Personal Brand Usage Guide

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Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires

Logo Usage Guidelines Manual de normas Grรกficas

The LOgic A lógica

Gwroing up i pretty much lived all my life in the portuguese village of Carnaxide, and that is something that ended up defining me. I aboslutely love it. Its a place where you get the best of everything, you get a mountain view, and a couple awesome mountains roads to drive & skate, you can see the river down in the horizon and most of the times its windy. The weather is just great,like my mom says “it’s always sunny in Carnaxide”. The colour choice was obviosly defined before i even strated the logo. The mountain, the sea and the sun. Most of my youngest years were spent skating with friends so that influence had to be clear on the logo as it was one of my first passions, but on top of that, ever since i became a digital designer i’ve looked for the simpler side of things, so it definitly had to look clean but with sharp edges.

The Metrics As metricas ou unidades de medida As most of my created content is for the online and mobile platforms, therefore, the metrics used for sizing will be pixels instead of milimeters or points. The metric unit of pixels is represented by PX.

The Logo Anatomy Anatomia do Logotipo

Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires

The logo is composed of a symbol, a nominative block and a bounding box. The nominative block is optional, but the symbol and bounding box are mandatory. The logo usage must always respect the aceptable formats.


acceptable logo formats Diferentes formatos aceites 1



Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires

Negative Versions Vers천es em negativo




Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires


Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires

Minunum Size Tamanho minimo




Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires

Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires


Type Recomendations Recomendaçþes de tipos de letra Headlines: Fuel Square Body: Fueltvpe Slab Bold Logo: F u e l S q u a r e 275 spacing Text Simulation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt, enim a egestas venenatis, nibh urna pellentesque arcu, varius pretium ligula velit ut odio. Praesent urna neque, pulvinar at efficitur et, mollis nec eros. Ut a sagittis urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer id gravida nunc. Etiam nec quam pretium, aliquet velit quis, euismod magna. Nunc euismod dignissim nunc, sed varius neque vehicula et.

Background & margins Fundos e margens

Safe box 15px

There should be no other element or logo inside the safe box.


15px 75px


SubTitle 15px

The background should at least be 15px wider, in height and width, than the logo. If there is a subtitle it must be considered part of the logo. The distance of the subtitle to the logo may vary depending on the situation. No round corner should be used in the backgrounds. These guides apply to all formats.

Logo Colours Cores do logo

The logo can only be used in 3 colous: White, Black and Dark Gray. It can also be displayed as a subtracted element from the background.


Dark Gray #7f3f98 R: 127 G: 63 B: 152

Solid Background Colours Opções de Cor para fundos These are the only colours that should be used. There are no Mid Tones, no gradients. If you need to place the logo on top of mid tones and gradients use a supporting background shape.

Blue #1a8af3 R: 26 G: 138 B: 243

Green #4bae4f R: 75 G: 174 B: 79

Dark Gray #7f3f98 R: 127 G: 63 B: 152

Yellow #ffc801 R: 255 G: 200 B: 1

Black #000000 R: 000 G: 000 B: 000

White #ffffff R: 255 G: 255 B: 255

Colour Application Aplicação de Cor 1







Application on Photographic Backgrounds Aplicação em fundos fotográficos



Miguel Pimentel Pesqueira Pires 2016 速

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