You’ll be rolling in dough when you start your baking career at UCOL
UCOL’s Certificate in Baking & Pastry is a proven great start for a professional career as a baker. Our intensive six-month programme covers the basics of baking and pastry production, including how to make breads and dough, hot and cold desserts and pastry goods. You‘ll also learn how to produce commercial volumes to be sold in a retail shop or restaurant. The class hours are 9am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday, with lots of practical hands-on experience backed up with theory taught by our experienced chefs. Best of all, you get to sample what you make!
6. the brief 8. exploration and research 10. personas 12. introduction to command z 14. strengths and weaknesses 16. model of what is 19. team solutions 26. highs and lows
0800 GO UCOL 4 6
8 2 6 5
Concepts are solutions to unsolved problems or new solutions to problems that are solved in an unsatisfactory manner. The task of creating concepts is referred to as concept design.
the brief
Enviromental research. Identify the stakeholders and their importance. Identify the current situation, the positive and negative points within user experience.
Generation Create visual ‘personas’ of the stakeholders. Model ‘what it is’
Ideation ‘what it might be’ Solution designs/prototyping.
Resolution FInal concept design. Proposal to hospitality school. The UCOL School of Hospitality is housed in Block 9. The building includes a large training kitchen as well as demonstration rooms and general class areas. The School of Hospitality offer a range of level 3 and level 4 programmes in professional cookery, baking, pastry, and hospitality. The programmes on offer are very popular with the community and as a result, classes are always full and sometimes the School of
Hospitality is unable to accept all students that apply for their programmes. Because the facilities are being used to their capacity, it is common for students to need to share a workstation. A typical class will have as many as 20 students at any one time sharing the 15 workstations. Although the facility was designed to be used like this, sometimes students who have to share a work space feel hard done by.
Evaluation Critique solution against judgement criteria. Critique of the working process.
exploration and research
exploration research
The Interview For the first part of project hospitality, I worked with another design major student, Amy Cotton, to create a persona for our assigned user group, the HoS, Julie Poole. Our first step was to brainstorm questions we needed to ask in order to create a comprehensive evaluation of Julies user needs and wants. We broke it down into three parts, her personal journey, her role as HoS and personal and professional plans for the future. Although we were both excited to interview Julie, the interveiw wasn’t as successful as we had hoped it would be because she identified us as inhibiting her personal plans for the schools growth and development.
The ‘freak out‘ After the interview both me and Amy were, for lack of a better term, freaking out. We didn’t think we had enough information and had no idea how we were going to form the information into a presentation of any value. In the end it was research that saved us from ourselves. We took infulence from info-graphics and other user presentations. We chose, as graphic designers, to create a purely visual presentation with symbols to represent elements of Julie’s work, personality, emotions and wants. Our final presentation was memorable, interesting and humerous. In retrospect, we should have included more text in conjunction with graphic symbols as the visuals could easily be mis-read without any explaination. Luckily we learn’t from our mistakes and this enabled us to present a flawless solution presentation for the second half of the project.
Student Perspective Availability of space, time and lecturers Productive and satisfying class sessions. Fair and equal experience for all students Accept more students into the course.
Potential Employers Kitchen is not real scenario. Industry kitchens are smaller In the industry, accessibility is key, they need to have everything close at hand.
Head of School The school is unable to grow and develop At the moment the school is breaking even. Lecturers are getting bored teaching the same courses every year. It’s not if I get a new kitchen it’s when.
Why them? We chose these three user profiles because they quickly show the difference between the opinions of the students, employers and staff memebers. These opinions are the major influences in our groups final solution.
Design Major Skills: Graphic design and problem solving Section: Designing presentation
introduction to command z
MikiBarber Design Major Skills: Graphic design, brainstorming and creative thinking Section: Designing presentation
AmyCotton Team Selection. For the second part of our project we had to select teams to work with towards our final solution presentation. Our team was quickly formed as we pretty much choose each other based on friendship rather than any variety of talents or who we thought we might work well together. Fortunately, during the exercise we took part in to identify our key qualities we managed to get a range of qualities and team members were willing to step up to the mark if we were lacking in a certain area. The team name. We brainstormed and brainstormed and after coming up with a name we were all happy with we changed it again. It was a haphazard process that was in reality only 10mins long but we all recognised it as being our first obstacle as a team. We did however, all agree on the name being ironic and funny and therefore together we were able to come up with something fantastic that would later be the central point of our team working together. Delegation and meetings. Admittedly there was little to no set “role“ for the team. We didn’t choose a leader, which in hindsight, would have helped to keep our team focused and on task. During the first meeting we assigned ourselves tasks to do and the point was to get all the information sent to either myself or Amy to include in the presentation. We all went off
Photography Major Skills: Analytical thinking, problem solving and analysis Section: Generation and analysis on our separate ways and there was little to no team communication. This did not inhibit our team as you would expect because it enabled us to work independantly and there was a certain ‘air‘ of not wanting to let the team down. During our second meeting we talked and discussed and argued over our final solution but in the end we managed to bounce ideas off each other well. As a team we attempted to push our idea as far as it could go, then pulled it back into a more practical solution. By the end of our meeting we were extremely happy with our team solution and were looking forward to presenting it to the class. Getting prepared. The final meeting we had as a group was the morning of the presentation. I presented the presentation to the team so that they all knew what slide meant what and the order of the presentation. Nathan was originally going to present by himself but as a team we decided that we should both present to differentiate ourselves from other teams. Next was the final tweaking of the presentation and then we were ready. At this point there was a lot of team support, positive reinforcement and high-fiving.
TaraKairau Photography Major Skills: Verbal presentation and problem solving Section: Presentation and ideation
NathanBest Video Major Skills: Photoshop, time management and prototyping Section: Photoshoping images
DanScott Photography Major Skills: Aestheitc, organisation and copy writing Section: Organising data and research
strengths and weaknesses
Space We identififed this as being one of the major problems within the school. There is not enough space within the kitchens and the students have to share benches. This effects the students because they feel hard done by. Also there is no room to take in more students and as the current students more up levels some have to get cut. As a result the school is unable to improve.
model of what is
Cost At the moment the school of hospitality is breaking even. They aren’t able to accept more students or qualifications because of the lack of space. After suggesting the course fees increase we were informed the fees the students pay is at maximun, inforced by study link. Therefore to help the school get more money the space issues must be resolved.
overlapping indicates connections size indicates importance Timetables Unlike most of the other groups we decided that the messy timetable wasn’t that big of an issue. None of the students of lecturers recognised the timetable as being an issue and we figured if it works for them then that’s all that matters.
To Develop and Grow the hospitality school to create a stronger learning environment for students and lecturers
Qualifications The school is unable to accept more students and increase the level or number of courses they offer due to space and cost restrictions.
18 Case Study
Pros and Cons
SWOT Analysis
Fishbone Analysis
180 Degree Thinking
Word Association
team solutions
Relocate and redesign restaurant
Usefulness: I feel like this solution is a comprehensive solution to the problems within the school. There is benefit for the school itself. By opening up a larger more professional restaurant they can seat more patrons and therefore make more money to fund an off location restaurant. The suggestion for this is that the restaurant be run as an actual business. This is practical because there is a market for it within the community, determined by the fact the restaurant at the moment is booked out two weeks in advance. The negatives with this solution is the initial costs of opening a new restaurant. However, I feel that the positives of this solution will far outweigh initial costs and eventually the restaurant will be paying for itself. Desirability: This solution meets the needs of the school and stakeholders because it opens up an opportunity to make more money and promote the course and UCOL in a new and exciting way. It also opens potential for more jobs for graduates as employers can see exactly how skilled the students are by attending their professional restaurant. It also will get the lecturers excited about getting to teach and work in a professional and popular kitchen. Value: This solution will enable the students to have a more professional restaurant to work in which will raise the morale and hopefully make the students work a little bit harder. It will also give them real industry experience. This adds more value to the course itself within the industry as the students will come out with real world experience that can be placed on their CV. The benefit is also to the school because there is potential for a new money source, directly solving the problem that both the school and the restaurant is breaking even.
New kitchen design in old space
Usefulness: This solution is the creation of a new kitchen area where the old ambitions restaurant is. Our team came up with a design that uses the old kitchen design but cuts the bench space in half and is designed with the idea that in the industry everything is within arms reach. The idea is that the courses start in the old kitchen space then move to the new kitchen space, which gives them even less room and finally, they can move into the restaurant kitchen which is the smallest of the three kitchens, ensuring a slow progression from basics to industry experience. This solution provides the school with the opportunity to make more money and enrol more students. It also uses space efficiently and Julie gets her new kitchen. The negatives are initial cost however this is also counteracted by the potential to make more money and therefore be able to eventually cover start up costs. And also we are aware they were going to initially build a new kitchen anyway so this enables them to use the money and space more efficiently. Desirability: This directly meets the needs of all users at the school. The staff because it enables the opportunity to teach more courses and increase job satisfaction. The students because less will be cut from the higher levels and also they wont have the perception of not having enough space as there will be plenty in all the kitchens. It benefits the school and stakeholders by providing a source of money and higher level courses. Value: This solution opens the kitchen up to taking twice the capacity of the old kitchen and therefore not only will more students be able to be accepted but because the old kitchen will still be in use there is opportunity to expand courses within the school. This means the school will be making more money and solve the problem of breaking even within the school.
Usefulness: After looking at the old branding I feel like this is a very practical step for the hospitality school to make. It ensures professionalism and can hep improve the repeutation of the restraunt and corse and also help to promote the school. In saying that it takes years to develop a brand and the logo that was presented wasn’t refned enough and needed more development. I strongly elieve that if this step was to progress the design would need to be started all over again and thoughough research would need to be unertaken. Desirability: I think that this solution would be very benefitiale for the restrraunt. It would inadvertatly meet the needs of the users and would aid in movtivation of the students and lecturers if there restraunt had a professionl outlook to the community the students would be even more satisfied with working there. Value: I feel that this solution doesn’t really solve any problems as much as expanding on the strengths of the school, and in that sense this is a very desirable solution. As well as adding value to the name of UCOL.
Mobile Kitchen
Usefulness: This solution is a very good idea. It can be quickly implemented and is a very practical solution for the school. The only practical issues with this solution is getting students and lecturers to work in the kitchen. However, I feel that this solution would get the public involved and the community would love the idea, so the market for this kinda of solution is out there. Desirability: I would need more information to determine whether this meets the needs of the users. Do they want to work in a mobile kitchen? Do they really need this solution? I feel like it would benefit the school in the sense that it would make them more money and promote the school to the wider public and therefore meet the needs of the school. Value: This solution would add lots of value to the school and its stakeholders and go a long way towards the growth and development of the school. It has the potential to increase student morale and the idustry can see what the students have been up to.
Catering one off events
Usefulness: I really enjoyed this solution. I thought it would be able to be quickly and effeiently put into application. I thought this would be an exciting expeience for the students and the idustry. And I can see a market for this idea within the community. Desirability: I think this solution does meet the needs of the users, it opens alot of opportunites for the students and for the school to make money. Value:This idea, while benefitical doesn’t really solve any of the problems in the school although this shouldn’t mean that its not a really good idea. Although it does aid with the growth and development of the school.
Ensure student placement
Usefulness: I think that it might not be the most practical solution. Only because there is a reason that students aren’t getting in and could potenitally cause more problems than solve any. Desirability: This solution meets the needs of the students and would help a little bit with money for the school, however there are bigger issues than the students getting in. Value: The value lies with the students and there hasn’t been much emphasis on this solution solving any problems or aiding the growth and development of the school.
Usefulness: In our teams discovery we found that the timetables weren’t such a big issue with students and lecturers. It works for them and it’s the way they’ve used to doing things. Our main point for this was that we, at BAVI would be upset if the layout of our timetable was changed. Also, other courses at UCOL have changing timetables, for example, the Bachelor of Nursing, and the students don’t complain about it because its just the way things are done. Therefore I feel that while this was a good idea, maybe it wasn’t such a practical solution. Desirability: In the student satisfaction surveys the students did complain about the timetable however, it wasn’t determined whether the students were complaining about the weekly changing or the hours they had to start and finish. There was mention of students complaining that they had to wake up too early and the classes went too late. Whether this solution meets the users needs is dependant on this information. Another factor that wasn’t considered was the lecturers timetables and how they feel about the timetables, this information is also required to determine user needs, because they’re users too. Value: If the timetables are sufficiently determined to be a significant problem then this solution would help to resolve the issues and aid in the development of the school. However, personally I feel there is too little information to determine the value at this stage.
Night Classes
Usefulness: I thought this idea was really innovative and different from anything that we had thought of as a team. Its benefit would be for the school itself than any particular user. It would increase revenue and bring more students and be able to lower the rate of drop outs. However, I feel like the idea isn’t as refined as it could have been. I feel like they have left out the practicality of who would run the classes. Do the lecturers actually want more hours? Would it be able to pay for more staff? Also I have doubts about how the partcipants would be able to afford the course? I understand older people would be able to pay their own way (how many of them would actually want to take this class?) but if they are targeting future students it would have to be aproved by studylink as most might not have the finance to cover payment. But I will say that it does have practical application potential for the benefit of the school. Desirability: I feel that this solution does meet the needs of the school and its higher assosciates. Also, in an abstract way, would benefit potential students as they will get to see what happens and whether or not they actually want to take the course. This would meet everyones needs because they’d be able to accept more determined students and as a result job satisfaction will increase. Value: The value of this solution is placed strongly in the benefit it would give to the school itself and it does solve some problems,
Yay! One down! Presentation day! We both felt this went extremely well and we managed to put together a unique and exciting presentation out of the little information we gathered from Julie. Learnt a lot from the other presentations and overall turned out to be a successful day for everyone.
highs and lows
As a class we defined the problem statement and criteria. Me and Amy both wanted to work as partners. We quickly decided on interviewing the HoS. And were both feeling optimistic about it. Received the brief. Everyone is feeling confused. Not exactly sure what I’m meant to be doing or how we will eventually get to a final product.
Jeremy turned up to answer our questions and further explain some of the problems that we would have to tackle during this project.
Was feeling anxious about the project.
There seems to be a lot of problems and this worried all of us. How are we going to solve everything? Went to have a look at the school and took photos. The problems explained to us didn’t appear to be evident. What the students were saying didn’t back-up our knowledge.
Me and Amy put the final product aside and focussed on the user presentations. Drafted some questions for HoS. Our lecturer told us it was a “good start“. Went back to the drawing board. Not a lot else happened this week. We were feeling lazy.
Interviewed Julie. Got all the info for our presentation. Researched info graphics and decided on a aesthetic for our presentation. Interviewed Julie. She was very grumpy and rude to us. Was depressing.
Presentation went awesome and we blew Jeremy’s socks off! The day of we managed to be able to have our ideas set in stone and everyone loved the presentations and the direction of our plan.
Go Command Z! Got started on the second part of the project. Picked our teams and both me and Amy were stoked with our team. We felt we would work well with everyone present and we seemed to be able to bounce ideas of each other with ease.
Me and Amy were assigned with designing the final presentation. We were all bogged down with other projects and were having a hard time trying to fit this assignment in with the rest of our course. Still feeling slightly confident however.
I got started on the presentation and I was able to help our team set a defined focussed plan and turn our brainstorming into a valid justified idea and therefore presentation. Spelling mistake :(