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Ce r t i fic at eofAc hi v e me nt

A r c h 2 o w w w .a rch 2 o .co m

Thi sCer t i ficat ei sAwar dedt o


Fol l owi nghi s / hers uc c es s f ulac hi evementi n Ar c h2OSt udentWeek7-Feb201 5

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Fi nal i st s

St udent s Week7

Di r ec t or

I br ahi m A. I .Abdel hady

Ar ch2oEI N:20574556439 Cer i fi cat e:05/ 201 5 1216Uni v er s i t yCi t yBl v .Bl ac k s bur g,VA24060,USA



i nf o@ar c h2o. c om

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