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Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Monthly Newsletter

Egidio Costantini  Art Horizons.


M. A. Carretero.

27 and November 28 will be held in Auditorium 200 of the National Museum Reina Sofia Art Center Symposium will feature the participation of different actors in the contemporary art scene today , and aims to make visible to the public on the state of issues worked by the observatory groups as well as the conclusions and proposals for action that could be carried out to improve the projection of Spanish contemporary art internationally.

the Spanish art world does not grow with the concept that you can do art glass. This view is declare with great sadness , after watching our northern neighbor host of various biennial whose common denominator is the glass. In our recent visit to the Biennale in Strasbourg we have witnessed a large number of art galleries in the city have offered their different exhibition spaces for artists who express their feelings through the glass to showcase their works to the public.

Needless to say, the art glass has no special significance in the subjects As most of the galleries relating to art as a whole. opened their exhibition on the same day , we witnesTherefore, we have apsed the movement of plied for registration at Nuestra sede: people from one gallery the Symposium of two Castillo Grande de to another to see the macomponents of the BoS.J. de Valderas ny exhibits. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n ard of our Association 28925 ALCORCĂ“N. and we will go with the It is true that some of the (MADRID) idea of trying to make galleries made available this meeting attendees to the organization of the know and become awa- Biennale we attracted re that there is a kind of much attention since they art that is done with were located on floors of glass, and we have a houses or in some neighsneaking suspicion that boring yard , and perhaps

spaces in Strasbourg to present their works and the public to appreciate the development of his art. And in most cases, the work will be exposed to late November. A few days earlier took place in the French town of Carmaux another biennial exhibitions and live demonstrations of several glass artists , biennial which , given the proximity in time to Strasbourg , we could not go as he would have been our desire. In the world of art to other neighboring countries glass art is a strange alien world that arises not know how and with the danger of breakage. In our experience of live demonstrations , we proved that an artist who paints a picture , an artist who sculpts in wood, an artist who made a piece of pottery , to give some examples , the audience goes , look for a moment and moves on. But with a live demonstration of a glass artist doing a piece with a torch , or by blowing through a reed, or by thermoforming, attends public " open-mouthed " at the spectacle offered.

because of our lack of experience in the domain of the existing spaces for the dissemination of contemporary art shock us all that is not an exhibition space at street level. Why not take this advantage and fill the spaces But for us , the important we offer live demonstrathing is that glass artists tions on how to perform have been able to count the works of art in glass ?

November 2013

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Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXXI) M.A.C.

Part of the month

Biennal of Strasburg

Intellectual Proper- they can be distinprotects the substantial ty Law guished by their type- investment , evaluated

Plan for FCNV

Project for CNV

 Activities on the MAVA  News  Our activities  Glass recycling

Volume II — Number 60

setting , layout and other editorial featuPROTECTION OF CER- res. TAIN EDITORIAL PROArticle 130 Duration DUCTIONS of rights Article 129 unpublis1. The rights recognihed public domain works and works not zed in paragraph 1 of the preceding article protected. last twenty five years, 1. Any person who counted from Janualawfully discloses an ry 1 of the year follounpublished work wing the lawful disthat is in the public closure of the work. domain will have on 2. The rights recogniit the same rights of exploitation that had zed in paragraph 2 of accrued to the aut- the preceding article last twenty five years, hor. counted from Janua2. Similarly, the ediry 1 of the year follotors of works not pro- wing the publication. tected by the proviTITLE VIII sions of Book I of this RIGHT ' SUI GENERIS ' Act , shall have the exclusive right to aut- DATABASES ON horize the reproduc- Article 133 Object of tion, distribution and protection. public communication of these issues if 1. The right " sui generis " on a database BOOK II. TITLE VI

 How does CONTENTS:

Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Biennal of Strasburg


Plan for FCNV


Research line


Activities in Museums


Activities in the MAVA


Dialogues with .....


Project for CNV




Bellotti in La Granja


Nativity in MNAD


Factory New Baztan




Culture 2013



Concert at the MAVA


Reciclamadrid 2013


The glass museum


Olafur Eliasson


Stained glass in Miraflores


Glass recicled


Glasses hispanic-roman


Cultural tours


Culture 2013 Programme


Bloggers in La Granja


Lycurgus cup


Other trends


The Czech glass industry


Episcopal Palace


Takahiro Kondo


"Sound of Fire"


Tutankamon in N York


How does


Glass in Ecuador


Verallia invests in Burgos


Guardian in Bilbao


Expressing a medical


Smart glass in Israel


Lucie Koldová




Exposition in Guadalajara.

The next day, November 6 exhibition opens in Guadalajara School of Art with works by the brothers Martin Rojas, Azuqueca de Henares, members of our Association, and Beatrice Peral. The exhibition will be open until November 27. She has been called "Expeditions Factory geometric light" and the School is located in the Plaza Ceuta and Melilla, No. 6 and 7 of Guadalajara. The inauguration will take place at 17 h. the next day 6.

qualitatively or quantitatively , that makes its manufacturer either financial, employment of time, effort , energy or other similar bodies for the obtaining, verification or presentation of the content. By law referred to in the preceding paragraph , the maker of a database can prevent extraction and / or reutilization of all or a substantial part thereof , evaluated qualitatively or quantitatively , provided that the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents represent a substantial investment in quantitative or qualitative . This right may be transferred , assigned or granted under contractual license.

Página 3

Part of de month. Bohumil Eliáš.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Student first Zelezny High

Use the sheet glass , painting

elsewhere as in Japan, where

School ' Brod, made after stu-

the surface of these and then

its valuation as an artist was

dies at the Academy of Ap-

joining them to create his fa-


plied Arts in Prague under Pro- mous series of cubes , where fessor Joseph Kaplicky who

the geometric and abstract

instructed him in Monumental

designs are suspended inside

Painting and Glass.

the cubic form with full effect

This duality between painting

of beauty and mystery.

and glass will be maintained

He worked on numerous com-

throughout his career.

missions architectural win-

Start working as an independent artist in the '60s , beco-

dows and enclosures. From the 90s his inclination to-

ming known to their sources of wards painting becomes glass, set in the famous and

greater , using the glass plate

powerful Czech pavilion at Ex- holder just as his paintings to po 67 Montreal.

applying other surface treat-

Distinguishes his work from the


rest of the Czech production 's In any case , most of your use of color and the play of

work then you will have only

light , features closer to those

two dimensions.

of a painter to a glass artist.

His work was admired throughout the world but in no

He produced numerous exhibitions since the early 80 participating in virtually all editions of Glass Now. One of his last speeches was the "Garden of Fantasy and Music " that made for the occasion Czech pavilion at Expo 2005 in Aichi. Based on the idea Motor Expo on " The Art of Life" , the project developed was based on the interaction between light , water and music. In Japan had good friends, Kyohei Fujita died also among them.

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Established artists. Edigio Costantini.

November 2013

a receptionist at the Banca Commerciale and studied for a degree in Botany at the University of Parma in his spare time . In 1945 he moved to Carnia and began working with the surrounding natural woods . It was here that the artist first developed an interest in working with glass .

Volume II — Number 60

Before embarking on his own career glassmaking , Costantini began as an agent for several glass factories of Murano in Venice , which allowed him to work with teachers glassblowers and learn the ins and outs of the trade. I wanted to raise the craft of glass blowing at the same level as sculpture or painting, so he started collaboration among glass blowers, artists , and himself to create glass sculptures based on drawings by contemporary artists. Then she started working with a group of Venetian artists and this came the founding in 1950 of the Centre Studio Pittori del Vetro di Murano nell'arte .

Egidio Costantini was born in Brindisi where he earned radiotelegraph on April 22, 1912 . operator 's license . When his father died in 1918 , he He initially worked at the Circolo moved to Venice with his family Motonautico of Venice, but at the and studied at a technical college , start of World War II found a job as

Four years later he moved to Paris to promote his project with the most famous artists of the time, and this led him to collaboration with Alexander Calder , Gino Severini , Pablo Picasso , Jean Arp and Max Ernst , among others.

Young artists. François Daireaux.

Our web

Everything is potentially there in germ and constantly updated by new trips . A few years ago that builds packages mysterious colored glass bangles you see in the markets during the numerous trips to India. He opened with them a new drawer. The artist landed in Firozabad , a town north of India. Local specialties , glass bangles are the spearhead of activity in the industry is almost entirely devoted firozabie for more than Daireaux has developed over

tal, like clockwork meticulous,

more than twenty years of art

focuses on the gestures, and ob-

facilities that incorporate diffe-

jects over time .

rent media: sculpture, photo-

It reveals unsuspected layers of

graphy , video, brought from his


many travels around the world .

And many of the projects are in

Far from the exotic or anecdo-

the drawers of Daireaux .

600 years. Beaten by the colors and forms of these sculptures , François Daireaux bring some in your luggage and stores them in a corner of his study and in his head for more than three years.

Página 5

Our trip to the Biennale in Strasbourg.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Like two years ago , we have

Between 19 and 21 we visited

To our question of the reasons

also been present at this ye-

several art galleries that have

for his move to France infor-

ar's opening of the Biennale

adhered to the Biennial , all in

med us that, fundamentally ,

internationale du verre 2013 in Strasbourg, La Cour des Boec- by the lack of artistic outlets in Strasbourg organized by the

klin except that it is located in

European Studio Glass Art As-

the nearby town of Bischheim. dence of his elder brother in

sociation ( ESGAA ).

This year 's edition has been

your country of origin and resiFrance.

In the setting of the Barrage

quite different from the pre-

Have been so many photo-

Vauban of this French city

vious one, and that has had

graphic images we captured

Biennale was inaugurated last numerous works of artists but

of the thirteen exhibitions we

October 18 and has had this

not the category of the pre-

have attended we have to

year with numerous exhibition

vious edition, it is true that in

edit a special issue of our

spaces , both in Strasbourg

the former told the Wurth Mu-

Newsletter that properly classi-

and nearby locations. Among seum collection that has

fied, we present them in an or-

them are the Lalique Museum

works of artists such Libensky ,

derly fashion.

in Wingen -sur- Moder, or the

Littelton , Cigler , Joan Crous

International Glass Art Mei-

or Leperlier , among others.


In one of the galleries had the

We arrived by air to the host city of the European Parliament on the 17th and the next day in the afternoon we attended the inauguration ,

opportunity to meet and chat with the artist of Colombian origin , but settled in a village near Strasbourg, William Velasquez.

Our general impression is that we have found a big difference in terms of the artistic quality of some works on the other . It also has drawn attention to some works of great artistic quality were exposed to some debatable prestige gallery ,

greeting and congratulating

William was formed for two

while other lower quality galle-

ESGAA President , Mr.

years at the School of Fine

ries were located in much bet-

Schmoll , for organizing this

Arts of the Colombian capital

ter located.


and moved to Strasbourg to

Mr. Schmoll recalled our visit in the previous edition of the Biennale and was glad to see

pursue his studies for four years at the School of Decorative Arts.

us again in this year.

On our Facebook page you can see the pictures we have taken of the works we've seen.

Página 6

Feasibility Plan for FCNV.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

The Board of Trustees National

It has also established a priori- Tech Museum of Glass , craft

Glass Centre ( FCNV ) has ap-

ty to work in R + D + i and

proved the feasibility plan pre- FCNV promoting tourism at sented by the School of Indus- national and international letrial Organization ( EOI ) , a

vels through various agree-

state entity under the Ministry

ments and conventions.

of Industry, Energy and Tourism in July 2013 assumed management institution based in La Granja ( Segovia ). The viability plan includes re-

manufacturing , residence and school. The Board of Trustees is chaired by the president of the council of Segovia , Francisco

The Strategic Plan , approved Vazquez , and counts among by the Board on October 15

its patrons with five representa-

and presented by the CEO of

tives of the Government of

EOI , Fernando Bayon, vision is Spain , five representatives of the creation of a socio-

the Junta de Castilla y León ,

duced costs and increased re- economically valuable space as well as the Mayor of the Civenue for the year 2014 with

around the glass , supported

the aim of achieving financial

by the " sustained and secular so.

balance in subsequent years .

experience," replace the Ro-

EOI sources have told Europa

yal Glass Factory of La Granja

Press that thanks to him as well as a national and internatioas the efforts of employers , the FCNV will catch up

nal industry.

ty of Royal Site of San Ildefon-

EOI Foundation took in July FCNV management in order to substantiate its viability and ensure the promotion , deve-

The same sources have stres-

lopment, education , research

sed that the hallmarks of this

and dissemination of crafts-

Foundation are innovation ,

manship and history of glass

training and technological

manufacturing and other artis-

Once given the green light ,

development , collaboration

tic and cultural activities rela-

the meeting focused on the

and interaction with all actors ted scientific technique and

implementation and execu-

in the glass sector , the pro-

tion of the strategic plan.

motion of the heritage of Cas-

"immediately " with all outstanding payment obligations , both employees and suppliers.

The execution of works in the building to ensure the conservation and adaptation to the regulations and to prepare it to the needs of the new museum , are the most immediate projects.

tilla y León, the efficient application of resources and alignment with international trends. The strategic objectives are aligned presented around four units that reinforce each other and seek to create synergies development : the

art glass. This task of management is part of the Commission for the Reform of Public Administration of the Government of Spain and intends to relaunch the FCNV to repositioning its products nationally and internationally.

Página 7

November 2013

Line of research: Inclusions (XIX).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo.

envision an area where the

Is a short glass fiber (about 10

In Fig. 1 fragment of a work

dust can be removed once

cm in length and 7 to 15 mi-

which has been used with

cooked pumice work.

crons in diameter ) for use in

mixed green mica blue enamel ( in the deepest layer , with the texture of a net ) and silver mica powder mixed with

used as a component separator or mold : one of the mate-

isolation , in the form of blanket , which has been frayed disunited into fibers.

rials ensures that the glass has

Can be used alone, in which

a contact surface with the

case leaves a visible whitish or

base brighter and smooth.

color impregnated.

In Fig. 2 , there has been an

A very subtle effect is achie-

Powdered pumice or pumici-

inclusion of ground pumice

ved by introducing the fiber in

ta is a silica compound trioxi-

between two glasses.

colored ceramic glaze , pow-

transparent glass in the outer Volume II — Number 60

The opposite occurs when


de and aluminum trioxide , among other components : 71 % SiO2, 12.8 % Al2O3 , 1.75 % Fe2O3, 1.36 % CaO , 3.23 %

The dust is inside, has an opaque and dense. In Fig. 3 , the dust is removed

Na2O , K2 3.83 % , 3.88 % H2O. through a slit to which shaped Its softening point around 900 ° C , so it can be considered a refractory material. The temperature used to melt glass (less than 900 ° C ) fails

the pumice put between the two panes. The result is an air bubble , whose edges are still some traces of dust.

to melt.


This material as interesting as

Lines and frames can be

separator and to make molds

achieved inside the glass

is unattractive as an inclusion . using this material. Between two glasses always has a dry earthy and plastic effect , especially when brought in a large amount , if put in the glass surface , it is rough, matte opacificada. However, a void volume can be achieved inside the glass, a pseudo - long air bubble we

For use in small proportions because they can create stress areas to defer expansion coefficient with float glass and other special types of glass melting. The fiber used in the tests listed below has produced tensions.

der dry. You can also get yourself a stronger effect : you just have to dilute ceramic glaze soak in water and fiber in the mixture. The drawback , however , is that it increases the thickness of the fiberglass, and it is more frequent to small air bubbles formed , therefore , must take this possibility into account in designing the work to incorporate these air forms the final result. Yet it is important to let the enamel which gives color to the fiber to dry thoroughly before insertion between two glasses , to prevent water from causing the formation of bubbles or white areas after cooking.

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Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

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Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

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Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

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Activities on the MAVA. XIII Semana de la Ciencia.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

From 12 to November 16, 2013 Schools : 12, 13 , 14 and NoThe Science Week XIII of the Community of Madrid, will be

Reservations are required by

vember 15, 10 to 14.

calling 91 112 76 30 .

Engraving on glass, visit the

The museum tour will be on

the 10th year in which we par- museum and the Glass Maze,

Wednesday 13 , Thursday 14


scientific glass blowing exhibi-

and Friday 15 to 19h. Saturday


16 at 12pm.

Bookings on 911 127 632.

Reservations on 91 112 76 30.

The theme of this edition is " Research , participation, progress."

General Public: 13, 14 , 15 and In addition, the Castillo Cultural Center Small (behind the A classic activities and guided November 16. MAVA) joins the celebration of tours, workshops for students The scientific glassblowing , by the International Year of the and families , this year as new, Emilio Elvira blower technician. Sphere Cooperation UN Wawill have a Technical Scientific ter, scheduling an activity with Glass Blowing, Faculty of Che- Wednesday 13 , Thursday 14 mistry, Complutense University and Friday 15 hours 10-14 and 17-20. of Madrid. Moreover, it has built a " Glass

On Saturday the 16th from

Maze ", a treasure hunt where

10:30 to 14:30 h .

the students will have to discover materials chemistry glass. From the Museum have scheduled a large number and variety of activities for all ages and types of audiences: schools, families, adults in a group, etc.

To see the blower is not necessary to book in advance.

experiments, models and demonstrations on water behavior, qualities, functions and overall water cycle in the nature. With the collaboration of Collective Vitrium, Alart Associa-

Workshops for families will be

tion and the Faculty of Che-

on Thursday 14 ( magic bot-

mistry, Complutense University

tles ) and Friday 15 ( engraving of Madrid. on glass), in two shifts : from 17 -18 h and 18-19 h .

Página 12

Dialogues Exhibition: Painting and photography.

After the first exhibition of "Dialogues" in which the sculpture with other types of materials represented the view that some artists had parts MAVA collection, the Museum presents a second relationship works through painting and photography .

Other Images

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Other Images

Página 13

Projects for the National Glass Centre.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

An open, transparent and modern. This is the challenge that has been labeled the new direction of the National Glass Centre Foundation ( CNV ) for the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja. Since last summer, the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI ) took over management of the Foundation, its new director, Emilio Cabanes , has started working to make this museum space , training and production , in a national and international glass sector. "We have a very powerful museum , which currently receives about 40,000 visitors a year , and thought it may be leverage for other activities. It is open as a museum , more experiential , more modern , and for that we have the support of the Ministry of Culture, to rework the museum and museum discourse that makes it possible that reality , "says Emilio Cabanes. In his opinion, this vocation of openness is also applicable to other working areas of the Royal Glass Factory , the Glass School and artisanal production.

The director insists that the school is open , " and this year more than ever , with the participation of the multinational SGD among its faculty."

grated project that has excited the entire group . "

One of the first projects to be undertaken by the new management of CNV Foundation " And within the calling to is the incorporation of the Roopen the school activity , yal Glass Factory of the Spawhat has been done is to add nish Network of Tourism Indusentities and institutions that try ( RETI ) . we have much to say in the In a few days , according to world of glass education ," he the head of the CNV , the says. project started officially, with the CNV as a member. This opening also passes " This is another tourism boost . through collaboration with We have an industry to be companies and training with practical commitments . " We seasonally adjusted , and enwant to become a national hance domestic tourism , not and international , and all tho- only in summer and sun in that se people who are trained in aspect, the Royal Glass Factothis sector have their basis in ry has a lot to say. Spaces like the CNV formation ." this can create a lot of interest, both for visitors and for our In terms of production , the country from abroad", he objective is to value the tradisaid. tional manufacturing eighteenth century style blown glass. Emilio Cabanes had an impact on the opening of the Emilio Cabanes stresses that CNV " we are very interested workers Glass Factory " are an because it is an ideal platform example of professionalism for us, a magnificent showcaand commitment , like all instise . We want the Royal Glass tutions , the City Council of Factory again be known , and the Royal Place , the council, is accessed within all cultural and the rest , we have taken and tourist itineraries". with open arms . The project is understood to be his, an inte-

Página 14


Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

As in previous years , the first

pants in last year's edition has

They told us the difficulties they

weekend in October opened

gone to four in this year.

are going through to get ahe-

FARCAMA the XXXIII edition of the Craft Fair of Castilla La Mancha in Toledo.

Also in this edition have moved the booths of artisans of the Fair to the outdoor terrace

This year , due to the ongoing

of the Army Museum , reser-

crisis affecting both public en-

ving the central courtyard of

tities as the guild of crafts-

the Museum for institutional

men , the number of partici-


pants has continued to decline compared to previous years.

We followed noting absences, among others, Montse Fogliati , Antonio de la Torre , Mark

Of a total of about 160 arti-

Arcos , Ana Ubeda , Natalia

sans that we saw last year has

Benchoam , Vitrale , etc.

been about 80 this year.

ad in the midst of the economic crisis so extensive in time we suffer , and have been expectantly at the result that come in the transfer of the fair from the fairgrounds to the Museum Army. It's still a shame that this important craft fair is so drastically reducing the number of its exhibitors , since the quality of our craftsmen is extraordinary and it is necessary that the pu-

We were able to greet Isaac

blic can enjoy their work

The glass sector has been no

Perez -of deCristalia- Juan

through the products displa-

exception. In about six partici-

Moreno - for Moreno Grisailles- ying. to Laly and Emilio.

PĂĄgina 15

Bellotti in La Granja.

View images

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


The Royal Glass Factory at La Granja ( Segovia ) opened last October, the exhibition ' fractions ' of the sculptor , painter , draftsman and writer Evaristo Bellotti, which presents objects of different materials at different times : Whole , broken or even reduced to a pile of dust.

der , expresses three moments The materials used in the ' fracof his identity. tions ' are treated as if they partake of the properties of But there is a fourth possibility , hardness and brittleness of which is the ' Fractional ' try to glass , which explains their exexperience Bellotti. posure in the windows of the room lights Tech Museum of " When the restorer reconstructs the broken glass bottle Glass. and repositions each part in The exhibition will be from place, looking back to its oriTuesday to Friday , Sunday ginal shape . If successful, it The show, which can be seen and holidays from 10.00 to may be said that with the resin the Halls of Lights Glass 15.00 and Saturday from 10.00 toration has recovered the Technological Museum until to 18.00. bottle largely , if not entirely , December 15 , aims to bring The artist its true form . not so in Fracthe viewer a direct experientions " , sources from the Royal ce of the shape of objects , Born in Algeciras in 1955 , BeFactory. not only glass but also of pallotti moved to Madrid to comper, plastic , shells egg , eartThus, influence in the ' Fracplete his training. henware or cardboard. tions ' Andalusian sculptor proFrom the 80 , emerged among ceeds in an alternative way , A glass bottle found on the the most outstanding sculptors reclassifying first and then mabeach serves paradigmatic of the time. nipulating the pieces of glass object of this experience. bottle with other criteria. His work from classical antiquiThe object, says the artist , apty through the use of fragment Thus, when the artist proceeds pears with a clear and distinct and motifs inspired by mytto reconstruct something else when it preserves its integrity. hology and Mediterranean eswith the remaining parts of sence. When it breaks, its original the original bottle , the shape form survives in the broken that emerges is not duplicaEnrolled in Post- Modernity, has parts or disappears complete- ted in the same way , but the endeavored to renew the lanly , depending on the degree report. guages of sculpture. of disintegration of the fragThis unprecedented form His work has toured many ciments. new, is one of many possible , ties in Spain , Europe and The glass bottle itself , whole , radically different from the ori- North America . in pieces or reduced to pow- ginal and of itself.

Página 16

Nativity, of Archímedes Seguso (I).

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Article by Maria Josefa Almagro. MNAD.

oblivious to these issues , some glassmakers of Murano in the

The National Museum of De-

data on the artist who crea-

corative Arts has a nice Birth

ted the work.

glassware made by the fa-

Archimedes Seguso was born

wer , part designer , sculptor

in 1909 into a renowned fami-

and researcher of glass, crea-

ly of glassmakers of Murano.

ting his own techniques and

mous Archimedes Seguso , Murano 1950s was composed of eight figures that belong to one and the same set , plus another eight representing angels in different poses des-

In 1932 , from the famous Art Glass Barovier , Barovier Napoleone , Antonio Seguso

cribed here also with the abo- with their children and L. ve because of its subject, but Olympius Ferro, founded the as we shall see are somewhat

factory of his father. There he worked on as a blo-

always trying to improve the product and the artistic quality of the glasses. One of his specialties was the creation of many different ani-

Soffieria and vetreria Ferro Ba- mal figurines made of glass rovier - Seguso and for a time

called " massiccio " or solid ,

was also a collaborator Alfre-

heavy glass very nonacentista

same firm.

do Barbini fellow teacher and

colors and style , which some-

The eight figures were acqui-

Artistic Director of the famous

times took dough in gold foil

Vittorio Zecchin.

powder , which gave the sa-

different in color and style and even may not be of the

red at birth Mrs . Trinidad Garcia del Cid through the Minis-

In 1934 Flavio Poli replace Ze-

try of Education and entered

chin in office.

the National Museum of De-

When in 1934 Barovier Ferro

corative Arts in Madrid in 1955 by a Ministerial Order of 03/28/1955.

and leave the firm , it becomes the property of the Seguso family and renamed Art

me qualities and particular aspect. These figures designed , blown and shaped by hand by the artist, were very popular among the public and sometimes imitated by other glass-

The figurines of angels do not

Glass Seguso.

have the same source or ci-

Archimedes , born as within

Archimedes received the title

this family of glassmakers as-

of " master of animals " .

ted in this OM. The museum lacks accurate data on admission to the institution, but even if belonging to the same birth we do after

sets , learned his trade in the furnace of his father and from his childhood , barely 11 years , enthusiastically devoted

a detailed description of them his life and his future creativity along with the others, but first to this art, becoming the 17 we want to give the reader

years in one of the younger

works on the island , so long

Maybe learn the technique of self Barbini who in turn had worked with Napoleone Martinuzzi , which along with Ercole Barovier were best known specialists in this type of esculturillas .

Página 17

Factory New Baztan (III).

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Página 18

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

N E W S (I).

 Congratulations, Maria Eugenia!.

On 7 page turned six.

It generated a very wide network

that contribute to the glass

of contacts that benefited all.

sector growth.

nia Diaz de Vivar created with

It is a space that gives visibility

This video was shown at the

Glass Objects blog in order to

and disseminates art glass curren-

VII Jornades of Glass of Ando-

gather and have a clear and or-

tly in an active, not only virtual,

rra on 6 October last, where

derly all the information found on

but with more than 40 events or-

she was invited to participate

the Internet and that had fasci-

ganized during the first six years.

to discuss the blog: "Objects

On October 7, 2007 Maria Euge-


Maria Eugenia thanks everyone

The space grew and she with

for escort and hopes to continue


to grow and create more events

with Glass, the first blog in Contemporary Glass speaking".

Culture 2013.

This past October, and leveraging our visit to the Biennale of Glass in Strasbourg, visited the Museum of Fine Arts. Located on the first floor of the Palais Rohan , the Museum of Fine Arts in Strasbourg displays a fascinating overview of the history of painting in Europe , from its beginnings to the 1870s , through a multitude of canvases Italian, French , Spanish , Flemish and Dutch . The early Italian and Flemish are

here represented by Giotto, Memling. The Renaissance and Mannerism are reflected in the works of Botticelli , Raphael, Veronese , Lucas of Leyden and The Greco.Barroco , Naturalism , Classicism and the XVII and XVIII are manifested through paintings by Rubens , Vouet , Zurbarán , " La Belle Strasbourgeoise " of Largillière , Canaletto , Tiepolo and Goya.Las Delacroix , Chassériau , Corot and Courbet , will reali-

ze , for its part, the evolution of painting during the nineteenth century. In 1801 , at the initiative of Napoleon Bonaparte , created the Museum of Fine Arts with the order to receive shipments of the State. From 1890 , Wilhelm von Bode , Director of the Museums of Berlin , recasts the collection, which had been completely destroyed during the siege of Strasbourg , 1870.

N E W S (II).

Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Página 19

With the concert held on Sep-

ding suffered by the Conser-

tember 20th will begin ente-

vatory "Teresa Berganza" of

ring the last quarter of this year Madrid which informed the of our activity "Concerts in the

soprano Marta del Barrio that


the concert had suspended.

The concert we had planned

The next day, November 15

last October 25 had to discon- we will have a new concert in

ded in concert last October. As in most of our programming, the collaboration of the Fundación Miguel Angel Colmenero is essential to develop the concerts, and they know and lend their support to nu-

tinue with the public and in

the Auditorium of the Museum merous groups of performers.

the room for a misunderstan-

where we expect the same soprano participating suspen-

See you on the 15th.

Reciclamadrid 2013. ven a new step, participating in events and activities in Spain and in other European capitals throughout the year. To celebrate its fifth anniversary edition Reciclamadrid the V moves to Madrid Centre and will be held in Atocha Neomudejar, Vanguard Arts Center in partnership with ADIF. They will have as guest with Italy through two associations, and Remmade Riscarti.

After the success in 2012, with over 17,300 visitors and 2,476 participants in the Ecoworkshops, performances, installations, films and seminars,

Reciclamadrid in 2013 celebrates its fifth anniversary under the motto "Art breaks down barriers" and are ready to make this a year when gi-

The event will open on November 4 and will be open until the 17th. On Saturday, the 9th, the evening glass artists intervene Nutopia group.

Página 20

The glass in Museums: Meisenthal.

Our web

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

After the extinction of Soucht glass factory in 1700 , a group of glassmakers in 1702 obtained the approval of Duke Leopold I of Lorraine to settle in Meisenthal . Meisenthal is a French commune in the region of Lorraine, Moselle department in the district of Sarreguemines and Bitche Canton . The first glass of the new factory are the brothers Jean Martin , Jean Nicolas and Stephen Walter , Martin and Sébastien Stenger Burgun , come factory five Soucht . Rebuilt every building in the glass factory during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries , occupy the heart of the village . Behind the homes, the old administration building with its roof fairing , is occupied by the glass museum since 1979. The building was built in 1813 address ( the date indicated on the pass door ) . In the background, the great hall, built in 1920 and renovated in 1965 , is the last stage of the expansion of the plant before final stops in 1969. The old workshop built in 1859 is a long building and perfora-

ted angle with fireplace , arched windows on two levels, the characteristics of the nineteenth -century industrial architecture .

ziers, created on the initiative of the Regional Park of the Northern Vosges , allows the art glass to find success in their work.

Present achievements and prestige projects signed by St. Louis , René Lalique, Burgun Schwerer , Émile Gallé and acThe shafts and pulleys, wheels quisitions in the Art Nouveau that powered the workshop style , as well as two beautiful are still preserved . bowls made for the wedding Inside the hall , several annea- of plant manager Meisenthal ling furnaces , unemployed by Désiré Christian . since 1969 remain in force. These cups have been recenOne of them, built around tly acquired by the museum at 1960 , runs on gas . It has twel- an auction in New York. ve refractory clay pots in Located near the house of which glassmakers took the crystal and glass , the Centre posts to make their pieces. International d' Art Verrier is a The house of the master glass- unique production , display , maker Walter Martin , built in transmission of knowledge, 1803 and located at the encreation and discovery . trance of glassmaking , is proIt works for the preservation of tected as a historical monuthe traditional skills of glassmament since 1996 . It is closed king and glass room , real into the public. dustrial cathedral , exposed Located in one of the buileach year various contempodings of the old glass factory rary artworks . since 1981 , the House of glass You can watch the glassbloand glass covers the various wers at their activity, especiastages of the manufacture of lly during the holiday season, glass . in which visitors are thousands Glass reflects the ancient tra- of Christmas balls made with dition of the Bitche region , traditional craft form . while the training school glaThe interior is divided into two floors , and the floors are supported by iron columns .

Página 21

Olafur Eliasson. A view becomes a window.

View video

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Berlin, Germany , 2013 .

Because they are handma-

Viewed against the opaque

Editing only nine books and

de , the edges of the leaves

background of the book, the

are irregular and each copy

pages act as mirrors , but

has the imperfections of their

however, when the light shines


through them , the effect

The volumes , landscape for-

created is dichromatic translu-

two artist's proofs. Height: 75 cm Width: 58 cm Depth: 17 cm ( closed book ) Height: 135 cm

mat , are read with comfort

Width: 60 cm

when resting on a lectern .

Depth: 100 cm ( stand )

The book, whose size is remi-

A wiew Becomes a window ,

niscent of an atlas , is full of

Olafur Eliasson , created to Ivorypress , is a unique edition of nine books . Instead of pages , books, bound in leather , containing a variety of sheets of glass of different colors , qualities and degrees of opacity . The pages are made of hand blown glass in the center of Waldsassen Glashütte Lamberts (Germany ) , one of the few glass factories capable of producing high-quality sheets

illuminations : the light is reflected , refracted and conducted by glass pages .

cency , which reflects light with a color that complements that of the glass. Ellipses and circles , straight cut in some of the glass sheets , face frame while reader turns the pages .

When turning pages , layers of In the multiple reflections of the book, look at how your colored glass create a multitude of reflections , so that the viewer becomes the pro-

own image slides and fades between pages and how it

tagonist of the narrative fun to grows out of them with crystal clarity . speculate . Dichroic glass , used in the first ' A view Becomes a window ' , was exposed in Ivorypress , and last page , it creates a shimmering effect that intensi- Madrid, from 19/09/2013 to fies the experience of the ob- 28/09/2013 . server .

of this material.

Página 22

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

 The stained glass of the Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos) (IV).

Del Boletín de la SECV.

heterogeneous so intercon-

The inner sides of the glasses


nected that virtually covering

had a better condition.

3.1 Morphological Analysis

(Fig. 1a, 1b) .

All samples showed signs of a deep surface change .

the entire surface of the glass

Also craters and pinholes we-

In many cases, only small pits were observed and poor corrosion deposits accumulation

re observed (Fig. 1a , upper ) , (Fig. 2a , 2c) .

In general, the outer faces of

also often interconnected

the glass fragments ( outside

tanks filled crusts like appea-

the building oriented ) condi-

rance .

tion showed much poorer

In some samples , as in the

ved the appearance of irides-

case of colorless glass M- 5,

cent thin layers (Fig. 2b ), so-

the crusts had a whitish color

metimes covering almost the

than the corresponding internal faces ( oriented inside the building) .

However, some samples showed signs of increased surface change , in which we obser-

(Fig. 1c ) , while in others, as in entire surface (Fig. 2d ), which

The surface morphology of

the case of colorless glass -

the glass , which in normal sto- green M-7 (Fig. 1d ) , the rage conditions should appe- crusts were much darker and ar almost smooth , made

compact .

numerous changes as strongly The appearance of these adherent crusts , whose color scabs indicates that may be and length is variable depen-

can be attributed to the formation layer of silica gel. Said layers form after a process of surface dealkalization of the glasses when they are subjected to a high percenta-

formed by an accumulation

ge of relative humidity in sta-

of insoluble salts from the co-

tionary conditions , as it takes

On the outer faces of the

rrosion products underlying

place in the interior of buil-

glass forming appreciated

glass .

dings when condensation of

ding on the sample .

crusts abundant dark brown

water vapor are frequent and prolonged.

Página 23

Recycling. They screw Bottles.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

We're going to Barcelona to

fied reclaimed and reused

tion of elaborate tables using

visit Tati Guimarães a Brazilian

glass bottles .

glass bottles reused , in this link

designer that resides there and whose striking coffee tables recycling have captured our attention . She has been awarded numerous times for his interesting projects that seek to generate maximum sensory impact and minimal environmental impact. Specialist in modern design ,

As can be seen in the images,

as in this one.

Guimarães became glass

We, of course, we rejoice and

bottles on the legs of their ta-

make us think this kind of initia-


tives that will create useful and

" When I design beyond functionality , beauty and sustainability. Seeking versatile design objects that convey a message , to interact with

eye-catching elements through recycling and invite all to seek your own ways to give new life to our domestic glass containers .

people, excited and invite re-

Also Green igloos on the stre-

flection , "explains the creator

ets are waiting for them to de-

in 2012 took his collection Divi- Brazilian who heads the de-

posit bottles , glass jars and

nus , consisting of an impressi-

bottles we want disposal and

ve array of tables made from pine wood tables and certi-

sign studio Ciclus . You can read more information and pictures of his collec-

recycling .

PĂĄgina 24

Glasses hispanic-roman.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


In the stately mansions of Ro-

East (Egypt , Syria and Palesti-

man villas tableware used a

ne ) . But from the first century from northern Gaul and the

refined character .

BC , the diffusion of the blo-

The glasses and silver fountains reserved for special occasions : receptions banquets and Mr. gave his friends and clients.

wing technique allowed the containers of this material could make more easily , lowering its cost , what made them affordable to large sections of the Roman popula-

Every day , they used ceramic tion . and glass containers . The glass workshops spread The latter, by its very fragile , throughout the provinces of often appear in the villages

the Empire and the dishes of

reduced to tiny fragments .

this material became a com-

However, the custom of depositing in the tombs oint-

mon household product of the Romans .

tion , which were imported Rhine area. The vessels presented the Museum of Valladolid in the temporary exhibition " Roman Villas of Valladolid" : jars with handle or flared hemispherical bowls , urns globular , phials and ointment of narrow neck , goblets, " cruets " ... are made of green glass yellowish . Type containers are simple , because they come from rural cemeteries in which were buried rustic villas workers valliso-

ments and perfumes , as well

Bowls , cups and , to a lesser

letanas the end of the Roman

as meats and food for the

extent , plates, went into pro-

period .

journey to the afterlife , has

duction with very simple tech-

allowed us as were the glass

niques in glass of mediocre

vessels that the Romans used

quality .

to eat, drink and keep your perfumes. The organoleptic qualities of glass allowed them to serve and drink wine and not alter the taste of it , and save without these oily substances evaporate or impregnate , which passed with ceramic vessels .

product imported from the

cropolis del Duero " ( although today the better to speak of

Despite this, not without de-

cemeteries contain graves

coration , consisting usually in

with grave goods " type Si-

a few lines or frosted stripes .

mancas -San Miguel del Arro-

Some vessels show a more elaborate ornamentation based depressions or with threads and applied glass cabochons . There were also containers

At first , the glass was a luxury

It is in times of so-called " Ne-

most sumptuous and expensive , with engraved decora-

yo " ), precisely because the cemeteries located in these populations vallisoletanas deposits were first this kind to be investigated. The temporary exhibition will be open until the 9th of December this year .

Página 25

November 2013

 Our activities. In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2013.

 Cultural Tours. ke visible to the public the status of issues worked by the Centre as well as groups of the conclusions and pro-

Volume II — Number 60

posals for action that could be carried out to improve the projection of Spanish contemporary art internationally. On 27 and 28 November this

Horizons of Contemporary Art

It will be an open event to

month participate in the Sym-

in Spain, the Symposium with

be held at the National Mu-

posium to be held at the Mu-

the participation of different

seum Reina Sofia Art Center

seo de Arte Reina Sofia.

actors in the contemporary art and will be broadcast via scene today, and aims to ma- streaming on the Horizons

A year after the first meeting of


 Culture 2013 Programme. the year of his second trip to Rome, until his death. From this period are some of his most important paintings as 'Las Meninas'. They are works in which is seen as the Sevillian progressively abandons the realistic line to start his painting has been painted with 'bold touches that seem inconsistent from nearby, but very fair and accurate due to its distance', as indicated from the gallery. It is precisely this line so innovative that many years after decisively marked nineteenth century painters like Édouard Manet who studied his work closely.

In this november visit the exhibition "Velázquez and the family of Philip IV" at the Museo del Prado, Madrid. The most important portraits of Velázquez recent years in addition to those made in his environment and his disciples to show the importance and

evolution of portraiture in the Spanish court under the Sevillian painter's artistic reign. More than thirty works that make up this exhibition is a journey through the court portraits of Velázquez (Seville, 1599-Madrid, 1660) from 1648,

Besides the exhibition Velázquez has other portraits that were made in the Spanish court at that time, and other works of his disciples who continued their work after his death. Artists like Deck or Carreño who made their own contributions to the genre of portraiture in their depictions of Margaret of Austria Mariana of Austria or Charles II.

Página 26

Bloggers in La Granja.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Fashion Beer , Alhambra 1925 , has launched a new communication campaign they called "Art to discover."

They were able to take a tour of the Tech Museum of Glass , where they could learn the history of how it works and get This campaign intended to ex- this material in a very interespose artists and geniuses true ting and amusing talk . but not so popular disciplines Later they could see first hand such as music or sports. how the glass works hand of a For the occasion, led a group true virtuoso and Diego Rodriof bloggers to the Royal Glass guez, from catching a hot mass of molten glass until you Factory of La Granja. blow into shape and allowed

to cool to get the final product . They also had the luxury of being themselves which worked glass, and each of them could take home their own piece made by their own hands. To finish a perfect way to visit , eat at the restaurant could Paradores .

PĂĄgina 27

The Lycurgus Cup.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


The Lycurgus cup , exhibited in the British Museum , dating from the fourth century after Christ .

noparticles of between 50 and 100 nm. X -ray analysis determined the composition of them , gold and silver in proportion 7:3 .

His relief carving depicting the mythological legend of King Lycurgus and the triumph of DionyThese tiny particles are responsisus on this . ble for the optical properties of But hidden inside more than leglass. gends , secrets of what is considered the most technically sop- When light falls on small metal nanoparticles can excite the histicated glass before the moelectron cloud collectively , redern era . sulting dipole oscillations that Nanotechnology is probably decay on time scales of 10-100 one of the biggest milestones of femto - seconds (Fig. 2) . the past decades. This movement is called resoThe explosion of technology has nance localized surface plasallowed modern man to work mon ( LSPR for its acronym in Enwith systems in a hundred and glish) . one billion times smaller than a meter , where materials come to This interaction with light produces different colors depending particular properties. on the composition , shape and But the beginning of nanotech- size of the nanoparticles. nology data, at least for 1700 This explains the green of the years and Lycurgus Cup is the glass, because silver nanopartiproof. cles and red to gold . The glass dichroic glass has properties ; reflects green light and But the most amazing thing of this glass is to observe the conditransmits red light (Fig. 1) . But tions necessary for its producwhat is this? tion : The color depends on the Chemical analysis of the glass precise concentration of nanoprovides the following composi- particles , and in turn those of tion : the silver-gold ratio ( 7:3 ) . soda-lime- silica (like most of the glass from Roman to present day ) , 0.5 % manganese, traces of other elements such as antimony, about 40 ppm gold and 300 ppm silver .

Is thought to be antimony (using at the time as bleach and opacifying glass ) present in a proportion of 0.3% , the reducing agent necessary for the formation of nanoparticles .

sample are key to the reduction of gold and silver and , consequently , the formation , morphology and size of the resulting nanoparticles . The glass molding temperature and reduce metals and the atmosphere is also presumed to process keys. Plasmon metallic nanoparticles gives an extreme sensitivity to the local environment , causing changes in its refractive index (RI) . The application of such property, which is nothing more than a sophisticated evolution of the Lycurgus cup , allows excellent use as biosensors. This property provides the possibility of , for example, quantifying the antigen-antibody binding and kinetics , measuring the concentration of ligands or determine the molecular weight of the metabolite together. Fig. 3 shows one of the possible configurations of sensors based on optical properties of the nanoparticles of gold and silver . The process is carried out by passing a beam of laser light on a prism on which is deposited one gold nano-surface which are anchored highly specific recognition molecules (generally antibodies).

Binding to a specific ligand changes the angle of incidence of the light beam refracted on Transmission electron microscoThe oxidation reduction potenpy revealed the presence of na- tial of the different species in the the detector.

Página 28

Other trends. Painting Prize.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

In the Berlin Hamburger Bahnhof, coinciding with the week in which art - fair takes place abc , focusing on emerging production , and in which galleries and museums inaugurated - season , was released , with a significant deployment of resources the winning name Preis der Nationalgalerie für Junge Kunst , an award that seeks to spread the production of artists under forty years , of any nationality , who reside and develop his work in Germany .

The winner, Mariana Castillo Devall , already has an important trajectory since has participated in the Venice Biennale , Mercosur , Lyon and São Paulo .

zers , combining indigenous identity symbols with the invader.

Alongside the work of Castillo Deball shown that of the other three finalists , Kerstin Bratsch His work addresses issues rela- used experimentally pictorial ted to colonialism and intermedium and from a psycholosect it social, cultural and poli- gical standpoint , using diffetical rights emanating rerearent media , such as paper , ding critical forms of history , glass or transparencies , where served for the work now prelight becomes the determining sented forms of domination factor. exerted on pre-Columbian Alongside this work perceptual populations - in the reconsorder , Haris Epaminonda extruction of the first large-scale plores the moving image The four nominees were the map of the Aztec city of Tethrough a fragmented languaCypriot Haris Epaminonda , nochtitlan conducted by ge , stories nonlinear integrate Germany's Kerstin Brätsch , Hernán Cortés in 1524 , later their videos that talk about New Zealander Simon Denny printed in Nuremberg , as if it cultural identity from a more and Mexican Deball Mariana were a huge carpet covering emotional than political. Castillo , whose works were the entire floor of the room , presented in an exhibition that made of wood and evoking Far from this language places will run until January próxithe woodcut method used in the work of the Zealander Siprinting that map , Castle De- mon Denny , focusing on the mo12 in the HB . ball uses that path to put in it analysis of media and where The jury was composed , elements that play costumes dissected the signs , slogans among others, experts like Okand costumes used in carniand gestures present in the wui Enwezor , Luis Pérez- Oraval parties still areas of Mexico speeches emanating from the mas , Udo Kittelmann and Kitand Morelos , where traditions media. ty Scott . merge Aztecs with the coloni-

PĂĄgina 29

The Czech glass industry.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


The Czech glass industry recorded a revival. Thanks to have oriented towards a new range and the use of new technologies, managed to recover from the deep crisis that affected him for about four years and its products are now exported to various parts of the world. About 4 or 5 years is provided to the glass industry in the Czech Republic . The interest of customers for glass products was declining sector and several companies had to close , and that the market was flooded with cheap glass products from Asia.

" The Czech glass industry is currently well off unlike other European countries where this sector recorded a marked reduction in the profits and forced to lay off many of the workers. In the Czech Republic the opposite occurs in the last two years , increasing profits and seek new professionals. The crisis affected the glass sector in a very strong, his fall was sudden , so that the current boom is all the more obvious. "

path. Many people do not even record that certain products are made of glass . " The product offering is really varied and includes screens for phones and computers , mirrors , chandeliers , packaging for yogurt and milk as well as for example, elements of luxury automotive glass and glass jewelry. Many of the products are for export .

Several African countries deThe measures applied in the manded Czech glass beads glass sector that led to its refor making necklaces traditiocovery lies in the radical chan- nal African popular , these ge in the supply of products being higher quality than thoand the use of entirely new se made in Asia. technologies for manufactuHowever, the sector is not In the Czech glass industry cucompletely gone , and thanks ring, says Vlastimil hotar . rrently employed some 17,500 to new ideas, excellent profes"The main change lies in what people. sionals and the long history of is manufactured . In the early the glass industry in the counnalysts predict that the indusnineties , typical supply glass try, it soon recovered and betry will soon need more techniproducts including jewelery , gan to flourish , says Vlastimil cians, workers and other highly decorative and industrial . In hotar , Technical University of qualified personnel , which in 2012 the production focused Liberec , who recently presenthis country , with a long tradion technical glass , ie , glass ted a detailed sector study tion window should not be a fiber , flat glass and packaconfirming his words . problem. ging , and continue along that

Página 30

The glass in the Episcopal Palace of Segovia.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

The Bishop's Palace Museum of Segovia has been opened in a building historic late eighteenth century , residence of the bishops of the diocese until 1969 , located in the Plaza de San Esteban of the capital, a few meters from the Plaza Mayor , and remained closed for nine years . The museum occupies the first floor of the building , the furniture, together with its distribution and original function is preserved . The collection consists of three sets, one of the Zuloaga ceramic , glass and other glass from the Royal Factory of La Granja and a third of religious art of the Diocesan Museum of Segovia.

The exhibition is organized chronologically by periods or styles .

green glass and carved golden . Empire period (1815-1833)

Baroque Period (1727-1787)

Work of singular importance Laguna- Lomillos The collecdisclosed in the sample is a tion features important exam- glass plate églomisé , engraples from this era , we highved on gold signed by Salvalight several jars , glasses and dor Duchen framing the bust cups engraved and gold , a of Queen Mother Elizabeth briefcase with all necessary Frances Braganza , wife of Ferglasses inside to make a " stop dinand VII . Also highlight sevealong the way " , a major spi- ral lamp - spiders and other der lamp , and several cornu- cobalt blue glass pieces of copias . unique beauty. Classicist Period (1787-1810)

This exhibition brings together a number of pieces enameled and gold of this era , some of which exceptional quality and gold glazes such as the golden cup of the Infanta Maria Amalia and several gaThe glass sample , which brings rrafillas and glazed vessels together nearly 300 works, is a with bucolic scenes and other tribute to the work of collecfloral motifs. ting for years played the employer Segovia Eleuterio Lagu- We also emphasize its exceptional rarity garrafilla emerald na .

Historicist Era ( 1833- late XIX century ) The collection shows several glasses and souvenir glasses engraved and decorated with motifs carved on their foreheads bearing commemorative motifs typical of the Palace of La Granja. Besides the famous opal enamelled with floral motifs that might be fashionable at this time .

PĂĄgina 31

Takahiro Kondo: Light and Water Sculptures.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


Water is a recurring element in use of solid materials .

panese for firefly, reminded

representations of different ar-

over 20,000 earthquake vic-

tists .

To achieve this effect , applies Kondo glass on porcelain figu-

The fluidity and transparency

res , to later use drops of silver,

of the liquid has tried to cap-

gold and platinum on objects

tured in more than one work ,

of different shapes .

but never with as much fidelity as Takahiro Kondo Sculptures . Kondo is the fourth in a family of potters recognized in Kyoto , Japan. His work has been fascinated by the realism with which transforms ceramic with a transparent element such as water movement through the

The result Reflections emerges in series , which shows that seem sculptures formed by

tims who were nine degrees on the northwest coast of Japan . The purpose of this facility is to make 20 000 figures representing each of the souls of the victims .

drops in danger of altering

Each glows in the dark and this

their shapes with light touch

glow comes from uranium

of wind.

glass placed in a square glass

In 2011 the artist wanted to pay tribute to victims of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Its first installation , Hotaru , Ja-

vase , which represents water contaminated with nuclear material used for the production of energy.

PĂĄgina 32

"Sounds of the fire".

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


The visual arts , painting , sculpture , volume , color , blended into an arpeggio of colors to bring Santander (Colombia) the exhibition " Sounds of Fire " by sculptor Daniel Castillo Santander .

les the glass at high temperatures to transform depending on what you want to achieve . Depending on what you are looking for, the temperature and baking time may vary . "

art using glass, not any artist does . "

Regarding Traditional Stained Glass explains that " as an artist simply cuts glass and unites it with lead solder. This technique is very flat because it allows voWith exquisite handling glass For colors using enamel or lumetric work , which is the diffusing technique , Castillo was metal oxides , and other glass ference with glass fusing . But in charge of an art exhibition and comes ready to melt , is also be achieved through flat that was at the height of musi- a processed glass in special volumes , as some I did for Garcal art XXX International Piano houses in the U.S. and Europe. den Hill about 18 years ago . " Festival in Prada Rafael Ardila In his workshop has several Through the glass normally maroom of the UIS. high-tech ovens where glasde plates, trays , handicraft " us Daniel Castillo Serrano is a ses are carried at temperatu- and tell us glassmakers artisans professional stained glass artist res ranging between 600 and and craftsman I am , but we and glassmaker born in Buca- 850 degrees Celsius. are all artists and artisans who want to say it's only artist, does ramanga. " Actually, in Colombia is unknot know what the story. His first steps with stained glass nown the use of glass and I and gave in Venezuela and think in some ways cultural en- When I returned to Canada I then traveled to different tities have relegated it becau- decided to finish this piece. countries to improve their se I do not know . I think that 's Three planes are actually piawhy , because in Europe and technique . nos , since I think at the festival, the United States is part glass For 8 years living and working and she gave the name to the art galleries accept them, any in their studies in Canada , exhibition : ' Sounds of fire ' . For gallery " . where he has received seveme it is one of the most beautiral Grants or cash provided by The shapes and creativity ful . the government to develop its The artist says: " I love the geo- I not only proposed that piece work on specific projects . metry. I have been studying they chose as a symbol ; also " The show that brought you contemporary art through ki- proposed three pieces , which here is molten glass or fused netic art , I delved into kinetic are pianos are piano scales . glass . A technique that hand-

Página 33

Tutankhamun awakens in New York.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

An exhibition of some of the

mains : where does this spe-

The work of Kramers , Block

objects found in the tomb of

cial glass ?

and colleagues is not limited

Tutankhamen expected reawaken interest in the young Egyptian pharaoh in New York , where a similar sample passions unleashed three decades ago.

A multidisciplinary team of South African scientists finally unraveled the secret of these glasses and thus , the first test was ever known of a comet impact on Earth.

Under the name " Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs " exhibition , presented by Exhibits at Discovery Times Square in Manhattan , New York gives the first opportunity since 1979 to me-

The results were published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters and presented at a conference at the

the sand , but it reveals an extraordinary find, a comet fragment that caused the phenomenon . His work has focused on a mysterious black pebble found an Egyptian geologist for years in a silica glass southwest of Egypt.

University of Witwatersrand

At first thought it might be of

South African .

an unusual type of meteorite ,

et with Egyptian treasures de-

There are many known cases

tail with which was buried the

of meteorite impacts on Earth.

legendary pharaoh.

to explain the crystallization of

but chemical analyzes performed on the stone discarded one by one all assumptions .

On the contrary , never found

It was not terrestrial carbon or A curious artifact in this exhibit remains of comets , except meteoritic rock , yet without for some dust particles at high is a beetle amid one glass question certain isotopes poinaltitudes in the atmosphere pendants Tutankhamun . ted to an extraterrestrial oriIt is a size that has interior ligh- and certain carbonaceous gin . residues in the ice of Antarctiting . The only place of origin of

ca .

such glass can be found in

"Comets always visit our skies ,

the Sahara desert.

are these dirty snowballs , ice

Scientists believe it may have originated from a meteorite that fell to earth in ancient times, but no crater to test this theory . So the mystery re-

mixed with dust. But never before in history has a comet

Was only one explanation at hand the first macroscopic specimen from the comet nucleus . Kramers excitedly recalls the

material found on Earth , "said moment : " It's the typical study co-author new David

scientific euphoria , when you

Block of Witwatersrand.

remove all other options and get convinced of what should be."

Página 34

How does.

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by François Daireaux.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Página 35

The glass in Ecuador.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

The Iranian sculptor Tarasieh

ting the rights not set " no pro- ke memory , personal history

Werle - Vahdat , presents his

gress in humanity " .

works in glass in the exhibition " A sea of light and mysteries."

Part of the exhibition is the ex- About the Artist hibition entitled " Our forests " ,

The sample consists of 50 pie-

which reflects the destruction

ces representing a variety of

of forests by human greed .

issues ranging from human rights to the rights of women

Technique and creativity

and their role in the promotion The sculptures are mostly made of glass using techniques of human creativity . For the artist , the intention to address these issues through art is to make a warning against the current situation in the world " even countries that claim to have human rights not being applied , there are countries where religious persecution very severe

and preserves the artist.

such as blown glass, fused

Werle - Vahdat Tarasieh born in Azerbaijan , Iran . His studies in arts were conducted at the Central University of Ecuador and then in the Glass Department of California College of Arts and Crafts ,

glass , glass paste , among ot- Oakland and Pilchuk School of hers that the artist has combi-

Glass , Stanwood , Washin-

ned with materials such as

tongton .

marble , stone and wood, which results in exquisite figures that create optical illu-

He came to Ecuador for over three decades.

sions, a mixture skill , dexterity

The exhibition has been to Qui-

and creativity.

to and from 1 October in Loja ,

as mine , "says Werle - Vahdat

Some of his other sculptures

and adds that while respec-

are abstract and figurative , but all touch enclose dreamli-

in the Museum of Archaeology and Lojanidad of UTPL , where he remained a month, then expected visit other cities.

Página 36

Verallia invests in its plant in Burgos.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Verallia , a subsidiary of Saint Gobain group leader in the production of glass containers for food and beverages continues to invest in innovation and sustainable development through the modernization of its factories. So , has filed with its major customers , suppliers and local authorities the new furnace and improvements at its plant in Burgos. D. Juan Vicente Herrera , president of the Junta de Castilla y Leon discovered the plaque commemorating the event with D. Emmanuel Auberger , CEO of Verallia Spain and Portugal and D. Ricardo Ramon , General Delegate of Saint Gobain to Spain , Portugal , Morocco , Algeria and Tunisia. D. Auberger Emmanuel said that " Verallia sector investment leads with about 70 million euros in the period 20122014. Such investments are intended to Verallia more competitive and more flexible , continuing its commitment to sustainable development. " The company has invested more than 6 million in Burgos intended to increase safety, quality and sustainability of the factory. His work consisted mainly in the melting furnace repair that feeds 4 of the 7 production lines.

Additionally, we have implemented a number of reforms in the facilities that make up the main areas of the process, such as Raw Materials, Fusion, Hot Glass (manufacturing) and Cold Glass ( inspection and palletizing ) .

wine and spirits bottles and accompanies the wine sector in their efforts to differentiate themselves and gain market share in international markets . Verallia

World leader in the fields of glass containers for wine, spirits The investment confirms our and food, occurs every year commitment to sustainable more than 25,000 million glass development Verallia , redubottles and jars for its more cing the consumption of virgin than 10,000 customers spread raw materials to optimize the over 46 countries around the ability to consume recycled world . glass , reducing the consumption of energy and fossil fuels It is the brand under which enand therefore minimizing CO2 compasses the activity of pacemissions to the atmosphere. kaging the Saint- Gobain Group worldwide. Moreover, these reforms enhance the ergonomics and In Spain , it is leader in its field safety of Burgos Verallia facili- and has six factories in the Ibeties and thus the working con- rian Peninsula. ditions of its workers , proviIt also has a joint- venture facding greater flexibility and tory in Telde, Gran Canaria , to agility in responding to their serve markets in the Canary customers. Islands. During the opening ceremony Verallia Spain is also the first was attended by local and consumer recycled glass Peregional authorities , as well as ninsula (known as cullet in this a significant number of custosector) . mers, especially in the wine world , who supported an ini- The high use of cullet a decisitiative that strengthens leave contribution to improving dership and ensures Verallia the environment , saving enerindustrial jobs and the presen- gy, raw materials and reduce of Castilla y León glass cing CO2 emissions to the atcompany adapted to local mosphere as well as waste needs , a key element of its that goes to landfills. industrial structure . Burgos Verallia factory is specialized in the production of

PĂĄgina 37

Guardian in Bilbao.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013


Llodio Guardian has manu-

It is a type of glass art with a

factured the glass of the new

neutral whose high-tech layer diation.

headquarters that will share

ensures high light transmission,

the Police and Fire Municipal

excellent thermal insulation

de Bilbao in Bilbao district Miri-

and an effective sunscreen .

billa .

rent wavelengths of solar ra-

Most of the infrared radiation , which would increase the temperature inside the building, is

This glass represents a revolu-

reflected to the outside, wit-

Once the work these days is

tion for its effects enhanced

hout restricting the passage of

witnessing the end of the mo-

thermal insulation , a perfect

light .

ve to the new building , a

combination of low emissivity

complex operation that invol-

and solar control to reduce

ves the relocation of nearly

heating costs in winter and air

800 municipal police , moving

conditioning in summer , allo-

your belongings and the trans- wing the passage of natural

Guardian Glass , a subsidiary of American Guardian Industries , is engaged in the manufacture and processing of glass.

fer of files and computers .


The new facility has two

Guardian and his glasses are

blocks linked by a bridge

synonymous with energy effi-

which occupy a total of

ciency for their contribution to

15,000 sqm plot in Miribilla .


Both have large windows with

And all thanks to a last gene-

dian , Guardian and Guardian

glass built Sunguard SN 70/41 ,

ration magnetron layer that

Express Tudela .

manufactured by Guardian.

discriminates between diffe-

From its headquarters in Llodio (Alava ) , managed the interests of the company in Spain , which are articulated into three companies: Llodio Guar-

Página 38

Expressing a medical (III).

November 2013

friends . I lent the car when I went to wash my clothes to laundry and grocery shopping . And the kinds of glass were as expected , "he recalls .

Volume II — Number 60

Learned new techniques and tools had a workshop and felt that the roles were reversed : now he sent to glass and glass to him. And that was reflected in his work. Penland School of Crafts In addition to Seattle , Dr. Saitua enrolled in a course at the prestigious Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina . Had Italian master classes with Emilio Santini . There were fellow artists hundred percent dedicated to art.

.. / .. The change in routine For Dr. Francisco Saitua have a passion leads to develop , study and improve . It means going where teachers, allocate time, resources and stop accumulating profits to gain in other areas and thus grow holistically.

Account that opened his mind and the things he did " were room, bathroom, kitchen and terrible next to the creativity of bicycle. " my fellow artists ." He says he understood some things without that trip would not have been possible. Among them , how bad they used the holiday , which could not disconnect from their work. In Seattle internet forgot to check the time and dropped the phone.

" Finding yourself at that age, at 48 years , two months alone with yourself , it is very rich. Disconnection and break him It was a distinct super routine . to a permanent state of menNo cell . He had a small apart- tal happiness . ment with living room, living "I was in another . With the hostess became very good

They helped him , drove him and took seriously their interest in learning . It was young people who did not know he was a noted surgeon in Chile. " I was one over there. I had this feeling that nobody cares if you arrive or not , that nobody cares if you said you did not say one thing or another . There had to be worried about the protocol. For me it was fantastic. " Those months are defined as " the luxury of my life."

Página 39

Smart glass in Israel.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Upon entering the elevator of

go transparent green so you

The crystals were then placed

Aish HaTorah in the Old City of can see what's inside without on a sheet and laminated betJerusalem , they never suspect opening the door waste ener- ween two pieces of ordinary you are about to experience the future of glass technology.

gy ) . Sheer seems to be right : The

But as it rises from the first to

company has just raised $ 4

the fifth and last floor , the

million British company Sollan-

glass , which can be cut up and sold in the same way as ordinary glass. The opacity dialing can be

walls are transformed gradua- ge Investments .

done through a device as sim-

lly and what seemed at first to

ple as a damper mounted on

be solid and opaque to completely transparent.

Sheer plan to use that money to open a factory in Israel for the production of its special

the wall or as a sophisticated touch screen unit with advanced synchronization options

When the elevator finally co-

liquid crystals and the first of

mes to a standstill on the roof

its kind in the Middle East . Al-

of the building, which is su-

so plans to double its current

The range of applications is

rrounded by crystal clear and

staff of ten to make way for


breathtaking view of the Wes-

the new line .

tern Wall .

Hotel rooms and cars

The glass used in the transformation of Aish HaTorah lifts liquid crystal consists art developed by Diaphanous, an Israeli company that is revolutionizing the way glass can be used in all types of construction projects ( from the windows of the offices that can be adjusted with the touch of

Diaphanous builds a specialized control system for generating an electromagnetic field passing through the same type of liquid crystals that make up today's television sets and

and color .

You can imagine a hotel room where the bathroom and bedroom are separated by a transparent glass wall control. If you want privacy , it becomes opaque , if you want a feeling of spaciousness , more transparent .

computer screens . This chan-

Or how about the back seat

ges the amount of light that

of a car? The driver can provi-

liquid crystals can not pass up. de sun protection for children

a button, to refrigerators that

sitting in the rear.

Página 40

Lucie Koldova, passion for glass.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Lucie Lucie Koldova created products , design furniture originating in the Czech Repu-

dio in Paris in 2012. She appreciates the influen-

sual proportions and contrasting colors .

ce , inspiration and different

In 2010 in France , began to

cultures merged is in Paris

develop successful with glass

After graduating from the

where he worked for interna-

pieces Muffins and Ballons

Academy of Arts , Architectu-

tional clients.

calls for a traditional Czech

blic .

re and Design in Prague in 2009 , he moved to Paris and worked in the studio Arik Levy. He worked as a furniture designer and continued while developing his own creations for different companies . Lucie established his own stu-

Lucie produces furniture ,

manufacturer : Brokis .

glass sculptures and eternal

Since then continues to work

lights .

with glass and enjoy experi-

Lucie uses technologies with a primary focus on basic materials like wood and glass. He enjoys working with unu-

menting with different light sources and materials , always taking fascination with various glass blowing techniques .

Página 41

November 2013

Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Volume II — Number 60

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Teresa Fernández Romojaro

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture. 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

Página 42

Line of research. Images.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Página 43

Stained glass in Miraflores. Images.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Página 44

Exposition. Images (I).

Página 45

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Exposition. Images (II).

Página 46

Lycurgus cup. Images.

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Volume II — Number 60

November 2013

Página 47

Dialogues. Images.

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