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Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Monthly Newsletter

Vittorio Costantini  October intense. This October has been quite full of activities for our Association.

Format book

M. A. Carretero.

On Tuesday 8th visit the craft fair of Toledo " Farcama " , where , according Newsletters to information collected Begin the 4th with the on the website of the Fair, opening in the Tech Muour friends Grisailles Moreseum of La Granja of an no and deCristalia , exhibition of the works of among other excellent Evaristo Bellotti entitled craftsmen . "Fractions ". This year it is celebrated Not all fractions are glass. for the first time , at the ofSome are also made of fices of the Army Mupaper, plastic, egg seum . shells , earthenware or cardboard. However, in On the 17th we will go to these fractions are trea- Strasbourg to be present ted as materials involved the next day at the opein the properties of hard- ning of the International ness and fragility of glass , Glass Biennale to be held according to its author. in Le Barrage Vauban , in the Petite France district of Since this opening is in the city . the afternoon , we will use this trip to La Granja I take advantage and see morning to visit the cothe many activities organillections offered by the zed in different areas of Nuestra sede: Episcopal Palace of Se- the city and give us time Castillo Grande de govia , which has recen- until 22 . S.J. de Valderas tly opened its doors. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n You were present at the 28925 ALCORCÓN. To our knowledge , have last edition in 2011 and (MADRID) a very interesting collec- brought a beautiful print info@amigosmava.org tion of pieces by the Ro- both the city as exposures yal Glass Factory . made of glass art .

On the 25th we will celebrate our seventh event under the " Concerts in the MAVA " whose details could be found at the news published on page 19 of this Bulletin. We also hope that this month we have a meeting with the new manager of the National Glass Centre Foundation to present him with the listings that we have collected 500 signatures and the comments that some of the signatories have been attached to the petition we formulate the Industrial Organisation School about the future of the National Glass Centre .

In connection with this effort, we have to say , with deep sadness, we observe in the absence of signatures listings of some very related to art glass of our country and have given no answer to our petition of solidarity in relation to the serious problems being experienced by the NatioThe Strasbourg we can not nal Glass Centre . be present at the opening, the day of our ride , I honestly believe that , in at the opening of another case of disagreement by exhibition related to " Dia- the terms of the petition, had been to send us your logs ... " in our museum , comments on the reasons but we will see on our rethat have prevented them turn . include your membership. Of these visits give complete information in our Newsletter next November .

October 2013

Página 2


Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXX) M.A.C.

Part of the month

Biennal of Strasburg

Intellectual Proper- sions . diffuse emissions receity Law When the distribution ved through any one

Metamorfosis 1989-2010

Concert at the MAVA

 Activities on the MAVA  News  Our activities  Glass recycling

Volume II — Number 59

is made by sale or other evidence of transRIGHTS OF BROADCASfer of ownership , in TING ORGANIZATIONS. the European Union e) The public comlevel , by the holder munication of their of the right or with his broadcasts or radio consent , this right will broadcasts , if such expire with the first , communication is but only for sales and made in places to successive transfers of which the public can ownership effected access on payment within the territory. of an amount in resThis right may be pect of right of adtransferred , assigned mission or entry . or granted under When communicacontractual license . tion to the public taTwo . The emission kes place by satellite and transmission conor cable and in the cepts include, resterms set out in parapectively , the operagraphs 3 and 4 of Artions referred to in paticle 20 of this Law ragraphs c ) and e) shall apply the proviof paragraph 2 of Arsions of those statuticle 20 of this Law , tes. and retransmission , f ) The distribution of dissemination to the fixations of their bro- public by an entity adcasts or transmis- which issues or other BOOK II. TITLE IV

 How does CONTENTS:

Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Biennal of Strasburg


Metamorfosis 1989-2010


Research line


Activities in Museums


Activities in the MAVA


Dialogues with .....


Concert at the MAVA


Competition in the MAVA 14 Visit to New Baztan


Lourdes Fisa exposition


Factory New Baztan




Culture 2013


Concert at the MAVA


Open the episcopal palace


The glass museum


of such a satellite. Article 127 Duration of the exploitation rights. The exploitation rights to broadcasters last fifty years counted from January 1 of the year following the first making of a broadcast or transmission . TITLE V THE PROTECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS MERAS . Who takes a photograph or other reproduction produced by a process analogous to that , when neither having the character of protected works in Book I , has the exclusive right to authorize the reproduction, distribution and public communication.


Iranian Artist Ecuador .

From blowing a work of art 21 Stained glass in Miraflores


Glass recicled


Badges of honor AEC


Cultural tours


Culture 2013 Programme




Single flute glass


Other trends


The area of water


Fujita Jun


World's Finest Glass


Glasses in the Alhambra


Until November 1, at the Museum of

XVIII Edition of Vitrum


Lojanidad Technical University of Lo- in different techniques. This is the

How does


ja (Ecuador), Werle Tarasieh glass

third part of the work done in 10 ye-

Smart glass arrives


sculpture show in different techni-


Bellotti in La Granja



He argues that "I am pleased to sha-

Conference in Cadalso


Werle said that a week before the

re the art lojana citizenship" and no-

opening came to Loja with the aim

tes that in Ecuador have not made

Expressing a medical


of organizing the exhibition of glass

much this art glass, stained glass

Coburn Prize 2014


sculptures and design basis.

known as they know the art of blo-

Glass in La Sabana




His works are abstract and figurative wing, but do so in a rudimentary showed the disappearance of trees, way, recognizes that not has greathe absence of human rights of women in some countries and states


that brought about 48 pieces tinted

ter field or support. "I'm still the only

one who makes glass sculptures," he argues.

Página 3

Part of de month. Yan Zoritchak. ries about geography and ce-

October 2013

lestial bodies . It places the viewer in front of his vision of the cosmos in a utopian aesthetics and metaphysics, which is immersed in beautiful and evocative lands-

Volume II — Number 59

capes in an exciting journey . His works often have poetic and evocative titles like " Space Posts " , " Sky Garden " , "Man and the Universe " . In 2001, MAVA invited to present their latest works . The exhibition was entitled Mysteries of the Universe . It is for the book " Comet " , now in the Museum's collection . Zoritchak Yan has played an important role in the promoAlthough born in Czechoslo-

re in the process of merging ,

vakia on the Slovak -Yan Zorit-

and so on.

chak lives in France since the late 60's, installed in Talloires , on the shores of Lake Annecy. Its formation could not be in better hands , a teenager at the High School of Zelezny Brod Glass , Full young studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague as a student of

No wonder , therefore, their stranglehold of the art, both in cold - size processes , cutting,

temporary glass in France , especially as a consultant in va-

His work is refined , elegant

rious training programs imple-

and impeccable.

mented in this country .

Join the legendary Czech Pa- Thus, he became an active vilion of Expo 1967 Montreal , contributor to the Association where emerging glass artists

pour le Developpement de la

from around the world were

Creation in Verre - ADCAV - as

shocked at the Czech supe-

well as instrumental in foun-

riority .

ding the CIRVA - Centre Inter-

For a long time his work focu-

Libensky .

tion and dissemination of con-

sed on geometric shapes , particularly prisms , in the wake of the school optics.

polishing - and hot - molds ,

Later his work has gained a

incorporating color and textu-

more organic , developing se-

national de Recherche sur Verre et les Arts Plastiques - and Centre du Verre du Louvre. The work that this month we highlight in this page is titled "Homage to Brancusi " , and in 1973 performed with the technique of cast glass sand mold cast .


Página 4

Established artists. Vittorio Costantini.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Vittorio handling the glass, the flame and the oven is a unique experience. His pieces are made with the zeal of an entomologist and are so realistic that could be used for educational purposes or to plot the nature in a museum. His work is often exhibited in the Botanical Blaschka at the Peabody Museum or Harvard University. The fascinating work Costantini was exhibited in museums Vittorio Costantini is a poet In 1973, he opened his studio throughout Italy and the who speaks of nature through in Venice, and since then has world: the Palazzo Grassi and the Doge's Palace, the Natural the glass. focused on this work, with a Born in Italy in 1944, in Burano, special fascination for nature, History Museum of Bologna, an island near Murano. especially for the little creatu- Venice Art Museum in Otaru res, insects multicolored, irides- Japan, the Oceanographic His father was a fisherman and Museum of Monaco at the cent butterflies, a variety of his mother a lacemaker, as birds, fish, seashells and color- Corning Museum of Glass in most of the inhabitants of BuNew York. ful flowers in the pouring his rano. energies illustrating his love for He has participated in imporAt the age of eleven, Vittorio the ecology of the lagoon of tant exhibitions in Chicago began as an apprentice in a Venice. (SOFA), London, Dusseldorf workshop of glass, was more The body of an insect is com- and Paris, and her work is dothan a job, a hobby, he occuposed of 21 segments of glass ne in just a few U.S. exclusive pied his spare time. galleries and Japan. to be fused. Observe the skill with which

Young artists. Marc Barreda.

Our web

In 2000, Marc was employed by a glass blower in the street from the house where he grew up. He worked there for five years, taking every opportunity to learn, filling their free time with experiences as a student in intensive classes at The Studio, Corning Museum of Glass, New York, and the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Maine, and as an assistant various artists. In 2005, Marc moved to Europe Marc Barreda was born in Au-

However, after graduation,

gust 1977 in the highlands of Pe-

Marc left his pipettes to explore

ru, in what was (at the time) the

the creative side of your brain.

largest copper mine in the world This exploration woke muscle open.

memory and led to a dip in the

He attended Williams College to

world of sculpture and glass.

study biology at the University of Dartmouth.


for four months to complete a residency and teach at the National Glass Centre Foundation in La Granja, and to assist in the development of programs and services in Saandam Vrj Glas, The Netherlands. He currently lives in Amsterdam.

Página 5

Our trip to the Biennale in Strasbourg.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

The next day, October 17th

We will be until day 22 and vi-

In our Newsletter of November

we fly to Strasbourg to be pre- sit various places in the city

2011 and we reflected our im-

sent the next day at the ope-

pressions of that trip.

which presents exhibitions of

ning of the V Biennial of Glass. various glass artists.

This year we have the advan-

This year the said inauguration During the visit we made in

tage that they do not have to

will be held in the Barrage

the previous edition of the

move away from Strasbourg to

Vauban, bridge over L'Ill, a tri-

Biennale could enjoy both the be present at the opening ce-

butary that flows into the Rhi-

city and the various exhibits

remony of the Biennale. In our

ne a little later.

related to this event.

next newsletter you our visit.


Página 6

Metamorfosis 1989—2010. Avila can be proud of the figu-

October 2013

re of Javier Gomez, born in Pedro Bernardo Avila . In our last Newsletter May include a report on the first exhibition of the work Metamorphosis 1989/2010 "in the city of

Volume II — Number 59

Avila and mentioned that for this traveling exhibition Javier Gomez has selected sculptures created between 1989 and 2010, a period that evidence a significant evolution After the sample Javier Go-

Adrada Avila, to spend, to

in which, experimenting with

mez, our Honorary President,

Arevalo from 6 August to 2

the material, has been able to

presented in Candeleda from


create the necessary sensitivity

3 to 21 September, the collection now moves to the Cultural Center of Las Navas del Marqués. In this center the new exhibition opened last September 24 and will last until October 14.

To end this journey, failing to confirm the exposures of El Barraco and Piedrahita, the cu-

or pure fiction figurations full of subtleties that sometimes almost hold in the air.

rrent sample is performed in

We hope and wish that this ex-

Las Navas del Marqués.

hibition is, as above, a success

Avila County Council is making this exhibition a true tribute to his best artist with works

From July 16 to August 4 was

made of glass and is ensuring

such exhibition in Sotillo de la

that all the work and know


of public, since in all locations, so far, has visited have echoed the initiative of the Provincial Government of Avila and those that can to incorporate this project.

Página 7

Line of research: Inclusions (XVIII).

October 2013

Estefanía Sanz Lobo.

strength 170-300 ( kg/mm2 ) .

Interference pigments

ar .

Interference pigments differ

cient is very low, only 3.6 x10 -

from the previous two groups

7 compared to 90 x10 -7 glass. mica ) was performed by pla-

in which the combined effects of refraction and reflection of light on the white tita-

Volume II — Number 59

The thermal expansion coeffi-

modified and bubbles appe-

Use this material properly fix involves certain difficulties.

Fig.1 sample ( reddish golden cing the dry mica with water left and right . The effects are totally diffe-

nium covers produces a colo-

If you put too much of mica

red interference effect , so-

between two glasses looks

mehow similar to the colors of

dusty and not integrated with

In Fig. 2 ( yellow gold mica )

the rainbow seen in an oily

the glass to melt , it can also

water spread throughout the

film floating on water.

cause bubbles.


Interference pigments in the

If sprinkled , is very difficult to

It forms a metallic appearan-

white mica is coated with tita- put only a small amount , benium on a specific thickness , cause these are ground very allowing only a narrow band

fine mica , and stick and dull

reflected spectrum : as a re-

the screen .

sult the eye sees only one co-

If it is thin , does not fall mica ,

rent .

ce . The blue-green mica Fig. 3 gives a dirty glass , translucent . It is difficult to control.

However, the plated mica Fig. lor of the spectrum , green, for is thick, falls a lot . 4 has strong metallic luster resexample. You can try to extend on glass pects glass transparency . The resulting interference co- using a diluent , it may be just The difficulties in extending the lor is best seen when the pain- water or alcohol. micas can be solved by mixing ted surface is tilted or viewed But it is also difficult to set a these substances with other . from a certain angle . The color is also more visible if applied on a dark background.

uniform amount because

both water and alcohol are liquids which , owing to its surface tension , forms droplets

The compatibility with the

on the glass surface , causing

glass should not worry , be-

the mica also be grouped in

cause we use very fine mica

some areas.

powder and in very thin la-

Moreover, if contaminated

yers , almost transparent.

with borax ( easy, since it is a

This compensates for its high

antidesvitrificante frequently

compressive strength 190-280

used ) metallic appearance

( kg/mm2 ) and tensile

disappears , the colors are


As was the case with silica sand and rutile , mica proves to be a very interesting material when used mixed with some molten glass like ground glass, both surface and sandwich . The result is a colored metallic sheen , a smooth surface quality , and with a thin layer between glass bubbles .

Página 8

Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


Página 9

Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


Página 10

Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


Página 11

Activities on the MAVA. Presentation.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

With little public assistance wit- from National Research Coun- ve language make this book a publication required for anyohout any representation from cil and proven specialists in the municipal authorities, was presented at the MAVA on 26th September, the book "History of Glass," a documented treaty that includes all stages of the glass, from its origins to the present day . The book is written by José

the world of glass. As indicated in the poster of the event, this publication is a

and Manuel Garcia Heras, excellent doctors, researchers

their knowledge of this fascinating material.

review of the history of glass is

In his presentation, the three

actually also in the history of

authors toured the whole issue

mankind, because glass is a

surrounding this treaty, projec-

material that reflects how few

ting a series of images to sup-

technological advances,

port their dissertation.

María Fernández Navarro, Ma- scientists and aesthetic man ria Angeles Villegas Broncano

ne wishing to start or expand

throughout the centuries.

The audience could ask questions of the speakers at the en-

The stringency of the contents, d of his presentation. while their near and informati-


Página 12

Activities on the MAVA. Dialogues with …..

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

After the success of

cipate, with a reinterpretation the deadline to deliver the

"Dialogues: ceramics", Mu-

of the works from the collec-

seum of Art Glass now open

tion of MAVA.

the call for painters, photographers and writers that, from their technique want to parti-

work. Those interested should call

The exhibition will be open on

911127635 or send an e-mail

October 17 and Monday 14 is

to mava@ayto-alcorcon.es.


Página 13

Concert at the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

After the summer break, our program has been restarted "MAVA Concert" last September 20 with a concert by the Brass Quintet and Tenor "Teresa Brass". Performed works by different authors Spanish and Mexican Agustin Lara. This sextet born to the interpretation and dissemination of the most varied musical repertoire required in professional degree studies at the Conservatory "Teresa Berganza" in Madrid, working the works of authors from all eras and styles, with different adaptations and original works for quintet metals accompanied by a tenor.

It features Mario and David Garrido Lopez blowing the trumpets, with the trombone Goat Sandra Fuentes, Alberto Solera Zafra and the euphonium, Sara de Vega Fernandez with tuba and Sergio Rosado Recio with his tenor voice.

throughout the public who attended the concert.

After interpretation of the advertised program offered paso doble "Wildcat" was chanted

Our thanks for their generous collaboration.

They have been selected by the Foundation Miguel Angel Colmenero for their repertoire representing different parts of the world geography. They have participated in the project important American director George Pelhivanian made in France in the month of April with recognized and acted in Morocco (Fez and Rabat) thanks to the Embassy of Spain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Instituto Cervantes and the Miguel Angel Colmenero Foundation. This brass quintet and voice, fully dedicated to music, is becoming a very interesting, given his enthusiasm and desire to enjoy and music show anywhere in the world.


The pictures we took of the group's performance can be viewed via this link and the video of the whole concert on this other link.

Página 14

Drawing competition on the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

On Saturday September 21 was

Delegate of the Mall Three Wa-

- Award more complete picture

handed over the prizes to the


(spatial vision): Carlota Mountai-

winners of the 5th contest "do you see the MAVA" and an honorable mention to those who were finalists in each of the four categories, which comprised the competition: Best drawing elaborate, more original and

The Mall handed to the winners of each of the categories a

neer, 9, College of Vallecas Agustina Diaz.

check off shopping in 200 € and

- Award-drawing with the best

can be redeemable at many of

story told (comic style): Sofia

the shops of the Mall for pro-

Garcia Herrero, 11, of College

ducts displayed for sale.

Castles Alcorcon.

fun, more complete and better

The 313 drawings have been ex- The jury decided to award four

story told.

posed have competed in that

special mentions diploma, but

mall until last September 28.

without reward, for children: Em-

The winners were:

ma Ruiz, Alcorcon, Eva Quesada

These awards are organized annually by the MAVA and eligible students of these schools in the

- Award for most original and

Community of Madrid.

funny drawing: Mario Gonzalez,

The awards were presented by the Deputy Mayor of the City of

of Villaverde, Yin Junjie, Alcorcon and Elena Smith, Alcorcon.

11, of College Santiago Ramón

The pictures we took at the cere-

y Cajal of Alcorcón.

mony of the presentation of the-

Alcorcón, D. José Gabriel López

- Award more elaborate dra-

Astudillo, by Councilman D.

wing (techniques used): Cristina

Conservation and Maintenance

Moreira Sexton, 10, of College

Antonio Sayago of Viso and the

Vallecas Agustina Diaz.


se awards can be viewed through this link.

Página 15

Our visit to New Batzan.

View images

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

The Last September we visited the city of New Baztan set ( Madrid).

ers leery .

He was able to import the knowledge and technical advances The industrial complex of this to foreign and settled country , town was founded , with the arri- through a pilot project , contrival of the Bourbons , in the early bute to intellectual developeighteenth century by Juan de ment of eighteenth -century Goyeneche Navarre , with the Spain . intention of turning into a real But to understand a singular tabusiness economic theories adlent like Goyeneche have to vocated Colbertism , born in contextualize it in his time. In the France in the previous century late seventeenth and early eighand rapidly spread throughout teenth centuries , somewhere various European countries. between absolutism and the InThe rapid depletion of such apdustrial Revolution , Goyeneche proaches and their replacement begins its projects in Spain faithby other ideas very different , ful to the theories of the French put paid to the experiment , uni- minister Colbert , the father of que in Spain , leading to the de- French mercantilism . cline and abandonment of the We must also see him as treasusmall town and its core palace . rer of the queens of Spain or as Juan de Goyeneche and Gasone of the fathers of Spanish ton (1656-1735) is New Batzan journalism , as he was the founand New Batzan is Juan de Go- der of the Gazeta de Madrid. yeneche . Churiguera was the sculptor The desire to Goyeneche was who was able to shape the dresimple to state and difficult to am of Navarre. implement . The small town was formed His dream was to make the most around the main focus consists innovative pre-industrial comof the palace and the church. plex of its time. Both are constructed in limestone and granite stone bonded It was a precursor anticipated in both in one body by a tower your project and ideas with pewhich also serves to communi-


cate through its interior. The contrast between the two ornamental elements results in revealing the desire to integrate in the same block , but retaining two different structures . The palace has two floors . On the front of the main gate stands the head of a lion holding the checkered shield Batzan Valley and is surmounted by a shield with the Marquis of Bezunce and Saceda County , which was made around 1750. Note are wineries that are under the palace. The Crafts houses complete the set , harmonized by the squares. The glass factory was established in 1720 , with former factory workers and closed ( Tomas del Burgo ) and others brought from outside their realms . Philip V granted a tax exemption of 30 years . By fall the oven several times his life was very shortlived as it closed in 1728. They built a second furnace for glassware English and lack of fuel is forcing him to move the glass factory Alcorón Villanueva (Guadalajara ) .

Página 16

Lourdes Fisa exhibition.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Lourdes Fisa Lluvià presented

specifically for the thinking

cess and the meaning it con-

in Manresa House, the exhibi-

space they occupy.

veys, and through gesture, co-

tion "Light Melodies" where the artist seeks the confluence with the modernist space with his work and especially with an unpublished work in glass. This is a project organized by the College of Architects of Catalonia, Bages Berguedà delegation, which is headquartered in the House Lluvià and the city of Manresa. The novelty of this exhibition, which will run until October 12, is the new work has begun Lourdes glass FISA. This is an etching technique. A large format works created

The intervention of the artist encompasses most of the architectural space Lluvià Hou-

lor and texture achieved all personal and enigmatic language", as explained FISA.

se, one of the great examples In the course of Lourdes FISA of modernist architecture. In addition to the work of the artist, the viewer can explore the various rooms of the house Lluvià and discover the dif-

the artist has "developed a process of constant experimentation research both technical and conceptual, mixing techniques and media."

ferent environments that FISA

FISA says that "I am interested

was created.

in the union of languages, find

Constant research process and mixing techniques

order out of chaos in which we live, find harmony from the different, provide light or buil-

FISA Lourdes's work is the result ding spaces." of "an exciting work in the field that works in its own pro-


PĂĄgina 17

Factory New Baztan (II).

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


.. / .. Conditions which, among others, establishing a precedent of monopoly, not infrequently, on the other hand, at that time, that "by the time expressed thirty years is prohibited and forbidden to all people, whatever their quality may be, to be able to put, or establish similar Factories Glass Crystals, white Glass for windows, and crystals in these my kingdoms, under penalty of forfeiture and perdimiento work ".

And at the same time, establishes minimum national presence among workers: "(...) for the achievement must be able to bring in these factories quarter of natural people of these kingdoms, who have foreign Masters teach this work perfectly Crystal, by expressing the secret so that they remain natural without having educated and Aliens for its continuation. "


A radically protectionist policy, usurpation even contemplated (or forced transmission) of what we now consider "licenses and patents", which was the knowledge of the time in this specialty. This curious document is the first of others of equal or greater interest will be flocking to this page since the interest certainly awaken and you can help us learn better, and at length, the daily life of that time.

Página 18

October 2013

N E W S (I).

 Exhibition of obsidian. The pieces on display are over 5,000 years old and were discovered in deposits Catalans.

Volume II — Number 59

The exhibition is part of the events organized on the occasion of the European Gava Museum shows until No-

six pieces of obsidian from the

Heritage Days, which this

vember 10 pieces a selection

Neolithic period preserved in

year focus on archeology

of unique Neolithic obsidian in

Catalonia and explains how

and prehistory.


they came from Sardinia, he

This material is a black volcanic glass that was used as a cutting tool during the Neolithic. The exhibition organized by the

talonia, the utility had and why they have located between the offerings to the dead. More than 5,000 years old

tion have organized various events, such as a talk-shop, in order to know the use of these parts, to learn to identify them or to discover the use they had.

Museum of Gava shows only

Coinciding with the exhibi-

came from the mineral, to Ca-

Culture 2013. sing in the permanent collection, though no less interesting or less beautiful. The uniqueness of the museum is the high quality of its collections, in surprisingly good condition of his works and the variety of it accumulated over the centuries by successive monarchs and acquisitions achieved by those who took over artistic enrichment of the institution since the nineteenth

The Last September we visited invite close observation of the-


the exhibition "Beauty enclo-

se cadres of staff, preparatory

The exhibits are arranged

sed. From Fra Angelico to For-

sketches , small portraits,

along seventeen rooms in

tuny "in the Museo del Prado,

sculptures and reliefs.

which priority is given to the


Half of the works have not be-

The exhibition brings together

en exhibited regularly at the

281 works from the collections

Prado in recent years.

of the Museo del Prado, which have in common their small size and special characteristics of technical wealth, preciousness, color and refinement of hidden details that

chronology, through an intense journey that begins in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century in Italy, France

Preserved in the stores or de-

and the Netherlands, and cul-

posited in other institutions,

minates late nineteenth cen-

have given way to more hum- tury in Spain. bly famous and popular that have shone his light never lo-


N E W S (II).

Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Página 19

With the concert held on September 20th will begin entering the last quarter of this year of our activity "Concerts in the MAVA".

za" of Madrid. As in most of our programming, the collaboration of the Fundación Miguel Angel Colmenero is essential to develop

The next day, October 25 will

the concerts, and they know

celebrate a new concert in

and lend their support to nu-

the Museum Auditorium to

merous groups of interpreters

participate in a new group of

trained mainly at the "Teresa

Conservatory "Teresa Bergan-


Since Leganés Clarinet Group had to develop his concert last June in premises attached to the MAVA Auditorium, we have extended a new invitation for them to offer a new zarzuela concert with music, if it could be. See you on the 25th.

The Episcopal Palace reopens. chronology of the eighteenth to the nineteenth century, and belong to the private collection of the hoteliers Eleuterio Lomillos Laguna and Joan. The set covers all stages of manufacturing Segovia and has been organized chronologically by styles and eras.

Segovia Episcopal Palace reopened after nine years closed to the public. A fact that the bishop, Angel Rubio, called it "a great day and historic." This property, which was the residence of the bishops from the mid-eighteenth century, now houses three collections

of art: the Diocesan Museum, the glass and crystal from the Royal Factory of La Granja and other ceramic of Zuloaga, as stated Ical news agency. You can see a selection of more than 300 pieces of glass and crystal of La Granja, a


Its reopening was made possible thanks to the agreement signed assignment in the diocese three years ago Juana Museum Society S. L. (constituted by the hoteliers Eleuterio Lomillos Laguna and Joan and his nephew Javier Ayuso), which stated that the company would be responsible in managing the property for 25 years.

Página 20

The glass in Museums: Kamenicky Senov.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Originally, the city museum was founded in 1923, which also saw the official launch of the Museums Association.

the Conrath and old refinery with the school Liebsch glass.

ced glass arts and crafts, past and present.

In 1966 he was assigned as a branch of the Museum of Glass Its members gather articles and pa- and Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nipers on the history of the local glass sou, which broke up in 1991. industry thematic exhibitions, local Since 1968, the museum collections school first glassmaking since 1927. of glass available today are in a In the active work of the museum listed building that is always assocommunity, which included promiciated with glass. nent personalities traders, mainly Franz Friedrich Palme and his nepNeoclassical building, was the first hew Harry. merchant Franz Vogl, brothers Zah-

They consist of a well-preserved part of the collection of the museum, the original school collections of student work and sample products companies, and, ultimately, long-term collections deposited by Vaclav Jilka and lobmeyr.

novým later, and in the years 19181951 is a branch of the famous Viennese company J. & L.Lobmeyr. Museum Collections and paper fa-

The museum offers visitors a permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions on the history and contemporary glass art.

In 1949 he approved the creation of professional Glass Museum. The exhibition has been installed in


Since 1996 there is a unique set of the works of the international symposium participants etched glass.

Página 21

From a slight blow to a work of art.

October 2013

The key , besides talent , is still

toration of old as in most ad-

treating each piece as uni-

vanced industrial applica-

que and special.

tions , such as the newly disco-

The training also counts. Many vered world's finest glass , of them have studied in scho- graphene . ol that now occupies the old

The faculty and students of the

Volume II — Number 59

factory building was construc- School of Glass also have the ted by the surveyor of the Ro-

advantage of using an archi-

yal Place , Joseph Diaz , bet-

ve of three centuries old allo-

ween 1770 and 1784 .

wing them to work closely with

Experienced a profound re-

National Heritage restoration

form and subsequent expan-

parts and the creation of ot-

sion in the late eighteenth

her , as lamps stunning Teatro

de Villanueva , author also of

Also, the school is responsible

the Cabinet of Natural History

for training the teachers res-

There are products that pass

(now Prado) .

ponsible for the design and

through our lives so epheme-

One of these teachers and

creation of the trophies for the

And then there are those

alumni of the College 's Diego final stages and the Tour of Rodriguez, who for several ye- Spain .

who, pampered and treated

ars continues the tradition of

Obviously, these jobs are only

with special care , they come glass blowing and molding .

possible thanks to the experti-

to stay.

se craft has not changed over

century by the architect Juan Real .

ral .

In this line of ' Art to discover '

To explain this we must go a little back in time . The glass masters came to Spain with the prohibition to disclose the secrets of his tra-

is where it falls and reflects the the centuries are not cheap , but we could acquire a 48mastery of work well done ,

combining tradition with inno- piece glassware from about 1,000 euros more than 1,500 if vation and defending teachers like Diego.

de , under the harsh laws of

His head teacher , Saul Alva-

the master glassmakers of

rado , explains the different

France and Italy.

training than students who en-

But the reformist zeal of a new king and the necessity of supplying luxury items (tableware , mirrors , glass for windows ) to the royal palaces allowed in 1727 , Ventura Sit laid the foundations of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja . Today, almost 300 years later, blowers teachers maintain the tradition with meticulous processes equal to the eighteenth century .

ter school after a prior specific test , receiving during the

it is a job that includes also blown and carved about

2,500 if it is a set with golden applications , tells us the head teacher . The town of La Granja also has

three years of their learning :

a small business that sells fac-

glass is formed by heat, pres-

own design to grab as glass.

sure and chemical combina-

Maybe he was right Juan

"On one hand , a fierce scien- tory parts , The Glass House , tific discipline since glass and where we can go with our

tions . On the other hand artis- Ramón Jiménez , and " if silentic type training ( art history ,

ce is golden, crystal evening is

design ) that helps when wor-


king glass this old technique ,

After this history lesson , relax

"says Alvarado .

and watch carefully the glass.

Students can , thus , access to It has a lot more work than you a labor market that includes both work part creation or res-


thought ...

Página 22

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

 The stained glass of the Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos) (III).

Del Boletín de la SECV.

med only on those samples

The macroscopic morphology representing (M -1, M -3, M-5 and M-7 ), taking glass porof the surface changes was

the binder . Microstructural observations of both sides of each sample were performed

tions free of corrosion pro-

using FESEM with surfaces coa-

of both sides of each sample

ducts and other types of de-

ted with carbon as the con-

with a light microscope Olym- posits.

ductive medium .

pus Model DP- 11.

When necessary , they were

The equipment used was JEOL

The study of the chromop-

eliminated by manual polis-

JSM 6500F Mod .

studied by observation of MO

hores ( chemical species res-

hing .

ponsible for the color of the

Also, the thin layer of plated

performed with a spectrome-

or bent glass red inner side of

ter attached to the microsco-

the sample M-7 , was also re-

pe Link Pentafet mentioned.

glass ) was carried out by UV absorption spectroscopy / Vis with a Perkin Elmer Model Lambda 19 , once removed by manual polishing surface crusts of corrosion showed all samples.

moved by polishing in order to Finally, the microstructural obobtain the colorless base glass servations of the two samples composition without interfe-

order to confirm whether the color showing visu glasses , despite significant scab corrosion was present correspon-

FRX analysis for a spectrometer was used Philips Model PW - 1404 tube with rhodium. Samples were prepared pow-

ding to chromophore therein.

der was then pressed into pe-

Semiquantitative chemical

ture of acetone and n- butyl

analysis by XRF was perfor-

were performed grisalla polis-

rence greenish- red layer bent hed cross sections , with the glass .

This analysis was performed in

The EDX microanalysis were

llets of boric acid, using a mixmethacrylate ( 10:90 wt%) as


sample deposited gold coated using a Sputter Coater equipment Cressington Model 108 Auto. In these observations the equipment used was a conventional scanning electron microscope Philips XL -30 Mod DX4 with EDX spectrometer of the same brand .

Página 23

Recycling. Tickets to a concert.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Ecovidrio The initiative , orga-

Therefore, the proceeds from

nized a contest for the Anda-

the concert will be four tons of the winner of the contest, this

lusian cities recycled glass

glass for recycling .

percentage increased by five.

During the summer cam-

Overwhelmed by the success

paign , have been collected

The second Andalusian provin-

in Huelva nearly 700 tons of

ces with a greater increase in

and , as a reward , offered to take the singer Manuel Carrasco .

Huelva , which , ultimately , is

The winner was Huelva provin- glass packaging waste .

its recycling rate have been

ce , will host the event at the

Jaen and Malaga ( both with

Palacio de los Deportes on October 4 . Huelva won the " Connect and reciclavidrio " because increased its recycling rate in summer by up to 26.2 %.

Each person will receive two entries. Beginning Monday, September 30 , the Provincial de Huelva divide the entries in the municipalities of the pro-

an increase of 113 % ) . After Almería , Granada and Cordoba. The latest , Seville and Cadiz , arriving to recycle less than a year ago .

vince. ( In the city of Huelva

Unfortunately , the initiative

Now , concert tickets will be

and were distributed on Fri-

has been successful that has

paid the same way: by recy-

day . )

exceeded the foresight of the

cling glass.

The campaign " Connect and

Anyone who wants to enjoy

organizers .

Reciclavidrio " has been orga- The tickets were gone in just

the concert of Manuel Carras- nized to raise awareness of

over an hour and many fans

co can not pay with money

the importance Andalusians

of the singer will stay without

but must pay with one kilo-


going to the concert.

In the whole autonomous re-

Those who had come ( with

gion has risen 5.4% recycling

glass bottles ) to its input , the

rate over the previous year .

left in the street to protest the

gram of glass ( about four bottles , according to the organizers calculation ) . If the room is full, as is expec-

poor organization of the

ted, some 4,000 people will at-


tend .


Página 24

Badges of Honor AEC 2013.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

The Spanish Association of

dies ( IMDEA ) and researcher - IBEREXT , company located in

Scientists (ACS )

at the National Center for

Arganda del Rey , Madrid, in

( www.aecientificos.es )

Cardiovascular Research

recognition of the merits of I +

association for the promotion

( CNIC ) , in recognition of his

D + i reflected on your com-

and support of R & D + i in

merits science and technolo-

mercial products and services

Spain , granted the award

gy in the field of nutrition and

in the field of prevention and

PLATE OF HONOR - 2013 to the specifically for their contribufollowing scientists and com-

tions to the nutrigenomics and



Section of scientists .


- D. JESUS PASTOR CIURANA , Rector of the University Miguel Hernández de Elche , Alicante , for his outstanding work and international contributions in the field of mathematics in operations research lines , semi - infinite programming , location , efficiency and productivity .

fire fighting . - IBERIAN BREEDING , Extremadura company Maimona , Badajoz , for the outstanding

young researcher at the Expe- work and contributions in the rimental Station of Aula Dei -

field of improving the Iberian

CSIC , Department of Plant

breed swine , as well as scienti-

Nutrition , Zaragoza , for their

fic support in this field with the

internationally recognized

University of Cordoba.

contributions in the field of stress and heavy metal tolerance in plants. Business section . - BIOPOLIS , company located

- MARKET RIVERA , Chipiona , Cádiz, for their work in improving the cut flower , supported by recognized research undertaken with universities and research centers Spanish .


in Paterna , Scientific Park of

ÑOZ , director of the Labora-

the University of Valencia in

The ACS will provide more de-

tory for Nutrition and Gene-

recognition of his scientific

tailed ceremony , place, regis-

tics, Tufts University (Boston ,

and technological achieve-

tration, etc ... in the last week

USA ) , scientific director of Inst ments in the field of microbial º Madrid for Advanced Stu-

biotechnology .


of October this year 2013 .

Página 25

In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2013.

 Cultural Tours. During the month of October we will go to Toledo to visit a new edition of the FARCAMA 2013, the craft fair held annually in the capital of the Castilla-La Mancha.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

 Our activities.

concourse or Covarrubias and the Imperial Courtyard, two of the most emblematic places of the Alcázar and the city of Toledo.

Among the many exhibitors who will attend this year's Fair are two of our acquaintances glassmakers: Juan Moreno Moya and Isaac Perez Sanchez. This year, under the theme "Craft with heart." Castilla-La Mancha, the Fair will be held at the Army Museum in Toledo between 4 and 13 October, the hours of 11h to 21h on the north

Another innovation that has this edition is the new face of Farcama, thanks to the collaboration of the Federation of Design of Castile-La Mancha. It is a heart formed by a multitude of vibrant and energetic lines drawn by hand. The heart symbolizes the passion with which he lives the office of the craft and the craftsman feeling put into your work.

 Culture 2013 Programme. the year of his second trip to Rome, until his death. From this period are some of his most important paintings as 'Las Meninas'. They are works in which is seen as the Sevillian progressively abandons the realistic line to start his painting has been painted with 'bold touches that seem inconsistent from nearby, but very fair and accurate due to its distance', as indicated from the gallery. It is precisely this line so innovative that many years after decisively marked nineteenth century painters like Édouard Manet who studied his work closely.

In this October visit the exhibition "Velázquez and the family of Philip IV" at the Museo del Prado, Madrid. The most important portraits of Velázquez recent years in addition to those made in his environment and his disciples to show the importance and

evolution of portraiture in the Spanish court under the Sevillian painter's artistic reign. More than thirty works that make up this exhibition is a journey through the court portraits of Velázquez (Seville, 1599-Madrid, 1660) from 1648,


Besides the exhibition Velázquez has other portraits that were made in the Spanish court at that time, and other works of his disciples who continued their work after his death. Artists like Deck or Carreño who made their own contributions to the genre of portraiture in their depictions of Margaret of Austria Mariana of Austria or Charles II.

Página 26

Baccarat, synonymous with luxury and elegance.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Acquiring or owning a Baccarat is synonymous with luxury and elegance. These wonders sculpted or carved glass are , for more than two centuries , real gems that have decorated the finest rooms , cabinets and vanities of the most elegant families worldwide . In recent years they have designed the packaging for the world's most expensive perfume , true works of art and design that become collectors' items . The founding of the first factory Baccarat back as far as the year 1764 , by grant of King Louis XV of France for the installation of a glass factory in the French town of Baccarat in the province of Lorraine. But this early company , owned by the founder , the then Bishop of Metz Louis- Joseph de Laval Montmorency would develop primarily current and glassware items common table . It was from 1816 , with the installation of a glass furnace , when it began producing fine glass objects . In 1823 receive the first order by the French Royal Family , and turning point that marked what would be the fashion design and decoration recently.

Lamps, mirrors , mugs, glasses , cups , bottles, ink wells and hundreds of ornaments made of glass, would to another dimension with Baccarat. In 1827 their ovens would Harcourt service , become classic brand logo . In 1832 the brand would be recorded with the picture of a pitcher , a glass and a glass. In 1841 initiate the production of packaging for perfume and in 1907 the factory will an average of 4,000 bottles a day , for major perfume from France .

Asia , with Japan in the lead, The Americas, USA as largest customer , and the rest of Europe increased both the demand for its products , which posed a greater presence in other continents . In 1948 open a franchise in the U.S. The famous sculptor Robert Rigot bring endless flow designs during his time as advisor and collaborator in Baccarat , between 1966 and 1996 .

A year later, in 1997 , the brand launched perfumes, all of unprecedented quality , made by the best perfumers in the world . In the middle of the first decade of Baccarat always sign their crea- this century, have also launched tions. beautiful pieces of jewelry, thus In 1936 replaced paper labels entering the international circuit stuck by etched marks . with really interesting designs . In 1990 will be the tool to label laser , so collectors should seek , at least after 1832 objects , labels and first since 1936 recorded marks on the glass that prevent or attempt to prevent copying .

Find authentic Baccarat is relatively easy, given the quantity produced in the 250 years of existence of the factory, but there are some exclusive found only in museums, like the brand itself or Paris , so there are unique pieces In the second half of the ninete- that occasionally auctioned off and the price achieved is more enth century French building in both dresses , perfumes and de- than considerable . coration in general , it was fasCollecting beauty is definitely a hionable . hobby and a lifestyle without loss because its value never go out , Everyone dreamed of enjoying for beauty will always be greater the French style , so Baccarat looked a period of dramatic ex- than the value of money. pansion .


Página 27

The only flute glass in the world.

October 2013

Entitled ' The glass flute ' by Claude Laurent , the concert was also a tribute to the painter Pelegrin Clave , on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth , because the history of this instrument involves two characters .

Volume II — Number 59

On one hand , it was Claude Laurent , a watchmaker from Paris , who invented the technology to manufacture glass flutes , which became a novelty in the early nineteenth century . Only 25 of these instruments manufactured glass transverse , with unions and four silver keys , of which only one remaining in the world, in optimal conditions to be touched, is the one used in this concert . Apparently , some flutes of Laurent , who also manufacturó other gold and brass , were given to the Bonaparte family . In this case , Napoleon III gave Maximilian of Hapsburg one when he was in Mexico . The Archduke , in turn, presented the Spanish painter Pelegrin Clave , who lived in Mexico from The Tempo Machina group offe-

years ," according to the López

red last September 20 concert

de Ayala in a press release .

at the Teatro Badajoz López de

The program that performed in-

Ayala in which the public had the opportunity to hear the only world glass flute .

cluded ' L'Art de Préluder ' by Jacques Hotteterre (1674-1763) , 'Suite La Cascade' of Saint -

1846 to 1867 and was a professor and former director of the Academy of San Carlos . The flute spent as family generational legacy until today Clave hands Clave Martin , grandson of Pelegrin . In this case it is a sil-

This training has been worth

Cloud Hotteterre Jacques (1674-

Mexican this instrument that has

1763) , 'Les Barricades Mystérieu-

been inactive for more than 175

ses ' by François Couperin ( 1668


-1733 ), 'Le Rossignol in Amour '

The uniqueness of this flute indi-

The flute , kept " in perfect con-

by François Couperin ( 1668-

cates the López de Ayala in a

1733 ) and ' Sonate E minor ' by

press release , is that it is " spo-

unique sound " could be seen in

Michel Corrette ( 1707-1795 ) .

tless and in excellent condition

the hands of the flutist Cuauhte-

Also, ' From the opera The Magic

moc Trejo ( wooden transverse

Flute ' by Wolfgang Amadeus

flute glass flute ) acting harpsi-

Mozart (1756-1791) , ' L' inconue

chord accompanied by Jose

Menuet ' Jachin Johann Quantz


(1697-1773) ; ' Scene des

Martin Clave , its current owner ,

Champs - Elysées, Christoph Willi-

dition " comes to life and his "

said that Trejo is one of the few

bald Gluck (1714-1787) , and '

specialists in flutes Mexican musi- Jugend Sonate in A Major " by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart cians old and, moreover , has been " the only one able to ope- (1756-1791 ) . rate this instrument in recent


ver flute glass , dated 1835 , in Paris .

to be played " on others that remain in museums or private collections , and " deteriorated " . Its structure is conical ground glass and technology predates modern flutes , perfected by Theobald Böhm in the nineteenth century and characterized by the introduction of a key system which improves the ergonomics of the tool and to position and size the holes so optimal from an acoustic point of view .


Página 28

Other trends. Cristina Iglesias.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Tomás Francisco Prieto Award a commitment to a medal Medallística 2013 . which is later coined by the National Mint and Timbre- ReThe sculptor Cristina Iglesias al Casa de la Moneda. ( San Sebastián , 1956 ) has been awarded the Prize XXIV The award Tomás Francisco edition of Medallística Tomás Prieto has a strong reputation Francisco Prieto , the Fabrica within the Spanish arts and Nacional de Moneda y Timcounts among its winners , bre - Real Casa de la Moneda with names like Eduardo Chilliawarded annually in recogni- da , Antonio Tapies, Antonio tion of career and human re- López , Eduardo Arroyo , Pablo Palazuelo , Andreu Alfaro , nowned artists . Antonio Saura , José Luis CueThe award will be presented vas, Luis Gordillo and Carmen on November 28 by the QueLaffón . en , who also inaugurated the exhibition Beginnings of Balde- Born in San Sebastian in Noweg , winner of the previous vember 1956 , Cristina Iglesias between 1976 and 1978 stuedition . died chemistry , then relocate The jury of this edition was to London and study , betwechaired by Jaime Sanchez Reen 1980 and 1982 , sculpture venga , president and CEO of and ceramics at the Chelsea the National Mint and TimbreSchool of Art in London. Real Casa de la Moneda, and integrated by Gonzalo Anes In 1995 she was appointed Alvarez de Castrillón , Rafael Professora Sculpture BildenCanogar , Carmen Iglesias, den the Akademie der Künste Juan Navarro Baldeweg and in Munich ( Germany ) and in 1999 obtained the National Juan Teodoro Vidal . Arts Award , while in 2011 won In accepting the award , the the Visual Arts Award at the award-winning design makes


third Awards D' ACHTALL Observatory . His works have been exhibited in solo shows at museums such as Eindhoven , New York , Chicago , Reina Sofia in Madrid , Bilbao Guggenheim , Museum of Contemporary Art in Nimes, Serralves in Oporto , London , Sao Paulo , Milan and Paris, among others . Iglesias has participated in numerous group exhibitions and biennials such as Venice , Sydney , Pittsburgh , Tapei , Santa Fe , Berlin or Valencia, and has exhibited in galleries worldwide. His work is in such prominent collections as the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid , Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris , Tate Modern in London , Serralves Museum in Oporto , Moca Los Angeles , Hirshorn Museum in Washington , Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, MACBA Barcelona , Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven , Kunsthalle Bern and the Musée de Grenoble , among many others.

Página 29

"The sphere of water" in the CNV.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

The exhibition " The sphere of water" , organized by Aqualogy and the Higher Council for Scientific Research ( CSIC ) , continues his tour of the Spanish territory . The next stop was at the National Glass Centre , located in La Granja de San Ildefonso ( Segovia ) , which is on display until October 13 . Subsequently, the sample travels to Alicante and then Malaga . The opening ceremony was chaired by the mayor of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso , Jose Luis Vazquez, who spoke about the origins of the city and its relationship with water . Also attended Aqualogy commercial director , Oriol Morillo , the head of the Department of Scientific Culture CSIC , Jaime Perez del Val , the manager of the National Glass Centre Foundation , Emilio Cabanes , and the director of Museum of Glass Technology Royal Glass Factory of La Granja , Paloma Pastor .

The Glass Museum of the Royal Glass Factory at The Royal Site of San Ildefonso , hosts between 19 September and 13 October , an exhibition that introduces visitors to the world of water , from its chemical properties to its role in history and human civilization . This exhibition , produced by the National Research Council ( CSIC ) and Aqualogy , is divided into two blocks . The first, ' Water and Nature ' , follows the course of the hydrological cycle , its relation to climate and ecosystems. In the second block , ' Water and Society ' , the exhibition explores the human influence on the natural water cycle , pollution , as well as solutions for access to drinking water , not to mention the relationship between water and history , health and technology.

ra, Damia Barcelo and Rafael Rodriguez Clemente , all belonging the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research ( IDAEA ) of the CSIC . Water : from its chemical properties to its role in history and human civilization In this sample , which is part of the program commemorating the International Year of Cooperation in the Field of Water developed by the CSIC , Aqualogy Foundation Knowledge and Aqualogy - the visitor has the opportunity to enter the world of water and Discover through different perspectives : from its chemical properties to its role in history and human civilization .

The sample , consisting of 20 panels , and has been exhibited at the Museum of Water The contents of the exhibition Palencia, in the city of Granahave been developed by re- da in Cetaqua headquarters searchers in the search for ans- in Santiago de Compostela wers and solutions in the area and the Building of Metropoliof water : Antoni Ginebreda tan Water Park Luis Buñuel , ( coordinator), Joan Grimalt , Zaragoza . Francesc Gallart , Jesus Carre-


Página 30

Fujita Jun.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Fujita Jun (1951) was born in

In 1997 Denmark presented

the house of glass art because the exhibition "Made in Japan". he is the eldest son of Kyohei Fujita, the father of the glass artisans.

partment of Philosophy, and continued to create in order to find his own style. He was president of the Association of Artisans of Glass in Japan.

seen in the vicinity of nature. " Emphasizes that for some time

Award of Excellence "Boat

wanted to create a piece of glass that could deepen the internal aspects of humanity.

On its website, Jun explains

"I believe that in those mo-

what the art:

ments when you are sick or

"In the spring, the grass grows. have to make decisions about In early summer, grows to

life, or seasonal farewell, ever-

waist level, in just a week and

yone asks Who am I? and Why

reaches shoulder height. The

was I born? "reflects Fujita.

In 1984 he presented his first

vigor with which summer pas-

solo exhibition in Tokyo in 1991

tures grow life manifests itself,

made the Fourth World Glass

"narrates the beginning of his

Exhibition at the Museum of

artistic inspiration.

Modern Art in Hokkaido.

energy and warmth of life, "as

Fujita received the 2000

The glass art form inspired after Shape Glass International Exhibition." graduating from Gakushuin University, Faculty of Arts, De-

are an attempt to express the

"I hope my work can also offer opportunities to think about these issues. It is said that "art is a purification of the soul." I

Details that her works

want to create pieces that pe-

"Wildflowers (No no Hana)"

netrate heart problems, both

and "Path of the Wind (Kaze

creator and observer, "he con-

no Michi / Path of the Wind)",



PĂĄgina 31

The world's finest glass.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


They sought to create grap-

could help-if they can chea-

mess, with atoms everywhere,"

hene, but the experiment fai-

ply create and industrially to

said David Muller, one of the

led. An air filtration created

manufacture electronic com-

discoverers, the Los Angeles

the finest glass you can con-

ponents faster and more effi-

Times newspaper.

ceive of only two atoms thick.


And, furthermore, arranged in

Aside from the record itself di-

The most common assumption about its structure, dating from

such a way that can be distin- mensional glass yielded the

the 30s of XX century, proved

guished perfectly by an elec-

first images of the atomic


tron microscope.

structure of these materials,

This research, which published its findings in 2013, has surfa-

which are also known as 'amorphous solid'.

When only two atoms thick, these were organized so that did not overlap with each ot-

ced again following the an-

Until then suspected, with go-

her, and an electron micros-

nouncement that the Guin-

od reason, that the manage-

cope was able to reveal its in-

ness Book of Records has in-

ment of its components was

ternal organization.

cluded in its latest edition.

as chaotic as in a liquid, but

From the original, who crea-

behave like a solid.

ted this glass on a layer of graphene, similar projects have arisen that use other materials as support.

structure from the general

The problem was to show it.

point of view, but with a very

"Conventional glass has mi-

specific to 'medium and short-

llions of atoms thick, so when

distancia' although static.

you try to see it under a mi-

The two-dimensional glass

Similar to a liquid-free defined

croscope you only see a


PĂĄgina 32

Glasses in the Alhambra.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


In September last architectu-

the period that can serve as a For other possible locations

ral glasses were the stars of

comparative example.

the part of the month in the palace of the Alhambra, and the restorer Isabel Cambil reveal all its secrets.

Only preserved in situ cover Lindaraja viewpoint, Bahw the Palace of Riyad al-Said (or Happy Garden now known as

that these pieces were original, we must resort to recent archaeological finds and written sources surviving pieces from the collections of the Museum of the Alhambra.

When speaking of architectu-

the Lions) who is also an ex-

ral glass in the Alhambra, the

ceptional and unique piece

With these data, in the confe-

existence of which is known

that can give us an idea

rence room of the month we

by the remains preserved in

about the role that would me- have tried to determine the dif-

the Museum, since neither in

et these pieces within the buil- ferent technical characteris-

the monument have been

ding and its high aesthetic le-

tics, manufacturing, shapes

remnants or other buildings of


and color used.


PĂĄgina 33

Vitrum editing XVIII.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013


A year back the biennial inter- tics behind a steady growth

and other energy -saving

national exhibition for machi-

that promises repeated in

technologies .

nery, equipment and systems


for Vitrum glass processing , will be held 23 to October 26, 2013 in Milan at the exhibition center in Rho. Vitrum 2013 reaffirms its success as an event increasingly more important, eagerly anticipated by the glass industry professionals . Vitrum , in fact, even during the worst years for the global economy has achieved a great attendance by a growing number of professionals interested in high quantity and quality of the offers available at the exhibition. The numbers accompanying this fair : 71.000 square meters, about 500 Italian and international exhibitors , 20,255 participants : these are the statis-

After the first great success of

Thematic areas of Vitrum 2013 the Vitrum Gourmet Festival , This year Vitrum is divided into

the 2013 Vitrum show will offer

three thematic areas .

an event in which the food

In the main area Vitrum 2013 will offer the most innovative

and Italian taste will be present,

proposals for various flat glass

Vitrum Gourmet Festival, du-

applications , advanced

ring which the manufacture of

technologies for industrial

glass combines with the great

glass , architectural glass ,

Italian cuisine , combining the

and glass for decoration.

two activities to the concept

Vitrum Hollow Glass area de-

of Made in Italy .

dicated to the processing in-

Other news of the fair Vitrum

dustry of glass tableware ,

2013 include a special area

bottles, special glass for phar-

where visitors can come face

maceutical applications and

to face with classic cars and

techniques and cutting edge

the newest models of Alfa Ro-

products to meet the high

meo, an icon of Made in Italy

standards of hygiene safety.

known and quoted worldwi-

Finally in the area Vitrum Energy will cover topics on renewable energy , solar panels


de , which embodies the perfection technological capacity and the creative genius of Italian companies .

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How does.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Vittorio Costantini.


Página 35

Smart glass arrives.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

The smart glass , without curtains or blinds, is able to regulate the amount of light and heat that enters a room is closer to being a reality . Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , USA, in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona ( Icmab ) , has invented a glass that can modulate sunlight and infrared in response to a given voltage . The relevance of this scientific breakthrough , published in the journal Nature , is the fact that this type of glass would reduce energy expenditure that is intended to keep the temperature of homes and offices , 40% of the total bill . In addition to its application in intelligent buildings could also be useful in greenhouses and cars. So-called " smart windows " that exist in the market are able to be opaque or transparent , but not to control sunlight and heat selectively , says Jaume Gazquez , the Icmab . The novelty of the result of this investigation , which lasted two and a half , is that glass " is able to block infrared radiation and heat - regardless of radiation sunlight - visible ," says the project's principal investigator , Anna Llordés . In addition , the system allows greater versatility in its application since it could be used in both hot and cold climates , and when the process is optimized according Gazquez , " will be cheaper " smart glass that you are marketing . The material under investigation is able to take three states : bright , so it remains completely transparent to sunlight and heat , cool , blocking the heat but letting visible light , and

dark , preventing the passage of dow and 70% of sunlight. The project consider the durability of both heat and light . the material investigated is And what is the mechanism that "excellent " . allows this functionality ? The glass is composed of nanocrys- " We have shown that after 2,000 tals - doped indium oxide and cycles on and off , still shows the tin - both transparent glassy ma- same optical properties ," says Llordés , which does not occur trix . with separate glass compoWhen applying these materials nents , which tend to degrade to a small voltage , in the range fairly quickly. of 2.5 volts, the nanocrystals absorb infrared solar radiation and The reason is the structural reorthe glass matrix attracts visible ganization suffering the matrix solar radiation . By varying the and the nanocrystals because of electrical potential , you can their chemical bond. choose which component enaCompanies involved in the Probled . ject Nanocrystals indium tin oxide However, you still have to spend and forming molecular glassy matrix separately synthesized in time for a glass of these features can be traded . "To be smart the laboratory and are disperwindows in our houses more resesed in aqueous solutions. These arch is needed ," says Llordés . solutions are placed in small crystals of 4 cm2 , forming a In this sense it is necessary a transparent layer containing the number of improvements like smart material . getting " synthesize materials and The state in which the glass is due to the applied voltage is reversible only needs to reverse the polarity of voltage so that the material be transparent again . On the other hand , once achieved the optical change , the glass stops consuming energy. " This window will allow , via a switch , block heat, light or both at once.

deposit layers large scale and at low cost " , replace the liquid electrolytes used in the study by others that are solid and shorten to seconds response time since voltage is applied until the optical change occurs .

Although the system still needs to be refined , some companies have been interested in the project , which has been patented , For example we could light up a especially multinationals dedicated to energy efficient buildings , room with sunlight , avoiding heat associated as well as spen- as well as manufacturers of glass ding on electricity and air condi- and windows . tioning , "says Llordés , " or in a From the creation of the smart very sunny day , it could dim the glass has also emerged a comlight that comes in, and in this pany start- up , called Heliotrope case, the window glass would Tech , which has received fundarken , as seen through the ding from the Department of glass sunglasses - " . Energy of the Government of the United States. The glass is studied capable of absorbing up to 50 % of the heat that penetrates through a win-


Página 36

Bellotti in La Granja.

October 2013

ning each part in place, looking back the original shape of the bottle , the shape of the original bottle . If successful, it may be said that the bottle has largely recovered , if not all, their true form.

Volume II — Number 59

Not so in the FRACTIONS . Sculptor in fractions proceeds differently . First pick up the fragments, then classified , and finally the redrawn. But other criteria. So when the sculptor proceeds to reconstruct something else with the remaining parts of the original object , the shape that emerges is not the way duplicate the object, but the form of the original report . This unprecedented form new, is one of many possible , radically different from the original and of itself.

With these sculptures the author offers the viewer a direct experience of the shape of objects .

Not all fractions are glass. They But does so to a greater or les- are of glass, paper, plastic, ser extent, depending on the egg shells , earthenware or cardboard . degree of dispersion , loss or breakdown of the parts. However, in these fractions are Only if the parties fully disinte- treated as materials involved grate , the object disappears in the properties of hardness and fragility of glass . forever .

A glass bottle (this object can be seen in evaristobellotti.com ) found on the beach serves paradigmatic object of this experience.

The glass bottle itself , whole , broken or reduced to a pile of dust, expresses three moments of the identity of the glass bottle .

The FRACTIONS are a long series of works in various materials.

Therefore, although these sculptures are made of different materials , one can say that they are all glass .

Or , better yet, glass . Perhaps An object ( glass bottle ) apBut there is a fourth possibility . this explains the ease with pears with a clear and distinct Fractions try to experience this which they come in the windows of the room lights Tech when it preserves its integrity. fourth possibility. Museum of Glass , in the Royal When the object is broken , When the restorer or the arGlass Factory of La Granja . the original form of the object chaeologist reconstructs the survives in parts " broken " . broken glass bottle , repositio-


Página 37

Conference in Cadalso.

View imáges

For various reasons, this indusOctober 2013

try was declining , from making objects of great artistic value others more utilitarian cutting . Especially crucial in this change was the creation in the eighteenth century the Royal

Volume II — Number 59

Glass Factory and crystals Granja de San Ildefonso who not only supplied the royal palaces, but also the nobility and nobles , even to have a monopoly selling glass in Madrid. Of his relationship with this Royal Factory cadalseños ovens , tried to intervene Paloma Pastor , director of Museum of Glass Technology , the conference of 28th of September. Already in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, imported glass competition and new industrial production techniques determined the final extinction of the industry that has given its name to this town.

Despite the great importance

great engines of the local

has been the manufacture of

economy during that time,

From the history of these furna-

glass Gallows , there followed

because the ovens , in addi-

ces , its location , methods of

a trial of its long history.

tion to the workers who wor-

manufacture, the pieces ma-

ked in them as journeymen,

de in Gallows , took the inter-

apprentices or laborers , de-

vention of Angel Sanchez,

manded vast quantities of fi-

who is the person that has in-

rewood, which must be cut

vestigated the sources of their

and transported to the facto-

knowledge and who will soon

ry .

publish a extensive work on

At least since the fourteenth century and early twentieth century Gallows glass furnaces operated in the early centuries of great value produced , as shown by numerous testimonies of the time , mu-

Additionally, many carriers

seum pieces and its mention

gave occupation carrying fi-

in inventories of kings and gre- nished products and other at lords. This industry was one of the

the subject : "History of glass Gallows " . On behalf of our Association

commodities hauled necessa- attended the conference our President and Vocal Rosa Garry for their manufacture .


cia , who videotaped .

Página 38

Expressing a medical (II).

October 2013

The color had come to his work, but he felt that moving too slow for your needs. In his experience , the best way to learn and progress is next to a teacher. So , he decided to leave to study with teachers with whom I could learn more. Outside of Chile .

Volume II — Number 59

The chosen destination was the United States because it was also interested in practicing English. Last year, a Wednesday night - day marriage Saitua -Pérez usually meet for lunch with his two sons , his daughter and their respective boyfriends , " asked permission " to his family to continue his studies of glass outside Chile.

He made over two hundred areas in its class with the It took several classroom coursculptor . ses in addition to learn in a relaxed atmosphere , out of the " There were always really sharoutine and talked with her ped sphere . I was so deluding classmates and teachers , that year for Christmas I gave whom he affectionately cato all colleagues ornaments for their trees. The truth , they lled " glass aunts " . were ugly . Today has a workshop in his home. A place he shares with But I made them with love , his wife , Lilian Perez dermato- "he says . logist , who has made the Permission to Dream hobby quiltsu technique . In its constant search , Dr. SaiThere had specialized tools tua came across the blog of and gas torch , with which he the artist Jenny estadoudinenpracticed making balls. se Engberg , who lived in Chile That was , doing a lot of balls , and sold his work in a gallery until he found an artist who in New York. would be instrumental in the It was what I really wanted to search and development : Vilearn . He approached her na del Mar sculptress Roberta "with my bad English of that Requena. time " - who gave him more Known for his sculptures in me- than twelve classes. So I wantal - iron and bronze - and not ted to learn the technique : engage in work in glass. glass blowing or flamework . .. / ..

" Roberta had deepened the technique of working with glass in Lauscha , Germany , the birthplace of blown glass and the creation of spheres and glass ornaments ," he says .

These classes resulted perfumers , wine bottle caps or stoppers , and rings that were no longer transparent .

With permission granted unanimously , while Dr. Saitua came to Seattle for two months to live as a student. He rented an apartment in the home of an artist, which included the use of a bicycle she used to travel to classes and making everyday purchases . During those two months his routine was to get up, go jogging and return to the department to take breakfast. Then the day was divided between the bunches of glass classes , English lessons and hours devoted to workshop. Walks in Seattle were for the weekend . Visited , of course, the Chihuly Garden and Glass : " As an expression of beauty and elegance , do not know any better . It is a gift to humanity , "he says about the Museum of Dale Chihuly and his team. It was also the Tacoma Glass Museum and Portland with his glass workshop group .

His life revolved around classes , except the October weeNow using the color , but nee- kend that was to run the Chided more , I wanted to drink : cago Marathon because elrunning is another of his hob" My north is making nice bies . She taught him to make trans- drinks . Ornamental Cups " . parent spheres , " Easter tree ".


Página 39

Selected in Coburg Prize.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

These words of Falco and Me-

We represent symbolically

In this metamorphosis maintain

ritxell Quim Tembleque:

with the bread.

the essence of the book incor-

"Today, September 17, 2013,

In this metamorphosis main-

we received the fantastic

tain the substance of the bo-

news: The piece" A book's me- ok, explains it this bread inside tamorphosis II "has been selec- mythological stories about its

porating some texts inside parts which explains the mythological origins of bread and wine. "

ted in the first phase of the pri- origin. "

"... It will not be 'the book as


delicacy' that invites unders-

The National Library celebra-

The Coburg Glass Prize for

ted its 300th anniversary in

Contemporary 2014 aims to


showcase current trends and directions in modern art glass as a material used in European global exposure.

In the exhibition book as ... curated by Magda Polo proposes a feast for the senses with 200 of the most unusual jewels

Metamorphosis: Change by

of its collection gathered in

which a thing loses its natural

the interactive display.

shape and takes another.

We participate with our work

Book: From Latin bast initially

"Metamorphosis of the book".

inside of the bark of a plant

It reflected on the book as a

where the Romans wrote.

food for the spirit, symbolically

We understand the book as a source of food for existence.

represented by the bread and wine.


tand" as the delicious food of the soul as food nourishes the deeper sheets of our spirit. " There are books of Ferran Adrià and one dimensional and "very special", according to the curator, and Joaquim de Meritxell Tembleque trapping Falco text in a glass bottle. " Miguel Lorenci

Página 40

Glass in La Sabana.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

A show dedicated to glass, in

"In this exhibition , the artist

which test their limits through

makes the fear of the alleged ral Center ( CCCN ) is related

designs and colors is displa-

fragility of the material, in a

to the U.S. Embassy but opera-

yed Costaricense Cultural

mental game of shapes and

tes privately and independen-

Center in Savannah .

translucent spaces which


The exhibition is called " modules : the threedimensionality of the glass " , the Colombian artist César Pérez García and open to the public until October 18 . The collection consists of 15 sculptural ensembles that have cut architectural designs that suggest that their structures could be represented and interpreted a large scale.

challenge the established canonical and stereotyped way on the glass ," said Juan Diego Roldán , coordinator of Arts

Costa Rican-American Cultu-

It is an institution specializing in English language teaching for 60 years .

visual of the Sophia Wanama- For expository purposes since 1972 has the Sophia Wanamaker Gallery . " The quality and the aesthetic quality of this sculptor 's work transcends the purely technical , to create a language, and a symbolic system of forms and glassy tones that are very innovative and that is

ker Gallery ( GSW ) that works to complement topics such as the plastic arts to English learners Cultural Center at the same time facilitating spaces for artists to publicize their production .

Furthermore each piece finis-

palpable in the modules built

Its galleries are named Sophia

hes are of " high level and a

for this exhibition " , Roldán

Wanamaker , in honor of the

certain minimalism " , which

added .

wife of Mr. Temple Wanama-

facilitates the contemplation of the work without filters or claim.

Admission to the exhibition is free .


ker , a great friend and collaborator .

Página 41

Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en:

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Castillo de San José de Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Teresa Fernández Romojaro

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.

www.amigosmava.org 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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Line of research. Images.

Volume II — Number 59

October 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Volume II — Number 59 October 2013

Página 43

Conference. Images.

Volume II — Number 59 October 2013

Página 44

Nuevo Baztan. Images.

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