Bulletin No. 47 of the Friends of MAVA.

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Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Monthly Newsletter

Davide Salvadore . New thought. Newsletters

M. A. Carretero.

Hello Friends. We started a new course after the summer break which has served us, I think everyone, to charge the batteries and start fresh courage, despite the hard economic cuts imposed so many and so much pressure on scarce resources we have most we.

the various tables that saves Our main source of informaour first gallery, in his presen- tion, if not almost only, is the tation and in their stores. news published in various web and we got through difFor those who love the glass ferent search engines beand paint, this study is a recause, despite our repeated markable material that will requests, our fellow glassbloallow us to recognize in our wer world not of interest to frequent visits to the Prado estimate the help us with his the various objects that are collaborations and notifying outlined in the book and to any significant event, an exknow the characteristics hibition of their works or otBut imagination, projects and the historical moment in her artist to have news of the and new ideas do not ne- those used such objects. presence of glass in a craft ed the financial resources But in the book are not limi- fair, etc.. But not wane, hento be developed. ce our interest in continuing ted only to include images to show the scope glazier, Therefore, in these difficult of the paintings contain a through these pages, consitimes, we must seize every glass element, but also acder what we deem relevant moment available to work companying images of and that should be known on new ideas and new pro- glassware that are conserjects that allow us to a ved in other museums, to gi- by all of you. brighter future in implemen- ve the reader a better unWe will continue visiting the ting them without wasting derstanding of the explana- artistesanos (you know we time in their development. tions included text. use this sense to name the

As you may have read in the pages of this newsletter, our partner Francisco Capel del Aguila sent us a copy of the book that has made together with José Nuestra sede: María Fernández Navarro, Castillo Grande de both of the National ReseS.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n arch Council, "The glass in the paint National Museum 28925 ALCORCÓN. of the Prado ", a splendid (MADRID) and documented study on info@amigosmava.org the glass elements contained in

Through this excellent book and website Prado occurs to us that one could concoct the realization of a project to prepare a consistent work schedule within the Museum to see "in situ" the objects listed in the text and appearing in pictures that are on display. Everything will come. Meanwhile, in this course we'll still be on time with you, our readers, in the monthly edition of this newsletter, with content primarily relating to glass in its various forms: art, craft, industrial, scientific, technical, etc., and including, in "Other trends", an article about a specific event that is referred to another branch of art.

artists and artisans) of glass working in our country, to know and witness, through these pages, the work they do. As an interesting "obligation", continue imposing on the monthly visit to an exhibition we consider relevant in Madrid, mainly previously announcing its realization and then our analysis on the visit. Of course, these visits can be done in a group with the sole condition that they inform us in good time the interest in participating in the visit. Good Friends, because without you we welcome this new course and I want it to be a turning point that changes the current trend of our economy.

September 2012

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Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XVIII) M.A.C.

Part of the month

Intellectual Proper- Act on the ideas and The copyright in a principles that under- computer program ty Law

Picasso in Indiana

Gass 2012

The glass in Prado

 Activities on the MAVA  News

Volume II — Number 47

 Our activities  Glass recycling  How does


Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Picasso in Indiana


Gass 2012


Research line


Activities in Museums


The glass in Prado


Activities on the MAVA


Agueda Dicancro


Technical Glass




Culture 2012


Building with bottles


lie any element of a computer program, including those which underlie its interfaces.

that is unitary result of collaboration between several authors will be common property and The computer probelong to all these in gram is protected Be considered the proportions determionly if it is original. author of a computer ned. The protection under program the indivithis Act shall apply to dual who created it, When a salaried woror the legal entity ker creates a compuany form of expresthat is regarded as ter program, in exercision of a computer the owner of the co- sing the functions enprogram. pyright in the cases trusted to it, the owMoreover, this proexpressly provided by nership of the operatection extends to this Act. ting rights for the proany subsequent vergram so created, both sions of the program In the case of a cothe program source as well as programs llective work copyand object code, shall thereof, except tho- right will be conside- belong exclusively the red, unless otherwise se created for the employer, unless otheragreed, the natural purpose of doing wise agreed. harm to a computer or legal person who edits and released Protection shall be system. under his name. granted to all persons Not protected by who meet the requirecopyright under this ments of this Act.

TITLE VII. Software.

URGENT NEWS  Exposure in the MAVA. way he must take the visitor to

The most expensive bottle 17

the exhibition interpret their work:

The glass museum

to inhabit the inhospitable, the


Staiend glass in Guadalupe 19

unknown or uncomfortable.

Glass recycling


His works are composed of frag-

Cultural tours


ments of beams, steel pipe cut,

Culture 2012 Programme


assembled, inhabited dripping

Bertil Vallien in Venecia



European Glass 2012


The artist, who is defined as self-

Conrad Cordoba award


taught, he studied Industrial Engi-

Other trends


neering, has spent several years

More about “La Trinidad”


training with the sculptor Marta

Trophy for El Espinar


Ugarte and has completed nu-

Glass workshop in Murcia


merous courses in technical glass

LASVIT in London


Venvidrio exports


The Museum of Art Glass is loca-

Jose Angel, artist


ted, since 1997, in the renovated

How does


Starglass on strike


Guardo fair


Giovanni Paseri in Caracas 36 Unity is strength




FCNV La Granja.

Until September 23 you can enjoy Castle Grande de Valderas, on at the Museum of Art Glass Alcor- the Avenue of the Castles of Alcon exposure “Inhospitable star”

corcon (Renfe: San Jose Valde-

of the artist Pablo Pizarro, perfor-

ras / Metro: Joaquin Villumbra-

ming works of art working with re- les). cycled materials. You can visit the exhibition from This exhibition consists of new Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to works, in which the author took

14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00, Satur-

months to work for the exhibition.

day from 10:30 to 14:30 hours and

The name of the exhibition, chosen by Pizarro, aims to show the www.amigosmava.org

from 17:30 to 20:30 hours, and on Sundays from 10:30 to 14:30

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Part of de month. Andrzej Kucharski.

September 2012

Now, traveling international exhibition of seven Japanese cities. These were curated by Takako Sano and had the support of Yamaha Corportation. Were held uninterruptedly for seventeen years, from 1978 to

Volume II — Number 47

1995. MAVA's collection features three works by the author, all donated by Takako Sano from his private collection. Andrzej Kucharski performed their works in cast glass mold and engraving, also using other techniques. Andrzej Kucharski graduated in

Since graduating, Kucharski has

the mid 70's, Ceramics and

participated in many exhibitions,

Glass, at the Higher Institute of

most of them collectively, in

Applied Arts in Wroclaw, a resort Germany, Bulgaria, Netherlands, town located in the center of

Denmark, Russia, France and

the Plain of Silesia, near the


Oder river.

He has also appeared in several editions, in the past, of Glass www.amigosmava.org

Its transparent glass objects follow the aesthetics of his compatriot Wojciech Olech but the exquisite engraving work it. Husband is also an artist Magdalena Kucharska. Both share a studio-workshop in Swidnica, hometown of his wife.

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Established artists. Davide Salvadore.

Laurent, Christian Dior, Swatch.

September 2012 Volume II — Number 47

Our Web

In 1987 he founded the "Campagnol and Salvadore" which unfolds today with two other partners. The study serves as master glassmaker Davide - in ovens built - various techniques and working with blown glass torch.

Davide Salvatore was born in Murano in 1953. Descended from a family of glassmakers, has always lived and worked on the Venetian island.

team GlassMaster Loredano Rosin, where he remained for four years.

Subsequently alternated collaborations in Venini and Barovier & Toso gallery with work in At an early age he began wor- the craft studios on the island. king with his grandfather Anto- In 1978 work began producing flame in studies of jewelry from nio in the furnaces of Murano. his mother Anne of Mantoan, From him he learned to build which would result in a series of the ovens, and soon after becollaborations with fashion gan working glass furnace Alhouses and design, as Roberta fredo Barbini. di Camerino, Yves Saint Shortly after he joined the

Young artists. Hiromi Takizawa.

Hiromi Takizawa was born and raised in Nagano, Japan. He attended California State University, Fullerton, where he earned a BA and MA. Hiromi has also studied at Santa Ana

College, California State University, San Bernardino, Pilchuck Glass School, The Studio at The Corning Museum of Glass and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. His work has been featured in solo


The immediate result was spectacular, and Davide began working for prestigious galleries Nason & Moretti Murano, Vincenzo Nason, La Murrina and Istituto d'Arte for di Venezia, and collaboration with designers and artists such as Andrea Anastasio, Giorgio Vigna, Florys Meydam, Frank Borst, Massimo Nordio. Davide Salvadore is also a founding member of the "Centro Sstudio Vetro" in Murano, a cultural non-profit organization founded in 1997 to cultivate and promote - in Italy and abroad - culture and art glass. "Centro Studio Vetro" publishes International Art Glass "Vetro" and holds an annual International Glass Workshop.

Our web

and group exhibitions in nationally and internationally, most recently shown in a solo exhibition at the Heller Gallery in New York and a group exhibition at Galleri og Verksted S 12 in Bergen, Norway.

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Picasso Museum in Indiana.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

thanks to which it was discovered that the painting belonged to the author Malaga. Guernsey's, which earlier this year investigated the whereabouts of works created by Picasso with that technique, contacted the museum in Evansville to ask for the gift he had made to the institution art collector Raymond Loewy, and that was in the store without anyone even noticed the signature of the Spanish painter. Given the economic difficulties of the museum, an expert panel recommended selling the piece "because of the expense and additional requireA museum of Indiana (USA) However, that proved to be plans to sell a painting by Pa- the name of the French plural ments to adequately safeguard a piece of potentially blo Picasso that was forgotten "gemmail", a technique that for almost 50 years in a ware- connects various glass sheets enormous value," the statehouse of the institution, who of colored glass with enamel ment said. cataloged as a work by anot- and then the fire works. The museum's executive direcher author. tor, John Streetman, described Picasso, who is credited with The work, titled "Seated Woabout 50 pieces of "gemmail" the piece as "extraordinary" and said that "shines like a jeman with red hat", was dona- throughout his career, he wel," explaining the "difficult ted in 1963 to the Museum of created the work between Evansville, which, based on 1954 and 1956, according to but prudent decision" to sell. documentation associated the museum, which is never The museum, which has expowith the box, cataloged it as exposed to the public. sed five works on paper by Pia work of an artist named casso, know the exact value The piece will be auctioned "Gemmaux" and stored it, acof the piece, and has not yet soon privately at Guernsey's cording to the institution in a decided how to use the proauction house in New York, statement. ceeds of a sale.


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GAS 2012. Lifetime Achievement Award".

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

He developed his work around the idea that the glass absorbs light and this is clearly seen in his pieces. Vallien's works are in some of the most important museums: Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York; Glasmuseet Ebeltoft Ebeltoft, Denmark, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, New York; Stockholm National Museum in Stockholm, Sweden and The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Published in "Objects with Glass"

The GAS awards granted in 2012 "Lifetime Achievement Award" to artists Joel Philip Myers and Bertil Vallien. This prize is awarded to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the glass arts worldwide. Bertil Vallien, is a Swedish artist who began as a designer of ceramics. While working at HAL Fromholt Ceramics in Los Angeles, California, Erik AFORS, AFORS Own Glass Company, offered a position as a designer Vallien glass in Sweden. In 1964, he began his education Vallien with glass in AFORS. Over the years he has received numerous awards, including the Second Prize at the Glaspreis Zweiter Coburger, the Visionary Award at the New York Museum of Art and Design, and Engineering Gold Medal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. A major figure in the development of techniques in glass sculpture in sand mold and have learned much about this subject. Bertil Vallien was born in 1938 in Sweden, studied art and design in their home country before traveling to California to work as a designer of ceramics.

work as a designer for Kosta Boda glass factory AFORS in 1963 and in the 1970s it became necessary to devote an entire glass factory to his artistic production because of its innovative technique of sand casting . In the development of this technology has created a new language for the glass to be used over the next centuries. Today, Bertil Vallien is one of Europe's best known artists in glass art, sculptures famous for its boat shaped, with images of great narrative and figurative faces or masks and heads, which are the Once enigmatic, beautiful. The shapes of ships have long been part of the Viking tradition that represents the passage from life to death.

During 2012 conducted GAS live demonstrations, lectured: "Nose in the Dirt Makes No Art" and gave a presentation, so we had the opportunity to meet and share unforgettable moments with him, is so nice person, simple, loving, conveys peace, is a pleasure to be at your side! The exhibition "E-Echo" of Hawk Galleries was an excellent opportunity to see their works, these sculptures with complex narrative poetic. Using a sand casting process, Vallien creates forms that seem predominantly rough and old. After polishing and smoothing the specific areas in every piece he creates dramatic contrasts between opacity and transparency. The effect is ethereal and dreamlike.

The light bounces around the internal structure of many works, Faces and masks are expression- refracts and reflects sculpted less, but suggest fear or nostalforms. gia, love or hate, and waking As you move around the piece thought. are no surprises, architectural In some cases the faces or and anatomical details that masks are sculpture itself, some- emerge, new works are discovetimes overlook from the inside of red within a piece. a glass block, suggesting a soul Travel themes are also present in trapped. this exhibition. In fact, the title of Vallien glass says: "Glass Eats the exhibition "E-Echo" is the term Light" in reference to the manfor a maritime signal, referring to ner in which the light is within the the alteration of one of his courglass mass. ses. Vallien is a master at controlling "E-Echo" Vallien demonstrates the inner light, which he adds to the versatility and the ability to the spiritual and symbolic concommunicate human desire. tent of the work. Each piece suggests a journey

He returned to Sweden in 1963 to


and discover the meaning of life.

Page 7

September 2012

Line of research: Inclusions (VI).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo.

Thickness of the glass layers. The internal volume appears greater when the glass sheets inside the sandwich are thicker than the outer, or when alternating sandwich inside the thin and thick sheets.

Volume II — Number 47

Procedures in working with fries. Procedures in working with fries. The frits are presented in grits of varying thickness. The ones I used for the various tests are chips of various colors Bohle brand in three sizes: coarse, medium and dust.

stains do with grits. For ease of operation, can be put on the perimeter of the base glass clear glass strips thereof, which prevents the elements that create the chips fall as manipulate the work, or to put it in the oven. These strips of glass can be fixed with some adhesive that leaves no residue when burned. You can use gum arabic, but leave less residue synthetic white tails. In my tests, I found that the school use white glue in small amounts is straightforward.

The use of color chips allows many expressive possibilities: creating color blends, overlays, lines and spots that merge into an image …

There are special glues, like the tail of melter, leaving no residue. The photographs in Fig 1 and Fig 2 show a work before and after being baked.

Diffuse staining can be achieved using only chips on a flat glass, but if desired color patches should be cut in welldefined ways transparent glass negative, ie, leaving hollow areas where the grits be deposited.

In the first picture is appreciated transparent glass strips which, as a barrier, are placed to prevent the chips from falling.

The basic procedure of working with is to use chips based on a transparent glass, which will act as support and will outline and size you want to give the work. Above him lay the glass sheets that define the shapes of color

When the chips reach the outer contour of the work have to find ways that do not escape through the gap left between the panes. The preferred method is to put a barrier of glue on the ends before sprinkling the chips, so that they adhere.


You can get many interesting effects using fried grits and powder, as follows: • Combine different colors and thicknesses to create graphics chips, gradations, sfumattos, contrasts. • Put grits thick white on clear glass colored glass sheets (not to be opal or thick) created by merging transparent areas, acting in a manner similar to water in the drawings with watercolor. • Sprinkle fine and medium fries on a glass and draw graphics with your finger. • Make several plates separately and then merge them together to get overlays and depth effects. • Preheat oven to full merger, or leave it with some texture. The mode of arranging the grits or dust on the work influences the expressivity of the final result, it is not the same dust, apply a spoon, with clips … Procedures in working with nail In addition to those already discussed in the previous chapter, I will mention here two that I consider particularly relevant to create the illusion of depth, and therefore more related to the internal volume of the glass.

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Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


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Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


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Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


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The glass in the Museo del Prado.

September 2012

With the reading of this work goes a way in which the protagonist is the glass guide on the various faces of bottles, glasses, windows, mirrors, optical instruments, laboratory items, etc. .. that is present in the pictures.

Volume II — Number 47

Sometimes these pieces are one of the main reasons of the box, as in many still lifes, in other contribute to the decoration of the scene or part of it as architectural elements, like windows and glass doors. But if the cataloging and indexing of the tables contain the value of a patient and painstaking work, the special appeal for the reader lies in the magnificent views of those works in which glass objects play a main role or are a particularly illustrative sample of its most remarkable peculiarities.

The authors of this excellent book we are presented with a copy for our Association.

A loyalty unites the pleasure of artistic contemplation. So the traces left by the glass in the paint is a fascinating task becoThroughout its long history, the mes privilege when you have glass has combined functionality the opportunity to enter the Mufor many mainstream applicaseo Nacional del Prado to find, tions with their valuable contriamong the more than eight bution to scientific development thousand boxes that make up and its important role as a matepart its artistic treasure, various rial for artistic creation. glass objects represented in them. No other means of information better than paint can provide This study has cataloged and documentary evidence as true classified typologically three inof the abundant and diverse dices and describe its charactepresence of glass in the daily life ristics, its historical development of each era. and its geographical origin. www.amigosmava.org

Along the long hundred paintings of the Prado Museum selected for inclusion in this book contains a dozen tables especially representative, kept in other museums. It also includes images of original glass pieces, from different museums and private collections that serve as reference for some of the ones in the pictures. The authors, two leading authorities in the world of glass: D. José María Fernández Navarro and D. Francisco Capel del Aguila. The specimen was sent to us is available to all our members for consultation.

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Activities on the MAVA. Space 0.

September 2012

The second floor, under cover, receives light from the skylight that crowns the lobby and allows overhead view of it. It has a central exhibition of emerging on either side aisles distributing various offices.

Volume II — Number 47

Space 0 Located in the skylight, but travels through the building, the work has to be at the height of the plant 0 (hall), it may invade the former. Mounting The assembly can be done in the basement and upload it to the desired height by a set of pulleys, which are installed on the second floor. From June 22, 2012 to October 22, 2012.

It tear the stairs leading to the upper floors and basement, is a straight shot blasted with wooden handrail, that links all heights.

The MAVA an open call for submission of projects where they are proposing a facility, consisting in whole Behind it opens a large window or in part by glass, to be placed in that covers the lobby and first floor. the skylight of the building of MAUpper floors and basement of the VA. Museum The details of space, description A railing circular, in the first and seand measurements are as follows: cond floor, allow to observe the Description of Space 0 installation from different heights, offering a unique vision and approThe visitor enters the building ach to providing opportunities in through the lobby, a space is topthe exhibition. ped by a skylight that provides light, organized access to the vaThe first floor is the largest and clerious rooms and shows a triple ar, only interrupted by pillars, lighheight space. ted by windows overlooking the street.


The rail allows anchors, with a maximum load of 150 kg. Light We have three sources of natural light: a zenith skylight on the second floor, another front of the main entrance and a third located behind the stairs, consisting of a large window. Make a selection of the most interesting and establish a schedule of exhibitions. Each installation will be exhibited three months. Send submissions by mail mava@ayto-alcorcon.es and if in doubt, call 911127635.

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Agueda Dicancro.

September 2012

"I like to investigate, find new things in the materials. If I were doing the same thing 30 years ago I would get bored and bored people.'s Work reflects what is happening around you, what happens in the world .. . If you isolate yourself and do not participate in what is going on, the work suffers too. "

Volume II — Number 47

For the same reason I like to go to all exposures to the invite. When you have something marked on the agenda, at about 19:30 puts on his coat he bought two sizes too big to wear several layers underneath and out. "Before going to my home and change, now I paint over the eyes and that's it". If the invitation is from an artist just beginning, wanting to go multiply, confesses.

Her favorite color is purple. If I could, I would choose all of her clothes and all its accessories that tone. Instead, in his work dominate the black, red and transparent, if the latter can be defined as a color. And each of them the artist Agatha Dicancro found him a meaning, is the force, purity, peace, tranquility, chaos. The richness of interpretation is one of the edges you enjoy most about your profession, which was submerged still quite young, prefers not to reveal her age, and that led to Mexico City, New York, Venice, San Pablo, for always return to his native Montevideo, the place chosen again and again to live and create.

emotions, something other than what you think. The same work gives them some peace and other concerns," says the artist. His workshop Minas Street is the final destination of many of his works. There are going to stop work large with no better accommodation after a sample or two. And so the circle is closed, as were also born there. There is, for example, the forest presented in the Venice Biennale in 1993 who represented Uruguay and the rest of the work arborescences, that some years ago he exhibited at the National Museum of Visual Arts. Dicancro not live there, but almost.

Although transited the way ceramics and metalwork, today the firm is associated Dicancro glass sculp- Airing Monday through Friday, always after lunch. "I work every day ture. as if it were a job," he says with a His label, that makes his work easily curious phrase. recognizable wherever he is, is shaped by the unique combination of Is that for her to create and work are not synonymous. "This activity thick sheets of glass embedded in leads you to think ill of anyone bewood and supported by elegant cause I spend all day stuck in this iron bases. story. It has trees, chairs, clothes lines, I have the mind on this and I love human figures or what the viewer it." When you do not have a speciwants to see them. fic project, uses the time to draw or "The beauty of this is to create work read. that people will provoke thoughts, www.amigosmava.org

"I like to see what's going on around me, what are young people who are cool. Addition you see people who are very friendly and you come across some who do not know." THE ROAD. Mexico and a scholarship marked a before and after in his career. He was doing a course on how to run a workshop and stayed three years, during which he proved with enamels, metals and jewelry. Also presented and received rave reviews. Today, with a distance of more than four decades, defines it as a learning experience. "It was a very important stage of my life where I realized I could. If I had been here (for Uruguay) would surely have taken more in the process." The decision to pursue it was not viewed favorably at home. But she just lashed out: "I always thought I would give my life to this." At first, even made it on the sly. "No it was welcome to not have a traditional career. They felt that all they were doing were scuffed art. Moreover, at that time there were many women working, luckily today there are a lot and are very good. Was not easy, but neither impossible, "he recalls. Here he studied at the National School of Fine Arts and then with the sculptor Eduardo Yepes, son of Joaquin Torres Garcia. Of his family, his father's image is what appears lighter ....

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Agueda Dicancro (cont).

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

When your imagination is released, Dicancro think large, in facilities that may occupy the entire room of a museum or measuring 15 meters high. But it also adapts to the specific requests of smaller works, those who live after the hall of a building or the living room of a house. "I love that people have my works in your home because it is a way of being present and alive. Would not be fair of me to remain as a miser, being that there are people who may otherwise enjoy." ..... Merchant by profession, was very observant and had great dexterity. "It was unbelievable, when I watched the electrician came to do the work and then was able to repeat it even better." His father did not know his work, he died young. Later generations of the family brought several architects, Agueda profession I feel great empathy. However, either through timidity or simply low profile, rarely share their work and their achievements. "Do not talk about my job, it is here (for the workshop) and bye.

ARRIVAL. Part of their routine includes walking "bazaars" and barracks in search of demolition materials, especially old wood and twisted metal. "I have friends everywhere, luckily. " Despite his often physical, in tune with small delicate hands, Agatha gets the rubble, stir, rescues and cargo in his truck. "I spend fetching and carrying. Places are away, but I have my data." Except metal parts that commissions an artist-blacksmith, everything else is processed in his studio. In his work, whatever its size, glass and wood share the limelight.

I feel like a normal person. 'If you tell me what` genius `or` I do great, Although not explicitly stated, it is deaf. Want to be like when I starclear preference for the first item ted, but with more security. " that a priori might think cold and For several months, all evenings are difficult to work. accompanied by one of his nepShe, however, it is becoming more hews, had no children or marriedlikely. "Once I made a proposal to who acts as pupil and assistant at an architect with a sandblasted once. glass and I questioned it because it Although lacking Dicancro says is a material used in construction. "teaching vocation," he likes to be- But for me it is a very sensitive and queath part of his knowledge. And poetic". be with people who esteem. "If you According to the concept you look like a crazy lonely. want to convey, choosing the Part of life is relationships with peo- thickness: thick glass is the force, ple you love." one fine subtlety, the silver is the diversity of its reflections. "I always Not now, not soon went in search say that the glass is like people, neof opportunities, but I hope these ver fully get to know." come alone. When talent helped him luck. Or vice versa. Furthermore Dicancro is a fan of the art, to meet, to master it. In his "I make contact with someone imsculptures, sucks, nothing comes portant to get something, if I see by chance. someone I walk away rather important. Shame I have that. And so I "If I want to make an effect in one feel good, very comfortable." piece, is a lump or a stain, and I do what I thought, I have enough technique to get what I want."


His work is full of metaphors, images Dicancro revives when names and describes each piece. Is this emblematic Clothesline (clothing) over five meters long and traveled with her to the Sao Paulo Biennial in 1985, when Uruguay's dictatorship just left and she wanted to convey a concept of openness and freedom. Mural series is over one hundred films that as the eyes watching him symbolized the Holocaust of the Jewish people, missing in Uruguay or the destination itself (a fragment integrating the Schengen Museum of Contemporary Art in the Country). Is the glass shroud made to give him the Pope John Paul II during his visit to the country. "I am a believer and the day I met him I was so excited." With his work did not get rich Agueda, but managed the difficult balance to generate enough income to live. He does not frills, but neither accurate. When can spend on travel, one of his great passions and inspirations. The latter went to Morocco, where they "live in another world." It feels a "privileged". And he's right. "If I have the opportunity to sell a major part not waste the money, I think maybe they will come two or three months you will not get anything and then it is all still to cover obligations. " Nothing keeps you awake, except finding the solution for a play in the middle of the night.

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Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Glass techniques. Color palette (XV).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo

Techniques adapted from other areas. Dust and metal polishes. Some authors included under the denomination of metallic luster finishes (colloidal gold, colloidal platinum) and polishes, however, and given that differ in some application characteristics and cooking, it has been preferred to maintain separation between the two types of potters established products.

• How to apply. Usually extend into the glass using a brush, you should be very clean and used only for that specific type of metal. The line should be uniform and have to paint so as not to form enhancement.

with the brush that applies when all the gold in a single layer. Figs 2 and Fig 3 show two tests are carried out with colloidal gold on black opal glass. On the left, gold has two layers, the result is golden, crackle pro.

The strokes are often left marked on the glass, and are noted as "water" or areas more or less clear after cooking, sometimes it is an interesting effect.

On the right, has three layers and is not cracked. Gold is more intense.

The gold appearance before • The amount of product apcooking is a thick liquid, transpa- plied layers. rent and bright reddish brown. It was found that a single layer Applying colloidal gold must be- of very thick product provides gin with prevention: is very toxic acceptable results, although by inhalation. more orthodox three coats diluted somewhat, leaving some miYou must use a proper respirator nutes between each to dry. (gas filter) and ventilate the workspace. Each time you apply a new layer, remove the one below, but Hard to get a good finish with the advantage is that you can colloidal gold. Usually depends use a less sticky and flow better on several factors:

area. Any trace of grease on the glass, or any dust falling on the metal as it dries creates marks appearing after cooking.

• The proportion of diluent used. Colloidal metals have a specific Also usable sprayer, sponge or a diluent, used to different glosses, special applicator for gold, with and acquire necessary practice Metal finishes. Colloidal gold. to know what amount of diluent a reservoir and a small nozzle. should be added to make it quiThe metallic finish which has been experienced is colloidal gold. You can even apply with fingers, te fluid and can be implemenbut precautions should be taken ted easily, but not too poor. Gold is a liquid substance susbecause of the toxicity of the pended in a solvent. If too dilute, it was found that product. adopts a reddish or bluish on the We tested two products: one EnIn Fig 1 the colloidal gold is once glass even far from the expected genhard company, Hanovia gold luster. Gold Glass No. A3753, and anot- cooked. The water marks are caused and brush strokes, and her sold and manufactured by Furthermore, the washing, the the difference in thickness betCoronado111. glass emerges. ween a glass layer and other Both are specific for glass. areas. Cleaning the glass and work


• The color of the base glass. When using a very dilute gold on clear glass only appreciate shades ranging from red to blue. A similarly diluted gold on dark opal glass is much more clearly.

N E W S (I).

Finnish Glass in Houston. twentieth century represent a distinctive aesthetic characterized by an emphasis on high quality design popularized through mass production. The modern Scandinavian design, often characterized by minimalist and clean lines, originated with a design exhibition in the 50 that traveled to the United States and Canada to show the work of Nordic designers and "Scandinavian lifestyle".

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September 2012

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Scandinavian design influenced the development of modernism in North America and Europe, and continues to shape the decorative arts today. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, acquired first examples of modern Finnish glass in 1954, and in recent years the museum has enriched its collection by acquiring works by architects, designers and manufacturers such as Georg Jensen, Orrefors,

Aalto Alvar, Bruno Mathsson, Kaj Franck, Timo Sarpaneva, Tapio Wirkkala, Poul Henningsen, Verner Panton and Finn Juhl. Objects created by designers active in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway during the

Among the most prominent of the exhibition include a pair of armchairs designed by Hans J. Wegner in 1949 and a glass decanter by Kaj Franck created circa 1957.

Culture 2012. works, from museum collections in London, Paris, Houston, Madrid and Seville, among other cities, from his relationship with Don Justino de Neve, canon of the cathedral of Seville and important patron and friend of the artist. Neve revealed in this sample as patrons of some of the most outstanding and original works of the Sevillian painter, as the four great lunettes Foundation of Santa Maria Maggiore, three of which have been restored for the occasion, and the Immaculate Conception of the Venerable (also known as the Immaculate "Soult") from the Prado, which is displayed with its original frame which is currently deposited at the headquarters of the FocusAbengoa.

Also shown are allegories of Spring (The Flower Girl), restored for the exhibition, and Summer (Young man with a fruit basket), the Dulwich Picture Gallery and the National Gallery of Scotland, respectively, and some paintings refinadísimas religious themes on This past August we visited the Exposure Murillo and Justino de obsidian from the Louvre MuPrado Museum to see the exhibi- Neve. The art of friendship meets seum and the Houston Museum tion of works by Murillo. a set of seventeen artist's late of Fine Arts (Rienzi).


N E W S (II).

Building with beer bottles. than 500,000 bottles of glass for the construction of this imposing architectural work. The design was inspired by the English building Swarkestone Hall Pavilion, who famously went on Hot Rocks album cover of the Rolling Stones.

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For the glass bricks triturated and mixed with ash. Then the mixture is poured into molds, and then came the green cement bricks, as its designers called Green Stone. We used 95 percent recycled material, cement and nothing real. The designers of the company It opened in Las Vegas a building with recycled bottles, which were the Realm of Design who designed and collected more is the largest of its kind.

The most expensive bottle and strange. vineyards in the world: the strain was transferred there from France in 1830. The drink named 2004 Block 42 is locked in a "blister" blown glass, no cork or screw down, but you can only open with a special instrument. In turn, the ampoule is suspended inside another container glass and metal that is stored in a wooden box tailored. Editing is very limited: only 12 copies.

It seems an exotic missile, but a bottle.

world's most expensive wine, Penfolds winery produced by Australia.

The work was developed by Monte Nick, an Australian expert This is a single Cabernet Sauvigon glass, and contains 750ml of non from the oldest

To have a need to put in $ 168,000 and go up to the winery in the Barossa Valley, the only place where they sell it. Viewing video means the details of the process.

Blavand Bunkermuseum. With an area of 2,500 square meters, the museum consists of four main functional volumes independently. Four incisions in the field generate a central courtyard between the four volumes, whose slightly rotated glass walls allow light to enter the interior spaces.

In the Danish west coast, in the southern region of the country, the team designed the Bjarke Ingels Bunkermuseum Blavand, a project that will bring together

four different exhibition spaces embedded in the ground and built in a former military building, built by the forces Germany during World War II.


In the highest part of the existing bunker-connected with the museum through an underground tunnel, a recreation of the old glass turret military functions as a lookout over the North Sea.

Page 18


The glass in Museums: Niijima Glass Art. Japan.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

from Iceland, Italy, England, Czech Republic, Australia, the Netherlands and Japan have participated in the festival. " About forty of his works are exhibited in the permanent collections of the museum. The donated works by guest artists and other participants in the International Festival of Niijima Glass Art in the last nine years have been over eighty pieces, and the figure is expected to increase in the future.

The Niijima Contemporary Glass Art Museum has been created to showcase a permanent collection of works of art donated that have been created in the workshops and demonstrations of Niijima Glass Art Festival, the annual event since 1988. The museum opened on September 1, 1997, preceded by a month of free admission period in August. The collection includes works by artists ranging from pioneers of Studio Glass Movement to other contemporary artists who have an influential position in the world of glass art today. They met in Niijima and competed and collaborated to create these beautiful works of art and original. Among those who have visited the Niijima are, among others,

The museum aims to provide the best environment to showcase these works and offer them to the public, besides enriching the cultural aspect of the people of Dale Chihuly, the first living crea- Niijima and promotion of tourism. ture that is a national treasure of The museum basic administrative the United States of America expenditure at present with the and the founder of the Pilchuck price of admission. Guided tours Glass School, and Joel Philip and maintenance is the voluntaMyers and Henry Halem, founry work of the members of the ders of glass programs at Illinois Association of Niijima Glass. State University and Kent State University, who have been acti- There are many topics to be disve educators and artists to pre- cussed and resolved at a date sent. as early as possible, as their business planning and organization, According to Osamu Noda, Dibut they think make the most of rector of Niijima Glass Art Center this beautiful international pro"These are the pioneers of moperty is the way to express their dern glass artists I met during my gratitude to all glass artists have three years of study in the U.S. been supporting this cause. from 1981. Deeply influenced by these artists hoped to introduce Although this museum is relatively people in Japan someday. small, it will greatly improve both Among others, the second and its facilities and operations, provithird generation of modern glass ding an environment in which arartists of the United States as tists can create something anywBenjamin Moor, Dante Marioni here else they can. and Ruth King and many other internationally renowned artists


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The Treaty of Guadalupe Monastery Windows (IV).

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

this can diuidir to lower three parts ... ". This currently remains a necessary practice for anyone who starts cutting glass sheets as large have always been very expensive ("... each bread costs two reales and a half ...") and the risk of breaking or not so unwanted provided is very high; - The glass should be well cleaned of dust and grease;

Fernando Cortes Pizarro.

everything in writing.

In a way it is a commented reaBoth in the many tips and tricks ding, free and personalized anaoffered in various situations such lysis on many aspects of the text as operations and comments, that have caught my attention. the author reflects a deep Among other issues mention so- knowledge of the subject. me similarities and differences with current practices, and as the craft and the art of glassmaking have varied over the past three and a half centuries that have elapsed since the drafting of the treaty of Guadalupe.

Lucky that the glass is cut

From the beginning of this chapter the author begins warning: "One of the most difficult things that ay in this job of making the cut is bidrieras bidrio" and not without reason as the learn to On first reading is significantly larcut glass properly is a task many ge amount of technical details months, or even years, of practior practical advice provided by ce. its author when treating describing different processes going In general, the process and metespecially now that we are dehods are described to be, as we dicated to the practice and will see below, identical to those teaching in the field of windows. used today and virtually all the tips offered are still useful today Generally their explanations are for anyone who would like to extremely detailed and thostart learning the basics of the rough, to the point that for sotrade glaziers. meone fairly familiar with the matter, they come to be clearly Thus, the process for cutting the explicit and sometimes even glass is as follows: funny or heartwarming. - At the beginning and to avoid In any case, it is clear that the damaging large glass plates author of the text had been enshould be practiced "... taking gaged for many years the office little pieces (glass) to and from of the window and knew first discarded and they can expehand perfectly and left rience ... The finger is wider and


- The glass should rest on a soft surface ("a quilted cloth that woe to the effect"), which currently is usually a carpet; - To cut the glass to use a rule (obviously for straight cuts, which are the majority of those described in this Agreement); - The glass used by the author is obviously blown (the only available by glassmakers to almost the last third of the nineteenth century), with significant differences in thickness and curvature along the plate, hence the advice to start the cut gently at the thinnest part, completing the thicker and hence exerting greater pressure; - On the cutting tool back then used a diamond studded to a small wooden handle. Prior to this system, the glassmakers had used a rod of hot iron, as already mentioned in the twelfth century in the treatise of Theophilus. The introduction of the diamond from the sixteenth century made the glass cutting operation was much more accurate and easy. Currently most glassmakers use a very similar tool known as roulette or rulina, wherein the diamond has been replaced by a small wheel metal.

Page 20

Recycling. Interview.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

recycled glass or glass waste materials to make them more "green" in addition to the glass can provide other improvements therefor. As an example I will cite the green tile developed in collaboration with Ceramic Square whose project was supported by CDTI and in 2011 won the award Cevisama the Alfa de Oro, obtaining a green ceramic tile which contained glass in all its parts (bracket, slip and glaze ).

Interview with Fernando Gomez, CEO products developed. of Grupo Camacho In this time of crisis, the Camacho Camacho Group Tell us, when you Group has continued to grow despibegan?, Why you instalasteis in Alite an important part of your activity cante?, What is the current situation is linked to the construction, what and future prospects of the compaare you doing things differently to many companies that are suffering ny's? from this crisis so important?. The origin of the company comes from the late 60, in Madrid, when my Basically what we have been doing father, Antonio Gomez decided to for several years I could summarize in help his uncle Valentín Camacho one word, diversify. So we've opted bottles collecting, sorting and distrifor quality of all our products and on buting them by different packers the other hand we are making a then (champagne, milk, soda ...), great effort in R + D + i, provided doing all that work first with a donkey and develop new products and also and cart and later and with my fatdiversify into as many markets / secher as business manager with a tors possible. truck, and then until now. Likewise for years that we are comLater, in the year 1968 we moved to mitted to Export, which allows us to San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante) be currently working with countries with the intention of continuing in this as diverse as the USA, Vietnam, Inarea recovery and recycling of glass dia, Italy, New Zealand, Israel, Francontainers. ce, Portugal, etc. And as early as 89-90 Caudete moved again after installation in this county Crisnova company, engaged in the manufacture of packaging, Camacho Recycling being the sole provider of it. Caudete are currently being delivered from the initial installations to the new Business Technology Park, where we purchased a plot of 136,000 m2, where we centralize all of our lines of treatment.

You are a group that can qualify, no doubt, "green", committed to sustainable development, and have so clearly shown that commitment, as well as consistent with the environment, it is also economically efficient, can you explain the reasons I showed that as the utility company that linked environmental commitment especially in your case, with glass recycling?.

As it is well known, from the 80 or so has increased environmental awareThey are in the new Technology Park ness or "green" which has been involwhere our Lab R & D + i, which make ving virtually all sectors and products the development of novel products that are around us, such as organic based all recycled glass, and where food, organic fabrics, environmentawe have high hopes for the future is lly friendly vehicles and new greener concerned, Some of these projects materials, from glass that acts as inare now a reality and is being marsulation from heat / cold and noise keted (glass filtration of water in a which is reflected in a reduction of glass monolayers, pavings, etc..). energy consumption, such as increaCommercially speaking, we are now sed consumption of recycled glass in also affected by the unfavorable new containers manufactured, economic situation as we have, as which also is associated with a depart of our products are construction crease in consumption of raw materelated and part to the generation rials, reducing temperatures in kilns of packaging, which are charged which also is associated with a remore in the Hospitality sector from duction in gas consumption and the decrease consumption. therefore reduce air emissions. Despite this situation we consider the future with optimism, because we trust in our daily work and knowledge of the markets as well as new

Parallel to all this "green revolution" we are doing a lot of research and development of new materials made based on introduction of


Although Spain is not a requirement yet fully enforceable in the United States the construction of certain buildings is scored "green" for which higher scores obtained those materials with a higher percentage organic, so these new products developed that incorporate recycled glass in its composition also has economic advantages, since in these cases if it will be feasible to incorporate the detriment of other traditional materials without "green component". Besides the final economic issue mentioned, we are in certain development projects where the application of recycled glass also involve economic advantages for manufacturers of them, such as reducing energy consumption, obtaining ecolabels, etc … You develop an activity of I + D + i very powerful, what resources and what return you derive dedicate?. Indeed, for more than four years we saw that an important part of our future must be based on the introduction of glass into new sectors and markets, which had come from the hand of R + D + i, which is why so we decided to opt for the creation of a research laboratory and R & D + i dedicated exclusively to this task. We currently have two principal investigators and three laboratory analysts. Similarly collaborate with various Institutes of Technology and Universities (CSIC-Inst. Ceramics and Glass, AITEMIN AIDICO, ITMA, University of Alicante, University of Valencia, etc.). Therefore the resources devoted by us of Research are truly high for a company of our size, as well as the staff, the provision of the laboratory is very complete, with special teams and obviously very high cost, having developed by our part of a series of scale machines of industrial machines, which are exclusive and unique, there is no market, and also the other of them have adapted to our needs. As for the expected return that from the first moment that we focus on the research that we were savvy to be patient in getting results and it is. We know, and so we are seeing every day, that research is a laborious process and most projects require a lot of effort and a long time until they "see the light" although several of the developments carried out and are the market , such as the filtration of water glass such as glass application in industrial ceramics, .......

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Recycling. Interview (cont.).

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

where we can be more competitive, in the same way that there will be job creation and, therefore, improves the purchasing power families, we will continue not revive consumption and consequently the economy. And with the little help companies by the Administration at the time of recruitment, since very little support job creation in youth under 25 and over 45, while the great mass worker who is among those ages 25-45 years and surely are the most difficulty because surely have mortgages, they have children in school, etc., is not supported ....

......... aplication flooring, exterior facades monolayers for concrete based and recycled glass, so we are in phase of the return on invested capital. As discussed above, we are optimistic about the future and we believe that eventually all the investment in R & D + i will be fully rewarded because we still have many projects in the pipeline to develop. From your position as CEO of a company that strives every day to improve their ability to compete in this difficult environment, what is your diagnosis of the current social and economic situation facing our province and across the state?.

because companies still have to confirm that these lights are stable and also because long-term commitments in the labor market without a clear horizon, they can become many entrepreneurs corsets can not afford, at least until the market again find a balance that will, in any case, unstable. It is certainly a complex situation but, as I said, this is not new nor likely to change much in the future except that I hope the progressive solution of this crisis that we carry in the last five years.

As for the Alicante economy, entrepreneurs prospects for 2012 reflected a slight improvement over the results in 2011, but the reality is showing a very We engaged in a crisis that has lasted strong crisis in our province, particufive years; crisis also came almost with larly hard hit by the housing crisis, we surprise when we should have recog- stands at an unemployment rate close nized early enough and take steps to to 30%, above the Spanish average limit their effects. and that is, as for the whole country, the biggest of our problems because But the reality is that during the sumof its impact on the situation of famimer of 2007 seems to have sunk the lies in consumption and therefore in world, with the aggravating circumsthe situation of businesses whose tance that was hard to recognize, widestruction continues, so it is not exdening an impact that has resulted in a pected a correction in the short term is lack of market confidence in our ecovery worrisome unemployment rate. nomy (and other many Western economies), which makes the necessary This is a problem that more or less fluidity in trade relations, aggravated, gravity affects the whole country, reno doubt, by a severe financial crisis sulting in more contraction in domestic that significantly affects the credit to demand, which is not expected to companies. change in the short-term, so that recovery can only come in business the It is a kind of "snake biting its tail" lack months of increased sales in foreign confidence, there is less business, mamarkets. Exports, internationalization, ny companies can not bear its costs to therefore, continue to be a pillar of the very significant reduction in reveeconomic activity of the province, with nue, close, unemployment rises, cona significantly better performance than sumption is reduced, increases disthe rest of the state, but still not trust , ‌ enough to support the growth of the But I'd like to think timidly begin to ap- provincial economy. pear some glimmers of hope, but I In addition, another major problem we think lack decision in the European encountered SMEs, are the enormous institutions to address clear policies obstacles that we face banks when that support growth and solvency joinfinancial credit application, either by tly and individually euro economies. high financial guarantees that require us, as by high interest rates disproporWe still can not talk about trends, but the reduction in the unemployment ra- tionate attached to this request of information required during the process. te in our country during the last months of April, May and June seems As indicated above "whiting still clinto point to a new stage. It is true that ging to the tail biting", if we have funmost of the jobs created are temporary ding, we can not start new projects


Finally, as a member of the Board of the Circle, what would you say to managers of businesses in the province to help them make the decision to join the Circle? One of the major advantages we bring to our partners is the fact that we are part of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE), which allows us, among other things, be in great condition to transfer our executive management best practices nationally that can be developed in any part of our country. Another strong point that I would stress is our ability to identify synergies between partners and the establishment of common positions to boost role in enterprises. We believe-and-apply the power of the group to support overall growth. In that sense, our activities revolve around the realization of high-level business meetings with relevant people from the economic, political, social or academic help us anticipate, as far as that is possible, the future another line of technical events are aimed at entrepreneurs and managers to aim or deepening techniques more advanced management and leadership in order to place our company in the best competitive position or the open days of our partners to our partners, to through which show successful experiences that can be shared, or projects to the involvement of other specialists in different stages of the value chain of the process of creating and marketing a new product or service. Finally, we believe that an essential factor in overcoming the crisis is the recovery and enhancement of the core values that have always been in the blood of the companies that were longterm-minded, we are starting lines of work related to the realization of Corporate Social Responsibility programs in companies around us. Debating energy efficiency, recycling, reuse, no pollution, ... they constitute a line of work in which we continue to stress from a position of engagement with the environment and with a view to improving efficiency, essential for all firms and easier to reach from proper environmental management.

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September 2012

 Our activities. In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2012.

 Cultural Tours. At the end of this September we will go to Valencia to visit the exhibition which Javier Velasco Gallery has mounted the cockpit.

Volume II — Number 47

The artist recreates the hell of

now, "reflected the creator. We have already contacted Javier and accompany us on a visit to this fascinating exhibition.

Dante through "poetic" Hanging

Our stay in Valencia will last until the

Glass rivers or Mercurochrome

26th and take the opportunity to visit

paints that change color depen-

the exhibition Oceanic and Francis-

ding on the light.

co Lozano at Sala El Carmen.

Adapts well the classic Divine Co-

We travel in the AVE and stay at the

medy but "thinking a little in con-

Tryp Oceanic.

temporary times, hell maybe not that far, maybe it we are suffering

 Culture 2012 Programme. largest collection of his work outside the United States, and the Réunion des musées nationaux de France, this exhibition, which presented first in Madrid and later in Paris, allows the public enjoy paintings have been exhibited only rarely in Europe. The exhibition in Madrid presents a selection of 73 works and examines the evolution of Hopper into two chapters. The first step begins with the study of Robert Henri at the New York School of Art and follows the artist's formative period, with oil paintings, drawings, prints and watercolors, from approximately 1902-1924, and begin to reflect their own style. He exposed himself some pieces by other artists that influence his work as one's own Henri, George Bellows, Felix Valloton, Walter In this September visit the exhibi- the Addison Gallery of American Sickert, Albert Marquet and Edtion of Hopper at the Thyssen Art in Andover or the Pennsylva- gar Degas. nia Academy of Fine Arts in PhiBornemisza. The second part focuses on the ladelphia, as well as some privaproduction of its maturity and The exhibition brings together te collectors, and with special reviews his career thematically, the most comprehensive and reference to the Whitney Muhighlighting the most recurrent ambitious selection of the Ameri- seum of American Art in New can artist's work has been displa- York, who has given 14 works the motifs and subjects of his work, albeit with a chronological threyed so far in Europe, with loans legacy of Josephine N. Hopper, ad. from major museums and institu- wife of the painter. tions as the MoMA and the MeThe exhibition can be visited untropolitan Museum in New York, Organized by the Museo Thyssen til the 16th of this month. the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston -Bornemisza, which houses the www.amigosmava.org

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Bertil Vallien in Venecia.

September 2012

emphasizing the artist's interest particularly in the relationship between man and the environment, history, sacred time and the signs of contemporary society, as suggested by the artistic director of the Venice Architecture Biennale, David Chipperfield, in your project exposure.

Volume II — Number 47

The work of this artist, so deeply rooted in the tradition of sculpture and glass, with respect to the techniques and materials, and at the same time as the approach to contemporary problems touched, becomes a unique and critical perspective on the representation of the existence of modern man.

For the first time in Italy a retrospective exhibition of the work of Bertil Vallien, Swedish master of glass art, with more than 60 of his works in the spaces of Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, the seat of the Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts, at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale. The exhibition, conceived and curated by Adriano Berengo and Borge Kamras Francesca with the help of Jubilees, will be open from August 28 until November 25 and will feature approximately sixty works in glass made by Vallien in the course of his career Swedish studies Kosta

Boda, production partner for all his work and the main sponsor of the exhibition along with Berengo Studio. The exhibition is divided into nine sections and will aim to highlight the contribution of the artist on the Studio Glass Movement, which this year celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. The exhibition aims to highlight the close relationship between aspects of research design and implementation of ideas, which become glass works in close relationship and dialogue with the machine environment,


On the occasion of his first solo exhibition in Italy, Bertil Vallien, the inventor of a unique finish and beautiful glass mold, also produced a series of works in the furnaces of Murano Berengo Studio, giving you the opportunity to experience working with the skills manuals, techniques and colors of Murano glass. This unique opportunity for the island of Murano will be an opportunity for dialogue and exchange between two important realities, traditional glass making techniques such as Venetian and Swedish. Bertil Vallien is indeed the most famous artist and designer of Swedish glass in the world. He has received numerous awards and his work is exhibited in museums around the world.

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European Glass Context 2012.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Location: Museum of Art and

New talents, this category is for

Jurors are the founding architect

Gard Gronbesch Art Centre of

emerging professional artists in

James Carpenter Jcdainc.com

Bornholm (Denmark)

glass work under 35.

New York, the Executive Director

Dates: September 15 to Novem- European Art Glass appears in ber 18, 2012.

Bornholm Art Museum and New

2 large exhibitions, one for each

talents in Grønbechs Gård.

category showing the work of

2 prizes. A € 10,000 prize will be

two glass artists from 30 Europe-

given to an outstanding glass ar-

an countries.

tist in each of the two categories

The work of 95 artists will be presented in the exhibition. One category of the exhibition is devoted to the work of professional artists from the European Art Glass, established within the field of glass art.

of exposures. A jury of three members with experience in the field of contemporary glass will go through the exhibits before the opening and

of the Crafts Council Rosy Greenlees UK and museum director Lars Møller Kærulf Bornholm Art Museum. The winners will be announced at the exhibition opening September 15, 2012. By Spain, in the first exhibition will present their work and Meritxell Mònika Uz Segarra Falcó Tembleque & Joaquim.

select a winner in each of the

The exhibition of New talent will

two categories of exposure.

participate Magan David and Anna Talens.


Page 25

Award for Conrado Cordoba.

September 2012

professional intrusion, seriously damaging their interests. More representative ARTESANOS.CU was the most representative of the fair, with a dozen artisans, which accounted for fifty percent of Cuenca with a booth at this show.

Volume II — Number 47

Among the sectors that came with the Association of Professional Craftsmen Basin are glass, wood, restoration, ceramic and metal embossing. Conrado Córdoba is the treasurer of the Association, a post to which he was appointed by the last Assembly held last July. He has extensive experience of over 20 years in the making of stained glass and antiques restoration. The name of your site is made up of two words very characteristic of the world of stained glass. The CIVA For a sheet of glass is a cylinder of glass blowing the mass with a reed. Cut cilindrón ends and are obtained simply CIVAS worked. The Professional Association of Artisans of Cuenca, ARTESANOS.CU, has won two of the three awards of VI Contest Artisan Work that fails under Provincial Craft Fair organized by the county council. In this sense, a work by Thomas Bux birth, won the first prize of 850 euros, while a stained glass window depicting a crucified Christ, the work of civasytingles.com Conrado Córdoba workshop, has won the third prize of 550 euros . The winning works they become property of the Provincial Development Trust, which

advanced as President, Vicente Garcia, prepared a traveling exhibition with the winning works over different years. Thus, the jury awarded the work and effort of professional craftsmen integrated ARTESANOS.CU engaged in this work completely and traded and taxed as such, thus seeing their efforts recognized. In organizing these awards conquense a boost to the work of its members, who have always struggled to dignify the profession and uphold the professional craftsman, who has full-time, against other persons exercising


They are used in windows, being able to admire the Palau de la Música in Barcelona. The craft are expensive but are also industrially. The tingle It is, according to the Dictionary of use of Spanish Maria Moliner, a small utensil consisting of a flat piece of bone used by glassmakers to open the lead strips which are strung crystals. Today the bone has been replaced by plastic. From these pages we send our warmest congratulations to Conrad for this award and for his entire career glazed.

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Other trends. Taxes for art's sake.

September 2012

we do not care, but we are willing to jump on the taxes to support an institution like the day," Marcus Russel telephone, who lives in Harper Woods (Michigan) and in August voted for that tax has already been called DIA, a view shared Marcil.

Volume II — Number 47

The citizens of Minneapolis are nearly a century, since the Art Institute of the city opened in 1915, paying a tax exclusively to the museum. "In total, we received this rate accounts for 2% of our total budget, which amounts to 68 million.

In early August the residents of three counties in Michigan voted to impose a new tax for the Detroit Institute of Arts, better known as DIA, it was forced to close its doors due to lack of funds to maintain its valuable collection.

"Until the beginning of the 90 were receiving state funds totaling $ 16 million, but in 1991, in the economic growth, the governor decided to cut by half the contribution because it was considered that much money for a museum.

This initiative, which is intended to raise $ 23 million per year (about 18 million), is similar to that adopted a few years ago the residents of Minnesota or Missouri to help maintain the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Zoo San Luis.

Then those eight million were reduced to four ... to stay at zero, "says Marcil, who does recognize that in the case of local government Detroit recession was the cause of the paralysis of their contributions.

"When we proposed a new tax we knew that the idea would not be well received, but we are surprised by the support," says Pam Marcil telephone, public relations director of DIA. The Detroit museum, one of the largest in the United States in number and importance of work-houses murals of Diego Rivera, photography collections, Greco-Roman art or American and European painting (XV century to the mid-twentieth ) has suffered the harshness of the cuts, both the government of the State of Michigan and the city and the reasons have not always been linked to the economic crisis.

Since then, the day has survived thanks to private donations. The residents of the counties of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb allocated 10% of the assessed value of their homes to keep the museum. In thanks, the team has decided to give them entry. Citizens appreciate the artistic value, cultural and economic costs the day not only for his art but by the number of visitors, tourists, attracting experts and money. "Politicians believe that culture is a priority crop in before other matters, we have shown, not only that


It's what we invest to ensure free entry, "explains Anne-Marie Wagener telephone, public relations director of the institution. Unlike the day, the Minnesota does have a great financial support from the state and municipal governments. "Minneapolis has a great cultural tradition, we have more museums per capita than New York," says Wagener. The city of San Luis also has pioneered the establishment of taxes to support artistic institutions. In 1916, his neighbors adopted a specific rate to the creation of the city zoo. Later, in 1960, with the possibility of expanding the resort with a botanical garden and a museum, voted in favor of a new tax, called the tax ZMD, the acronym in English is known to Municipal Zoo and Museum District of San Luis. His collection is one-third of its total budget. Located in the U.S. election debate by the need to cut or raise taxes in the country's cities that have shown to have no qualms about paying for art's sake.

Page 27

New news on "The Trinity".

September 2012

declared bankruptcy following the collapse of the real estate business. Returning to the press conference, Beltran Perez and Ines Duran have argued that this project, worth 16,343 euros, includes a full investigation into the "human

Volume II — Number 47

reality" show window of the old plant, which came to employ about 500 workers at its best. Through the collection of photographs, images, documents and testimonies of operatives or craftsmen who worked in these facilities, this initiative aims to preserve "human heritage in the

A documentary project rescue

this project along with several

the "human reality" of the old so-

members of the social platform

cial and glass factory La Trini-

'Factory Save glasses Trinidad ',


which for years struggle to pro-

was set workers.

tect the old character of the


Seville City Council has awarded the Industrial Heritage of Andalusia Foundation a project dub-

factory complex Miraflores Avenue.

bed "oral memory of the fabric

As is known, these brownfields

of Trinidad".

have a statement of cultural in-

This is a research project, by collecting documentary material, graphic, audiovisual and witness, aims to consolidate and preserve the "human heritage" associated with the old glass factory 'Trinity', located in Miraflores Avenue and on which weighs a declared of Cultural Interest (BIC). The Councillor for Citizen Partici-

terest that protects the nave, furnaces and chimney of the plant as "ethnological land-

form of memories and experiences" of that "human reality" that

PLOYEES In fact, a key part of the research lies in interviews with at least ten of the former workers of the factory that still survive, since the documentary will be materialized in a publication, a DVD

mark", although the Department with a documentary audiovisual of Cultural Heritage Board Anand a traveling exhibition of imadalusia is already working on a new record that catalogs also craft complex two and three of the typology unique landmark

ges and documents that will tour the city civic centers. Furthermore, Beltran Perez an-


nounced that the claim of the


arch projects of the same nature

City of Sevilla is to promote reseto other icons of industrial Sevilla

pation and Coordination Dis-

This example of the industrial ar-

tricts, Beltran Perez and the pre-

chitecture of the early twentieth

early twentieth century, as in the

tion Industrial de Andalucía, Inés

century, however, was acquired case of the former Singer faciliby the company for years 'edify ties or street Lumbreras Ordnan-

Durán, presented the details of

Property Development', now

ce Factory's flagship.

sident of the Heritage Founda-


Page 28


Trophy for the tournament in El Espinar.

September 2012

As from the beginning of the tournament, the National Glass Centre Foundation of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja has been responsible for the production of trophies for the champions and runners-XXVII Open ATP Challenger Castile and Leon 'Villa of The Espinar ', both in singles and doubles.

Volume II — Number 47

They also collected the cadets champions trophy tournament regional teams. This representative is espinariego ATP award exclusive piece constructed from original eighteenth century and inspirations. It is therefore of reproductions of historical pieces but whose endings, carving and decoration are unique tennis tournament. Trophies are made, in an absolutely traditional in lead glass blown and wheel-carved, manufactures essential feature of the Royal Factory of La Granja.

Glass Jewelry The Farm again be The exclusive pieces from the on the podium of the ATP of El Royal Factory Segovia came to Espinar. the finalists of this tournament.


The tournament was held between the 18th and 26th of last August.

Page 29

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Glass workshop in Murcia (XIV).


tion primary glass, so that this

The inner part of the wall built with bricks is overcooked and in which cracks are opened about 12 cm depth with respect to the

would be a discontinuous activity oven. It seems surprising that was

white glass and Roan's west. Thus, judging from the vitreous matter present in the vicinity, some pots were used to contain dif-

abandoned with its primary gob ferent colored glass.

face facing towards the inside of without extracting, as happened with the furnace 4 Puxmarithe furnace, due to the annea-

C2 north of the vertical wall of



slightly flared over 45%, which

Apparently, the socket, to a

Bordering the central fossa, de-

was used to take the melt of the

velops a horseshoe-shaped


height of about 30 cm, was built

the oven has an opening remains

with baked bricks because of soil bench and about 50 cm wide, whose surface is at about the moisture (two rows of bricks

South of C9 documented anot-

bricks behind the vertical), the

was set with a fragment of potte-

upper parts were made of adobe, certainly in a position radial, taken with clay. The partial destruction of the

same height as the ground outside, thickly glazed with highly variable characteristics completely

fact, the outer facing of vertical

axial crucible, C5, has a diame-

The different glasses with diffe-

bricks had disappeared in part.

rent shades which covered se-

The central basin was surroun-

inside the crucibles, as during re-

ded by a low wall of bricks or adobes with a height of about 50 cm and appeared almost completely filled vitreous material. The interior features a steep slope in the vicinity of the door, which was appreciated a lot of

em related to those who were moval for blowing a spill occurred nearby dropwise each con-

glassy mass within the furnace, should also facilitate the extrac-

The central cavity is extended towards the west by a rectangular pit at whose top there is a door of the same width. Its south jamb boot preserves traces of two arches built with adobe (the interior would be somewhat higher).

tainer: dark glass about 2 cm C4 This corresponds to the rectangular pit fire pit and his power and is behind thick, white glass of thickness approximately 1 cm

enclosed by a brick wall with clay

behind C4 thin glass layer

taken, partially covered by a la-

behind C6 dark green glass

yer of clay, his background con-

around C1 and C6.

sists of a filling of stones covered

sandy soil creating a small narro- Multiple small pieces of calcite wing appears to be the testimo- that had not been collected in ny of a barrier for retaining the

ry ahornar bar.

covers it, appreciating it 9 traces Identical openings appeared behind C3 and C8. of pots 38 cm in diameter (the

north wall suggested the existen- ter of 41 cm) attached to the ce of buttresses in the image of furnace wall with clay. the traditional iconography, in

her similar opening, the threshold

molten glassy matter between C5 and C6, green copper oxide is present in the southwest and


with dark earth passeth under the sand barrier : a layer of ash covering him without any other preparation.

Page 30

LASVIT in London Olympics.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


During the Olympic Games in

hand-blown glass, decorated

rearranged to form a range of

London this year, the manufac-

with grooves to create the sha-

modern interior and exterior as-

turer of glass and Czech glass

pe of the letter "S" and adorns

semblies and lighting design.

LASVIT has a lighting specially ti-

the public spaces of the Czech

tled "Infinite" and the bar


"Hydrogen" illuminated glass. The contemporary chandelier played by perpetual expansion of the universe and mathematics expressed by an iconic symbol. The brilliant part is constructed of 7 meters with 1,400 sheets of

Bright vertical glass elements forming the rectangular surface of

The bar "Hydrogen" is made

the rod, with a series of style

from "4 arc to LASVIT".

chandelier pendant hanging

Lars Kemper & Peter Olah and a versatile architectural glass structures luminescent. A series of LEDs illuminated glass panels to give life, which can be


from above to improve the aesthetics of space. The texture of the finishes radiate a playful show of light and color.

Page 31


Venvidrio exported to Mercosur.

September 2012

and is preparing for the production of medicine containers. For his part, Deputy Minister Yuri Pimentel, who accompanied the tour Menendez said that by increasing production capacity, the company will start exporting, which will "shape and life" to

Volume II — Number 47

agreements entered into after full inclusion of Venezuela in Mercosur. Venezuela's entry into Mercosur was made official last July 31 in Brasilia, during an extraordinary summit of the bloc, in a ceremony attended by Venezuelan PreThe Venezuelan company Glass

Owens-Illinois, until it was natio-

sident Hugo Chavez, along with

(Venvidrio) began last August

nalized in March 2011.

the leaders of Brazil, Argentina

exports to Argentina, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, Ricardo Menendez, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry,

When this company belonged

and Uruguay .

to that transnational currencies

At the end of that trip, Chavez

were out of the country, while

announced that the glass and

during a tour of that industry.

not increasing its production ca- glass products would be among the main items to be exported to pacity and not only did not ex-

Menendez inspected the manu-

port, but did not even have ex-

facturing plant of glass contai-

port license, recalled.

ners located in the state of Carabobo, which indicated that these products will be part of the first non-traditional exports that the country will do to other member countries of the Southern Common Market

dent stressed the great need for

government since its nationali-

countries like Argentina and Bra-

zation Venvidrio has significantly

zil of glass containers for their res-

increased its production of pac-

pective food industries, and Uru-

kaging, a growth that has dou-

guay also expressed interest in

bled the value of the company,

acquiring them.

that are shaping the profound

Venvidrio, with another plant in the state of Trujillo, was operated by the U.S. transnational

In addressing this issue, the Presi-

According to vice president of

which he said is one of the issues


other member countries.

changes in the country . Venvidrio produces containers for juices, soft drinks and wines,


In that sense, the government this year expects to export about 100,000 tons of glass containers in Mercosur countries.

Page 32

Jose Angel, a glass artist.

September 2012

Animals, nude, angels and human portraits are reflected in the glass and technical perspective. The prices are high due to manual work and the risks involved in using aluminum oxide and carbon materials that allow the glass mold. "Breathing in these oxides is harmful.

Volume II — Number 47

Once I got to sneeze black, "recalled the 41-years. Jose Angel not only does this work. Alexis Laguado Jairo became his assistant for more than one year. Is charged with the task of polishing Where is the teacher who did this

buying a compressor for your

the details of each work.

work?, Admired a woman asked to workshop, materialized sleep.

After stress on glass made on paper

see a picture of the Last Supper

images, the young turn the airbrush

and go with their fingers the details in high relief on glass.

A glass 13 mm thick, in order to make the details in depth, a mirror, an airbrush, and aluminum oxide,

and start putting them into the glass.

That was the first recognition he

were the materials used for

"I have 20 years carving glass. My

received the Colombian Jose


first job was a heron,

For this work the artist has no

I did when I was 12, "recalled the

material value but sentimental

young long hands hold a scalpel

representing for him. "You do not

with which transfers the final details

"He called me master, as he was

dream something like that every

of a painting of the Last Supper.

known to Michelangelo, the

day," he said.

Angel Jaimes, after working for nearly 20 years polishing and carving glass.

greatest artist that inspired me to

While José Ángel handles more

José Ángel turned down an offer

complicated missions, his assistant

of $ 6 million to a buyer did for the

made windows of different shapes

picture of Jesus Christ.

and sizes.

researching about this art decided

"The passion for art and love that is

These days the man of average

to bet.

put into each work are key to

height and black hair prepares to

doing a good job," said Jose

carve his designs and stained glass


paintings of love and friendship,

make my first work carved" recalled excited sturdy man with big hands, who after reading and

His first production was a David. The sculpture, which does not

which require less time.

exceed 40 inches in height rests in

The cucuteño exhibited his works in

his workshop in the San Luis, where

a workshop in Aruba and

Winni Pooh, Hello Kitty, Mickey

he manages to give life to their

Venezuela, where he enjoyed his

Mouse, Bart Simpson, Garfield and

creations in high and low relief,

technique, but decided to return

Disney Princesses are part of his

most of them inspired by religious

to the city to be with his family.


According glass artist, to the

Although this activity is not as

Jesus Christ with his right hand

finishes and details of each image

profitable for the costs of materials

raised, which I christened the way,

must be very accurately. A wrong

and manual labor required, both

is one of his favorite works. The

move can ruin everything.

men still do for the love of art.

A glass box carved by José Ángel

"It is satisfying to see the wonder of

Two years ago, when he worked in

could be worth between $ 250,000

the people to feel our works, but it is

Venezuela, the cucuteño had

and $ 600,000 depending on the

very sad to see the lack of support

dreamed of this. But lack of

desired shape and size.

given to art in Cucuta," the glass


carving took three months.

resources prevented him from making it at that time. In 2011, after

Some others may exceed one million pesos.



Page 33

How does.

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Davide Salvadore.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012



Page 34

Starglass go on strike.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


Starglass workers in Mieres, the

Moreover, the strikes, which will

hard" because the position taken

automotive glass division of Rio-

be more than half the days of

by the company "does not give

glass, strike again four months

each month (13 in September,

us assurances that the labor dis-

after the last strike.

15 in October, 17 in November

pute can be solved in the short

So I agreed to the employees of

and 9 December) will not set a

term," said the plants had alrea-

date for the company to avoid

dy warned that he was going to

trial area of Mieres Sovilla after

and maneuver and adjust pro-

Directions to the protest "to whe-

cuts that the management of

The unions said, after making this These cuts posed Starglass ad-

the company wants to impose

decision, that the strike was mo-

dress have fallen like a bucket of

on the lack of liquidity and that

tivated by "the failure to reach

cold water on some workers as

would mean a pay cut of bet-

an agreement with the direction unions explained, had yielded to

ween 180 and 210 euros per

of Starglass" about the cuts that

reduce their salaries for the

month for each worker.

will perform.

month of April, when they also

The shutdowns will begin this

This includes salary adjustment

began a series of strikes to pro-

September and is scheduled to

complement suppression of

last until the end of the year for

punctuality, which is about 100

54 days.

euros per employee, reduction

nagement by the directors of the

but unions also raise a series of

each worker has a function in its

In fact, four months ago, the two

salary reduction from the direc-

calculate the nocturnal comple- tes of up to forty percent in some

the factory located in the indus-

holding a meeting to discuss the duction schedules.

The protest will not only strikes,

re it is needed."

test at several conferences against what they saw as misma-

by 10% of the staff complement, company.

protests in the coming months to class, and the elimination of the hundred workers that is the subsistaff complement at the base to diary of Rioglass accepted rebashow their discontent with the tion of Starglass "wants to impo-

ment each employee.

of the sections that make up the

se unilaterally."

Also, be warned that a "strike



Page 35


II Guardo Craft Fair.

September 2012

with their excellent sweets were in Child mode, Paul Merino, surprising with excellent nougat cake, and Adults, Angela Vega with his "Gloria Bendita" as she called his spectacular cake. The local artisan Ana Llavador delighted the audience with his

Volume II — Number 47

demonstrations of processing glass into works of art. It has also seen the transforma40 artisans from different Com-

ted, the latter have expressed

munities dazzled the audience

their satisfaction because they

with their samples truly imagina-

have exhausted all stocks that


had brought to market during

As a novelty, the Fair has had a

this fair.

tion of our most precious art native ore, coal, spectacular miniature books and other works made by craftsmen who have been present at this fair. Stonework School Hall surprised

specific site in which we have

Moreover, during these days has

detailed all attendees exhibitors

developed a great program of

and video programming and

alternative activities, the perfor-

the fair, http://

mance of the National Ballet of


Russia, an event that attracted


a public numerosĂ­simo the sports with more than 3,000 ballots that center, the high participation in have been deposited in the ba-

For three consecutive days last August Guardo has become the center of Crafts and traditional food products typical of the different counties that participa-

the audience by hand carving in stone live a spectacular coat of the Locality. The high turnout, it was found

the Contest Traditional Sweets

llot box located at booth Hall,

have completed a few days of

which came from more than 40

intense participation by visitors,

graced with products donated

the winners in this competition

by all craftsmen present at the



Page 36

Giovanni Paseri in Caracas.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012


A few days ago, artist Giovanni Pa- this material got rounded, less fra-

creative possibilities, turning the

seri citojense initiated contacts with gile, with a richness of color and

glass is my means of expression, as

the Museum "Jacobo Borges" in

formal with many options ... these

long as the main material in my

Caracas, to expose for a second

bases was experiencing and rese-

work, often designed as hinged

individual, probably next year.

arching a particular way in order to and supported in metal structures

Given the breadth of the rooms,

get the material alternatives.

and other materials such as acrylic, wood, leather, etc..

Paseri is taking on the task of loca-

The architecture gave me the

ting several of his works in stained

foundation necessary to address

I am currently working on an exhibi-

glass and fused glass pieces, be-

different areas related to the de-

tion which opens on November 14

longing to private collectors and

sign, so initially my works were con-

in Caracas, alongside the artist Ce-

individuals, in order to process your

ceived as functional art, directed

cil Valera.

loan, nourish the sample and inclu-

more to architectural solutions,

de your entire trajectory.

such as windows, ceilings, partitions

To date accumulates one indivi-

of space ...

dual, made in 2010 at the Centro

I gradually getting involved more in

de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermu-

the art of directing my glass to the


sculptural works, thinking aesthetic-

Paseri is also known for its stunning designs in jewelry and accessories. Recently won the recognition "Vitrum. Research Group "at the

formal language and conceptual identify me as the creator.

sional" curated by Benjamin Villares. In my country, Venezuela, the glass art is currently being developed by a few artists, is a material that is extremely expensive to obtain and work, since they are mostly glass imported or purchased abroad direc-

but not so much for painting.

tly, the price is becoming more

Never felt connection with pig-

Fire, for his work" Persephone ".

ments such as oil or acrylic and

ted in the recent Biennial Maracai-

"Spectra and Thresholds Interdimen-

I've always had flair for drawing,

37th National Exhibition of Arts of

Also, his "FotĂłpodos" widely accep-

The name of the exhibition is

really frustrated me I need a little color.

inaccessible ... are usually in the use of window glass and the use of oxides and pigments. Definitely, in times of crisis like the one in my country, the safest way

bo, will again be exposed as part

The glass meant not only the ideal

of a group exhibition to be held in

solution to color, but also the use of

October in PDVSA La Estancia Ma-

light as the constituent element of


the work.

"My first approach was through

By mastering a technique I disco-

to propose, I think no one else that

making stained glass artisan.

vered the great nobility of this ma-

the artist may be more interested in

terial, its malleability, purity, color

getting the ways to convey and ex-

charge ... giving me countless

press themselves. "

Later I learned the art of glass fusing and get melt glass pieces of


to achieve transcendence is proposing works with your personal projects and do everything necessary to come true, do not wait for others

Page 37

Unity is strength.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

We wanted to have a good place to go when we could not avail ourselves. Private residences do not like. There outweighs the money people, so we thought of another model, "explains Cañadas.

The municipal sports complex Manuel Santos Garcia in the Seville town of Gerena, is a hive of activity.

prick ahead took many dedicated to housing and construction.

"Cooperatives are born now associated labor, consumers and Swimming lessons and water ae- users of education ..." said Franrobics in the heated pool, bascisco Martin, technical social ketball, soccer, pilates, aerobics, economy. ballroom dancing, salsa, merenFrom January to March this year, gue, skating. 223 companies were created No City Council initiative, drow- such as the Ministry of Employned by the crisis like most these ment. days, but for the determination of four neighbors who have en- Cooperatives are more than a deavored to provide maximum century participating in various sectors of the economy worldwiutility to an enclosure built big de. with E Plan funds, and opened to hype and saucer in 2008, but Now, in a particularly difficult tiunderused until eighteen months me, many offer innovative outago for lack of funds. puts to the challenges arising If the government can not take advantage, they thought these people, let us. And they got it.

from the crisis.

"These are answers that are based on cooperation between people, not to wait for the puThey set up a cooperative, blic authorities to resolve the Aquasport, were submitted to the open competition to award problems, but that people are looking for the solution on their the management and, after own," Inigo Bandrés analyzes of winning it, in January 2011 began their project: converting the the Social Economy Network and Alternative (SRS). facility into a dynamic space open to any proposal to serve "Just like after the Civil War mathe people. Today, even holiny people they came no light or days and birthdays are celebra- running water set up cooperatited there. ves to feed itself, the model can The history of sports in Gerena is an example of how the cooperative is covering some of the social functions that the welfare state is failing to take the crisis.

now be used to meet the Governments cuts in many social settings," said Ana Isabel Ceballo, president of the Cooperative Union of Consumers of Spain (UNCCUE).

But more and more cases: health care and disabled dependent care, financial services, education, renewable energy, cultural activities, agriculture …

The complex Servimayor not born on the bed of the cuts, but emerged to fill a need that the Administration did not cover: that of a town of 3,200 inhabiIn Spain there are 22,171 coope- tants, Losar de la Vera ratives, according to the Spanish (Cáceres), who wanted to have Business Confederation of Social a home for the elderly. Economy (CEPES). That's when James CañadasMore than half of them are who was then 74 years-and oriented towards services, busianother neighbor had the idea nesses will survive even though of joining a cooperative to build the total numbers have deflated the center. Furthermore, as desithe rate as property red.


A place not to depend on either the Administration nor the children, and who, after the investment, could access cost. Servimayor-which has its garden, physical therapist several times a week or hairdresser-opened in 2010 with 124 seats. It has 150 members. Of these, 90 were retired. People like Francis Martin, 57, and partner number three, can give place to their parents or decide to bring it to market. In Torremocha Jarama (Madrid) left only a few months for Zugasti Antonio, 79, and other members of the cooperative Trabensol-allpensioners move to their new home: a community center for seniors comprised 54 apartments adapted. Lack only put the finishing, plumbing and carpentry complex that this group of friends and neighbors of two neighborhoods of Madrid had long been devising. A center based on sustainability and solidarity activity. "Cooperation is much better to solve problems than the competition," says Zugasti, retired aircraft maintenance technician. Trabensol partners say their idea was not to replace the services they must provide the welfare state. "You must continue providing them, but these services are very bureaucratic. Ours is a way to take charge and directly attend our needs, "says Zugasti. Think your idea could servealbeit with more institutional support, as an example for other needs neglected, with more participation. Felix Martin, secretary general of the Spanish Confederation of Consumers Unions (Hispacoop), states that…….

Page 38

Unity is strength (cont.).

September 2012

ducts not easily found in the market or too expensive if purchased individually," said the secretary general of Hispacoop. A recent example of creation is Som Energia, born in 2010 in Girona with 150 partners who wanted to buy energy from 100% renewable

Volume II — Number 47

without additional cost compared ......... cooperatives besides being

ries of the economy: its goal is not

filling gaps resulting from the thin-

to grow, but to be sustainable.

ning of the welfare state, can be a good way to start a business in times of crisis.

Joan Segarra, director of corporate social initiative of the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalo-

to the conventional. Today I am 3267 and partners and the group started, besides its marketing efforts, their first selfproduced projects.

"It's a more natural way of doing it,

nia, highlights another reason that

In hoe and are veterans. This coo-

most supported, because no part-

these businesses is growing in crisis:

perative Cordoba green consumer

ners. And so with less risk, "he says.

the unstoppable rise in unemploy-

has served 15 years. Is engaged in


ment and self-employment as a

farming and distribution, in addition

way out. "Lately we fill all sessions

to selling its 150 partners acquired it

organized to provide advice to

directly from the producers, it also

new entrepreneurs. Many attende-

sold to individuals.

Cooperatives enjoy certain tax benefits, as some others, but must reinvest some of their profits into a fund for the training and education of its members, and social activities for promotion of cooperation. owever, the formula does not count, according to experts, with the necessary public support. There is no aid, promotion policies

es have just lost their jobs and unemployment capitalize decide to mount a cooperative, "he says.

"It's a way of doing ecology in the shopping cart, but also to support productive and family autonomy

Why a cooperative and not a limi-

linked to land and traditional met-

ted company? "In many cases, for

hods," says one partner, Miguel Na-

ideological reasons. This is a pre-


mium formula that work for people, not capital. It is one of the main ex-

and the social economy or coope- pressions of what is called social economy, which rejects these paratives," says Bandrés, explaining

There are also mixed cooperatives. Work and consumption. As Frescoop located in Manresa (Barcelona).

that, in addition, many cooperati-

radigms of capitalism that caused

He was born less than a year to uni-

ves engaged in public service ma-

the crisis, "Segarra answers.

te the farmers of the district of El Ba-

nagement are seeing much of the funds that fed are falling further. But despite this, these and other

According to the Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives (COCETA), from 2009 to 2011 were

cooperatives resist the onslaught of formed 3083 new companies of this type and created 28,558 new the crisis. The support, according to data,

jobs in this area.

better than other businesses, based This growth confirms the report of the International Labour Organisabelt-tightening. "Slash their working conditions to maintain employment," said the expert REAS. Or even try to increase it. "We do not have to make a profit or accountable to any venture capitalist.

tion, which states that these companies are more resistant to the crisis. Esim Simel, cooperative department director of this institution, gives the example of financial institutions, "Cooperative banks have improved their performance in the

Our sole ambition is to collect our

crisis because they are less prone

salary, 1,200 euros a month, and

to risk and less profit-oriented.

give good service to the community, "says Francisco José Marín, president of Aquasport partner. So, in the sports of Gerena can offer many more activities that the concessionaire from 2008 to 2011, which he sold fertilizers and maintain the premises in good condition. So, better withstand the vaga-

ges and find consumers interested in buying fresh produce at reasonable prices, "without intermediaries that emphasize the final amount without having to go to the local markets," says Alba Rojas, representative of society. Purchases are made by an online platform and offer different points where customers can pick up their orders. It already has 120 members and 50 consumption in the part of the producers. In recent times many companies have emerged that raise similar arguments to those of hoe or Frescoop. Their model is consolidating, as happened years ago in northern Europe, where the share of food

They tend not to freeze credit, try

distribution that comes from this ty-

to maintain some stability in interest

pe of business has a large market

rates and, in general, their loans

share. Now, in countries such as Fin-

are more sustainable. "

land and Norway begin to emerge

Consumer cooperatives have also experienced a major boom in recent years. "Not so much, or not only, by the crisis and by the desire of many citizens of access to pro-


other proposals aimed at healthcare and educational fields. As nurseries or schools. Cooperatives, according to Martin, is in its infancy in Spain but eventually congealing.

Page 39

September 2012

Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Volume II — Number 47

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña


Mª Luisa Martínez García.

Teresa Fernández Romojaro 

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.

www.amigosmava.org 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

Page 40

Line of research. Images.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Page 41

Techniques. Images.

Volume II — Number 47

September 2012

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

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