as follows: Opening Night PreThe Art Fair Company, based in

mainstay of the city's cultural

view is Thursday, Nov. 1, 5 to 7

Chicago, presents the critically

and social calendar.

p.m. for VIP passholders only; Pu-

acclaimed international art fair SOFA CHICAGO 2012 at the historic Navy Pier Friday, Nov. 2

"In 2010 we added a new dimension of art to SOFA CHICA-

blic Preview is from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $50.

through Sunday, Nov. 4.

GO with the Intuit Show of Folk & General admission fair hours are Outsider Art," says Donna DaFriday, Nov. 2 and Saturday,

This popular three-day event

vies, Director of SOFA art fairs in

Nov. 3 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.;

features masterworks of contem- Chicago and New York.

and Sunday, Nov. 4 from noon to

porary and modern arts and de-

6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for single

sign, sculpture, functional art, outsider, ethnographic, nontraditional folk and visionary art, plus related special exhibitions and a lecture series.

"We've been thrilled to see our collectors fully embrace the Intuit galleries and artists, so this

day general admission and $25 for a three-day pass.

year we are integrating those

Discounted student, senior and

galleries under one unifying fair

group tickets are available.

umbrella, SOFA CHICAGO 2012."

SOFA CHICAGO enjoys the pres-

Preview and fair tickets are avai-

An intriguing and informative se- lable online or at the door. ries of lectures will once again gest and longest continually runFor more information and to purbe part of SOFA CHICAGO, as ning art fair in Chicago, a chase tickets, visit will special exhibits including The tigious position of being the lar-

Page 37

CEJ formative Exchange.

November 2012

these exchanges are "a very enriching experience," because they "have the opportunity to see a vision of jewelry, market, fashions and techniques work opportunities which accrues to reorganize ideas and perspectives. "

Volume II — Number 49

CEJ STUDENTS IN ITALY Furthermore, the 13 students Jewellery School Consortium, installed in Vicenza (Italy), also within the Leonardo Da Vinci, have had the opportunity to meet during the month of October, with sectoral experts called 'city Gold 'to know more deeply the Italian labor market situation, European legislation governing the markeA total of four students from the

a series of glass elements, which

ting of precious metals and their

School Slovak Creation Lednické will be used for the manufacture particularities compared to the glass Rovne have joined in mid- of different pieces of jewelry in national market. October the Consortium School

the combination of the metal

of Jewelry (CEJ) of Cordova, un- with this material. der the Leonardo da Vinci program, European initiative and intercultural of allowing students the knowledge and implementation of learning at this center, in countries and markets in the forefront of the jewelry industry. As reported by the Board in a

These meetings serve to improve the chances of employment for

This work will allow students to

students, promoting values such

develop synergies between the

as entrepreneurship, allowing

Consortium and the Slovak cen-

them to return to their home-

ter will focus on uniting knowled-

towns with prospects without

ge production in glass jewelery

geographical barriers, or simply

through the use of tools, mate-

places them at an advantage

rials and graphic design work,

compared to labor market in-

note, these young people will

improving their skills and learning creasingly competitive, advannew techniques innovative work ced knowledge acquired during

be launched during his stay at

that will focus on combining

the CEJ a full program of practi-

glass with other materials, such

ces that will enable the applica-

as leather, wood, fabric or me-

tion and integration of knowled-


ge in the development and working of glass into the world of jewelry. Thus, the students prepare in situ

this period. This collaboration is only a first step towards an ambitious transnational, which at the same time

The president of the ECJ, and

improving the training of new ta-

delegate of Economy, Innova-

lent, will boost the local sector

tion, Science and Job Board in

through knowledge manage-

Córdoba, José Ignacio Exposito,

ment and foreign trade.

Page 38

The liquidity of the feminine soul.

Volume II — Number 49

November 2012

it was necessary both appara-

His confidence inspired Yanez,

tus, I could do it in the living ro-

because it "offered a sample wit-

om of his home.

hout work."

It took a year to lose the fear to

It has been a year of hard work

the torch and had to move ma-

which culminated in the exhibi-

ny paths to get to this moment:

tion that opened last October 30

the first sign of an artist.

in the space. The invitation to the

"It took a long time, as a person,

meeting is Javiera. "The miracle

to get ahead and concretarme. of these flowers is to remove all of the soul and display. Share it, In my life there was a break, a personal discovery process in or- especially because it is show to show, ie: home come play ". der to get here. " Javiera want to be an alcheBeginning Tuesday, October 30, Javiera Yáñez Straps, recognized jeweler, had his first art show.

mist. So tested, tirelessly and torch in hand, to separate light from darkness. He believes that the soul is an oven where they cook things that can transform

In the future, Javiera want to incorporate elements related parts knowledge about picture and sound design. It is proposed to create music with the noise they make the petals of the flowers

"And my tears flowed a garden"

pain into something beautiful.

on impact.

is a tribute to pain and potentia-

The flower that hangs in the

He also dreams of the possibility

Until 16 November may be seen

courtyard is composed of petals of making gardens in any space: flying. On it, the first of many, te- "I would love one day - after ma-

in the gallery work Arcimboldo

ars flying glass.

ny years have flower-power ma-

often delicate craftsmanship

This morning it was raining and

lly life transformed.

with torch (lampwork) on Murano glass.

between drops and drops, it seemed that all the world's wa-

She does not keep secrets, is

ter is concentrated there in that

transparent as glass. Verla and

square meter for wind feed and

look through it easily.


As the noble and pure materials

"Tears are not synonymous with

- in his words he chose many ye-

sadness, cries when it is in con-

ars ago, Javiera reflects light

tact with all the same. They are

and becomes a mirror.

the ultimate expression of the

"My quest, not artistic, my search in general went through a lot of

soul and mine paid off, so I say that a garden was born. "

places. In fact, I escaped to the

Fabiana Barreda, curator of the

artistic all my life, until I found it. I

show, has been much in the

think the glass chose me, I have

creation process.

that suspicion, "said Yanez, sit-

The concept of the garden

ting on her desk.

emerged precisely because of

Sign into your shop is like coming

a question he did to Javiera,

home, is to open the doors to a

who wanted to expand into ot-

place where they want to take

her horizons (formerly made je-

off your shoes and play.

welry only) but it was not clear

Javiera's workshop is a room with treasures made of light, where the spirituality of an artistic craft reconciles you with the magic of life. It's a uterus, tiny and cozy, where everything is ready for creation. He confesses that he always thought that they needed to work with large glass furnaces, until one day he explained that

the way. "I had no idea and she asked me four times until I said, not a garden." "Why?" The questioned Barreda. "I do not know, I have no idea," said Javiera then. Then he realized that this was the garden of the soul, where one finds his treasures, he finds the strength to be who he is. Fluff Borthwick, director of Arcimboldo Gallery has also been key to this work.

king it a nice place outdoors, and see" says the artist and his eyes shine. Javiera thinks there is the feminine soul and we must work to return to work as one body. From their perspective, "in this time when everything is falling apart acquire women, again a foundational role in society." For her, all their work has to do with the ability to shape what does not, with the option to have - as a woman-to host and transform energy. Also believes that we have the ability to love beyond measure and that, culturally, this quality has been understood in a way that is not healthy. "But if we get out of mental slavery in which we are, and we understand that our capabilities can be an energy plant to break free and move forward, it would be a revolutionary situation." "And my tears flowed a garden" Installing glass. Curator: Fabiana Barreda. Opening: Tuesday 30 October, 19 to 21hrs. Deadline: Friday, November 16. Location: Arcimboldo. Art Gallery. Room 2. Address: Reconquista 761. PA 14.

Page 39

November 2012

Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Volume II — Number 49

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña


Mª Luisa Martínez García.

Teresa Fernández Romojaro 

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture. 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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Line of research. Images.

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November 2012

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

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Techniques. Images.

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November 2012

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 4

Fig. 3

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

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November 2012

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Farcama. Images.

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November 2012

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Luzon’ Musee. Images.

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November 2012

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15th Anniversary. Images.

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November 2012

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Stone Soup. Images.

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